function generarPdf($num) { $pdf = new FPDF('P'); $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->Image('../../../public_html/imagenes/logoclaro.png', 40, 50, 120); $pdf->SetTitle("Notificación al denunciante", true); $pdf->Image('../../../public_html/imagenes/logoivss.png', 20, 7, 13); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 6); //$pdf->Text(40,10,utf8_decode('hola')); //$nombre = "Prob".date('m-d-Y').".pdf"; $pdf->Output("Prob{$num}.pdf", 'F'); }
function CetakLaporan($prevtahun, $tahun, $nexttahun, $urutan, $gel) { include_once "../fpdf.php"; require_once "../phplot.php"; $lbr = 190; $arrStatusAplikan = array(); $s = "select * from statusaplikan where KodeID='" . KodeID . "' order by Urutan ASC"; $r = _query($s); while ($w = _fetch_array($r)) { $arrStatusAplikan[] = $w['StatusAplikanID']; } $arrGelombang = array(); getArrayGelombang($arrGelombang, $tahun); // Buat Graph dan dimasukkan ke file dulu $piepath = '../tmp/data_fakta_pmb_pie_graph.png'; $barpath = '../tmp/data_fakta_pmb_bar_graph.png'; BuatPieGraph($piepath, $prevtahun, $tahun, $urutan, $gel); BuatBarGraph($barpath, $prevtahun, $tahun, $arrStatusAplikan, $urutan, $gel); // *** Cetak *** $pdf = new FPDF('L', 'mm', 'A4'); $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(true, 5); $pdf->SetTitle("DATA & FAKTA PMB TAHUN AJARAN {$tahun}/{$nexttahun} GELOMBANG " . UbahKeRomawiLimit99($urutan)); $pdf->AddPage('L'); BuatHeaderLap($prevtahun, $tahun, $pdf); TampilkanIsinya($prevtahun, $tahun, $arrStatusAplikan, $arrGelombang, $pdf); TampilkanGraph($piepath, 30, 75, 96, 64, $pdf); TampilkanGraph($barpath, 185, 75, 96, 64, $pdf); TampilkanSumberInformasi(60, 145, $prevtahun, $tahun, $urutan, $gel, $pdf); TampilkanRatioPresenter(185, 145, $arrStatusAplikan, $tahun, $urutan, $gel, $pdf); $pdf->Output(); }
function CetakLaporan($prevtahun, $tahun, $gel) { include_once "../fpdf.php"; $lbr = 190; $pdf = new FPDF('P', 'mm', 'A4'); $pdf->SetTitle("Ratio Presenter PMB - {$prevtahun}/{$tahun}"); $pdf->AddPage('P'); $arrStatusAplikan = array(); $s = "select * from statusaplikan where KodeID='" . KodeID . "' order by Urutan ASC"; $r = _query($s); while ($w = _fetch_array($r)) { $arrStatusAplikan[] = $w['StatusAplikanID']; } // Buat Table 1 BuatHeaderLap($prevtahun, $tahun, 0, $pdf); $arrPresenterID = array(); GetArrayPresenterSortByRatio($arrPresenterID, $tahun); TampilkanIsinya($prevtahun, $tahun, $arrStatusAplikan, $arrPresenterID, 0, $pdf); $pdf->Ln(10); BuatHeaderLap($prevtahun, $tahun, 1, $pdf); $arrPresenterID = array(); GetArrayPresenterSortByReg($arrPresenterID, $tahun); $arrStat = TampilkanIsinya($prevtahun, $tahun, $arrStatusAplikan, $arrPresenterID, 1, $pdf); $pdf->Ln(10); TampilkanStatistik($arrStat, $tahun, $pdf); $pdf->Output(); }
function CetakLaporan($prevtahun, $tahun, $gel) { include_once "../fpdf.php"; $lbr = 190; $pdf = new FPDF('L', 'mm', 'A4'); $pdf->SetTitle("Ratio Presenter PMB - {$prevtahun}/{$tahun}"); $pdf->AddPage('L'); $arrGelombang = array(); getArrayGelombang($arrGelombang, $tahun); $arrPejabatID = array(); GetArrayPejabat($arrPejabatID, $tahun); // Buat Table 1 BuatHeaderLap($prevtahun, $tahun, $pdf); TampilkanIsinya($prevtahun, $tahun, $arrGelombang, $arrPejabatID, $pdf); $pdf->Output(); }
function CetakLaporan($prevtahun, $tahun, $nexttahun, $urutan, $gel) { include_once "../fpdf.php"; require_once "../phplot.php"; $lbr = 190; // Buat Graph dan dimasukkan ke file dulu $piepath = '../tmp/data_fakta_pmb_pie_graph.png'; BuatPieGraph($piepath, $prevtahun, $tahun, $urutan, $gel); // *** Cetak *** $pdf = new FPDF('P', 'mm', 'A4'); $pdf->SetTitle("LAPORAN SUMBER INFORMASI PMB TAHUN AJARAN {$tahun}/{$nexttahun} GELOMBANG " . UbahKeRomawiLimit99($urutan)); $pdf->AddPage('P'); BuatHeaderLap($prevtahun, $tahun, $pdf); TampilkanGraph($piepath, 20, 30, 144, 96, $pdf); TampilkanSumberInformasi(30, 150, $prevtahun, $tahun, $urutan, $gel, $pdf); $pdf->Output(); }
