Exemplo n.º 1

// using the template with a header & footer
// rig up the include_path
set_include_path(realpath('../') . PATH_SEPARATOR . realpath('./'));
require_once 'ExampleTemplate.php';
// make an array for cars for the template1.php file to spit put
$cars = array(array('make' => 'vw', 'model' => 'bug', 'year' => '1966'), array('make' => 'audi', 'model' => 'a4', 'year' => '2009'));
// the template files ('template1.php', 'header1.php', 'footer1.php')
// will all have access to variables called $foo and $cars
$templateData = array('foo' => 'howdy', 'cars' => $cars);
// render the template
$t = new ExampleTemplate('template1.php', $templateData, 'header1.php', 'footer1.php');
// get the output of the template as a string
$stringValueOfTemplate = $t->render(true);
// var_dump $stringValueOfTemplate to see we captured the output as a string
Exemplo n.º 2

// using the template with a header & footer AND including another template
// rig up the include_path
set_include_path(realpath('../') . PATH_SEPARATOR . realpath('./'));
require_once 'ExampleTemplate.php';
// make an array for cars for the template1.php file to spit put
$cars = array(array('make' => 'vw', 'model' => 'bug', 'year' => '1966'), array('make' => 'audi', 'model' => 'a4', 'year' => '2009'));
// the template files ('template2.php', 'header1.php', 'footer1.php')
// will all have access to variables called $foo and $cars
$templateData = array('foo' => 'howdy', 'cars' => $cars);
// get the template's output but dont render yet
$t = new ExampleTemplate('template2.php', $templateData, 'header1.php', 'footer1.php');
$output = $t->render(true);
echo $output;
// or echo $t would have worked...