Exemplo n.º 1
/** Setting the minimum access level */
if ($user->getAccessLevel(2)) {
    /** Doing All POST action work */
    if (isset($_POST['action'])) {
        /** Doing action stuff */
        if ($_POST['action'] == "group_create") {
            /** We're creating a new group, so let's start the work by getting our POST'ed variabled */
            $groupName = $_POST['group_name'];
            $groupOwner = $user->getUserID();
            $groupJoinMethod = $_POST['group_join_method'];
            $groupType = $_POST['group_type'];
            $groupTypeConstraintName = $_POST['membership_constraint'];
            /** Looking up the correct ID for the name provided*/
            $eve = new Eve($db);
            $groupTypeConstraintLookup = $eve->getCharacterID($groupTypeConstraintName);
            /** Verifying that we got an ojbect back */
            if (is_object($groupTypeConstraintLookup) && $groupTypeConstraintLookup->characterID !== null) {
                /** Saving the ID of the name we looked up */
                $groupTypeConstraintID = $groupTypeConstraintLookup->characterID;
                $stmt_create_group = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO groups_overview (group_name,group_owner,group_join_method,group_type,' . 'group_type_constraint_id,group_type_constraint_name) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)');
                $stmt_create_group->execute(array($groupName, $groupOwner, $groupJoinMethod, $groupType, $groupTypeConstraintID, $groupTypeConstraintName));
                $stmt_group_id_lookup = $db->prepare('SELECT group_id FROM groups_overview WHERE group_owner = ? ORDER BY group_id DESC LIMIT 1');
                $groupIDLookup = $stmt_group_id_lookup->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
            } elseif (is_object($groupTypeConstraintLookup)) {
                /** The name given doesn't match a corporation or alliance */
                $_SESSION['alert'] = new Alert('danger', 'The Corporation or Alliance name provided does not exist. If it was recently created wait an hour for the API to update and try again.');
            } else {
                /** API failure, so we'll give a more generic message */