function UsersTrafficPeriodPDF() { //require('chart.php'); require 'lib/fpdf.php'; global $SAMSConf; global $DATE; $DB = new SAMSDB(); $sdate = $DATE->sdate(); $edate = $DATE->edate(); $bdate = $DATE->BeginDate(); $eddate = $DATE->EndDate(); $size = ""; if (isset($_GET["size"])) { $size = $_GET["size"]; } require "reportsclass.php"; $dateselect = new DATESELECT($DATE->sdate(), $DATE->edate()); $lang = "./lang/lang.{$SAMSConf->LANG}"; require $lang; define('FPDF_FONTPATH', 'lib/font/'); require 'lib/fpdf.php'; $pdfFile = new FPDF(); $pdfFile->Open(); $pdfFile->AddFont('Nimbus', '', 'Nimbus.php'); $pdfFile->SetAuthor("SQUID Account Management System"); $pdfFile->SetCreator("Created by SAMS2"); $pdfFile->SetTitle("SAMS2 users statistic"); // UsersTrafficPeriodPDF(); $pdfFile->AddPage(); $pdfFile->SetFont('Nimbus', '', 15); //$pdfFile->SetFont('SUSESerif-Roman','',16); $pdfFile->SetXY(50, 15); echo " {$usersbuttom_2_traffic_UsersTrafficPeriod_1}<BR>{$usersbuttom_2_traffic_UsersTrafficPeriod_2}<br>"; $pdfFile->Write(0, " {$usersbuttom_2_traffic_UsersTrafficPeriod_1}<BR>{$usersbuttom_2_traffic_UsersTrafficPeriod_2}"); $pdfFile->Output(); }
// Start : 02 Juni 2008 session_start(); include_once "../dwo.lib.php"; include_once "../db.mysql.php"; include_once "../connectdb.php"; include_once "../parameter.php"; include_once "../cekparam.php"; include_once "../fpdf.php"; // *** Parameters *** $MhswID = $_REQUEST['MhswID']; if (empty($MhswID)) { die(ErrorMsg("Error", "Tentukan Mahasiswa ID-nya dulu.\r\n <hr size=1 color=silver />\r\n <input type=button name='Tutup' value='Tutup'\r\n onClick='window.close()' />")); } // *** Main $pdf = new FPDF('P'); $pdf->SetTitle("Daftar SKS Tidak Lulus Mahasiswa"); $pdf->AddPage('P'); HeaderLogo("Daftar SKS Tidak Lulus Mahasiswa", $pdf, 'P'); $pdf->SetFont('Helvetica', 'B', 14); Isinya($MhswID, $pdf); $pdf->Output(); // *** Functions *** function Isinya($MhswID, $p) { $lbr = 190; $t = 5; BuatHeadernya($MhswID, $p); JudulKolomnya($p); $p->SetFont('Helvetica', '', 9); $s = "select k.*\r\n from krs k\r\n left outer join khs h on h.KHSID = k.KHSID and h.KodeID = '" . KodeID . "'\r\n left outer join nilai n on k.GradeNilai=n.Nama and h.ProdiID=n.ProdiID and n.KodeID = '" . KodeID . "'\r\n\twhere k.MhswID = '{$MhswID}'\r\n\t\tand n.Lulus = 'N'\r\n order by k.TahunID, k.MKKode"; $r = _query($s);
include_once "../db.mysql.php"; include_once "../connectdb.php"; include_once "../parameter.php"; include_once "../cekparam.php"; include_once "../fpdf.php"; // *** Parameters *** $TahunID = GetSetVar('_jdwlTahun'); $ProdiID = GetSetVar('_jdwlProdi'); $ProgramID = GetSetVar('_jdwlProg'); $_jdwlHari = GetSetVar('_jdwlHari'); $_jdwlKelas = GetSetVar('_jdwlKelas'); $_jdwlSemester = GetSetVar('_jdwlSemester'); $thn = GetFields('tahun', "TahunID='{$TahunID}' and KodeID='" . KodeID . "' and ProdiID='{$ProdiID}' and ProgramID", $ProgramID, "*"); $lbr = 280; $pdf = new FPDF('L'); $pdf->SetTitle("Jadwal Kuliah - {$TahunID}"); $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(true, 5); $pdf->AddPage('L'); $pdf->SetFont('Helvetica', 'B', 14); HeaderLogo("Jadwal Kuliah", $pdf, 'L'); // Buat header dulu BuatHeader($thn, $pdf); // Tampilkan datanya AmbilJadwal($thn, $pdf); // Buat footer BuatFooter($thn, $pdf); $pdf->Output(); // *** Functions *** function BuatFooter($thn, $p) { global $arrID;
<?php $name = $_POST['name']; $characteristics = $_POST['characteristics']; $image = $_POST['image']; require 'fpdf17/fpdf.php'; //create a FPDF object $pdf = new FPDF(); //set document properties $pdf->SetAuthor('Anon'); $pdf->SetTitle($name); //set font for the entire document $pdf->SetFont('Helvetica', 'B', 20); $pdf->SetTextColor(50, 60, 100); //set up a page $pdf->AddPage('P'); //$pdf->SetDisplayMode(real,'default'); //insert an image and make it a link $pdf->Image('logo.png', 10, 20, 33, 0); //display the title without a border around it $pdf->SetXY(50, 20); $pdf->SetDrawColor(50, 60, 100); $pdf->Cell(100, 10, $name, 0, 0, 'C', 0); // Insert a dynamic image from a URL $pdf->Image($image, 75, 30, 0, 50); //Set x and y position for the main text, reduce font size and write content $pdf->SetXY(10, 90); $pdf->SetFontSize(10); $pdf->Write(5, $characteristics); //Output the document $pdf->Output();
