Exemplo n.º 1
  * Not really an AJAX call, we just use the pluginAjax method so we can run this
  * method for handling scripted downloads.
  * @return  void
 public function onAjax_download()
     $input = $this->app->input;
     $params = $this->getParams();
     $url = $input->server->get('HTTP_REFERER', '', 'string');
     $this->lang->load('com_fabrik.plg.element.fabrikfileupload', JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR);
     $rowId = $input->get('rowid', '', 'string');
     $repeatCount = $input->getInt('repeatcount', 0);
     $listModel = $this->getListModel();
     $row = $listModel->getRow($rowId, false, true);
     if (!$this->canView()) {
     if (empty($rowId)) {
         $errMsg .= FabrikHelperHTML::isDebug() ? ' (empty rowid)' : '';
     if (empty($row)) {
         $errMsg .= FabrikHelperHTML::isDebug() ? " (no such row)" : '';
     $aclEl = $this->getFormModel()->getElement($params->get('fu_download_acl', ''), true);
     if (!empty($aclEl)) {
         $aclEl = $aclEl->getFullName();
         $aclElRaw = $aclEl . '_raw';
         $groups = $this->user->getAuthorisedViewLevels();
         $canDownload = in_array($row->{$aclElRaw}, $groups);
         if (!$canDownload) {
     $storage = $this->getStorage();
     $elName = $this->getFullName(true, false);
     $filePath = $row->{$elName};
     $filePath = FabrikWorker::JSONtoData($filePath, false);
     $filePath = is_object($filePath) ? FArrayHelper::fromObject($filePath) : (array) $filePath;
     $filePath = FArrayHelper::getValue($filePath, $repeatCount);
     $filePath = $storage->getFullPath($filePath);
     $fileContent = $storage->read($filePath);
     if ($fileContent !== false) {
         $thisFileInfo = $storage->getFileInfo($filePath);
         if ($thisFileInfo === false) {
             $errMsg .= FabrikHelperHTML::isDebug(true) ? ' (path: ' . $filePath . ')' : '';
         // Some time in the past
         header("Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
         header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
         header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");
         header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
         header("Pragma: no-cache");
         header('Accept-Ranges: bytes');
         header('Content-Length: ' . $thisFileInfo['filesize']);
         header('Content-Type: ' . $thisFileInfo['mime_type']);
         header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $thisFileInfo['filename'] . '"');
         // Serve up the file
         echo $fileContent;
         // $this->downloadEmail($row, $filePath);
         $this->downloadHit($rowId, $repeatCount);
         $this->downloadLog($row, $filePath);
         // And we're done.
     } else {
Exemplo n.º 2
  * the function called from the preg_replace_callback - replace the {} with the correct HTML
  * @param   string $match plug-in match
  * @return  void
 protected function replace($match)
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $input = $app->input;
     $match = $match[0];
     $match = trim($match, "{");
     $match = trim($match, "}");
     $ref = preg_replace('/[^A-Z|a-z|0-9]/', '_', $match);
     $match = $this->parse(array($match));
     $match = explode(" ", $match);
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $usersConfig = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_fabrik');
     $unused = array();
     // Special case if we are wanting to write in an element's data
     $element = false;
     $repeatCounter = 0;
     // Was defaulting to 1 but that forced filters to show in cal viz even with showfilter=no option turned on
     $showFilters = $input->get('showfilters', null);
     $clearFilters = $input->get('clearfilters', 0);
     $resetFilters = $input->get('resetfilters', 0);
     $this->origRequestVars = array();
     $id = 0;
     $origLayout = $input->get('layout');
     $origFLayout = $input->get('flayout');
     $layoutFound = false;
     $rowId = '';
     $useKey = '';
     $limit = false;
     $ajax = true;
     $session = JFactory::getSession();
     $usersConfig->set('rowid', 0);
     $viewName = '';
     foreach ($match as $m) {
         $m = explode('=', $m);
         // $$$ hugh - deal with %20 as space in arguments
         $m[1] = urldecode(FArrayHelper::getValue($m, 1));
         switch ($m[0]) {
             case 'view':
                 $viewName = JString::strtolower($m[1]);
             case 'id':
             case 'formid':
             case 'listid':
                 // Cast to int in case there are two spaces after value.
