public function onPropertiesActionData($event)
     if ($this->_privateConfig->sort->property) {
         $store = Erfurt_App::getInstance()->getStore();
         $config = Erfurt_App::getInstance()->getConfig();
         $data = $event->predicates;
         foreach ($data as $graphUri => $predicates) {
             $query = new Erfurt_Sparql_SimpleQuery();
             $query->setProloguePart('SELECT DISTINCT *')->addFrom((string) $graphUri)->setWherePart('WHERE { ?p <' . $this->_privateConfig->sort->property . '> ?o . }');
             $result = $store->sparqlQuery($query);
             if (!empty($result)) {
                 $order = array();
                 foreach ($result as $v) {
                     $order[$v['p']] = $v['o'];
                 $predicateOrder = array();
                 foreach (array_keys($predicates) as $predicate) {
                     if (array_key_exists($predicate, $order)) {
                         $predicateOrder[] = (int) $order[$predicate];
                     } else {
                         $predicateOrder[] = 0;
                 array_multisort($predicateOrder, SORT_DESC, SORT_STRING, $predicates);
                 $data[$graphUri] = $predicates;
         $event->predicates = $data;
         return true;
 private function filterProperties($properties)
     $uriToFilter = array();
     $filteredProperties = array();
     if ($this->_privateConfig->filterhidden) {
         $store = $this->_owApp->erfurt->getStore();
         //query for hidden properties
         $query = new Erfurt_Sparql_SimpleQuery();
         $query->setProloguePart('PREFIX sysont: <>
                                  SELECT ?uri')->setWherePart('WHERE {?uri sysont:hidden \'true\'.}');
         $uriToFilter = $store->sparqlQuery($query);
     if ($this->_privateConfig->filterlist) {
         //get properties to hide from privateconfig
         $toFilter = $this->_privateConfig->property->toArray();
         foreach ($toFilter as $element) {
             array_push($uriToFilter, array('uri' => $element));
     foreach ($properties as $property) {
         $toFilter = false;
         foreach ($uriToFilter as $element) {
             if ($element['uri'] == $property['uri']) {
                 $toFilter = true;
         if (!$toFilter) {
             array_push($filteredProperties, $property);
     return $filteredProperties;
 public function onPropertiesActionData($event)
     if ($this->_privateConfig->hide->property) {
         $store = Erfurt_App::getInstance()->getStore();
         $config = Erfurt_App::getInstance()->getConfig();
         $data = $event->predicates;
         foreach ($data as $graphUri => $predicates) {
             $query = new Erfurt_Sparql_SimpleQuery();
             $query->setProloguePart('SELECT DISTINCT *')->addFrom((string) $graphUri)->setWherePart('WHERE { ?p <' . $this->_privateConfig->hide->property . '> ?o . }');
             $results = $store->sparqlQuery($query);
             if (!empty($results)) {
                 $publicPredicates = array();
                 foreach ($data as $element) {
                     foreach ($element as $propertykey => $property) {
                         $hide = false;
                         foreach ($results as $result) {
                             if ($result['p'] == $property['uri']) {
                                 $hide = true;
                         if (!$hide) {
                             $publicPredicates[$propertykey] = $property;
                 $data[$graphUri] = $publicPredicates;
     $event->predicates = $data;
     return true;
 public function getContents()
     $titleHelper = new OntoWiki_Model_TitleHelper($this->_owApp->selectedModel);
     $query = new Erfurt_Sparql_SimpleQuery();
     $results = false;
     $_predicates = $this->_predicates;
     $properties = array();
     $instances = array();
     $url = new OntoWiki_Url(array('route' => 'properties'), array('r'));
     $titleHelper->addResources($_predicates, 'uri');
     foreach ($_predicates as $predicate) {
         $predicateUri = $predicate['uri'];
         $url->setParam('r', $predicateUri, true);
         // create properties url for the relation
         $properties[$predicateUri]['uri'] = $predicateUri;
         $properties[$predicateUri]['url'] = (string) $url;
         $properties[$predicateUri]['title'] = $titleHelper->getTitle($predicateUri, $this->_lang);
         $query->resetInstance()->setProloguePart('SELECT DISTINCT ?uri')->setWherePart('WHERE {
                     ?uri <' . $predicateUri . '> <' . (string) $this->_owApp->selectedResource . '> .
                     FILTER (isURI(?uri))
                 }')->setLimit(OW_SHOW_MAX + 1);
         if ($subjects = $this->_owApp->selectedModel->sparqlQuery($query)) {
             $results = true;
             // has_more is used for the dots
             if (count($subjects) > OW_SHOW_MAX) {
                 $properties[$predicateUri]['has_more'] = true;
                 $subjects = array_splice($subjects, 0, OW_SHOW_MAX);
             } else {
                 $properties[$predicateUri]['has_more'] = false;
             $subjectTitleHelper = new OntoWiki_Model_TitleHelper($this->_owApp->selectedModel);
             $subjectTitleHelper->addResources($subjects, 'uri');
             foreach ($subjects as $subject) {
                 $subjectUri = $subject['uri'];
                 $subject['title'] = $subjectTitleHelper->getTitle($subjectUri, $this->_lang);
                 // set URL
                 $url->setParam('r', $subjectUri, true);
                 $subject['url'] = (string) $url;
                 if (array_key_exists($predicateUri, $instances)) {
                     if (!array_key_exists($subjectUri, $instances[$predicateUri])) {
                         $instances[$predicateUri][$subjectUri] = $subject;
                 } else {
                     $instances[$predicateUri] = array($subjectUri => $subject);
     $this->view->resource = $this->_owApp->selectedResource;
     $this->view->properties = $properties;
     $this->view->instances = $instances;
     if (!$results) {
         $this->view->message = 'No matches.';
     return $this->render('linkinghere');
 public function shouldShow()
     $query = new Erfurt_Sparql_SimpleQuery();
     $query->setProloguePart('SELECT DISTINCT ?type')->setWherePart('WHERE {<' . (string) $this->_owApp->selectedResource . '> a ?type.}');
     if ($results = $this->_owApp->selectedModel->sparqlQuery($query)) {
         foreach ($results as $result) {
             if (in_array('', $result)) {
                 return true;
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 6
 public function serializeResourceToString($resource, $graphUri, $pretty = false, $useAc = true, array $additional = array())
     require_once 'Erfurt/Sparql/SimpleQuery.php';
     $query = new Erfurt_Sparql_SimpleQuery();
     $query->setProloguePart('SELECT ?resourceUri ?p ?o');
      * Why not as subject?