<?php // Author : SIAKAD TEAM // Email : // Start : 20 Oktober 2008 session_start(); include_once "../dwo.lib.php"; include_once "../db.mysql.php"; include_once "../connectdb.php"; include_once "../parameter.php"; include_once "../cekparam.php"; include_once "../fpdf.php"; // *** Parameters *** $MKPaketID = GetSetVar('MKPaketID'); $pdf = new FPDF(); $pdf->SetTitle("Matakuliah Paket"); $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->SetFillColor(200, 200, 200); $pdf->SetFont('Helvetica', 'B', 14); CetakHeadernya($MKPaketID, $pdf); CetakMatakuliahnya($MKPaketID, $pdf); $pdf->Output(); // *** Functions *** function CetakHeadernya($MKPaketID, $p) { $lbr = 190; $t = 6; if (empty($MKPaketID)) { $_pid = "(SEMUA)"; } else { $_pid = GetaField('mkpaket', "MKPaketID='{$MKPaketID}' and KodeID", KodeID, 'Nama');
public function get_receipt($transaction_id) { $this->load->library('fpdf'); $transaction_details = $this->get_transaction($transaction_id); $this->load->model('User_model'); $this->User_model->initialize($transaction_details['user_id']); $user_details = $this->User_model->get('*'); //lookup profile $profile_details = $this->get_profile($transaction_details['profile_id'], 'billingperiod, amount, taxamt'); //lookup subscription $subscription_details = $this->get_subscription_by_transaction($transaction_id); $pdf = new FPDF('P', 'mm', 'Letter'); $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->SetAuthor('ESCTT Inc.'); $pdf->SetTitle('Invoice'); $pdf->Image('', 10, 10, 35, 19, '', ''); $pdf->SetXY(50, 10); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 40); $pdf->Cell(100, 20, 'Receipt'); $address_x = $pdf->GetX(); $pdf->set_field_title_font($pdf); $pdf->Write(14, 'ESCTT Inc.'); $pdf->Ln(5); $pdf->SetX($address_x); $pdf->Write(14, '131 Bloor Street West'); $pdf->Ln(5); $pdf->SetX($address_x); $pdf->Write(14, 'Suite 200/318'); $pdf->Ln(5); $pdf->SetX($address_x); $pdf->Write(14, 'Toronto, ON M5S 1R8'); $pdf->Ln(5); $pdf->SetX($address_x); $pdf->Write(14, 'Business # ' . BUSINESS_NUMBER); $pdf->SetXY(10, 40); $pdf->set_field_title_font($pdf); $pdf->Write(10, 'Client: '); $pdf->set_field_value_font($pdf); $pdf->Write(10, $user_details['first_name'] . " " . $user_details['last_name']); $pdf->set_field_title_font($pdf); $pdf->SetX(140); $pdf->Write(10, 'Generated on: '); $pdf->set_field_value_font($pdf); $pdf->Write(10, date("Y-m-d")); $pdf->Ln(16); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 18); $pdf->Write(6, 'Transaction Details'); $pdf->Ln(6); $pdf->set_field_title_font($pdf); $pdf->Write(14, 'Transaction ID: '); $pdf->set_field_value_font($pdf); $pdf->Write(14, $transaction_id); $pdf->Ln(7); $pdf->set_field_title_font($pdf); $pdf->Write(14, 'Order Time: '); $pdf->set_field_value_font($pdf); $pdf->Write(14, $transaction_details['order_time']); $pdf->Ln(7); $pdf->set_field_title_font($pdf); $pdf->Write(14, 'Payment Method: '); $pdf->set_field_value_font($pdf); $pdf->Write(14, 'Credit Card'); $pdf->Ln(16); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 18); $pdf->Write(6, 'Purchase Details'); $pdf->Ln(4); //set table header and body fonts $thfont = array('family' => 'Arial', 'style' => 'B', 'size' => 11); $tbfont = array('family' => 'Arial', 'style' => '', 'size' => 11); $pdf->Ln(4); $twidth = array(150, 50); //column widths $theader = array('Item', 'Amount'); //column titles $tdata = array(array('RiskMP Membership @ 1 ' . $profile_details['billingperiod'], '$' . $profile_details['amount']), array('Tax', '$' . $profile_details['taxamt']), array('Grand Total', '$' . number_format(floatval($profile_details['amount']) + floatval($profile_details['taxamt']), 2, '.', ''))); $pdf->create_table($theader, $tdata, $twidth, 'L', 'L', $thfont, $tbfont); //add table to pdf document $pdf->set_field_title_font($pdf); $pdf->Write(14, 'Subscription Start Date: '); $pdf->set_field_value_font($pdf); $pdf->Write(14, $subscription_details['date_of_redemption']); $pdf->Ln(7); $pdf->set_field_title_font($pdf); $pdf->Write(14, 'Subscription Expiry Date: '); $pdf->set_field_value_font($pdf); $pdf->Write(14, $subscription_details['expiry_date']); return $pdf; }