                 $id = (int) $m[1];
             case 'layout':
                 $layoutFound = true;
                 $layout = $m[1];
                 $input->set('layout', $layout);
             case 'row':
             case 'rowid':
                 $row = $m[1];
                 // When printing the content the rowid can't be passed in the querystring so don't set here
                 if ($row !== '{rowid}') {
                     if ($row == -1) {
                         $row = $user->get('id');
                     $usersConfig->set('rowid', $row);
                     // Set the rowid in the session so that print pages can grab it again
                     $session->set('fabrik.plgcontent.rowid', $row);
                     $rowId = $row;
             case 'element':
                 // {fabrik view=element list=3 rowid=364 element=fielddatatwo}
                 $viewName = 'list';
                 $element = $m[1];
             case 'table':
             case 'list':
                 $listId = $m[1];
             case 'limit':
                 $limit = $m[1];
             case 'usekey':
                 $useKey = $m[1];
             case 'repeatcounter':
                 $repeatCounter = $m[1];
             case 'showfilters':
                 $showFilters = $m[1];
             case 'ajax':
                 $ajax = (bool) $m[1];
                 // $$$ rob for these 2 grab the qs var in priority over the plugin settings
             // $$$ rob for these 2 grab the qs var in priority over the plugin settings
             case 'clearfilters':
                 $clearFilters = $input->get('clearfilters', $m[1]);
             case 'resetfilters':
                 $resetFilters = $input->get('resetfilters', $m[1]);
                 if (array_key_exists(1, $m)) {
                      * These are later set as app->input vars if present in list view
                      * html_entity_decode to allow for content plugin values to contain  
                      * Urlencode the value for plugin statements such as: asylum_events___start_date[condition]=>
                     $unused[] = trim($m[0]) . '=' . urlencode(html_entity_decode($m[1], ENT_NOQUOTES));
     // Get the rowid in the session so that print pages can use it
     // Commented out - was messing with element rendering and seems to general to be correct. IE what if more than one content plugin being used
     // $rowId = $session->get('fabrik.plgcontent.rowid', $rowId);
     if ($viewName == 'table') {
         // Some backwards compat with fabrik 2
         $viewName = 'list';
     // Moved out of switch as otherwise first plugin to use this will effect all subsequent plugins
     $input->set('usekey', $useKey);
     // If no layout defined - set it
     if (!$layoutFound) {
         $thisLayout = $input->get('layout');
         // Also test for saving an article
         if ($input->get('option') === 'com_content' && ($thisLayout === 'blog' || $app->isAdmin() && $thisLayout === 'edit')) {
             $layout = 'default';
             $input->set('layout', $layout);
     /* $$$ hugh - added this so the fabrik2article plugin can arrange to have form CSS
      * included when the article is rendered by com_content, by inserting ...
      * {fabrik view=form_css id=X layout=foo}
      * ... at the top of the article.
     if ($viewName == 'form_css') {
         // The getFormCss() call blows up if we don't do this
         $controller = $this->getController('form', $id);
         $view = $this->getView($controller, 'form', $id);
         $model = $this->getModel($controller, 'form', $id);
         if (!$model) {
         $layout = !empty($layout) ? $layout : 'default';
         $view->setModel($model, true);
         return '';
     if ($element !== false) {
         // Special case for rendering element data
         $controller = $this->getController('list', $listId);
         $model = $this->getModel($controller, 'list', $listId);
         if (!$model) {
         $formModel = $model->getFormModel();
         $groups = $formModel->getGroupsHiarachy();
         foreach ($groups as $groupModel) {
             $elements = $groupModel->getMyElements();
             foreach ($elements as &$elementModel) {
                 // $$$ rob 26/05/2011 changed it so that you can pick up joined elements without specifying plugin
                 // param 'element' as joinx[x][fullname] but simply 'fullname'
                 if ($element == $elementModel->getFullName(true, false)) {
                     $activeEl = $elementModel;
                     continue 2;
         // $$$ hugh in case they have a typo in their elementname
         if (empty($activeEl) || !$activeEl->isPublished()) {
             throw new RuntimeException('You are trying to embed an element called ' . $element . ' which is not present in the list or has been unpublished');
         if ($rowId === '') {
             $rows = $model->getData();
             $group = array_shift($rows);
             $row = array_shift($group);
             $res = $row->{$element};
         } else {
