public function indexAction() { if ($this->hasACL('edit_employee') && $this->setting('module_employee_enabled')) { if ($this->hasACL('in-service') == false && $this->hasACL('pre-service') == false) { $this->_redirect('employee'); exit; } } if (strstr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'index/index') === false) { if ($this->hasACL('in_service')) { $this->_redirect('index/index'); exit; } elseif ($this->hasACL('pre_service')) { $this->_redirect('dash/dash'); exit; } $this->_redirect('index/index'); exit; } $db = Zend_Db_Table_Abstract::getDefaultAdapter(); $sql = "SELECT q2.qualification_phrase, COUNT(q2.qualification_phrase) CNT FROM person p INNER JOIN person_qualification_option q1 ON p.primary_qualification_option_id = INNER JOIN person_qualification_option q2 ON q1.parent_id = WHERE p.is_deleted = 0 GROUP BY q2.qualification_phrase;"; $rowyArray1 = $db->fetchAll($sql); $sql = "SELECT q3.qualification_phrase, 0 CNT FROM person_qualification_option q3 WHERE NOT IN (SELECT CNT FROM person p INNER JOIN person_qualification_option q1 ON p.primary_qualification_option_id = INNER JOIN person_qualification_option q2 ON q1.parent_id = WHERE p.is_deleted = 0) AND q3.parent_id IS NULL;"; $rowyArray2 = $db->fetchAll($sql); $rowyArray = array_merge($rowyArray1, $rowyArray2); $this->viewAssignEscaped('rowy', $rowyArray); $sql = "SELECT p.comments FROM person p INNER JOIN person_qualification_option q1 ON p.primary_qualification_option_id = INNER JOIN person_qualification_option q2 ON q1.parent_id = WHERE p.is_deleted = 0 AND = 8"; $rowsArray = $db->fetchAll($sql); $NIMART = 0; foreach ($rowsArray as $key => $row) { $NIMARTsplit = split("§", $rowsArray[$key]['comments']); if (strlen($NIMARTsplit[21]) > 0) { if ($NIMARTsplit[21] = "Nurse Initiating ART") { $NIMART = $NIMART + 1; } } } $this->viewAssignEscaped('NIMART', $NIMART); // retrieve list of incomplete courses created by user if ($this->hasACL('edit_course')) { require_once 'models/table/Training.php'; require_once 'models/Session.php'; require_once 'views/helpers/EditTableHelper.php'; require_once 'views/helpers/TrainingViewHelper.php'; $uid = Session::getCurrentUserId(); // Find incomplete training and future trainings $trainingFields = array('training_title' => t('Course Name'), 'training_start_date' => t('Start Date'), 'training_location_name' => t('Training Center'), 'creator' => t('Created By')); foreach (array_keys($trainingFields) as $key) { $colCustom[$key] = 'sortable:true'; } $colStatic = array_keys($trainingFields); // all $editLinkInfo['disabled'] = 1; $linkInfo = array('linkFields' => array_keys($trainingFields), 'linkId' => 'id', 'linkUrl' => Settings::$COUNTRY_BASE_URL . '/training/edit/id/%id%'); // restricted access?? only show trainings we have the ACL to view // add this to every query $org_allowed_ids = allowed_org_access_full_list($this); // doesnt have acl 'training_organizer_option_all' $allowedWhereClause = $org_allowed_ids ? " AND training_organizer_option_id in ({$org_allowed_ids}) " : ""; // restricted access?? only show organizers that belong to this site if its a multi org site $site_orgs = allowed_organizer_in_this_site($this); // for sites to host multiple training organizers on one domain $allowedWhereClause .= $site_orgs ? " AND training_organizer_option_id in ({$site_orgs}) " : ""; // Incomplete $tableObj = new Training(); $rowsPast = $tableObj->getIncompleteTraining($uid, 'training_start_date < NOW() ' . $allowedWhereClause)->toArray(); if ($rowsPast) { $html = EditTableHelper::generateHtmlTraining('TrainingPast', $rowsPast, $trainingFields, $colStatic, $linkInfo, $editLinkInfo, $colCustom); $this->view->assign('tableTrainingPast', $html); } // Future $tableObj = new Training(); $rowsFuture = $tableObj->getIncompleteTraining($uid, 'training_start_date >= NOW()' . $allowedWhereClause, '')->toArray(); if ($rowsFuture) { $html = EditTableHelper::generateHtmlTraining('TrainingFuture', $rowsFuture, $trainingFields, $colStatic, $linkInfo, $editLinkInfo, $colCustom); $this->view->assign('tableTrainingFuture', $html); } // Unapproved if ($this->setting('module_approvals_enabled')) { $tableObj = new Training(); $unapproved = $tableObj->getUnapprovedTraining("1" . $allowedWhereClause); // everything if ($unapproved) { $linkInfoUnapprov = $linkInfo; if (!