  * getContents
  * tests ERestRequestReader->getContents with a resource stream
 public function testGetContentsWithStream()
     $data = ["test11" => "someval", "test12" => "secondval"];
     $stream = fopen("php://temp", 'wb');
     fputs($stream, CJSON::encode($data));
     $errr = new ERestRequestReader($stream);
     $this->assertEquals(CJSON::encode($data), $errr->getContents());
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function __construct()
     $this->stream = fopen("php://temp", 'wb');
     $stream = $this->stream;
     $this->container['events'] = [[ERestEvent::REQ_DATA_READ => function ($notused = null) use($stream) {
         $reader = new ERestRequestReader($stream);
         return CJSON::decode($reader->getContents());
     $this->container['config'] = ['url' => null, 'type' => null, 'data' => null, 'headers' => []];
  * run
  * registers all event handlers
 public final function run()
     $onRest = $this->onRest;
      * config.dev.flag
      * return true to set develop mode; false to turn of develop mode
      * @return (bool) true by default
     $onRest(ERestEvent::CONFIG_DEV_FLAG, function () {
         return true;
      * config.application.id
      * returns the app id that is applied to header vars (username, password)
      * @return (String) default is 'REST'
     $onRest(ERestEvent::CONFIG_APPLICATION_ID, function () {
         return 'REST';
      * req.event.logger
      * @param (String) (event) the event to log
      * @param (String) (category) the log category
      * @param (Array) (ignore) Events to ignore logging
      * @return (Array) the params sent into the event logger
     $onRest(ERestEvent::REQ_EVENT_LOGGER, function ($event, $category = 'application', $ignore = []) {
         if (!isset($ignore[$event])) {
             Yii::trace($event, $category);
         return [$event, $category, $ignore];
      * req.disable.cweblogroute
      * this is only relivent if you have enabled CWebLogRoute in your main config
      * @return (Bool) true (default) to disable CWebLogRoute, false to allow
     $onRest(ERestEvent::REQ_DISABLE_CWEBLOGROUTE, function () {
         return true;
      * req.exception
      * Error handler called when an Exception is thrown
      * Used to render response to the client
      * @param (Int) (errorCode) the http status code
      * @param (String) the error message
     $onRest(ERestEvent::REQ_EXCEPTION, function ($errorCode, $message = null) {
         return $this->renderJSON(['type' => 'error', 'success' => false, 'message' => is_null($message) ? $this->getHttpStatus()->message : $message, 'errorCode' => $errorCode]);
      * req.auth.type
      * @return (Int) The request authentication type which may be 'USERPASS' (2), 'AJAX' (3) or 'CORS' (1)
     $onRest(ERestEvent::REQ_AUTH_TYPE, function ($application_id) {
         if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_' . $application_id . '_CORS']) || isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'OPTIONS') {
             return ERestEventListenerRegistry::REQ_TYPE_CORS;
         } else {
             if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_' . $application_id . '_USERNAME']) && isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_' . $application_id . '_PASSWORD'])) {
                 return ERestEventListenerRegistry::REQ_TYPE_USERPASS;
             } else {
                 return ERestEventListenerRegistry::REQ_TYPE_AJAX;
      * req.auth.ajax.user
      * Used to validate an ajax user
      * That is requests originating from JavaScript
      * By default all logged-in users will be granted access
      * everyone else will be denied
      * You should most likely over ride this
      * @return (Bool) return true to grant access; false to deny access
     $onRest(ERestEvent::REQ_AUTH_AJAX_USER, function () {
         if (Yii::app()->user->isGuest) {
             return false;
         return true;
      * req.cors.access.control.allow.origin
      * Used to validate a CORS request
      * @return (Array) return a list of domains (origin) allowed access
     $onRest(ERestEvent::REQ_CORS_ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN, function () {
         return [];
      * req.cors.access.control.allow.methods
      * Used by CORS request to indicate the http methods (verbs) 
      * that can be used in the actual request
      * @return (Array) List of http methods allowed via CORS