      * Because serializeQueryResultToString() expects ?resourceUri to be bound.
     $query->setWherePart('WHERE { ?resourceUri ?p ?o . FILTER (sameTerm(?resourceUri, <' . $resource . '>))}');
     $query->setOrderClause('?resourceUri ?p ?o');
     return $this->serializeQueryResultToString($query, $graphUri, $pretty, $useAc);
Exemplo n.º 7
 public function testResultHeadVarsHaveCorrectName()
     $store = Erfurt_App::getInstance()->getStore();
     $sparql = Erfurt_Sparql_SimpleQuery::initWithString('SELECT ?s ?p ?o WHERE { ?s ?p ?o } LIMIT 10');
     $result = $store->sparqlQuery($sparql, array('result_format' => 'extended'));
     $head = $result['head'];
     $this->assertEquals('s', $head['vars'][0]);
     $this->assertEquals('p', $head['vars'][1]);
     $this->assertEquals('o', $head['vars'][2]);
Exemplo n.º 8
 public function serializeGraphToString($graphUri, $pretty = false, $useAc = true)
     $triples = array();
     $store = Erfurt_App::getInstance()->getStore();
     require_once 'Erfurt/Sparql/SimpleQuery.php';
     $sparql = new Erfurt_Sparql_SimpleQuery();
     $sparql->setProloguePart('SELECT ?s ?p ?o');
     $sparql->setWherePart('WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }');
     $sparql->setOrderClause('?s ?p ?o');
     $offset = 0;
     while (true) {
         $result = $store->sparqlQuery($sparql, array('result_format' => 'extended', 'use_owl_imports' => false, 'use_additional_imports' => false, 'use_ac' => $useAc));
         $counter = 0;
         foreach ($result['results']['bindings'] as $stm) {
             $s = $stm['s']['value'];
             $p = $stm['p']['value'];
             $o = $stm['o'];
             if (!isset($triples["{$s}"])) {
                 $triples["{$s}"] = array();
             if (!isset($triples["{$s}"]["{$p}"])) {
                 $triples["{$s}"]["{$p}"] = array();
             if ($o['type'] === 'typed-literal') {
                 $triples["{$s}"]["{$p}"][] = array('type' => 'literal', 'value' => $o['value'], 'datatype' => $o['datatype']);
             } else {
                 if ($o['type'] === 'typed-literal') {
                     $oArray = array('type' => 'literal', 'value' => $o['value']);
                     if (isset($o['xml:lang'])) {
                         $oArray['lang'] = $o['xml:lang'];
                     $triples["{$s}"]["{$p}"][] = $oArray;
                 } else {
                     $triples["{$s}"]["{$p}"][] = array('type' => $o['type'], 'value' => $o['value']);
         if ($counter < 1000) {
         $offset += 1000;
     return json_encode($triples);
Exemplo n.º 9
  * @desc performs a sparql query on the model
  * @param string modelIri
  * @param string query
  * @return string
 public function sparql($modelIri, $query = null)
     if (null === $query) {
         $query = 'SELECT DISTINCT ?resource ?label WHERE {?resource rdfs:label ?label} LIMIT 5';
     $model = $this->_store->getModel($modelIri);
     $prefixes = $model->getNamespacePrefixes();
     foreach ($prefixes as $prefix => $namespace) {
         $query = 'PREFIX ' . $prefix . ': <' . $namespace . '>' . PHP_EOL . $query;
     require_once 'Erfurt/Sparql/SimpleQuery.php';
     $query = Erfurt_Sparql_SimpleQuery::initWithString($query);
     return $model->sparqlQuery($query);
 public function onPropertiesActionTemplate($event)
     $store = Erfurt_App::getInstance()->getStore();
     $config = Erfurt_App::getInstance()->getConfig();
     $model = $event->model;
     $graph = $event->graph;
     $resource = $event->resource;
     $predicates = $model->getPredicates();
     $description = $resource->getDescription();
     if ($this->_privateConfig->template->restrictive) {
         foreach ($description as $resource) {
             if (isset($resource[EF_RDF_TYPE])) {
                 $type = $resource[EF_RDF_TYPE][0]['value'];
             } else {
                 return false;
         $query = new Erfurt_Sparql_SimpleQuery();
         $query->setProloguePart('PREFIX erm: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?uri');
         $query->addFrom((string) $event->graph);
         $query->setWherePart('{?template a <' . $this->_template . '> .
                                 ?template erm:providesProperty ?uri .
                                 ?template erm:bindsClass <' . $type . '> .
                             } ');
         $result = $store->sparqlQuery($query);
     if (!empty($result)) {
         // flatten Array and flip keys with values to use array_intersect_key
         $result = array_map(function ($x) {
             return array_flip($x);
         }, $result);
         // FIXME Find a method to add standard properties which will be
         // displayed by default
         $result[] = array(EF_RDF_TYPE => "bla");
         $result[] = array(EF_RDFS_LABEL => "bla");
         $newResult = array();
         foreach ($result as $newKey => $newValue) {
             $newResult = array_merge($newResult, $newValue);
         $matched = array_intersect_key($predicates[(string) $graph], $newResult);
         $matched = array((string) $graph => $matched);
         $event->predicates = $matched;
     } else {
         return false;
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Returns the queries for the title properties of all resources.
