Exemplo n.º 1
function emp_add_options()
    global $wpdb;
    add_option('em_pro_data', array());
    add_option('dbem_disable_css', false);
    //TODO - remove this or create dependency in admin settings
    //Form Stuff
    $booking_form_data = array('name' => __('Default', 'em-pro'), 'form' => array('name' => array('label' => __emp('Name', 'dbem'), 'type' => 'name', 'fieldid' => 'user_name', 'required' => 1), 'user_email' => array('label' => __emp('Email', 'dbem'), 'type' => 'user_email', 'fieldid' => 'user_email', 'required' => 1), 'dbem_address' => array('label' => __emp('Address', 'dbem'), 'type' => 'dbem_address', 'fieldid' => 'dbem_address', 'required' => 1), 'dbem_city' => array('label' => __emp('City/Town', 'dbem'), 'type' => 'dbem_city', 'fieldid' => 'dbem_city', 'required' => 1), 'dbem_state' => array('label' => __emp('State/County', 'dbem'), 'type' => 'dbem_state', 'fieldid' => 'dbem_state', 'required' => 1), 'dbem_zip' => array('label' => __('Zip/Post Code', 'em-pro'), 'type' => 'dbem_zip', 'fieldid' => 'dbem_zip', 'required' => 1), 'dbem_country' => array('label' => __emp('Country', 'dbem'), 'type' => 'dbem_country', 'fieldid' => 'dbem_country', 'required' => 1), 'dbem_phone' => array('label' => __emp('Phone', 'dbem'), 'type' => 'dbem_phone', 'fieldid' => 'dbem_phone'), 'dbem_fax' => array('label' => __('Fax', 'em-pro'), 'type' => 'dbem_fax', 'fieldid' => 'dbem_fax'), 'booking_comment' => array('label' => __emp('Comment', 'dbem'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'fieldid' => 'booking_comment')));
    add_option('em_booking_form_error_required', __('Please fill in the field: %s', 'em-pro'));
    $new_fields = array('dbem_address' => array('label' => __emp('Address', 'dbem'), 'type' => 'text', 'fieldid' => 'dbem_address', 'required' => 1), 'dbem_address_2' => array('label' => __emp('Address Line 2', 'dbem'), 'type' => 'text', 'fieldid' => 'dbem_address_2'), 'dbem_city' => array('label' => __emp('City/Town', 'dbem'), 'type' => 'text', 'fieldid' => 'dbem_city', 'required' => 1), 'dbem_state' => array('label' => __emp('State/County', 'dbem'), 'type' => 'text', 'fieldid' => 'dbem_state', 'required' => 1), 'dbem_zip' => array('label' => __('Zip/Post Code', 'em-pro'), 'type' => 'text', 'fieldid' => 'dbem_zip', 'required' => 1), 'dbem_country' => array('label' => __emp('Country', 'dbem'), 'type' => 'country', 'fieldid' => 'dbem_country', 'required' => 1), 'dbem_phone' => array('label' => __emp('Phone', 'dbem'), 'type' => 'text', 'fieldid' => 'dbem_phone'), 'dbem_fax' => array('label' => __('Fax', 'em-pro'), 'type' => 'text', 'fieldid' => 'dbem_fax'), 'dbem_company' => array('label' => __('Company', 'em-pro'), 'type' => 'text', 'fieldid' => 'dbem_company'));
    add_option('em_user_fields', $new_fields);
    $customer_fields = array('address' => 'dbem_address', 'address_2' => 'dbem_address_2', 'city' => 'dbem_city', 'state' => 'dbem_state', 'zip' => 'dbem_zip', 'country' => 'dbem_country', 'phone' => 'dbem_phone', 'fax' => 'dbem_fax', 'company' => 'dbem_company');
    add_option('emp_gateway_customer_fields', $customer_fields);
    add_option('em_attendee_fields_enabled', defined('EM_ATTENDEES') && EM_ATTENDEES);
    //Gateway Stuff
    add_option('dbem_emp_booking_form_reg_input', 1);
    add_option('dbem_emp_booking_form_reg_show', 1);
    add_option('dbem_emp_booking_form_reg_show_email', 0);
    add_option('dbem_emp_booking_form_reg_show_name', !get_option('em_pro_version'));
    add_option('dbem_gateway_use_buttons', 0);
    add_option('dbem_gateway_label', __('Pay With', 'em-pro'));
    add_option('em_paypal_option_name', __('PayPal', 'em-pro'));
    add_option('em_paypal_form', '<img src="' . plugins_url('events-manager-pro/includes/images/paypal/paypal_info.png', 'events-manager') . '" width="228" height="61" />');
    add_option('em_paypal_booking_feedback', __('Please wait whilst you are redirected to PayPal to proceed with payment.', 'em-pro'));
    add_option('em_paypal_booking_feedback_free', __emp('Booking successful.', 'dbem'));
    add_option('em_paypal_button', 'http://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_xpressCheckout.gif');
    add_option('em_paypal_booking_feedback_thanks', __('Thank you for your payment. Your transaction has been completed, and a receipt for your purchase has been emailed to you along with a separate email containing account details to access your booking information on this site. You may log into your account at www.paypal.com to view details of this transaction.', 'em-pro'));
