Exemplo n.º 1
  * Main export process.
  * @param ExportModel $ex
  * @see $_Structures in ExportModel for allowed destination tables & columns.
 public function forumExport($ex)
     $characterSet = $ex->getCharacterSet('posts');
     if ($characterSet) {
         $ex->characterSet = $characterSet;
     // Reiterate the platform name here to be included in the porter file header.
     $ex->beginExport('', 'MyBB');
     // User.
     $user_Map = array('uid' => 'UserID', 'username' => array('Column' => 'Name', 'Filter' => 'HTMLDecoder'), 'avatar' => 'Photo', 'regdate2' => 'DateInserted', 'regdate3' => 'DateFirstVisit', 'email' => 'Email');
     $ex->exportTable('User', "\n         select u.*,\n            FROM_UNIXTIME(regdate) as regdate2,\n            FROM_UNIXTIME(regdate) as regdate3,\n            FROM_UNIXTIME(lastactive) as DateLastActive,\n            concat(password, salt) as Password,\n            'mybb' as HashMethod\n         from :_users u\n         ", $user_Map);
     // Role.
     $role_Map = array('gid' => 'RoleID', 'title' => 'Name', 'description' => 'Description');
     $ex->exportTable('Role', "\n         select *\n         from :_usergroups", $role_Map);
     // User Role.
     $userRole_Map = array('uid' => 'UserID', 'usergroup' => 'RoleID');
     $ex->exportTable('UserRole', "\n         select u.uid, u.usergroup\n         from :_users u", $userRole_Map);
     // Category.
     $category_Map = array('fid' => 'CategoryID', 'pid' => 'ParentCategoryID', 'disporder' => 'Sort', 'name' => 'Name', 'description' => 'Description');
     $ex->exportTable('Category', "\n         select *\n         from :_forums f\n         ", $category_Map);
     // Discussion.
     $discussion_Map = array('tid' => 'DiscussionID', 'fid' => 'CategoryID', 'uid' => 'InsertUserID', 'subject' => array('Column' => 'Name', 'Filter' => 'HTMLDecoder'), 'views' => 'CountViews', 'replies' => 'CountComments');
     $ex->exportTable('Discussion', "\n         select *,\n            FROM_UNIXTIME(dateline) as DateInserted,\n            'BBCode' as Format\n         from :_threads t", $discussion_Map);
     // Comment.
     $comment_Map = array('pid' => 'CommentID', 'tid' => 'DiscussionID', 'uid' => 'InsertUserID', 'message' => array('Column' => 'Body'));
     $ex->exportTable('Comment', "\n         select p.*,\n            FROM_UNIXTIME(dateline) as DateInserted,\n            'BBCode' as Format\n         from :_posts p", $comment_Map);
     // UserDiscussion.
     $userDiscussion_Map = array('tid' => 'DiscussionID', 'uid' => 'UserID');
     $ex->exportTable('UserDiscussion', "\n         select *,\n            1 as Bookmarked\n         from :_threadsubscriptions t", $userDiscussion_Map);
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Main export process.
  * @param ExportModel $ex
  * @see $_Structures in ExportModel for allowed destination tables & columns.
 public function forumExport($ex)
     $characterSet = $ex->getCharacterSet('node');
     if ($characterSet) {
         $ex->characterSet = $characterSet;
     $ex->beginExport('', 'Advanced Forum 7.x-2.*');
     $filePath = $cdn = $this->param('filepath', '');
     // User.
     $user_Map = array();
     $ex->exportTable('User', "\n            select `u`.`uid` as `UserID`, `u`.`name` as `Name`, `u`.`mail` as `Email`, `u`.`pass` as `Password`,\n                'drupal' as `HashMethod`, from_unixtime(`created`) as `DateInserted`,\n                if(`fm`.`filename` is not null, concat('{$filePath}', `fm`.`filename`), NULL) as `Photo`\n            from `:_users` `u`\n              left join `:_file_managed` `fm` on `u`.`picture` = `fm`.`fid`", $user_Map);
     // Role.
     $role_Map = array();
     $ex->exportTable('Role', "\n            SELECT `name` AS `Name`, `rid` AS `RoleID`\n            FROM `:_role` `r`\n            ORDER BY `weight` ASC", $role_Map);
     // User Role.
     $userRole_Map = array();
     $ex->exportTable('UserRole', "\n         SELECT `rid` AS `RoleID`, `uid` AS `UserID`\n         FROM `:_users_roles` `ur`", $userRole_Map);
     // Category.
     $category_Map = array();
     $ex->exportTable('Category', "\n            SELECT `ttd`.`tid` AS `CategoryID`, `tth`.`parent` AS `ParentCategoryID`,\n              `ttd`.`name` AS `Name`, `ttd`.`weight` AS `Sort`\n            FROM `:_taxonomy_term_data` `ttd`\n                LEFT JOIN `:_taxonomy_vocabulary` `tv` USING (`vid`)\n                LEFT JOIN `:_taxonomy_term_hierarchy` `tth` USING (`tid`)\n            WHERE `tv`.`name` = 'Forums'\n            ORDER BY `ttd`.`weight` ASC", $category_Map);
     // Discussion.
     $discussion_Map = array('body_format' => array('Column' => 'Format', 'Filter' => array(__CLASS__, 'translateFormatType')));
     $ex->exportTable('Discussion', "\n            SELECT `fi`.`nid` AS `DiscussionID`, `fi`.`tid` AS `CategoryID`, `fi`.`title` AS `Name`,\n                `fi`.`comment_count` AS `CountComments`, `fdb`.`body_value` AS `Body`,\n                from_unixtime(`n`.`created`) AS `DateInserted`,\n                if (`n`.`created`< `n`.`changed`, from_unixtime(`n`.`changed`), NULL) AS `DateUpdated`,\n                if (`fi`.`sticky` > 0,2,0) AS `Announce`,\n                `n`.`uid` AS `InsertUserID`, `fdb`.`body_format`\n            FROM `:_forum_index` `fi`\n                JOIN `:_field_data_body` `fdb` ON (`fdb`.`bundle` = 'forum' AND `fi`.`nid`=`fdb`.`entity_id`)\n                LEFT JOIN `:_node` `n` USING (`nid`)\n        ", $discussion_Map);
     // Comment.
     $comment_Map = array('comment_body_format' => array('Column' => 'Format', 'Filter' => array(__CLASS__, 'translateFormatType')));
     $ex->exportTable('Comment', "\n            SELECT `c`.`cid` AS `CommentID`, `c`.`nid` AS `DiscussionID`, `c`.`uid` AS `InsertUserID`,\n            from_unixtime(`c`.`created`) AS `DateInserted`,\n            if(`c`.`created` < `c`.`changed`, from_unixtime(`c`.`changed`), NULL) AS `DateUpdated`,\n            `fdcb`.`comment_body_value` AS `Body`, `fdcb`.`comment_body_format`\n            FROM `:_comment` `c` JOIN `:_field_data_comment_body` `fdcb` ON (`c`.`cid` = `fdcb`.`entity_id`)\n            ORDER BY `cid` ASC", $comment_Map);
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Forum-specific export format
  * @todo Project file size / export time and possibly break into multiple files
  * @param ExportModel $ex
 protected function forumExport($ex)
     $characterSet = $ex->getCharacterSet('posts');
     if ($characterSet) {
         $ex->characterSet = $characterSet;
     $ex->beginExport('', 'PunBB 1.*', array('HashMethod' => 'punbb'));
     $this->cdn = $this->param('cdn', '');
     if ($avatarPath = $this->param('avatarpath', false)) {
         if (!($avatarPath = realpath($avatarPath))) {
             echo "Unable to access path to avatars: {$avatarPath}\n";
         $this->avatarPath = $avatarPath;
     // User.
     $user_Map = array('AvatarID' => array('Column' => 'Photo', 'Filter' => array($this, 'getAvatarByID')), 'id' => 'UserID', 'username' => 'Name', 'email' => 'Email', 'timezone' => 'HourOffset', 'registration_ip' => 'InsertIPAddress', 'PasswordHash' => 'Password');
     $ex->exportTable('User', "\n         SELECT\n             u.*, u.id AS AvatarID,\n             concat(u.password, '\$', u.salt) AS PasswordHash,\n             from_unixtime(registered) AS DateInserted,\n             from_unixtime(last_visit) AS DateLastActive\n         FROM :_users u\n         WHERE group_id <> 2", $user_Map);
     // Role.
     $role_Map = array('g_id' => 'RoleID', 'g_title' => 'Name');
     $ex->exportTable('Role', "SELECT * FROM :_groups", $role_Map);
     // Permission.
     $permission_Map = array('g_id' => 'RoleID', 'g_modertor' => 'Garden.Moderation.Manage', 'g_mod_edit_users' => 'Garden.Users.Edit', 'g_mod_rename_users' => 'Garden.Users.Delete', 'g_read_board' => 'Vanilla.Discussions.View', 'g_view_users' => 'Garden.Profiles.View', 'g_post_topics' => 'Vanilla.Discussions.Add', 'g_post_replies' => 'Vanilla.Comments.Add', 'g_pun_attachment_allow_download' => 'Plugins.Attachments.Download.Allow', 'g_pun_attachment_allow_upload' => 'Plugins.Attachments.Upload.Allow');
     $permission_Map = $ex->fixPermissionColumns($permission_Map);
     $ex->exportTable('Permission', "\n      SELECT\n         g.*,\n         g_post_replies AS `Garden.SignIn.Allow`,\n         g_mod_edit_users AS `Garden.Users.Add`,\n         CASE WHEN g_title = 'Administrators' THEN 'All' ELSE NULL END AS _Permissions\n      FROM :_groups g", $permission_Map);
     // UserRole.
     $userRole_Map = array('id' => 'UserID', 'group_id' => 'RoleID');
     $ex->exportTable('UserRole', "SELECT\n            CASE u.group_id WHEN 2 THEN 0 ELSE id END AS id,\n            u.group_id\n          FROM :_users u", $userRole_Map);
     // Signatures.
     $ex->exportTable('UserMeta', "\n         SELECT\n         id,\n         'Plugin.Signatures.Sig' AS Name,\n         signature\n      FROM :_users u\n      WHERE u.signature IS NOT NULL", array('id ' => 'UserID', 'signature' => 'Value'));
     // Category.
     $category_Map = array('id' => 'CategoryID', 'forum_name' => 'Name', 'forum_desc' => 'Description', 'disp_position' => 'Sort', 'parent_id' => 'ParentCategoryID');
     $ex->exportTable('Category', "\n      SELECT\n        id,\n        forum_name,\n        forum_desc,\n        disp_position,\n        cat_id * 1000 AS parent_id\n      FROM :_forums f\n      UNION\n\n      SELECT\n        id * 1000,\n        cat_name,\n        '',\n        disp_position,\n        NULL\n      FROM :_categories", $category_Map);
     // Discussion.
     $discussion_Map = array('id' => 'DiscussionID', 'poster_id' => 'InsertUserID', 'poster_ip' => 'InsertIPAddress', 'closed' => 'Closed', 'sticky' => 'Announce', 'forum_id' => 'CategoryID', 'subject' => 'Name', 'message' => 'Body');
     $ex->exportTable('Discussion', "\n      SELECT t.*,\n        from_unixtime(p.posted) AS DateInserted,\n        p.poster_id,\n        p.poster_ip,\n        p.message,\n        from_unixtime(p.edited) AS DateUpdated,\n        eu.id AS UpdateUserID,\n        'BBCode' AS Format\n      FROM :_topics t\n      LEFT JOIN :_posts p\n        ON t.first_post_id = p.id\n      LEFT JOIN :_users eu\n        ON eu.username = p.edited_by", $discussion_Map);
     // Comment.
     $comment_Map = array('id' => 'CommentID', 'topic_id' => 'DiscussionID', 'poster_id' => 'InsertUserID', 'poster_ip' => 'InsertIPAddress', 'message' => 'Body');
     $ex->exportTable('Comment', "\n            SELECT p.*,\n        'BBCode' AS Format,\n        from_unixtime(p.posted) AS DateInserted,\n        from_unixtime(p.edited) AS DateUpdated,\n        eu.id AS UpdateUserID\n      FROM :_topics t\n      JOIN :_posts p\n        ON t.id = p.topic_id\n      LEFT JOIN :_users eu\n        ON eu.username = p.edited_by\n      WHERE p.id <> t.first_post_id;", $comment_Map);
     if ($ex->exists('tags')) {
         // Tag.
         $tag_Map = array('id' => 'TagID', 'tag' => 'Name');
         $ex->exportTable('Tag', "SELECT * FROM :_tags", $tag_Map);
         // TagDisucssion.
         $tagDiscussionMap = array('topic_id' => 'DiscussionID', 'tag_id' => 'TagID');
         $ex->exportTable('TagDiscussion', "SELECT * FROM :_topic_tags", $tagDiscussionMap);
     if ($ex->exists('attach_files')) {
         // Media.
         $media_Map = array('id' => 'MediaID', 'filename' => 'Name', 'file_mime_type' => 'Type', 'size' => 'Size', 'owner_id' => 'InsertUserID', 'thumb_path' => array('Column' => 'ThumbPath', 'Filter' => array($this, 'filterThumbnailData')), 'thumb_width' => array('Column' => 'ThumbWidth', 'Filter' => array($this, 'filterThumbnailData')));
         $ex->exportTable('Media', "\n                select f.*,\n                    concat({$this->cdn}, 'FileUpload/', f.file_path) as Path,\n                    concat({$this->cdn}, 'FileUpload/', f.file_path) as thumb_path,\n                    128 as thumb_width,\n                    from_unixtime(f.uploaded_at) as DateInserted,\n                    case when post_id is null then 'Discussion' else 'Comment' end as ForeignTable,\n                    coalesce(post_id, topic_id) as ForieignID\n                from :_attach_files f\n            ", $media_Map);
     // End
Exemplo n.º 4
  * @param ExportModel $ex
 public function forumExport($ex)
     $characterSet = $ex->getCharacterSet('Threads');
     if ($characterSet) {
         $ex->characterSet = $characterSet;
     $ex->beginExport('', 'User Voice');
     $ex->sourcePrefix = 'cs_';
     // User.
     $user_Map = array('LastActivity' => array('Column' => 'DateLastActive'), 'UserName' => array('Column' => 'Name', 'Filter' => 'HTMLDecoder'), 'CreateDate' => array('Column' => 'DateInserted'));
     $ex->exportTable('User', "\n         select u.*,\n         concat('sha1\$', m.PasswordSalt, '\$', m.Password) as Password,\n         'django' as HashMethod,\n         if(a.Content is not null, concat('import/userpics/avatar',u.UserID,'.jpg'), NULL) as Photo\n         from :_Users u\n         left join aspnet_Membership m on m.UserId = u.MembershipID\n         left join :_UserAvatar a on a.UserID = u.UserID", $user_Map);
     // Role.
     $role_Map = array('RoleId' => array('Column' => 'RoleID', 'Filter' => array($this, 'roleIDConverter')), 'RoleName' => 'Name');
     $ex->exportTable('Role', "\n         select *\n         from aspnet_Roles", $role_Map);
     // User Role.
     $userRole_Map = array('RoleId' => array('Column' => 'RoleID', 'Filter' => array($this, 'roleIDConverter')));
     $ex->exportTable('UserRole', "\n         select u.UserID, ur.RoleId\n         from aspnet_UsersInRoles ur\n         left join :_Users u on ur.UserId = u.MembershipID\n         ", $userRole_Map);
     // Category.
     $category_Map = array('SectionID' => 'CategoryID', 'ParentID' => 'ParentCategoryID', 'SortOrder' => 'Sort', 'DateCreated' => 'DateInserted');
     $ex->exportTable('Category', "\n         select s.*\n         from :_Sections s", $category_Map);
     // Discussion.
     $discussion_Map = array('ThreadID' => 'DiscussionID', 'SectionID' => 'CategoryID', 'UserID' => 'InsertUserID', 'PostDate' => 'DateInserted', 'ThreadDate' => 'DateLastComment', 'TotalViews' => 'CountViews', 'TotalReplies' => 'CountComments', 'IsLocked' => 'Closed', 'MostRecentPostAuthorID' => 'LastCommentUserID', 'MostRecentPostID' => 'LastCommentID', 'Subject' => array('Column' => 'Name', 'Filter' => 'HTMLDecoder'), 'Body' => array('Column' => 'Body', 'Filter' => 'HTMLDecoder'), 'IPAddress' => 'InsertIPAddress');
     $ex->exportTable('Discussion', "\n         select t.*,\n            p.Subject,\n            p.Body,\n            'Html' as Format,\n            p.IPAddress as InsertIPAddress,\n            if(t.IsSticky  > 0, 2, 0) as Announce\n         from :_Threads t\n         left join :_Posts p on p.ThreadID = t.ThreadID\n         where p.SortOrder = 1", $discussion_Map);
     // Comment.
     $comment_Map = array('PostID' => 'CommentID', 'ThreadID' => 'DiscussionID', 'UserID' => 'InsertUserID', 'IPAddress' => 'InsertIPAddress', 'Body' => array('Column' => 'Body', 'Filter' => 'HTMLDecoder'), 'PostDate' => 'DateInserted');
     $ex->exportTable('Comment', "\n         select p.*\n         from :_Posts p\n         where SortOrder > 1", $comment_Map);
     // Bookmarks
     $userDiscussion_Map = array('ThreadID' => 'DiscussionID');
     $ex->exportTable('UserDiscussion', "\n         select t.*,\n            '1' as Bookmarked,\n            NOW() as DateLastViewed\n         from :_TrackedThreads t", $userDiscussion_Map);
     // Media.
     /*$Media_Map = array(
          'FileName' => 'Name',
          'ContentType' => 'Type',
          'ContentSize' => 'Size',
          'UserID' => 'InsertUserID',
          'Created' => 'DateInserted'
       $ex->ExportTable('Media', "
          select a.*,
             if(p.SortOrder = 1, 'Discussion', 'Comment') as ForeignTable,
             if(p.SortOrder = 1, p.ThreadID, a.PostID) as ForeignID,
             concat('import/attach/', a.FileName) as Path
          from :_PostAttachments a
          left join :_Posts p on p.PostID = a.PostID
          where IsRemote = 0", $Media_Map);
     // Decode files in database.
     // El fin.
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Main export process.
  * @param ExportModel $ex
  * @see $_Structures in ExportModel for allowed destination tables & columns.
 public function forumExport($ex)
     $characterSet = $ex->getCharacterSet('post');
     if ($characterSet) {
         $ex->characterSet = $characterSet;
     // Reiterate the platform name here to be included in the porter file header.
     $ex->beginExport('', 'esotalk');
     // User.
     $user_Map = array('memberId' => 'UserID', 'username' => 'Name', 'email' => 'Email', 'confirmed' => 'Verified', 'password' => 'Password');
     $ex->exportTable('User', "\n         select u.*, 'crypt' as HashMethod,\n            FROM_UNIXTIME(joinTime) as DateInserted,\n            FROM_UNIXTIME(lastActionTime) as DateLastActive,\n            if(account='suspended',1,0) as Banned\n         from :_member u", $user_Map);
     // Role.
     $role_Map = array('groupId' => 'RoleID', 'name' => 'Name');
     $ex->exportTable('Role', "\n         select groupId, name\n         from :_group\n         union select max(groupId)+1, 'Member' from :_group\n         union select max(groupId)+2, 'Administrator' from :_group\n         ", $role_Map);
     // User Role.
     $userRole_Map = array('memberId' => 'UserID', 'groupId' => 'RoleID');
     // Create fake 'member' and 'administrator' roles to account for them being set separately on member table.
     $ex->exportTable('UserRole', "\n         select u.memberId, u.groupId\n         from :_member_group u\n         union all\n         select memberId, (select max(groupId)+1 from :_group) from :_member where account='member'\n         union all\n         select memberId, (select max(groupId)+2 from :_group) from :_member where account='administrator'\n         ", $userRole_Map);
     // Category.
     $category_Map = array('channelId' => 'CategoryID', 'title' => 'Name', 'slug' => 'UrlCode', 'description' => 'Description', 'parentId' => 'ParentCategoryID', 'countConversations' => 'CountDiscussions');
     $ex->exportTable('Category', "\n         select *\n         from :_channel c", $category_Map);
     // Discussion.
     $discussion_Map = array('conversationId' => 'DiscussionID', 'title' => array('Column' => 'Name', 'Filter' => 'HTMLDecoder'), 'channelId' => 'CategoryID', 'memberId' => 'InsertUserID', 'sticky' => 'Announce', 'locked' => 'Closed', 'lastPostMemberId' => 'LastCommentUserID', 'content' => 'Body');
     // The body of the OP is in the post table.
     $ex->exportTable('Discussion', "\n\t\t\tselect\n\t\t\t\tc.conversationId,\n\t\t\t\tc.title,\n\t\t\t\tc.channelId,\n\t\t\t\tp.memberId,\n\t\t\t\tc.sticky,\n\t\t\t\tc.locked,\n\t\t\t\tc.lastPostMemberId,\n\t\t\t\tp.content,\n\t\t\t\t'BBCode' as Format,\n\t\t\t\tfrom_unixtime(startTime) as DateInserted,\n\t\t\t\tfrom_unixtime(lastPostTime) as DateLastComment\n\t\t\tfrom :_conversation c\n\t\t\tleft join :_post p\n\t\t\t\ton p.conversationId = c.conversationId\n\t\t\twhere private = 0\n\t\t\tgroup by c.conversationId\n\t\t\tgroup by p.time", $discussion_Map);
     // Comment.
     $comment_Map = array('postId' => 'CommentID', 'conversationId' => 'DiscussionID', 'content' => 'Body', 'memberId' => 'InsertUserID', 'editMemberId' => 'UpdateUserID');
     // Now we need to omit the comments we used as the OP.
     $ex->exportTable('Comment', "\n\t\tselect p.*,\n\t\t\t\t'BBCode' as Format,\n\t\t\t\tfrom_unixtime(time) as DateInserted,\n\t\t\t\tfrom_unixtime(editTime) as DateUpdated\n\t\tfrom :_post p\n\t\tinner join :_conversation c ON c.conversationId = p.conversationId\n\t\tand c.private = 0\n\t\tjoin\n\t\t\t( select conversationId,\n\t\t\t\tmin(postId) as m\n\t\t\tfrom :_post\n\t\t\tgroup by conversationId) r on r.conversationId = c.conversationId\n\t\twhere p.postId<>r.m", $comment_Map);
     // UserDiscussion.
     $userDiscussion_Map = array('id' => 'UserID', 'conversationId' => 'DiscussionID');
     $ex->exportTable('UserDiscussion', "\n         select *\n         from :_member_conversation\n         where starred = 1", $userDiscussion_Map);
     // Permission.
     // :_channel_group
     // Media.
     // :_attachment
     // Conversation.
     $conversation_map = array('conversationId' => 'ConversationID', 'countPosts' => 'CountMessages', 'startMemberId' => 'InsertUserID', 'countPosts' => 'CountMessages');
     $ex->exportTable('Conversation', "\n                select p.*,\n                'BBCode' as Format,\n                from_unixtime(time) as DateInserted,\n                from_unixtime(lastposttime) as DateUpdated\n        from :_post p\n        inner join :_conversation c on c.conversationId = p.conversationId\n        and c.private = 1", $conversation_map);
     $userConversation_map = array('conversationId' => 'ConversationID', 'memberId' => 'UserID');
     $ex->exportTable('UserConversation', "\n        select distinct a.fromMemberId as memberId, a.type, c.private, c.conversationId from :_activity a\n        inner join :_conversation c on c.conversationId = a.conversationId\n        and c.private = 1 and a.type = 'privateAdd'\n        union all\n        select distinct a.memberId as memberId, a.type, c.private, c.conversationId from :_activity a\n        inner join :_conversation c on c.conversationId = a.conversationId\n        and c.private = 1 and a.type = 'privateAdd'", $userConversation_map);
     $userConversationMessage_map = array('postId' => 'MessageID', 'conversationId' => 'ConversationID', 'content' => 'Body', 'memberId' => 'InsertUserID');
     $ex->exportTable('ConversationMessage', "\n                select p.*,\n                'BBCode' as Format,\n                from_unixtime(time) as DateInserted\n        from :_post p\n        inner join :_conversation c on c.conversationId = p.conversationId and c.private = 1", $userConversationMessage_map);
Exemplo n.º 6
  * @param ExportModel $ex
 public function forumExport($ex)
     $characterSet = $ex->getCharacterSet('topics');
     if ($characterSet) {
         $ex->characterSet = $characterSet;
     $ex->beginExport('', 'Expression Engine');
     $ex->sourcePrefix = 'forum_';
     // Permissions.
     $permission_Map = array('group_id' => 'RoleID', 'can_access_cp' => 'Garden.Settings.View', 'can_access_edit' => 'Vanilla.Discussions.Edit', 'can_edit_all_comments' => 'Vanilla.Comments.Edit', 'can_access_admin' => 'Garden.Settings.Manage', 'can_admin_members' => 'Garden.Users.Edit', 'can_moderate_comments' => 'Garden.Moderation.Manage', 'can_view_profiles' => 'Garden.Profiles.View', 'can_post_comments' => 'Vanilla.Comments.Add', 'can_view_online_system' => 'Vanilla.Discussions.View', 'can_sign_in' => 'Garden.SignIn.Allow', 'can_view_profiles3' => 'Garden.Activity.View', 'can_post_comments2' => 'Vanilla.Discussions.Add');
     $permission_Map = $ex->fixPermissionColumns($permission_Map);
     foreach ($permission_Map as $column => &$info) {
         if (is_array($info) && isset($info['Column'])) {
             $info['Filter'] = array($this, 'YNBool');
     $ex->exportTable('Permission', "\n         SELECT\n            g.can_view_profiles AS can_view_profiles2,\n            g.can_view_profiles AS can_view_profiles3,\n            g.can_post_comments AS can_post_comments2,\n            g.can_post_comments AS can_sign_in,\n            CASE WHEN can_access_admin = 'y' THEN 'all' WHEN can_view_online_system = 'y' THEN 'view' END AS _Permissions,\n            g.*\n         FROM forum_member_groups g\n      ", $permission_Map);
     // User.
     $user_Map = array('member_id' => 'UserID', 'username' => array('Column' => 'Username', 'Type' => 'varchar(50)'), 'screen_name' => array('Column' => 'Name', 'Filter' => array($ex, 'HTMLDecoder')), 'Password2' => 'Password', 'email' => 'Email', 'ipaddress' => 'InsertIPAddress', 'join_date' => array('Column' => 'DateInserted', 'Filter' => array($ex, 'timestampToDate')), 'last_activity' => array('Column' => 'DateLastActive', 'Filter' => array($ex, 'timestampToDate')), 'timezone' => 'HourOffset', 'location' => 'Location');
     $ex->exportTable('User', "\n         SELECT\n            'django' AS HashMethod,\n            concat('sha1\$\$', password) AS Password2,\n            CASE WHEN bday_y > 1900 THEN concat(bday_y, '-', bday_m, '-', bday_d) ELSE NULL END AS DateOfBirth,\n            from_unixtime(join_date) AS DateFirstVisit,\n            ip_address AS LastIPAddress,\n            CASE WHEN avatar_filename = '' THEN NULL ELSE concat('imported/', avatar_filename) END AS Photo,\n            u.*\n         FROM forum_members u", $user_Map);
     // Role.
     $role_Map = array('group_id' => 'RoleID', 'group_title' => 'Name', 'group_description' => 'Description');
     $ex->exportTable('Role', "\n         SELECT *\n         FROM forum_member_groups", $role_Map);
     // User Role.
     $userRole_Map = array('member_id' => 'UserID', 'group_id' => 'RoleID');
     $ex->exportTable('UserRole', "\n         SELECT *\n         FROM forum_members u", $userRole_Map);
     // UserMeta
     $ex->exportTable('UserMeta', "\n         SELECT\n            member_id AS UserID,\n            'Plugin.Signatures.Sig' AS Name,\n            signature AS Value\n         FROM forum_members\n         WHERE signature <> ''");
     // Category.
     $category_Map = array('forum_id' => 'CategoryID', 'forum_name' => 'Name', 'forum_description' => 'Description', 'forum_parent' => 'ParentCategoryID', 'forum_order' => 'Sort');
     $ex->exportTable('Category', "\n         SELECT * FROM forum_forums", $category_Map);
     // Discussion.
     $discussion_Map = array('topic_id' => 'DiscussionID', 'forum_id' => 'CategoryID', 'author_id' => 'InsertUserID', 'title' => array('Column' => 'Name', 'Filter' => array($ex, 'HTMLDecoder')), 'ip_address' => 'InsertIPAddress', 'body' => array('Column' => 'Body', 'Filter' => array($this, 'cleanBodyBrackets')), 'body2' => array('Column' => 'Format', 'Filter' => array($this, 'guessFormat')), 'topic_date' => array('Column' => 'DateInserted', 'Filter' => array($ex, 'timestampToDate')), 'topic_edit_date' => array('Column' => 'DateUpdated', 'Filter' => array($ex, 'timestampToDate')), 'topic_edit_author' => 'UpdateUserID');
     $ex->exportTable('Discussion', "\n          SELECT\n             CASE WHEN announcement = 'y' THEN 1 WHEN sticky = 'y' THEN 2 ELSE 0 END AS Announce,\n             CASE WHEN status = 'c' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS Closed,\n             t.body AS body2,\n             t.*\n          FROM forum_forum_topics t", $discussion_Map);
     // Comment.
     $comment_Map = array('post_id' => 'CommentID', 'topic_id' => 'DiscussionID', 'author_id' => 'InsertUserID', 'ip_address' => 'InsertIPAddress', 'body' => array('Column' => 'Body', 'Filter' => array($this, 'cleanBodyBrackets')), 'body2' => array('Column' => 'Format', 'Filter' => array($this, 'guessFormat')), 'post_date' => array('Column' => 'DateInserted', 'Filter' => array($ex, 'timestampToDate')), 'post_edit_date' => array('Column' => 'DateUpdated', 'Filter' => array($ex, 'timestampToDate')), 'post_edit_author' => 'UpdateUserID');
     $ex->exportTable('Comment', "\n      SELECT\n         'Html' AS Format,\n         p.body AS body2,\n         p.*\n      FROM forum_forum_posts p", $comment_Map);
     // Media.