  * @return Erfurt_Sparql_SimpleQuery
 public function getTitleQueries()
     $currentQuery = null;
     $queries = array();
     $select = 'SELECT DISTINCT ?property ?value';
     if ($this->_resources === null) {
         return array();
     foreach ($this->_resources as $resourceUri) {
         $where = 'WHERE {' . $this->_getTitleWhere($resourceUri) . '}';
         $currentQuery = new Erfurt_Sparql_SimpleQuery();
         $queries[$resourceUri] = $currentQuery;
     return $queries;
Exemplo n.º 12
 public function testRenameResource()
     $modelUri = '';
     $store = Erfurt_App::getInstance()->getStore();
     $graphs = array();
     foreach (array('old', 'new') as $diff) {
         $graphs[$diff] = array($modelUri => array(EF_RDF_TYPE => array(array('value' => EF_OWL_ONTOLOGY, 'type' => 'uri'))), $modelUri . $diff => array($modelUri . $diff => array(array('value' => $modelUri . $diff, 'type' => 'uri')), $modelUri . 'p1' => array(array('value' => $modelUri . $diff, 'type' => 'uri')), $modelUri . 'p2' => array(array('value' => $modelUri . $diff, 'type' => 'uri'), array('value' => $modelUri . 'old', 'type' => 'literal'), array('value' => $modelUri . 'o2', 'type' => 'uri')), 'lang' => array(array('value' => 'LANG', 'type' => 'literal', 'lang' => 'en'), array('value' => 'LANG', 'type' => 'literal', 'lang' => 'de'), array('value' => 'LANG', 'type' => 'literal', 'lang' => 'mn')), 'type' => array(array('value' => 'TYPE', 'type' => 'literal', 'datatype' => ''))), $modelUri . 's3' => array($modelUri . $diff => array(array('value' => $modelUri . 'o3', 'type' => 'uri'))), $modelUri . 's4' => array($modelUri . 'p4' => array(array('value' => $modelUri . 'o4', 'type' => 'uri'))));
     $model = $store->getNewModel($modelUri);
     $query = Erfurt_Sparql_SimpleQuery::initWithString('SELECT ?s ?p ?o
                                                         FROM <' . $modelUri . '>
                                                         WHERE { ?s ?p ?o . }');
     $result = $store->sparqlQuery($query, array('result_format' => 'extended'));
     $expected = array();
     foreach ($result['results']['bindings'] as $statement) {
         $expected[$statement['s']['value']][$statement['p']['value']][] = $statement['o'];
     $model = $store->getNewModel($modelUri);
     $model->renameResource($modelUri . 'old', $modelUri . 'new');
     $query = Erfurt_Sparql_SimpleQuery::initWithString('SELECT ?s ?p ?o
                                                         FROM <' . $modelUri . '>
                                                         WHERE { ?s ?p ?o . }');
     $result = $store->sparqlQuery($query, array('result_format' => 'extended'));
     $got = array();
     foreach ($result['results']['bindings'] as $statement) {
         $got[$statement['s']['value']][$statement['p']['value']][] = $statement['o'];
     $this->assertStatementsEqual($expected, $got, 'Graph after resource renaming');
Exemplo n.º 13
 private function typeAllowed()
     if ($this->_privateConfig->ratingClass) {
         $classArray = $this->_privateConfig->ratingClass->toArray();
         $store = $this->_owApp->erfurt->getStore();
         $resource = $this->_owApp->selectedResource;
         $query = new Erfurt_Sparql_SimpleQuery();
         $query->setProloguePart('SELECT *')->setWherePart('WHERE {
                 <' . $resource . '> <' . EF_RDF_TYPE . '> ?type
         $results = $store->sparqlQuery($query);
         if (in_array($results[0]['type'], $classArray)) {
             return true;
         } else {
             return false;
     } else {
         return true;
Exemplo n.º 14
 public function sparqlQuery($query, $options = array())
     // Make sure, we only query for configured graphs...
     $q = Erfurt_Sparql_SimpleQuery::initWithString((string) $query);
     $from = $q->getFrom();
     $newFrom = array();
     foreach ($from as $f) {
         if (isset($this->_configuredGraphs[$f])) {
             $newFrom[] = $f;
     if (count($newFrom) === 0) {
         return array();
     $resultform = isset($options[Erfurt_Store::RESULTFORMAT]) ? $options[Erfurt_Store::RESULTFORMAT] : Erfurt_Store::RESULTFORMAT_PLAIN;
     $url = $this->_serviceUrl . '?query=' . urlencode((string) $q);
     $client = $this->_getHttpClient($url, array('maxredirects' => 10, 'timeout' => 2000));
     if (null !== $this->_username) {
         if (substr($url, 0, 7) === 'http://') {
             // We need SSL here!
             $url = 'https://' . substr($url, 7);
         $client->setAuth($this->_username, $this->_password);
     $client->setHeaders('Accept', 'application/sparql-results+xml');
     $response = $client->request();
     if ($response->getStatus() === 200) {
         // OK
         if ($response->getBody() === '') {
             $result = array('head' => array(), 'results' => array('bindings' => array()));
         } else {
             $result = $this->_parseSparqlXmlResults($response->getBody());
     } else {
         $result = array('head' => array(), 'results' => array('bindings' => array()));
     switch ($resultform) {
         case 'plain':
             $newResult = array();
             //could be an ask query
             if (empty($result['results']['bindings']) && !empty($result['boolean'])) {
                 return $result;
             } else {
                 foreach ($result['results']['bindings'] as $row) {
                     $newRow = array();
                     foreach ($row as $var => $value) {
                         // TODO datatype and lang support
                         $newRow[$var] = $value['value'];
                     $newResult[] = $newRow;
             return $newResult;
         case 'extended':
             return $result;
         case 'json':
             return json_encode($result);
             throw new Exception('Result form ' . $resultform . ' not supported yet.');
Exemplo n.º 15
 /** @see Erfurt_Store_Adapter_Interface */
 public function countWhereMatches($graphIris, $whereSpec, $countSpec, $distinct = false)
     $query = new Erfurt_Sparql_SimpleQuery();
     if (!$distinct) {
         $query->setProloguePart("COUNT DISTINCT {$countSpec}");
         // old way: distinct has no effect !!!