$this->hasACL('approve_trainings')) { $linkInfoUnapprov['linkFields'] = array('training_title'); } $trainingFieldsUnapprov = $trainingFields; $trainingFieldsUnapprov['message'] = t('Message'); $colStatic['message'] = 'message'; $html = EditTableHelper::generateHtmlTraining('unapproved', $unapproved, $trainingFieldsUnapprov, $colStatic, $linkInfoUnapprov, $editLinkInfo, $colCustom); $this->view->assign('tableUnapproved', $html); } } //YTD, start at April 1 if ($ytdStart = $this->setting('fiscal_year_start')) { $ytdStart = date('Y-n-j', strtotime($ytdStart)); $this->view->assign('ytdStart', $ytdStart); //get total unique participants $db = Zend_Db_Table_Abstract::getDefaultAdapter(); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT person_id) as \"unique_p\" from person_to_training left join training on ( = training_id and training.is_deleted = 0) where training_start_date > " . $ytdStart . $allowedWhereClause; $rowArray = $db->fetchRow($sql); $this->view->assign('unique_participants', $rowArray['unique_p']); } else { $ytdStart = date('Y') - (date('n') < 4 ? 1 : 0) . '-04-01'; $this->view->assign('ytdStart', $ytdStart); //get total unique participants $db = Zend_Db_Table_Abstract::getDefaultAdapter(); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT person_id) as \"unique_p\" from person_to_training left join training on ( = training_id and training.is_deleted = 0) where 1 " . $allowedWhereClause; $rowArray = $db->fetchRow($sql); $this->view->assign('unique_participants', $rowArray['unique_p']); } $allowedOrgJoin = $allowedWhereClause ? ' LEFT JOIN training ON = training_id WHERE training.is_deleted = 0 ' . $allowedWhereClause : ''; // only show trainings we're allowed to see by access level //get participants total and by YTD $db = Zend_Db_Table_Abstract::getDefaultAdapter(); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(person_id) as \"attendees\" from person_to_training" . $allowedOrgJoin; $rowArray = $db->fetchRow($sql); $this->view->assign('attendees', $rowArray['attendees']); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(person_id) as \"attendees\" FROM training, person_to_training as pt WHERE pt.training_id = AND training_start_date >= '{$ytdStart}'" . $allowedWhereClause; $rowArray = $db->fetchRow($sql); $this->view->assign('attendees_ytd', $rowArray['attendees']); //get total unique trainers if ($allowedOrgJoin) { $sql = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT trainer_id) as \"unique_t\" FROM training_to_trainer" . $allowedOrgJoin; // trainers in viewable trainings } else { $sql = "SELECT COUNT(person_id) as \"unique_t\" from trainer"; } $rowArray = $db->fetchRow($sql); $this->view->assign('unique_trainers', $rowArray['unique_t']); //get total trainers and by YTD $sql = "SELECT COUNT(trainer_id) as \"trainers\" FROM training_to_trainer" . $allowedOrgJoin; $rowArray = $db->fetchRow($sql); $this->view->assign('trainers', $rowArray['trainers']); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(tt.trainer_id) as \"trainers\" FROM training, training_to_trainer as tt WHERE tt.training_id = AND training_start_date >= '{$ytdStart}'" . $allowedWhereClause; $rowArray = $db->fetchRow($sql); $this->view->assign('trainers_ytd', $rowArray['trainers']); //get trainings // total and YTD $sql = "SELECT