     $onRest(ERestEvent::REQ_CORS_ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_METHODS, function () {
         return ['GET', 'POST'];
      * req.cors.access.control.allow.headers
      * Used by CORS request to indicate which custom headers are allowed in a request
      * @return (Array) List of allowed headers
     $onRest(ERestEvent::REQ_CORS_ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_HEADERS, function ($application_id) {
         return ["X_{$application_id}_CORS"];
      * req.cors.access.control.max.age
      * Used in a CORS request to indicate how long the response can be cached, 
      * so that for subsequent requests, within the specified time, no preflight request has to be made
      * @return (Int) time in seconds
     $onRest(ERestEvent::REQ_CORS_ACCESS_CONTROL_MAX_AGE, function () {
         return 3628800;
      * req.auth.cors
      * Used to authorize a given CORS request
      * @param (Array) (allowed_origins) list of allowed remote origins
      * @return (Bool) true to allow access and false to deny access
     $onRest(ERestEvent::REQ_AUTH_CORS, function ($allowed_origins) {
         if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ORIGIN']) && array_search($_SERVER['HTTP_ORIGIN'], $allowed_origins) !== false) {
             return true;
         return false;
      * req.auth.https.only
      * return true to restrict to https;
      * false to allow http or https
      * @return (Bool) default is false
     $onRest(ERestEvent::REQ_AUTH_HTTPS_ONLY, function () {
         return false;
      * req.auth.uri
      * return true to allow access to a given uri;
      * false to deny access to a given uri;
      * @return (bool) default is true
     $onRest(ERestEvent::REQ_AUTH_URI, function ($uri, $verb) {
         return true;
      * req.auth.username
      * This is the username used to grant access to non-ajax users
      * At a minimum you should change this value
      * @return (String) the username
     $onRest(ERestEvent::REQ_AUTH_USERNAME, function () {
         return 'admin@restuser';
      * req.auth.password
      * This is the password use to grant access to non-ajax users
      * At a minimum you should change this value
      * @return (String) the password
     $onRest(ERestEvent::REQ_AUTH_PASSWORD, function () {
         return 'admin@Access';
      * req.auth.user
      * Used to validate a non-ajax user
      * @param (String) (application_id) the application_id defined in config.application.id
      * @param (String) (username) the username defined in req.auth.username
      * @param (String) (password) the password defined in req.auth.password
      * @return (Bool) true to grant access; false to deny access
     $onRest(ERestEvent::REQ_AUTH_USER, function ($application_id, $username, $password) {
         if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_' . $application_id . '_USERNAME']) || !isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_' . $application_id . '_PASSWORD'])) {
             return false;
         if ($username != $_SERVER['HTTP_X_' . $application_id . '_USERNAME']) {
             return false;
         if ($password != $_SERVER['HTTP_X_' . $application_id . '_PASSWORD']) {
             return false;
         return true;
      * req.after.action
      * Called after the request has been fulfilled
      * By default it has no behavior
     $onRest(ERestEvent::REQ_AFTER_ACTION, function ($filterChain) {
         //Logic being applied after the action is executed
      * req.is.subresource
      * Called when trying to determain if the request is for a subresource
      * @param (Object) (model) model instance to evaluate
      * @param (String) (subresource_name) potentially the name of the subresource
      * @param (String) (http_verb) the http verb used to make the request
      * @return (Bool) True if this is a subresouce request and false if not
     $onRest(ERestEvent::REQ_IS_SUBRESOURCE, function ($model, $subresource_name, $http_verb) {
         if (!array_key_exists($subresource_name, $model->relations())) {
             return false;
         if ($model->relations()[$subresource_name][0] != CActiveRecord::MANY_MANY) {
             return false;
         return true;
      * req.options.render
      * Called when an options request is made from a CORS request
      * @param (Array) (allowed_headers) list of allowed headers
      * @param (Array) (allowed_methods) list of allowed http methods (verbs: ie PUT, POST, ect...)
