public function test_register()
     //make sure nobody else interfers with this test
     $pretend_addon_name = 'More_Core';
     $args = array('dms_paths' => array(EE_TESTS_DIR . 'mocks/core/data_migration_scripts'));
     //try registering at wrong time
     try {
         EE_Register_Data_Migration_Scripts::register($pretend_addon_name, $args);
         $this->fail('We should have had a warning saying that we are setting up the ee addon at the wrong time');
     } catch (PHPUnit_Framework_Error_Notice $e) {
     //and check we didn't actually register the DMSs (because we attempted to do so at teh wrong time)
     $DMSs_available = EE_Data_Migration_Manager::reset()->get_all_data_migration_scripts_available();
     $this->assertArrayNotHasKey('EE_DMS_Core_1_0_0', $DMSs_available);
     //ok now pretend we're registering the DMS at the right time
     EE_Register_Data_Migration_Scripts::register($pretend_addon_name, $args);
     $DMSs_available = EE_Data_Migration_Manager::reset()->get_all_data_migration_scripts_available();
     $this->assertArrayHasKey('EE_DMS_Core_1_0_0', $DMSs_available);
     //now deregister it
     $DMSs_available = EE_Data_Migration_Manager::reset()->get_all_data_migration_scripts_available();
     $this->assertArrayNotHasKey('EE_DMS_Core_1_0_0', $DMSs_available);
 protected function _migrate_old_row($old_row)
     $term_id = EE_Data_Migration_Manager::instance()->get_mapping_new_pk('Core_4_1_0', $this->_old_table, $old_row['id'], $this->_new_table);
     if (!$term_id) {
         $this->add_error(sprintf(__("Could not migrate metadata for old category '%s' with id '%d' because there is no EE4 category (term) for it.", "event_espresso"), $old_row['category_name'], $old_row['id']));
         return false;
     $metadata = maybe_unserialize($old_row['category_meta']);
     if (!is_array($metadata)) {
     if (isset($metadata['use_pickers'])) {
         $this->_add_extra_meta_to_term($term_id, 'use_color_picker', $metadata['use_pickers'] == 'Y');
     if (isset($metadata['event_background'])) {
         $this->_add_extra_meta_to_term($term_id, 'background_color', $metadata['event_background']);
     if (isset($metadata['event_text_color'])) {
         $this->_add_extra_meta_to_term($term_id, 'text_color', $metadata['event_text_color']);
Exemplo n.º 3
  *    loads data_migration_scripts
  * @access    public
  * @param string $class_name - class name for the DMS ie: EE_DMS_Core_4_2_0
  * @param mixed  $arguments
  * @return EE_Data_Migration_Script_Base
 public function load_dms($class_name, $arguments = array())
     // retrieve instantiated class
     return $this->_load(EE_Data_Migration_Manager::instance()->get_data_migration_script_folders(), 'EE_DMS_', $class_name, 'dms', $arguments, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);
 public function tearDown()
     if (isset($this->_addon_name) && isset(EE_Registry::instance()->addons->EE_New_Addon)) {
         $main_file_path_before_deregistration = EE_Registry::instance()->addons->EE_New_Addon->get_main_plugin_file_basename();
         try {
             $this->fail('EE_New_Addon is still registered. Deregister failed');
         } catch (PHPUnit_Framework_Error_Notice $e) {
             $this->assertEquals(EE_UnitTestCase::error_code_undefined_property, $e->getCode());
         //verify the deactvation hook was removed
         $this->assertFalse(has_action('deactivate_' . $main_file_path_before_deregistration));
         //verify the models were deregistered
         $this->assertArrayDoesNotContain('EEM_New_Addon_Thing', EE_Registry::instance()->non_abstract_db_models);
         $this->assertArrayDoesNotContain('EEM_New_Addon_Thing', EE_Registry::instance()->models);
         //verify that the model and class extensions have been removed
     //verify DMSs deregistered
     $DMSs_available = EE_Data_Migration_Manager::reset()->get_all_data_migration_scripts_available();
     $this->assertArrayNotHasKey('EE_DMS_New_Addon_1_0_0', $DMSs_available);
 public function _confirm_migration_crash_report_sent()
     try {
         $most_recent_migration = EE_Data_Migration_Manager::instance()->get_last_ran_script(true);
     } catch (EE_Error $e) {
         //now, just so we can display the page correctly, make a error migration script stage object
         //and also put the error on it. It only persists for the duration of this request
         $most_recent_migration = new EE_DMS_Unknown_1_0_0();
     $success = $this->_req_data['success'] == '1' ? true : false;
     $this->_template_args['success'] = $success;
     $this->_template_args['most_recent_migration'] = $most_recent_migration;
     $this->_template_args['reset_db_action_url'] = EE_Admin_Page::add_query_args_and_nonce(array('action' => 'reset_db'), EE_MAINTENANCE_ADMIN_URL);
