Exemplo n.º 1
  * Initialisation
  * @access  private
 private function init()
     // check the content for installed and used modules
     $arrCmActiveModules = array();
     $arrCmInstalledModules = array();
     $qb = $this->em->createQueryBuilder();
     $qb->add('select', 'p')->add('from', 'Cx\\Core\\ContentManager\\Model\\Entity\\Page p')->add('where', $qb->expr()->neq('p.module', $qb->expr()->literal('')));
     $pages = $qb->getQuery()->getResult();
     foreach ($pages as $page) {
         $arrCmInstalledModules[] = $page->getModule();
         if ($page->isActive()) {
             $arrCmActiveModules[] = $page->getModule();
     $arrCmInstalledModules = array_unique($arrCmInstalledModules);
     $arrCmActiveModules = array_unique($arrCmActiveModules);
     // add static modules
     $arrCmInstalledModules[] = 'Block';
     $arrCmInstalledModules[] = 'Crm';
     $arrCmInstalledModules[] = 'Order';
     $arrCmInstalledModules[] = 'Pim';
     $arrCmInstalledModules[] = 'Support';
     $arrCmActiveModules[] = 'Block';
     $arrCmInstalledModules[] = 'upload';
     $arrCmActiveModules[] = 'upload';
     $objResult = $this->db->Execute('SELECT `name`, `is_core`, `is_required` FROM `' . DBPREFIX . 'modules`');
     if ($objResult !== false) {
         while (!$objResult->EOF) {
             $moduleName = $objResult->fields['name'];
             if ($moduleName == 'News') {
                 $this->arrModules[] = $moduleName;
                 //$this->arrCoreModules[] = $moduleName;
                 if (in_array($moduleName, $arrCmInstalledModules)) {
                     $this->arrInstalledModules[] = $moduleName;
                     if (in_array($moduleName, $arrCmInstalledModules)) {
                         $this->arrActiveModules[] = $moduleName;
             if (!empty($moduleName)) {
                 $isCore = $objResult->fields['is_core'];
                 if ($isCore == 1) {
                     $this->arrCoreModules[] = $moduleName;
                 } else {
                     $this->arrModules[] = $moduleName;
                 if (in_array($moduleName, $arrCmInstalledModules) && ($isCore || !$isCore && is_dir($this->cl->getFilePath(ASCMS_MODULE_PATH . '/' . $moduleName)))) {
                     $this->arrInstalledModules[] = $moduleName;
                 if (in_array($moduleName, $arrCmActiveModules) && ($isCore || !$isCore && is_dir($this->cl->getFilePath(ASCMS_MODULE_PATH . '/' . $moduleName)))) {
                     $this->arrActiveModules[] = $moduleName;
  * Marks the message as read or unread by this participant
  * @param MessageInterface $message
  * @param ParticipantInterface $participant
  * @param boolean $isRead
 protected function markIsReadByParticipant(MessageInterface $message, ParticipantInterface $participant, $isRead)
     $meta = $message->getMetadataForParticipant($participant);
     if (!$meta || $meta->getIsRead() == $isRead) {
     $this->em->createQueryBuilder()->update($this->metaClass, 'm')->set('m.isRead', '?1')->setParameter('1', (bool) $isRead, \PDO::PARAM_BOOL)->where('m.id = :id')->setParameter('id', $meta->getId())->getQuery()->execute();
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Create a new QueryBuilder instance that is prepopulated for this entity name
  * @param string $alias
  * @return QueryBuilder $qb
 public function createQueryBuilder($alias)
     return $this->_em->createQueryBuilder()->select($alias)->from($this->_entityName, $alias);
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Uses the given Entity Manager to retrieve all links for the placeholders
  * @param EntityManager $em
 public function fetch($em)
     if ($this->placeholders === null) {
         throw new LinkGeneratorException('Seems like scan() was never called before calling fetch().');
     $qb = $em->createQueryBuilder();
     $qb->add('select', new Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Select(array('p')));
     $qb->add('from', new Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\From('Cx\\Core\\ContentManager\\Model\\Entity\\Page', 'p'));
     //build a big or with all the node ids and pages
     $arrExprs = null;
     $fetchedPages = array();
     $pIdx = 0;
     foreach ($this->placeholders as $placeholder => $data) {
         if ($data['type'] == 'id') {
             # page is referenced by NODE-ID (i.e.: [[NODE_1]])
             if (isset($fetchedPages[$data['nodeid']][$data['lang']])) {
             $arrExprs[] = $qb->expr()->andx($qb->expr()->eq('p.node', $data['nodeid']), $qb->expr()->eq('p.lang', $data['lang']));
             $fetchedPages[$data['nodeid']][$data['lang']] = true;
         } else {
             # page is referenced by module (i.e.: [[NODE_SHOP_CART]])
             if (isset($fetchedPages[$data['module']][$data['cmd']][$data['lang']])) {
             $arrExprs[] = $qb->expr()->andx($qb->expr()->eq('p.type', ':type'), $qb->expr()->eq('p.module', ':module_' . $pIdx), $qb->expr()->eq('p.cmd', ':cmd_' . $pIdx), $qb->expr()->eq('p.lang', $data['lang']));