             $row = $model->getRow($rowId, false, true);
             if (substr($element, JString::strlen($element) - 4, JString::strlen($element)) !== '_raw') {
                 $element = $element . '_raw';
             // $$$ hugh - need to pass all row data, or calc elements that use {placeholders} won't work
             //$defaultData = is_object($row) ? get_object_vars($row) : $row;
             $defaultData = is_object($row) ? FArrayHelper::fromObject($row, true) : $row;
             /* $$$ hugh - if we don't do this, our passed data gets blown away when render() merges the form data
              * not sure why, but apparently if you do $foo =& $bar and $bar is NULL ... $foo ends up NULL
             $activeEl->getFormModel()->data = $defaultData;
             $activeEl->editable = false;
             // Set row id for things like user element
             $origRowId = $input->get('rowid');
             $input->set('rowid', $rowId);
             // Set detail view for things like youtube element
             $origView = $input->get('view');
             $input->set('view', 'details');
             $defaultData = (array) $defaultData;
             if ($repeatCounter === 'all') {
                 $repeat = $activeEl->getGroupModel()->repeatCount();
                 $res = array();
                 for ($j = 0; $j < $repeat; $j++) {
                     $res[] = $activeEl->render($defaultData, $j);
                 $res = count($res) > 1 ? '<ul><li>' . implode('</li><li>', $res) . '</li></ul>' : $res[0];
             } else {
                 $res = $activeEl->render($defaultData, $repeatCounter);
                 $ref = $activeEl->elementJavascript($repeatCounter);
             $input->set('rowid', $origRowId);
             $input->set('view', $origView);
         return $res;
     if (!isset($viewName)) {
     $origId = $input->get('id', '', 'string');
     $origView = $input->get('view');
     // Allow for random=1 (which has to map to fabrik_random for list views)
     $origRandom = $input->get('fabrik_random');
     // For fabble
     $input->set('origid', $origId);
     $input->set('origview', $origView);
     $input->set('id', $id);
     $input->set('view', $viewName);
      * $$$ hugh - at least make the $origId available for certain corner cases, like ...
      * http://fabrikar.com/forums/showthread.php?p=42960#post42960
     $input->set('origid', $origId, 'GET', false);
     $cacheKey = $id;
     if ($rowId !== '') {
         $cacheKey .= '.' . $rowId;
     $controller = $this->getController($viewName, $cacheKey);
     $view = $this->getView($controller, $viewName, $cacheKey);
     if ($model = $this->getModel($controller, $viewName, $cacheKey)) {
         $view->setModel($model, true);
     // Display the view
     $view->error = $controller->getError();
     $view->isMambot = true;
     $displayed = false;
     // Do some view specific code
     switch ($viewName) {
         case 'form_css':
         case 'form':
         case 'details':
             if ($id === 0) {
                 $app->enqueueMessage('No id set in fabrik plugin declaration', 'warning');
             $model->ajax = $ajax;
             // Set default values set in plugin declaration
             // - note cant check if the form model has the key' as its not yet loaded
             // $$$ rob - flayout is used in form/details view when _isMamot = true
             $input->set('flayout', $input->get('layout'));
             $input->set('rowid', $rowId);
         case 'csv':
         case 'table':
         case 'list':
             /* $$$ rob 15/02/2011 added this as otherwise when you filtered on a table
              * with multiple filter set up subsequent tables were showing
              * the first tables data
             if ($input->get('activelistid') == '') {
                 $input->set('activelistid', $input->getId('listid'));
             $input->set('listid', $id);
             // Allow for simple limit=2 in plugin declaration
             if ($limit) {
                 $limitKey = 'limit' . $id;
                 $this->origRequestVars[$limitKey] = $input->get($limitKey);
                 $input->set($limitKey, $limit);
             $input->set('fabrik_random', $input->get('random', $origRandom));
             $input->set('showfilters', $showFilters);
             $input->set('clearfilters', $clearFilters);
             $input->set('resetfilters', $resetFilters);
             if ($id === 0) {
                 $app->enqueueMessage('No id set in fabrik plugin declaration', 'warning');
             $model->isMambot = true;
              * Reset this otherwise embedding a list in a list menu page, the embedded list takes the show in list fields from the menu list
              * $$$ hugh - nasty little hack to reduce 'emptyish' array, 'cos if no 'elements' in the request, the following ends up setting
              * returning an array with a single empty string.  This ends up meaning that we render a list with no
              * elements in it.  We've run across this before, so we have a FArrayHelper:;emptyish() to detect it.