     $media_Map = array('filename' => 'Name', 'extension' => array('Column' => 'Type', 'Filter' => 'mimeTypeFromExtension'), 'thumb_path' => array('Column' => 'ThumbPath', 'Filter' => array($this, 'filterThumbnailData')), 'thumb_width' => array('Column' => 'ThumbWidth', 'Filter' => array($this, 'filterThumbnailData')), 'filesize' => 'Size', 'member_id' => 'InsertUserID', 'attachment_date' => array('Column' => 'DateInserted', 'Filter' => array($ex, 'timestampToDate')), 'filehash' => array('Column' => 'FileHash', 'Type' => 'varchar(100)'));
     $ex->exportTable('Media', "\n         SELECT\n            concat('imported/', filename) AS Path,\n            concat('imported/', filename) as thumb_path,\n            128 as thumb_width,\n            CASE WHEN post_id > 0 THEN post_id ELSE topic_id END AS ForeignID,\n            CASE WHEN post_id > 0 THEN 'comment' ELSE 'discussion' END AS ForeignTable,\n            a.*\n         FROM forum_forum_attachments a", $media_Map);
Exemplo n.º 7
  * @param ExportModel $ex
 public function forumExport($ex)
     $characterSet = $ex->getCharacterSet('Topic');
     if ($characterSet) {
         $ex->characterSet = $characterSet;
     $ex->beginExport('', 'YAF.NET (Yet Another Forum)');
     $ex->sourcePrefix = 'yaf_';
     // User.
     $user_Map = array('UserID' => 'UserID', 'Name' => 'Name', 'Email' => 'Email', 'Joined' => 'DateInserted', 'LastVisit' => array('Column' => 'DateLastVisit', 'Type' => 'datetime'), 'IP' => 'InsertIPAddress', 'Avatar' => 'Photo', 'RankID' => array('Column' => 'RankID', 'Type' => 'int'), 'Points' => array('Column' => 'Points', 'Type' => 'int'), 'LastActivity' => 'DateLastActive', 'Password2' => array('Column' => 'Password', 'Filter' => array($this, 'convertPassword')), 'HashMethod' => 'HashMethod');
     $ex->exportTable('User', "\n         select\n            u.*,\n            m.Password as Password2,\n            m.PasswordSalt,\n            m.PasswordFormat,\n            m.LastActivity,\n            'yaf' as HashMethod\n         from :_User u\n         left join :_prov_Membership m\n            on u.ProviderUserKey = m.UserID;", $user_Map);
     // Role.
     $role_Map = array('GroupID' => 'RoleID', 'Name' => 'Name');
     $ex->exportTable('Role', "\n         select *\n         from :_Group;", $role_Map);
     // UserRole.
     $userRole_Map = array('UserID' => 'UserID', 'GroupID' => 'RoleID');
     $ex->exportTable('UserRole', 'select * from :_UserGroup', $userRole_Map);
     // Rank.
     $rank_Map = array('RankID' => 'RankID', 'Level' => 'Level', 'Name' => 'Name', 'Label' => 'Label');
     $ex->exportTable('Rank', "\n         select\n            r.*,\n            RankID as Level,\n            Name as Label\n         from :_Rank r;", $rank_Map);
     // Signatures.
     $ex->exportTable('UserMeta', "\n         select\n            UserID,\n            'Plugin.Signatures.Sig' as `Name`,\n            Signature as `Value`\n         from :_User\n         where Signature <> ''\n\n         union all\n\n         select\n            UserID,\n            'Plugin.Signatures.Format' as `Name`,\n            'BBCode' as `Value`\n         from :_User\n         where Signature <> '';");
     // Category.
     $category_Map = array('ForumID' => 'CategoryID', 'ParentID' => 'ParentCategoryID', 'Name' => 'Name', 'Description' => 'Description', 'SortOrder' => 'Sort');
     $ex->exportTable('Category', "\n         select\n            f.ForumID,\n            case when f.ParentID = 0 then f.CategoryID * 1000 else f.ParentID end as ParentID,\n            f.Name,\n            f.Description,\n            f.SortOrder\n         from :_Forum f\n\n         union all\n\n         select\n            c.CategoryID * 1000,\n            null,\n            c.Name,\n            null,\n            c.SortOrder\n         from :_Category c;", $category_Map);
     // Discussion.
     $discussion_Map = array('TopicID' => 'DiscussionID', 'ForumID' => 'CategoryID', 'UserID' => 'InsertUserID', 'Posted' => 'DateInserted', 'Topic' => 'Name', 'Views' => 'CountViews', 'Announce' => 'Announce');
     $ex->exportTable('Discussion', "\n         select\n            case when t.Priority > 0 then 1 else 0 end as Announce,\n            t.Flags & 1 as Closed,\n            t.*\n         from :_Topic t\n         where t.IsDeleted = 0;", $discussion_Map);
     // Comment.
     $comment_Map = array('MessageID' => 'CommentID', 'TopicID' => 'DiscussionID', 'ReplyTo' => array('Column' => 'ReplyToCommentID', 'Type' => 'int'), 'UserID' => 'InsertUserID', 'Posted' => 'DateInserted', 'Message' => 'Body', 'Format' => 'Format', 'IP' => 'InsertIPAddress', 'Edited' => array('Column' => 'DateUpdated', 'Filter' => array($this, 'cleanDate')), 'EditedBy' => 'UpdateUserID');
     $ex->exportTable('Comment', "\n         select\n            case when m.Flags & 1 = 1 then 'Html' else 'BBCode' end as Format,\n            m.*\n         from :_Message m\n         where IsDeleted = 0;", $comment_Map);
     // Conversation.
     $conversation_Map = array('PMessageID' => 'ConversationID', 'FromUserID' => 'InsertUserID', 'Created' => 'DateInserted', 'Title' => array('Column' => 'Subject', 'Type' => 'varchar(512)'));
     $ex->exportTable('Conversation', "\n         select\n            pm.*,\n            g.Title\n         from z_pmgroup g\n         join :_PMessage pm\n            on g.Group_ID = pm.PMessageID;", $conversation_Map);
     // UserConversation.
     $userConversation_Map = array('PM_ID' => 'ConversationID', 'User_ID' => 'UserID', 'Deleted' => 'Deleted');
     $ex->exportTable('UserConversation', "\n         select pto.*\n         from z_pmto pto\n         join z_pmgroup g\n            on pto.PM_ID = g.Group_ID;", $userConversation_Map);
     // ConversationMessage.
     $conversationMessage_Map = array('PMessageID' => 'MessageID', 'Group_ID' => 'ConversationID', 'FromUserID' => 'InsertUserID', 'Created' => 'DateInserted', 'Body' => 'Body', 'Format' => 'Format');
     $ex->exportTable('ConversationMessage', "\n         select\n            pm.*,\n            case when pm.Flags & 1 = 1 then 'Html' else 'BBCode' end as Format,\n            t.Group_ID\n         from :_PMessage pm\n         join z_pmtext t\n            on t.PM_ID = pm.PMessageID;", $conversationMessage_Map);
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Forum-specific export format.
  * @param ExportModel $ex
 protected function forumExport($ex)
     $characterSet = $ex->getCharacterSet('messages');
     if ($characterSet) {
         $ex->characterSet = $characterSet;
     // Begin
     $ex->beginExport('', 'SMF 2.*', array('HashMethod' => 'Django'));
     // Users
     $user_Map = array('id_member' => 'UserID', 'member_name' => 'Name', 'password' => 'Password', 'email_address' => 'Email', 'DateInserted' => 'DateInserted', 'timeOffset' => 'HourOffset', 'posts' => 'CountComments', 'Photo' => 'Photo', 'birthdate' => 'DateOfBirth', 'DateFirstVisit' => 'DateFirstVisit', 'DateLastActive' => 'DateLastActive', 'DateUpdated' => 'DateUpdated');
     $ex->exportTable('User', "\n         select m.*,\n            from_unixtime(date_registered) as DateInserted,\n            from_unixtime(date_registered) as DateFirstVisit,\n            from_unixtime(last_login) as DateLastActive,\n            from_unixtime(last_login) as DateUpdated,\n            concat('sha1\$', lower(member_name), '\$', passwd) as `password`,\n            if(m.avatar <> '', m.avatar, concat('attachments/', a.filename)) as Photo\n         from :_members m\n         left join :_attachments a on a.id_member = m.id_member ", $user_Map);
     // Roles
     $role_Map = array('id_group' => 'RoleID', 'group_name' => 'Name');
     $ex->exportTable('Role', "select * from :_membergroups", $role_Map);
     // UserRoles
     $userRole_Map = array('id_member' => 'UserID', 'id_group' => 'RoleID');
     $ex->exportTable('UserRole', "select * from :_members", $userRole_Map);
     // Categories
     $category_Map = array('Name' => array('Column' => 'Name', 'Filter' => array($this, 'decodeNumericEntity')));
     $ex->exportTable('Category', "\n            select\n              (`id_cat` + 1000000) as `CategoryID`,\n              `name` as `Name`,\n              '' as `Description`,\n              null as `ParentCategoryID`,\n              `cat_order` as `Sort`\n            from :_categories\n\n            union\n\n            select\n              b.`id_board` as `CategoryID`,\n\n              b.`name` as `Name`,\n                b.`description` as `Description`,\n              (CASE WHEN b.`id_parent` = 0 THEN (`id_cat` + 1000000) ELSE `id_parent` END) as `ParentCategoryID`,\n              b.`board_order` as `Sort`\n            from :_boards b\n\n            ", $category_Map);
     // Discussions
     $discussion_Map = array('id_topic' => 'DiscussionID', 'subject' => array('Column' => 'Name', 'Filter' => array($this, 'decodeNumericEntity')), 'body' => array('Column' => 'Body'), 'Format' => 'Format', 'id_board' => 'CategoryID', 'DateInserted' => 'DateInserted', 'DateUpdated' => 'DateUpdated', 'id_member' => 'InsertUserID', 'DateLastComment' => 'DateLastComment', 'UpdateUserID' => 'UpdateUserID', 'locked' => 'Closed', 'isSticky' => 'Announce', 'CountComments' => 'CountComments', 'numViews' => 'CountViews', 'LastCommentUserID' => 'LastCommentUserID', 'id_last_msg' => 'LastCommentID');
     $ex->exportTable('Discussion', "\n      select t.*,\n         (t.num_replies + 1) as CountComments,\n         m.subject,\n         m.body,\n         from_unixtime(m.poster_time) as DateInserted,\n         from_unixtime(m.modified_time) as DateUpdated,\n         m.id_member,\n         from_unixtime(m_end.poster_time) AS DateLastComment,\n         m_end.id_member AS UpdateUserID,\n         m_end.id_member AS LastCommentUserID,\n         'BBCode' as Format\n       from :_topics t\n       join :_messages as m on t.id_first_msg = m.id_msg\n       join :_messages as m_end on t.id_last_msg = m_end.id_msg\n\n       -- where t.spam = 0 AND m.spam = 0;\n\n       ", $discussion_Map);
     // Comments
     $comment_Map = array('id_msg' => 'CommentID', 'id_topic' => 'DiscussionID', 'Format' => 'Format', 'body' => array('Column' => 'Body'), 'id_member' => 'InsertUserID', 'DateInserted' => 'DateInserted');
     $ex->exportTable('Comment', "select m.*,\n               from_unixtime(m.poster_time) AS DateInserted,\n               'BBCode' as Format\n             from :_messages m\n               join :_topics t on m.id_topic = t.id_topic\n               where m.id_msg <> t.id_first_msg;\n             ", $comment_Map);
     // Media
     $media_Map = array('ID_ATTACH' => 'MediaID', 'id_msg' => 'ForeignID', 'size' => 'Size', 'height' => 'ImageHeight', 'width' => 'ImageWidth', 'extract_mimetype' => array('Column' => 'Type', 'Filter' => function ($value, $field, $row) {
         return $this->getMimeTypeFromFileName($row['Path']);
     }), 'thumb_path' => array('Column' => 'ThumbPath', 'Filter' => array($this, 'filterThumbnailData')), 'thumb_width' => array('Column' => 'ThumbWidth', 'Filter' => array($this, 'filterThumbnailData')));
     $ex->exportTable('Media', "\n            select a.*,\n                concat('attachments/', a.filename) as Path,\n                IF(b.filename is not null, concat('attachments/', b.filename), null) as thumb_path,\n                null as extract_mimetype,\n                b.width as thumb_width,\n                if(t.id_topic is null, 'Comment', 'Discussion') as ForeignTable\n            from :_attachments a\n                left join :_attachments b on b.ID_ATTACH = a.ID_THUMB\n                left join :_topics t on a.id_msg = t.id_first_msg\n            where a.attachment_type = 0\n                and a.id_msg > 0\n        ", $media_Map);
     // Conversations
     $conversation_Map = array('id_pm_head' => 'ConversationID', 'subject' => 'Subject', 'id_member_from' => 'InsertUserID', 'unixmsgtime' => 'DateInserted');
     $ex->exportTable('Conversation', "select\n              pm.*,\n              from_unixtime(pm.msgtime) as unixmsgtime\n            from :_personal_messages pm\n            ", $conversation_Map);
     $convMsg_Map = array('id_pm' => 'MessageID', 'id_pm_head' => 'ConversationID', 'body' => 'Body', 'format' => 'Format', 'id_member_from' => 'InsertUserID', 'unixmsgtime' => 'DateInserted');
     $ex->exportTable('ConversationMessage', "select\n              pm.*,\n              from_unixtime(pm.msgtime) as unixmsgtime ,\n              'BBCode' as format\n            from :_personal_messages pm\n            ", $convMsg_Map);
     $userConv_Map = array('id_member2' => 'UserId', 'id_pm_head' => 'ConversationID', 'deleted2' => 'Deleted');
     $ex->exportTable('UserConversation', "(select\n              pm.id_member_from as id_member2,\n              pm.id_pm_head,\n              pm.deleted_by_sender as deleted2\n            from :_personal_messages pm )\n            UNION ALL\n            (select\n            pmr.id_member as id_member2,\n            pm.id_pm_head,\n            pmr.deleted as deleted2\n            from :_personal_messages pm join :_pm_recipients pmr on pmr.id_pm = pm.id_pm\n            )\n            ", $userConv_Map);
     // End
Exemplo n.º 9
  * @param ExportModel $ex
 public function forumExport($ex)
     $characterSet = $ex->getCharacterSet('mbox');
     if ($characterSet) {
         $ex->characterSet = $characterSet;
     $ex->destPrefix = 'jos';
     $ex->beginExport('', 'Joomla Kunena', array('HashMethod' => 'joomla'));
     // User.
     $user_Map = array('id' => 'UserID', 'name' => 'Name', 'email' => 'Email', 'registerDate' => 'DateInserted', 'lastvisitDate' => 'DateLastActive', 'password' => 'Password', 'showemail' => 'ShowEmail', 'birthdate' => 'DateOfBirth', 'banned' => 'Banned', 'admin' => array('Column' => 'Admin', 'Type' => 'tinyint(1)'), 'Photo' => 'Photo');
     $ex->exportTable('User', "\n         SELECT\n            u.*,\n            case when ku.avatar <> '' then concat('kunena/avatars/', ku.avatar) else null end as `Photo`,\n            case u.usertype when 'superadministrator' then 1 else 0 end as admin,\n            coalesce(ku.banned, 0) as banned,\n            ku.birthdate,\n            !ku.hideemail as showemail\n         FROM :_users u\n         left join :_kunena_users ku\n            on ku.userid = u.id", $user_Map);
     // Role.
     $role_Map = array('rank_id' => 'RoleID', 'rank_title' => 'Name');
     $ex->exportTable('Role', "select * from :_kunena_ranks", $role_Map);
     // UserRole.
     $userRole_Map = array('id' => 'UserID', 'rank' => 'RoleID');
     $ex->exportTable('UserRole', "\n         select *\n         from :_users u", $userRole_Map);
     // Permission.
     //      $ex->ExportTable('Permission',
     //      "select 2 as RoleID, 'View' as _Permissions
     //      union
     //      select 3 as RoleID, 'View' as _Permissions
     //      union
     //      select 16 as RoleID, 'All' as _Permissions", array('_Permissions' => array('Column' => '_Permissions', 'Type' => 'varchar(20)')));
     // Category.
     $category_Map = array('id' => 'CategoryID', 'parent' => 'ParentCategoryID', 'name' => 'Name', 'ordering' => 'Sort', 'description' => 'Description');
     $ex->exportTable('Category', "\n         select * from :_kunena_categories", $category_Map);
     // Discussion.
     $discussion_Map = array('id' => 'DiscussionID', 'catid' => 'CategoryID', 'userid' => 'InsertUserID', 'subject' => array('Column' => 'Name', 'Filter' => 'HTMLDecoder'), 'time' => array('Column' => 'DateInserted', 'Filter' => 'timestampToDate'), 'ip' => 'InsertIPAddress', 'locked' => 'Closed', 'hits' => 'CountViews', 'modified_by' => 'UpdateUserID', 'modified_time' => array('Column' => 'DateUpdated', 'Filter' => 'timestampToDate'), 'message' => 'Body', 'Format' => 'Format');
     $ex->exportTable('Discussion', "\n         select\n            t.*,\n            txt.message,\n            'BBCode' as Format\n         from :_kunena_messages t\n         left join :_kunena_messages_text txt\n            on t.id = txt.mesid\n         where t.thread = t.id", $discussion_Map);
     // Comment.
     $comment_Map = array('id' => 'CommentID', 'thread' => 'DiscussionID', 'userid' => 'InsertUserID', 'time' => array('Column' => 'DateInserted', 'Filter' => 'timestampToDate'), 'ip' => 'InsertIPAddress', 'modified_by' => 'UpdateUserID', 'modified_time' => array('Column' => 'DateUpdated', 'Filter' => 'timestampToDate'), 'message' => 'Body', 'Format' => 'Format');
     $ex->exportTable('Comment', "\n         select\n            t.*,\n            txt.message,\n            'BBCode' as Format\n         from :_kunena_messages t\n         left join :_kunena_messages_text txt\n            on t.id = txt.mesid\n         where t.thread <> t.id", $comment_Map);
     // UserDiscussion.
     $userDiscussion_Map = array('thread' => 'DiscussionID', 'userid' => 'UserID');
     $ex->exportTable('UserDiscussion', "\n         select t.*, 1 as Bookmarked\n         from :_kunena_subscriptions t", $userDiscussion_Map);
     // Media.
     $media_Map = array('id' => 'MediaID', 'mesid' => 'ForeignID', 'userid' => 'InsertUserID', 'size' => 'Size', 'path2' => array('Column' => 'Path', 'Filter' => 'urlDecode'), 'thumb_path' => array('Column' => 'ThumbPath', 'Filter' => array($this, 'filterThumbnailData')), 'thumb_width' => array('Column' => 'ThumbWidth', 'Filter' => array($this, 'filterThumbnailData')), 'filetype' => 'Type', 'filename' => array('Column' => 'Name', 'Filter' => 'urlDecode'), 'time' => array('Column' => 'DateInserted', 'Filter' => 'timestampToDate'));
     $ex->exportTable('Media', "\n         select\n            a.*,\n            concat(a.folder, '/', a.filename) as path2,\n            case when m.id = m.thread then 'discussion' else 'comment' end as ForeignTable,\n            m.time,\n            concat(a.folder, '/', a.filename) as thumb_path,\n            128 as thumb_width\n         from :_kunena_attachments a\n         join :_kunena_messages m\n            on m.id = a.mesid", $media_Map);
Exemplo n.º 10
  * @param ExportModel $ex
 public function forumExport($ex)
     $characterSet = $ex->getCharacterSet('Post');
     if ($characterSet) {
         $ex->characterSet = $characterSet;
     $ex->beginExport('', 'Toast Forum');
     $ex->sourcePrefix = 'tstdb_';
     // User.
     $user_Map = array('ID' => 'UserID', 'Username' => 'Name', 'Email' => 'Email', 'LastLoginDate' => array('Column' => 'DateLastActive', 'Type' => 'datetime'), 'IP' => 'LastIPAddress');
     $ex->exportTable('User', "\n         select\n            *,\n            NOW() as DateInserted\n         from :_Member u", $user_Map);
     // Determine safe RoleID to use for non-existant Member role
     $lastRoleID = 1001;
     $lastRoleResult = $ex->query("select max(ID) as LastID from :_Group");
     if ($lastRoleResult) {
         $lastRole = mysql_fetch_array($lastRoleResult);
         $lastRoleID = $lastRole['LastID'] + 1;
     // Role.
     // Add default Member role.
     $role_Map = array('ID' => 'RoleID', 'Name' => 'Name');
     $ex->exportTable('Role', "\n         select\n            ID,\n            Name\n         from :_Group\n\n         union all\n\n         select\n            {$lastRoleID} as ID,\n            'Member' as Name\n         from :_Group;", $role_Map);
     // UserRole.
     // Users without roles get put into new Member role.
     $userRole_Map = array('MemberID' => 'UserID', 'GroupID' => 'RoleID');
     $ex->exportTable('UserRole', "\n         select\n            GroupID,\n            MemberID\n         from :_MemberGroupLink\n\n         union all\n\n         select\n            {$lastRoleID} as GroupID,\n            m.ID as MemberID\n         from :_Member m\n         left join :_MemberGroupLink l\n            on l.MemberID = m.ID\n         where l.GroupID is null", $userRole_Map);
     // Signatures.
     $ex->exportTable('UserMeta', "\n         select\n            ID as UserID,\n            'Plugin.Signatures.Sig' as `Name`,\n            Signature as `Value`\n         from :_Member\n         where Signature <> ''\n\n         union all\n\n         select\n            ID as UserID,\n            'Plugin.Signatures.Format' as `Name`,\n            'BBCode' as `Value`\n         from :_Member\n         where Signature <> '';");
     // Category.
     $category_Map = array('ID' => 'CategoryID', 'CategoryID' => 'ParentCategoryID', 'ForumName' => 'Name', 'Description' => 'Description');
     $ex->exportTable('Category', "\n         select\n            f.ID,\n            f.CategoryID * 1000 as CategoryID,\n            f.ForumName,\n            f.Description\n         from :_Forum f\n\n         union all\n\n         select\n            c.ID * 1000 as ID,\n            -1 as CategoryID,\n            c.Name as ForumName,\n            null as Description\n         from :_Category c;", $category_Map);
     // Discussion.
     $discussion_Map = array('ID' => 'DiscussionID', 'ForumID' => 'CategoryID', 'MemberID' => 'InsertUserID', 'PostDate' => 'DateInserted', 'ModifyDate' => 'DateUpdated', 'LastPostDate' => 'DateLastComment', 'Subject' => 'Name', 'Message' => 'Body', 'Hits' => 'CountViews', 'ReplyCount' => 'CountComments');
     $ex->exportTable('Discussion', "\n         select p.*,\n            'Html' as Format\n         from :_Post p\n         where p.Topic = 1\n            and p.Deleted = 0;", $discussion_Map);
     // Comment.
     $comment_Map = array('ID' => 'CommentID', 'TopicID' => 'DiscussionID', 'MemberID' => 'InsertUserID', 'PostDate' => 'DateInserted', 'ModifyDate' => 'DateUpdated', 'Message' => 'Body');
     $ex->exportTable('Comment', "\n         select *,\n            'Html' as Format\n         from :_Post p\n         where Topic = 0 and Deleted = 0;", $comment_Map);
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Main export process.
  * @param ExportModel $ex
  * @see $_structures in ExportModel for allowed destination tables & columns.
 public function forumExport($ex)
     // Get the characterset for the comments.
     // Usually the comments table is the best target for this.
     $characterSet = $ex->getCharacterSet('network6_nodes');
     if ($characterSet) {
         $ex->characterSet = $characterSet;
     // Reiterate the platform name here to be included in the porter file header.
     $ex->beginExport('', 'AnswerHub');
     $result = $ex->query("select c_reserved as lastID from :_id_generators where c_identifier = 'AUTHORITABLE'", true);
     if ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
         $lastID = $row['lastID'];
     if (!isset($lastID)) {
         die('Something went wrong :S' . PHP_EOL);
     // User.
     $user_Map = array('c_email' => array('Column' => 'Email', 'Filter' => array($this, 'generateEmail')));
     $ex->exportTable('User', "\n            select\n                user.c_id as UserID,\n                user.c_name as Name,\n                sha2(concat(user.c_name, now()), 256) as Password,\n                'Reset' as HashMethod,\n                user.c_creation_date as DateInserted,\n                user.c_birthday as DateOfBirth,\n                user.c_last_seen as DateLastActive,\n                user_email.c_email,\n                0 as Admin\n            from :_network6_authoritables as user\n                 left join :_network6_user_emails as user_email on user_email.c_user = user.c_id\n            where user.c_type = 'user'\n                and user.c_name != '\$\$ANON_USER\$\$'\n\n            union all\n\n            select\n                su.c_id + {$lastID},\n                su.c_username,\n                sha2(concat(su.c_username, now()), 256),\n                'Reset',\n                su.c_creation_date,\n                null,\n                null,\n                su.c_email,\n                1 as Admin\n            from :_system_users as su\n            where su.c_active = 1\n\n        ", $user_Map);
     // Role.
     $role_Map = array();
     $ex->exportTable('Role', "\n            select\n                groups.c_id as RoleID,\n                groups.c_name as Name,\n                groups.c_description as Description\n            from :_network6_authoritables as groups\n            where groups.c_type = 'group'\n\n            union all\n\n            select\n                {$lastID} + 1,\n                'System Administrator',\n                'System users from AnswerHub'\n            from dual\n        ", $role_Map);
     // User Role.
     $userRole_Map = array();
     $ex->exportTable('UserRole', "\n            select\n                user_role.c_groups as RoleID,\n                user_role.c_members as UserID\n            from :_network6_authoritable_groups as user_role\n\n            union all\n\n            select\n                {$lastID} + 1,\n                su.c_id + {$lastID}\n            from :_system_users as su\n            where su.c_active = 1\n        ", $userRole_Map);
     // Category.
     $category_Map = array();
     $ex->exportTable('Category', "\n            select\n                containers.c_id as CategoryID,\n                case\n                    when parents.c_type = 'space' then containers.c_parent\n                    else null\n                end as ParentCategoryID,\n                containers.c_name as Name\n            from :_containers as containers\n            left join :_containers as parents on parents.c_id = containers.c_parent\n            where containers.c_type = 'space'\n                and containers.c_active = 1\n        ", $category_Map);
     // Discussion.
     $discussion_Map = array();
     // The query works fine but it will probably be slow for big tables
     $ex->exportTable('Discussion', "\n            select\n                questions.c_id as DiscussionID,\n                'Question' as Type,\n                questions.c_primaryContainer as CategoryID,\n                questions.c_author as InsertUserID,\n                questions.c_creation_date as DateInserted,\n                questions.c_title as Name,\n                coalesce(nullif(questions.c_body, ''), questions.c_title) as Body,\n                'HTML' as Format,\n                if(locate('[closed]', questions.c_normalized_state) > 0, 1, 0) as Closed,\n                if(count(answers.c_id) > 0,\n                    if (locate('[accepted]', group_concat(ifnull(answers.c_normalized_state, ''))) = 0,\n                        if (locate('[rejected]', group_concat(ifnull(answers.c_normalized_state, ''))) = 0,\n                            'Answered',\n                            'Rejected'\n                        ),\n                        'Accepted'\n                    ),\n                    'Unanswered'\n                ) as QnA\n            from :_network6_nodes as questions\n\t            left join :_network6_nodes as answers on\n\t                answers.c_parent = questions.c_id\n\t                and answers.c_type = 'answer'\n\t                and answers.c_visibility = 'full'\n            where questions.c_type = 'question'\n                and questions.c_visibility = 'full'\n            group by questions.c_id\n        ", $discussion_Map);
     // Comment.
     $comment_Map = array();
     $ex->exportTable('Comment', "\n            select\n                answers.c_id as CommentID,\n                answers.c_parent as DiscussionID,\n                answers.c_author as InsertUserID,\n                answers.c_body as Body,\n                'Html' as Format,\n                answers.c_creation_date as DateInserted,\n                if(locate('[accepted]', answers.c_normalized_state) = 0,\n                    if(locate('[rejected]', answers.c_normalized_state) = 0,\n                        null,\n                        'Rejected'\n                    ),\n                    'Accepted'\n                ) as QnA\n            from :_network6_nodes as answers\n            where answers.c_type = 'answer'\n                  and answers.c_visibility = 'full'\n        ", $comment_Map);
Exemplo n.º 12
  * Main export process.
  * @param ExportModel $ex
  * @see $_Structures in ExportModel for allowed destination tables & columns.
 public function forumExport($ex)
     // Get the characterset for the comments.
     // Usually the comments table is the best target for this.
     $characterSet = $ex->getCharacterSet('CommentsTableNameGoesHere');
     if ($characterSet) {
         $ex->characterSet = $characterSet;
     // Reiterate the platform name here to be included in the porter file header.
     $ex->beginExport('', 'Proper Platform Name Goes Here');
     // It's usually a good idea to do the porting in the approximate order laid out here.
     // User.
     // Map as much as possible using the $x_Map array for clarity.
     // Key is always the source column name.
     // Value is either the destination column or an array of meta data, usually Column & Filter.
     // If it's a meta array, 'Column' is the destination column name and 'Filter' is a method name to run it thru.
     // Here, 'HTMLDecoder' is a method in ExportModel. Check there for available filters.
     // Assume no filter is needed and only use one if you encounter issues.
     $user_Map = array('Author_ID' => 'UserID', 'Username' => array('Column' => 'Name', 'Filter' => 'HTMLDecoder'));
     // This is the query that the x_Map array above will be mapped against.
     // Therefore, our select statement must cover all the "source" columns.
     // It's frequently necessary to add joins, where clauses, and more to get the data we want.
     // The :_ before the table name is the placeholder for the prefix designated. It gets swapped on the fly.
     $ex->exportTable('User', "\n         select u.*\n         from :_User u\n         ", $user_Map);
     // Role.
     // The Vanilla roles table will be wiped by any import. If your current platform doesn't have roles,
     // you can hard code new ones into the select statement. See Vanilla's defaults for a good example.
     $role_Map = array('Group_ID' => 'RoleID', 'Name' => 'Name');
     $ex->exportTable('Role', "\n         select *\n         from :_tblGroup", $role_Map);
     // User Role.
     // Really simple matchup.
     // Note that setting Admin=1 on the User table trumps all roles & permissions with "owner" privileges.
     // Whatever account you select during the import will get the Admin=1 flag to prevent permissions issues.
