Exemplo n.º 1
        echo $style;
        echo $extraWatchGoalHTML->renderEnabled($row->id, $row->disabled);
            <td class='ewCentered' style='<?php 
        echo $style;
        echo @$extraWatchGoalHTML->renderActionButtons($row->id);

if (!$rows) {
    echo ExtraWatchHelper::renderNoData();

 function renderGraphsForGroup($group = 0)
     require_once JPATH_BASE2 . DS . "components" . DS . "com_extrawatch" . DS . "view" . DS . "trendtooltip.php";
     $output = "<table border='0' width='80%'><tr><td>";
     if (!$group) {
         $group = 10;
         //referers as first value in graphs
     $date = $this->extraWatch->date->jwDateToday();
     $rows = $this->findLatestGraphDataRecursively($group, $date, FALSE);
     $output .= $this->renderGraphSelectionForm($group);
     if (!$rows) {
         $output .= "<br/><br/><br/><br/><div style='text-align: center'>" . ExtraWatchHelper::renderNoData() . "</div><br/><br/><br/><br/>";
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         $output .= "<br/><br/>";
         $output .= $this->renderDayTrends($group, $row->name, $date);
         $output .= "<br/><br/>";
         $output .= $this->renderWeekTrends($group, $row->name, $date);
         $output .= "<hr/><br/>";
     $output .= $this->renderGraphSelectionForm($group);
     $output .= "</td></tr></table>";
     return $output;
 function renderVisitors()
     $this->lastDate = "";
     $activeVisitorsOutput = $this->getVisitorsCached(FALSE);
     $inactiveVisitorsOutput = $this->getVisitorsCached(TRUE);
     $output = $activeVisitorsOutput . $inactiveVisitorsOutput;
     if (!$output) {
         $output = ExtraWatchHelper::renderNoData();
     return $output;
 function renderSEOReport($day, $fromEmail = FALSE, $renderAlsoNotChanged = FALSE)
     $allTimeReport = $this->extraWatch->config->getCheckboxValue("EXTRAWATCH_SEO_SHOW_ALL_TIME_REPORT");
     $showEncryptedKeywords = $this->extraWatch->config->getCheckboxValue('EXTRAWATCH_SEO_LIST_ENCRYPTED_KEYWORDS');
     if ($allTimeReport) {
         $day = FALSE;
         // if all-time report is checked, day value won't be passed to query
     $loadsPerDay = $this->extraWatch->stat->getKeyValueInGroupByDate(EW_DB_KEY_LOADS, EW_DB_KEY_LOADS, $day);
     if (!$loadsPerDay && !$allTimeReport) {
         return ExtraWatchHelper::renderNoData();
     $searchEngineHits = $this->extraWatch->seo->getTotalVisitsByKeyphrasesByDay($day);
     if ($loadsPerDay) {
         $percent = sprintf("%.2f", $searchEngineHits / $loadsPerDay * 100);
     if ($day) {
         $day = $day - 1;
     $output = "";
     if (!_EW_CLOUD_MODE) {
         $output .= $this->renderMostDynamicKeyphrases($renderAlsoNotChanged, $day);
     $output .= "<table border='0' class='table'>";
     $output .= "<tr><td></td><td align='right'><b>" . _EW_SEO_TOTAL_VISITS_FROM_SEARCH_ENGINES . ": " . $searchEngineHits . " (" . @$percent . "%)</b></td></tr>";
     $rows = $this->extraWatch->seo->getUri2KeyphrasePosUris($day);
     if ($rows) {
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             $isChange = FALSE;
             $total = $row->valueTotal;
             $percent = 0;
             if ($loadsPerDay) {
                 $percent = sprintf("%.2f", $total / $loadsPerDay * 100);
             $outputBlock = "<tr><td><h3><a href='" . $row->uri . "'>" . $row->title . "</a></h3><td align='right'><b>" . _EW_STATS_TOTAL . ": " . $total . " ({$percent}%)</b></td></tr><tr><td colspan='2'>";
             $rows2 = $this->extraWatch->seo->getUri2KeyphrasePosById($day, $row->uri2titleId);
             if ($rows2) {
