Exemplo n.º 1
 public static function Update()
     // Learn about all of the banned calls that
     // we are aware of
     $banned_calls = \EveBannedCall::all();
     // For every banned call that we have, prepare
     // a notification to send
     foreach ($banned_calls as $banned_call) {
         // Super users will be receiving this notification,
         // so loop over the current superusers that we
         // have
         foreach (\Auth::findAllUsersWithAccess('superuser') as $super_user) {
             // Compile the full notification
             $notification_type = 'API';
             $notification_title = 'Banned Call';
             $notification_text = 'The SeAT backend has banned the ' . $banned_call->scope . '\\' . $banned_call->api . ' API call for key ' . $banned_call->ownerID . '. Reason: ' . $banned_call->reason . PHP_EOL . 'Key characters: ' . PHP_EOL;
             // Add some information about the characters on this key
             foreach (\EveAccountAPIKeyInfoCharacters::where('keyID', $banned_call->ownerID)->get() as $character) {
                 $notification_text .= ' - ' . $character->characterName . PHP_EOL;
             // Send the notification
             BaseNotify::sendNotification($super_user->id, $notification_type, $notification_title, $notification_text);
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function getRemoveAllBans()
     // Ensure that this is SuperUser
     if (!\Auth::isSuperUser()) {
     // Trash all of the banned calls information
     // Enable all of the keys
     SeatKey::where('isOk', 0)->update(array('isOk' => 1, 'lastError' => null));
     // Redirect with a message
     return Redirect::action('ApiKeyController@getAll')->with('success', 'All API keys have been enabled and their bans removed.');
Exemplo n.º 3
 public static function isBannedCall($api, $scope, $owner = 0, $accessMask = 0)
     // Check if we should retreive the current access mask
     if ($accessMask == 0) {
         $accessMask = \EveAccountAPIKeyInfo::where('keyID', '=', $owner)->pluck('accessMask');
     $hash = BaseApi::makeCallHash($api, $scope, $owner . $accessMask);
     $banned = \EveBannedCall::where('hash', '=', $hash)->first();
     if ($banned) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;