     $userRole_Map = array('Author_ID' => 'UserID', 'Group_ID' => 'RoleID');
     $ex->exportTable('UserRole', "\n         select u.*\n         from :_tblAuthor u", $userRole_Map);
     // Permission.
     // Feel free to add a permission export if this is a major platform or it will see reuse.
     // For small or custom jobs, it's usually not worth it. Just fix them afterward.
     // UserMeta.
     // This is an example of pulling Signatures into Vanilla's UserMeta table.
     // This is often a good place for any extraneous data on the User table too.
     // The Profile Extender addon uses the namespace "Profile.[FieldName]"
     // You can add the appropriately-named fields after the migration and profiles will auto-populate with the migrated data.
     $ex->exportTable('UserMeta', "\n         select\n            Author_ID as UserID,\n            'Plugin.Signatures.Sig' as `Name`,\n            Signature as `Value`\n         from :_tblAuthor\n         where Signature <> ''");
     // Category.
     // Be careful to not import hundreds of categories. Try translating huge schemas to Tags instead.
     // Numeric category slugs aren't allowed in Vanilla, so be careful to sidestep those.
     // Don't worry about rebuilding the TreeLeft & TreeRight properties. Vanilla can fix this afterward
     // if you just get the Sort and ParentIDs correct.
     $category_Map = array('Forum_ID' => 'CategoryID', 'Forum_name' => 'Name');
     $ex->exportTable('Category', "\n         select *\n         from :_tblCategory c\n         ", $category_Map);
     // Discussion.
     // A frequent issue is for the OPs content to be on the comment/post table, so you may need to join it.
     $discussion_Map = array('Topic_ID' => 'DiscussionID', 'Forum_ID' => 'CategoryID', 'Author_ID' => 'InsertUserID', 'Subject' => array('Column' => 'Name', 'Filter' => 'HTMLDecoder'));
     // It's easier to convert between Unix time and MySQL datestamps during the db query.
     $ex->exportTable('Discussion', "\n         select *,\n            FROM_UNIXTIME(Message_date) as Message_date\n         from :_tblTopic t\n         join :_tblThread th\n            on t.Start_Thread_ID = th.Thread_ID", $discussion_Map);
     // Comment.
     // This is where big migrations are going to get bogged down.
     // Be sure you have indexes created for any columns you are joining on.
     $comment_Map = array('Thread_ID' => 'CommentID', 'Topic_ID' => 'DiscussionID', 'Author_ID' => 'InsertUserID', 'IP_addr' => 'InsertIPAddress', 'Message' => array('Column' => 'Body'), 'Format' => 'Format', 'Message_date' => array('Column' => 'DateInserted'));
     $ex->exportTable('Comment', "\n         select th.*\n         from :_tblThread th", $comment_Map);
     // UserDiscussion.
     // This is the table for assigning bookmarks/subscribed threads.
     // Media.
     // Attachment data goes here. Vanilla attachments are files under the /uploads folder.
     // This is usually the trickiest step because you need to translate file paths.
     // If you need to export blobs from the database, see the vBulletin porter.
     // Conversations.
     // Private messages often involve the most data manipulation.
     // If you need a large number of complex SQL statements, consider making it a separate method
     // to keep the main process easy to understand. Pass $ex as a parameter if you do.
Exemplo n.º 13
  * @param ExportModel $ex
 public function forumExport($ex)
     $characterSet = $ex->getCharacterSet('Threads');
     if ($characterSet) {
         $ex->characterSet = $characterSet;
     $ex->beginExport('', 'ASP Playground');
     $ex->sourcePrefix = 'pgd_';
     // User.
     $user_Map = array('Mem' => 'UserID', 'Login' => 'Name', 'Email' => 'Email', 'Userpass' => 'Password', 'totalPosts' => 'CountComments', 'ip' => 'LastIPAddress', 'banned' => 'Banned', 'dateSignUp' => 'DateInserted', 'lastLogin' => 'DateLastActive');
     $ex->exportTable('User', "\n         select m.*,\n            'Text' as HashMethod\n         from :_Members m;", $user_Map);
     // Role.
     /*$role_Map = array(
           'GroupID' => 'RoleID',
           'Name' => 'Name');
       $ex->ExportTable('Role', "
          select *
          from yaf_Group;", $role_Map);
     // UserRole.
     // Make everyone a member since there's no used roles.
     $userRole_Map = array('Mem' => 'UserID');
     $ex->exportTable('UserRole', 'select Mem, 8 as RoleID from :_Members', $userRole_Map);
     // Signatures.
     $ex->exportTable('UserMeta', "\n         select\n            Mem,\n            'Plugin.Signatures.Sig' as `Name`,\n            signature as `Value`\n         from :_Members\n         where signature <> ''\n\n         union all\n\n         select\n            Mem,\n            'Plugin.Signatures.Format' as `Name`,\n            'BBCode' as `Value`\n         from :_Members\n         where signature <> '';");
     // Category.
     $category_Map = array('ForumID' => 'CategoryID', 'ForumTitle' => 'Name', 'ForumDesc' => 'Description', 'Sort' => 'Sort', 'lastModTime' => 'DateUpdated');
     $ex->exportTable('Category', "\n         select f.*\n         from :_Forums f;", $category_Map);
     // Discussion.
     $discussion_Map = array('messageID' => 'DiscussionID', 'ForumID' => 'CategoryID', 'mem' => 'InsertUserID', 'dateCreated' => 'DateInserted', 'Subject' => 'Name', 'hits' => 'CountViews', 'lastupdate' => 'DateLastComment');
     $ex->exportTable('Discussion', "\n         select\n            t.*,\n            m.Body\n         from :_Threads t\n         left join :_Messages m on m.messageID = t.messageID\n         ;", $discussion_Map);
     // Comment.
     $comment_Map = array('messageID' => 'CommentID', 'threadID' => 'DiscussionID', 'parent' => array('Column' => 'ReplyToCommentID', 'Type' => 'int'), 'Mem' => 'InsertUserID', 'dateCreated' => 'DateInserted', 'Body' => 'Body', 'ip' => 'InsertIPAddress');
     $ex->exportTable('Comment', "\n         select m.*,\n            'BBCode' as Format\n         from :_Messages m;", $comment_Map);
     // Conversation.
     $Conversation_Map = array(
         'PMessageID' => 'ConversationID',
         'FromUserID' => 'InsertUserID',
         'Created' => 'DateInserted',
         'Title' => array('Column' => 'Subject', 'Type' => 'varchar(512)')
     $ex->ExportTable('Conversation', "
        from z_pmgroup g
        join yaf_PMessage pm
           on g.Group_ID = pm.PMessageID;", $Conversation_Map);
     // UserConversation.
     $UserConversation_Map = array(
         'PM_ID' => 'ConversationID',
         'User_ID' => 'UserID',
         'Deleted' => 'Deleted');
     $ex->ExportTable('UserConversation', "
        select pto.*
        from z_pmto pto
        join z_pmgroup g
           on pto.PM_ID = g.Group_ID;", $UserConversation_Map);
     // ConversationMessage.
     $ConversationMessage_Map = array(
         'PMessageID' => 'MessageID',
         'Group_ID' => 'ConversationID',
         'FromUserID' => 'InsertUserID',
         'Created' => 'DateInserted',
         'Body' => 'Body',
         'Format' => 'Format');
     $ex->ExportTable('ConversationMessage', "
           case when pm.Flags & 1 = 1 then 'Html' else 'BBCode' end as Format,
        from yaf_PMessage pm
        join z_pmtext t
           on t.PM_ID = pm.PMessageID;", $ConversationMessage_Map);
Exemplo n.º 14
  * @param ExportModel $ex
 protected function forumExport($ex)
     $characterSet = $ex->getCharacterSet('topic');
     if ($characterSet) {
         $ex->characterSet = $characterSet;
     $ex->beginExport('', 'NodeBB 0.*', array('HashMethod' => 'Vanilla'));
     // Users
     $user_Map = array('uid' => 'UserID', 'username' => 'Name', 'password' => 'Password', 'email' => 'Email', 'confirmed' => 'Confirmed', 'showemail' => 'ShowEmail', 'joindate' => array('Column' => 'DateInserted', 'Filter' => array($this, 'tsToDate')), 'lastonline' => array('Column' => 'DateLastActive', 'Filter' => array($this, 'tsToDate')), 'lastposttime' => array('Column' => 'DateUpdated', 'Filter' => array($this, 'tsToDate')), 'banned' => 'Banned', 'admin' => 'Admin', 'hm' => 'HashMethod');
     $ex->exportTable('User', "\n\n             select uid, username, password, email, `email:confirmed` as confirmed, showemail, joindate, lastonline, lastposttime, banned, 0 as admin, 'crypt' as hm\n             from :_user\n\n             ", $user_Map);
     $role_Map = array('_num' => 'RoleID', '_key' => array('Column' => 'Name', 'Filter' => array($this, 'roleNameFromKey')), 'description' => 'Description');
     $ex->exportTable('Role', "\n\n            select gm._key as _key, gm._num as _num, g.description as description\n            from :_group_members gm left join :_group g\n            on gm._key like concat(g._key, '%')\n\n            ", $role_Map);
     $userRole_Map = array('id' => 'RoleID', 'members' => 'UserID');
     $ex->exportTable('UserRole', "\n\n            select *, g._num as id\n            from :_group_members g join :_group_members__members m\n            on g._id = m._parentid\n\n        ", $userRole_Map);
     // Signatutes.
     $userMeta_Map = array('uid' => 'UserID', 'name' => 'Name', 'signature' => 'Value');
     $ex->exportTable('UserMeta', "\n\n            select uid, 'Plugin.Signatures.Sig' as name, signature\n            from :_user\n            where length(signature) > 1\n\n            union\n\n            select uid, 'Plugin.Signatures.Format', 'Markdown'\n            from :_user\n            where length(signature) > 1\n\n            union\n\n            select uid, 'Profile.Website' as name, website\n            from :_user\n            where length(website) > 7\n\n            union\n\n            select uid, 'Profile.Location' as name, location\n            from :_user\n            where length(location) > 1\n\n        ", $userMeta_Map);
     // Categories
     $category_Map = array('cid' => 'CategoryID', 'name' => array('Column' => 'Name', 'Filter' => 'HTMLDecoder'), 'description' => 'Description', 'order' => 'Sort', 'parentCid' => 'ParentCategoryID', 'slug' => array('Column' => 'UrlCode', 'Filter' => array($this, 'removeNumId')), 'image' => 'Photo', 'disabled' => 'Archived');
     $ex->exportTable('Category', "\n\n            select *\n            from :_category\n\n        ", $category_Map);
     if (!$ex->indexExists('z_idx_topic', ':_topic')) {
         $ex->query("create index z_idx_topic on :_topic(mainPid);");
     if (!$ex->indexExists('z_idx_post', ':_post')) {
         $ex->query("create index z_idx_post on :_post(pid);");
     if (!$ex->indexExists('z_idx_poll', ':_poll')) {
         $ex->query("create index z_idx_poll on :_poll(tid);");
     $ex->query("drop table if exists z_discussionids;");
     $ex->query("\n\n            create table z_discussionids (\n                tid int unsigned,\n                primary key(tid)\n            );\n\n        ");
     $ex->query("\n\n            insert ignore z_discussionids (\n                tid\n            )\n            select mainPid\n            from :_topic\n            where mainPid is not null\n            and deleted != 1;\n\n        ");
     $ex->query("drop table if exists z_reactiontotalsupvote;");
     $ex->query("\n\n            create table z_reactiontotalsupvote (\n                value varchar(50),\n                total int,\n                primary key (value)\n            );\n\n        ");
     $ex->query("drop table if exists z_reactiontotalsdownvote;");
     $ex->query("\n\n            create table z_reactiontotalsdownvote (\n                value varchar(50),\n                total int,\n                primary key (value)\n            );\n\n        ");
     $ex->query("drop table if exists z_reactiontotals;");
     $ex->query("\n\n            create table z_reactiontotals (\n              value varchar(50),\n              upvote int,\n              downvote int,\n              primary key (value)\n            );\n\n        ");
     $ex->query("\n\n            insert z_reactiontotalsupvote\n            select value, count(*) as totals\n            from :_uid_upvote\n            group by value;\n\n        ");
     $ex->query("\n\n            insert z_reactiontotalsdownvote\n            select value, count(*) as totals\n            from :_uid_downvote\n            group by value;\n\n        ");
     $ex->query("\n\n            insert z_reactiontotals\n            select *\n            from (\n                select u.value, u.total as up, d.total as down\n                from z_reactiontotalsupvote u\n                left join z_reactiontotalsdownvote d\n                on u.value = d.value\n\n                union\n\n                select d.value, u.total as up, d.total as down\n                from z_reactiontotalsdownvote d\n                left join z_reactiontotalsupvote u\n                on u.value = d.value\n            ) as reactions\n\n        ");
     $discussion_Map = array('tid' => 'DiscussionID', 'cid' => 'CategoryID', 'title' => 'Name', 'content' => 'Body', 'uid' => 'InsertUserID', 'locked' => 'Closed', 'pinned' => 'Announce', 'timestamp' => array('Column' => 'DateInserted', 'Filter' => array($this, 'tsToDate')), 'edited' => array('Column' => 'DateUpdated', 'Filter' => array($this, 'tsToDate')), 'editor' => 'UpdateUserID', 'viewcount' => 'CountViews', 'format' => 'Format', 'votes' => 'Score', 'attributes' => array('Column' => 'Attributes', 'Filter' => array($this, 'serializeReactions')), 'poll' => array('Column' => 'Type', 'Filter' => array($this, 'isPoll')));
     $ex->exportTable('Discussion', "\n\n            select p.tid, cid, title, content, p.uid, locked, pinned, p.timestamp, p.edited, p.editor, viewcount, votes, poll._id as poll, 'Markdown' as format, concat(ifnull(u.total, 0), ':', ifnull(d.total, 0)) as attributes\n            from :_topic t\n            left join :_post p\n            on t.mainPid = p.pid\n            left join z_reactiontotalsupvote u\n            on u.value = t.mainPid\n            left join z_reactiontotalsdownvote d\n            on d.value = t.mainPid\n            left join :_poll poll\n            on p.tid = poll.tid\n            where t.deleted != 1\n\n        ", $discussion_Map);
     $ex->query("drop table if exists z_comments;");
     $ex->query("\n\n            create table z_comments (\n                pid int,\n                content text,\n                uid varchar(255),\n                tid varchar(255),\n                timestamp double,\n                edited varchar(255),\n                editor varchar(255),\n                votes int,\n                upvote int,\n                downvote int,\n                primary key(pid)\n            );\n\n        ");
     $ex->query("\n\n            insert ignore z_comments (\n                pid,\n                content,\n                uid,\n                tid,\n                timestamp,\n                edited,\n                editor,\n                votes\n            )\n            select p.pid, p.content, p.uid, p.tid, p.timestamp, p.edited, p.editor, p.votes\n            from :_post p\n            left join z_discussionids t\n            on t.tid = p.pid\n            where p.deleted != 1 and t.tid is null;\n\n        ");
     $ex->query("\n\n            update z_comments as c\n            join z_reactiontotals r\n            on r.value = c.pid\n            set c.upvote = r.upvote, c.downvote = r.downvote;\n\n        ");
     // Comments
     $comment_Map = array('content' => 'Body', 'uid' => 'InsertUserID', 'tid' => 'DiscussionID', 'timestamp' => array('Column' => 'DateInserted', 'Filter' => array($this, 'tsToDate')), 'edited' => array('Column' => 'DateUpdated', 'Filter' => array($this, 'tsToDate')), 'editor' => 'UpdateUserID', 'votes' => 'Score', 'format' => 'Format', 'attributes' => array('Column' => 'Attributes', 'Filter' => array($this, 'serializeReactions')));
     $ex->exportTable('Comment', "\n\n            select content, uid, tid, timestamp, edited, editor, votes, 'Markdown' as format, concat(ifnull(upvote, 0), ':', ifnull(downvote, 0)) as attributes\n            from z_comments\n\n        ", $comment_Map);
     $poll_Map = array('pollid' => 'PollID', 'title' => 'Name', 'tid' => 'DiscussionID', 'votecount' => 'CountVotes', 'uid' => 'InsertUserID', 'timestamp' => array('Column' => 'DateInserted', 'Filter' => array($this, 'tsToDate')));
     $ex->exportTable('Poll', "\n\n            select *\n            from :_poll p left join :_poll_settings ps\n            on ps._key like concat(p._key, ':', '%')\n\n        ", $poll_Map);
     $pollOption_Map = array('_num' => 'PollOptionID', '_key' => array('Column' => 'PollID', 'Filter' => array($this, 'idFromKey')), 'title' => 'Body', 'sort' => 'Sort', 'votecount' => array('Column' => 'CountVotes', 'Filter' => array($this, 'makeNullZero')), 'format' => 'Format');
     $ex->exportTable('PollOption', "\n\n            select _num, _key, title, id+1 as sort, votecount, 'Html' as format\n            from :_poll_options\n            where title is not null\n\n        ", $pollOption_Map);
     $pollVote_Map = array('userid' => 'UserID', 'poll_option_id' => 'PollOptionID');
     $ex->exportTable('PollVote', "\n\n            select povm.members as userid, po._num as poll_option_id\n            from :_poll_options_votes__members povm\n            left join :_poll_options_votes pov\n            on povm._parentid = pov._id\n            left join :_poll_options po\n            on pov._key like concat(po._key, ':', '%')\n            where po.title is not null\n\n        ", $pollVote_Map);
     if (!$ex->indexExists('z_idx_topic_key', ':_topic')) {
         $ex->query("create index z_idx_topic_key on :_topic (_key);");
     $tag_Map = array('slug' => array('Column' => 'Name', 'Filter' => array($this, 'nameToSlug')), 'fullname' => 'FullName', 'count' => 'CountDiscussions', 'tagid' => 'TagID', 'cid' => 'CategoryID', 'type' => 'Type', 'timestamp' => array('Column' => 'DateInserted', 'Filter' => array($this, 'tsToDate')), 'uid' => 'InsertUserID');
     $now = time();
     $ex->query("set @rownr=1000;");
     $ex->exportTable('Tag', "\n\n            select @rownr:=@rownr+1 as tagid, members as fullname, members as slug, '' as type, count, timestamp, uid, cid\n            from (\n                select members, count(*) as count, _parentid\n                from :_topic_tags__members\n                group by members\n            ) as tags\n            join :_topic_tags tt\n            on tt._id = _parentid\n            left join :_topic t\n            on substring(tt._key, 1, length(tt._key) - 5) = t._key\n\n        ", $tag_Map);
     $tagDiscussion_Map = array('tagid' => 'TagID', 'tid' => 'DiscussionID', 'cid' => 'CategoryID', 'timestamp' => array('Column' => 'DateInserted', 'Filter' => array($this, 'tsToDate')));
     $ex->query("set @rownr=1000;");
     $ex->exportTable('TagDiscussion', "\n\n            select tagid, cid, tid, timestamp\n            from :_topic_tags__members two\n            join (\n                select @rownr:=@rownr+1 as tagid, members as fullname, members as slug, count\n                from (\n                    select members, count(*) as count\n                    from :_topic_tags__members\n                    group by members\n                ) as tags\n            ) as tagids\n            on two.members = tagids.fullname\n            join :_topic_tags tt\n            on tt._id = _parentid\n            left join :_topic t\n            on substring(tt._key, 1, length(tt._key) - 5) = t._key\n\n        ", $tagDiscussion_Map);
     if (!$ex->indexExists('z_idx_message_key', ':_message')) {
         $ex->query("create index z_idx_message_key on :_message(_key);");
     $ex->query("drop table if exists z_pmto;");
     $ex->query("\n\n            create table z_pmto (\n                pmid int unsigned,\n                userid int,\n                groupid int,\n                primary key(pmid, userid)\n            );\n\n        ");
     $ex->query("\n\n            insert ignore z_pmto (\n                pmid,\n                userid\n            )\n            select substring_index(_key, ':', -1), fromuid\n            from :_message;\n\n        ");
     $ex->query("\n\n            insert ignore z_pmto (\n                pmid,\n                userid\n            )\n            select substring_index(_key, ':', -1), touid\n            from :_message;\n\n        ");
     $ex->query("drop table if exists z_pmto2;");
     $ex->query("\n\n            create table z_pmto2 (\n                pmid int unsigned,\n                userids varchar(250),\n                groupid int unsigned,\n                primary key (pmid)\n            );\n\n        ");
     $ex->query("\n\n            replace z_pmto2 (\n                pmid,\n                userids\n            )\n            select pmid, group_concat(userid order by userid)\n            from z_pmto\n            group by pmid;\n\n        ");
     $ex->query("drop table if exists z_pmgroup;");
     $ex->query("\n\n            create table z_pmgroup (\n                userids varchar(250),\n                groupid varchar(255),\n                firstmessageid int,\n                lastmessageid int,\n                countmessages int,\n                primary key (userids, groupid)\n            );\n\n        ");
     $ex->query("\n\n            insert z_pmgroup\n            select userids, concat('message:', min(pmid)), min(pmid), max(pmid), count(*)\n            from z_pmto2\n            group by userids;\n\n        ");
     $ex->query("\n\n            update z_pmto2 as p\n            left join z_pmgroup g\n            on p.userids = g.userids\n            set p.groupid = g.firstmessageid;\n\n        ");
     $ex->query("\n\n            update z_pmto as p\n            left join z_pmto2 p2\n            on p.pmid = p2.pmid\n            set p.groupid = p2.groupid;\n\n        ");
     $ex->query("create index z_idx_pmto_cid on z_pmto(groupid);");
     $ex->query("create index z_idx_pmgroup_cid on z_pmgroup(firstmessageid);");
     $conversation_Map = array('conversationid' => 'ConversationID', 'firstmessageid' => 'FirstMessageID', 'lastmessageid' => 'LastMessageID', 'countparticipants' => 'CountParticipants', 'countmessages' => 'CountMessages');
     $ex->exportTable('Conversation', "\n\n            select *, firstmessageid as conversationid, 2 as countparticipants\n            from z_pmgroup\n            left join :_message\n            on groupid = _key;\n\n        ", $conversation_Map);
     $conversationMessage_Map = array('messageid' => 'MessageID', 'conversationid' => 'ConversationID', 'content' => 'Body', 'format' => 'Format', 'fromuid' => 'InsertUserID', 'timestamp' => array('Column' => 'DateInserted', 'Filter' => array($this, 'tsToDate')));
     $ex->exportTable('ConversationMessage', "\n\n            select groupid as conversationid, pmid as messageid, content, 'Text' as format, fromuid, timestamp\n            from z_pmto2\n            left join :_message\n            on concat('message:', pmid) = _key\n\n        ", $conversationMessage_Map);
     $userConversationMap = array('conversationid' => 'ConversationID', 'userid' => 'UserID', 'lastmessageid' => 'LastMessageID');
     $ex->exportTable('UserConversation', "\n\n            select p.groupid as conversationid, userid, lastmessageid\n            from z_pmto p\n            left join z_pmgroup\n            on firstmessageid = p.groupid;\n\n        ", $userConversationMap);
     //Bookmarks (watch)
     $userDiscussion_Map = array('members' => 'UserID', '_key' => array('Column' => 'DiscussionID', 'Filter' => array($this, 'idFromKey')), 'bookmarked' => 'Bookmarked');
     $ex->exportTable('UserDiscussion', "\n            select members, _key, 1 as bookmarked\n            from :_tid_followers__members\n            left join :_tid_followers\n            on _parentid = _id\n        ", $userDiscussion_Map);
     if (!$ex->indexExists('z_idx_topic_mainpid', ':_topic')) {
         $ex->query("create index z_idx_topic_mainpid on :_topic(mainPid);");
     if (!$ex->indexExists('z_idx_uid_downvote', ':_uid_downvote')) {
         $ex->query("create index z_idx_uid_downvote on :_uid_downvote(value);");
     if (!$ex->indexExists('z_idx_uid_upvote', ':_uid_upvote')) {
         $ex->query("create index z_idx_uid_upvote on :_uid_upvote(value);");
     $userTag_Map = array('tagid' => 'TagID', 'recordtype' => 'RecordType', '_key' => array('Column' => 'UserID', 'Filter' => array($this, 'idFromKey')), 'value' => 'RecordID', 'score' => array('Column' => 'DateInserted', 'Filter' => array($this, 'tsToDate')), 'total' => 'Total');
     $ex->exportTable('UserTag', "\n\n            select 11 as tagid, 'Discussion' as recordtype, u._key, u.value, score, total\n            from :_uid_upvote u\n            left join z_discussionids t\n            on u.value = t.tid\n            left join z_reactiontotalsupvote r\n            on  r.value = u.value\n            where u._key != 'uid:NaN:upvote'\n            and t.tid is not null\n\n            union\n\n            select 11 as tagid, 'Comment' as recordtype, u._key, u.value, score, total\n            from :_uid_upvote u\n            left join z_discussionids t\n            on u.value = t.tid\n            left join z_reactiontotalsupvote r\n            on  r.value = u.value\n            where u._key != 'uid:NaN:upvote'\n            and t.tid is null\n\n            union\n\n            select 10 as tagid, 'Discussion' as recordtype, u._key, u.value, score, total\n            from :_uid_downvote u\n            left join z_discussionids t\n            on u.value = t.tid\n            left join z_reactiontotalsdownvote r\n            on  r.value = u.value\n            where u._key != 'uid:NaN:downvote'\n            and t.tid is not null\n\n            union\n\n            select 10 as tagid, 'Comment' as recordtype, u._key, u.value, score, total\n            from :_uid_downvote u\n            left join z_discussionids t\n            on u.value = t.tid\n            left join z_reactiontotalsdownvote r\n            on  r.value = u.value\n            where u._key != 'uid:NaN:downvote'\n            and t.tid is null\n\n        ", $userTag_Map);
     //TODO: Permissions
Exemplo n.º 15
  * @param ExportModel $ex
 public function forumExport($ex)
     $characterSet = $ex->getCharacterSet('Topic');
     if ($characterSet) {
         $ex->characterSet = $characterSet;
     $ex->beginExport('', 'Web Wiz Forums');
     $ex->sourcePrefix = 'tbl';
     //      // Permissions.
     //      $Permission_Map = array(
     //          'group_id' => 'RoleID',
     //          'can_access_cp' => 'Garden.Settings.View',
     //          'can_access_edit' => 'Vanilla.Discussions.Edit',
     //          'can_edit_all_comments' => 'Vanilla.Comments.Edit',
     //          'can_access_admin' => 'Garden.Settings.Manage',
     //          'can_admin_members' => 'Garden.Users.Edit',
     //          'can_moderate_comments' => 'Garden.Moderation.Manage',
     //          'can_view_profiles' => 'Garden.Profiles.View',
     //          'can_post_comments' => 'Vanilla.Comments.Add',
     //          'can_view_online_system' => 'Vanilla.Discussions.View',
     //          'can_sign_in' => 'Garden.SignIn.Allow',
     //          'can_view_profiles3' => 'Garden.Activity.View',
     //          'can_post_comments2' => 'Vanilla.Discussions.Add'
     //      );
     //      $Permission_Map = $ex->FixPermissionColumns($Permission_Map);
     //      foreach ($Permission_Map as $Column => &$Info) {
     //         if (is_array($Info) && isset($Info['Column']))
     //            $Info['Filter'] = array($this, 'Bool');
     //      }
     //      $ex->ExportTable('Permission', "
     //         select
     //            g.can_view_profiles as can_view_profiles2,
     //            g.can_view_profiles as can_view_profiles3,
     //            g.can_post_comments as can_post_comments2,
     //            g.can_post_comments as can_sign_in,
     //            case when can_access_admin = 'y' then 'all' when can_view_online_system = 'y' then 'view' end as _Permissions,
     //            g.*
     //         from forum_member_groups g
     //      ", $Permission_Map);
     // User.
     $user_Map = array('Author_ID' => 'UserID', 'Username' => array('Column' => 'Name', 'Filter' => 'HTMLDecoder'), 'Real_name' => array('Column' => 'FullName', 'Type' => 'varchar(50)', 'Filter' => 'HTMLDecoder'), 'Password2' => 'Password', 'Gender2' => 'Gender', 'Author_email' => 'Email', 'Photo2' => array('Column' => 'Photo', 'Filter' => 'HTMLDecoder'), 'Login_IP' => 'LastIPAddress', 'Banned' => 'Banned', 'Join_date' => array('Column' => 'DateInserted'), 'Last_visit' => array('Column' => 'DateLastActive'), 'Location' => array('Column' => 'Location', 'Filter' => 'HTMLDecoder'), 'DOB' => 'DateOfBirth', 'Show_email' => 'ShowEmail');
     $ex->exportTable('User', "\n         select\n            concat(Salt, '\$', Password) as Password2,\n            case u.Gender when 'Male' then 'm' when 'Female' then 'f' else 'u' end as Gender2,\n         case when Avatar like 'http%' then Avatar when Avatar > '' then concat('webwiz/', Avatar) else null end as Photo2,\n            'webwiz' as HashMethod,\n            u.*\n         from :_Author u\n         ", $user_Map);
     // Role.
     $role_Map = array('Group_ID' => 'RoleID', 'Name' => 'Name');
     $ex->exportTable('Role', "\n         select *\n         from :_Group", $role_Map);
     // User Role.
     $userRole_Map = array('Author_ID' => 'UserID', 'Group_ID' => 'RoleID');
     $ex->exportTable('UserRole', "\n         select u.*\n         from :_Author u", $userRole_Map);
     // UserMeta
     $ex->exportTable('UserMeta', "\n         select\n            Author_ID as UserID,\n            'Plugin.Signatures.Sig' as `Name`,\n            Signature as `Value`\n         from :_Author\n         where Signature <> ''");
     // Category.
     $category_Map = array('Forum_ID' => 'CategoryID', 'Forum_name' => 'Name', 'Forum_description' => 'Description', 'Parent_ID' => 'ParentCategoryID', 'Forum_order' => 'Sort');
     $ex->exportTable('Category', "\n         select\n            f.Forum_ID,\n            f.Cat_ID * 1000 as Parent_ID,\n            f.Forum_order,\n            f.Forum_name,\n            f.Forum_description\n         from :_Forum f\n\n         union all\n\n         select\n            c.Cat_ID * 1000,\n            null,\n            c.Cat_order,\n            c.Cat_name,\n            null\n         from :_Category c\n         ", $category_Map);
     // Discussion.