     } else {
         $query->setProloguePart("COUNT-DISTINCT {$countSpec}");
         // i made a (unccol) hack to fix this, the "-" ist there because i didnt want to change tokenization
     $result = $this->sparqlQuery($query);
     if ($result) {
         return $result;
     return 0;
Exemplo n.º 16
  * Calculates the transitive closure for a given property and a set of starting nodes.
  * @see getTransitiveClosure
 private function _getTransitiveClosure($modelIri, $property, $startResources, $inverse, $maxDepth)
     $closure = array();
     $classes = $startResources;
     $usedClasses = array();
     $i = 0;
     $from = '';
     foreach ($this->getImportsClosure($modelIri) as $import) {
         $from .= 'FROM <' . $import . '>' . PHP_EOL;
     while (++$i <= $maxDepth) {
         $where = $inverse ? '?child <' . $property . '> ?parent.' : '?parent <' . $property . '> ?child.';
         $subSparql = 'SELECT ?parent ?child
             FROM <' . $modelIri . '>' . PHP_EOL . $from . '
             WHERE {
                 ' . $where . ' OPTIONAL {?child <> ?order}
                 FILTER (
                     ?parent IN (<' . implode('>, <', $classes) . '>)
             ORDER BY ASC(?order)';
         $subSparql = Erfurt_Sparql_SimpleQuery::initWithString($subSparql);
         // get sub items
         $result = $this->_backendAdapter->sparqlQuery($subSparql, array(Erfurt_Store::RESULTFORMAT => Erfurt_Store::RESULTFORMAT_PLAIN));
         // break on first empty result
         if (empty($result)) {
         $classes = array();
         foreach ($result as $row) {
             // $key = $inverse ? $row['child'] : $row['parent'];
             $key = $inverse ? $row['child'] : $row['parent'];
             $closure[$key] = array('node' => $inverse ? $row['child'] : $row['parent'], 'parent' => $inverse ? $row['parent'] : $row['child'], 'depth' => $i);
             $classes[] = $row['child'];
         $usedClasses = array_merge($usedClasses, $classes);
     // prepare start resources inclusion
     $merger = array();
     $startResources = array_merge($startResources, $merger);
     foreach ($startResources as $startUri) {
         $merger[(string) $startUri] = array('node' => $startUri, 'parent' => null, 'depth' => 0);
     // add all parent classes
     if (false === $inverse) {
         foreach ($usedClasses as $c) {
             if (false === isset($merger[$c])) {
                 $merger[$c] = array('node' => $c, 'parent' => null, 'depth' => 0);
     // merge in start resources
     $closure = array_merge($merger, $closure);
     return $closure;
  * rate a resource
 public function rateAction()
     if (!$this->_owApp->selectedModel->isEditable()) {
         require_once 'Erfurt/Ac/Exception.php';
         throw new Erfurt_Ac_Exception("Access control violation. Model not editable.");
     $user = $this->_owApp->getUser()->getUri();
     $date = date('rating');
     // xsd:datetime
     $resource = (string) $this->_owApp->selectedResource;
     $aboutProperty = $this->_privateConfig->about->property;
     $creatorProperty = $this->_privateConfig->creator->property;
     $ratingType = $this->_privateConfig->rating->type;
     $noteProperty = $this->_privateConfig->note->property;
     $dateProperty = $this->_privateConfig->date->property;
     //get rating Value
     $ratingValue = $this->getParam('rating');
     if (!empty($ratingValue)) {
         $query = new Erfurt_Sparql_SimpleQuery();
         $model = OntoWiki::getInstance()->selectedModel;
         // $store    = $this->_erfurt->getStore();
         //query rating and creator of rating
             prefix rdf: <>
             prefix ns0: <>
             prefix ns1: <>
             SELECT *')->setWherePart('where {
                 ?rating rdf:type ns1:Poll.
                 ?rating ns0:about <' . $this->_owApp->selectedResource . '>.
                 ?rating ns0:has_creator ?creator}');
         $results = $model->sparqlQuery($query);
         if ($results) {
             $creatorExists = false;
             foreach ($results as $result) {
                 if ((string) $user == $result['creator']) {
                     $creatorExists = true;
                     $ratingNote = $result['rating'];
             if ($creatorExists) {
                 $this->_owApp->selectedModel->deleteMatchingStatements($ratingNote, null, null, array());
         // make URI
         $ratingNoteUri = $this->_owApp->selectedModel->createResourceUri('Rating');
         // preparing versioning
         $versioning = $this->_erfurt->getVersioning();
         $actionSpec = array();
         $actionSpec['type'] = 110;
         $actionSpec['modeluri'] = (string) $this->_owApp->selectedModel;
         $actionSpec['resourceuri'] = $ratingNoteUri;
         // create namespaces (todo: this should be based on used properties)
         // insert rating
         $this->_owApp->selectedModel->addStatement($ratingNoteUri, $aboutProperty, array('value' => $resource, 'type' => 'uri'));
         $this->_owApp->selectedModel->addStatement($ratingNoteUri, EF_RDF_TYPE, array('value' => $ratingType, 'type' => 'uri'));
         $this->_owApp->selectedModel->addStatement($ratingNoteUri, $creatorProperty, array('value' => (string) $user, 'type' => 'uri'));
         $this->_owApp->selectedModel->addStatement($ratingNoteUri, $dateProperty, array('value' => $date, 'type' => 'literal', 'datatype' => EF_XSD_NS . 'dateTime'));
         $this->_owApp->selectedModel->addStatement($ratingNoteUri, $noteProperty, array('value' => $ratingValue, 'type' => 'literal'));
         $cache = $this->_erfurt->getQueryCache();
         $ret = $cache->cleanUpCache(array('mode' => 'uninstall'));
     // stop Action
Exemplo n.º 18
  * Get all observations which fits to given DSD, DS and selected compontents.
