Exemplo n.º 1
 function search()
     global $display;
     $catid = (int) Url::get('catid', 0);
     $total = (int) Url::get('total', 0);
     $page = (int) Url::get('page', 0);
     $tt = (int) Url::get('tt', 0);
     $keywords = Url::get('keywords');
     require "./includes/sphinxapi.class.php";
     foreach (CGlobal::$allCategories as $value) {
         if ($value['parent_id'] == 0) {
             $cat_list[$value['id']] = $value['brief_name'];
     $category = $this->getCategory($keywords);
     foreach ($category as $row) {
         $row['brief_name'] = isset($cat_list[$row['level_1_category_id']]) && $cat_list[$row['level_1_category_id']] ? $cat_list[$row['level_1_category_id']] : "Khác";
         $listCat[$row['level_1_category_id']] = array("level_1_category_id" => $row["level_1_category_id"], "brief_name" => $row['brief_name'], "count_ad" => $row['@count']);
     $catActive = '';
     $total_cat = 0;
     if ($listCat) {
         $catActive = $listCat[$catid]['brief_name'];
         $total_cat = count($listCat);
     $i = 0;
     $allrecord = 0;
     $otherCat = '';
     $cat_content = "";
     foreach ($listCat as $cat) {
         $allrecord = $allrecord + $cat['count_ad'];
     $display->add("cat_content", $cat_content);
     $display->add("CatActiveId", $catid);
     $display->add("catActive", $catActive);
     $display->add("listCat", $listCat);
     $display->add("allrecord", $allrecord);
     $display->add("total_cat", $total_cat);
     $pager = new Pager();
     $limit = SEARCH_LIMIT;
     $pager->type = "search";
     $pager->catid = $catid;
     $pager->total = $total;
     $pager->limit = $limit;
     $pager->page_param = 'page';
     $pager->page = $page;
     $offset = $pager->get_offset();
     $limit_from = $pager->limit_from();
     $limit_to = $pager->limit_to();
     //Sphinx search by Nova
     $q = $keywords;
     //$mode = SPH_MATCH_ALL;
     $mode = SPH_MATCH_EXTENDED2;
     //Init config
     $host = SPHINX_SERVER;
     $port = SPHINX_PORT;
     $index = 'enbac';
     $filtervals = array();
     //$ranker = SPH_RANK_PROXIMITY_BM25;
     $ranker = SPH_RANK_WORDCOUNT;
     $cl = new SphinxClient();
     $cl->SetServer($host, $port);
     $cl->SetWeights(array(100, 1));
     $cl->SetFilter('level_1_category_id', array($catid));
     $cl->SetFilter('status', array('1'));
     $cl->SetFieldWeights(array('user_name' => 10000, 'name' => 1000, 'description' => 1));
     //$cl->SetSortMode( SPH_SORT_EXTENDED, 'up_time DESC' );
     //$cl->SetSortMode( SPH_SORT_RELEVANCE);//Sort theo kq chính xác nhất
     //$cl->SetSortMode ( SPH_SORT_EXPR, "@weight + ( user_karma + ln(pageviews) )*0.1");
     $cl->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_EXPR, "@weight");
     //Sort theo trọng số
     $cl->SetLimits($offset, $limit, 10000);
     $res = $cl->Query($q, $index);
     if ($res && isset($res["matches"])) {
         if (is_array($res["matches"])) {
             foreach ($res["matches"] as $results) {
                 $list_item_id[] = $results['id'];
         $comma_separated = join(",", $list_item_id);
     if ($total) {
         if ($limit_to > $total) {
             $limit_to = $total;
         $comma_separated = join(",", $list_item_id);
         if ($comma_separated) {
             //$sql = "SELECT id,name,up_time,price,user_id,user_name, level_1_category_id,category_id,description,original_image_url, img_server FROM item WHERE id IN ($comma_separated) AND status=1 ORDER BY up_time DESC";
             $sql = "SELECT id,name,up_time,price,user_id,user_name, level_1_category_id,category_id,description,original_image_url, img_server FROM item WHERE id IN ({$comma_separated}) AND status=1 ORDER BY find_in_set(id,'{$comma_separated}')";
             $search_result = DB::query($sql);
             $pager->total = $total;
             $paging = $pager->page_link();
     $item_array = array();
     if ($search_result) {
         $highlight = '';
         if ($keywords) {
             $highlight = $str_search = str_replace(array('+', '/', '|', '-', '*'), "", $keywords);
             $highlight = EClassApi::trimSpace($highlight);
             $highlight = str_replace("'", '', $highlight);
             $highlight = str_replace("'", '', $highlight);
             $highlight = str_replace(""", '', $highlight);
         $highlight1 = '';
         if ($highlight) {
             $arr = explode(' ', $highlight);
             if ($arr) {
                 $highlight = "";
                 foreach ($arr as $word) {
                     $highlight = ($highlight ? $highlight . ', ' : '') . "'{$word}'";
                     $highlight1 = ($highlight1 ? $highlight1 . ',' : '') . $word;
         while ($item = mysql_fetch_assoc($search_result)) {
             $item['profile_url'] = WEB_DIR . $item['user_name'];