     $discussion_Map = array('Topic_ID' => 'DiscussionID', 'Forum_ID' => 'CategoryID', 'Author_ID' => 'InsertUserID', 'Subject' => array('Column' => 'Name', 'Filter' => 'HTMLDecoder'), 'IP_addr' => 'InsertIPAddress', 'Message' => array('Column' => 'Body'), 'Format' => 'Format', 'Message_date' => array('Column' => 'DateInserted'), 'No_of_views' => 'CountViews', 'Locked' => 'Closed');
     $ex->exportTable('Discussion', "\n         select\n            th.Author_ID,\n            th.Message,\n            th.Message_date,\n            th.IP_addr,\n            'Html' as Format,\n            t.*\n         from :_Topic t\n         join :_Thread th\n            on t.Start_Thread_ID = th.Thread_ID", $discussion_Map);
     // Comment.
     $comment_Map = array('Thread_ID' => 'CommentID', 'Topic_ID' => 'DiscussionID', 'Author_ID' => 'InsertUserID', 'IP_addr' => 'InsertIPAddress', 'Message' => array('Column' => 'Body'), 'Format' => 'Format', 'Message_date' => array('Column' => 'DateInserted'));
     $ex->exportTable('Comment', "\n      select\n         th.*,\n         'Html' as Format\n      from :_Thread th\n      join :_Topic t\n         on t.Topic_ID = th.Topic_ID\n      where th.Thread_ID <> t.Start_Thread_ID", $comment_Map);
Exemplo n.º 16
  * Export each table one at a time.
  * @param ExportModel $ex
 protected function forumExport($ex)
     // Allow limited export of 1 category via ?forumid=ID
     $forumID = $this->param('forumid');
     if ($forumID) {
         $forumWhere = ' and t.forumid ' . (strpos($forumID, ', ') === false ? "= {$forumID}" : "in ({$forumID})");
     } else {
         $forumWhere = '';
     $characterSet = $ex->getCharacterSet('post');
     if ($characterSet) {
         $ex->characterSet = $characterSet;
     // Begin
     $ex->beginExport('', 'vBulletin 3.* and 4.*');
     $this->exportBlobs($this->param('files'), $this->param('avatars'));
     if ($this->param('noexport')) {
         $ex->comment('Skipping the export.');
     // Check to see if there is a max date.
     $minDate = $this->param('mindate');
     if ($minDate) {
         $minDate = strtotime($minDate);
         $ex->comment("Min topic date ({$minDate}): " . date('c', $minDate));
     $now = time();
     $cdn = $this->param('cdn', '');
     // Grab all of the ranks.
     $ranks = $ex->get("select * from :_usertitle order by minposts desc", 'usertitleid');
     // Users
     $user_Map = array('usertitle' => array('Column' => 'Title', 'Filter' => function ($value) {
         return trim(strip_tags(str_replace('&nbsp;', ' ', $value)));
     }), 'posts' => array('Column' => 'RankID', 'Filter' => function ($value) use($ranks) {
         // Look  up the posts in the ranks table.
         foreach ($ranks as $rankID => $row) {
             if ($value >= $row['minposts']) {
                 return $rankID;
         return null;
     // Use file avatar or the result of our blob export?
     if ($this->getConfig('usefileavatar')) {
         $user_Map['filephoto'] = 'Photo';
     } else {
         $user_Map['customphoto'] = 'Photo';
     $ex->exportTable('User', "\n            select\n                u.userid as UserID,\n                u.username as Name,\n                u.email as Email,\n                u.referrerid as InviteUserID,\n                u.timezoneoffset as HourOffset,\n                u.timezoneoffset as HourOffset,\n                u.ipaddress as LastIPAddress,\n                u.ipaddress as InsertIPAddress,\n                u.usertitle,\n                u.posts,\n                concat(`password`, salt) as Password,\n                date_format(birthday_search, get_format(DATE, 'ISO')) as DateOfBirth,\n                from_unixtime(joindate) as DateFirstVisit,\n                from_unixtime(lastvisit) as DateLastActive,\n                from_unixtime(joindate) as DateInserted,\n                from_unixtime(lastactivity) as DateUpdated,\n                case when avatarrevision > 0 then concat('{$cdn}', 'userpics/avatar', u.userid, '_', avatarrevision, '.gif')\n                     when av.avatarpath is not null then av.avatarpath\n                     else null\n                     end as filephoto,\n                {$this->avatarSelect},\n                case when ub.userid is not null then 1 else 0 end as Banned,\n                'vbulletin' as HashMethod\n            from :_user u\n                left join :_customavatar a on u.userid = a.userid\n                left join :_avatar av on u.avatarid = av.avatarid\n                left join :_userban ub on u.userid = ub.userid and ub.liftdate <= now()\n        ", $user_Map);
     // ":_" will be replace by database prefix
     // Roles
     $role_Map = array('usergroupid' => 'RoleID', 'title' => 'Name', 'description' => 'Description');
     $ex->exportTable('Role', 'select * from :_usergroup', $role_Map);
     // UserRoles
     $userRole_Map = array('userid' => 'UserID', 'usergroupid' => 'RoleID');
     $ex->query("drop table if exists VbulletinRoles");
     $ex->query("create table VbulletinRoles (userid int unsigned not null, usergroupid int unsigned not null)");
     # Put primary groups into tmp table
     $ex->query("insert into VbulletinRoles (userid, usergroupid) select userid, usergroupid from :_user");
     # Put stupid CSV column into tmp table
     $secondaryRoles = $ex->query("select userid, usergroupid, membergroupids from :_user");
     if (is_resource($secondaryRoles)) {
         while (($row = @mysql_fetch_assoc($secondaryRoles)) !== false) {
             if ($row['membergroupids'] != '') {
                 $groups = explode(',', $row['membergroupids']);
                 foreach ($groups as $groupID) {
                     if (!$groupID) {
                     $ex->query("insert into VbulletinRoles (userid, usergroupid) values({$row['userid']},{$groupID})", true);
     # Export from our tmp table and drop
     $ex->exportTable('UserRole', 'select distinct userid, usergroupid from VbulletinRoles', $userRole_Map);
     $ex->query("drop table if exists VbulletinRoles");
     // Permissions.
     $permissions_Map = array('usergroupid' => 'RoleID', 'title' => array('Column' => 'Garden.SignIn.Allow', 'Filter' => array($this, 'signInPermission')), 'genericpermissions' => array('Column' => 'GenericPermissions', 'type' => 'int'), 'forumpermissions' => array('Column' => 'ForumPermissions', 'type' => 'int'));
     $this->addPermissionColumns(self::$permissions, $permissions_Map);
     $ex->exportTable('Permission', 'select * from :_usergroup', $permissions_Map);
     $ex->query("drop table if exists VbulletinUserMeta");
     // UserMeta
     $ex->query("\n            create table VbulletinUserMeta(\n                `UserID` int not null,\n                `Name` varchar(255) not null,\n                `Value` text not null\n            );\n        ");
     # Standard vB user data
     $userFields = array('usertitle' => 'Title', 'homepage' => 'Website', 'styleid' => 'StyleID');
     if ($ex->exists('user', array('skype')) === true) {
         $userFields['skype'] = 'Skype';
     foreach ($userFields as $field => $insertAs) {
         $ex->query("\n                insert into VbulletinUserMeta (UserID, Name, Value)\n                    select\n                        userid,\n                        'Profile.{$insertAs}',\n                        {$field}\n                    from :_user where {$field} != '' and {$field} != 'http://'\n            ");
     if ($ex->exists('phrase', array('product', 'fieldname')) === true) {
         # Dynamic vB user data (userfield)
         $profileFields = $ex->query("\n                select\n                    varname,\n                    text\n                from :_phrase\n                where product='vbulletin'\n                    and fieldname='cprofilefield'\n                    and varname like 'field%_title'\n            ");
         if (is_resource($profileFields)) {
             $profileQueries = array();
             while ($field = @mysql_fetch_assoc($profileFields)) {
                 $column = str_replace('_title', '', $field['varname']);
                 $name = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\s_-]/', '', $field['text']);
                 $profileQueries[] = "\n                        insert into VbulletinUserMeta(UserID, Name, Value)\n                            select\n                                userid,\n                                'Profile." . $name . "',\n                                " . $column . "\n                            from :_userfield\n                            where " . $column . " != ''\n                    ";
             foreach ($profileQueries as $query) {
     // Users meta informations
     $ex->exportTable('UserMeta', "\n            select\n                userid as UserID,\n                'Plugin.Signatures.Sig' as Name,\n                signature as Value\n            from :_usertextfield\n            where nullif(signature, '') is not null\n\n            union\n\n            select\n                userid,\n                'Plugin.Signatures.Format',\n                'BBCode'\n            from :_usertextfield\n            where nullif(signature, '') is not null\n\n            union\n\n            select\n                *\n            from VbulletinUserMeta\n        ");
     // Ranks
     $rank_Map = array('usertitleid' => 'RankID', 'title' => 'Name', 'title2' => 'Label', 'minposts' => array('Column' => 'Attributes', 'Filter' => function ($value) {
         $result = array('Criteria' => array('CountPosts' => $value));
         return serialize($result);
     }), 'level' => array('Column' => 'Level', 'Filter' => function ($value) {
         static $level = 1;
         return $level++;
     $ex->exportTable('Rank', "\n            select\n                ut.*,\n                ut.title as title2,\n                0 as level\n            from :_usertitle as ut\n            order by ut.minposts\n        ", $rank_Map);
     // Categories
     $category_Map = array('title' => array('Column' => 'Name', 'Filter' => 'HTMLDecoder'), 'displayorder' => array('Column' => 'Sort', 'Type' => 'int'));
     $ex->exportTable('Category', "\n            select\n                f.forumid as CategoryID,\n                f.description as Description,\n                f.parentid as ParentCategoryID,\n                f.title,\n                f.displayorder\n            from :_forum as f\n            where 1 = 1\n                {$forumWhere}\n        ", $category_Map);
     $minDiscussionID = false;
     $minDiscussionWhere = false;
     if ($minDate) {
         $minDiscussionID = $ex->getValue("\n                select max(threadid)\n                from :_thread\n                where dateline < {$minDate}\n            ", false);
         $minDiscussionID2 = $ex->getValue("\n                select min(threadid)\n                from :_thread\n                where dateline >= {$minDate}\n            ", false);
         // The two discussion IDs should be the same, but let's average them.
         $minDiscussionID = floor(($minDiscussionID + $minDiscussionID2) / 2);
         $ex->comment('Min topic id: ' . $minDiscussionID);
     // Discussions
     $discussion_Map = array('title' => array('Column' => 'Name', 'Filter' => 'HTMLDecoder'));
     if ($ex->destination == 'database') {
         // Remove the filter from the title so that this doesn't take too long.
         $ex->HTMLDecoderDb('thread', 'title', 'threadid');
     if ($minDiscussionID) {
         $minDiscussionWhere = "and t.threadid > {$minDiscussionID}";
     $ex->exportTable('Discussion', "\n            select\n                t.threadid as DiscussionID,\n                t.forumid as CategoryID,\n                t.postuserid as InsertUserID,\n                t.postuserid as UpdateUserID,\n                t.views as CountViews,\n                t.title,\n                p.postid as ForeignID,\n                p.ipaddress as InsertIPAddress,\n                p.pagetext as Body,\n                'BBCode' as Format,\n                replycount+1 as CountComments,\n                convert(ABS(open-1), char(1)) as Closed,\n                if(convert(sticky, char(1)) > 0, 2, 0) as Announce,\n                from_unixtime(t.dateline) as DateInserted,\n                from_unixtime(lastpost) as DateLastComment,\n                if (t.pollid > 0, 'Poll', null) as Type\n            from :_thread as t\n                left join :_deletionlog as d on d.type='thread' and d.primaryid=t.threadid\n                left join :_post as p on p.postid = t.firstpostid\n            where d.primaryid is null\n                and t.visible = 1\n            {$minDiscussionWhere}\n            {$forumWhere}\n        ", $discussion_Map);
     // Comments
     $comment_Map = array();
     if ($minDiscussionID) {
         $minDiscussionWhere = "and p.threadid > {$minDiscussionID}";
     $ex->exportTable('Comment', "\n            select\n                p.postid as CommentID,\n                p.threadid as DiscussionID,\n                p.pagetext as Body,\n                p.ipaddress as InsertIPAddress,\n                'BBCode' as Format,\n                p.userid as InsertUserID,\n                p.userid as UpdateUserID,\n                from_unixtime(p.dateline) as DateInserted\n            from :_post as p\n                inner join :_thread as t on p.threadid = t.threadid\n                left join :_deletionlog as d on (d.type='post' and d.primaryid=p.postid)\n            where p.postid <> t.firstpostid\n                and d.primaryid is null\n                and p.visible = 1\n                {$minDiscussionWhere}\n                {$forumWhere}\n        ", $comment_Map);
     // UserDiscussion
     if ($minDiscussionID) {
         $minDiscussionWhere = "where st.threadid > {$minDiscussionID}";
     if ($ex->exists('threadread', array('readtime')) === true) {
         $threadReadTime = 'from_unixtime(tr.readtime)';
         $threadReadJoin = 'left join :_threadread as tr on tr.userid = st.userid and tr.threadid = st.threadid';
     } else {
         $threadReadTime = 'now()';
         $threadReadJoin = null;
     $ex->exportTable('UserDiscussion', "\n            select\n                st.userid as UserID,\n                st.threadid as DiscussionID,\n                {$threadReadTime} as DateLastViewed,\n                '1' as Bookmarked\n            from :_subscribethread as st\n                {$threadReadJoin}\n                {$minDiscussionWhere}\n        ");
     /*$ex->exportTable('UserDiscussion', "
               tr.userid as UserID,
               tr.threadid as DiscussionID,
               from_unixtime(tr.readtime) as DateLastViewed,
                   when st.threadid is not null then 1
                   else 0
               end as Bookmarked
           from :_threadread tr
           left join :_subscribethread st on tr.userid = st.userid and tr.threadid = st.threadid
     // Activity (from visitor messages in vBulletin 3.8+)
     if ($ex->exists('visitormessage') === true) {
         if ($minDiscussionID) {
             $minDiscussionWhere = "and dateline > {$minDiscussionID}";
         $activity_Map = array('postuserid' => 'RegardingUserID', 'userid' => 'ActivityUserID', 'pagetext' => 'Story', 'NotifyUserID' => 'NotifyUserID', 'Format' => 'Format');
         $ex->exportTable('Activity', "\n                select\n                    vm.*,\n                    '{RegardingUserID,you} &rarr; {ActivityUserID,you}' as HeadlineFormat,\n                    from_unixtime(vm.dateline) as DateInserted,\n                    from_unixtime(vm.dateline) as DateUpdated,\n                    inet_ntoa(vm.ipaddress) as InsertIPAddress,\n                    vm.postuserid as InsertUserID,\n                    -1 as NotifyUserID,\n                    'BBCode' as Format,\n                    'WallPost' as ActivityType\n                from :_visitormessage as vm\n                where state='visible'\n                    {$minDiscussionWhere}\n            ", $activity_Map);
     // Media
     if ($ex->exists('attachment') === true) {
     // IP Ban list
     $ipBanlist = $this->param('ipbanlist');
     if ($ipBanlist) {
         $ex->query("drop table if exists z_ipbanlist");
         $ex->query("\n                create table z_ipbanlist(\n                    id int(11) unsigned not null auto_increment,\n                    ipaddress varchar(50) default null,\n                    primary key (id),\n                    unique key ipaddress (ipaddress)\n                ) engine=InnoDB default charset=utf8\n            ");
         $result = $ex->query("select value from :_setting where varname = 'banip'");
         $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
         if ($row) {
             $insertSql = 'insert ignore into z_ipbanlist(ipaddress) values ';
             $ipString = str_replace("\r", "", $row['value']);
             $IPs = explode("\n", $ipString);
             foreach ($IPs as $IP) {
                 $IP = trim($IP);
                 if (empty($IP)) {
                 $insertSql .= '(\'' . mysql_real_escape_string($IP) . '\'), ';
             $insertSql = substr($insertSql, 0, -2);
             $ban_Map = array();
             $ex->exportTable('Ban', "\n                    select\n                        'IPAddress' as BanType,\n                        ipaddress as BanValue,\n                        'Imported ban' as Notes,\n                        NOW() as DateInserted\n                    from z_ipbanlist\n                ", $ban_Map);
             $ex->query('drop table if exists z_ipbanlist');
     // End
Exemplo n.º 17
  * @param ExportModel $ex
 protected function forumExport($ex)
     $characterSet = $ex->getCharacterSet('comment');
     if ($characterSet) {
         $ex->characterSet = $characterSet;
     // Begin
     $ex->beginExport('', 'Drupal');
     // Users
     $user_Map = array('uid' => 'UserID', 'name' => 'Name', 'Password' => 'Password', 'mail' => 'Email', 'photo' => 'Photo', 'created' => array('Column' => 'DateInserted', 'Filter' => 'timestampToDate'), 'login' => array('Column' => 'DateLastActive', 'Filter' => 'timestampToDate'));
     $ex->exportTable('User', "\n         select u.*,\n            nullif(concat('drupal/', u.picture), 'drupal/') as photo,\n            concat('md5\$\$', u.pass) as Password,\n            'Django' as HashMethod\n         from :_users u\n         where uid > 0", $user_Map);
     // Signatures.
     $userMeta_Map = array('uid' => 'UserID', 'Name' => 'Name', 'signature' => 'Value');
     $ex->exportTable('UserMeta', "\n         select u.*, 'Plugins.Signatures.Sig' as Name\n         from :_users u\n         where uid > 0", $userMeta_Map);
     // Roles.
     $role_Map = array('rid' => 'RoleID', 'name' => 'Name');
     $ex->exportTable('Role', "select r.* from :_role r", $role_Map);
     // User Role.
     $userRole_Map = array('uid' => 'UserID', 'rid' => 'RoleID');
     $ex->exportTable('UserRole', "\n         select * from :_users_roles", $userRole_Map);
     // Categories (sigh)
     $category_Map = array('tid' => 'CategoryID', 'name' => 'Name', 'description' => 'description', 'parent' => 'ParentCategoryID');
     $ex->exportTable('Category', "\n         select t.*, nullif(h.parent, 0) as parent\n         from :_term_data t\n         join :_term_hierarchy h\n            on t.tid = h.tid", $category_Map);
     // Discussions.
     $discussion_Map = array('nid' => 'DiscussionID', 'title' => 'Name', 'body' => 'Body', 'uid' => 'InsertUserID', 'created' => array('Column' => 'DateInserted', 'Filter' => 'timestampToDate'), 'DateUpdated' => array('Column' => 'DateUpdated', 'Filter' => 'timestampToDate'), 'sticky' => 'Announce', 'tid' => 'CategoryID');
     $ex->exportTable('Discussion', "\n         select n.*, nullif(n.changed, n.created) as DateUpdated, f.tid, r.body\n         from nodeforum f\n         left join node n\n            on f.nid = n.nid\n         left join node_revisions r\n            on r.nid = n.nid", $discussion_Map);
     // Comments.
     $comment_Map = array('cid' => 'CommentID', 'uid' => 'InsertUserID', 'body' => array('Column' => 'Body'), 'hostname' => 'InsertIPAddress', 'created' => array('Column' => 'DateInserted', 'Filter' => 'timestampToDate'));
     $ex->exportTable('Comment', "\n         select\n            n.created,\n            n.uid,\n            r.body,\n            c.nid as DiscussionID,\n            n.title,\n            'Html' as Format,\n            nullif(n.changed, n.created) as DateUpdated\n         from node n\n         left join node_comments c\n            on c.cid = n.nid\n         left join node_revisions r\n            on r.nid = n.nid\n         where n.type = 'forum_reply'", $comment_Map);
     // Conversations.
     $conversation_Map = array('thread_id' => 'ConversationID', 'author' => 'InsertUserID', 'title' => 'Subject');
     $ex->exportTable('Conversation', "\n            select\n                pmi.thread_id,\n                pmm.author,\n                pmm.subject as title,\n                FROM_UNIXTIME(pmm.timestamp) as DateInserted\n            from pm_message as pmm\n                inner join pm_index as pmi on pmi.mid = pmm.mid and pmm.author = pmi.uid and pmi.deleted = 0 and pmi.uid > 0\n            group by pmi.thread_id\n        ;", $conversation_Map);
     // Conversation Messages.
     $conversationMessage_Map = array('mid' => 'MessageID', 'thread_id' => 'ConversationID', 'author' => 'InsertUserID');
     $ex->exportTable('ConversationMessage', "\n            select\n                pmm.mid,\n                pmi.thread_id,\n                pmm.author,\n                FROM_UNIXTIME(pmm.timestamp) as DateInserted,\n                pmm.body as Body,\n                'Html' as Format\n            from pm_message as pmm\n                inner join pm_index as pmi on pmi.mid = pmm.mid AND pmi.deleted = 0 and pmi.uid > 0\n        ;", $conversationMessage_Map);
     // User Conversation.
     $userConversation_Map = array('uid' => 'UserID', 'thread_id' => 'ConversationID');
     $ex->exportTable('UserConversation', "\n            select\n                pmi.uid,\n                pmi.thread_id,\n                0 as Deleted\n            from pm_index as pmi\n                inner join pm_message as pmm ON pmm.mid = pmi.mid\n            where pmi.deleted = 0\n                and pmi.uid > 0\n            group by\n                pmi.uid,\n                pmi.thread_id\n        ;", $userConversation_Map);
     // Comments.
     /*$comment_Map = array(
           'cid' => 'CommentID',
           'nid' => 'DiscussionID',
           'uid' => 'InsertUserID',
           'comment' => array('Column' => 'Body'),
           'hostname' => 'InsertIPAddress',
           'timeatamp' => array('Column' => 'DateInserted', 'Filter' => 'timestampToDate')
       $ex->ExportTable('Comment', "
          select c.*,
             'Html' as Format
          from comments c
          join node n
             on c.nid = n.nid", $comment_Map);
     // Media.
     /*$Media_Map = array(
           'fid' => 'MediaID',
           'nid' => 'ForeignID',
           'filename' => 'Name',
           'path' => 'Path',
           'filemime' => 'Type',
           'filesize' => 'Size',
           'uid' => 'InsertUserID',
           'created' => array('Column' => 'DateInserted', 'Filter' => 'timestampToDate')
       $ex->ExportTable('Media', "
          select f.*,
             nullif(concat('drupal/', f.filepath), 'drupal/') as path,
             'discussion' as ForeignTable
          from files f
          join node n
             on f.nid = n.nid
          where n.type = 'forum'", $Media_Map);
Exemplo n.º 18
     * Forum-specific export format.
     * @param ExportModel $ex
    protected function forumExport($ex)
        $characterSet = $ex->getCharacterSet('messages');
        if ($characterSet) {
            $ex->characterSet = $characterSet;
        // Begin
        $ex->beginExport('', 'SMF 1.*', array('HashMethod' => 'Django'));
        // Users
        $user_Map = array('ID_MEMBER' => 'UserID', 'memberName' => 'Name', 'password' => 'Password', 'emailAddress' => 'Email', 'DateInserted' => 'DateInserted', 'timeOffset' => 'HourOffset', 'posts' => 'CountComments', 'birthdate' => 'DateOfBirth', 'DateFirstVisit' => 'DateFirstVisit', 'DateLastActive' => 'DateLastActive', 'DateUpdated' => 'DateUpdated');
        $ex->exportTable('User', "\n         select m.*,\n            from_unixtime(dateRegistered) as DateInserted,\n            from_unixtime(dateRegistered) as DateFirstVisit,\n            from_unixtime(lastLogin) as DateLastActive,\n            from_unixtime(lastLogin) as DateUpdated,\n            concat('sha1\$', lower(memberName), '\$', passwd) as `password`,\n            if(m.avatar <> '', m.avatar, concat('attachments/', a.filename)) as Photo\n         from :_members m\n         left join :_attachments a on a.ID_MEMBER = m.ID_MEMBER ", $user_Map);
        // Roles
        $role_Map = array('ID_GROUP' => 'RoleID', 'groupName' => 'Name');
        $ex->exportTable('Role', "select * from :_membergroups", $role_Map);
        // UserRoles
        $userRole_Map = array('ID_MEMBER' => 'UserID', 'ID_GROUP' => 'RoleID');
        $ex->exportTable('UserRole', "select * from :_members", $userRole_Map);
        // Categories
        $category_Map = array('Name' => array('Column' => 'Name', 'Filter' => array($this, 'decodeNumericEntity')));
        $ex->exportTable('Category', "\n      select\n        (`ID_CAT` + 1000000) as `CategoryID`,\n        `name` as `Name`,\n      '' as `Description`,\n      null as `ParentCategoryID`,\n        `catOrder` as `Sort`\n      from :_categories\n\n     union\n\n      select\n        b.`ID_BOARD` as `CategoryID`,\n\n        b.`name` as `Name`,\n        b.`description` as `Description`,\n      (CASE WHEN b.`ID_PARENT` = 0 THEN (`ID_CAT` + 1000000) ELSE `ID_PARENT` END) as `ParentCategoryID`,\n        b.`boardOrder` as `Sort`\n      from :_boards b\n\n     ", $category_Map);
        // Discussions
        $discussion_Map = array('ID_TOPIC' => 'DiscussionID', 'subject' => array('Column' => 'Name', 'Filter' => array($this, 'decodeNumericEntity')), 'body' => array('Column' => 'Body'), 'Format' => 'Format', 'ID_BOARD' => 'CategoryID', 'DateInserted' => 'DateInserted', 'DateUpdated' => 'DateUpdated', 'ID_MEMBER' => 'InsertUserID', 'DateLastComment' => 'DateLastComment', 'UpdateUserID' => 'UpdateUserID', 'locked' => 'Closed', 'isSticky' => 'Announce', 'CountComments' => 'CountComments', 'numViews' => 'CountViews', 'LastCommentUserID' => 'LastCommentUserID', 'ID_LAST_MSG' => 'LastCommentID');
        $ex->exportTable('Discussion', "\n      select t.*,\n         (t.numReplies + 1) as CountComments,\n         m.subject,\n         m.body,\n         from_unixtime(m.posterTime) as DateInserted,\n         from_unixtime(m.modifiedTime) as DateUpdated,\n         m.ID_MEMBER,\n         from_unixtime(m_end.posterTime) AS DateLastComment,\n         m_end.ID_MEMBER AS UpdateUserID,\n         m_end.ID_MEMBER AS LastCommentUserID,\n         'BBCode' as Format\n       from :_topics t\n       join :_messages as m on t.ID_FIRST_MSG = m.ID_MSG\n       join :_messages as m_end on t.ID_LAST_MSG = m_end.ID_MSG\n\n       -- where t.spam = 0 AND m.spam = 0;\n\n       ", $discussion_Map);
        // Comments
        $comment_Map = array('ID_MSG' => 'CommentID', 'ID_TOPIC' => 'DiscussionID', 'Format' => 'Format', 'body' => array('Column' => 'Body'), 'ID_MEMBER' => 'InsertUserID', 'DateInserted' => 'DateInserted');
        $ex->exportTable('Comment', "select m.*,\n         from_unixtime(m.posterTime) AS DateInserted,\n         'BBCode' as Format\n       from :_messages m\n       join :_topics t on m.ID_TOPIC = t.ID_TOPIC\n       where m.ID_MSG <> t.ID_FIRST_MSG;\n       ", $comment_Map);
        // Media
        $media_Map = array('ID_ATTACH' => 'MediaID', 'ID_MSG' => 'ForeignID', 'size' => 'Size', 'height' => 'ImageHeight', 'width' => 'ImageWidth', 'extract_mimetype' => array('Column' => 'Type', 'Filter' => function ($value, $field, $row) {
            return $this->getMimeTypeFromFileName($row['Path']);
        }), 'thumb_path' => array('Column' => 'ThumbPath', 'Filter' => array($this, 'filterThumbnailData')), 'thumb_width' => array('Column' => 'ThumbWidth', 'Filter' => array($this, 'filterThumbnailData')));
        $ex->exportTable('Media', "\n            select\n                a.*,\n                concat('attachments/', a.filename) as Path,\n                IF(b.filename is not null, concat('attachments/', b.filename), null) as thumb_path,\n                null as extract_mimetype,\n                b.width as thumb_width,\n                if(t.ID_TOPIC is null, 'Comment', 'Discussion') as ForeignTable\n            from :_attachments a\n                left join :_attachments b on b.ID_ATTACH = a.ID_THUMB\n                left join :_topics t on a.ID_MSG = t.ID_FIRST_MSG\n            where a.attachmentType = 0\n                and a.ID_MSG > 0\n        ", $media_Map);
        // Conversations need a bit more conversion so execute a series of queries for that.
        $ex->query('create table :_smfpmto (
  id int,
  to_id int,
  deleted tinyint,
  primary key(id, to_id)
        $ex->query('insert :_smfpmto (
from :_personal_messages');
        $ex->query('insert ignore :_smfpmto (
from :_pm_recipients');
        $ex->query('create table :_smfpmto2 (
  id int,
  to_ids varchar(255),
  primary key(id)
        $ex->query('insert :_smfpmto2 (
  group_concat(to_id order by to_id)
from :_smfpmto
group by id');
        $ex->query('create table :_smfpm (
  id int,
  group_id int,
  subject varchar(200),
  subject2 varchar(200),
  from_id int,
  to_ids varchar(255))');
        $ex->query('create index :_idx_smfpm2 on :_smfpm (subject2, from_id)');
        $ex->query('create index :_idx_smfpmg on :_smfpm (group_id)');
        $ex->query('insert :_smfpm (
  case when subject like \'Re: %\' then trim(substring(subject, 4)) else subject end as subject2,
from :_personal_messages pm
join :_smfpmto2 to2
  on pm.ID_PM = to2.id');
        $ex->query('create table :_smfgroups (
  id int primary key,
  subject2 varchar(200),
  to_ids varchar(255)
        $ex->query('insert :_smfgroups
  min(id) as group_id, subject2, to_ids
from :_smfpm
group by subject2, to_ids');
        $ex->query('create index :_idx_smfgroups on :_smfgroups (subject2, to_ids)');
        $ex->query('update :_smfpm pm
join :_smfgroups g
  on pm.subject2 = g.subject2 and pm.to_ids = g.to_ids
set pm.group_id = g.id');
        // Conversation.