  * @param $dataSetUrl URL of a data set
  * @param $selectedComponentDimensions
 public function getObservations($dataSetUrl, $selectedComponentDimensions = array())
     // generate unique hash using given result and model uri
     $objectId = md5($this->_model->getModelIri() . $dataSetUrl . json_encode($selectedComponentDimensions));
     // check there is already a cached object for this hash
     $result = $this->_objectCache->load($objectId);
     if (false === $result) {
          * Fill SimpleQuery object with live!
         $queryObject = new Erfurt_Sparql_SimpleQuery();
         // SELECT
         $queryObject->setProloguePart('SELECT ?s ?p ?o');
         // FROM
         // WHERE
         $where = 'WHERE { ' . "\n" . '
             ?s ?p ?o .' . "\n" . '
             ?s <> <' . DataCube_UriOf::Observation . '> .' . "\n" . '
             ?s <' . DataCube_UriOf::DataSetRelation . '> <' . $dataSetUrl . '> .' . "\n";
         // Set selected properties (e.g. ?s <> ?d0 .)
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($selectedComponentDimensions as $dimension) {
             if (0 < count($dimension['__cv_elements'])) {
                 $where .= ' ?s <' . $dimension[DataCube_UriOf::Dimension] . '> ?d' . $i++ . ' .' . "\n";
         // Set FILTER
         // e.g.: FILTER (?d1 = "2003" OR ?d1 = "2001" OR ?d1 = "2002")
         // e.g. 2: FILTER ( ?d0 = <> OR
         //                  ?d0 = <> )
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($selectedComponentDimensions as $dimension) {
             $dimensionElements = $dimension['__cv_elements'];
             if (0 < count($dimensionElements)) {
                 $filter = array();
                 foreach ($dimensionElements as $elementUri => $element) {
                     // If __cv_uri is set and an URL
                     if (true == Erfurt_Uri::check($element['__cv_uri'])) {
                         $value = '<' . $element['__cv_uri'] . '>';
                         $filter[] = ' ?d' . $i . ' = ' . $value . ' ';
                     } else {
                         $value = '"' . $element['__cv_niceLabel'] . '"';
                         $filter[] = ' xsd:string(?d' . $i . ') = xsd:string(' . $value . ') ';
                 $where .= ' FILTER (' . implode('OR', $filter) . ') ' . "\n";
         $where .= '}';
         $result = $this->_model->sparqlQuery((string) $queryObject);
         // generate associative array out of given observation result
         $result = $this->generateAssocSPOArrayFromSparqlResult($result, 's', 'p', 'o');
         // limit the number of observations
         $result = array_slice($result, 0, 250);
         // enrich data with CubeViz sugar
         $result = $this->enrichResult($result, false);
         // close the object cache transaction
         // save the result value in the object cache
         $this->_objectCache->save($result, $objectId);
     return $result;
Exemplo n.º 19
 public function getMultiList()
     $this->store = $this->_owApp->erfurt->getStore();
     $this->model = $this->_owApp->selectedModel;
     /* prepare schema elements */
     // TODO: This should be used from the CommunityController
     $aboutProperty = $this->_privateConfig->about->property;
     $creatorProperty = $this->_privateConfig->creator->property;
     $commentType = $this->_privateConfig->comment->type;
     $contentProperty = $this->_privateConfig->content->property;
     $dateProperty = $this->_privateConfig->date->property;
     $realLimit = $this->_privateConfig->limit + 1;
     // used for query to check for "more"
     // get the latest comments
     $commentSparql = 'SELECT DISTINCT ?resource ?author ?comment ?content ?date #?alabel
         WHERE {
             ?comment <' . $aboutProperty . '> ?resource.
             ?comment a <' . $commentType . '>.
             ?comment <' . $creatorProperty . '> ?author.
             ?comment <' . $contentProperty . '> ?content.
             ?comment <' . $dateProperty . '> ?date.
         ORDER BY DESC(?date)
         LIMIT ' . $realLimit;
     $query = Erfurt_Sparql_SimpleQuery::initWithString($commentSparql);
     return $this->model->sparqlQuery($query);
Exemplo n.º 20
  * Returns all existing sync configurations.
  * @return array|bool
 private function _listSyncConfigs()
     if (null === $this->_syncConfigListCache) {
         $store = Erfurt_App::getInstance()->getStore();
         require_once 'Erfurt/Sparql/SimpleQuery.php';
         $query = new Erfurt_Sparql_SimpleQuery();
         $query->setProloguePart('SELECT ?s ?p ?o');
         $where = 'WHERE {
             ?s ?p ?o .