     $this->_template_args['reset_db_page_url'] = EE_Admin_Page::add_query_args_and_nonce(array('action' => 'data_reset'), EE_MAINTENANCE_ADMIN_URL);
     $this->_template_args['reattempt_action_url'] = EE_Admin_Page::add_query_args_and_nonce(array('action' => 'reattempt_migration'), EE_MAINTENANCE_ADMIN_URL);
     $this->_template_path = EE_MAINTENANCE_TEMPLATE_PATH . 'ee_confirm_migration_crash_report_sent.template.php';
     $this->_template_args['admin_page_content'] = EEH_Template::display_template($this->_template_path, $this->_template_args, TRUE);
  * Determines if we need to put EE in maintenance mode because the database needs updating
  * @return boolean true if DB is old and maintenance mode was triggered; false otherwise
 public function set_maintenance_mode_if_db_old()
     if (EE_Data_Migration_Manager::instance()->check_for_applicable_data_migration_scripts()) {
         update_option(self::option_name_maintenance_mode, self::level_2_complete_maintenance);
         return true;
     } elseif ($this->level() == self::level_2_complete_maintenance) {
         //we also want to handle the opposite: if the site is mm2, but there aren't any migrations to run
         //then we shouldn't be in mm2. (Maybe an addon got deactivated?)
         update_option(self::option_name_maintenance_mode, self::level_0_not_in_maintenance);
         return false;
     } else {
         return false;
  * Returns the version that this script migrates to, based on the script's name.
  * Cannot be overwritten because lots of code needs to know which version a script
  * migrates to knowing only its name.
  * @return array where the first key is the plugin's slug, the 2nd is the version of that plugin
  * that will be updated to. Eg array('Core','4.1.0')
 public final function migrates_to_version()
     return EE_Data_Migration_Manager::instance()->script_migrates_to_version(get_class($this));
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Used to setup this addon's database tables, but not necessarily any default
  * data in them. The default is to actually use the most up-to-date data migration script
  * for this addon, and just use its schema_changes_before_migration() and schema_changes_after_migration()
  * methods to setup the db.
 public function initialize_db()
     //find the migration script that sets the database to be compatible with the code
     $current_dms_name = EE_Data_Migration_Manager::instance()->get_most_up_to_date_dms($this->name());
     if ($current_dms_name) {
         $current_data_migration_script = EE_Registry::instance()->load_dms($current_dms_name);
         if ($current_data_migration_script->get_errors()) {
             foreach ($current_data_migration_script->get_errors() as $error) {
                 EE_Error::add_error($error, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     //if not DMS was found that should be ok. This addon just doesn't require any database changes
     EE_Data_Migration_Manager::instance()->update_current_database_state_to(array('slug' => $this->name(), 'version' => $this->version()));
  * @group 8328
 public function test_database_needs_updating_to__current_version_is_lower()
     EE_Data_Migration_Manager::instance()->update_current_database_state_to(array('slug' => 'Core', 'version' => '4.9.0'));
     $this->assertFalse(EE_Data_Migration_Manager::instance()->database_needs_updating_to(array('slug' => 'Core', 'version' => '4.4.0.p')));
  * resets the singleton to its brand-new state (but does NOT delete old references to the old singleton. Meaning,
  * all new usages of the singleton should be made with Classname::instance()) and returns it
  * @return EE_Data_Migration_Manager
 public static function reset()
     self::$_instance = NULL;
     return self::instance();
  * Gets an array where keys are ee versions, and their values are arrays indicating all the different times that version was installed
  * @return EE_Data_Migration_Script_Base[]
 function get_ee_migration_history()
     $options = EE_Data_Migration_Manager::instance()->get_all_migration_script_options();
     $presentable_migration_scripts = array();
     foreach ($options as $option_array) {
         $presentable_migration_scripts[str_replace(EE_Data_Migration_Manager::data_migration_script_option_prefix, "", $option_array['option_name'])] = maybe_unserialize($option_array['option_value']);
     return $presentable_migration_scripts;
     //		return get_option(EE_Data_Migration_Manager::data_migrations_option_name);//EE_Data_Migration_Manager::instance()->get_data_migrations_ran();
  * restore the epsresso_db_update option
 function tearDown()
     update_option('espresso_db_update', $this->_original_espresso_db_update);
     update_option(EE_Data_Migration_Manager::current_database_state, $this->_original_db_state);
 private function _remove_mock_dms()