      * @param (Int) (max_age) Maximum age to cache options client side
     $onRest(ERestEvent::REQ_OPTIONS_RENDER, function ($allowed_headers, $allowed_methods, $max_age) {
         $this->layout = 'RestfullYii.views.layouts.json';
         $this->render('RestfullYii.views.api.options', ['allowed_headers' => $allowed_headers, 'allowed_methods' => $allowed_methods, 'max_age' => $max_age, 'origin' => $_SERVER['HTTP_ORIGIN']]);
      * req.get.resource.render
      * Called when a GET request for a single resource is to be rendered
      * @param (Object) (data) this is the resources model
      * @param (String) (model_name) the name of the resources model
      * @param (Array) (relations) the list of relations to include with the data
      * @param (Int) (count) the count of records to return (will be either 1 or 0)
     $onRest(ERestEvent::REQ_GET_RESOURCE_RENDER, function ($data, $model_name, $relations, $count, $visibleProperties = [], $hiddenProperties = []) {
         //Handler for GET (single resource) request
         return $this->renderJSON(['type' => 'rest', 'success' => $count > 0 ? true : false, 'message' => $count > 0 ? "Record Found" : "No Record Found", 'totalCount' => $count, 'modelName' => $model_name, 'relations' => $relations, 'visibleProperties' => $visibleProperties, 'hiddenProperties' => $hiddenProperties, 'data' => $data]);
      * req.get.resources.render
      * Called when a GET request for when a list resources is to be rendered
      * @param (Array) (data) this is an array of models representing the resources
      * @param (String) (model_name) the name of the resources model
      * @param (Array) (relations) the list of relations to include with the data
      * @param (Int) (count) the count of records to return
     $onRest(ERestEvent::REQ_GET_RESOURCES_RENDER, function ($data, $model_name, $relations, $count, $visibleProperties = [], $hiddenProperties = []) {
         //Handler for GET (list resources) request
         return $this->renderJSON(['type' => 'rest', 'success' => $count > 0 ? true : false, 'message' => $count > 0 ? "Record(s) Found" : "No Record(s) Found", 'totalCount' => $count, 'modelName' => $model_name, 'relations' => $relations, 'visibleProperties' => $visibleProperties, 'hiddenProperties' => $hiddenProperties, 'data' => $data]);
      * req.get.subresources.render
      * Called when a GET request for a list of sub-resources is to be rendered
      * @param (Array) (models) list of sub-resource models
      * @param (String) (subresource_name) the name of the sub-resources to render
      * @param (Int) (count) the count of sub-resources to render
     $onRest(ERestEvent::REQ_GET_SUBRESOURCES_RENDER, function ($models, $subresource_name, $count, $visibleProperties = [], $hiddenProperties = []) {
         return $this->renderJSON(['type' => 'rest', 'success' => $count > 0 ? true : false, 'message' => $count > 0 ? "Record(s) Found" : "No Record(s) Found", 'totalCount' => $count, 'modelName' => $subresource_name, 'visibleProperties' => $visibleProperties, 'hiddenProperties' => $hiddenProperties, 'data' => $models]);
      * req.get.subresource.render
      * Called when a GET request for a sub-resource is to be rendered
      * @param (Object) (model) the model representing the sub-resource
      * @param (String) (subresource_name) the name of the sub-resource to render
      * @param (Int) (count) the count of sub-resources to render (will be either 1 or 0)
     $onRest(ERestEvent::REQ_GET_SUBRESOURCE_RENDER, function ($model, $subresource_name, $count, $visibleProperties = [], $hiddenProperties = []) {
         return $this->renderJSON(['type' => 'rest', 'success' => true, 'message' => $count > 0 ? "Record(s) Found" : "No Record(s) Found", 'totalCount' => $count, 'modelName' => $subresource_name, 'visibleProperties' => $visibleProperties, 'hiddenProperties' => $hiddenProperties, 'data' => $model]);
      * req.post.resource.render
      * Called when a POST request (create) is to be rendered
      * @param (Object) (model) the newly created model
      * @param (Array) (relations) list of relations to render with model
