} } } } return $arguments; } try { if (empty($_SERVER['argv'][1])) { throw new Exception('Please specify the environment'); } if (getenv('NO_COLOR')) { Est_CliOutput::$active = false; } $env = $_SERVER['argv'][1]; $settingsFile = empty($_SERVER['argv'][2]) ? '../settings/settings.csv' : $_SERVER['argv'][2]; $processor = new Est_Processor($env, $settingsFile, parseArgs()); try { $res = $processor->apply(); $processor->printResults(); } catch (Exception $e) { $processor->printResults(); echo "\n\n\n"; echo Est_CliOutput::getColoredString('ERROR: Stopping execution because an error has occured!', 'red') . "\n"; echo Est_CliOutput::getColoredString("Detail: {$e->getMessage()}", 'red') . "\n"; echo "Trace:\n{$e->getTraceAsString()}\n"; exit(1); } } catch (Exception $e) { echo "\n" . Est_CliOutput::getColoredString("ERROR: {$e->getMessage()}", 'red') . "\n\n"; echo "\nERROR: {$e->getMessage()}\n"; exit(1);
#!/usr/bin/php <?php if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0') <= 0) { throw new Exception('EnvSettingsTool needs at least PHP 5.3'); } define('EST_ROOTDIR', dirname(__FILE__)); include dirname(__FILE__) . '/Est/Autoloading.php'; try { if (empty($_SERVER['argv'][1])) { throw new Exception('Please specify the environment'); } if (getenv('NO_COLOR')) { Est_CliOutput::$active = false; } $env = $_SERVER['argv'][1]; $settingsFile = empty($_SERVER['argv'][2]) ? '../settings/settings.csv' : $_SERVER['argv'][2]; $processor = new Est_Processor($env, $settingsFile); try { $res = $processor->dryRun(); } catch (Exception $e) { $processor->printResults(); echo "\nERROR: Stopping execution because an error has occured!\n\n"; exit(1); } } catch (Exception $e) { echo "\nERROR: {$e->getMessage()}\n\n"; exit(1); }
#!/usr/bin/php <?php if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0') <= 0) { throw new Exception('EnvSettingsTool needs at least PHP 5.3'); } define('EST_ROOTDIR', dirname(__FILE__)); include dirname(__FILE__) . '/Est/Autoloading.php'; try { if (empty($_SERVER['argv'][1])) { throw new Exception('Please specify the environment'); } if (getenv('NO_COLOR')) { Est_CliOutput::$active = false; } $env = $_SERVER['argv'][1]; $settingsFile = empty($_SERVER['argv'][2]) ? '../settings/settings.csv' : $_SERVER['argv'][2]; if (empty($_SERVER['argv'][3])) { throw new Exception('No handler specified!'); } $handlerName = $_SERVER['argv'][3]; $param1 = isset($_SERVER['argv'][4]) ? $_SERVER['argv'][4] : ''; $param2 = isset($_SERVER['argv'][5]) ? $_SERVER['argv'][5] : ''; $param3 = isset($_SERVER['argv'][6]) ? $_SERVER['argv'][6] : ''; $processor = new Est_Processor($env, $settingsFile); $handler = $processor->getHandler($handlerName, (string) $param1, (string) $param2, (string) $param3); echo $handler->getValue(); } catch (Exception $e) { echo "\nERROR: {$e->getMessage()}\n\n"; exit(1); }