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<?php session_start(); include '../librerias/fpdf/fpdf.php'; include '../../resources/orcl_conex.php'; include 'Models/class.Denuncia.php'; include 'Models/class.DenunciaDAO.php'; include '../mod_ciudadanos/Models/class_fisc_ciudadano.php'; include '../mod_ciudadanos/Models/class_fisc_ciudadanoDAO.php'; $pdf = new FPDF('P'); $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->Image('../../public_html/imagenes/logoclaro.png', 40, 50, 120); $pdf->SetTitle("Notificación al denunciante", true); $pdf->Image('../../public_html/imagenes/logoivss.png', 20, 7, 13); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 6); $pdf->Text(40, 10, utf8_decode('REPÚBLICA BOLIVARIANA DE VENEZUELA')); $pdf->Text(40, 13, utf8_decode('MINISTERIO DEL PODER POPULAR PARA EL TRABAJO Y SEGURIDAD SOCIAL')); $pdf->Text(40, 16, utf8_decode('INSTITUTO VENEZOLANO DE LOS SEGUROS SOCIALES')); $pdf->Text(40, 19, utf8_decode('DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE FISCALIZACIÓN')); $pdf->SetXY(20, 26); $pdf->SetFillColor(35, 65, 129); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 8); $pdf->setTextColor(255, 255, 255); $pdf->Cell(50, 6, utf8_decode('N° DE QUEJAS Y/O RECLAMOS'), 1, 0, 'C', TRUE); $pdf->SetXY(20, 32); $pdf->Cell(50, 6, '', 1, 0, 'C', FALSE); $pdf->setTextColor(0, 0, 0); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 8); $pdf->Text(60, 50, utf8_decode('COMPROBANTE DE RECEPCIÓN DE QUEJA Y/O RECLAMO')); $pdf->SetXY(20, 52); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 8);
} if ($_SESSION['status'] == "admin") { $query = "SELECT * FROM `abiturients` WHERE `ab_id` = '" . $id . "'"; $sql = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($sql) == 1) { $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql); } } $query = "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `executive` = '+' LIMIT 1"; $sql = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $row1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql); $executive = $row1["user_surname"] . " " . substr($row1["user_name"], 0, 1) . ". " . substr($row1["user_patronymic"], 0, 1) . "."; $pdf = new FPDF(); //set document properties $pdf->SetAuthor('Alexandr Slovinskiy'); $pdf->SetTitle('Exam Card'); //set font for the entire document $pdf->AddFont('Times', '', 'times.php'); $pdf->SetFont('Times', ''); $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); //set up a page $pdf->AddPage('P'); $pdf->SetDisplayMode(real, 'default'); //display the title with a border around it //Set x and y position for the main text, reduce font size and write content $pdf->Image('img/form_1_04_1.jpg', 5, 5, 205); if ($row['study_type'] == "Денна") { $pdf->Line(58, 53.5, 65, 53.5); } if ($row['study_type'] == "Заочна") { $pdf->Line(67, 53.5, 76, 53.5);
$titlefs = 18; /** settings for the assignment rows **/ $datew = $catw = $scorew = $weightw = $avgw = 1.0; $assignw = 2.5; /** settings for the heading **/ $headingh = ($numCats + 1) * $sh + $colheadingh; $headingw = 5.0; $summarycatw = 1.5; /** width of the categories in heading **/ $summaryavgw = 1.0; /** width of the averages in heading **/ /** @ 72dpi, 11 X 8.5 is (792 X 612) **/ /** with a margin of 36 pts or 1/2 inch **/ $pdf = new FPDF('P', 'in', 'Letter'); $pdf->open(); $pdf->SetTitle($pageTitle); /** Get the list of categories for this class **/ /** NOW LOOP OVER THE ARRAY OF STUDENTS **/ /** THE FOLLOWING SHOULD BE REPEATED FOR EACH STUDENT **/ if (count($reports)) { foreach ($reports as $id => $report) { $teacherName = $report['classInfo']['first_name'] . " " . $report['classInfo']['last_name']; $rcv = 0; /** used for row shading **/ $pdf->AddPage('P'); $pdf->SetMargins($lm, $tm); //$pdf->SetTitle($className."_".$termName."_".$sname."_ProgressReport.pdf"); /** START BUILDING THE PAGE **/ /** First the heading **/ $y_coord = $tm; $x_coord = $lm;