     $onRest(ERestEvent::REQ_POST_RESOURCE_RENDER, function ($model, $relations = [], $visibleProperties = [], $hiddenProperties = []) {
         return $this->renderJSON(['type' => 'rest', 'success' => true, 'message' => "Record Created", 'totalCount' => 1, 'modelName' => get_class($model), 'relations' => $relations, 'visibleProperties' => $visibleProperties, 'hiddenProperties' => $hiddenProperties, 'data' => $model]);
      * req.put.resource.render
      * Called when a PUT request (update) is to be rendered
      * @param (Object) (model) the updated model
      * @param (Array) (relations) list of relations to render with model
     $onRest(ERestEvent::REQ_PUT_RESOURCE_RENDER, function ($model, $relations, $visibleProperties = [], $hiddenProperties = []) {
         return $this->renderJSON(['type' => 'rest', 'success' => true, 'message' => "Record Updated", 'totalCount' => 1, 'modelName' => get_class($model), 'relations' => $relations, 'visibleProperties' => $visibleProperties, 'hiddenProperties' => $hiddenProperties, 'data' => $model]);
      * req.put.resources.render
      * Called when a PUT request (update) is to be rendered
      * @param (Object) (model) the updated model
      * @param (Array) (relations) list of relations to render with model
     $onRest(ERestEvent::REQ_PUT_RESOURCES_RENDER, function ($model, $relations, $visibleProperties = [], $hiddenProperties = []) {
         return $this->renderJSON(['type' => 'rest', 'success' => true, 'message' => "Record Updated", 'totalCount' => 1, 'modelName' => get_class($model), 'relations' => $relations, 'visibleProperties' => $visibleProperties, 'hiddenProperties' => $hiddenProperties, 'data' => $model]);
      * req.put.subresource.render
      * Called when a PUT request to a sub-resource (add a sub-resource) is rendered
      * @param (Object) (model) the model of the resource that owns the subresource
      * @param (String) (subresource_name) the name of the sub-resource
      * @param (Mixed/Int) (subresource_id) the primary key of the sub-resource
     $onRest(ERestEvent::REQ_PUT_SUBRESOURCE_RENDER, function ($model, $subresource_name, $subresource_id, $visibleProperties = [], $hiddenProperties = []) {
         return $this->renderJSON(['type' => 'rest', 'success' => true, 'message' => "Subresource Added", 'totalCount' => 1, 'modelName' => get_class($model), 'relations' => [$subresource_name], 'visibleProperties' => $visibleProperties, 'hiddenProperties' => $hiddenProperties, 'data' => $model]);
      * req.delete.resource.render
      * Called when DELETE request is to be rendered
      * @param (Object) (model) this is the deleted model object for the resource
     $onRest(ERestEvent::REQ_DELETE_RESOURCE_RENDER, function ($model, $visibleProperties = [], $hiddenProperties = []) {
         return $this->renderJSON(['type' => 'rest', 'success' => true, 'message' => "Record Deleted", 'totalCount' => 1, 'modelName' => get_class($model), 'relations' => [], 'visibleProperties' => $visibleProperties, 'hiddenProperties' => $hiddenProperties, 'data' => $model]);
      * req.delete.subresource.render
      * Called when DELETE request on a sub-resource is to be made
      * @param (Object) (model) this is the model object that owns the deleted sub-resource
      * @param (String) (subresource_name) the name of the deleted sub-resource
      * @param (Mixed/Int) (subresource_id) the primary key of the deleted sub-resource
     $onRest(ERestEvent::REQ_DELETE_SUBRESOURCE_RENDER, function ($model, $subresource_name, $subresource_id, $visibleProperties = [], $hiddenProperties = []) {
         return $this->renderJSON(['type' => 'rest', 'success' => true, 'message' => "Sub-Resource Deleted", 'totalCount' => 1, 'modelName' => get_class($model), 'relations' => [$subresource_name], 'visibleProperties' => $visibleProperties, 'hiddenProperties' => $hiddenProperties, 'data' => $model]);
      * model.subresource.count
      * Called when the count of sub-resources is needed
      * @param (Object) (model) the model that represents the owner of the sub-resource
      * @param (String) (subresource_name) the name of the sub-resource