        $conv_Map = array('id' => 'ConversationID', 'from_id' => 'InsertUserID', 'DateInserted' => 'DateInserted', 'subject2' => array('Column' => 'Subject', 'Type' => 'varchar(255)'));
        $ex->exportTable('Conversation', "select\n  pm.group_id,\n  pm.from_id,\n  pm.subject2,\n  from_unixtime(pm2.msgtime) as DateInserted\nfrom :_smfpm pm\njoin :_personal_messages pm2\n  on pm.id = pm2.ID_PM\nwhere pm.id = pm.group_id", $conv_Map);
        // ConversationMessage.
        $convMessage_Map = array('id' => 'MessageID', 'group_id' => 'ConversationID', 'DateInserted' => 'DateInserted', 'from_id' => 'InsertUserID', 'body' => array('Column' => 'Body'));
        $ex->exportTable('ConversationMessage', "select\n  pm.id,\n  pm.group_id,\n  from_unixtime(pm2.msgtime) as DateInserted,\n  pm.from_id,\n  'BBCode' as Format,\n  case when pm.subject = pm.subject2 then concat(pm.subject, '\n\n', pm2.body) else pm2.body end as body\nfrom :_smfpm pm\njoin :_personal_messages pm2\n  on pm.id = pm2.ID_PM", $convMessage_Map);
        // UserConversation.
        $userConv_Map = array('to_id' => 'UserID', 'group_id' => 'ConversationID', 'deleted' => 'Deleted');
        $ex->exportTable('UserConversation', "select\n   pm.group_id,\n   t.to_id,\n   t.deleted\n from :_smfpmto t\n join :_smfpm pm\n   on t.id = pm.group_id", $userConv_Map);
        $ex->query('drop table :_smfpm');
        $ex->query('drop table :_smfpmto');
        $ex->query('drop table :_smfpmto2');
        $ex->query('drop table :_smfgroups');
        // End
        //      echo implode("\n\n", $ex->Queries);
Exemplo n.º 19
  * Forum-specific export format
  * @todo Project file size / export time and possibly break into multiple files
  * @param ExportModel $ex
 protected function forumExport($ex)
     $this->ex = $ex;
     $characterSet = $ex->getCharacterSet('Comment');
     if ($characterSet) {
         $ex->characterSet = $characterSet;
     // Begin
     $ex->beginExport('', 'Vanilla 1.*');
     // Users
     $user_Map = array('UserID' => 'UserID', 'Name' => 'Name', 'Password' => 'Password', 'Email' => 'Email', 'Icon' => 'Photo', 'CountComments' => 'CountComments', 'Discovery' => 'DiscoveryText');
     $ex->exportTable('User', "SELECT * FROM :_User", $user_Map);
     // ":_" will be replaced by database prefix
     // Roles
     // Since the zero role is a valid role in Vanilla 1 then we'll have to reassign it.
     $r = $ex->query('select max(RoleID) as RoleID from :_Role');
     $zeroRoleID = 0;
     if (is_resource($r)) {
         while (($row = @mysql_fetch_assoc($r)) !== false) {
             $zeroRoleID = $row['RoleID'];
        'RoleID' => 'int',
        'Name' => 'varchar(100)',
        'Description' => 'varchar(200)'
     $role_Map = array('RoleID' => 'RoleID', 'Name' => 'Name', 'Description' => 'Description');
     $ex->exportTable('Role', "select RoleID, Name, Description from :_Role union all select {$zeroRoleID}, 'Applicant', 'Created by the Vanilla Porter'", $role_Map);
     $permission_Map = array('RoleID' => 'RoleID', 'PERMISSION_SIGN_IN' => 'Garden.SignIn.Allow', 'Permissions' => array('Column' => 'Vanilla.Comments.Add', 'Type' => 'tinyint', 'Filter' => array($this, 'filterPermissions')), 'PERMISSION_START_DISCUSSION' => array('Column' => 'Vanilla.Discussions.Add', 'Type' => 'tinyint', 'Filter' => array($this, 'forceBool')), 'PERMISSION_SINK_DISCUSSION' => array('Column' => 'Vanilla.Discussions.Sink', 'Type' => 'tinyint', 'Filter' => array($this, 'forceBool')), 'PERMISSION_STICK_DISCUSSIONS' => array('Column' => 'Vanilla.Discussions.Announce', 'Type' => 'tinyint', 'Filter' => array($this, 'forceBool')), 'PERMISSION_CLOSE_DISCUSSIONS' => array('Column' => 'Vanilla.Discussions.Close', 'Type' => 'tinyint', 'Filter' => array($this, 'forceBool')), 'PERMISSION_EDIT_DISCUSSIONS' => array('Column' => 'Vanilla.Discussions.Edit', 'Type' => 'tinyint', 'Filter' => array($this, 'forceBool')), 'PERMISSION_EDIT_COMMENTS' => array('Column' => 'Vanilla.Comments.Edit', 'Type' => 'tinyint', 'Filter' => array($this, 'forceBool')), 'PERMISSION_APPROVE_APPLICANTS' => array('Column' => 'Garden.Moderation.Manage', 'Type' => 'tinyint', 'Filter' => array($this, 'forceBool')), 'PERMISSION_EDIT_USERS' => array('Column' => 'Garden.Users.Edit', 'Type' => 'tinyint', 'Filter' => array($this, 'forceBool')), 'PERMISSION_CHANGE_APPLICATION_SETTINGS' => array('Column' => 'Garden.Settings.Manage', 'Type' => 'tinyint', 'Filter' => array($this, 'forceBool')));
     $ex->exportTable('Permission', "select * from :_Role", $permission_Map);
     // UserRoles
        'UserID' => 'int',
        'RoleID' => 'int'
     $userRole_Map = array('UserID' => 'UserID', 'RoleID' => 'RoleID');
     $ex->exportTable('UserRole', "select UserID, case RoleID when 0 then {$zeroRoleID} else RoleID end as RoleID from :_User", $userRole_Map);
     // Categories
        'CategoryID' => 'int',
        'Name' => 'varchar(30)',
        'Description' => 'varchar(250)',
        'ParentCategoryID' => 'int',
        'DateInserted' => 'datetime',
        'InsertUserID' => 'int',
        'DateUpdated' => 'datetime',
        'UpdateUserID' => 'int'
     $category_Map = array('CategoryID' => 'CategoryID', 'Name' => 'Name', 'Description' => 'Description');
     $ex->exportTable('Category', "select CategoryID, Name, Description from :_Category", $category_Map);
     // Discussions
        'DiscussionID' => 'int',
        'Name' => 'varchar(100)',
        'CategoryID' => 'int',
        'Body' => 'text',
        'Format' => 'varchar(20)',
        'DateInserted' => 'datetime',
        'InsertUserID' => 'int',
        'DateUpdated' => 'datetime',
        'UpdateUserID' => 'int',
        'Score' => 'float',
        'Announce' => 'tinyint',
        'Closed' => 'tinyint'
     $discussion_Map = array('DiscussionID' => 'DiscussionID', 'Name' => 'Name', 'CategoryID' => 'CategoryID', 'DateCreated' => 'DateInserted', 'DateCreated2' => 'DateUpdated', 'AuthUserID' => 'InsertUserID', 'DateLastActive' => 'DateLastComment', 'AuthUserID2' => 'UpdateUserID', 'Closed' => 'Closed', 'Sticky' => 'Announce', 'CountComments' => 'CountComments', 'Sink' => 'Sink', 'LastUserID' => 'LastCommentUserID');
     $ex->exportTable('Discussion', "SELECT d.*,\n            d.LastUserID as LastCommentUserID,\n            d.DateCreated as DateCreated2, d.AuthUserID as AuthUserID2,\n            c.Body,\n            c.FormatType as Format\n         FROM :_Discussion d\n         LEFT JOIN :_Comment c\n            ON d.FirstCommentID = c.CommentID\n         WHERE coalesce(d.WhisperUserID, 0) = 0 and d.Active = 1", $discussion_Map);
     // Comments
        'CommentID' => 'int',
        'DiscussionID' => 'int',
        'DateInserted' => 'datetime',
        'InsertUserID' => 'int',
        'DateUpdated' => 'datetime',
        'UpdateUserID' => 'int',
        'Format' => 'varchar(20)',
        'Body' => 'text',
        'Score' => 'float'
     $comment_Map = array('CommentID' => 'CommentID', 'DiscussionID' => 'DiscussionID', 'AuthUserID' => 'InsertUserID', 'DateCreated' => 'DateInserted', 'EditUserID' => 'UpdateUserID', 'DateEdited' => 'DateUpdated', 'Body' => 'Body', 'FormatType' => 'Format');
     $ex->exportTable('Comment', "\n         SELECT\n            c.*\n         FROM :_Comment c\n         JOIN :_Discussion d\n            ON c.DiscussionID = d.DiscussionID\n         WHERE d.FirstCommentID <> c.CommentID\n            AND c.Deleted = '0'\n            AND coalesce(d.WhisperUserID, 0) = 0\n            AND coalesce(c.WhisperUserID, 0) = 0", $comment_Map);
     $ex->exportTable('UserDiscussion', "\n         SELECT\n            w.UserID,\n            w.DiscussionID,\n            w.CountComments,\n            w.LastViewed as DateLastViewed,\n            case when b.UserID is not null then 1 else 0 end AS Bookmarked\n         FROM :_UserDiscussionWatch w\n         LEFT JOIN :_UserBookmark b\n            ON w.DiscussionID = b.DiscussionID AND w.UserID = b.UserID");
     // Conversations
     // Create a mapping tables for conversations.
     // These mapping tables are used to group comments that a) are in the same discussion and b) are from and to the same users.
     $ex->query("drop table if exists z_pmto");
     $ex->query("create table z_pmto (\n  CommentID int,\n  UserID int,\n  primary key(CommentID, UserID)\n )");
     $ex->query("insert ignore z_pmto (\n  CommentID,\n  UserID\n)\nselect distinct\n  CommentID,\n  AuthUserID\nfrom :_Comment\nwhere coalesce(WhisperUserID, 0) <> 0");
     $ex->query("insert ignore z_pmto (\n  CommentID,\n  UserID\n)\nselect distinct\n  CommentID,\n  WhisperUserID\nfrom :_Comment\nwhere coalesce(WhisperUserID, 0) <> 0");
     $ex->query("insert ignore z_pmto (\n  CommentID,\n  UserID\n)\nselect distinct\n  c.CommentID,\n  d.AuthUserID\nfrom :_Discussion d\njoin :_Comment c\n  on c.DiscussionID = d.DiscussionID\nwhere coalesce(d.WhisperUserID, 0) <> 0");
     $ex->query("insert ignore z_pmto (\n  CommentID,\n  UserID\n)\nselect distinct\n  c.CommentID,\n  d.WhisperUserID\nfrom :_Discussion d\njoin :_Comment c\n  on c.DiscussionID = d.DiscussionID\nwhere coalesce(d.WhisperUserID, 0) <> 0");
     $ex->query("insert ignore z_pmto (\n  CommentID,\n  UserID\n)\nselect distinct\n  c.CommentID,\n  c.AuthUserID\nfrom :_Discussion d\njoin :_Comment c\n  on c.DiscussionID = d.DiscussionID\nwhere coalesce(d.WhisperUserID, 0) <> 0");
     $ex->query("drop table if exists z_pmto2");
     $ex->query("create table z_pmto2 (\n  CommentID int,\n  UserIDs varchar(250),\n  primary key (CommentID)\n)");
     $ex->query("insert z_pmto2 (\n  CommentID,\n  UserIDs\n)\nselect\n  CommentID,\n  group_concat(UserID order by UserID)\nfrom z_pmto\ngroup by CommentID");
     $ex->query("drop table if exists z_pm");
     $ex->query("create table z_pm (\n  CommentID int,\n  DiscussionID int,\n  UserIDs varchar(250),\n  GroupID int\n)");
     $ex->query("insert ignore z_pm (\n  CommentID,\n  DiscussionID\n)\nselect\n  CommentID,\n  DiscussionID\nfrom :_Comment\nwhere coalesce(WhisperUserID, 0) <> 0");
     $ex->query("insert ignore z_pm (\n  CommentID,\n  DiscussionID\n)\nselect\n  c.CommentID,\n  c.DiscussionID\nfrom :_Discussion d\njoin :_Comment c\n  on c.DiscussionID = d.DiscussionID\nwhere coalesce(d.WhisperUserID, 0) <> 0");
     $ex->query("update z_pm pm\njoin z_pmto2 t\n  on t.CommentID = pm.CommentID\nset pm.UserIDs = t.UserIDs");
     $ex->query("drop table if exists z_pmgroup");
     $ex->query("create table z_pmgroup (\n  GroupID int,\n  DiscussionID int,\n  UserIDs varchar(250)\n)");
     $ex->query("insert z_pmgroup (\n  GroupID,\n  DiscussionID,\n  UserIDs\n)\nselect\n  min(pm.CommentID),\n  pm.DiscussionID,\n  t2.UserIDs\nfrom z_pm pm\njoin z_pmto2 t2\n  on pm.CommentID = t2.CommentID\ngroup by pm.DiscussionID, t2.UserIDs");
     $ex->query("create index z_idx_pmgroup on z_pmgroup (DiscussionID, UserIDs)");
     $ex->query("create index z_idx_pmgroup2 on z_pmgroup (GroupID)");
     $ex->query("update z_pm pm\njoin z_pmgroup g\n  on pm.DiscussionID = g.DiscussionID and pm.UserIDs = g.UserIDs\nset pm.GroupID = g.GroupID");
     $conversation_Map = array('AuthUserID' => 'InsertUserID', 'DateCreated' => 'DateInserted', 'DiscussionID' => array('Column' => 'DiscussionID', 'Type' => 'int'), 'CommentID' => 'ConversationID', 'Name' => array('Column' => 'Subject', 'Type' => 'varchar(255)'));
     $ex->exportTable('Conversation', "select c.*, d.Name\nfrom :_Comment c\njoin :_Discussion d\n  on d.DiscussionID = c.DiscussionID\njoin z_pmgroup g\n  on g.GroupID = c.CommentID;", $conversation_Map);
     // ConversationMessage.
     $conversationMessage_Map = array('CommentID' => 'MessageID', 'GroupID' => 'ConversationID', 'Body' => 'Body', 'FormatType' => 'Format', 'AuthUserID' => 'InsertUserID', 'DateCreated' => 'DateInserted');
     $ex->exportTable('ConversationMessage', "select c.*, pm.GroupID\nfrom z_pm pm\njoin :_Comment c\n  on pm.CommentID = c.CommentID", $conversationMessage_Map);
     // UserConversation
        'UserID' => 'int',
        'ConversationID' => 'int',
        'LastMessageID' => 'int'
     $userConversation_Map = array('UserID' => 'UserID', 'GroupID' => 'ConversationID');
     $ex->exportTable('UserConversation', "select distinct\n  pm.GroupID,\n  t.UserID\nfrom z_pmto t\njoin z_pm pm\n  on pm.CommentID = t.CommentID", $userConversation_Map);
     $ex->query("drop table z_pmto");
     $ex->query("drop table z_pmto2");
     $ex->query("drop table z_pm");
     $ex->query("drop table z_pmgroup");
     // Media
     if ($ex->exists('Attachment')) {
         $media_Map = array('AttachmentID' => 'MediaID', 'Name' => 'Name', 'MimeType' => 'Type', 'Size' => 'Size', 'Path' => array('Column' => 'Path', 'Filter' => array($this, 'stripMediaPath')), 'UserID' => 'InsertUserID', 'DateCreated' => 'DateInserted', 'CommentID' => 'ForeignID');
         $ex->exportTable('Media', "select a.*, 'comment' as ForeignTable from :_Attachment a", $media_Map);
     // End
Exemplo n.º 20
  * Forum-specific export format.
  * @param ExportModel $ex
 protected function forumExport($ex)
     $characterSet = $ex->getCharacterSet('posts');
     if ($characterSet) {
         $ex->characterSet = $characterSet;
     $ex->sourcePrefix = 'phpbb_';
     // Begin
     $ex->beginExport('', 'phpBB 3.*', array('HashMethod' => 'phpBB'));
     // Users.
     // Grab the avatar salt.
     $px = $ex->getValue("select config_value from :_config where config_name = 'avatar_salt'", '');
     $cdn = $this->param('cdn', '');
     $user_Map = array('user_id' => 'UserID', 'username' => array('Column' => 'Name', 'Filter' => 'HTMLDecoder'), 'user_password' => 'Password', 'user_email' => 'Email', 'user_timezone' => 'HourOffset', 'user_posts' => array('Column' => 'CountComments', 'Type' => 'int'), 'photo' => 'Photo', 'user_rank' => 'RankID', 'user_ip' => 'LastIPAddress');
     $ex->exportTable('User', "select *,\n            case user_avatar_type\n               when 1 then concat('{$cdn}', 'phpbb/', '{$px}', '_', user_id, substr(user_avatar from locate('.', user_avatar)))\n               when 2 then user_avatar\n               else null end as photo,\n            FROM_UNIXTIME(nullif(user_regdate, 0)) as DateFirstVisit,\n            FROM_UNIXTIME(nullif(user_lastvisit, 0)) as DateLastActive,\n            FROM_UNIXTIME(nullif(user_regdate, 0)) as DateInserted,\n            ban_userid is not null as Banned\n         from :_users\n            left join :_banlist bl ON (ban_userid = user_id)\n         ", $user_Map);
     // ":_" will be replace by database prefix
     // Roles
     $role_Map = array('group_id' => 'RoleID', 'group_name' => 'Name', 'group_desc' => 'Description');
     $ex->exportTable('Role', 'select * from :_groups', $role_Map);
     // Ranks.
     $rank_Map = array('rank_id' => 'RankID', 'level' => array('Column' => 'Level', 'Filter' => function ($value) {
         static $level = 0;
         return $level;
     }), 'rank_title' => 'Name', 'title2' => 'Label', 'rank_min' => array('Column' => 'Attributes', 'Filter' => function ($value, $field, $row) {
         $result = array();
         if ($row['rank_min']) {
             $result['Criteria']['CountPosts'] = $row['rank_min'];
         if ($row['rank_special']) {
             $result['Criteria']['Manual'] = true;
         return serialize($result);
     $ex->exportTable('Rank', "\n         select r.*, r.rank_title as title2, 0 as level\n         from :_ranks r\n         order by rank_special, rank_min;", $rank_Map);
     // Permissions.
     $ex->exportTable('Permission', "select\n         group_id as RoleID,\n         case\n            when group_name like '%Guest%' or group_name like 'BOTS' then 'View'\n            when group_name like '%Mod%' then 'View,Garden.SignIn.Allow,Garden.Profiles.Edit,Garden.Settings.View,Vanilla.Discussions.Add,Vanilla.Comments.Add,Garden.Moderation.Manage'\n            when group_name like '%Admin%' then 'All'\n            else 'View,Garden.SignIn.Allow,Garden.Profiles.Edit,Vanilla.Discussions.Add,Vanilla.Comments.Add'\n         end as _Permissions\n         from :_groups");
     // UserRoles
     $userRole_Map = array('user_id' => 'UserID', 'group_id' => 'RoleID');
     $ex->exportTable('UserRole', 'select user_id, group_id from :_users
      select user_id, group_id from :_user_group', $userRole_Map);
     // Signatutes.
     $userMeta_Map = array('user_id' => 'UserID', 'name' => 'Name', 'user_sig' => array('Column' => 'Value', 'Filter' => array($this, 'removeBBCodeUIDs')));
     $ex->exportTable('UserMeta', "\n         select user_id, 'Plugin.Signatures.Sig' as name, user_sig, user_sig_bbcode_uid as bbcode_uid\n         from :_users\n         where length(user_sig) > 1\n\n         union\n\n         select user_id, 'Plugin.Signatures.Format', 'BBCode', null\n         from :_users\n         where length(user_sig) > 1\n         ", $userMeta_Map);
     // Categories
     $category_Map = array('forum_id' => 'CategoryID', 'forum_name' => array('Column' => 'Name', 'Filter' => 'HTMLDecoder'), 'forum_desc' => 'Description', 'left_id' => 'Sort');
     $ex->exportTable('Category', "select *,\n         nullif(parent_id,0) as ParentCategoryID\n         from :_forums", $category_Map);
     // Discussions
     $discussion_Map = array('topic_id' => 'DiscussionID', 'forum_id' => 'CategoryID', 'topic_poster' => 'InsertUserID', 'topic_title' => 'Name', 'Format' => 'Format', 'topic_views' => 'CountViews', 'topic_first_post_id' => array('Column' => 'FirstCommentID', 'Type' => 'int'), 'type' => 'Type');
     $ex->exportTable('Discussion', "select t.*,\n            'BBCode' as Format,\n            case t.topic_status when 1 then 1 else 0 end as Closed,\n            case t.topic_type when 1 then 1 else 0 end as Announce,\n            case when t.poll_start > 0 then 'poll' else null end as type,\n            FROM_UNIXTIME(t.topic_time) as DateInserted,\n            FROM_UNIXTIME(t.topic_last_post_time) as DateUpdated,\n            FROM_UNIXTIME(t.topic_last_post_time) as DateLastComment\n         from :_topics t", $discussion_Map);
     // Comments
     $comment_Map = array('post_id' => 'CommentID', 'topic_id' => 'DiscussionID', 'post_text' => array('Column' => 'Body', 'Filter' => array($this, 'removeBBCodeUIDs')), 'Format' => 'Format', 'poster_id' => 'InsertUserID', 'poster_ip' => array('Column' => 'InsertIPAddress', 'Filter' => 'forceIP4'), 'post_edit_user' => 'UpdateUserID');
     $ex->exportTable('Comment', "select p.*,\n            'BBCode' as Format,\n            FROM_UNIXTIME(p.post_time) as DateInserted,\n            FROM_UNIXTIME(nullif(p.post_edit_time,0)) as DateUpdated\n         from :_posts p", $comment_Map);
     // UserDiscussion
     $userDiscussion_Map = array('user_id' => 'UserID', 'topic_id' => 'DiscussionID');
     $ex->exportTable('UserDiscussion', "select b.*,\n         1 as Bookmarked\n         from :_bookmarks b", $userDiscussion_Map);
     // Conversations tables.
     $ex->query("drop table if exists z_pmto;");
     $ex->query("create table z_pmto (\nid int unsigned,\nuserid int unsigned,\nprimary key(id, userid));");
     $ex->query("insert ignore z_pmto (id, userid)\nselect msg_id, author_id\nfrom :_privmsgs;");
     $ex->query("insert ignore z_pmto (id, userid)\nselect msg_id, user_id\nfrom :_privmsgs_to;");
     $ex->query("insert ignore z_pmto (id, userid)\nselect msg_id, author_id\nfrom :_privmsgs_to;");
     $ex->query("drop table if exists z_pmto2;");
     $ex->query("create table z_pmto2 (\n  id int unsigned,\n  userids varchar(250),\n  primary key (id)\n);");
     $ex->query("insert ignore z_pmto2 (id, userids)\nselect\n  id,\n  group_concat(userid order by userid)\nfrom z_pmto\ngroup by id;");
     $ex->query("drop table if exists z_pm;");
     $ex->query("create table z_pm (\n  id int unsigned,\n  subject varchar(255),\n  subject2 varchar(255),\n  userids varchar(250),\n  groupid int unsigned\n);");
     $ex->query("insert z_pm (\n  id,\n  subject,\n  subject2,\n  userids\n)\nselect\n  pm.msg_id,\n  pm.message_subject,\n  case when pm.message_subject like 'Re: %' then trim(substring(pm.message_subject, 4)) else pm.message_subject end as subject2,\n  t.userids\nfrom :_privmsgs pm\njoin z_pmto2 t\n  on t.id = pm.msg_id;");
     $ex->query("create index z_idx_pm on z_pm (id);");
     $ex->query("drop table if exists z_pmgroup;");
     $ex->query("create table z_pmgroup (\n  groupid int unsigned,\n  subject varchar(255),\n  userids varchar(250)\n);");
     $ex->query("insert z_pmgroup (\n  groupid,\n  subject,\n  userids\n)\nselect\n  min(pm.id),\n  pm.subject2,\n  pm.userids\nfrom z_pm pm\ngroup by pm.subject2, pm.userids;");
     $ex->query("create index z_idx_pmgroup on z_pmgroup (subject, userids);");
     $ex->query("create index z_idx_pmgroup2 on z_pmgroup (groupid);");
     $ex->query("update z_pm pm\njoin z_pmgroup g\n  on pm.subject2 = g.subject and pm.userids = g.userids\nset pm.groupid = g.groupid;");
     // Polls.
     $poll_Map = array('poll_id' => 'PollID', 'poll_title' => 'Name', 'topic_id' => 'DiscussionID', 'topic_time' => array('Column' => 'DateInserted', 'Filter' => 'timestampToDate'), 'topic_poster' => 'InsertUserID', 'anonymous' => 'Anonymous');
     $ex->exportTable('Poll', "\n         select distinct\n            t.*,\n            t.topic_id as poll_id,\n            1 as anonymous\n         from :_poll_options po\n         join :_topics t\n            on po.topic_id = t.topic_id", $poll_Map);
     $pollOption_Map = array('id' => 'PollOptionID', 'poll_option_id' => 'Sort', 'topic_id' => 'PollID', 'poll_option_text' => 'Body', 'format' => 'Format', 'poll_option_total' => 'CountVotes', 'topic_time' => array('Column' => 'DateInserted', 'Filter' => 'timestampToDate'), 'topic_poster' => 'InsertUserID');
     $ex->exportTable('PollOption', "\n         select\n            po.*,\n            po.poll_option_id * 1000000 + po.topic_id as id,\n            'Html' as format,\n            t.topic_time,\n            t.topic_poster\n         from :_poll_options po\n         join :_topics t\n            on po.topic_id = t.topic_id", $pollOption_Map);
     $pollVote_Map = array('vote_user_id' => 'UserID', 'id' => 'PollOptionID');
     $ex->exportTable('PollVote', "\n         select v.*, v.poll_option_id * 1000000 + v.topic_id as id\n         from :_poll_votes v", $pollVote_Map);
     // Conversations.
     $conversation_Map = array('msg_id' => 'ConversationID', 'author_id' => 'InsertUserID', 'RealSubject' => array('Column' => 'Subject', 'Type' => 'varchar(250)', 'Filter' => array('Phpbb2', 'EntityDecode')));
     $ex->exportTable('Conversation', "select\n  g.subject as RealSubject,\n  pm.*,\n  from_unixtime(pm.message_time) as DateInserted\nfrom :_privmsgs pm\njoin z_pmgroup g\n  on g.groupid = pm.msg_id", $conversation_Map);
     // Coversation Messages.
     $conversationMessage_Map = array('msg_id' => 'MessageID', 'groupid' => 'ConversationID', 'message_text' => array('Column' => 'Body', 'Filter' => array($this, 'removeBBCodeUIDs')), 'author_id' => 'InsertUserID');
     $ex->exportTable('ConversationMessage', "select\n         pm.*,\n         pm2.groupid,\n         'BBCode' as Format,\n         FROM_UNIXTIME(pm.message_time) as DateInserted\n       from :_privmsgs pm\n       join z_pm pm2\n         on pm.msg_id = pm2.id", $conversationMessage_Map);
     // User Conversation.
     $userConversation_Map = array('userid' => 'UserID', 'groupid' => 'ConversationID');
     $ex->exportTable('UserConversation', "select\n         g.groupid,\n         t.userid\n       from z_pmto t\n       join z_pmgroup g\n         on g.groupid = t.id;", $userConversation_Map);
     $ex->query('drop table if exists z_pmto');
     $ex->query('drop table if exists z_pmto2;');
     $ex->query('drop table if exists z_pm;');
     $ex->query('drop table if exists z_pmgroup;');
     // Media.
     $cdn = $this->param('cdn', '');
     $media_Map = array('attach_id' => 'MediaID', 'real_filename' => 'Name', 'thumb_path' => array('Column' => 'ThumbPath', 'Filter' => array($this, 'filterThumbnailData')), 'thumb_width' => array('Column' => 'ThumbWidth', 'Filter' => array($this, 'filterThumbnailData')), 'post_id' => 'InsertUserID', 'mimetype' => 'Type', 'filesize' => 'Size');
     $ex->exportTable('Media', "select\n  case when a.post_msg_id = t.topic_first_post_id then 'discussion' else 'comment' end as ForeignTable,\n  case when a.post_msg_id = t.topic_first_post_id then a.topic_id else a.post_msg_id end as ForeignID,\n  concat('{$cdn}','FileUpload/', a.physical_filename, '.', a.extension) as Path,\n  concat('{$cdn}','FileUpload/', a.physical_filename, '.', a.extension) as thumb_path,\n  128 as thumb_width,\n  FROM_UNIXTIME(a.filetime) as DateInserted,\n  a.*\nfrom :_attachments a\njoin :_topics t\n  on a.topic_id = t.topic_id", $media_Map);
     // End
Exemplo n.º 21
  * Forum-specific export format.