                 $outputBlock .= "<table width='100%' class='tablesorter table table-striped'><thead><tr><th>" . _EW_URI . "</th><th>" . _EW_POSITION . "</th><th>" . _EW_COUNT . "</th><th>" . _EW_EMAIL_REPORTS_PERCENT . "</th><th>" . _EW_EMAIL_REPORTS_1DAY_CHANGE . "</th><th>" . _EW_EMAIL_REPORTS_7DAY_CHANGE . "</th><th>" . _EW_EMAIL_REPORTS_28DAY_CHANGE . "</th><th></th></tr></thead><tbody>";
                 $i = 0;
                 foreach ($rows2 as $row2) {
                     if (@(!$showEncryptedKeywords) && $row2->keyphrase == ExtraWatchHelper::_EW_ENCRYPTED) {
                     if ($loadsPerDay) {
                         $percent = sprintf("%.2f", $row2->value / $loadsPerDay * 100);
                     $isChangeForRow = $this->extraWatchStatHTML->isChange(EW_DB_KEY_SEARCH_RESULT_NUM, $row2->uri2keyphrasePosId, $day);
                     if ($renderAlsoNotChanged || $isChangeForRow) {
                         $outputBlock .= "<tr class='tableRow" . $i++ % 2 . "'><td width='100%'>" . $this->renderKeyphraseLink($row2->keyphrase) . "</td>" . "<td width='5%' align='right'>" . $row2->position . "<td width='5%' align='right'>" . $row2->value . "</td>" . "<td width='5%' align='right' style='color: #555'>(" . $percent . "%)</td>";
                         if ($day == FALSE) {
                             $dayChanged = ExtraWatchDate::jwDateToday() - 1;
                         } else {
                             $dayChanged = $day;
                         $outputBlock .= $this->extraWatchStatHTML->renderDiffTableCellsAndIcon(EW_DB_KEY_SEARCH_RESULT_NUM, $row2->uri2keyphrasePosId, $dayChanged, $fromEmail);
                         $outputBlock .= "</tr>\r\n";
                         $isChange = TRUE;
                 $outputBlock .= "</tbody></table><br/>";
             if ($renderAlsoNotChanged || $isChange) {
                 $output .= $outputBlock;
             $output .= "</td></tr>\r\n";
     $output .= "</table>";
     return $output;
 function renderNightlyEmail()
     $keysArray = unserialize(EXTRAWATCH_STATS_ITEMS);
     $day = $this->extraWatch->date->jwDateToday();
     $totalRowCount = 0;
     foreach ($keysArray as $key) {
         $group = @constant('EW_DB_KEY_' . strtoupper($key));
         $totalRowCount += $this->extraWatch->stat->getCountByKeyAndDate($group, $day - 1);
     if (!$totalRowCount) {
         return ExtraWatchHelper::renderNoData();
     $output = "<table>";
     $output .= "<tr><td><h3></h3></td><td class='ewCentered'>&nbsp;<u>" . _EW_EMAIL_REPORTS_VALUE . "</u></td><td class='ewCentered'>&nbsp;<u>" . _EW_EMAIL_REPORTS_PERCENT . "</u></td><td class='ewCentered'>&nbsp;<u>" . _EW_EMAIL_REPORTS_1DAY_CHANGE . "</u></td><td class='ewCentered'>&nbsp;<u>" . _EW_EMAIL_REPORTS_7DAY_CHANGE . "</u></td><td class='ewCentered'>&nbsp;<u>" . _EW_EMAIL_REPORTS_28DAY_CHANGE . "</u></td></tr>\r\n";
     $output .= "<tr><td>" . _EW_STATS_UNIQUE . "</td><td align='right'>" . $this->extraWatch->stat->getCountByKeyAndDate(EW_DB_KEY_UNIQUE, $day - 1) . "</td><td></td>" . $this->renderDiffTableCellsAndIcon(EW_DB_KEY_UNIQUE, EW_DB_KEY_UNIQUE, $day - 1, TRUE) . "</td></tr>\r\n";
     $output .= "<tr><td>" . _EW_STATS_LOADS . "</td><td align='right'>" . $this->extraWatch->stat->getCountByKeyAndDate(EW_DB_KEY_LOADS, $day - 1) . "</td><td></td>" . $this->renderDiffTableCellsAndIcon(EW_DB_KEY_LOADS, EW_DB_KEY_LOADS, $day - 1, TRUE) . "</td></tr>\r\n";
     $output .= "<tr><td>" . _EW_STATS_HITS . "</td><td align='right'>" . $this->extraWatch->stat->getCountByKeyAndDate(EW_DB_KEY_HITS, $day - 1) . "</td><td></td>" . $this->renderDiffTableCellsAndIcon(EW_DB_KEY_HITS, EW_DB_KEY_HITS, $day - 1, TRUE) . "</td></tr>\r\n";