    add_option('em_paypal_inc_tax', get_option('em_pro_version') == false);
    add_option('em_offline_option_name', __('Pay Offline', 'em-pro'));
    add_option('em_offline_booking_feedback', __emp('Booking successful.', 'dbem'));
    add_option('em_offline_button', __('Pay Offline', 'em-pro'));
    add_option('em_authorize_aim_option_name', __('Credit Card', 'em-pro'));
    add_option('em_authorize_aim_booking_feedback', __emp('Booking successful.', 'dbem'));
    add_option('em_authorize_aim_booking_feedback_free', __('Booking successful. You have not been charged for this booking.', 'em-pro'));
    //email reminders
    add_option('dbem_cron_emails', 0);
    add_option('dbem_cron_emails_limit', get_option('emp_cron_emails_limit', 100));
    add_option('dbem_emp_emails_reminder_subject', __('Reminder', 'em-pro') . ' - #_EVENTNAME');
    $email_footer = '<br /><br />-------------------------------<br />Powered by Events Manager - http://wp-events-plugin.com';
    $respondent_email_body_localizable = __("Dear #_BOOKINGNAME, <br />This is a reminder about your #_BOOKINGSPACES space/spaces reserved for #_EVENTNAME.<br />When : #_EVENTDATES @ #_EVENTTIMES<br />Where : #_LOCATIONNAME - #_LOCATIONFULLLINE<br />We look forward to seeing you there!<br />Yours faithfully,<br />#_CONTACTNAME", 'em-pro') . $email_footer;
    add_option('dbem_emp_emails_reminder_body', str_replace("<br />", "\n\r", $respondent_email_body_localizable));
    add_option('dbem_emp_emails_reminder_time', '12:00 AM');
    add_option('dbem_emp_emails_reminder_days', 1);
    add_option('dbem_emp_emails_reminder_ical', 1);
    //custom emails
    add_option('dbem_custom_emails', 0);
    add_option('dbem_custom_emails_events', 1);
    add_option('dbem_custom_emails_events_admins', 1);
    add_option('dbem_custom_emails_gateways', 1);
    add_option('dbem_custom_emails_gateways_admins', 1);
    //multiple bookings
    add_option('dbem_multiple_bookings_feedback_added', __('Your booking was added to your shopping cart.', 'em-pro'));
    add_option('dbem_multiple_bookings_feedback_already_added', __('You have already booked a spot at this eventin your cart, please modify or delete your current booking.', 'em-pro'));
    add_option('dbem_multiple_bookings_feedback_no_bookings', __('You have not booked any events yet. Your cart is empty.', 'em-pro'));
    add_option('dbem_multiple_bookings_feedback_loading_cart', __('Loading Cart Contents...', 'em-pro'));
    add_option('dbem_multiple_bookings_feedback_empty_cart', __('Are you sure you want to empty your cart?', 'em-pro'));
    add_option('dbem_multiple_bookings_submit_button', __('Place Order', 'em_pro'));
    //multiple bookings - emails
    add_option('dbem_multiple_bookings_contact_email_subject', __('New Booking', 'em-pro'));
    $respondent_email_body_localizable = __("#_BOOKINGNAME (#_BOOKINGEMAIL) has made a booking: <br />#_BOOKINGSUMMARY", 'em-pro') . $email_footer;
    add_option('dbem_multiple_bookings_contact_email_body', str_replace("<br />", "\n\r", $respondent_email_body_localizable));
    add_option('dbem_multiple_bookings_contact_email_cancelled_subject', __('Booking Cancelled', 'em-pro'));
    $respondent_email_body_localizable = __("#_BOOKINGNAME (#_BOOKINGEMAIL) has cancelled a booking: <br />#_BOOKINGSUMMARY", 'em-pro') . $email_footer;
    add_option('dbem_multiple_bookings_contact_email_cancelled_body', str_replace("<br />", "\n\r", $respondent_email_body_localizable));
    add_option('dbem_multiple_bookings_email_confirmed_subject', __('Booking Confirmed', 'em-pro'));
    $respondent_email_body_localizable = __("Dear #_BOOKINGNAME, <br />Your booking has been confirmed. <br />Below is a summary of your booking: <br />#_BOOKINGSUMMARY <br />We look forward to seeing you there!", 'em-pro') . $email_footer;
    add_option('dbem_multiple_bookings_email_confirmed_body', str_replace("<br />", "\n\r", $respondent_email_body_localizable));
    add_option('dbem_multiple_bookings_email_pending_subject', __('Booking Pending', 'em-pro'));
    $respondent_email_body_localizable = __("Dear #_BOOKINGNAME, <br />Your booking is currently pending approval by our administrators. Once approved you will receive another confirmation email. <br />Below is a summary of your booking: <br />#_BOOKINGSUMMARY", 'em-pro') . $email_footer;
    add_option('dbem_multiple_bookings_email_pending_body', str_replace("<br />", "\n\r", $respondent_email_body_localizable));
    add_option('dbem_multiple_bookings_email_rejected_subject', __('Booking Rejected', 'em-pro'));