public function fee_week() { $date_from = $this->input->get("date_from"); $date_to = $this->input->get("date_to"); $event = $this->input->get("event"); require_once "../assets/fpdf/fpdf.php"; $pdf = new FPDF(); $pdf->AliasNbPages(); $pdf->AddPage('L', 'A4'); $pdf->SetTitle("Fee Moderasi HM Sampoerna"); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 14); $pdf->Cell(0, 10, 'Report Fee Moderasi HM Sampoerna', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Ln(10); $this->_header($pdf); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 8); $pdf->SetDrawColor(0, 0, 0); $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); $result = $this->user_event_model->get_user_week()->result(); $total_siang = 0; $total_siang_fee = 0; $total_malam = 0; $total_malam_fee = 0; $total_training = 0; $total_training_fee = 0; $i = 1; $j = 0; foreach ($result as $r) { $pdf->Cell(10, 7, $i++, 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(40, 7, $r->user, 1, 0, 'L'); $from = date_create(format_ymd($date_from)); $to = date_create(format_ymd($date_to)); $j = 0; $jum_siang = 0; $jum_malam = 0; $jum_training = 0; while ($from <= $to) { $siang = $this->absent_model->check_exist($r->user_kode, $event, date_format($from, 'Y-m-d'), 'S'); $pdf->Cell(6, 7, number_format($siang), 1, 0, 'C'); $malam = $this->absent_model->check_exist($r->user_kode, $event, date_format($from, 'Y-m-d'), 'M'); $pdf->Cell(6, 7, number_format($malam), 1, 0, 'C'); $training = $this->absent_model->check_exist($r->user_kode, $event, date_format($from, 'Y-m-d'), 'T'); $pdf->Cell(6, 7, number_format($training), 1, 0, 'C'); $jum_siang += $siang; $jum_malam += $malam; $jum_training += $training; date_add($from, date_interval_create_from_date_string('1 days')); $j++; } $fee_siang = $this->price_model->get_price($event, 'S', $r->user_level); $fee_malam = $this->price_model->get_price($event, 'M', $r->user_level); $fee_training = $this->price_model->get_price($event, 'T', $r->user_level); $pdf->Cell(7, 7, number_format($jum_siang), 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(18, 7, number_format($jum_siang * $fee_siang), 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(7, 7, number_format($jum_malam), 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(18, 7, number_format($jum_malam * $fee_malam), 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(7, 7, number_format($jum_training), 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(18, 7, number_format($jum_training * $fee_training), 1, 0, 'C'); $total = $jum_siang + $jum_malam + $jum_training; $pdf->Cell(7, 7, number_format($total), 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(0, 7, number_format($jum_siang * $fee_siang + $jum_malam * $fee_malam + $jum_training * $fee_training), 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Ln(7); $total_siang += $jum_siang; $total_siang_fee += $jum_siang * $fee_siang; $total_malam += $jum_malam; $total_malam_fee += $jum_malam * $fee_malam; $total_training += $jum_training; $total_training_fee += $jum_training * $fee_training; } $pdf->SetFillColor(240, 240, 240); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 8); $pdf->Cell(50 + 18 * $j, 7, 'Total : ', 1, 0, 'R', true); $pdf->Cell(7, 7, number_format($total_siang), 1, 0, 'C', true); $pdf->Cell(18, 7, number_format($total_siang_fee), 1, 0, 'C', true); $pdf->Cell(7, 7, number_format($total_malam), 1, 0, 'C', true); $pdf->Cell(18, 7, number_format($total_malam_fee), 1, 0, 'C', true); $pdf->Cell(7, 7, number_format($total_training), 1, 0, 'C', true); $pdf->Cell(18, 7, number_format($total_training_fee), 1, 0, 'C', true); $pdf->Cell(7, 7, number_format($total_siang + $total_malam + $total_training), 1, 0, 'C', true); $pdf->Cell(0, 7, number_format($total_siang_fee + $total_malam_fee + $total_training_fee), 1, 0, 'C', true); $this->_footer($pdf); $pdf->Output("Fee Moderasi HM Sampoerna", "I"); }
{ $gepiSchoolName=getSettingValue('gepiSchoolName'); } // création du document $pdf->SetCreator($gepiSchoolName); // auteur du document $pdf->SetAuthor($gepiSchoolName); // mots clé $pdf->SetKeywords(''); // sujet du document $pdf->SetSubject('Bilan journalier des absences'); // titre du document $pdf->SetTitle('Bilan journalier des absences'); // méthode d'affichage du document à son ouverture $pdf->SetDisplayMode('fullwidth', 'single'); // compression du document $pdf->SetCompression(TRUE); // change automatiquement de page à 5mm du bas $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(TRUE, 5); /* **************************** */ /* début de la boucle des pages */ // comptage du nombre de page traité $nb_page_traite = 0; // initialiser la variable compteur de ligne passé pour le tableau