  * @param ExportModel $ex
 protected function forumExport($ex)
     $characterSet = $ex->getCharacterSet('posts_text');
     if ($characterSet) {
         $ex->characterSet = $characterSet;
     $ex->sourcePrefix = 'phpbb_';
     // Begin
     $ex->beginExport('', 'phpBB 2.*', array('HashMethod' => 'phpBB'));
     // Users
     $user_Map = array('user_id' => 'UserID', 'username' => 'Name', 'user_password' => 'Password', 'user_email' => 'Email', 'user_timezone' => 'HourOffset', 'user_posts' => array('Column' => 'CountComments', 'Type' => 'int'));
     $ex->exportTable('User', "select *,\n            FROM_UNIXTIME(nullif(user_regdate, 0)) as DateFirstVisit,\n            FROM_UNIXTIME(nullif(user_lastvisit, 0)) as DateLastActive,\n            FROM_UNIXTIME(nullif(user_regdate, 0)) as DateInserted\n         from :_users", $user_Map);
     // ":_" will be replace by database prefix
     // Roles
     $role_Map = array('group_id' => 'RoleID', 'group_name' => 'Name', 'group_description' => 'Description');
     // Skip single-user groups
     $ex->exportTable('Role', 'select * from :_groups where group_single_user = 0', $role_Map);
     // UserRoles
     $userRole_Map = array('user_id' => 'UserID', 'group_id' => 'RoleID');
     // Skip pending memberships
     $ex->exportTable('UserRole', '
         from :_user_group
         where user_pending = 0
     ;', $userRole_Map);
     // Categories
     $category_Map = array('id' => 'CategoryID', 'cat_title' => 'Name', 'description' => 'Description', 'parentid' => 'ParentCategoryID');
     $ex->exportTable('Category', "select\n  c.cat_id * 1000 as id,\n  c.cat_title,\n  c.cat_order * 1000 as Sort,\n  null as parentid,\n  '' as description\nfrom :_categories c\n\nunion all\n\nselect\n  f.forum_id,\n  f.forum_name,\n  c.cat_order * 1000 + f.forum_order,\n  c.cat_id * 1000 as parentid,\n  f.forum_desc\nfrom :_forums f\nleft join :_categories c\n  on f.cat_id = c.cat_id", $category_Map);
     // Discussions
     $discussion_Map = array('topic_id' => 'DiscussionID', 'forum_id' => 'CategoryID', 'topic_poster' => 'InsertUserID', 'topic_title' => 'Name', 'Format' => 'Format', 'topic_views' => 'CountViews');
     $ex->exportTable('Discussion', "select t.*,\n        'BBCode' as Format,\n         case t.topic_status when 1 then 1 else 0 end as Closed,\n         case t.topic_type when 1 then 1 else 0 end as Announce,\n         FROM_UNIXTIME(t.topic_time) as DateInserted\n        from :_topics t", $discussion_Map);
     // Comments
     $comment_Map = array('post_id' => 'CommentID', 'topic_id' => 'DiscussionID', 'post_text' => array('Column' => 'Body', 'Filter' => array($this, 'removeBBCodeUIDs')), 'Format' => 'Format', 'poster_id' => 'InsertUserID');
     $ex->exportTable('Comment', "select p.*, pt.post_text, pt.bbcode_uid,\n        'BBCode' as Format,\n         FROM_UNIXTIME(p.post_time) as DateInserted,\n         FROM_UNIXTIME(nullif(p.post_edit_time,0)) as DateUpdated\n         from :_posts p inner join :_posts_text pt on p.post_id = pt.post_id", $comment_Map);
     // Conversations tables.
     $ex->query("drop table if exists z_pmto;");
     $ex->query("create table z_pmto (\nid int unsigned,\nuserid int unsigned,\nprimary key(id, userid));");
     $ex->query("insert ignore z_pmto (id, userid)\nselect privmsgs_id, privmsgs_from_userid\nfrom :_privmsgs;");
     $ex->query("insert ignore z_pmto (id, userid)\nselect privmsgs_id, privmsgs_to_userid\nfrom :_privmsgs;");
     $ex->query("drop table if exists z_pmto2;");
     $ex->query("create table z_pmto2 (\n  id int unsigned,\n  userids varchar(250),\n  primary key (id)\n);");
     $ex->query("insert ignore z_pmto2 (id, userids)\nselect\n  id,\n  group_concat(userid order by userid)\nfrom z_pmto\ngroup by id;");
     $ex->query("drop table if exists z_pm;");
     $ex->query("create table z_pm (\n  id int unsigned,\n  subject varchar(255),\n  subject2 varchar(255),\n  userids varchar(250),\n  groupid int unsigned\n);");
     $ex->query("insert z_pm (\n  id,\n  subject,\n  subject2,\n  userids\n)\nselect\n  pm.privmsgs_id,\n  pm.privmsgs_subject,\n  case when pm.privmsgs_subject like 'Re: %' then trim(substring(pm.privmsgs_subject, 4)) else pm.privmsgs_subject end as subject2,\n  t.userids\nfrom :_privmsgs pm\njoin z_pmto2 t\n  on t.id = pm.privmsgs_id;");
     $ex->query("create index z_idx_pm on z_pm (id);");
     $ex->query("drop table if exists z_pmgroup;");
     $ex->query("create table z_pmgroup (\n  groupid int unsigned,\n  subject varchar(255),\n  userids varchar(250)\n);");
     $ex->query("insert z_pmgroup (\n  groupid,\n  subject,\n  userids\n)\nselect\n  min(pm.id),\n  pm.subject2,\n  pm.userids\nfrom z_pm pm\ngroup by pm.subject2, pm.userids;");
     $ex->query("create index z_idx_pmgroup on z_pmgroup (subject, userids);");
     $ex->query("create index z_idx_pmgroup2 on z_pmgroup (groupid);");
     $ex->query("update z_pm pm\njoin z_pmgroup g\n  on pm.subject2 = g.subject and pm.userids = g.userids\nset pm.groupid = g.groupid;");
     // Conversations.
     $conversation_Map = array('privmsgs_id' => 'ConversationID', 'privmsgs_from_userid' => 'InsertUserID', 'RealSubject' => array('Column' => 'Subject', 'Type' => 'varchar(250)', 'Filter' => array('Phpbb2', 'EntityDecode')));
     $ex->exportTable('Conversation', "select\n  g.subject as RealSubject,\n  pm.*,\n  from_unixtime(pm.privmsgs_date) as DateInserted\nfrom :_privmsgs pm\njoin z_pmgroup g\n  on g.groupid = pm.privmsgs_id", $conversation_Map);
     // Coversation Messages.
     $conversationMessage_Map = array('privmsgs_id' => 'MessageID', 'groupid' => 'ConversationID', 'privmsgs_text' => array('Column' => 'Body', 'Filter' => array($this, 'removeBBCodeUIDs')), 'privmsgs_from_userid' => 'InsertUserID');
     $ex->exportTable('ConversationMessage', "select\n         pm.*,\n         txt.*,\n         txt.privmsgs_bbcode_uid as bbcode_uid,\n         pm2.groupid,\n         'BBCode' as Format,\n         FROM_UNIXTIME(pm.privmsgs_date) as DateInserted\n       from :_privmsgs pm\n       join :_privmsgs_text txt\n         on pm.privmsgs_id = txt.privmsgs_text_id\n       join z_pm pm2\n         on pm.privmsgs_id = pm2.id", $conversationMessage_Map);
     // User Conversation.
     $userConversation_Map = array('userid' => 'UserID', 'groupid' => 'ConversationID');
     $ex->exportTable('UserConversation', "select\n         g.groupid,\n         t.userid\n       from z_pmto t\n       join z_pmgroup g\n         on g.groupid = t.id;", $userConversation_Map);
     $ex->query('drop table if exists z_pmto');
     $ex->query('drop table if exists z_pmto2;');
     $ex->query('drop table if exists z_pm;');
     $ex->query('drop table if exists z_pmgroup;');
     // End
Exemplo n.º 22
  * Main export process.
  * @param ExportModel $ex
  * @see $_Structures in ExportModel for allowed destination tables & columns.
 public function forumExport($ex)
     // Get the characterset for the comments.
     // Usually the comments table is the best target for this.
     $characterSet = $ex->getCharacterSet('messages');
     if ($characterSet) {
         $ex->characterSet = $characterSet;
     // Reiterate the platform name here to be included in the porter file header.
     $ex->beginExport('', 'FuseTalk');
     $ex->comment("Creating indexes... ");
     $result = $ex->query('show index from :_users where Key_name = "ix_users_userid"', true);
     if (!mysql_num_rows($result)) {
         $ex->query('create index ix_users_userid on :_users (iuserid)');
     $result = $ex->query('show index from :_banning where Key_name = "ix_banning_banstring"', true);
     if (!mysql_num_rows($result)) {
         $ex->query('create index ix_banning_banstring on :_banning (vchbanstring)');
     $result = $ex->query('show index from :_forumusers where Key_name = "ix_forumusers_userid"', true);
     if (!mysql_num_rows($result)) {
         $ex->query('create index ix_forumusers_userid on :_forumusers (iuserid)');
     $result = $ex->query('show index from :_groupusers where Key_name = "ix_groupusers_userid"', true);
     if (!mysql_num_rows($result)) {
         $ex->query('create index ix_groupusers_userid on :_groupusers (iuserid)');
     $result = $ex->query('show index from :_privatemessages where Key_name = "ix_privatemessages_vchusagestatus"', true);
     if (!mysql_num_rows($result)) {
         $ex->query('create index ix_privatemessages_vchusagestatus on :_privatemessages (vchusagestatus)');
     $result = $ex->query('show index from :_threads where Key_name = "ix_threads_id_pollflag"', true);
     if (!mysql_num_rows($result)) {
         $ex->query('create index ix_threads_id_pollflag on :_threads (ithreadid, vchpollflag)');
     $result = $ex->query('show index from :_threads where Key_name = "ix_threads_poll"', true);
     if (!mysql_num_rows($result)) {
         $ex->query('create index ix_threads_poll on :_threads (vchpollflag)');
     $ex->comment("Indexes done!");
     // Users
     $user_Map = array();
     $ex->exportTable('User', "\n            select\n                user.iuserid as UserID,\n                user.vchnickname as Name,\n                user.vchemailaddress as Email,\n                user.vchpassword as Password,\n                'md5' as HashMethod,\n                if (forumusers.vchauthoricon is not null, concat('authoricons/', forumusers.vchauthoricon), null) as Photo,\n                user.dtinsertdate as DateInserted,\n                user.dtlastvisiteddate as DateLastActive,\n                user.bapproved as Confirmed,\n                if (user.iuserlevel = 0, 1, 0) as Admin,\n                if (coalesce(bemail.vchbanstring, bname.vchbanstring, 0) != 0, 1, 0) as Banned\n            from :_users as user\n                left join :_forumusers as forumusers using (iuserid)\n                left join :_banning as bemail on b.vchbanstring = user.vchemailaddress\n                left join :_banning as bname on b.vchbanstring = user.vchnickname\n            group by user.iuserid\n         ;", $user_Map);
     // ":_" will be replaced by database prefix
     $memberRoleID = 1;
     $result = $ex->query("select max(igroupid) as maxRoleID from :_groups", true);
     if ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
         $memberRoleID += $row['maxRoleID'];
     // UserMeta. (Signatures)
     $ex->exportTable('UserMeta', "\n            select\n                user.iuserid as UserID,\n                'Plugin.Signatures.Sig' as Name,\n                user.txsignature as Value\n            from :_users as user\n            where nullif(nullif(user.txsignature, ''), char(0)) is not null\n\n            union all\n\n            select\n                user.iuserid,\n                'Plugin.Signatures.Format',\n                'Html'\n            from :_users as user\n            where nullif(nullif(user.txsignature, ''), char(0)) is not null\n        ");
     // Role.
     $role_Map = array();
     $ex->exportTable('Role', "\n            select\n                groups.igroupid as RoleID,\n                groups.vchgroupname as Name\n            from :_groups as groups\n\n            union all\n\n            select\n                {$memberRoleID} as RoleID,\n                'Members'\n            from dual\n        ", $role_Map);
     // User Role.
     $userRole_Map = array();
     $ex->exportTable('UserRole', "\n            select\n                user.iuserid as UserID,\n                ifnull (user_role.igroupid, {$memberRoleID}) as RoleID\n            from :_users as user\n                left join :_groupusers as user_role using (iuserid)\n        ", $userRole_Map);
     $ex->query("drop table if exists zConversations;");
     $ex->query("\n            create table zConversations(\n                `ConversationID` int(11) not null AUTO_INCREMENT,\n                `User1` int(11) not null,\n                `User2` int(11) not null,\n                `DateInserted` datetime not null,\n                primary key (`ConversationID`),\n                key `IX_zConversation_User1_User2` (`User1`,`User2`)\n            );\n        ");
     $ex->query("\n            insert into zConversations(`User1`, `User2`, `DateInserted`)\n                select\n                    if (pm.iuserid < pm.iownerid, pm.iuserid, pm.iownerid) as User1,\n                    if (pm.iuserid < pm.iownerid, pm.iownerid, pm.iuserid) as User2,\n                    min(pm.dtinsertdate)\n                from :_privatemessages as pm\n                group by\n                    User1,\n                    User2\n        ");
     // Conversations.
     $conversation_Map = array();
     $ex->exportTable('Conversation', "\n            select\n                c.ConversationID as ConversationID,\n                c.User1 as InsertUserID,\n                c.DateInserted as DateInserted\n            from zConversations as c\n        ;", $conversation_Map);
     // Conversation Messages.
     $conversationMessage_Map = array('txmessage' => array('Column' => 'Body', 'Filter' => array($this, 'fixSmileysURL')));
     $ex->exportTable('ConversationMessage', "\n            select\n                pm.imessageid as MessageID,\n                c.ConversationID,\n                pm.txmessage,\n                'Html' as Format,\n                pm.iownerid as InsertUserID,\n                pm.dtinsertdate as DateInserted\n            from zConversations as c\n                inner join :_privatemessages as pm on pm.iuserid = c.User1 and pm.iownerid = c.User2\n            where vchusagestatus = 'sent'\n\n            union all\n\n            select\n                pm.imessageid as MessageID,\n                c.ConversationID,\n                pm.txmessage,\n                'Html' as Format,\n                pm.iownerid as InsertUserID,\n                pm.dtinsertdate as DateInserted\n            from zConversations as c\n                inner join :_privatemessages as pm on pm.iuserid = c.User2 and pm.iownerid = c.User1\n            where vchusagestatus = 'sent'\n        ;", $conversationMessage_Map);
     // User Conversation.
     $userConversation_Map = array();
     $ex->exportTable('UserConversation', "\n            select\n                c.ConversationID,\n                c.User1 as UserID,\n                now() as DateLastViewed\n            from zConversations as c\n\n            union all\n\n            select\n                c.ConversationID,\n                c.User2 as UserID,\n                now() as DateLastViewed\n            from zConversations as c\n        ;", $userConversation_Map);
     // Category.
     $category_Map = array();
     $ex->exportTable('Category', "\n            select\n                categories.icategoryid as CategoryID,\n                categories.vchcategoryname as Name,\n                categories.vchdescription as Description,\n                -1 as ParentCategoryID\n            from :_categories as categories\n        ", $category_Map);
     // Discussion.
     /* Skip "Body". It will be fixed at import.
      * The first comment is going to be used to fill the missing data and will then be deleted
     $discussion_Map = array();
     $ex->exportTable('Discussion', "\n            select\n                threads.ithreadid as DiscussionID,\n                threads.vchthreadname as Name,\n                threads.icategoryid as CategoryID,\n                threads.iuserid as InsertUserID,\n                threads.dtinsertdate as DateInserted,\n                'HTML' as Format,\n                if (threads.vchalertthread = 'Yes' and threads.dtstaydate > now(), 2, 0) as Announce,\n                if (threads.vchthreadlock = 'Locked', 1, 0) as Closed\n            from :_threads as threads\n        ", $discussion_Map);
     // Comment.
      * The iparentid column doesn't make any sense since the display is ordered by date only (there are no "sub" comment)
     $comment_Map = array('txmessage' => array('Column' => 'Body', 'Filter' => array($this, 'fixSmileysURL')));
     $ex->exportTable('Comment', "\n            select\n                messages.imessageid as CommentID,\n                messages.ithreadid as DiscussionID,\n                messages.iuserid as InsertUserID,\n                messages.txmessage,\n                'Html' as Format,\n                messages.dtmessagedate as DateInserted\n            from :_messages as messages\n        ", $comment_Map);
Exemplo n.º 23
  * Forum-specific export format.
  * @param ExportModel $ex
 protected function forumExport($ex)
     $characterSet = $ex->getCharacterSet('mbox');
     if ($characterSet) {
         $ex->characterSet = $characterSet;
     // Begin
     $ex->beginExport('', 'Mbox', array());
     // Temporary user table
     $ex->query('create table :_mbox_user (UserID int AUTO_INCREMENT, Name varchar(255), Email varchar(255), PRIMARY KEY (UserID))');
     $result = $ex->query('select Sender from :_mbox group by Sender', true);
     // Users, pt 1: Build ref array; Parse name & email out - strip quotes, <, >
     $users = array();
     while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
         // Most senders are "Name <Email>"
         $nameParts = explode('<', trim($row['Sender'], '"'));
         // Sometimes the sender is just <email>
         if ($nameParts[0] == '') {
             $name = trim(str_replace('>', '', $nameParts[1]));
         } else {
             $name = trim(str_replace('\\', '', $nameParts[0]));
         if (strstr($name, '@') !== false) {
             // Only wound up with an email
             $name = explode('@', $name);
             $name = $name[0];
         $email = $this->parseEmail($row['Sender']);
         // Compile by unique email
         $users[$email] = $name;
     // Users, pt 2: loop thru unique emails
     foreach ($users as $email => $name) {
         $ex->query('insert into :_mbox_user (Name, Email)
         values ("' . mysql_real_escape_string($name) . '", "' . mysql_real_escape_string($email) . '")');
         $userID = mysql_insert_id();
         // Overwrite user list with new UserID instead of name
         $users[$email] = $userID;
     // Temporary category table
     $ex->query('create table :_mbox_category (CategoryID int AUTO_INCREMENT, Name varchar(255),
      PRIMARY KEY (CategoryID))');
     $result = $ex->query('select Folder from :_mbox group by Folder', true);
     // Parse name out & build ref array
     $categories = array();
     while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
         $ex->query('insert into :_mbox_category (Name)
         values ("' . mysql_real_escape_string($row["Folder"]) . '")');
         $categoryID = mysql_insert_id();
         $categories[$row["Folder"]] = $categoryID;
     // Temporary post table
     $ex->query('create table :_mbox_post (PostID int AUTO_INCREMENT, DiscussionID int,
      IsDiscussion tinyint default 0, InsertUserID int, Name varchar(255), Body text, DateInserted datetime,
      CategoryID int, PRIMARY KEY (PostID))');
     $result = $ex->query('select * from :_mbox', true);
     // Parse name, body, date, userid, categoryid
     while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
         // Assemble posts into a format we can actually export.
         // Subject: trim quotes, 're: ', 'fwd: ', 'fw: ', [category]
         $name = trim(preg_replace('#^(re:)|(fwd?:) #i', '', trim($row['Subject'], '"')));
         $name = trim(preg_replace('#^\\[[0-9a-zA-Z_-]*] #', '', $name));
         $email = $this->parseEmail($row['Sender']);
         $userID = isset($users[$email]) ? $users[$email] : 0;
         $ex->query('insert into :_mbox_post (Name, InsertUserID, CategoryID, DateInserted, Body)
         values ("' . mysql_real_escape_string($name) . '",
            ' . $userID . ',
            ' . $categories[$row['Folder']] . ',
            from_unixtime(' . strtotime($row['Date']) . '),
            "' . mysql_real_escape_string($this->parseBody($row['Body'])) . '")');
     // Decide which posts are OPs
     $result = $ex->query('select PostID from (select * from :_mbox_post order by DateInserted asc) x group by Name', true);
     $discussions = array();
     while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
         $discussions[] = $row['PostID'];
     $ex->query('update :_mbox_post set IsDiscussion = 1 where PostID in (' . implode(",", $discussions) . ')');
     // Thread the comments
     $result = $ex->query('select c.PostID, d.PostID as DiscussionID from :_mbox_post c
      left join :_mbox_post d on c.Name like d.Name and d.IsDiscussion = 1
      where c.IsDiscussion = 0', true);
     while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
         $ex->query('update :_mbox_post set DiscussionID = ' . $row['DiscussionID'] . '  where PostID = ' . $row['PostID']);
     // Users
     $user_Map = array();
     $ex->exportTable('User', "\n         select u.*,\n            NOW() as DateInserted,\n            'Reset' as HashMethod\n         from :_mbox_user u", $user_Map);
     // Categories
     $category_Map = array();
     $ex->exportTable('Category', "\n      select *\n      from :_mbox_category", $category_Map);
     // Discussions
     $discussion_Map = array('PostID' => 'DiscussionID');
     $ex->exportTable('Discussion', "\n      select p.PostID, p.DateInserted, p.Name, p.Body, p.InsertUserID, p.CategoryID,\n         'Html' as Format\n       from :_mbox_post p where IsDiscussion = 1", $discussion_Map);
     // Comments
     $comment_Map = array('PostID' => 'CommentID');
     $ex->exportTable('Comment', "select p.*,\n         'Html' as Format\n       from :_mbox_post p\n       where IsDiscussion = 0", $comment_Map);
     // Remove Temporary tables
     //$ex->Query('drop table :_mbox_post');
     //$ex->Query('drop table :_mbox_category');
     //$ex->Query('drop table :_mbox_user');
     // End
     //      echo implode("\n\n", $ex->Queries);
Exemplo n.º 24
  * Main export process.
  * @param ExportModel $ex
  * @see $_Structures in ExportModel for allowed destination tables & columns.
 public function forumExport($ex)
     $characterSet = $ex->getCharacterSet('posts');
     if ($characterSet) {
         $ex->characterSet = $characterSet;
     // Reiterate the platform name here to be included in the porter file header.
     $ex->beginExport('', 'jforum');
     // User.
     $user_Map = array();
     $ex->exportTable('User', "\n            select\n                u.user_id as UserID,\n                u.username as Name,\n                'Reset' as HashMethod,\n                u.user_email as Email,\n                u.user_regdate as DateInserted,\n                u.user_regdate as DateFirstVisit,\n                u.user_posts as CountComments,\n                u.user_avatar as Photo,\n                u.deleted as Deleted,\n                u.user_from as Location,\n                u.user_biography as About\n            from :_users as u\n         ", $user_Map);
     // Role.
     $role_Map = array();
     $ex->exportTable('Role', "\n            select\n                g.group_id as RoleID,\n                g.group_name as Name,\n                g.group_description as Description\n            from :_groups as g\n         ", $role_Map);
     // User Role.
     $userRole_Map = array();
     $ex->exportTable('UserRole', "\n            select\n                u.user_id as UserID,\n                u.group_id as RoleID\n            from :_user_groups as u\n        ", $userRole_Map);
     // UserMeta.
     $ex->exportTable('UserMeta', "\n            select\n                user_id as UserID,\n                'Profile.Website' as `Name`,\n                user_website as `Value`\n            from :_users\n            where user_website is not null\n\n            union\n\n            select\n                user_id,\n                'Plugins.Signatures.Sig',\n                user_sig\n            from :_users\n            where user_sig is not null\n\n            union\n\n            select\n                user_id,\n                'Plugins.Signatures.Format',\n                'BBCode'\n            from :_users\n            where user_sig is not null\n\n            union\n\n            select\n                user_id,\n                'Profile.Occupation',\n                user_occ\n            from :_users\n            where user_occ is not null\n\n            union\n\n            select\n                user_id,\n                'Profile.Interests',\n                user_interests\n            from :_users\n            where user_interests is not null\n        ");
     // Category.
     // _categories is tier 1, _forum is tier 2.
     // Overlapping IDs, so fast-forward _categories by 1000.
     $category_Map = array();
     $ex->exportTable('Category', "\n            select\n                c.categories_id+1000 as CategoryID,\n                -1 as ParentCategoryID,\n                c.title as Name,\n                null as Description,\n                1 as Depth,\n                c.display_order as Sort\n            from :_categories as c\n\n            union\n\n            select\n                f.forum_id as CategoryID,\n                f.categories_id+1000 as ParentCategoryID,\n                f.forum_name as Name,\n                f.forum_desc as Description,\n                2 as Depth,\n                null as Sort\n            from :_forums as f\n        ", $category_Map);
     if ($ex->exists(':_posts_text')) {
         $postTextColumm = 't.post_text as Body';
         $postTextSource = 'left join :_posts_text t on p.post_id = t.post_id';
     } else {
         $postTextColumm = 'p.post_text as Body';
         $postTextSource = '';
     // Discussion.
     $discussion_Map = array('topic_title' => array('Column' => 'Name', 'Filter' => 'HTMLDecoder'));
     // It's easier to convert between Unix time and MySQL datestamps during the db query.
     $ex->exportTable('Discussion', "\n            select\n                t.topic_id as DiscussionID,\n                t.forum_id as CategoryID,\n                t.user_id as InsertUserID,\n                t.topic_time as DateInserted,\n                t.topic_title,\n                t.topic_views as CountViews,\n                t.topic_replies as CountComments,\n                t.topic_status as Closed,\n                if (t.topic_type > 0, 1, 0) as Announce,\n                {$postTextColumm},\n                'BBCode' as Format\n            from :_topics as t\n                left join :_posts p on t.topic_first_post_id = p.post_id\n                {$postTextSource}\n            ", $discussion_Map);
     // Comment.
     $comment_Map = array();
     $ex->exportTable('Comment', "\n            select\n                p.post_id as CommentID,\n                p.topic_id as DiscussionID,\n                p.user_id as InsertUserID,\n                p.poster_ip as InsertIPAddress,\n                p.post_time as DateInserted,\n                p.post_edit_time as DateUpdated,\n                'BBCode' as Format,\n                {$postTextColumm}\n            from :_posts as p\n                {$postTextSource}\n                left join jforum_topics as t on t.topic_first_post_id = p.post_id\n            where t.topic_first_post_id is null\n         ", $comment_Map);
     // UserDiscussion.
     // Guessing table is called "_watch" because they are all bookmarks.
     $userDiscussion_Map = array('topic_id' => 'DiscussionID', 'user_id' => 'UserID');
     $ex->exportTable('UserDiscussion', "\n            select\n                w.topic_id as DiscussionID,\n                w.user_id as UserID,\n                1 as Bookmarked,\n                if (w.is_read, now(), null) as DateLastViewed\n            from :_topics_watch as w\n         ", $userDiscussion_Map);
     // Conversation.
     // Thread using tmp table based on the pair of users talking.
     $result = $ex->query('show index from :_privmsgs where Key_name = "ix_zconversation_from_to"', true);
     if (!mysql_num_rows($result)) {
         $ex->query('create index ix_zconversation_from_to on :_privmsgs (privmsgs_from_userid, privmsgs_to_userid)');
     $ex->query("drop table if exists z_conversation;");
     $ex->query("\n            create table z_conversation (\n                ConversationID int unsigned not null auto_increment,\n                LowUserID int unsigned,\n                HighUserID int unsigned,\n                primary key (ConversationID),\n                index idx_lowuser_highuser (LowUserID, HighUserID)\n            ) engine=InnoDB default charset=utf8 collate=utf8_unicode_ci;\n        ");
     $ex->query("\n            insert into z_conversation (LowUserID, HighUserID)\n                select\n                    least(privmsgs_from_userid, privmsgs_to_userid),\n                    greatest(privmsgs_from_userid, privmsgs_to_userid)\n                from :_privmsgs\n                group by\n                    least(privmsgs_from_userid, privmsgs_to_userid),\n                    greatest(privmsgs_from_userid, privmsgs_to_userid)\n        ");
     // Replying on /dba/counts to rebuild most of this data later.
     $conversation_Map = array('privmsgs_from_userid' => 'InsertUserID', 'privmsgs_date' => 'DateInserted', 'privmsgs_subject' => 'Subject');
     $ex->exportTable('Conversation', "\n            select\n                p.privmsgs_from_userid as InsertUserID,\n                p.privmsgs_date as DateInserted,\n                p.privmsgs_subject as Subject,\n                c.ConversationID\n            from :_privmsgs as p\n                left join z_conversation as c on c.HighUserID = greatest(p.privmsgs_from_userid, p.privmsgs_to_userid)\n                    and c.LowUserID = least(p.privmsgs_from_userid, p.privmsgs_to_userid)\n            group by\n                least(privmsgs_from_userid, privmsgs_to_userid),\n                greatest(privmsgs_from_userid, privmsgs_to_userid)\n        ", $conversation_Map);
     // Conversation Message.
     // Messages with the same timestamps are sent/received copies.
     // Yes that'd probably break down on huge sites but it's too convenient to pass up for now.
     $message_Map = array('privmsgs_id' => 'MessageID', 'privmsgs_from_userid' => 'InsertUserID', 'privmsgs_date' => 'DateInserted', 'privmsgs_text' => 'Body');
     $ex->exportTable('ConversationMessage', "\n            select\n                p.privmsgs_id as MessageID,\n                p.privmsgs_from_userid as InsertUserID,\n                p.privmsgs_date as DateInserted,\n                t.privmsgs_text as Body,\n                c.ConversationID,\n                'BBCode' as Format\n            from :_privmsgs p\n                left join :_privmsgs_text t on t.privmsgs_id = p.privmsgs_id\n                left join z_conversation c on c.LowUserID = least(privmsgs_from_userid, privmsgs_to_userid)\n                    and c.HighUserID = greatest(privmsgs_from_userid, privmsgs_to_userid)\n            group by privmsgs_date\n        ", $message_Map);
     // UserConversation
     $ex->exportTable('UserConversation', "\n            select\n                ConversationID,\n                LowUserID as UserID,\n                now() as DateLastViewed\n            from z_conversation\n\n            union\n\n            select\n                ConversationID,\n                HighUserID as UserID,\n                now() as DateLastViewed\n            from z_conversation\n         ");
     $ex->comment('Run the following query after the import: ');
     $ex->comment('update GDN_UserConversation set CountReadMessages = (select count(MessageID) from GDN_ConversationMessage where GDN_ConversationMessage.ConversationID = GDN_UserConversation.ConversationID)');
Exemplo n.º 25
  * Export each table one at a time.
  * @param ExportModel $ex
 protected function forumExport($ex)
     // Allow limited export of 1 category via ?forumid=ID
     $forumID = $this->param('forumid');
     if ($forumID) {
         $forumWhere = ' and t.forumid ' . (strpos($forumID, ', ') === false ? "= {$forumID}" : "in ({$forumID})");
     } else {
         $forumWhere = '';
     $characterSet = $ex->getCharacterSet('post');
     if ($characterSet) {
         $ex->characterSet = $characterSet;
     // Begin
     $ex->beginExport('', 'vBulletin 3.* and 4.*');
     $this->exportBlobs($this->param('files'), $this->param('avatars'), $forumWhere);
     if ($this->param('noexport')) {
         $ex->comment('Skipping the export.');
     // Check to see if there is a max date.
     $minDate = $this->param('mindate');
     if ($minDate) {
         $minDate = strtotime($minDate);
         $ex->comment("Min topic date ({$minDate}): " . date('c', $minDate));
     $now = time();
     $cdn = $this->param('cdn', '');
     // Grab all of the ranks.
