protected function afterFind()
     $this->LastName = $this->name . '-' . $this->id;
     if ($this->getIsEavEnabled()) {
         if ($this->hasEavAttribute('datetimeSingle')) {
             $this->LastName .= '-' . $this->datetimeSingle;
         $this->LastName .= '-' . 'eavEnabled';
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function testRemoveEavAttributeException2()
     $model = new EavSet();
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Updates the primary key value of the given entity instance in the table that stores EAV attributes values.
  * @param EavActiveRecord $entity EavActiveRecord instance.
  * @return int Returns number of affected rows.
  * @since Version 1.0.1
 public function updateEntityPrimaryKey(EavActiveRecord $entity)
     return $this->updateAll(array('entity_id' => $entity->getPrimaryKey()), 'entity = :entity AND entity_id = :entity_id', array(':entity' => $entity->getEntity(), ':entity_id' => $entity->getOldPrimaryKey()));
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Returns the static model of the specified AR class.
  * Please note that you should have this exact method in all your CActiveRecord descendants!
  * @param string $className active record class name.
  * @return Ad the static model class
 public static function model($className = __CLASS__)
     return parent::model($className);
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Sets the parameters about query caching.
  * This is a shortcut method to {@link CDbConnection::cache()}.
  * It changes the query caching parameter of the {@link dbConnection} instance.
  * @param integer $duration the number of seconds that query results may remain valid in cache.
  * If this is 0, the caching will be disabled.
  * @param CCacheDependency $dependency the dependency that will be used when saving the query results into cache.
  * @param integer $queryCount number of SQL queries that need to be cached after calling this method. Defaults to 1,
  * meaning that the next SQL query will be cached.
  * @return CActiveRecord the active record instance itself.
  * @since 1.1.7
 public function cache($duration, $dependency = null, $queryCount = 1)
      * Получаем "теги" для кеша
     $model = strtolower(get_class($this));
     $module = $model === 'settings' && !empty($this->module_id) ? $this->module_id : strtolower($this->moduleID);
      * Если не указана зависимость,
      * выставляем тегирование
     if ($dependency === null) {
         return parent::cache($duration, new TagsCache($model, $module), $queryCount);
     } elseif ($dependency instanceof TagsCache) {
         return parent::cache($duration, $dependency, $queryCount);
      * Если же есть зависимость,
      * создаём цепочку и в неё добавляем
      * нужную зависимость + тегирование
     $chain = new CChainedCacheDependency();
     $chain->dependencies->add(new TagsCache($model, $module));
     return parent::cache($duration, $chain, $queryCount);