             //$item['name'] = EClassApi::subString(strip_tags(EClassApi::filter_title($item['name'])), 0, 115, true);
             $item['name_hl'] = EClassApi::HighLightKeyword(strip_tags(EClassApi::filter_title($item['name'])), $highlight1);
             $item_time = TIME_NOW - $item['up_time'];
             //neu nho hon 1h thi tinh ra phut
             if ($item_time < 3600) {
                 $item['item_time'] = floor($item_time / 60) . " phút trước đây";
             } elseif ($item_time < 86400) {
                 $item['item_time'] = floor($item_time / 3600) . " giờ trước đây";
             } else {
                 $item['item_time'] = date('\\n\\gà\\y j \\t\\há\\n\\g n', $item['up_time']);
             //$item['description'] = String::display_sort_title(EClassApi::delDoubleSpace(EClassApi::trimSpace(strip_tags(EClassApi::post_db_parse_html($item['description'])))), 35);
             $item['description'] = EClassApi::HighLightKeyword(EClassApi::delDoubleSpace(EClassApi::trimSpace(strip_tags(EClassApi::post_db_parse_html(preg_replace('/\\[[0-9]{1,3}\\]/', '', $item['description']))))), $highlight1, 35, "background:yellow;font-size:14px;font-weight:bold;color:blue;");
             $ebname = EClassApi::safe_title($item['name']);
             $ebname_tmp = substr(EClassApi::safe_title($item['name']), 0, 20);
             if (isset(CGlobal::$allCategories[$item['category_id']])) {
                 $item['item_url'] = WEB_DIR . ECRewrite::formatUrl('?page=item_detail&id=' . $item['id'] . '&ebname=' . $ebname . '&nice_name=' . CGlobal::$allCategories[$item['category_id']]['nice_name']);
                 $item['item_url_tmp'] = WEB_ROOT . CGlobal::$allCategories[$item['category_id']]['nice_name'] . '/p' . $item['id'] . '/' . $ebname_tmp . '...';
             } else {
                 $item['item_url'] = WEB_DIR . ECRewrite::formatUrl('?page=item_detail&id=' . $item['id'] . '&ebname=' . $ebname);
                 $item['item_url_tmp'] = WEB_ROOT . 'p' . $item['id'] . '/' . $ebname_tmp . '...';
             if ($item['original_image_url']) {
                 $item['original_image_url'] = EClassApi::getImageThumb($item['original_image_url'], 110, 0, 1, $item['img_server']);
             $item['price'] = number_format($item['price'], 0, ',', '.');
             $item_array[] = $item;
     $display->add('total_item_cat', $total);
     $display->add('name_item_cat', $catActive);
     $display->add('paging', $paging);
     $display->add('keywords', $keywords);
     $display->add('items', $item_array);
     $display->output('sphinx_search_ajax', false, 'sphinx_search');
Exemplo n.º 2
 function filter_link($link, $text)
     if ($text = EClassApi::trimSpace(EClassApi::plainText($text))) {
         $text = EClassApi::strippedLink($text);
         if (strpos($link, 'http://chonmon.vn') === 0 || strpos($link, 'http://www.chonmon.vn') === 0 || strpos($link, 'chonmon.vn') === 0 || strpos($link, 'http://') === false) {
             return "<a href=\"{$link}\" target=\"_blank\">{$text}</a>";
         } else {
             if (strpos($link, 'http://blog.chonmon.vn') === 0 || strpos($link, 'blog.chonmon.vn') === 0 || strpos($link, 'http://') === false) {
                 return "<a href=\"{$link}\" target=\"_blank\">{$text}</a>";
             } else {
                 if (strpos($link, 'http://help.chonmon.vn') === 0 || strpos($link, 'help.chonmon.vn') === 0 || strpos($link, 'http://') === false) {
                     return "<a href=\"{$link}\" target=\"_blank\">{$text}</a>";
         return "<a href=\"#\" rel=\"nofollow\" target=\"_blank\">...</a>";
     return '';
Exemplo n.º 3
 function note_edit()
     $id = (int) Url::get('id', 0);
     $db_name = Url::get('db_name', '');
     $note = EClassApi::trimSpace(Url::get('note', ''));
     if (!User::is_login()) {
         echo "not_login";
     if (!User::have_permit(ADMIN_ITEM)) {
         echo "no_perm";
     if ($id > 0) {
         $row = DB::fetch("SELECT note FROM {$db_name} WHERE id = {$id}");
         if ($row) {
             $row['user_id_m'] = User::id();
             $row['user_name_m'] = User::user_name();
             $row['time_m'] = TIME_NOW;
             $row['note'] = $note ? addslashes($note) : '';
             if (DB::update($db_name, $row, 'id=' . $id)) {
                 echo 'success';
         } else {
             echo 'unsuccess';
     } else {
         echo "invalid";
Exemplo n.º 4
    function get_gallery_entry() {
        if (User::is_login()) {
            global $display;
            if ((User::have_permit(ADMIN_ITEM) || User::is_mod_cat()) && (int) Url::get('user_id', 0) && (int) Url::get('user_id', 0) != User::id()) {
                $user_id = (int) Url::get('user_id', 0);
                $display->add('user_id', $user_id);