     $ranks = $ex->get("select * from :_usertitle order by minposts desc", 'usertitleid');
     // Users
     $user_Map = array('userid' => 'UserID', 'username' => 'Name', 'password2' => 'Password', 'email' => 'Email', 'referrerid' => 'InviteUserID', 'timezoneoffset' => 'HourOffset', 'ipaddress' => 'LastIPAddress', 'ipaddress2' => 'InsertIPAddress', 'usertitle' => array('Column' => 'Title', 'Filter' => function ($value) {
         return trim(strip_tags(str_replace('&nbsp;', ' ', $value)));
     }), 'posts' => array('Column' => 'RankID', 'Filter' => function ($value) use($ranks) {
         // Look  up the posts in the ranks table.
         foreach ($ranks as $rankID => $row) {
             if ($value >= $row['minposts']) {
                 return $rankID;
         return null;
     // Use file avatar or the result of our blob export?
     if ($this->getConfig('usefileavatar')) {
         $user_Map['filephoto'] = 'Photo';
     } else {
         $user_Map['customphoto'] = 'Photo';
     $ex->exportTable('User', "select u.*,\n            ipaddress as ipaddress2,\n            concat(`password`, salt) as password2,\n            DATE_FORMAT(birthday_search,GET_FORMAT(DATE,'ISO')) as DateOfBirth,\n            FROM_UNIXTIME(joindate) as DateFirstVisit,\n            FROM_UNIXTIME(lastvisit) as DateLastActive,\n            FROM_UNIXTIME(joindate) as DateInserted,\n            FROM_UNIXTIME(lastactivity) as DateUpdated,\n            case when avatarrevision > 0 then concat('{$cdn}', 'userpics/avatar', u.userid, '_', avatarrevision, '.gif')\n                 when av.avatarpath is not null then av.avatarpath\n                 else null\n                 end as filephoto,\n            {$this->avatarSelect},\n            case when ub.userid is not null then 1 else 0 end as Banned,\n            'vbulletin' as HashMethod\n         from :_user u\n         left join :_customavatar a\n            on u.userid = a.userid\n         left join :_avatar av\n            on u.avatarid = av.avatarid\n         left join :_userban ub\n              on u.userid = ub.userid and ub.liftdate <= now() ", $user_Map);
     // ":_" will be replace by database prefix
     // Roles
     $role_Map = array('usergroupid' => 'RoleID', 'title' => 'Name', 'description' => 'Description');
     $ex->exportTable('Role', 'select * from :_usergroup', $role_Map);
     // UserRoles
     $userRole_Map = array('userid' => 'UserID', 'usergroupid' => 'RoleID');
     $ex->query("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE VbulletinRoles (userid INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, usergroupid INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL)");
     # Put primary groups into tmp table
     $ex->query("insert into VbulletinRoles (userid, usergroupid) select userid, usergroupid from :_user");
     # Put stupid CSV column into tmp table
     $secondaryRoles = $ex->query("select userid, usergroupid, membergroupids from :_user", true);
     if (is_resource($secondaryRoles)) {
         while (($row = @mysql_fetch_assoc($secondaryRoles)) !== false) {
             if ($row['membergroupids'] != '') {
                 $groups = explode(',', $row['membergroupids']);
                 foreach ($groups as $groupID) {
                     if (!$groupID) {
                     $ex->query("insert into VbulletinRoles (userid, usergroupid) values({$row['userid']},{$groupID})", true);
     # Export from our tmp table and drop
     $ex->exportTable('UserRole', 'select distinct userid, usergroupid from VbulletinRoles', $userRole_Map);
     $ex->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS VbulletinRoles");
     // Permissions.
     $permissions_Map = array('usergroupid' => 'RoleID', 'title' => array('Column' => 'Garden.SignIn.Allow', 'Filter' => array($this, 'signInPermission')), 'genericpermissions' => array('Column' => 'GenericPermissions', 'type' => 'int'), 'forumpermissions' => array('Column' => 'ForumPermissions', 'type' => 'int'));
     $this->addPermissionColumns(self::$permissions, $permissions_Map);
     $ex->exportTable('Permission', 'select * from :_usergroup', $permissions_Map);
     //      $ex->EndExport();
     //      return;
     // UserMeta
     $ex->query("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE VbulletinUserMeta (`UserID` INT NOT NULL ,`Name` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,`Value` text NOT NULL)");
     # Standard vB user data
     $userFields = array('usertitle' => 'Title', 'homepage' => 'Website', 'skype' => 'Skype', 'styleid' => 'StyleID');
     foreach ($userFields as $field => $insertAs) {
         $ex->query("insert into VbulletinUserMeta (UserID, Name, Value) select userid, 'Profile.{$insertAs}', {$field} from :_user where {$field} != ''");
     # Dynamic vB user data (userfield)
     $profileFields = $ex->query("select varname, text from :_phrase where product='vbulletin' and fieldname='cprofilefield' and varname like 'field%_title'");
     if (is_resource($profileFields)) {
         $profileQueries = array();
         while ($field = @mysql_fetch_assoc($profileFields)) {
             $column = str_replace('_title', '', $field['varname']);
             $name = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\s_-]/', '', $field['text']);
             $profileQueries[] = "insert into VbulletinUserMeta (UserID, Name, Value)\n               select userid, 'Profile." . $name . "', " . $column . " from :_userfield where " . $column . " != ''";
         foreach ($profileQueries as $query) {
     // Signatures
     $sql = "\n         select\n            userid as UserID,\n            'Plugin.Signatures.Sig' as Name,\n            signature as Value\n         from :_usertextfield\n         where nullif(signature, '') is not null\n\n         union\n\n         select\n            userid,\n            'Plugin.Signatures.Format',\n            'BBCode'\n         from :_usertextfield\n         where nullif(signature, '') is not null";
     $ex->exportTable('UserMeta', $sql);
     // Ranks
     $rank_Map = array('usertitleid' => 'RankID', 'title' => 'Name', 'title2' => 'Label', 'minposts' => array('Column' => 'Attributes', 'Filter' => function ($value) {
         $result = array('Criteria' => array('CountPosts' => $value));
         return serialize($result);
     }), 'level' => array('Column' => 'Level', 'Filter' => function ($value) {
         static $level = 1;
         return $level++;
     $ex->exportTable('Rank', "\n         select ut.*, ut.title as title2, 0 as level\n         from :_usertitle ut\n         order by ut.minposts", $rank_Map);
     // Categories
     $category_Map = array('forumid' => 'CategoryID', 'description' => 'Description', 'Name2' => array('Column' => 'Name', 'Filter' => 'HTMLDecoder'), 'displayorder' => array('Column' => 'Sort', 'Type' => 'int'), 'parentid' => 'ParentCategoryID');
     $ex->exportTable('Category', "select f.*, title as Name2\n         from :_forum f\n         where 1 = 1 {$forumWhere}", $category_Map);
     $minDiscussionID = false;
     $minDiscussionWhere = false;
     if ($minDate) {
         $minDiscussionID = $ex->getValue("\n            select max(threadid)\n            from :_thread\n            where dateline < {$minDate}\n            ", false);
         $minDiscussionID2 = $ex->getValue("\n            select min(threadid)\n            from :_thread\n            where dateline >= {$minDate}\n            ", false);
         // The two discussion IDs should be the same, but let's average them.
         $minDiscussionID = floor(($minDiscussionID + $minDiscussionID2) / 2);
         $ex->comment('Min topic id: ' . $minDiscussionID);
     // Discussions
     $discussion_Map = array('threadid' => 'DiscussionID', 'forumid' => 'CategoryID', 'postuserid' => 'InsertUserID', 'postuserid2' => 'UpdateUserID', 'title' => array('Column' => 'Name', 'Filter' => 'HTMLDecoder'), 'Format' => 'Format', 'views' => 'CountViews', 'ipaddress' => 'InsertIPAddress');
     if ($ex->destination == 'database') {
         // Remove the filter from the title so that this doesn't take too long.
         $ex->HTMLDecoderDb('thread', 'title', 'threadid');
     if ($minDiscussionID) {
         $minDiscussionWhere = "and t.threadid > {$minDiscussionID}";
     $ex->exportTable('Discussion', "select t.*,\n            t.postuserid as postuserid2,\n            p.ipaddress,\n            p.pagetext as Body,\n            'BBCode' as Format,\n            replycount+1 as CountComments,\n            convert(ABS(open-1),char(1)) as Closed,\n            if(convert(sticky,char(1))>0,2,0) as Announce,\n            FROM_UNIXTIME(t.dateline) as DateInserted,\n            FROM_UNIXTIME(lastpost) as DateUpdated,\n            FROM_UNIXTIME(lastpost) as DateLastComment\n         from :_thread t\n            left join :_deletionlog d on (d.type='thread' and d.primaryid=t.threadid)\n            left join :_post p on p.postid = t.firstpostid\n         where d.primaryid is null\n            and t.visible = 1\n            {$minDiscussionWhere}\n            {$forumWhere}", $discussion_Map);
     // Comments
     $comment_Map = array('postid' => 'CommentID', 'threadid' => 'DiscussionID', 'pagetext' => 'Body', 'Format' => 'Format', 'ipaddress' => 'InsertIPAddress');
     if ($minDiscussionID) {
         $minDiscussionWhere = "and p.threadid > {$minDiscussionID}";
     $ex->exportTable('Comment', "select p.*,\n            'BBCode' as Format,\n            p.userid as InsertUserID,\n            p.userid as UpdateUserID,\n         FROM_UNIXTIME(p.dateline) as DateInserted,\n            FROM_UNIXTIME(p.dateline) as DateUpdated\n         from :_post p\n         inner join :_thread t\n            on p.threadid = t.threadid\n         left join :_deletionlog d\n            on (d.type='post' and d.primaryid=p.postid)\n         where p.postid <> t.firstpostid\n            and d.primaryid is null\n            and p.visible = 1\n            {$minDiscussionWhere}\n            {$forumWhere}", $comment_Map);
     // UserDiscussion
     if ($minDiscussionID) {
         $minDiscussionWhere = "where st.threadid > {$minDiscussionID}";
     $ex->exportTable('UserDiscussion', "select\n            st.userid as UserID,\n            st.threadid as DiscussionID,\n            '1' as Bookmarked,\n            FROM_UNIXTIME(tr.readtime) as DateLastViewed\n         from :_subscribethread st\n         left join :_threadread tr on tr.userid = st.userid and tr.threadid = st.threadid\n         {$minDiscussionWhere}");
     /*$ex->exportTable('UserDiscussion', "select
         tr.userid as UserID,
         tr.threadid as DiscussionID,
         FROM_UNIXTIME(tr.readtime) as DateLastViewed,
         case when st.threadid is not null then 1 else 0 end as Bookmarked
       from :_threadread tr
       left join :_subscribethread st on tr.userid = st.userid and tr.threadid = st.threadid");*/
     // Activity (from visitor messages in vBulletin 3.8+)
     if ($ex->exists('visitormessage')) {
         if ($minDiscussionID) {
             $minDiscussionWhere = "and dateline > {$minDiscussionID}";
         $activity_Map = array('postuserid' => 'RegardingUserID', 'userid' => 'ActivityUserID', 'pagetext' => 'Story', 'NotifyUserID' => 'NotifyUserID', 'Format' => 'Format');
         $ex->exportTable('Activity', "select *,\n               '{RegardingUserID,you} &rarr; {ActivityUserID,you}' as HeadlineFormat,\n               FROM_UNIXTIME(dateline) as DateInserted,\n               FROM_UNIXTIME(dateline) as DateUpdated,\n               INET_NTOA(ipaddress) as InsertIPAddress,\n               postuserid as InsertUserID,\n               -1 as NotifyUserID,\n               'BBCode' as Format,\n               'WallPost' as ActivityType\n            from :_visitormessage\n            where state='visible'\n               {$minDiscussionWhere}", $activity_Map);
     // Media
     if ($ex->exists('attachment')) {
     // IP Ban list
     $ipBanlist = $this->param('ipbanlist');
     if ($ipBanlist) {
         $ex->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `z_ipbanlist` ");
         $ex->query("CREATE TABLE `z_ipbanlist` (\n            `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n            `ipaddress` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,\n           PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n           UNIQUE KEY `ipaddress` (`ipaddress`)\n\n         ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8");
         $result = $ex->query("select value from :_setting where varname = 'banip'");
         $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
         if ($row) {
             $insertSql = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `z_ipbanlist` (`ipaddress`) values ';
             $ipString = str_replace("\r", "", $row['value']);
             $IPs = explode("\n", $ipString);
             foreach ($IPs as $IP) {
                 $IP = trim($IP);
                 if (empty($IP)) {
                 $insertSql .= '(\'' . mysql_real_escape_string($IP) . '\'), ';
             $insertSql = substr($insertSql, 0, -2);
             $ban_Map = array();
             $ex->exportTable('Ban', "select 'IPAddress' as BanType, ipaddress as BanValue, 'Imported ban' as Notes, NOW() as DateInserted\n                  FROM `z_ipbanlist`", $ban_Map);
             $ex->query('DROP table if exists `z_ipbanlist` ');
     // End
Exemplo n.º 26
     * Forum-specific export format.
     * @param ExportModel $ex
    protected function forumExport($ex)
        $ex->sourcePrefix = 'wp_';
        $characterSet = $ex->getCharacterSet('posts');
        if ($characterSet) {
            $ex->characterSet = $characterSet;
        // Begin
        $ex->beginExport('', 'SimplePress 1.*', array('HashMethod' => 'Vanilla'));
        // Users
        $user_Map = array('user_id' => 'UserID', 'display_name' => 'Name', 'user_pass' => 'Password', 'user_email' => 'Email', 'user_registered' => 'DateInserted', 'lastvisit' => 'DateLastActive');
        $ex->exportTable('User', "select m.*, u.user_pass, u.user_email, u.user_registered\n          from :_users u\n          join :_sfmembers m\n            on u.ID = m.user_id;", $user_Map);
        // Roles
        $role_Map = array('usergroup_id' => 'RoleID', 'usergroup_name' => 'Name', 'usergroup_desc' => 'Description');
        $ex->exportTable('Role', "select\n            usergroup_id,\n            usergroup_name,\n            usergroup_desc\n         from :_sfusergroups\n\n         union\n\n         select\n            100,\n            'Administrators',\n            ''", $role_Map);
        // Permissions.
        $ex->exportTable('Permission', "select\n            usergroup_id as RoleID,\ncase\n   when usergroup_name like 'Guest%' then 'View'\n   when usergroup_name like 'Member%' then 'View,Garden.SignIn.Allow,Garden.Profiles.Edit,Vanilla.Discussions.Add,Vanilla.Comments.Add'\n   when usergroup_name like 'Mod%' then 'View,Garden.SignIn.Allow,Garden.Profiles.Edit,Garden.Settings.View,Vanilla.Discussions.Add,Vanilla.Comments.Add,Garden.Moderation.Manage'\nend as _Permissions\n         from :_sfusergroups\n\n         union\n\n         select 100, 'All'");
        // UserRoles
        $userRole_Map = array('user_id' => 'UserID', 'usergroup_id' => 'RoleID');
        $ex->exportTable('UserRole', "select\n            m.user_id,\n            m.usergroup_id\n         from :_sfmemberships m\n\n         union\n\n         select\n            um.user_id,\n            100\n         from :_usermeta um\n         where um.meta_key = 'wp_capabilities'\n            and um.meta_value like '%PF Manage Forums%'", $userRole_Map);
        // Categories
        $category_Map = array('forum_id' => 'CategoryID', 'forum_name' => array('Column' => 'Name', 'Filter' => 'HTMLDecoder'), 'forum_desc' => 'Description', 'forum_seq' => 'Sort', 'form_slug' => 'UrlCode', 'parent_id' => 'ParentCategoryID');
        $ex->exportTable('Category', "\n         select\n            f.forum_id,\n            f.forum_name,\n            f.forum_seq,\n            f.forum_desc,\n            lower(f.forum_slug) as forum_slug,\n            case when f.parent = 0 then f.group_id + 1000 else f.parent end as parent_id\n         from :_sfforums f\n\n         union\n\n         select\n            1000 + g.group_id,\n            g.group_name,\n            g.group_seq,\n            g.group_desc,\n            null,\n            null\n         from :_sfgroups g", $category_Map);
        // Discussions
        $discussion_Map = array('topic_id' => 'DiscussionID', 'forum_id' => 'CategoryID', 'user_id' => 'InsertUserID', 'topic_name' => 'Name', 'Format' => 'Format', 'topic_date' => 'DateInserted', 'topic_pinned' => 'Announce', 'topic_slug' => array('Column' => 'Slug', 'Type' => 'varchar(200)'));
        $ex->exportTable('Discussion', "select t.*,\n            'Html' as Format\n         from :_sftopics t", $discussion_Map);
        if ($ex->exists('sftags')) {
            // Tags
            $tag_Map = array('tag_id' => 'TagID', 'tag_name' => 'Name');
            $ex->exportTable('Tag', "select * from :_sftags", $tag_Map);
            if ($ex->exists('sftagmeta')) {
                $tagDiscussion_Map = array('tag_id' => 'TagID', 'topic_id' => 'DiscussionID');
                $ex->exportTable('TagDiscussion', "select * from :_sftagmeta", $tagDiscussion_Map);
        // Comments
        $comment_Map = array('post_id' => 'CommentID', 'topic_id' => 'DiscussionID', 'post_content' => 'Body', 'Format' => 'Format', 'user_id' => 'InsertUserID', 'post_date' => 'DateInserted', 'poster_ip' => 'InsertIPAddress');
        $ex->exportTable('Comment', "select p.*,\n            'Html' as Format\n         from :_sfposts p", $comment_Map);
        // Conversation.
        $conv_Map = array('message_id' => 'ConversationID', 'from_id' => 'InsertUserID', 'sent_date' => 'DateInserted');
        $ex->exportTable('Conversation', "select *\n         from :_sfmessages\n         where is_reply = 0", $conv_Map);
        // ConversationMessage.
        $convMessage_Map = array('message_id' => 'MessageID', 'from_id' => 'InsertUserID', 'message' => array('Column' => 'Body'));
        $ex->exportTable('ConversationMessage', 'select c.message_id as ConversationID, m.*
         from :_sfmessages c
         join :_sfmessages m
           on (m.is_reply = 0 and m.message_id = c.message_id) or (m.is_reply = 1 and c.is_reply = 0 and m.message_slug = c.message_slug and m.from_id in (c.from_id, c.to_id) and m.to_id in (c.from_id, c.to_id));', $convMessage_Map);
        // UserConversation
        $userConv_Map = array('message_id' => 'ConversationID', 'from_id' => 'UserID');
        $ex->exportTable('UserConversation', 'select message_id, from_id
         from :_sfmessages
         where is_reply = 0


         select message_id, to_id
         from :_sfmessages
         where is_reply = 0', $userConv_Map);
        // End
Exemplo n.º 27
     * Forum-specific export format.
     * @param ExportModel $ex
    protected function forumExport($ex)
        $characterSet = $ex->getCharacterSet('posts');
        if ($characterSet) {
            $ex->characterSet = $characterSet;
        // Begin
        $ex->beginExport('', 'bbPress 1.*', array('HashMethod' => 'Vanilla'));
        // Users
        $user_Map = array('ID' => 'UserID', 'user_login' => 'Name', 'user_pass' => 'Password', 'user_email' => 'Email', 'user_registered' => 'DateInserted');
        $ex->exportTable('User', "select * from :_users", $user_Map);
        // ":_" will be replace by database prefix
        // Roles
        $ex->exportTable('Role', "select 1 as RoleID, 'Guest' as Name\n         union select 2, 'Key Master'\n         union select 3, 'Administrator'\n         union select 4, 'Moderator'\n         union select 5, 'Member'\n         union select 6, 'Inactive'\n         union select 7, 'Blocked'");
        // UserRoles
        $userRole_Map = array('user_id' => 'UserID');
        $ex->exportTable('UserRole', "select distinct\n           user_id,\n           case when locate('keymaster', meta_value) <> 0 then 2\n           when locate('administrator', meta_value) <> 0 then 3\n           when locate('moderator', meta_value) <> 0 then 4\n           when locate('member', meta_value) <> 0 then 5\n           when locate('inactive', meta_value) <> 0 then 6\n           when locate('blocked', meta_value) <> 0 then 7\n           else 1 end as RoleID\n         from :_usermeta\n         where meta_key = 'bb_capabilities'", $userRole_Map);
        // Categories
        $category_Map = array('forum_id' => 'CategoryID', 'forum_name' => 'Name', 'forum_desc' => 'Description', 'forum_slug' => 'UrlCode', 'left_order' => 'Sort');
        $ex->exportTable('Category', "select *,\n         lower(forum_slug) as forum_slug,\n         nullif(forum_parent,0) as ParentCategoryID\n         from :_forums", $category_Map);
        // Discussions
        $discussion_Map = array('topic_id' => 'DiscussionID', 'forum_id' => 'CategoryID', 'topic_poster' => 'InsertUserID', 'topic_title' => 'Name', 'Format' => 'Format', 'topic_start_time' => 'DateInserted', 'topic_sticky' => 'Announce');
        $ex->exportTable('Discussion', "select t.*,\n            'Html' as Format,\n            case t.topic_open when 0 then 1 else 0 end as Closed\n         from :_topics t\n         where topic_status = 0", $discussion_Map);
        // Comments
        $comment_Map = array('post_id' => 'CommentID', 'topic_id' => 'DiscussionID', 'post_text' => array('Column' => 'Body', 'Filter' => 'bbPressTrim'), 'Format' => 'Format', 'poster_id' => 'InsertUserID', 'post_time' => 'DateInserted');
        $ex->exportTable('Comment', "select p.*,\n            'Html' as Format\n         from :_posts p\n         where post_status = 0", $comment_Map);
        // Conversations.
        // The export is different depending on the table layout.
        $PM = $ex->exists('bbpm', array('ID', 'pm_title', 'pm_from', 'pm_to', 'pm_text', 'sent_on', 'pm_thread'));
        $conversationVersion = '';
        if ($PM === true) {
            // This is from an old version of the plugin.
            $conversationVersion = 'old';
        } elseif (is_array($PM) && count(array_intersect(array('ID', 'pm_from', 'pm_text', 'sent_on', 'pm_thread'), $PM)) == 0) {
            // This is from a newer version of the plugin.
            $conversationVersion = 'new';
        if ($conversationVersion) {
            // Conversation.
            $conv_Map = array('pm_thread' => 'ConversationID', 'pm_from' => 'InsertUserID');
            $ex->exportTable('Conversation', "select *, from_unixtime(sent_on) as DateInserted\n            from :_bbpm\n            where thread_depth = 0", $conv_Map);
            // ConversationMessage.
            $convMessage_Map = array('ID' => 'MessageID', 'pm_thread' => 'ConversationID', 'pm_from' => 'InsertUserID', 'pm_text' => array('Column' => 'Body', 'Filter' => 'bbPressTrim'));
            $ex->exportTable('ConversationMessage', 'select *, from_unixtime(sent_on) as DateInserted
            from :_bbpm', $convMessage_Map);
            // UserConversation.
            $ex->query("create temporary table bbpmto (UserID int, ConversationID int)");
            if ($conversationVersion == 'new') {
                $to = $ex->query("select object_id, meta_value from :_meta where object_type = 'bbpm_thread' and meta_key = 'to'", true);
                if (is_resource($to)) {
                    while (($row = @mysql_fetch_assoc($to)) !== false) {
                        $thread = $row['object_id'];
                        $tos = explode(',', trim($row['meta_value'], ','));
                        $toIns = '';
                        foreach ($tos as $toID) {
                            $toIns .= "({$toID},{$thread}),";
                        $toIns = trim($toIns, ',');
                        $ex->query("insert bbpmto (UserID, ConversationID) values {$toIns}", true);
                    $ex->exportTable('UserConversation', 'select * from bbpmto');
            } else {
                $conUser_Map = array('pm_thread' => 'ConversationID', 'pm_from' => 'UserID');
                $ex->exportTable('UserConversation', 'select distinct
                 del_sender as Deleted
               from :_bbpm


               select distinct
               from :_bbpm', $conUser_Map);
        // End
Exemplo n.º 28
  * @param ExportModel $ex
 protected function forumExport($ex)
     //      $ex->TestMode = FALSE;
     //      $ex->TestLimit = FALSE;
     //      $ex->Destination = 'database';
     //      $ex->DestDb = 'unknownworlds';
     //      $ex->CaptureOnly = TRUE;
     //      $ex->ScriptCreateTable = FALSE;
     //      $ex->DestPrefix = 'GDN_';
     $ex->sourcePrefix = ':_';
     $characterSet = $ex->getCharacterSet('posts');
     if ($characterSet) {
         $ex->characterSet = $characterSet;
     // Decode all of the necessary fields.
     //      $ex->HTMLDecoderDb('members', 'members_display_name', 'member_id');
     //      $ex->HTMLDecoderDb('members', 'name', 'member_id');
     //      $ex->HTMLDecoderDb('members', 'title', 'member_id');
     //      $ex->HtmlDecoderDb('groups', 'g_title', 'g_id');
     //      $ex->HtmlDecoderDb('topics', 'title', 'tid');
     //      $ex->HtmlDecoderDb('topics', 'description', 'tid');
     // Begin
     $ex->beginExport('', 'IPB 3.*', array('HashMethod' => 'ipb'));
     // Export avatars
     if ($this->param('avatars')) {
     if ($ex->exists('members', 'member_id') === true) {
         $memberID = 'member_id';
     } else {
         $memberID = 'id';
     // Users.
     $user_Map = array($memberID => 'UserID', 'members_display_name' => array('Column' => 'Name', 'Filter' => 'HtmlDecoder'), 'email' => 'Email', 'joined' => array('Column' => 'DateInserted', 'Filter' => 'timestampToDate'), 'firstvisit' => array('Column' => 'DateFirstVisit', 'SourceColumn' => 'joined', 'Filter' => 'timestampToDate'), 'ip_address' => 'InsertIPAddress', 'title' => 'Title', 'time_offset' => 'HourOffset', 'last_activity' => array('Column' => 'DateLastActive', 'Filter' => 'timestampToDate'), 'member_banned' => 'Banned', 'Photo' => 'Photo', 'title' => 'Title', 'location' => 'Location');
     $from = '';
     $select = '';
     if ($ex->exists('members', 'members_pass_hash') === true) {
         $select = ",concat(m.members_pass_hash, '\$', m.members_pass_salt) as Password";
     } else {
         $select = ",concat(mc.converge_pass_hash, '\$', mc.converge_pass_salt) as Password";
         $from = "left join :_members_converge mc\n            on m.{$memberID} = mc.converge_id";
     if ($ex->exists('members', 'hide_email') === true) {
         $showEmail = '!hide_email';
     } else {
         $showEmail = '0';
     $cdn = $this->cdnPrefix();
     if ($ex->exists('member_extra') === true) {
         $sql = "select\n                  m.*,\n                  m.joined as firstvisit,\n                  'ipb' as HashMethod,\n                  {$showEmail} as ShowEmail,\n                  case when x.avatar_location in ('noavatar', '') then null\n                     when x.avatar_location like 'upload:%' then concat('{$cdn}ipb/', right(x.avatar_location, length(x.avatar_location) - 7))\n                     when x.avatar_type = 'upload' then concat('{$cdn}ipb/', x.avatar_location)\n                     when x.avatar_type = 'url' then x.avatar_location\n                     when x.avatar_type = 'local' then concat('{$cdn}style_avatars/', x.avatar_location)\n                     else null\n                  end as Photo,\n                  x.location\n                  {$select}\n                 from :_members m\n                 left join :_member_extra x\n                  on m.{$memberID} = x.id\n                 {$from}";
     } else {
         $sql = "select\n                  m.*,\n                  joined as firstvisit,\n                  'ipb' as HashMethod,\n                  {$showEmail} as ShowEmail,\n                  case when length(p.pp_main_photo) <= 3 or p.pp_main_photo is null then null\n                     when p.pp_main_photo like '%//%' then p.pp_main_photo\n                     else concat('{$cdn}ipb/', p.pp_main_photo)\n                  end as Photo\n                 {$select}\n                 from :_members m\n                 left join :_profile_portal p\n                    on m.{$memberID} = p.pp_member_id\n                 {$from}";
     $this->clearFilters('members', $user_Map, $sql, 'm');
     $ex->exportTable('User', $sql, $user_Map);
     // ":_" will be replaced by database prefix
     // Roles.
     $role_Map = array('g_id' => 'RoleID', 'g_title' => 'Name');
     $ex->exportTable('Role', "select * from :_groups", $role_Map);
     // Permissions.
     $permission_Map = array('g_id' => 'RoleID', 'g_view_board' => 'Garden.SignIn.Allow', 'g_view_board2' => 'Garden.Profiles.View', 'g_view_board3' => 'Garden.Activity.View', 'g_view_board4' => 'Vanilla.Discussions.View', 'g_edit_profile' => 'Garden.Profiles.Edit', 'g_post_new_topics' => 'Vanilla.Discussions.Add', 'g_reply_other_topics' => 'Vanilla.Comments.Add', 'g_open_close_posts' => 'Vanilla.Discussions.Close', 'g_is_supmod' => 'Garden.Moderation.Manage', 'g_access_cp' => 'Garden.Settings.View');
     $permission_Map = $ex->fixPermissionColumns($permission_Map);
     $ex->exportTable('Permission', "\n         select r.*,\n            r.g_view_board as g_view_board2,\n            r.g_view_board as g_view_board3,\n            r.g_view_board as g_view_board4\n         from :_groups r", $permission_Map);
     // User Role.
     if ($ex->exists('members', 'member_group_id') === true) {
         $groupID = 'member_group_id';
     } else {
         $groupID = 'mgroup';
     $userRole_Map = array($memberID => 'UserID', $groupID => 'RoleID');
     $sql = "\n         select\n            m.{$memberID}, m.{$groupID}\n         from :_members m";
     if ($ex->exists('members', 'mgroup_others')) {
         $sql .= "\n            union all\n\n            select m.{$memberID}, g.g_id\n            from :_members m\n            join :_groups g\n               on find_in_set(g.g_id, m.mgroup_others)";
     $ex->exportTable('UserRole', $sql, $userRole_Map);
     // UserMeta.
     $userMeta_Map = array('UserID' => 'UserID', 'Name' => 'Name', 'Value' => 'Value');
     if ($ex->exists('profile_portal', 'signature') === true) {
         $sql = "\n         select\n            pp_member_id as UserID,\n            'Plugin.Signatures.Sig' as Name,\n            signature as Value\n         from :_profile_portal\n         where length(signature) > 1\n\n         union all\n\n         select\n            pp_member_id as UserID,\n            'Plugin.Signatures.Format' as Name,\n            'IPB' as Value\n         from :_profile_portal\n         where length(signature) > 1\n               ";
     } elseif ($ex->exists('member_extra', array('id', 'signature')) === true) {
         $sql = "\n         select\n            id as UserID,\n            'Plugin.Signatures.Sig' as Name,\n            signature as Value\n         from :_member_extra\n         where length(signature) > 1\n\n         union all\n\n         select\n            id as UserID,\n            'Plugin.Signatures.Format' as Name,\n            'IPB' as Value\n         from :_member_extra\n         where length(signature) > 1";
     } else {
         $sql = false;
     if ($sql) {
         $ex->exportTable('UserMeta', $sql, $userMeta_Map);
     // Category.