             $show_in_list = explode('|', $input->getString('elements', ''));
             if (FArrayHelper::emptyIsh($show_in_list, true)) {
                 $show_in_list = array();
             $input->set('fabrik_show_in_list', $show_in_list);
             $model->ajax = $ajax;
             $task = $input->get('task');
             if (method_exists($controller, $task) && $input->getInt('activetableid') == $id) {
                  * Enable delete() of rows
                  * list controller deals with display after tasks is called
                  * set $displayed to true to stop controller running twice
                 $displayed = true;
                 $result = ob_get_contents();
             $formModel = $model->getFormModel();
         case 'visualization':
             $input->set('showfilters', $showFilters);
             $input->set('clearfilters', $clearFilters);
             $input->set('resetfilters', $resetFilters);
     // Hack for gallery viz as it may not use the default view
     $controller->isMambot = true;
     if (!$displayed) {
         if (method_exists($model, 'reset')) {
         $result = ob_get_contents();
     $input->set('id', $origId);
     $input->set('view', $origView);
     if ($origLayout != '') {
         $input->set('layout', $origLayout);
     if ($origFLayout != '') {
         $input->set('flayout', $origFLayout);
     if ($origRandom) {
         $input->set('fabrik_random', $origRandom);
     return $result;
Exemplo n.º 3
     * From admin the user has authorize the plugin for this app.
     * Lets store the data for it.
     * As we are in a pop up window we need to set some js to update the parent window's
     * parameters
     * @return  void
    public function onUpdateAdmin()
        $input = $this->app->input;
        $formModel = $this->buildModel($input->getInt('formid'));
        $params = $formModel->getParams();
        $renderOrder = $input->get('repeatCounter');
        $consumerKey = FArrayHelper::fromObject($params->get('twitter_consumer_key'));
        $consumerKey = $consumerKey[$renderOrder];
        $consumerSecret = FArrayHelper::fromObject($params->get('twitter_consumer_secret'));
        $consumerSecret = $consumerSecret[$renderOrder];
        $connection = new TwitterOAuth($consumerKey, $consumerSecret, $_SESSION['oauth_token'], $_SESSION['oauth_token_secret']);
        /* Request access tokens from twitter */
        $access_token = $connection->oauth("oauth/access_token", array("oauth_verifier" => $_REQUEST['oauth_verifier']));
        // Save the access token to the element params
        $formModel = JModelLegacy::getInstance('Form', 'FabrikFEModel');
        $row = $formModel->getForm();
        $params = $formModel->getParams();
        $opts = $params->toArray();
        $counter = $input->get('repeatCounter');
        $pairs = array('twitter_oauth_token' => 'oauth_token', 'twitter_oauth_token_secret' => 'oauth_token_secret', 'twitter_oauth_user' => 'screen_name');
        $js = array();
        $jsValues = array();
        foreach ($pairs as $paramname => $requestname) {
            $tokens = (array) FArrayHelper::getValue($opts, $paramname);
            $newtokens = array();
            for ($i = 0; $i <= $counter; $i++) {
                $newtokens[$i] = $i == $counter ? $access_token[$requestname] : '';
                $jsid = '#jform_params_' . $paramname . '-' . $i;
                //$js[] = "window.opener.document.getElement('$jsid').value = '$newtokens[$i]';";
                $jsValues[] = array($jsid, $newtokens[$i]);
            $opts[$paramname] = $newtokens;
        $json = json_encode($jsValues);
        $row->params = json_encode($opts);
        $langFile = 'com_fabrik.plg.form.fabriktwitter';
        $this->lang->load($langFile, JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR, null, true);
        // If we had already authorized the app then we will still be in the admin page - so update the fields:
        $document = JFactory::getDocument();
        //$script = implode("\n", $js) . "
        $script = <<<EOT
window.opener.postMessage({$json}, '*');
(function() {window.close()}).delay(4000);