     remove_filter('FHEE__EE_Data_Migration_Manager__get_data_migration_script_folders', array($this, 'add_mock_dms'));
  * the DMS manager maintains a bit of state in order to be more efficient, which we want to lose between tests
 public function setUp()
  * create_database_tables
  * @access public
  * @static
  * @throws EE_Error
  * @return boolean success (whether database is setup properly or not)
 public static function create_database_tables()
     //find the migration script that sets the database to be compatible with the code
     $dms_name = EE_Data_Migration_Manager::instance()->get_most_up_to_date_dms();
     if ($dms_name) {
         $current_data_migration_script = EE_Registry::instance()->load_dms($dms_name);
         if ($current_data_migration_script->get_errors()) {
             if (WP_DEBUG) {
                 foreach ($current_data_migration_script->get_errors() as $error) {
                     EE_Error::add_error($error, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
             } else {
                 EE_Error::add_error(__('There were errors creating the Event Espresso database tables and Event Espresso has been deactivated. To view the errors, please enable WP_DEBUG in your wp-config.php file.', 'event_espresso'));
             return false;
     } else {
         EE_Error::add_error(__('Could not determine most up-to-date data migration script from which to pull database schema structure. So database is probably not setup properly', 'event_espresso'), __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
         return false;
     return true;
  * Resets the registry and everything in it (eventually, getting it to properly
  * reset absolutely everything will probably be tricky. right now it just resets
  * the config, data migration manager, and the models)
  * @param boolean $hard whether to reset data in the database too, or just refresh
  * the Registry to its state at the bginning of the request
  * @param boolean $reinstantiate whether to create new instances of EE_REgistry's singletons too,
  * or just reset without reinstantiating (handy to set to FALSE if you're not sure if you CAN
  * currently reinstantiate the singletons at the moment)
  * @return EE_Registry
 public static function reset($hard = FALSE, $reinstantiate = TRUE)
     $instance = self::instance();
     $instance->CFG = EE_Config::reset($hard, $reinstantiate);
     $instance->LIB->EE_Data_Migration_Manager = EE_Data_Migration_Manager::reset();
     $instance->LIB = new stdClass();
     foreach (array_keys($instance->non_abstract_db_models) as $model_name) {
     return $instance;
Exemplo n.º 17
  * Does the traditional work of setting up the plugin's database and adding default data.
  * If migration script/process did not exist, this is what would happen on every activation/reactivation/upgrade.
  * NOTE: if we're in maintenance mode (which would be the case if we detect there are data
  * migration scripts that need to be run and a version change happens), enqueues core for database initialization,
  * so that it will be done when migrations are finished
  * @param boolean $initialize_addons_too if true, we double-check addons' database tables etc too;
  * @param boolean $verify_schema if true will re-check the database tables have the correct schema.
  *                               This is a resource-intensive job
  * so we prefer to only do it when necessary
  * @return void
 public function initialize_db_if_no_migrations_required($initialize_addons_too = FALSE, $verify_schema = true)
     $request_type = $this->detect_req_type();
     //only initialize system if we're not in maintenance mode.
     if (EE_Maintenance_Mode::instance()->level() != EE_Maintenance_Mode::level_2_complete_maintenance) {
         update_option('ee_flush_rewrite_rules', TRUE);
         if ($verify_schema) {
         if ($initialize_addons_too) {
     } else {
     if ($request_type == EE_System::req_type_new_activation || $request_type == EE_System::req_type_reactivation || $request_type == EE_System::req_type_upgrade) {
         add_action('AHEE__EE_System__load_CPTs_and_session__start', array($this, 'redirect_to_about_ee'), 9);
  * create_database_tables
  * 	@access public
  * 	@static
  * 	@return void
 public static function create_database_tables()
     //find the migration script that sets the database to be compatible with the code
     $dms_name = EE_Data_Migration_Manager::instance()->get_most_up_to_date_dms();
     if ($dms_name) {
         $current_data_migration_script = EE_Registry::instance()->load_dms($dms_name);
     } else {
         throw new EE_Error(sprintf(__('Could not determine most up-to-date data migration script from which to pull database schema structure. So database is probably not setup properly', 'event_espresso')));