             ?s <' . EF_RDF_TYPE . '> <' . $this->_properties['syncConfigClass'] . '> . }';
         $result = $store->sparqlQuery($query, array('use_ac' => false));
         if (count($result) === 0) {
             return false;
         $retVal = array();
         foreach ($result as $row) {
             if (!isset($retVal[$row['s']])) {
                 $retVal[$row['s']] = array('uri' => $row['s']);
             switch ($row['p']) {
                 case $this->_properties['targetModel']:
                     $retVal[$row['s']]['targetModel'] = $row['o'];
                 case $this->_properties['syncResource']:
                     $retVal[$row['s']]['syncResource'] = $row['o'];
                 case $this->_properties['wrapperName']:
                     $retVal[$row['s']]['wrapperName'] = $row['o'];
                 case $this->_properties['lastSyncPayload']:
                     $retVal[$row['s']]['lastSyncPayload'] = unserialize($row['o']);
                 case $this->_properties['lastSyncDateTime']:
                     $retVal[$row['s']]['lastSyncDateTime'] = $row['o'];
                 case $this->_properties['syncQuery']:
                     $retVal[$row['s']]['syncQuery'] = $row['o'];
                 case $this->_properties['checkHasChanged']:
                     $retVal[$row['s']]['checkHasChanged'] = (bool) $row['o'];
         $cacheVal = array();
         foreach ($retVal as $s => $valueArray) {
             $hash = $this->_getHash($valueArray['syncResource'], $valueArray['wrapperName'], $valueArray['targetModel']);
             $cacheVal[$hash] = $valueArray;
         $this->_syncConfigListCache = $cacheVal;
     return $this->_syncConfigListCache;
Exemplo n.º 21
  * Create the (context) menu for classes and fill it with its default entries
 private function _getClassMenu($resource = null)
     $owApp = OntoWiki::getInstance();
     $classMenu = new OntoWiki_Menu();
     $query = Erfurt_Sparql_SimpleQuery::initWithString('SELECT *
          FROM <' . (string) $owApp->selectedModel . '>
          WHERE {
             <' . $resource . '> a ?type  .
     $results[] = $owApp->erfurt->getStore()->sparqlQuery($query);
     $query = Erfurt_Sparql_SimpleQuery::initWithString('SELECT *
          FROM <' . (string) $owApp->selectedModel . '>
          WHERE {
             ?inst a <' . $resource . '> .
          } LIMIT 2');
     if (count($owApp->erfurt->getStore()->sparqlQuery($query)) > 0) {
         $hasInstances = true;
     } else {
         $hasInstances = false;
     $typeArray = array();
     foreach ($results[0] as $row) {
         $typeArray[] = $row['type'];
     if (in_array(EF_RDFS_CLASS, $typeArray) || in_array(EF_OWL_CLASS, $typeArray) || $hasInstances) {
         $url = new OntoWiki_Url(array('action' => 'list'), array());
         $url->setParam('class', $resource, false);
         $url->setParam('init', "true", true);
         $classMenu->appendEntry('List Instances', (string) $url);
         // add class menu entries
         if ($owApp->erfurt->getAc()->isModelAllowed('edit', $owApp->selectedModel)) {
             $classMenu->appendEntry('Create Instance', "javascript:createInstanceFromClassURI('{$resource}');");
     return $classMenu;
 protected function _buildQuery($setup, $forImplicit = false)
     if (isset($setup->config->query->deeper) && isset($setup->state->parent)) {
         //$replace = ;
         $queryString = str_replace("%resource%", $setup->state->parent, $setup->config->query->deeper);
         $query = Erfurt_Sparql_SimpleQuery::initWithString($queryString);
     } else {
         $query = new Erfurt_Sparql_Query2();
         $query->addElements(NavigationHelper::getSearchTriples($setup, $forImplicit, $this->_config->store->backend));
         $query->addProjectionVar(new Erfurt_Sparql_Query2_Var('resourceUri'));
         //$query->addProjectionVar(new Erfurt_Sparql_Query2_Var('subResourceUri'));
         // set to _limit+1, so we can see if there are more than $_limit entries
         //$query->setLimit($this->_limit + 1);
     // sorting
     if (isset($setup->state->sorting)) {
         $query->getOrder()->add(new Erfurt_Sparql_Query2_Var('sortRes'), "ASC");
     } elseif (isset($setup->config->ordering->relation)) {
         // set ordering
         $orderVar = new Erfurt_Sparql_Query2_Var('order');
         $query->getWhere()->addElement(new Erfurt_Sparql_Query2_OptionalGraphPattern(array(new Erfurt_Sparql_Query2_Triple(new Erfurt_Sparql_Query2_Var('resourceUri'), new Erfurt_Sparql_Query2_IriRef($setup->config->ordering->relation), $orderVar))));
         $query->getOrder()->add($orderVar, $setup->config->ordering->modifier);
     // set offset
     if (isset($setup->state->offset) && $setup->state->lastEvent == 'more') {
         $query->setLimit($this->_limit + $setup->state->offset + 1);
     } else {
         $query->setLimit($this->_limit + 1);
     return $query;
Exemplo n.º 23
 public function sparqlQuery($query, $options = array())
     $resultform = isset($options[Erfurt_Store::RESULTFORMAT]) ? $options[Erfurt_Store::RESULTFORMAT] : Erfurt_Store::RESULTFORMAT_PLAIN;
     if (!$query instanceof Erfurt_Sparql_SimpleQuery) {
         $query = Erfurt_Sparql_SimpleQuery::initWithString((string) $query);
     $limit = $query->getLimit();
     $offset = $query->getOffset();
     if (strpos(strtolower($query->getProloguePart()), 'distinct') !== false) {
         $isDistinct = true;
     } else {
         $isDistinct = false;
     $queryBackends = array();
     foreach ($query->getFrom() as $from) {
         if (isset($this->_configuredGraphs[$from])) {
             if (isset($queryBackends[$this->_configuredGraphs[$from]])) {
                 $queryBackends[$this->_configuredGraphs[$from]][] = $from;
             } else {
                 $queryBackends[$this->_configuredGraphs[$from]] = array($from);
     foreach ($query->getFromNamed() as $fromNamed) {
         if (isset($this->_configuredGraphs[$fromNamed])) {
             if (isset($queryBackends[$this->_configuredGraphs[$fromNamed]])) {
                 $queryBackends[$this->_configuredGraphs[$fromNamed]][] = $fromNamed;
             } else {
                 $queryBackends[$this->_configuredGraphs[$fromNamed]] = array($fromNamed);
     // Special care if offset is given and grater zero
     if (null !== $offset && $offset > 0) {
         $currentCount = 0;
         $newBackends = array();
         foreach ($queryBackends as $backendId => $graphUris) {
             $tempQuery = clone $query;
             if ($isDistinct) {
                 $tempQuery->setProloguePart('COUNT DISTINCT');
             } else {
             $count = $this->_backends[$backendId]->sparqlQuery($tempQuery);
             $currentCount += $count;