      * @param (Mixed/Int) (subresource_id) the primary key of the sub-resource
      * @return (Int) count of the subresources
     $onRest(ERestEvent::MODEL_SUBRESOURCE_COUNT, function ($model, $subresource_name, $subresource_id = null) {
         return $this->getSubresourceHelper()->getSubresourceCount($model, $subresource_name, $subresource_id);
      * model.subresource.find
      * Called when attempting to find a subresource
      * @param (Object) (model) the model that represents the owner of the sub-resource
      * @param (String) (subresource_name) the name of the sub-resource
      * @param (Mixed/Int) (subresource_id) the primary key of the sub-resource
      * @return (Object) the sub-resource model
     $onRest(ERestEvent::MODEL_SUBRESOURCE_FIND, function ($model, $subresource_name, $subresource_id) {
         $subresource = @$this->getSubresourceHelper()->getSubresource($model, $subresource_name, $subresource_id);
         if (count($subresource) > 0) {
             return $subresource[0];
         return $subresource;
      * model.subresource.find.all
      * Called when attempting to find all subresources of a resource
      * @param (Object) (model) the model that represents the owner of the sub-resources
      * @param (String) (subresource_name) the name of the sub-resource
      * @return (Array) list of sub-resource models
     $onRest(ERestEvent::MODEL_SUBRESOURCES_FIND_ALL, function ($model, $subresource_name) {
         return $this->getSubresourceHelper()->getSubresource($model, $subresource_name);
      * req.param.is.pk
      * Called when attempting to validate a resources primary key
      * The default is an integer
      * @return (bool) true to confirm primary key; false to deny
     $onRest(ERestEvent::REQ_PARAM_IS_PK, function ($pk) {
         return $pk === '0' || preg_match('/^-?[1-9][0-9]*$/', $pk) === 1;
      * model.instance
      * Called when an instance of the model representing the resource(s) is requested
      * By default this is your controller class name minus the 'Controller'
      * @return (Object) an empty instance of a resources Active Record model
     $onRest(ERestEvent::MODEL_INSTANCE, function () {
         $modelName = str_replace('Controller', '', get_class($this));
         return new $modelName();
      * model.attach.behaviors
      * Called on all requests (Other then custom) to add some magic to your models
      * Attach helper behaviors to model
      * @param (Object) (model) an instance of an AR Model
      * @return (Object) an instance of an Active Record model
     $onRest(ERestEvent::MODEL_ATTACH_BEHAVIORS, function ($model) {
         //Attach this behavior to help saving nested models
         if (!array_key_exists('ERestActiveRecordRelationBehavior', $model->behaviors())) {
             $model->attachBehavior('ERestActiveRecordRelationBehavior', new ERestActiveRecordRelationBehavior());
         if (!array_key_exists('ERestHelperScopes', $model->behaviors())) {
             $model->attachBehavior('ERestHelperScopes', new ERestHelperScopes());
         return $model;
      * model.limit
      * Called when applying a limit to the resources returned in a GET request
      * The default is 100 or the value of the _GET param 'limit'
      * @return (Int) the number of results to return
     $onRest(ERestEvent::MODEL_LIMIT, function () {
         return isset($_GET['limit']) ? $_GET['limit'] : 100;
      * model.offset
      * Called when applying an offset to the records returned in a GET request
      * The default is 0 or the value of the _GET param 'offset'
      * @return (Int) the offset of results to return
     $onRest(ERestEvent::MODEL_OFFSET, function () {
         return isset($_GET['offset']) ? $_GET['offset'] : 0;
      * model.scenario
      * Called before a resource is found
      * This is the scenario to apply to a resource pre-find
      * The default is 'search' or the value of the _GET param 'scenario'
      * @return (String) the scenario name
     $onRest(ERestEvent::MODEL_SCENARIO, function () {
         return isset($_GET['scenario']) ? $_GET['scenario'] : 'restfullyii';