// Author : Irvandy Goutama // Email : // Start : 2 Juni 2009 session_start(); include_once "../dwo.lib.php"; include_once "../db.mysql.php"; include_once "../connectdb.php"; include_once "../parameter.php"; include_once "../cekparam.php"; include_once "../fpdf.php"; // *** Parameters *** $TahunID = GetSetVar('TahunID'); $ProdiID = GetSetVar('ProdiID'); // *** Init PDF $pdf = new FPDF(); $pdf->SetTitle("Daftar Mahasiswa Yang Tidak Bisa Ujian"); $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(true, 5); $lbr = 190; $pdf->AddPage(); HeaderLogo("Daftar Mahasiswa Yang Tidak Memenuhi", $pdf, 'P', 'Syarat Mengikuti Ujian Akhir Semester(UAS)'); BuatIsinya($TahunID, $ProdiID, $pdf); $pdf->Ln(8); BuatIsinya2($TahunID, $ProdiID, $pdf); $pdf->Output(); // *** FUnctions *** function BuatIsinya($TahunID, $ProdiID, $p) { $maxentryperpage = 45; BuatHeader($TahunID, 'Belum Administrasi', ceil($ttl / $maxentryperpage) + 1, $p); $whr_prodi = empty($ProdiID) ? '' : "and h.ProdiID = '{$ProdiID}' "; $whr_tahun = empty($TahunID) ? '' : "and h.TahunID = '{$TahunID}' ";
<?php session_start(); if ($_SESSION['access'] == 1) { require '../includes/fpdf.php'; $pdf = new FPDF(); $pdf->SetAuthor('ISP'); $pdf->SetTitle('Memoloi Projet'); $pdf->SetFont('Helvetica', 'B', 20); $pdf->SetTextColor(50, 60, 100); foreach ($_SESSION['images'] as $j) { $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->Image("{$j}", 0, 0, 210, 297, 'JPG'); $pdf->Ln(2.0); } $pdf->Output(); unset($_SESSION['images']); } else { header('Location: index.php?login=error'); } ?>
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<?php // advancedII/pdf/teste.php require_once 'meupdf.php'; $pdf = new FPDF('P', 'cm', 'A4'); $pdf->SetAuthor('GerenciaNet'); $pdf->SetTitle('Meu Primeiro Documento PDF'); $pdf->SetMargins(2, 2, 1); $pdf->AliasNbPage('{nb}'); $pdf->AddPage(); // tentar adicionar um footer, adicionar a página, e tentar adicionar um header na nova página $produtos = array(array('nome' => 'Lixa de unha reutilizável', 'marca' => 'Treco', 'preco' => 10.5), array('nome' => 'Escova de Dentes Multiuso', 'marca' => 'OralBJ', 'preco' => 12), array('nome' => 'Refrigerante de Cachaça', 'marca' => 'Companhia das Índias Antigas', 'preco' => 4.5)); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 12); $pdf->Cell(8, 1, 'Nome do Produto', 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(5, 1, 'Marca', 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(5, 1, 'Preço', 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Ln(1); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 11); foreach ($produtos as $produto) { $pdf->Cell(8, 1, $produto['nome'], 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(5, 1, $produto['marca'], 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(5, 1, $produto['preco'], 1, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Ln(1); } $pdf->Output('first.pdf', 'I');
// Start : 04 Juni 2009 session_start(); include_once "../dwo.lib.php"; include_once "../db.mysql.php"; include_once "../connectdb.php"; include_once "../parameter.php"; include_once "../cekparam.php"; include_once "../fpdf.php"; // *** Parameters *** $prodi = $_REQUEST['prodi']; $program = $_REQUEST['program']; $srcmhswkey = $_REQUEST['srcmhswkey']; $srcmhswval = $_REQUEST['srcmhswval']; // *** Main $pdf = new FPDF('P'); $pdf->SetTitle("Data Detail Mahasiswa"); $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(true, 5); $pdf->SetFillColor(200, 200, 200); $pdf->AddPage('P'); HeaderLogo("Data Detail Mahasiswa", $pdf, 'P'); Isinya($prodi, $program, $srcmhswkey, $srcmhswval, $pdf); $pdf->Output(); // *** Functions *** function Isinya($prodi, $program, $srcmhswkey, $srcmhswval, $p) { $lbr = 190; $t = 6; // BuatHeader $p->SetFont('Helvetica', 'B', 10); $p->Cell(10, $t, 'No.', 1, 0, 'R'); $p->Cell(23, $t, 'NIM', 1, 0, 'L');