     $category_Map = array('id' => 'CategoryID', 'name' => array('Column' => 'Name', 'Filter' => 'HtmlDecoder'), 'name_seo' => 'UrlCode', 'description' => 'Description', 'parent_id' => 'ParentCategoryID', 'position' => 'Sort');
     $ex->exportTable('Category', "select * from :_forums", $category_Map);
     // Discussion.
     $descriptionSQL = 'p.post';
     $hasTopicDescription = $ex->exists('topics', array('description')) === true;
     if ($hasTopicDescription || $ex->exists('posts', array('description')) === true) {
         $description = $hasTopicDescription ? 't.description' : 'p.description';
         $descriptionSQL = "case\n            when {$description} <> '' and p.post is not null then concat('<div class=\"IPBDescription\">', {$description}, '</div>', p.post)\n            when {$description} <> '' then {$description}\n            else p.post\n         end";
     $discussion_Map = array('tid' => 'DiscussionID', 'title' => 'Name', 'description' => array('Column' => 'SubName', 'Type' => 'varchar(255)'), 'forum_id' => 'CategoryID', 'starter_id' => 'InsertUserID', 'start_date' => array('Column' => 'DateInserted', 'Filter' => 'timestampToDate'), 'ip_address' => 'InsertIPAddress', 'edit_time' => array('Column' => 'DateUpdated', 'Filter' => 'timestampToDate'), 'posts' => 'CountComments', 'views' => 'CountViews', 'pinned' => 'Announce', 'post' => 'Body', 'closed' => 'Closed');
     $sql = "\n      select\n         t.*,\n         {$descriptionSQL} as post,\n         case when t.state = 'closed' then 1 else 0 end as closed,\n         'BBCode' as Format,\n         p.ip_address,\n         p.edit_time\n      from :_topics t\n      left join :_posts p\n         on t.topic_firstpost = p.pid\n      where t.tid between {from} and {to}";
     $this->clearFilters('topics', $discussion_Map, $sql, 't');
     $ex->exportTable('Discussion', $sql, $discussion_Map);
     // Tags
     $ex->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `z_tag` ");
     $ex->query("CREATE TABLE `z_tag` (\n         `TagID` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n         `FullName` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,\n         PRIMARY KEY (`TagID`),\n         UNIQUE KEY `FullName` (`FullName`)\n      ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;");
     $ex->query("insert into z_tag (FullName) (select distinct t.tag_text as FullName from :_core_tags t)");
     $tagDiscussion_Map = array('tag_added' => array('Column' => 'DateInserted', 'Filter' => 'timestampToDate'));
     $sql = "select TagID, '0' as CategoryID, tag_meta_id as DiscussionID, t.tag_added\n        from :_core_tags t\n        left join z_tag zt on t.tag_text = zt.FullName";
     $ex->exportTable('TagDiscussion', $sql, $tagDiscussion_Map);
     $tag_Map = array('FullName' => 'FullName', 'FullNameToName' => array('Column' => 'Name', 'Filter' => 'formatUrl'));
     $sql = "select TagID, FullName, FullName as FullNameToName\n        from z_tag zt";
     $ex->exportTable('Tag', $sql, $tag_Map);
     // Comments.
     $comment_Map = array('pid' => 'CommentID', 'topic_id' => 'DiscussionID', 'author_id' => 'InsertUserID', 'ip_address' => 'InsertIPAddress', 'post_date' => array('Column' => 'DateInserted', 'Filter' => 'timestampToDate'), 'edit_time' => array('Column' => 'DateUpdated', 'Filter' => 'timestampToDate'), 'post' => 'Body');
     $sql = "\n      select\n         p.*,\n         'BBCode' as Format\n      from :_posts p\n      join :_topics t\n         on p.topic_id = t.tid\n      where p.pid between {from} and {to}\n         and p.pid <> t.topic_firstpost";
     $this->clearFilters('Comment', $comment_Map, $sql, 'p');
     $ex->exportTable('Comment', $sql, $comment_Map);
     // Media.
     $media_Map = array('attach_id' => 'MediaID', 'atype_mimetype' => 'Type', 'attach_file' => 'Name', 'attach_path' => 'Path', 'attach_date' => array('Column' => 'DateInserted', 'Filter' => 'timestampToDate'), 'thumb_path' => array('Column' => 'ThumbPath', 'Filter' => array($this, 'filterThumbnailData')), 'thumb_width' => array('Column' => 'ThumbWidth', 'Filter' => array($this, 'filterThumbnailData')), 'attach_member_id' => 'InsertUserID', 'attach_filesize' => 'Size', 'ForeignID' => 'ForeignID', 'ForeignTable' => 'ForeignTable', 'img_width' => 'ImageWidth', 'img_height' => 'ImageHeight');
     $sql = "select\n   a.*,\n   concat('~cf/ipb/', a.attach_location) as attach_path,\n   concat('~cf/ipb/', a.attach_location) as thumb_path,\n   128 as thumb_width,\n   ty.atype_mimetype,\n   case when p.pid = t.topic_firstpost then 'discussion' else 'comment' end as ForeignTable,\n   case when p.pid = t.topic_firstpost then t.tid else p.pid end as ForeignID,\n   case a.attach_img_width when 0 then a.attach_thumb_width else a.attach_img_width end as img_width,\n   case a.attach_img_height when 0 then a.attach_thumb_height else a.attach_img_height end as img_height\nfrom :_attachments a\njoin :_posts p\n   on a.attach_rel_id = p.pid and a.attach_rel_module = 'post'\njoin :_topics t\n   on t.tid = p.topic_id\nleft join :_attachments_type ty\n   on a.attach_ext = ty.atype_extension";
     $this->clearFilters('Media', $media_Map, $sql);
     $ex->exportTable('Media', $sql, $media_Map);
     if ($ex->exists('message_topic_user_map')) {
     } else {
Exemplo n.º 29
  * Main export process.
  * @param ExportModel $ex
  * @see $_Structures in ExportModel for allowed destination tables & columns.
 public function forumExport($ex)
     $characterSet = $ex->getCharacterSet('posts_text');
     if ($characterSet) {
         $ex->characterSet = $characterSet;
     // Reiterate the platform name here to be included in the porter file header.
     $ex->beginExport('', 'jforum');
     // User.
     $user_Map = array('user_id' => 'UserID', 'username' => 'Name', 'user_email' => 'Email', 'user_regdate' => 'DateInserted', 'user_regdate2' => 'DateFirstVisit', 'user_posts' => 'CountComments', 'user_avatar' => 'Photo', 'deleted' => 'Deleted', 'user_from' => 'Location', 'user_biography' => 'About');
     $ex->exportTable('User', "\n         select u.*,\n            'Reset' as HashMethod,\n            user_regdate as user_regdate2\n         from :_users u\n         ", $user_Map);
     // Role.
     $role_Map = array('group_id' => 'RoleID', 'group_name' => 'Name', 'group_description' => 'Description');
     $ex->exportTable('Role', "\n         select *\n         from :_groups", $role_Map);
     // User Role.
     $userRole_Map = array('user_id' => 'UserID', 'group_id' => 'RoleID');
     $ex->exportTable('UserRole', "\n         select u.*\n         from :_user_groups u", $userRole_Map);
     // UserMeta.
     $ex->exportTable('UserMeta', "\n         select user_id as UserID,\n            'Profile.Website' as `Name`,\n            user_website as `Value`\n         from :_users\n         where user_website is not null\n\n         union\n\n         select user_id, 'Plugins.Signatures.Sig', user_sig\n         from :_users where user_sig is not null\n\n         union\n\n         select user_id, 'Plugins.Signatures.Format', 'BBCode'\n         from :_users where user_sig is not null\n\n         union\n\n         select user_id, 'Profile.Occupation', user_occ\n         from :_users where user_occ is not null\n\n         union\n\n         select user_id, 'Profile.Interests', user_interests\n         from :_users where user_interests is not null\n      ");
     // Category.
     // _categories is tier 1, _forum is tier 2.
     // Overlapping IDs, so fast-forward _categories by 1000.
     $category_Map = array();
     $ex->exportTable('Category', "\n         select\n            c.categories_id+1000 as CategoryID,\n            -1 as ParentCategoryID,\n            c.title as Name,\n            null as Description,\n            1 as Depth,\n            c.display_order as Sort\n         from :_categories c\n\n         union\n\n         select\n            f.forum_id as CategoryID,\n            categories_id+1000 as ParentCategoryID,\n            forum_name as Name,\n            forum_desc as Description,\n            2 as Depth,\n            null as Sort\n         from :_forums f\n         ", $category_Map);
     // Discussion.
     $discussion_Map = array('topic_id' => 'DiscussionID', 'forum_id' => 'CategoryID', 'user_id' => 'InsertUserID', 'topic_time' => 'DateInserted', 'topic_title' => array('Column' => 'Name', 'Filter' => 'HTMLDecoder'), 'topic_views' => 'CountViews', 'topic_replies' => 'CountComments', 'topic_status' => 'Closed', 'topic_type' => 'Announce', 'post_text' => 'Body');
     // It's easier to convert between Unix time and MySQL datestamps during the db query.
     $ex->exportTable('Discussion', "\n         select *,\n            t.forum_id as forum_id,\n            if(t.topic_type>0,1,0) as topic_type,\n            'BBCode' as Format\n         from :_topics t\n         left join :_posts_text p\n            on t.topic_first_post_id = p.post_id", $discussion_Map);
     // Comment.
     $comment_Map = array('post_id' => 'CommentID', 'topic_id' => 'DiscussionID', 'user_id' => 'InsertUserID', 'poster_ip' => 'InsertIPAddress', 'post_text' => 'Body', 'post_time' => 'DateInserted', 'post_edit_time' => 'DateUpdated');
     $ex->exportTable('Comment', "\n         select p.*, t.post_text, 'BBCode' as Format\n         from :_posts p\n         left join :_posts_text t\n            on p.post_id = t.post_id\n         where p.post_id not in (select topic_first_post_id from :_topics)", $comment_Map);
     // UserDiscussion.
     // Guessing table is called "_watch" because they are all bookmarks.
     $userDiscussion_Map = array('topic_id' => 'DiscussionID', 'user_id' => 'UserID');
     $ex->exportTable('UserDiscussion', "\n         select *,\n            1 as Bookmarked,\n            if(is_read,NOW(),null) as DateLastViewed\n         from :_topics_watch w", $userDiscussion_Map);
     // Conversation.
     // Thread using tmp table based on the pair of users talking.
     $ex->query('drop table if exists z_conversation;');
     $ex->query('create table z_conversation (
     ConversationID int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
     LowUserID int unsigned,
     HighUserID int unsigned,
     PRIMARY KEY (ConversationID)
   ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;');
     $ex->query('insert into z_conversation (LowUserID, HighUserID)
      select least(privmsgs_from_userid, privmsgs_to_userid),
         greatest(privmsgs_from_userid, privmsgs_to_userid)
      from :_privmsgs
      group by least(privmsgs_from_userid, privmsgs_to_userid),
         greatest(privmsgs_from_userid, privmsgs_to_userid)');
     // Replying on /dba/counts to rebuild most of this data later.
     $conversation_Map = array('privmsgs_from_userid' => 'InsertUserID', 'privmsgs_date' => 'DateInserted', 'privmsgs_subject' => 'Subject');
     $ex->exportTable('Conversation', "\n         select p.*, c.ConversationID\n         from :_privmsgs p\n         left join z_conversation c on c.HighUserID = greatest(p.privmsgs_from_userid, p.privmsgs_to_userid)\n            and c.LowUserID = least(p.privmsgs_from_userid, p.privmsgs_to_userid)\n         group by least(privmsgs_from_userid, privmsgs_to_userid),\n            greatest(privmsgs_from_userid, privmsgs_to_userid)", $conversation_Map);
     // Conversation Message.
     // Messages with the same timestamps are sent/received copies.
     // Yes that'd probably break down on huge sites but it's too convenient to pass up for now.
     $message_Map = array('privmsgs_id' => 'MessageID', 'privmsgs_from_userid' => 'InsertUserID', 'privmsgs_date' => 'DateInserted', 'privmsgs_text' => 'Body');
     $ex->exportTable('ConversationMessage', "\n         select *, c.ConversationID, 'BBCode' as Format\n         from :_privmsgs p\n         left join :_privmsgs_text t on t.privmsgs_id = p.privmsgs_id\n         left join z_conversation c on c.LowUserID = least(privmsgs_from_userid, privmsgs_to_userid)\n            and c.HighUserID = greatest(privmsgs_from_userid, privmsgs_to_userid)\n         group by privmsgs_date", $message_Map);
     // UserConversation
     $ex->exportTable('UserConversation', "\n         select ConversationID, LowUserID as UserID, NOW() as DateLastViewed from z_conversation\n         union\n         select ConversationID, HighUserID as UserID, NOW() as DateLastViewed from z_conversation\n         ");
     // Needs afterward: update GDN_UserConversation set CountReadMessages = (select count(MessageID) from GDN_ConversationMessage where GDN_ConversationMessage.ConversationID = GDN_UserConversation.ConversationID)
Exemplo n.º 30
  * @param ExportModel $ex
 public function forumExport($ex)
     $characterSet = $ex->getCharacterSet('nodes');
     if ($characterSet) {
         $ex->characterSet = $characterSet;
     $ex->beginExport('', 'vBulletin 5 Connect');
     $this->exportBlobs($this->param('files'), $this->param('avatars'));
     if ($this->param('noexport')) {
         $ex->comment('Skipping the export.');
     $cdn = $this->param('cdn', '');
     // Grab all of the ranks.
     $ranks = $ex->get("select * from :_usertitle order by minposts desc", 'usertitleid');
     // Users
     $user_Map = array('userid' => 'UserID', 'username' => 'Name', 'password2' => 'Password', 'email' => 'Email', 'referrerid' => 'InviteUserID', 'timezoneoffset' => 'HourOffset', 'ipaddress' => 'LastIPAddress', 'ipaddress2' => 'InsertIPAddress', 'usertitle' => 'Title', 'posts' => array('Column' => 'RankID', 'Filter' => function ($value) use($ranks) {
         // Look  up the posts in the ranks table.
         foreach ($ranks as $rankID => $row) {
             if ($value >= $row['minposts']) {
                 return $rankID;
         return null;
     // Use file avatar or the result of our blob export?
     if ($this->getConfig('usefileavatar')) {
         $user_Map['filephoto'] = 'Photo';
     } else {
         $user_Map['customphoto'] = 'Photo';
     // vBulletin 5.1 changes the hash to crypt(md5(password), hash).
     // Switches from password & salt to token (and scheme & secret).
     // The scheme appears to be crypt()'s default and secret looks uselessly redundant.
     if ($ex->exists('user', 'token') !== true) {
         $passwordSQL = "concat(`password`, salt) as password2, 'vbulletin' as HashMethod,";
     } else {
         // vB 5.1 already concats the salt to the password as token, BUT ADDS A SPACE OF COURSE.
         $passwordSQL = "replace(token, ' ', '') as password2, case when scheme = 'legacy' then 'vbulletin' else 'vbulletin5' end as HashMethod,";
     $ex->exportTable('User', "\n            select\n                u.*,\n                ipaddress as ipaddress2,\n                {$passwordSQL}\n                DATE_FORMAT(birthday_search,GET_FORMAT(DATE,'ISO')) as DateOfBirth,\n                FROM_UNIXTIME(joindate) as DateFirstVisit,\n                FROM_UNIXTIME(lastvisit) as DateLastActive,\n                FROM_UNIXTIME(joindate) as DateInserted,\n                FROM_UNIXTIME(lastactivity) as DateUpdated,\n                case when avatarrevision > 0 then concat('{$cdn}', 'userpics/avatar', u.userid, '_', avatarrevision, '.gif')\n                    when av.avatarpath is not null then av.avatarpath\n                    else null\n                end as filephoto,\n                {$this->avatarSelect},\n                case when ub.userid is not null then 1 else 0 end as Banned\n            from :_user u\n                left join :_customavatar a on u.userid = a.userid\n                left join :_avatar av on u.avatarid = av.avatarid\n                left join :_userban ub\n                    on u.userid = ub.userid\n                    and ub.liftdate <= now()\n         ;", $user_Map);
     // ":_" will be replace by database prefix
     //ipdata - contains all IP records for user actions: view,visit,register,logon,logoff
     // Roles
     $role_Map = array('usergroupid' => 'RoleID', 'title' => 'Name', 'description' => 'Description');
     $ex->exportTable('Role', 'select * from :_usergroup', $role_Map);
     // UserRoles
     $userRole_Map = array('userid' => 'UserID', 'usergroupid' => 'RoleID');
     $ex->query("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE VbulletinRoles (userid INT UNSIGNED not null, usergroupid INT UNSIGNED not null)");
     # Put primary groups into tmp table
     $ex->query("insert into VbulletinRoles (userid, usergroupid) select userid, usergroupid from :_user");
     # Put stupid CSV column into tmp table
     $secondaryRoles = $ex->query("select userid, usergroupid, membergroupids from :_user", true);
     if (is_resource($secondaryRoles)) {
         while (($row = @mysql_fetch_assoc($secondaryRoles)) !== false) {
             if ($row['membergroupids'] != '') {
                 $groups = explode(',', $row['membergroupids']);
                 foreach ($groups as $groupID) {
                     $ex->query("insert into VbulletinRoles (userid, usergroupid) values({$row['userid']},{$groupID})", true);
     # Export from our tmp table and drop
     $ex->exportTable('UserRole', 'select distinct userid, usergroupid from VbulletinRoles', $userRole_Map);
     $ex->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS VbulletinRoles");
     // Permissions.
     $permissions_Map = array('usergroupid' => 'RoleID', 'title' => array('Column' => 'Garden.SignIn.Allow', 'Filter' => array($this, 'signInPermission')), 'genericpermissions' => array('Column' => 'GenericPermissions', 'type' => 'int'), 'forumpermissions' => array('Column' => 'ForumPermissions', 'type' => 'int'));
     $this->addPermissionColumns(self::$permissions, $permissions_Map);
     $ex->exportTable('Permission', 'select * from :_usergroup', $permissions_Map);
     // UserMeta
     /*$ex->Query("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE VbulletinUserMeta (`UserID` INT not null ,`Name` VARCHAR( 255 ) not null ,`Value` text not null)");
       # Standard vB user data
       $UserFields = array('usertitle' => 'Title', 'homepage' => 'Website', 'skype' => 'Skype', 'styleid' => 'StyleID');
       foreach($UserFields as $Field => $InsertAs)
          $ex->Query("insert into VbulletinUserMeta (UserID, Name, Value) select userid, 'Profile.$InsertAs', $Field from :_user where $Field != ''");
       # Dynamic vB user data (userfield)
       $ProfileFields = $ex->Query("select varname, text from :_phrase where product='vbulletin' and fieldname='cprofilefield' and varname like 'field%_title'");
       if (is_resource($ProfileFields)) {
          $ProfileQueries = array();
          while ($Field = @mysql_fetch_assoc($ProfileFields)) {
             $Column = str_replace('_title', '', $Field['varname']);
             $Name = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-\s]/', '', $Field['text']);
             $ProfileQueries[] = "insert into VbulletinUserMeta (UserID, Name, Value)
                select userid, 'Profile.".$Name."', ".$Column." from :_userfield where ".$Column." != ''";
          foreach ($ProfileQueries as $Query) {
     // Ranks
     $rank_Map = array('usertitleid' => 'RankID', 'title' => 'Name', 'title2' => 'Label', 'minposts' => array('Column' => 'Attributes', 'Filter' => function ($value) {
         $result = array('Criteria' => array('CountPosts' => $value));
         return serialize($result);
     }), 'level' => array('Column' => 'Level', 'Filter' => function ($value) {
         static $level = 1;
         return $level++;
     $ex->exportTable('Rank', "\n            select\n                ut.*,\n                ut.title as title2,\n                0 as level\n            from :_usertitle ut\n            order by ut.minposts\n         ;", $rank_Map);
     /// Signatures
     // usertextfields.signature
     // Ignore
     // usertextfields.ignorelist
     /// Notes
     /// Warnings
     /// Activity (Wall)
     // Category.
     $channels = array();
     $categoryIDs = array();
     $homeID = 0;
     $privateMessagesID = 0;
     // Filter Channels down to Forum tree
     $channelResult = $ex->query("\n            select\n                n.*\n            from :_node n\n                left join :_contenttype ct on n.contenttypeid = ct.contenttypeid\n            where ct.class = 'Channel'\n        ;");
     while ($channel = mysql_fetch_array($channelResult)) {
         $channels[$channel['nodeid']] = $channel;
         if ($channel['title'] == 'Forum') {
             $homeID = $channel['nodeid'];
         if ($channel['title'] == 'Private Messages') {
             $privateMessagesID = $channel['nodeid'];
     if (!$homeID) {
         exit("Missing node 'Forum'");
     // Go thru the category list 6 times to build a (up to) 6-deep hierarchy
     $categoryIDs[] = $homeID;
     for ($i = 0; $i < 6; $i++) {
         foreach ($channels as $channel) {
             if (in_array($channel['nodeid'], $categoryIDs)) {
             if (in_array($channel['parentid'], $categoryIDs)) {
                 $categoryIDs[] = $channel['nodeid'];
     // Drop 'Forum' from the tree
     if (($key = array_search($homeID, $categoryIDs)) !== false) {
     $category_Map = array('nodeid' => 'CategoryID', 'title' => 'Name', 'description' => 'Description', 'userid' => 'InsertUserID', 'parentid' => 'ParentCategoryID', 'urlident' => 'UrlCode', 'displayorder' => array('Column' => 'Sort', 'Type' => 'int'), 'lastcontentid' => 'LastDiscussionID', 'textcount' => 'CountComments', 'totalcount' => 'CountDiscussions');
     // Categories are Channels that were found in the Forum tree
     // If parent was 'Forum' set the parent to Root instead (-1)
     $ex->exportTable('Category', "\n            select\n                n.*,\n                FROM_UNIXTIME(publishdate) as DateInserted,\n                if(parentid={$homeID},-1,parentid) as parentid\n            from :_node n\n            where nodeid in (" . implode(',', $categoryIDs) . ")\n        ;", $category_Map);
     /// Permission
     //permission - nodeid,(user)groupid, and it gets worse from there.
     // Discussion.
     $discussion_Map = array('nodeid' => 'DiscussionID', 'type' => 'Type', 'title' => 'Name', 'userid' => 'InsertUserID', 'rawtext' => 'Body', 'parentid' => 'CategoryID', 'lastcontentid' => 'LastCommentID', 'lastauthorid' => 'LastCommentUserID');
     $discussionQuery = "\n            select\n                n.nodeid,\n                null as type,\n                n.title,\n                n.userid,\n                t.rawtext,\n                n.parentid,\n                n.lastcontentid,\n                n.lastauthorid,\n                'BBCode' as Format,\n                FROM_UNIXTIME(publishdate) as DateInserted,\n                v.count as CountViews,\n                convert(ABS(n.open-1),char(1)) as Closed,\n                if(convert(n.sticky,char(1))>0,2,0) as Announce,\n                null as PollID\n            from :_node n\n                left join :_contenttype ct on n.contenttypeid = ct.contenttypeid\n                left join :_nodeview v on v.nodeid = n.nodeid\n                left join :_text t on t.nodeid = n.nodeid\n            where ct.class = 'Text'\n                and n.showpublished = 1\n                and parentid in (" . implode(',', $categoryIDs) . ")\n        ;";
     // Polls need to be wrapped in a discussion so we are gonna need to postpone discussion creations
     if ($this->_getPollsCount()) {
         // NOTE: Only polls that are directly under a channel (discussion) will be exported.
         // Vanilla poll plugin does not support polls as comments.
         $ex->query("drop table if exists vBulletinDiscussionTable;");
         // Create a temporary table to hold old discussions and to create new discussions for polls
         $ex->query("\n                create table `vBulletinDiscussionTable` (\n                    `nodeid` int(10) unsigned not null AUTO_INCREMENT,\n                    `type` varchar(10) default null,\n                    `title` varchar(255) default null,\n                    `userid` int(10) unsigned default null,\n                    `rawtext` mediumtext,\n                    `parentid` int(11) not null,\n                    `lastcontentid` int(11) not null default '0',\n                    `lastauthorid` int(10) unsigned not null default '0',\n                    `Format` varchar(10) not null,\n                    `DateInserted` datetime not null,\n                    `CountViews` int(11) not null default '1',\n                    `Closed` tinyint(4) not null default '0',\n                    `Announce` tinyint(4) not null default '0',\n                    `PollID` int(10) unsigned, /* used to create poll->discussion mapping */\n                    primary key (`nodeid`)\n                )\n            ;");
         $ex->query("insert into vBulletinDiscussionTable {$discussionQuery}");
         // Export discussions
         $sql = "\n                select\n                    nodeid,\n                    type,\n                    title,\n                    userid,\n                    rawtext,\n                    parentid,\n                    lastcontentid,\n                    lastauthorid,\n                    Format,\n                    DateInserted,\n                    CountViews,\n                    Closed,\n                    Announce\n                from vBulletinDiscussionTable\n            ;";
         $ex->exportTable('Discussion', $sql, $discussion_Map);
         // Export polls
         // Cleanup tmp table
         $ex->query("drop table vBulletinDiscussionTable;");
     } else {
         $ex->exportTable('Discussion', $discussionQuery, $discussion_Map);
     // UserDiscussion
     $userDiscussion_Map = array('discussionid' => 'DiscussionID', 'userid' => 'InsertUserID');
     // Should be able to inner join `discussionread` for DateLastViewed
     // but it's blank in my sample data so I don't trust it.
     $ex->exportTable('UserDiscussion', "\n            select\n                s.*,\n                1 as Bookmarked,\n                NOW() as DateLastViewed\n            from :_subscribediscussion s\n        ;", $userDiscussion_Map);
     // Comment.
     $comment_Map = array('nodeid' => 'CommentID', 'rawtext' => 'Body', 'userid' => 'InsertUserID', 'parentid' => 'DiscussionID');
     $ex->exportTable('Comment', "\n            select\n                n.*,\n                t.rawtext,\n                'BBCode' as Format,\n                FROM_UNIXTIME(publishdate) as DateInserted\n            from :_node n\n                left join :_contenttype c on n.contenttypeid = c.contenttypeid\n                left join :_text t on t.nodeid = n.nodeid\n            where c.class = 'Text'\n                and n.showpublished = 1\n                and parentid not in (" . implode(',', $categoryIDs) . ")\n        ;", $comment_Map);
     /// Drafts
     // autosavetext table
     $instance = $this;
     // Media
     $media_Map = array('nodeid' => 'MediaID', 'filename' => 'Name', 'extension' => array('Column' => 'Type', 'Filter' => array($this, 'buildMimeType')), 'Path2' => array('Column' => 'Path', 'Filter' => array($this, 'buildMediaPath')), 'ThumbPath2' => array('Column' => 'ThumbPath', 'Filter' => function ($value, $field, $row) use($instance) {
         $filteredData = $this->filterThumbnailData($value, $field, $row);
         if ($filteredData) {
             return $instance->buildMediaPath($value, $field, $row);
         } else {
             return null;
     }), 'thumb_width' => array('Column' => 'ThumbWidth', 'Filter' => array($this, 'filterThumbnailData')), 'width' => 'ImageWidth', 'height' => 'ImageHeight', 'filesize' => 'Size');
     $ex->exportTable('Media', "\n            select\n                a.*,\n                filename as Path2,\n                filename as ThumbPath2,\n                128 as thumb_width,\n                FROM_UNIXTIME(f.dateline) as DateInserted,\n                f.userid as userid,\n                f.userid as InsertUserID,\n                if (f.width,f.width,1) as width,\n                if (f.height,f.height,1) as height,\n                n.parentid as ForeignID,\n                f.extension,\n                f.filesize,\n                if(n2.parentid in (" . implode(',', $categoryIDs) . "),'discussion','comment') as ForeignTable\n            from :_attach a\n                left join :_node n on n.nodeid = a.nodeid\n                left join :_filedata f on f.filedataid = a.filedataid\n                left join :_node n2 on n.parentid = n2.nodeid\n            where a.visible = 1\n        ;", $media_Map);
     // left join :_contenttype c on n.contenttypeid = c.contenttypeid
     // Conversations.
     $conversation_Map = array('nodeid' => 'ConversationID', 'userid' => 'InsertUserID', 'totalcount' => 'CountMessages', 'title' => 'Subject');
     $ex->exportTable('Conversation', "\n            select\n                n.*,\n                n.nodeid as FirstMessageID,\n                FROM_UNIXTIME(n.publishdate) as DateInserted\n            from :_node n\n                left join :_text t on t.nodeid = n.nodeid\n            where parentid = {$privateMessagesID}\n                and t.rawtext <> ''\n        ;", $conversation_Map);
     // Conversation Messages.
     $conversationMessage_Map = array('nodeid' => 'MessageID', 'rawtext' => 'Body', 'userid' => 'InsertUserID');
     $ex->exportTable('ConversationMessage', "\n            select\n                n.*,\n                t.rawtext,\n                'BBCode' as Format,\n                if(n.parentid<>{$privateMessagesID},n.parentid,n.nodeid) as ConversationID,\n                FROM_UNIXTIME(n.publishdate) as DateInserted\n            from :_node n\n                left join :_contenttype c on n.contenttypeid = c.contenttypeid\n                left join :_text t on t.nodeid = n.nodeid\n            where c.class = 'PrivateMessage'\n                and t.rawtext <> ''\n        ;", $conversationMessage_Map);
     // User Conversation.
     $userConversation_Map = array('userid' => 'UserID', 'nodeid' => 'ConversationID', 'deleted' => 'Deleted');
     // would be nicer to do an intermediary table to sum s.msgread for uc.CountReadMessages
     $ex->exportTable('UserConversation', "\n            select\n                s.*\n            from :_sentto s\n        ;", $userConversation_Map);
     /// Groups
     // class='SocialGroup'
     // class='SocialGroupDiscussion'
     // class='SocialGroupMessage'