     foreach ($keysArray as $key) {
         if ($key == 'ip' && !$this->extraWatch->config->getCheckboxValue('EXTRAWATCH_IP_STATS')) {
         $output .= nl2br($this->renderIntValuesByNameForEmail($key, TRUE, FALSE, $day, 10, FALSE, TRUE));
         $output .= "<tr><td colspan='4'>&nbsp;</td></tr>\r\n";
     $output .= "</table>";
     return $output;
 function renderBlockedIPs($date = 0, $expanded = FALSE, $displayedInStats = TRUE)
     $output = "";
     if (!$expanded) {
         $output .= "<a href='javascript:extrawatch_blockIpManually();'>" . _EW_STATS_IP_BLOCKING_ENTER . "</a><br/>";
     $total = FALSE;
     if (!@$date) {
         $total = TRUE;
     $count = $this->extraWatch->block->countBlockedIPs($date);
     if (!$count && !$displayedInStats) {
         $output = ExtraWatchHelper::renderNoData();
         $output .= $this->renderAntispamHowTo();
         return $output;
     $limit = $this->extraWatch->config->getConfigValue('EXTRAWATCH_STATS_MAX_ROWS');
     $output .= "<tr><th></th><th></th><th>IP</th><th>" . strtolower(_EW_STATS_HITS) . "</th>";
     if (!$displayedInStats) {
         $output .= "<th>" . _EW_BLOCKING_BAD_WORD . "</th>";
         $output .= "<th>" . _EW_BLOCKING_REASON . "</th>";
     $output .= "</tr>";
     if ($count > $limit && !$expanded) {
         $output = "<tr><td colspan='4'>" . $this->extraWatchStatHTML->renderExpand('ip_blocking_title', $total) . "</td></tr>";
     if (@$expanded) {
         $rows = $this->extraWatch->block->getBlockedIPs($date, 100);
         // this cannot be unlimited, because otherwise the page would not open
     } else {
         $rows = $this->extraWatch->block->getBlockedIPs($date, $limit);
     $lastDate = 0;
     $i = 0;
     if (@$rows) {
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             $icon = "";
             if (!strstr($row->ip, "*")) {
                 if (@(!$row->country)) {
                     $country = $this->extraWatch->helper->countryByIp($row->ip);
                     $this->extraWatch->block->updateCountryForBlockedIp($row->ip, $country);
                 } else {
                     $country = $row->country;
                 $countryName = $this->extraWatch->helper->countryCodeToCountryName($country);
                 if (!$country) {
                     $country = "none";
                 $icon = "<img src='" . $this->extraWatch->config->getLiveSiteWithSuffix() . "components/com_extrawatch/img/flags/" . @strtolower($country) . ".png' title='{$countryName}' alt='{$countryName}'/>";
             $mapsIcon = "<img src='" . $this->extraWatch->config->getLiveSiteWithSuffix() . "components/com_extrawatch/img/icons/map_icon.gif' border='0'  " . $this->extraWatch->helper->getTooltipOnEvent() . "=\"ajax_showTooltip('" . $this->extraWatch->config->getLiveSite() . $this->extraWatch->env->getEnvironmentSuffix() . $this->extraWatch->env->renderBackendAjaxLink($this->extraWatch->config, 'ajax', 'tooltip') . "&ip=" . @$row->ip . "&env=" . $this->extraWatch->config->getEnvironment() . "&projectId=" . _EW_PROJECT_ID . "',this);return FALSE\"/>";
             if (!$displayedInStats && $lastDate != $row->date) {
                 $output .= "<tr><td colspan='4'><u>" . ExtraWatchDate::getDateByDay($row->date) . "</u></td></tr>";
                 $lastDate = $row->date;
             $output .= "<tr class='tableRow" . $i++ % 2 . "'><td class='ewCentered'>" . $mapsIcon . "</td><td class='ewCentered' title='{$row->reason}'>" . $icon . "</td><td align='left' title='{$row->reason}'>" . $row->ip . "</td><td class='ewCentered' title='{$row->reason}'>" . $row->hits . "</td>";