             if ($offset < $currentCount) {
                 $newBackends[$backendId] = $graphUris;
                 if (null !== $limit && $currentCount >= $offset + $limit) {
             } else {
                 $offset = $offset - $count;
                 if ($offset < 0) {
                     $offset = 0;
         $queryBackends = $newBackends;
     $result = array();
     $currentCount = 0;
     foreach ($queryBackends as $backendId => $graphUris) {
         $tempQuery = clone $query;
         $offset = null;
         $tempResult = $this->_backends[$backendId]->sparqlQuery($tempQuery, $resultform);
         if (null !== $limit) {
             if ($resultform === 'plain') {
                 $limit = $limit - count($tempResult);
                 if ($limit < 0) {
                     $limit = 0;
             } else {
                 $limit = $limit - count($tempResult['result']['bindings']);
                 if ($limit < 0) {
                     $limit = 0;
         if ($resultform === 'plain') {
             $result = array_merge($result, $tempResult);
         } else {
             if (empty($result)) {
                 $result['head'] = $tempResult['head'];
                 $result['result']['bindings'] = $tempResult['bindings'];
             } else {
                 $result['result']['bindings'] = array_merge($result['bindings'], $tempResult['bindings']);
     // TODO Handle DISTINCT
     return $result;
  * @desc performs a sparql query on the store
  * @param string query
  * @return string
 public function sparql($query = 'SELECT ?resource ?label WHERE {?resource ?prop ?label} LIMIT 5')
     require_once 'Erfurt/Sparql/SimpleQuery.php';
     $query = Erfurt_Sparql_SimpleQuery::initWithString($query);
     return $this->_store->sparqlQuery($query);
Exemplo n.º 25
 public function onIsDispatchable($event)
     if (!$event->getValue()) {
         // linked data plug-in returned false --> 404
         $config = $this->getSiteConfig();
         if (isset($config['error'])) {
             $errorResource = $config['error'];
             if (isset($config['model'])) {
                 $siteGraph = $config['model'];
                 $store = OntoWiki::getInstance()->erfurt->getStore();
                 $siteModel = $store->getModel($siteGraph);
                 $sparql = sprintf('ASK FROM <%s> WHERE {<%s> ?p ?o .}', $siteGraph, $errorResource);
                 $query = Erfurt_Sparql_SimpleQuery::initWithString($sparql);
                 $result = $store->sparqlAsk($query);
                 if (true === $result) {
                     OntoWiki::getInstance()->selectedModel = $siteModel;
                     OntoWiki::getInstance()->selectedResource = new OntoWiki_Resource($errorResource, $siteModel);
                     $request = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getRequest();
                     return true;
                 } else {
                     $response = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getResponse();
                     $response->setRawHeader('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');
         return false;
          * TODO:
          * if error is 404
          * 1. set 404 header
          * if error resource exists in site model
          *   2. load site model
          *   3. set error resource as current resource
          *   4. render site as normal
          * fi
          * else
          *   2. render default 404 template
         // $errorHandler = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getPlugin('Zend_Controller_Plugin_ErrorHandler');
         // if ($errorHandler) {
         //     $errorHandler->setErrorHandler(array(
         //         'controller' => 'site',
         //         'action' => 'error'
         //     ));
         // }
Exemplo n.º 26
  * Deletes one or more resources denoted by param 'r'
  * TODO: This should be done by a evolution pattern in the future
 public function deleteAction()
     $store = $this->_erfurt->getStore();
     $model = $this->_owApp->selectedModel;
     $modelIri = (string) $model;
     $redirect = $this->_request->getParam('redirect', $this->_config->urlBase);
     if (isset($this->_request->r)) {
         $resources = $this->_request->getParam('r', array());
     } else {
         throw new OntoWiki_Exception('Missing parameter r!');
     if (!is_array($resources)) {
         $resources = array($resources);
     // get versioning
     $versioning = $this->_erfurt->getVersioning();
     $count = 0;
     if ($this->_erfurt->getAc()->isModelAllowed('edit', $modelIri)) {
         foreach ($resources as $resource) {
             // if we have only a nice uri, fill to full uri
             if (Zend_Uri::check($resource) == false) {
                 // check for namespace
                 if (strstr($resource, ':')) {
                     $resource = OntoWiki_Utils::expandNamespace($resource);
                 } else {
                     $resource = $model->getBaseIri() . $resource;
             // action spec for versioning
             $actionSpec = array();
             $actionSpec['type'] = 130;
             $actionSpec['modeluri'] = $modelIri;
             $actionSpec['resourceuri'] = $resource;
             // starting action
             $stmtArray = array();
             // query for all triples to delete them
             $sparqlQuery = new Erfurt_Sparql_SimpleQuery();
             $sparqlQuery->setProloguePart('SELECT ?p, ?o');
             $sparqlQuery->setWherePart('{ <' . $resource . '> ?p ?o . }');
             $result = $store->sparqlQuery($sparqlQuery, array('result_format' => 'extended'));
             // transform them to statement array to be compatible with store methods
             foreach ($result['results']['bindings'] as $stmt) {
                 $stmtArray[$resource][$stmt['p']['value']][] = $stmt['o'];
             $store->deleteMultipleStatements($modelIri, $stmtArray);
             // stopping action
         $message = $count . ' resource' . ($count != 1 ? 's' : '') . ($count ? ' successfully' : '') . ' deleted.';
         $this->_owApp->appendMessage(new OntoWiki_Message($message, OntoWiki_Message::SUCCESS));
     } else {
         $message = 'not allowed.';
         $this->_owApp->appendMessage(new OntoWiki_Message($message, OntoWiki_Message::WARNING));
     $event = new Erfurt_Event('onDeleteResources');
     $event->resourceArray = $resources;
     $event->modelUri = $modelIri;
     $this->_redirect($redirect, array('code' => 302));
 private function _getTypes()
     $typesInferred = array();
     $query = new Erfurt_Sparql_SimpleQuery();
     $query->setProloguePart('SELECT DISTINCT ?uri')->setWherePart('WHERE {
                 <' . (string) $this->_owApp->selectedResource . '> a ?uri.