            $search_value = ' user_id=' . $user_id . ' AND root_id=0 ';

            //search theo ngay thang nam
            $year = (int) Url::get('year', -1);
            //$mon= (int)Url::get('month',(int)date('m'));
            $mon = (int) Url::get('month', -1);
            $day = (int) Url::get('day', -1);

            if ($year == 0

                )$year = -1;
            if ($mon == 0

                )$mon = -1;
            if ($day == 0

                )$day = -1;

            $created_time_from = 0;
            $created_time_to = 0;

            if ($year != -1) {
                if ($mon != -1) {
                    if ($day != -1) {
                        $created_time_from = mktime(0, 0, 0, $mon, $day, $year);
                        $created_time_to = mktime(23, 59, 59, $mon, $day, $year);
                    } else {
                        $max_day = 31;
                        if (in_array($mon, array(4, 6, 9, 11))
                            )$max_day = 30;
                        elseif ($mon == 2)
                            ($year % 4) ? $max_day = 28 : $max_day = 29;

                        $created_time_from = mktime(0, 0, 0, $mon, 1, $year);
                        $created_time_to = mktime(23, 59, 59, $mon, $max_day, $year);
                else {
                    $created_time_from = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $year);
                    $created_time_to = mktime(23, 59, 59, 12, 31, $year);