      * model.filter
      * Called when attempting to apply a filter to apply to the records in a GET request
      * The default is 'NULL' or the value of the _GET param 'filter'
      * The format is JSON: 
      * '[{"property":"SOME_PROPERTY", "value":"SOME_VALUE"}]'
      * See documentation for additional options
      * @return (JSON) the filter to apply
     $onRest(ERestEvent::MODEL_FILTER, function () {
         return isset($_GET['filter']) ? $_GET['filter'] : null;
      * model.sort
      * Called when attempting to sort records returned in a GET request
      * The default is 'NULL' or the value of the _GET param 'sort'
      * The format is JSON:
      * [{"property":"SOME_PROPERTY", "direction":"DESC"}]
      * @return (JSON) the sort to apply
     $onRest(ERestEvent::MODEL_SORT, function () {
         return isset($_GET['sort']) ? $_GET['sort'] : null;
      * model.with.relations
      * Called when trying to determine which relations to include in a requests render
      * The default is all relations not starting with an underscore
      * You should most likely customize this per resource
      * as some resources may have relations that return large number of records
      * @return (Array) list of relations (Strings) to attach to resources output
     $onRest(ERestEvent::MODEL_WITH_RELATIONS, function ($model) {
         $nestedRelations = [];
         foreach ($model->metadata->relations as $rel => $val) {
             $className = $val->className;
             $rel_model = call_user_func([$className, 'model']);
             if (!is_array($rel_model->tableSchema->primaryKey) && substr($rel, 0, 1) != '_') {
                 $nestedRelations[] = $rel;
         return $nestedRelations;
      * model.lazy.load.relations
      * Called when determining if relations should be lazy or eager loaded
      * The default is to lazy load. In most cases this is sufficient
      * Under certain conditions eager loading my be more appropriate
      * @return (Bool) true to lazy load relations; false to eager load
     $onRest(ERestEvent::MODEL_LAZY_LOAD_RELATIONS, function () {
         return true;
      * model.find
      * Called when attempting to find a single model
      * @param (Object) (model) an instance of the resources model
      * @param (Mixed/Int) (id) the resources primary key
      * @return (Object) the found model
     $onRest(ERestEvent::MODEL_FIND, function ($model, $id) {
         return $model->findByPk($id);
      * model.find.all
      * Called when attempting to find a list of models
      * @param (Object) (model) an instance of the resources model
      * @return (Array) list of found models
     $onRest(ERestEvent::MODEL_FIND_ALL, function ($model) {
         return $model->findAll();
      * model.count
      * Called when the count of model(s) is needed
      * @param (Object) (model) the model to apply the count to
      * @return (Int) the count of models
     $onRest(ERestEvent::MODEL_COUNT, function ($model) {
         return $model->count();
      * req.data.read
      * Called when reading data on POST & PUT requests
      * @param (String) this can be either a stream wrapper of a file path
      * @return (Array) the JSON decoded array of data
     $onRest(ERestEvent::REQ_DATA_READ, function ($stream = 'php://input') {
         $reader = new ERestRequestReader($stream);
         return CJSON::decode($reader->getContents());
      * req.render.json
      * NOT CALLED internally
      * The handler exists to allow users the ability to easily render arbitrary JSON
      * To do so you must 'emitRest' this event
      * @param (Array) (data) data to be rendered
     $onRest(ERestEvent::REQ_RENDER_JSON, function ($data) {
         return $this->renderJSON(['type' => 'raw', 'data' => $data]);
      * model.apply.post.data
      * Called on POST requests when attempting to apply posted data
      * @param (Object) (model) the resource model to save data to
      * @param (Array) (data) the data to save to the model
      * @param (Array) (restricted_properties) list of restricted properties
      * @return (Object) the model with posted data applied