                 ?similar a ?uri.
                 FILTER isUri(?uri)
     if ($result = $this->_owApp->selectedModel->sparqlQuery($query)) {
         $types = array();
         foreach ($result as $row) {
             array_push($types, $row['uri']);
         $typesInferred = $this->_store->getTransitiveClosure((string) $this->_owApp->selectedModel, EF_RDFS_SUBCLASSOF, $types, false);
     return array_keys($typesInferred);
  * Filters a result regarding the configured sparql query.
  * @param array  $result
  * @param string $uri
  * @param string $wrapperName
  * @param string $modelUri
  * @return array
 private function _filterResult($result, $uri, $wrapperName, $modelUri)
     $store = Erfurt_App::getInstance()->getStore();
     $syncConfig = $this->_getSyncConfig($uri, $wrapperName, $modelUri);
     if (!is_array($syncConfig) || count($syncConfig) === 0) {
         return array();
     $syncConfig = $syncConfig[0];
     // TODO We need support for in-memory models... this is a workaround
     $tempModelUri = $this->_syncModelHelperBase . md5($uri . $wrapperName . $modelUri . time());
     $tempModel = $store->getNewModel($tempModelUri, '', 'rdf', false);
     $store->addMultipleStatements($tempModelUri, $result);
     $simpleQuery = Erfurt_Sparql_SimpleQuery::initWithString($syncConfig['syncQuery']);
     $sparqlResult = $store->sparqlQuery($simpleQuery, array('result_format' => 'extended', 'use_ac' => false));
     $retVal = array();
     foreach ($sparqlResult['results']['bindings'] as $row) {
         if (!isset($retVal[$row['s']['value']])) {
             $retVal[$row['s']['value']] = array();
         if (!isset($retVal[$row['s']['value']][$row['p']['value']])) {
             $retVal[$row['s']['value']][$row['p']['value']] = array();
         $oArray = array('value' => $row['o']['value']);
         if ($row['o']['type'] === 'typed-literal') {
             $oArray['type'] = 'literal';
             $oArray['dataytpe'] = $row['o']['datatype'];
         } else {
             $oArray['type'] = $row['o']['type'];
         if (isset($row['o']['xml:lang'])) {
             $oArray['lang'] = $row['o']['xml:lang'];
         $retVal[$row['s']['value']][$row['p']['value']][] = $oArray;
     return $retVal;
Exemplo n.º 29
 private function _matchGraphAndUri($uri)
     $graph = null;
     $actualUri = null;
     $store = null;
     try {
         $store = OntoWiki::getInstance()->erfurt->getStore();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // if we can't get the store, we do nothing
     if ((bool) $this->_privateConfig->fuzzyMatch === true) {
         // Remove trailing slashes
         $uri = rtrim($uri, '/');
         // Match case-insensitive and optionally with trailing slashes
         $query = sprintf('SELECT DISTINCT ?uri WHERE {?uri ?p ?o . FILTER (regex(str(?uri), "^%s/*$", "i"))}', $uri);
         $queryObj = Erfurt_Sparql_SimpleQuery::initWithString($query);
         $result = $store->sparqlQuery($queryObj);
         $first = current($result);
         if (isset($first['uri'])) {
             $actualUri = $first['uri'];
     } else {
         $actualUri = $uri;
     $graphs = $store->getReadableGraphsUsingResource($actualUri, true);
     return array($graphs[0], $actualUri);
Exemplo n.º 30
  * Checks the local database, whether user exists
 protected function _checkWebId($webId)
     $retVal = array('userUri' => false, 'denyLogin' => false);
     // Query the store.
     require_once 'Erfurt/Sparql/SimpleQuery.php';
     $query = new Erfurt_Sparql_SimpleQuery();
     $query->setProloguePart('SELECT ?s ?p ?o');
     $where = 'WHERE { 
                         ?s ?p ?o . 
                         ?s <' . EF_RDF_TYPE . '> <' . $this->_uris['user_class'] . "> .\n                            FILTER (sameTerm(?s, <{$webId}>))\n                        }";
     $result = $this->_store->sparqlQuery($query, array('use_ac' => false));
     foreach ((array) $result as $row) {
         // Set user URI
         if ($retVal['userUri'] === false) {
             $retVal['userUri'] = $row['s'];
         // Check predicates, whether needed.
         switch ($row['p']) {
             case $this->_uris['action_deny']:
                 // if login is disallowed
                 if ($row['o'] === $this->_uris['action_login']) {
                     $retVal['denyLogin'] = true;
             case EF_RDFS_LABEL:
                 $retVal['userLabel'] = $row['o'];
             case $this->_uris['user_username']:
                 $retVal['username'] = $row['o'];
             case $this->_uris['user_mail']:
                 $retVal['email'] = $row['o'];
                 // Ignore all other statements.
     return $retVal;