            $y_arr = array(-1 => '-Lọc theo Năm-');
            for ($i = 2008; $i <= date('Y'); $i++) {
                $y_arr[$i] = "---Năm $i-";
            $m_arr = array(-1 => '-Lọc theo Tháng-');
            for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) {
                $m_arr[$i] = "---Tháng $i-";
            $d_arr = array(0 => '-Lọc theo Ngày-');
            for ($i = 1; $i <= 31; $i++) {
                $d_arr[$i] = "---Ngày $i-";

            $display->add('option_year', EClassApi::getOption($y_arr, $year));
            $display->add('option_month', EClassApi::getOption($m_arr, $mon));
            $display->add('option_day', EClassApi::getOption($d_arr, $day));

            if ($created_time_from) {
                $search_value .= ' AND time >= ' . $created_time_from;
            if ($created_time_to) {
                $search_value .= ' AND time <= ' . $created_time_to;

            $keywords = EClassApi::trimSpace(EClassApi::getParam('keywords'));
            $display->add('keywords', $keywords);

            if ($keywords) {
                $search_value .= ' AND des LIKE "%' . $keywords . '%" ';

            $item_per_page = 20;

            $sql_count = 'SELECT count(*) AS total_img FROM item_image WHERE ' . $search_value;
            $total = DB::fetch($sql_count, 'total_img', 0);

            $paging = '';
            $items = array();

            $gallery_url = WEB_DIR . 'ajax.php' . Url::build_all(array('page_no'));

            if ($total) {
                $limit = '';
                $paging = AjaxGalleryPaging($limit, $total, $item_per_page, 5, $gallery_url, 'gallery_content');
                $sql = 'SELECT id, des, item_id, title, img_server, original_image_url, time FROM `item_image` WHERE ' . $search_value . ' ORDER BY id DESC ' . $limit;
                $re = DB::query($sql);

                if ($re) {
                    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) {
                        $row['image_url'] = $row['original_image_url'];
                        $row['original_image_url'] = EClassApi::getImageThumb($row['original_image_url'], 100, 100, 0, $row['img_server']);
                        $items[$row['id']] = $row;

            $display->add('items', $items);
            $display->add('total', $total);
            $display->add('paging', $paging);
            $display->output('gallery_ajax_entry', false, 'Personal');
        } else {
            echo "Bạn chưa đăng nhập hoặc đã thoát khỏi hệ thống - Hãy đăng nhập lại!";
Exemplo n.º 5
 static function descriptionText($str)
     $meta_desc = EClassApi::post_db_parse_html($str);
     $meta_desc = EClassApi::plainText(html_entity_decode($meta_desc, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8"));
     $meta_desc = str_replace('\'', '', $meta_desc);
     $meta_desc = str_replace('"', '', $meta_desc);
     return EClassApi::delDoubleSpace(EClassApi::trimSpace($meta_desc));
Exemplo n.º 6
 function edit_address()
     if (!User::is_admin() && !User::have_permit('change_address')) {
         echo 'no_perm';
     $uid = EClassApi::trimSpace($_POST['id']);
     if (isset($_POST['delete'])) {
         if (!empty($uid) && DB::delete_id('delivery_address', $uid)) {
             echo 'success';
         } else {
             echo 'error';
     $did = EClassApi::trimSpace($_POST['district']);
     $tel = EClassApi::trimSpace($_POST['tel']);
     $full_name = $_POST['full_name'];
     $address = $_POST['address'];
     $note = $_POST['note'];
     $edit = $_POST['edit'];
     $edit_id = $_POST['edit_id'];
     $new_row = array('did' => $did, 'tel' => $tel, 'full_name' => $full_name, 'address' => $address, 'note' => $note, 'uid' => $uid);
     if ((int) $edit == 1) {
         if (!empty($uid) && !empty($did) && DB::update_id('delivery_address', $new_row, $edit_id)) {
             echo 'success';
         } else {
             echo 'error';
     } else {
         if (!empty($uid) && !empty($did) && DB::insert('delivery_address', $new_row)) {
             echo 'success';
         } else {
             echo 'error';