     $onRest(ERestEvent::MODEL_APPLY_POST_DATA, function ($model, $data, $restricted_properties) {
         return $this->getResourceHelper()->setModelAttributes($model, $data, $restricted_properties);
      * model.apply.put.data
      * Called on PUT requests when attempting to apply PUT data
      * @param (Object) (model) the resource model to save data to
      * @param (Array) (data) the data to save to the model
      * @param (Array) (restricted_properties) list of restricted properties
      * @return (Object) the model with PUT data applied
     $onRest(ERestEvent::MODEL_APPLY_PUT_DATA, function ($model, $data, $restricted_properties) {
         return $this->getResourceHelper()->setModelAttributes($model, $data, $restricted_properties);
      * model.restricted.properties
      * Called when determining which properties if any should be considered restricted
      * The default is [] (no restricted properties)
      * @return (Array) list of restricted properties
     $onRest(ERestEvent::MODEL_RESTRICTED_PROPERTIES, function () {
         return [];
      * model.visible.properties
      * Called when determining which properties if any should be considered visible
      * The default is [] (no hidden properties)
      * @return (Array) list of visible properties
     $onRest(ERestEvent::MODEL_VISIBLE_PROPERTIES, function () {
         return [];
      * model.hidden.properties
      * Called when determining which properties if any should be considered hidden
      * The default is [] (no hidden properties)
      * @return (Array) list of hidden properties
     $onRest(ERestEvent::MODEL_HIDDEN_PROPERTIES, function () {
         return [];
      * model.save
      * Called whenever a model resource is saved
      * @param (Object) the resource model to save
      * @return (Object) the saved resource
     $onRest(ERestEvent::MODEL_SAVE, function ($model) {
         if (!$model->save()) {
             throw new CHttpException('400', CJSON::encode($model->errors));
         return $model;
      * model.subresources.save
      * Called whenever a sub-resource is saved
      * @param (Object) (model) the owner of the sub-resource
      * @param (String) (subresource_name) the name of the subresource
      * @param (Mixed/Int) (subresource_id) the primary key of the subresource
      * @return (Object) the updated model representing the owner of the sub-resource
     $onRest(ERestEvent::MODEL_SUBRESOURCE_SAVE, function ($model, $subresource_name, $subresource_id) {
         if (!$this->getSubresourceHelper()->putSubresourceHelper($model, $subresource_name, $subresource_id)) {
             throw new CHttpException('500', 'Could not save Sub-Resource');
         return true;
      * model.delete
      * Called whenever a model resource needs deleting
      * @param (Object) (model) the model resource to be deleted
     $onRest(ERestEvent::MODEL_DELETE, function ($model) {
         if (!$model->delete()) {
             throw new CHttpException(500, 'Could not delete model');
         return $model;
      * model.subresource.delete
      * Called whenever a subresource needs deleting
      * @param (Object) (model) the owner of the sub-resource
      * @param (String) (subresource_name) the name of the subresource
      * @param (Mixed/Int) (subresource_id) the primary key of the subresource
      * @return (Object) the updated model representing the owner of the sub-resource
     $onRest(ERestEvent::MODEL_SUBRESOURCE_DELETE, function ($model, $subresource_name, $subresource_id) {
         if (!$this->getSubresourceHelper()->deleteSubResource($model, $subresource_name, $subresource_id)) {
             throw new CHttpException(500, 'Could not delete Sub-Resource');
         return $model;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function restEvents()
     $this->onRest('req.param.is.pk', function ($pk) {
         //return $pk === '0' || preg_match('/^-?[1-9][0-9]*$/', $pk) === 1;
         return $pk === '0' || preg_match('/\\w+/', $pk) === 1;
     $this->onRest('req.exception', function ($errorCode, $message = null) {