if (isset($_COOKIE['lname'])) { $lname = $_COOKIE['lname']; } else { echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('lname NAME NOT PRESENT IN DATABASE');</script>"; } if (isset($_COOKIE['phone'])) { $phone = $_COOKIE['phone']; } else { echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('phone NAME NOT PRESENT IN DATABASE');</script>"; } if (isset($_COOKIE['address'])) { $address = $_COOKIE['address']; } else { echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('address NAME NOT PRESENT IN DATABASE');</script>"; } $pdf = new FPDF(); $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->SetAuthor('Lana Kovacevic'); $pdf->SetTitle('FPDF tutorial'); $pdf->SetFont('Arial', "B", 20); $pdf->Cell(0, 10, "Thanks {$name} for shopping with us", 0, 1, "C"); $pdf->Cell(0, 10, "Fullname : {$name} {$lname} ", 0, 1, "l"); $pdf->Cell(0, 10, "EmailID : {$email} ", 0, 1, "l"); $pdf->Cell(0, 10, "Mobile No : {$phone} ", 0, 1, "l"); $pdf->Cell(0, 10, "Address : {$address} ", 0, 1, "l"); // $pdf->Cell(100,10,"sada",1,0,"R"); $pdf->output(); /* require("fpdf/fpdf.php"); ?> */
// Start : 22 Agustus 2008 session_start(); include_once "../dwo.lib.php"; include_once "../db.mysql.php"; include_once "../connectdb.php"; include_once "../parameter.php"; include_once "../cekparam.php"; include_once "../fpdf.php"; // *** Parameters *** $_jdwlProdi = GetSetVar('_jdwlProdi'); $_jdwlProg = GetSetVar('_jdwlProg'); $_jdwlTahun = GetSetVar('_jdwlTahun'); $id = GetSetVar('id'); // Init $pdf = new FPDF('P', 'mm', 'A4'); $pdf->SetTitle("Daftar Nomer Kursi UAS - {$TahunID}"); $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(true, 4); // *** Main *** if ($id == 0) { // Maka cetak semua $whr_prog = empty($_jdwlProg) ? "" : "and ProgramID = '{$_jdwlProg}'"; $s = "select JadwalID\r\n from jadwal\r\n where KodeID = '" . KodeID . "'\r\n\t and TahunID = '{$_jdwlTahun}'\r\n and ProdiID = '{$_jdwlProdi}'\r\n\t {$whr_prog}\r\n order by HariID, JamMulai"; $r = _query($s); while ($w = _fetch_array($r)) { CetakKursi($w['JadwalID'], $pdf); } } else { CetakKursi($id, $pdf); } $pdf->Output(); // *** Functions ***
if ($_POST["month"] != '') { $_SESSION['month'] = $_POST["month"]; } if ($_POST["year"] != '') { $_SESSION['year'] = $_POST["year"]; } if ($_POST["search_study_type"] == 'Денна') { $study_type = "stc"; } if ($_POST["search_study_type"] == 'Заочна') { $study_type = "zao"; } $pdf = new FPDF(); //set document properties $pdf->SetAuthor('Alexandr Slovinskiy'); $pdf->SetTitle('Order Annex'); //set font for the entire document $pdf->AddFont('Times', '', 'times.php'); $pdf->SetFont('Times', ''); $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); //set up a page $pdf->AddPage('L'); $pdf->SetDisplayMode(real, 'default'); //display the title with a border around it //Set x and y position for the main text, reduce font size and write content $pdf->Image('img/form_1-12-2.jpg', 10, 15, 280); $pdf->SetFontSize(9); $pdf->SetXY(261, 29.5); $pdf->Write(5, $_POST["order_number"]); $pdf->SetXY(197.5, 37); $pdf->Write(5, $_POST["day"]);
// Author : Emanuel Setio Dewo // Email : // Start : 23 September 2008 session_start(); include_once "../dwo.lib.php"; include_once "../db.mysql.php"; include_once "../connectdb.php"; include_once "../parameter.php"; include_once "../cekparam.php"; include_once "../header_pdf.php"; // *** Parameters *** $TahunID = GetSetVar('TahunID'); // *** Init PDF $pdf = new FPDF('L', 'mm', 'A5'); $pdf->SetTitle("Daftar Wisudawan - {$TahunID}"); $pdf->AddPage('P'); $lbr = 70; //BuatHeadernya($pdf); BuatIsinya($pdf); $pdf->Output(); // *** Functions *** function BuatHeadernya($p) { global $lbr; $gel = GetFields('wisuda', "KodeID='" . KodeID . "' and TahunID", $_SESSION['TahunID'], "*, date_format(TglWisuda, '%d-%m-%Y') as _TglWisuda"); $t = 6; $p->SetFont('Helvetica', 'B', 14); $p->Cell($lbr, $t, "Daftar Wisudawan " . $gel['Nama'], 0, 1, 'C'); $p->SetFont('Helvetica', '', 12); $p->Cell($lbr, $t, "Tanggal Wisuda: " . $gel['_TglWisuda'], 0, 1, 'C');