             $qb->setParameter('module_' . $pIdx, $data['module']);
             $qb->setParameter('cmd_' . $pIdx, empty($data['cmd']) ? null : $data['cmd']);
             $qb->setParameter('type', \Cx\Core\ContentManager\Model\Entity\Page::TYPE_APPLICATION);
             $fetchedPages[$data['module']][$data['cmd']][$data['lang']] = true;
     //fetch the nodes if there are any in the query
     if ($arrExprs) {
         foreach ($arrExprs as $expr) {
         $pages = $qb->getQuery()->getResult();
         foreach ($pages as $page) {
             // build placeholder's value -> URL
             $url = \Cx\Core\Routing\Url::fromPage($page);
             $placeholderByApp = '';
             $placeholderById = \Cx\Core\ContentManager\Model\Entity\Page::PLACEHOLDER_PREFIX . $page->getNode()->getId();
             $this->placeholders[$placeholderById . '_' . $page->getLang()] = $url;
             if ($page->getType() == \Cx\Core\ContentManager\Model\Entity\Page::TYPE_APPLICATION) {
                 $module = $page->getModule();
                 $cmd = $page->getCmd();
                 $placeholderByApp = \Cx\Core\ContentManager\Model\Entity\Page::PLACEHOLDER_PREFIX;
                 $placeholderByApp .= strtoupper($module . (empty($cmd) ? '' : '_' . $cmd));
                 $this->placeholders[$placeholderByApp . '_' . $page->getLang()] = $url;
             if ($page->getLang() == FRONTEND_LANG_ID) {
                 $this->placeholders[$placeholderById] = $url;
                 if (!empty($placeholderByApp)) {
                     $this->placeholders[$placeholderByApp] = $url;
     // there might be some placeholders we were unable to resolve.
     // try to resolve them by using the fallback-language-reverse-lookup
     // methode provided by \Cx\Core\Routing\Url::fromModuleAndCmd().
     foreach ($this->placeholders as $placeholder => $data) {
         if (!$data instanceof \Cx\Core\Routing\Url) {
             if (!empty($data['module'])) {
                 try {
                     $url = \Cx\Core\Routing\Url::fromModuleAndCmd($data['module'], $data['cmd'], $data['lang'], array(), '', false);
                     if ($this->absoluteUris && $this->domain) {
                     $this->placeholders[$placeholder] = $url->toString($this->absoluteUris);
                 } catch (\Cx\Core\Routing\UrlException $e) {
                     if ($data['lang'] && $data['cmd']) {
                         $url = \Cx\Core\Routing\Url::fromModuleAndCmd($data['module'], $data['cmd'] . '_' . $data['lang'], FRONTEND_LANG_ID);
                         if ($this->absoluteUris && $this->domain) {
                         $this->placeholders[$placeholder] = $url->toString($this->absoluteUris);
                     } else {
                         if ($data['lang'] && empty($data['cmd'])) {
                             $url = \Cx\Core\Routing\Url::fromModuleAndCmd($data['module'], $data['lang'], FRONTEND_LANG_ID);
                             if ($this->absoluteUris && $this->domain) {
                             $this->placeholders[$placeholder] = $url->toString($this->absoluteUris);
                         } else {
                             $url = \Cx\Core\Routing\Url::fromModuleAndCmd('Error', '', $data['lang']);
                             if ($this->absoluteUris && $this->domain) {
                             $this->placeholders[$placeholder] = $url->toString($this->absoluteUris);
             } else {
                 $url = \Cx\Core\Routing\Url::fromModuleAndCmd('Error', '', $data['lang']);
                 if ($this->absoluteUris && $this->domain) {
                 $this->placeholders[$placeholder] = $url->toString($this->absoluteUris);
         } else {
             if ($this->absoluteUris && $this->domain) {
             $this->placeholders[$placeholder] = $data->toString($this->absoluteUris);
     $this->fetchingDone = true;
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Get paginated results.
  * @param int           $page       Current page
  * @param int           $limit      Items per page limit
  * @param array         $sortby     Sorting options
  * @return \Knp\Component\Pager\Pagination\PaginationInterface Returns a filtered paginator
 public function getPaginatedResults($page = 1, $limit = 15, array $sortby = array())
     $qb = $this->objectManager->createQueryBuilder(self::ENTITY_ALIAS)->select(self::ENTITY_ALIAS)->from(self::ENTITY_CLASS, self::ENTITY_ALIAS);
     return $this->getPaginator()->paginate($qb, $page, $limit, $sortby);
  * Updates article webcode
  * @param EntityManager $em            Entity Manager
  * @param string        $webcode       Article webcode
  * @param int           $articleNumber Article number
  * @return void
 private function updateArticleWebcode($em, $webcode, $articleNumber)
     $queryBuilder = $em->createQueryBuilder();
     $query = $queryBuilder->update('Newscoop\\Entity\\Article', 'a')->set('a.webcode', $queryBuilder->expr()->literal($webcode))->where('a.number = :number')->setParameter('number', $articleNumber)->getQuery();