    $respondent_email_body_localizable = __("Dear #_BOOKINGNAME, <br />Your requested booking has been rejected. <br />Below is a summary of your booking: <br />#_BOOKINGSUMMARY", 'em-pro') . $email_footer;
    add_option('dbem_multiple_bookings_email_rejected_body', str_replace("<br />", "\n\r", $respondent_email_body_localizable));
    add_option('dbem_multiple_bookings_email_cancelled_subject', __('Booking Cancelled', 'em-pro'));
    $respondent_email_body_localizable = __("Dear #_BOOKINGNAME, <br />Your requested booking has been cancelled. <br />Below is a summary of your booking: <br />#_BOOKINGSUMMARY", 'em-pro') . $email_footer;
    add_option('dbem_multiple_bookings_email_cancelled_body', str_replace("<br />", "\n\r", $respondent_email_body_localizable));
    //Version updates
    if (get_option('em_pro_version')) {
        //upgrade, so do any specific version updates
        if (get_option('em_pro_version') < 2.16) {
            //add new customer information fields
            $user_fields = get_option('em_user_fields', array());
            update_option('em_user_fields', array_merge($new_fields, $user_fields));
        if (get_option('em_pro_version') < 2.061) {
            //new booking form data structure
            global $wpdb;
            //backward compatability, check first field to see if indexes start with 'booking_form_...' and change this.
            $form_fields = get_option('em_booking_form_fields', $booking_form_data['form']);
            if (is_array($form_fields)) {
                $booking_form_fields = array();
                foreach ($form_fields as $form_field_id => $form_field_data) {
                    foreach ($form_field_data as $field_key => $value) {
                        $field_key = str_replace('booking_form_', '', $field_key);
                        $booking_form_fields[$form_field_id][$field_key] = $value;
                //move booking form to meta table and update wp option with booking form id too
                $booking_form = serialize(array('name' => __('Default', 'em-pro'), 'form' => $booking_form_fields));
                if ($wpdb->insert(EM_META_TABLE, array('meta_key' => 'booking-form', 'meta_value' => $booking_form, 'object_id' => 0))) {
                    update_option('em_booking_form_fields', $wpdb->insert_id);
        if (get_option('em_pro_version') < 1.6) {
            //make buttons the default option
            update_option('dbem_gateway_use_buttons', 1);
            if (get_option('em_offline_button_text') && !get_option('em_offline_button')) {
                update_option('em_offline_button', get_option('em_offline_button_text'));
                //merge offline quick pay button option into one
            if (get_option('em_paypal_button_text') && !get_option('em_paypal_button')) {
                update_option('em_paypal_button', get_option('em_paypal_button_text'));
                //merge offline quick pay button option into one
        if (get_option('em_pro_version') < 2.243) {
            //fix badly stored user dates and times
            $EM_User_Form = EM_User_Fields::get_form();
            foreach ($EM_User_Form->form_fields as $field_id => $field) {
                if (in_array($field['type'], array('date', 'time'))) {
                    //search the user meta table and modify all occorunces of this value if the format isn't correct
                    $meta_results = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT umeta_id, meta_value FROM {$wpdb->usermeta} WHERE meta_key='" . $field_id . "'", ARRAY_A);
                    foreach ($meta_results as $meta_result) {
                        if (is_serialized($meta_result['meta_value'])) {
                            $meta_value = unserialize($meta_result['meta_value']);
                            if (is_array($meta_value) && !empty($meta_value['start'])) {
                                $new_value = $meta_value['start'];
                                if (!empty($meta_value['end'])) {
                                    $new_value .= ',' . $meta_value['end'];
                                //update this user meta with the new value
                                $wpdb->query("UPDATE {$wpdb->usermeta} SET meta_value='{$new_value}' WHERE umeta_id='{$meta_result['umeta_id']}'");
        if (get_option('em_pro_version') < 2.36) {
            //disable custom emails for upgrades, prevent unecessary features
            add_option('dbem_custom_emails', 0);