// Author : Irvandy Goutama // Email : // Start : 2 Juni 2009 session_start(); include_once "../dwo.lib.php"; include_once "../db.mysql.php"; include_once "../connectdb.php"; include_once "../parameter.php"; include_once "../cekparam.php"; include_once "../fpdf.php"; // *** Parameters *** $TahunID = GetSetVar('TahunID'); $ProdiID = GetSetVar('ProdiID'); // *** Init PDF $pdf = new FPDF(); $pdf->SetTitle("Daftar Mahasiswa Bedasarkan Agama"); $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(true, 5); $lbr = 190; BuatIsinya($TahunID, $ProdiID, $pdf); $pdf->Output(); // *** FUnctions *** function BuatIsinya($TahunID, $ProdiID, $p) { $maxentryperpage = 45; $whr_prodi = empty($ProdiID) ? '' : "and h.ProdiID = '{$ProdiID}' "; $whr_tahun = empty($TahunID) ? '' : "and h.TahunID = '{$TahunID}' "; $s = "select h.*,\r\n m.Nama as NamaMhsw, m.Agama,\r\n d.Nama as NamaPA, d.Gelar\r\n from khs h\r\n left outer join mhsw m on m.MhswID = h.MhswID and m.KodeID = '" . KodeID . "'\r\n left outer join dosen d on d.Login = m.PenasehatAkademik and d.KodeID = '" . KodeID . "'\r\n where h.KodeID = '" . KodeID . "'\r\n and h.TahunID = '{$TahunID}'\r\n and h.SKS > 0\r\n {$whr_prodi}\r\n\t {$whr_tahun}\r\n order by m.Agama, h.MhswID"; $r = _query($s); $n = 0; $t = 5; $_agama = 'laksdjfalksdfh';
$stmt->execute(); //$sql="INSERT INTO `tempinc` SELECT * FROM `NC` WHERE PAR='$par'"; //$stmt=$cnx->prepare($sql); //$stmt->execute(); //$stmt=$cnx->prepare($sql); //$stmt->execute(); //$sql="SELECT * FROM INC FOR PAR='$par'"; //$stmt=$cnx->prepare($sql); //$stmt->execute(); //$res = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ); require 'fpdf.php'; //create a FPDF object $pdf = new FPDF(); //set document properties $pdf->SetAuthor('CORCIOVA ENACHI'); $pdf->SetTitle('FISA PARTIDEI'); //set font for the entire document $pdf->SetFont('Helvetica', 'B', 10); //$pdf->SetTextColor(50,60,100); //set up a page $pdf->AddPage('P'); //$pdf->SetDisplayMode(real,'default'); //display the title with a border around it //$pdf->SetXY(50,20); //$pdf->SetDrawColor(50,60,100); $pdf->Write(7, 'CASA DE AJUTOR RECIPROC A PENSIONARILOR DIN FOCSANI SI JUDETUL VRANCEA'); //$pdf->Ln(2); $pdf->SetFont('Helvetica', 'B', 12); $pdf->SetXY(10, 15); //$pdf->Ln(3); $s = " ";
// Author : Irvandy Goutama // Email : // Start : 2 Juni 2009 session_start(); include_once "../dwo.lib.php"; include_once "../db.mysql.php"; include_once "../connectdb.php"; include_once "../parameter.php"; include_once "../cekparam.php"; include_once "../fpdf.php"; // *** Parameters *** $TahunID = GetSetVar('TahunID'); $ProdiID = GetSetVar('ProdiID'); // *** Init PDF $pdf = new FPDF(); $pdf->SetTitle("Daftar Mahasiswa Berdasarkan Angkatan"); $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(true, 5); $lbr = 190; BuatIsinya($TahunID, $ProdiID, $pdf); $pdf->Output(); // *** FUnctions *** function BuatIsinya($TahunID, $ProdiID, $p) { $maxentryperpage = 45; $whr_prodi = empty($ProdiID) ? '' : "and h.ProdiID = '{$ProdiID}' "; $whr_tahun = empty($TahunID) ? '' : "and h.TahunID = '{$TahunID}' "; $s = "select h.*,\r\n m.Nama as NamaMhsw, m.TahunID as Angkatan, \r\n d.Nama as NamaPA, d.Gelar\r\n from khs h\r\n left outer join mhsw m on m.MhswID = h.MhswID and m.KodeID = '" . KodeID . "'\r\n left outer join dosen d on d.Login = m.PenasehatAkademik and d.KodeID = '" . KodeID . "'\r\n where h.KodeID = '" . KodeID . "'\r\n and h.TahunID = '{$TahunID}'\r\n and h.SKS > 0\r\n {$whr_prodi}\r\n\t {$whr_tahun}\r\n order by m.TahunID, h.MhswID"; $r = _query($s); $n = 0; $t = 5; $_thn = 'laksdjfalksdfh';
// Start : 04 Juni 2009 session_start(); include_once "../dwo.lib.php"; include_once "../db.mysql.php"; include_once "../connectdb.php"; include_once "../parameter.php"; include_once "../cekparam.php"; include_once "../fpdf.php"; // *** Parameters *** $kurid = $_REQUEST['kurid']; if (empty($kurid)) { die(ErrorMsg("Kurikulum Belum Diset", "Tidak dapat mencetak karena kurikulum belum ditentukan atau tidak ditemukan.")); } // *** Main $pdf = new FPDF('P'); $pdf->SetTitle("Daftar Matakuliah Setara"); $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(true, 5); $pdf->SetFillColor(200, 200, 200); $pdf->AddPage('P'); HeaderLogo("Daftar Matakuliah Setara", $pdf, 'P'); CetakMKSetara($kurid, $pdf); $pdf->Output(); // *** Functions *** function CetakMKSetara($kurid, $p) { $lbr = 190; $t = 6; $p->SetFont('Helvetica', 'B', 11); $p->Cell(10, $t, 'No.', 1, 0, 'R'); $p->Cell(30, $t, 'MKKode', 1, 0, 'L'); $p->Cell(100, $t, 'Nama Mata Kuliah', 1, 0, 'L');