Exemplo n.º 1
  * Import users
  * This function is used to import users from the given CSV
  * file.
  * <br/>Example:
  * <code>
  * $file = new EfrontFile(/var/www/efront/upload/admin/temp/users.csv);
  * EfrontSystem :: importUsers($file);
  * </code>
  * @param mixed $file The CVS file with the users, either an EfrontFile object or the full path to the file
  * @param boolean $replaceUsers Whether to replace existing users having the same name as the ones imported
  * @return array The imported users in an array of EfrontUser objects
  * @since 3.5.0
  * @access public
 public static function importUsers($file, $replaceUsers = false)
     if (!$file instanceof EfrontFile) {
         $file = new EfrontFile($file);
     $usersTable = eF_getTableData("users", "*", "");
     $tableFields = array_keys($usersTable[0]);
     // Get user types to check if they exist
     $userTypesTable = eF_getTableData("user_types", "*", "");
     // Set the userTypesTable to find in O(1) the existence or not of a user-type according to its name
     foreach ($userTypesTable as $key => $userType) {
         $userTypesTable[$userType['name']] = $userType;
     // If we work on the enterprise version we need to distinguish between users and module_hcd_employees tables fields
     //$userFields = array('login', 'password','email','languages_NAME','name','surname','active','comments','user_type','timestamp','avatar','pending','user_types_ID');
     $userFields = eF_getTableFields('users');
     $existingUsers = eF_getTableDataFlat("users", "login");
     $fileContents = file_get_contents($file['path']);
     $fileContents = explode("\n", trim($fileContents));
     $separator = ";";
     //$fields       = explode($separator, trim($fileContents[0]));
     $fields = str_getcsv(trim($fileContents[0]), $separator);
     if (sizeof($fields) == 1) {
         $separator = ",";
         //$fields    = explode($separator, $fileContents[0]);
         $fields = str_getcsv(trim($fileContents[0]), $separator);
         if (sizeof($fields) == 1) {
             throw new Exception(_UNKNOWNSEPARATOR, EfrontSystemException::ILLEGAL_CSV);
     foreach ($fields as $key => $value) {
         if (empty($value)) {
             $unused = $key;
     $inserted = 0;
     $matched = array_intersect($fields, $tableFields);
     $newUsers = array();
     $messages = array();
     // The check here is removed to offer interoperability between enterprise and educational versions
     // throw new Exception (_PLEASECHECKYOURCSVFILEFORMAT, EfrontSystemException::ILLEGAL_CSV);
     for ($i = 1; $i < sizeof($fileContents); $i++) {
         //$csvUser = explode($separator, $fileContents[$i]);
         $csvUser = str_getcsv($fileContents[$i], $separator);
         if (sizeof($csvUser) != sizeof($fields)) {
             throw new Exception(_PLEASECHECKYOURCSVFILEFORMAT . ': ' . _NUMBEROFFIELDSMUSTBE . ' ' . sizeof($fields) . ' ' . _BUTFOUND . ' ' . sizeof($csvUser), EfrontSystemException::ILLEGAL_CSV);
         $csvUser = array_combine($fields, $csvUser);
         array_walk($csvUser, create_function('&$v, $k', '$v=trim($v);'));
         if (in_array($csvUser['login'], $existingUsers['login']) && $replaceUsers) {
             $existingUser = EfrontUserFactory::factory($csvUser['login']);
         if (!in_array($csvUser['login'], $existingUsers['login']) || $replaceUsers) {
             if (!isset($csvUser['password']) || !$csvUser['password']) {
                 $csvUser['password'] = $csvUser['login'];
             // Check the user-type existence by name
             if ($csvUser['user_type_name'] != "" && isset($userTypesTable[$csvUser['user_type_name']])) {
                 // If there is a mismatch between the imported custom type basic type and the current basic type
                 // then set no custom type
                 if ($userTypesTable[$csvUser['user_type_name']]['basic_user_type'] != $csvUser['user_type']) {
                     $csvUser['user_types_ID'] = 0;
                 } else {
                     $csvUser['user_types_ID'] = $userTypesTable[$csvUser['user_type_name']]['id'];
             } else {
                 $csvUser['user_types_ID'] = 0;
             if (!$csvUser['user_type']) {
                 $csvUser['user_type'] = 'student';
             //If user type is not valid, don't insert that user
             if ($csvUser['user_type'] != "administrator" && $csvUser['user_type'] != "professor" && $csvUser['user_type'] != "student") {
                 $messages[] = '&quot;' . $csvUser['login'] . '&quot;: ' . _INVALIDUSERTYPE;
             // If we are not in enterprise version then $csvEmployeeProperties is used as a buffer
             // This is done to enable enterprise <-> Enteprise, educational <-> educational, enterprise <-> educational imports/exports
             $csvEmployeeProperties = $csvUser;
             if (G_VERSIONTYPE == 'enterprise') {
                 #cpp#ifdef ENTERPRISE
                 // Copy all fields and remove the user ones -> leaving only employee related fields
                 $csvEmployeeProperties['users_login'] = $csvUser['login'];
             // Delete and recreate $csvUser to keep only the fields in userFields
             foreach ($userFields as $field) {
                 if (isset($csvEmployeeProperties[$field])) {
                     $csvUser[$field] = $csvEmployeeProperties[$field];
