function admin_page_actions()
     global $EM_Pro, $EM_Notices, $wpdb;
     if (!empty($_REQUEST['page']) && $_REQUEST['page'] == 'events-manager-forms-editor') {
         //Load the right form
         if (isset($_REQUEST['att_form_id'])) {
             $sql = $wpdb->prepare("SELECT meta_value FROM " . EM_META_TABLE . " WHERE meta_key = 'attendee-form' AND meta_id=%d", $_REQUEST['att_form_id']);
             $form_data = unserialize($wpdb->get_var($sql));
             $EM_Form = self::$form = new EM_Form($form_data['form'], 'em_attendee_form');
             self::$form_name = $form_data['name'];
             self::$form_id = $_REQUEST['att_form_id'];
         } else {
             $EM_Form = self::get_form();
             if (!self::$form_id) {
                 update_option('em_attendee_form_fields', 0);
         if (!empty($_REQUEST['form_name']) && $EM_Form->form_name == $_REQUEST['form_name'] && empty($_REQUEST['attendee_form_action'])) {
             //set up booking form field map and save/retreive previous data
             if ($EM_Form->editor_get_post()) {
                 //Save into DB rather than as an option
                 $booking_form_data = array('name' => self::$form_name, 'form' => $EM_Form->form_fields);
                 $saved = $wpdb->update(EM_META_TABLE, array('meta_value' => serialize($booking_form_data)), array('meta_id' => self::$form_id));
                 //Update Values
                 if ($saved !== false) {
                     $EM_Notices->add_confirm(__('Changes Saved', 'em-pro'));
                 } elseif (count($EM_Form->get_errors()) > 0) {
         } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['attendee_form_action'])) {
             if ($_REQUEST['attendee_form_action'] == 'default' && wp_verify_nonce($_REQUEST['_wpnonce'], 'attendee_form_default')) {
                 //make this booking form the default
                 update_option('em_attendee_form_fields', $_REQUEST['att_form_id']);
                 $EM_Notices->add_confirm(sprintf(__('The form <em>%s</em> is now the default booking form. All events without a pre-defined booking form will start using this form from now on.', 'em-pro'), self::$form_name));
             } elseif ($_REQUEST['attendee_form_action'] == 'delete' && wp_verify_nonce($_REQUEST['_wpnonce'], 'attendee_form_delete')) {
                 //load and save booking form object with new name
                 $saved = $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM " . EM_META_TABLE . " WHERE meta_id='%s'", $_REQUEST['att_form_id']));
                 if ($saved) {
                     self::$form = false;
                     $EM_Notices->add_confirm(sprintf(__('%s Deleted', 'dbem'), __('Booking Form', 'em-pro')), 1);
             } elseif ($_REQUEST['attendee_form_action'] == 'rename' && wp_verify_nonce($_REQUEST['_wpnonce'], 'attendee_form_rename')) {
                 //load and save booking form object with new name
                 $booking_form_data = array('name' => wp_kses_data($_REQUEST['form_name']), 'form' => $EM_Form->form_fields);
                 self::$form_name = $booking_form_data['name'];
                 $saved = $wpdb->update(EM_META_TABLE, array('meta_value' => serialize($booking_form_data)), array('meta_id' => self::$form_id));
                 $EM_Notices->add_confirm(sprintf(__('Form renamed to <em>%s</em>.', 'em-pro'), self::$form_name));
             } elseif ($_REQUEST['attendee_form_action'] == 'add' && wp_verify_nonce($_REQUEST['_wpnonce'], 'attendee_form_add')) {
                 //create new form with this name and save first off
                 $EM_Form = new EM_Form(self::$form_template, 'em_attendee_form');
                 $booking_form_data = array('name' => wp_kses_data($_REQUEST['form_name']), 'form' => $EM_Form->form_fields);
                 self::$form = $EM_Form;
                 self::$form_name = $booking_form_data['name'];
                 $saved = $wpdb->insert(EM_META_TABLE, array('meta_value' => serialize($booking_form_data), 'meta_key' => 'attendee-form', 'object_id' => 0));
                 self::$form_id = $wpdb->insert_id;
                 if (!get_option('em_attendee_form_fields')) {
                     update_option('em_attendee_form_fields', self::$form_id);
                 $EM_Notices->add_confirm(__('New form created. You are now editing your new form.', 'em-pro'), true);
                 wp_redirect(add_query_arg(array('att_form_id' => self::$form_id), wp_get_referer()));
     * Generates a condensed attendee form for admins, stripping away HTML fields.
     * @param EM_Attendee_Form $EM_Form
     * @param int $ticket_id
    public static function admin_form($EM_Form, $ticket_id)
		<table class="em-form-fields" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
        foreach ($EM_Form->form_fields as $fieldid => $field) {
            if (!array_key_exists($fieldid, $EM_Form->user_fields) && $field['type'] != 'html') {
				<tr class="input-group input-<?php 
                echo $field['type'];
                echo $field['fieldid'];
                echo $field['label'];
                $value = !empty($EM_Form->field_values[$fieldid]) ? $EM_Form->field_values[$fieldid] : '';
                echo str_replace('%T', $ticket_id, $EM_Form->output_field_input($field, $value));