COUNT(id) as \"trainings\", MIN(training_start_date) as \"min_date\",MAX(training_start_date) as \"max_date\" from training WHERE is_deleted = 0" . $allowedWhereClause; $rowArray = $db->fetchRow($sql); $this->view->assign('trainings', $rowArray['trainings']); $this->view->assign('min_date', $rowArray['min_date']); $this->view->assign('max_date', $rowArray['max_date']); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(id) as \"trainings\" from training WHERE training_start_date >= '{$ytdStart}' AND is_deleted = 0" . $allowedWhereClause; $rowArray = $db->fetchRow($sql); $this->view->assign('trainings_ytd', $rowArray['trainings']); } /****************************************************************************************************************/ /* Attached Files */ require_once 'views/helpers/FileUpload.php'; $PARENT_COMPONENT = 'home'; FileUpload::displayFiles($this, $PARENT_COMPONENT, 1, $this->hasACL('admin_files')); // File upload form if ($this->hasACL('admin_files')) { $this->view->assign('filesForm', FileUpload::displayUploadForm($PARENT_COMPONENT, 1, FileUpload::$FILETYPES)); } /****************************************************************************************************************/ }
/** * Training Roster */ public function rosterAction() { $training_id = $this->_getParam('id'); $this->view->assign('url', Settings::$COUNTRY_BASE_URL . "/training/roster/id/{$training_id}"); $tableObj = new Training(); $rowRay = $tableObj->getTrainingInfo($training_id); // calculate end date switch ($rowRay['training_length_interval']) { case 'week': $days = $rowRay['training_length_value'] * 7; break; case 'day': $days = $rowRay['training_length_value'] - 1; // start day counts as a day? break; default: $days = false; break; } if ($days) { $rowRay['training_end_date'] = strtotime("+{$days} day", strtotime($rowRay['training_start_date'])); $rowRay['training_end_date'] = date('Y-m-d', $rowRay['training_end_date']); } else { $rowRay['training_end_date'] = $rowRay['training_start_date']; } $rowRay['duration'] = $rowRay['training_length_value'] . ' ' . $rowRay['training_length_interval'] . ($rowRay['training_length_value'] == 1 ? "" : "s"); $this->viewAssignEscaped('row', $rowRay); // trainer/person tables require_once 'views/helpers/EditTableHelper.php'; /* Trainers */ $trainers = TrainingToTrainer::getTrainers($training_id)->toArray(); $trainerFields = array('last_name' => $this->tr('Last Name'), 'first_name' => $this->tr('First Name'), 'duration_days' => t('Days')); $colStatic = array_keys($trainerFields); // all $editLinkInfo = array('disabled' => 1); // no edit/remove links $html = EditTableHelper::generateHtmlTraining('Trainer', $trainers, $trainerFields, $colStatic, array(), $editLinkInfo); $this->view->assign('tableTrainers', $html); /* Participants */ $persons = PersonToTraining::getParticipants($training_id)->toArray(); $personsFields = array('last_name' => $this->tr('Last Name'), 'first_name' => $this->tr('First Name')); if ($this->setting('module_attendance_enabled')) { if (strtotime($rowRay['training_start_date']) < time()) { $personsFields = array_merge($personsFields, array('duration_days' => t('Days'))); // already had class(es) - show the days attended } $personsFields['award_phrase'] = $this->tr('Complete'); } $personsFields = array_merge($personsFields, array('birthdate' => t('Date of Birth'), 'facility_name' => t('Facility'))); if ($this->setting('display_viewing_location')) { $personsFields['location_phrase'] = $this->tr('Viewing Location'); } if ($this->setting('display_budget_code')) { $personsFields['budget_code_phrase'] = $this->tr('Budget Code'); } //if ($this->setting ( 'display_region_b' )) $personsFields['location_name'] = t('Location'); //add location $locations = Location::getAll(); foreach ($persons as $pid => $person) { $region_ids = Location::getCityInfo($person['location_id'], $this->setting('num_location_tiers')); $ordered_l = array($region_ids['cityname']); foreach ($region_ids as $key => $value) { if (!empty($value) && isset($locations[$value]['name'])) { $ordered_l[] = $locations[$value]['name']; } else { break; } } $persons[$pid]['location_name'] = implode(', ', $ordered_l); } $colStatic = array_keys($personsFields); // all $editLinkInfo = array('disabled' => 1); // no edit/remove links $html = EditTableHelper::generateHtmlTraining('Persons', $persons, $personsFields, $colStatic, array(), $editLinkInfo); $this->view->assign('tablePersons', $html); if ($this->_getParam('outputType') && $this->_getParam('trainers')) { $this->sendData($trainers); } if ($this->_getParam('outputType') && $this->_getParam('persons')) { $this->sendData($persons); } }
public function execute() { $params = $this->_getAllParams(); if (isset($params['merge']) && $this->allowMerge) { $this->merge(); return; } if (isset($params['default']) && $this->allowDefault) { $this->setDefault(); } if (isset($params['redirect']) and $params['redirect']) { // editTable is part of a "wizard" (redirect to the next step) header("Location: {$params['redirect']}"); exit; } elseif (isset($params['saveonly'])) { $status = ValidationContainer::instance(); $status->setStatusMessage('Your settings have been updated.'); } require_once 'models/table/EditTable.php'; $editTable = new EditTable(array('name' => $this->table)); $request = $this->controller->getRequest(); $validateOnly = $request->isXmlHttpRequest(); // Delete, insert, or update? if ($validateOnly) { //$id = $params['id']; $id = isset($_POST['id']) && is_numeric($_POST['id']) ? $_POST['id'] : null; // Get field to update foreach ($this->fields as $key => $devnull) { if (isset($params[$key])) { $fieldEdit = $key; $fieldValue = $params[$key]; break; } } if ($id == 0 && isset($params['undelete'])) { // undelete record try { $row = $editTable->undelete($fieldEdit, $fieldValue); $sendRay['insert'] = $row->id; $sendRay['undelete'] = $row->{$fieldEdit}; $this->sendData($sendRay); } catch (Zend_Exception $e) { $this->sendData(array("insert" => 0, 'error' => $e->getMessage())); } } elseif ($id == 0) { // user added new record try { if (!$this->insertExtra) { $insert = $editTable->insertUnique($fieldEdit, $fieldValue); } else { $data = array($fieldEdit => $fieldValue); $insert = $editTable->insert(array_merge($data, $this->insertExtra)); } $sendRay['insert'] = "{$insert}"; if ($insert == -1) { $sendRay['error'] = 'A record already exists with this value.'; } if ($insert == -2) { $sendRay['error'] = '"%s" already exists, but was deleted. Would you like to undelete?'; } $this->sendData($sendRay); } catch (Zend_Exception $e) { $this->sendData(array("insert" => 0, 'error' => $e->getMessage())); } } elseif ($id > 0) { // update or delete if (isset($params['delete'])) { try { $delete = $editTable->delete("id={$id}", true); //force the delete, changed 06/16/08 Todd W $this->sendData(array("delete" => $delete)); } catch (Zend_Exception $e) { $this->sendData(array("delete" => 0, 'error' => $e->getMessage())); } } elseif (isset($fieldEdit)) { // update try { $update = $editTable->update(array($fieldEdit => $fieldValue), "id={$id}"); $this->sendData(array("update" => $id)); } catch (Zend_Exception $e) { if (strpos($e->getMessage(), 'Duplicate entry') !