         $this->renderJSON(['type' => 'error', 'success' => false, 'message' => is_null($message) ? $this->getHttpStatus()->message : $message, 'errorCode' => $errorCode]);
     $this->onRest('req.event.logger', function ($event, $category = 'application', $ignore = []) {
         if (!isset($ignore[$event])) {
             Yii::trace($event, $category);
         return [$event, $category, $ignore];
     $this->onRest('req.auth.ajax.user', function () {
         if ($this->getHeaders("API_KEY") == NULL) {
             return false;
         $user_key = $this->getHeaders("API_KEY");
         $this->_identity = new UserIdentity(null, null, $user_key);
         $test = $this->_identity->authenticate();
         if ($test) {
             return true;
         } else {
             return false;
     $this->onRest('req.auth.type', function ($application_id) {
         if (isset($_SERVER['X_' . $application_id . '_CORS']) || isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'OPTIONS') {
             return ERestEventListenerRegistry::REQ_TYPE_CORS;
         } else {
             if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_' . $application_id . '_USERNAME']) && isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_' . $application_id . '_PASSWORD'])) {
                 return ERestEventListenerRegistry::REQ_TYPE_USERPASS;
             } else {
                 return ERestEventListenerRegistry::REQ_TYPE_AJAX;
     $this->onRest('req.cors.access.control.allow.origin', function () {
         return ["*"];
         //List of sites allowed to make CORS requests
     $this->onRest('post.filter.req.cors.access.control.allow.origin', function ($allowed_origins) {
         return $allowed_origins;
     $this->onRest('req.cors.access.control.allow.headers', function ($application_id) {
         return ["Content-Type", "Content-Range", "Content-Disposition", "Content-Description", "API_KEY", "X_REST_CORS"];
     $this->onRest('req.auth.cors', function ($allowed_origins) {
         return true;
     $this->onRest('req.cors.access.control.allow.methods', function () {
         return ['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'OPTIONS'];
         //List of allowed http methods (verbs)
     $this->onRest('req.after.action', function ($filterChain) {
         //Logic being applied after the action is executed
     $this->onRest('post.filter.req.auth.ajax.user', function ($validation) {
         if (!$validation) {
             return false;
         switch ($this->getAction()->getId()) {
             case 'REST.GET':
                 return Yii::app()->user->checkAccess('REST-GET');
             case 'REST.POST':
                 // By pass permission issues
                 //                    if (Yii::app()->controller->id == "users" && Yii::app()->request->isPostRequest)
                 //                        return Yii::app()->user->checkAccess('REST-USER-CREATE');
                 //                    else
                 //                        return Yii::app()->user->checkAccess('REST-CREATE');
                 return true;
             case 'REST.PUT':
                 return Yii::app()->user->checkAccess('REST-UPDATE');
             case 'REST.DELETE':
                 return Yii::app()->user->checkAccess('REST-DELETE');
                 return false;
     $this->onRest('req.data.read', function ($stream = 'php://input') {
         $reader = new ERestRequestReader($stream);
         $json = $this->_validate_json($reader->getContents());
         //return CJSON::decode($json);
         return $json;
     $this->onRest('req.get.resources.render', function ($data, $model_name, $relations, $count, $visibleProperties = [], $hiddenProperties = []) {
         //Handler for GET (list resources) request
         $this->setHttpStatus($count > 0 ? 200 : 200);
         $this->renderJSON(['type' => 'rest', 'success' => $count > 0 ? true : true, 'message' => $count > 0 ? "Record(s) Found" : "No Record(s) Found", 'totalCount' => $count, 'modelName' => $model_name, 'relations' => $relations, 'visibleProperties' => $visibleProperties, 'hiddenProperties' => $hiddenProperties, 'data' => $data]);