        if (get_option('dbem_muliple_bookings_form')) {
            //fix badly stored user dates and times
            update_option('dbem_multiple_bookings_form', get_option('dbem_muliple_bookings_form'));
    } else {
        //Booking form stuff only run on install
        $insert_result = $wpdb->insert(EM_META_TABLE, array('meta_value' => serialize($booking_form_data), 'meta_key' => 'booking-form', 'object_id' => 0));
        add_option('em_booking_form_fields', $wpdb->insert_id);
Exemplo n.º 2
        static function customer_fields_admin()
            //enable dbem_bookings_tickets_single_form if enabled
            $EM_Form = EM_User_Fields::get_form();
            $current_values = get_option('emp_gateway_customer_fields');
			<a name="gateway_customer_fields"></a>
			<div id="poststuff" class="metabox-holder">
				<!-- END OF SIDEBAR -->
				<div id="post-body">
					<div id="post-body-content">
						<div id="em-booking-form-editor" class="stuffbox">
            _e('Common User Fields for Gateways', 'em-pro');
							<div class="inside">
            _e('In many cases, customer address information is required by gateways for verification. This section connects your custom fields to commonly used customer information fields.', 'em-pro');
            _e('After creating user fields above, you should link them up in here so some gateways can make use of them when processing payments.', 'em-pro');
								<form action="#gateway_customer_fields" method="post">
									<table class="form-table">
            _e('Name (first/last)', 'em-pro');
            _e('Generated accordingly from user first/last name or full name field. If a name field isn\'t provided in your booking form, the username will be used instead.', 'em-pro');
            _e('Email', 'em-pro');
            _e('Uses the WordPress account email associated with the user.', 'em-pro');
            foreach (self::$customer_fields as $field_key => $field_val) {
                echo $field_val;
												<select name="<?php 
                echo $field_key;
													<option value="0"><?php 
                echo _e('none selected', 'em-pro');
                foreach ($EM_Form->user_fields as $field_id => $field_name) {
													<option value="<?php 
                    echo $field_id;
" <?php 
                    echo $field_id == $current_values[$field_key] ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
                    echo $field_name;
										<input type="hidden" name="_wpnonce" value="<?php 
            echo wp_create_nonce('gateway_customer_fields_' . get_current_user_id());
										<input type="hidden" name="form_action" value="form_fields">
										<input type="hidden" name="form_name" value="gateway_customer_fields" />
										<input type="submit" name="events_update" value="<?php 
            _e('Save Form', 'em-pro');
" class="button-primary">
Exemplo n.º 3
 function get_post($validate = true)
     $custom_user_fields = EM_User_Fields::get_form()->form_fields;
     foreach ($this->form_fields as $field) {
         $fieldid = $field['fieldid'];
         $value = '';
         if (!isset($_REQUEST[$fieldid])) {
             //for things like checkboxes when editing
             $_REQUEST[$fieldid] = '';
         if (!is_array($_REQUEST[$fieldid])) {
             $this->field_values[$fieldid] = wp_kses_data(stripslashes($_REQUEST[$fieldid]));
         } elseif (is_array($_REQUEST[$fieldid])) {
             $array = array();
             foreach ($_REQUEST[$fieldid] as $key => $array_value) {
                 $array[$key] = wp_kses_data(stripslashes($array_value));
             $this->field_values[$fieldid] = $array;
         //if this is a custom user field, change $filed to the original field so the right date/time info is retreived
         if (array_key_exists($field['type'], $this->custom_user_fields) && array_key_exists($field['fieldid'], $custom_user_fields)) {
             $field = $custom_user_fields[$field['fieldid']];
         //dates and time are special
         if (in_array($field['type'], array('date', 'time'))) {
             if (!empty($_REQUEST[$fieldid]['start'])) {
                 $this->field_values[$fieldid] = wp_kses_data($_REQUEST[$fieldid]['start']);
                 if ($field['options_' . $field['type'] . '_range'] && !empty($_REQUEST[$fieldid]['end'])) {
                     $this->field_values[$fieldid] .= ',' . wp_kses_data($_REQUEST[$fieldid]['end']);
             } else {
                 $this->field_values[$fieldid] = '';
     return true;