Exemplo n.º 1
  * Filter the query to restrict the result to roots of an object.
  * Same as ancestorsOf(), except that it includes the object passed as parameter in the result
  * @param     Especialidad $especialidad The object to use for roots search
  * @return    EspecialidadQuery The current query, for fluid interface
 public function rootsOf($especialidad)
     return $this->inTree($especialidad->getScopeValue())->addUsingAlias(EspecialidadPeer::LEFT_COL, $especialidad->getLeftValue(), Criteria::LESS_EQUAL)->addUsingAlias(EspecialidadPeer::RIGHT_COL, $especialidad->getRightValue(), Criteria::GREATER_EQUAL);
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Moves current node and its subtree to be the next sibling of $sibling
  * The modifications in the current object and the tree are immediate
  * @param      Especialidad $sibling	Propel object for sibling node
  * @param      PropelPDO $con	Connection to use.
  * @return     Especialidad The current Propel object
 public function moveToNextSiblingOf($sibling, PropelPDO $con = null)
     if (!$this->isInTree()) {
         throw new PropelException('A Especialidad object must be already in the tree to be moved. Use the insertAsNextSiblingOf() instead.');
     if ($sibling->isRoot()) {
         throw new PropelException('Cannot move to next sibling of a root node.');
     if ($sibling->getScopeValue() != $this->getScopeValue()) {
         throw new PropelException('Moving nodes across trees is not supported');
     if ($sibling->isDescendantOf($this)) {
         throw new PropelException('Cannot move a node as sibling of one of its subtree nodes.');
     $this->moveSubtreeTo($sibling->getRightValue() + 1, $sibling->getLevel() - $this->getLevel(), $con);
     return $this;