== false) { $this->sendData(array("update" => 0, 'error' => t('A record already exists with this value.'))); } else { $this->sendData(array("update" => 0, 'error' => $e->getMessage())); } } } } } else { // view $selectFields = array_keys($this->fields); if ($this->allowDefault) { $selectFields[] = 'is_default'; } require_once 'views/helpers/EditTableHelper.php'; $rowRay = $editTable->getRowsSingle($this->table, $selectFields, $this->where); foreach ($rowRay as $key => $row) { foreach ($selectFields as $field) { if ($field != 'id') { $rowRay[$key][$field] = htmlspecialchars($row[$field]); } } } // Modify rows if ($this->rowHook) { $func_name = $this->rowHook; eval('$rowRay = ' . $func_name . "(unserialize('" . serialize($rowRay) . "'));"); } $noDelete = array(); // look up dependencies if (!empty($this->dependencies)) { foreach ($this->dependencies as $colDependent => $tableDependent) { if (is_numeric($colDependent)) { $colDependent = $this->table . '_id'; } if (is_array($tableDependent)) { // in case multiple tables use the same field name $colDependent = key($tableDependent); $tableDependent = current($tableDependent); } $ray = $editTable->getDependencies($this->table, $tableDependent, $colDependent); $noDelete += array_merge($noDelete, $ray); } $noDelete = array_unique($noDelete); } // disable delete on all rows if ($this->noDelete) { foreach ($rowRay as $key => $row) { $noDelete[$row['id']] = $row['id']; } } // merge checkbox if ($this->allowMerge) { foreach ($rowRay as $key => $row) { $rowRay[$key]['merge'] = ' <input type="checkbox" name="merge[]" value="' . $row['id'] . '" id="merge' . $row['id'] . '">'; } $this->customColDef['merge'] = 'editor:false'; $this->fields['merge'] = 'Merge?'; } // default radio if ($this->allowDefault) { foreach ($rowRay as $key => $row) { $isChecked = $row['is_default'] ? ' checked="checked"' : ''; $rowRay[$key]['default'] = ' <input type="radio" name="default" value="' . $row['id'] . '" id="merge' . $row['id'] . '"' . $isChecked . '>'; } $this->customColDef['default'] = 'editor:false'; $this->fields['default'] = 'Default?'; } $html = ''; if ($this->allowMerge) { $mergehtml = ' <input type="hidden" name="table_option" value="' . $this->table . '"> <input type="hidden" name="table_dependent" value="' . implode(',', $this->dependencies) . '"> <input type="submit" name="mergesubmit" value="Merge Selected" class="submitArrow">'; $html .= $mergehtml; } if ($html) { $html .= '<div class="clear"></div><br>'; } $html .= EditTableHelper::generateHtml($this->label, $rowRay, $this->fields, $this->customColDef, $noDelete, $this->noEdit); // merge form if ($this->allowMerge) { $html .= $mergehtml; } $this->controller->view->assign($this->viewVar, $html); } }
public function trainingApproversAction() { // ajax handler if ($this->getRequest()->isPost() && $this->getSanParam('ajax')) { // Update db $table = new ITechTable(array('name' => 'user_to_acl')); $msg = ''; $success = false; $proceed = true; $id = $this->getSanParam('id'); if (!trim($id) || !is_numeric($id)) { $proceed = false; } if ($this->getSanParam('ajaxAction') == 'elevate' && $proceed) { $user_acl = $table->createRow(); $user_acl->acl_id = 'master_approver'; $user_acl->user_id = $id; $user_acl = $user_acl->save(); $msg = $user_acl ? t('That user is now a master approver') : t('Unable to make that user a master approver'); if ($user_acl) { $success = true; } } if ($this->getSanParam('ajaxAction') == 'deelevate' && $proceed) { $user_acl = $table->delete("acl_id = 'master_approver' and user_id = {$id}"); $msg = $user_acl ? t('That user is now a regular approver') : t('Unable to remove that user as a master approver'); if ($user_acl) { $success = true; } } if ($this->getSanParam('ajaxAction') == 'remove' && $proceed) { $user_acl = $table->delete("acl_id = 'approve_trainings' and user_id = {$id}"); $msg = $user_acl ? t('That user is no longer an approver') : t('Unable to delete that approver'); if ($user_acl) { $success = true; } } // done $_SESSION['status'] = $msg; $this->setNoRenderer(); $output = array('success' => $success, 'msg' => $msg); echo json_encode($output); exit; // no view now } require_once 'models/table/System.php'; require_once 