                     if (G_VERSIONTYPE == 'enterprise') {
                         #cpp#ifdef ENTERPRISE
             try {
                 if (G_VERSIONTYPE == 'enterprise') {
                     #cpp#ifdef ENTERPRISE
                     $user = EfrontUser::createUser($csvUser);
                     if (isset($csvEmployeeProperties['branch_name'])) {
                         $result = eF_getTableData("module_hcd_branch", "branch_ID", "name='" . $csvEmployeeProperties['branch_name'] . "'");
                         if ($result[0]['branch_ID']) {
                             $branchId = $result[0]['branch_ID'];
                     if (isset($csvEmployeeProperties['job_name'])) {
                         $result = eF_getTableData("module_hcd_job_description", "job_description_ID", "description='" . $csvEmployeeProperties['job_name'] . "'");
                         if ($result[0]['job_description_ID']) {
                             $jobId = $result[0]['job_description_ID'];
                     if (isset($csvEmployeeProperties['job_role'])) {
                         $csvEmployeeProperties['job_role'] ? $jobRole = 1 : ($jobRole = 0);
                     $user->aspects['hcd'] = EfrontHcdUser::createUser($csvEmployeeProperties);
                     if (isset($branchId) && isset($jobId) && isset($jobRole)) {
                         $user->aspects['hcd']->addJob($user, $jobId, $branchId, $jobRole);
                     $newUsers[] = $user;
                 } else {
                     $newUsers[] = EfrontUser::createUser($csvUser);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $messages[] = '&quot;' . $csvUser['login'] . '&quot;: ' . $e->getMessage() . ' (' . $e->getCode() . ')';
     return array($newUsers, $messages);
Exemplo n.º 2
 $newUser = EfrontUser::createUser($user_data);
 $encrypted = true;
 //needed for autologin
 EfrontEvent::triggerEvent(array("type" => EfrontEvent::SYSTEM_REGISTER, "users_LOGIN" => $user_data['login'], "users_name" => $user_data['name'], "users_surname" => $user_data['surname'], "entity_name" => $user_data['password']));
 // send not-visited notifications for the newly registered user
 //EfrontEvent::triggerEvent(array("type" => (-1) * EfrontEvent::SYSTEM_VISITED, "users_LOGIN" => $user_data['login'], "users_name" => $user_data['name'], "users_surname" => $user_data['surname']));
 if (G_VERSIONTYPE == 'enterprise') {
     #cpp#ifdef ENTERPRISE
     try {
         if (isset($groupToAdd)) {
         $new_employees_content['users_login'] = $values['login'];
         foreach ($self_registered_jobs as $job_assigned) {
             if ($job_assigned['branch_ID'] != 0 || $job_assigned['mandatory']) {
                 if (!$job_assigned['job_description']) {
                     $job_assigned['job_description'] = _NOSPECIFICJOB;
                 // If the selected pair of branch-job description doesn't exist then insert it
                 $new_job_description_ID = eF_getJobDescriptionId($job_assigned['job_description'], $job_assigned['branch_ID']);
                 // Only assigned as employees
                 $employee = new EfrontEmployee($new_employees_content, array());
                 $newUser = EfrontUserFactory::factory($values['login']);
                 //$encrypted = false; //the factory above changed the user password mode
                 if ($configuration['supervisor_mail_activation'] == 1 && $job_assigned['supervisor'] != "") {
                     $activating_supervisor_found = true;
                     $employee->addJob($newUser, $new_job_description_ID, $job_assigned['branch_ID'], 0, false, array("manager" => $job_assigned['supervisor'], "timestamp" => $newUser->user['timestamp']));
                 } else {
         if (isset($selectedAvatar)) {
             $selectedAvatar = $avatarsFileSystemTree->seekNode(G_SYSTEMAVATARSPATH . $selectedAvatar);
             $newList = FileSystemTree::importFiles($selectedAvatar['path']);
             //Import the file to the database, so we can access it with view_file
             $editedUser->user['avatar'] = key($newList);
     EfrontEvent::triggerEvent(array("type" => EfrontEvent::AVATAR_CHANGE, "users_LOGIN" => $editedUser->user['login'], "users_name" => $editedUser->user['name'], "users_surname" => $editedUser->user['surname'], "lessons_ID" => 0, "lessons_name" => "", "entity_ID" => $editedUser->user['avatar']));
 if (G_VERSIONTYPE == 'enterprise') {
     #cpp#ifdef ENTERPRISE
     if (isset($_GET['add_user'])) {
         $editedEmployee = EfrontHcdUser::createUser(array('users_login' => $editedUser->user['login']));
         if ($currentEmployee->isSupervisor() && !EfrontUser::isOptionVisible('show_unassigned_users_to_supervisors')) {
             //if supervisors can't see unassigned users, then attach this new user to the supervisor's firts branch and job
             $branch = new EfrontBranch(current($currentEmployee->getSupervisedBranchesRecursive()));
             $nospecific = false;
             foreach ($branch->getJobDescriptions() as $value) {
                 if ($value['description'] == _NOSPECIFICJOB) {
                     $nospecific = $value['job_description_ID'];
             if (!$nospecific) {
                 $nospecific = EfrontJob::createJob(array('description' => _NOSPECIFICJOB, 'branch_ID' => $branch->branch['branch_ID']));
             $editedEmployee->addJob($editedUser, $nospecific, $branch->branch['branch_ID'], 0);