             if (!$displayedInStats) {
                 if (!$row->badWord) {
                     $spamWordAffected = $this->extraWatch->block->checkForSpamWord($row->reason);
                     if (@$spamWordAffected) {
                         $this->extraWatch->block->updateSpamWordForBlockedIp($row->ip, $spamWordAffected);
                         $row->badWord = $spamWordAffected;
                 $output .= "<td class='ewCentered' title='" . $row->badWord . "'>" . ExtraWatchHelper::truncate($row->badWord, 10) . "</td>";
                 $output .= "<td title=\"" . ExtraWatchHelper::htmlspecialchars($row->reason) . "\">" . $this->highlightSpamWord($row->badWord, $row->reason) . "</td>";
             $output .= "<td>";
             if (!$expanded) {
                 $output .= "<a  id='{$row->ip}' href='javascript:extrawatch_blockIpToggle(\"{$row->ip}\");history.go(0);' title='{$row->reason}'>" . _EW_BLOCKING_UNBLOCK . "</a>";
             } else {
                 $output .= "<a  id='{$row->ip}' href='" . $this->extraWatch->config->renderLink("antiSpam", "&action=toggleBlocking&ip=" . $row->ip) . "' title='{$row->reason}'>" . _EW_BLOCKING_UNBLOCK . "</a>";
             $output .= "</td>";
             $output .= "</tr>";
     return $output;
 function renderPagesWithHighlightedHTMLElementsTable($day = 0, $limit = 20)
     if (!$day) {
         $day = ExtraWatchDate::jwDateToday();
     $rows = $this->extraWatchHeatmap->getTopHeatmapUris($day, 20);
     $output = sprintf("<table  class='tablesorter table table-striped'>\n        <thead>\n        <tr><th>%s</th>  \t \t    \t    \t\t  \t \t  \t \t  \t\t \t \t\t    \t \t\t\t \t   \t\t  \t \t \t\t \t \t   \t      \t  \t \t\t \t\t \t\t\t\t \t\t\t \t\t  \t\t    \t \t\t \t\t  \n        <th>%s</th>\n        <th>%s</th>", _EW_HEATMAP_CLICKS, _EW_HEATMAP_TITLE, _EW_URI);
     $output .= sprintf("<th align='center'>%s</th><th>%s</th><th>%s</th><th></th></tr>", _EW_EMAIL_REPORTS_1DAY_CHANGE, _EW_EMAIL_REPORTS_7DAY_CHANGE, _EW_EMAIL_REPORTS_28DAY_CHANGE);
     $output .= "</thead><tbody>";
     if (!$rows) {
         $output .= "</table>";
         $output .= ExtraWatchHelper::renderNoData();
         return $output;
     $maxClicksForDay = $this->extraWatchHeatmap->getMaxClicksForDay($day);
     $i = 0;
     if ($rows) {
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             if (@$row->uri2titleId) {
                 $output .= $this->renderHeatmapTableRow($row, $day, $maxClicksForDay, $i, TRUE);
     $output .= "</tbody></table>";
     return $output;
 function renderFlowTable($selectedUriId, $outgoingLinks, $nestingLevel)
     $nodeArray = array();
     $edgeArray = array();
     $this->flow->retrieveFlow($selectedUriId, $nodeArray, $edgeArray, $outgoingLinks, $nestingLevel);
     $output = "<table border='0' width='100%' class='tablesorter table table-striped'>\n\t\t<thead>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<th>Color</th>\n\t\t\t<th>Percentage</th>  \t \t    \t    \t\t  \t \t  \t \t  \t\t \t \t\t    \t \t\t\t \t   \t\t  \t \t \t\t \t \t   \t      \t  \t \t\t \t\t \t\t\t\t \t\t\t \t\t  \t\t    \t \t\t \t\t  \n\t\t\t<th>From</th>\n\t\t\t<th>To</th>\n\t\t\t<th>Count</th>\n\t\t\t<th>Sum</th>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t</thead>\n\t\t<tbody>\n        ";
     $i = 1;
     foreach ($edgeArray as $key => $value) {
         $output .= $this->renderEdgeTableRow($value);
     if (!$edgeArray) {
         $output .= "<tr><td>" . ExtraWatchHelper::renderNoData() . "</td></tr>";
     $output .= "</tbody></table>";
     return $output;