'models/table/Translation.php'; $sysTable = new System(); $labelNames = array(); // input name => key_phrase (changes translation table) $checkboxFields = array('master_approver' => 'allow_multi_approvers'); // field => key phrase (changes _system table) // edit table & data require_once 'views/helpers/EditTableHelper.php'; $db = Zend_Db_Table_Abstract::getDefaultAdapter(); $hideMasterLinks = false; $noDelete = array(); $fieldDefs = array('fullname' => t('Name')); $fieldDefs['approver'] = t('Approver'); if ($this->getSanParam('master_approver') || $this->setting('allow_multi_approvers')) { $fieldDefs['master_approver'] = t('Master Approver'); $hideMasterLinks = true; } $fieldDefs['lnks'] = t('Actions'); $rows = $db->fetchAll("select *,\r\n\t\t\tCONCAT(first_name, CONCAT(' ', last_name)) as fullname, '" . t('Yes') . "' as approver, as master_approver, as id\r\n\t\t\tfrom user\r\n\t\t\tinner join user_to_acl acl on (acl.user_id = and acl.acl_id = 'approve_trainings')\r\n\t\t\tleft join user_to_acl m1 on (m1.user_id = and m1.acl_id = 'master_approver')\r\n\t\t\twhere user.is_blocked = 0 limit 100"); foreach ($rows as $i => $row) { // lets add some data to the resultset to show in the EditTable $noDelete[] = $row['id']; // add to nodelete array $rows[$i]['fullname'] = htmlspecialchars(ucwords($rows[$i]['fullname']), ENT_QUOTES); // format name if (empty($rows[$i]['master_approver'])) { $rows[$i]['master_approver'] = t('No'); // master approver? $rows[$i]['lnks'] = "<a href='#' onclick='ajaxApprover(\"remove\", {$row['id']});return false'>" . t('Remove') . "</a>"; // links if ($hideMasterLinks) { $rows[$i]['lnks'] = " <a href='#' onclick='ajaxApprover(\"elevate\", {$row['id']});return false'>" . t('Make Master') . '</a>'; } } else { $rows[$i]['master_approver'] = t('Yes'); // is approver? if ($hideMasterLinks) { $rows[$i]['lnks'] = "<a href='#' onclick='ajaxApprover(\"deelevate\", {$row['id']});return false'>" . t('Make Low Level Approver') . '</a>'; } else { $rows[$i]['lnks'] = "<a href='#' onclick='ajaxApprover(\"remove\", {$row['id']});return false'>" . t('Remove') . "</a>"; } // same as first 'remove' link above } } // print a edit table $html = EditTableHelper::generateHtml('Approvers', $rows, $fieldDefs, array(), $noDelete, true); // array(1) and select 1 as id = bugfix: remove delete col $this->view->assign('editTable', $html); // done // process form (copied from other pages) if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) { // Update db $updateData = array(); // update translation labels $tranTable = new Translation(); foreach ($labelNames as $input_key => $db_key) { if ($this->_getParam($input_key)) { try { $tranTable->update(array('phrase' => $this->_getParam($input_key)), "key_phrase = '{$db_key}'"); $this->viewAssignEscaped($input_key, $this->_getParam($input_key)); } catch (Zend_Exception $e) { error_log($e); } } } // update _system (checkboxes) foreach ($checkboxFields as $input_key => $db_field) { $value = $this->_getParam($input_key) == NULL ? 0 : 1; $updateData[$db_field] = $value; $this->view->assign($input_key, $value); } $sysTable->update($updateData, ''); } else { // view // checkboxes $sysRows = $sysTable->fetchRow($sysTable->select()->limit(1)); foreach ($checkboxFields as $input_key => $field_key) { if (isset($sysRows->{$field_key})) { $this->view->assign($input_key, $sysRows->{$field_key}); } } // labels $t = Translation::getAll(); foreach ($labelNames as $input_key => $db_key) { $this->viewAssignEscaped($input_key, $t[$db_key]); } } // redirect to next page if ($this->_getParam('redirect')) { header("Location: " . $this->_getParam('redirect')); exit; } else { if ($this->_getParam('saveonly')) { $status = ValidationContainer::instance(); $status->setStatusMessage(t('Your settings have been updated.')); } } }