Exemplo n.º 1
 function main($itsp)
     include_once "dwoo/dwooAutoload.php";
     $params = array();
     $params["lang"] = "dk";
     $params["screen"] = "newUser";
     $newUserUrl = $itsp->bUrl->newUrl("newuser", $params, 0, 0);
     $params = array();
     $screenshoturl = $itsp->bUrl->newUrl("screenshots", $params, 0, 0);
     $params = array();
     $loginUrl = $itsp->bUrl->newUrl("home", $params);
     $tpl = new Dwoo_Template_File('templates/frontpage.tpl');
     $dwoo = new Dwoo();
     $jsfiles = array();
     $jsfiles[] = array('jsfile' => 'js/newuser.js');
     $markerArray = templateArray();
     $markerArray["headertitle"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("title") . " frontpage";
     $markerArray["username"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("username");
     $markerArray["password"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("password");
     $markerArray["title"] = "myTasks frontpage";
     $markerArray["loginbtn"] = "Login";
     $markerArray["createNewUser"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("createNewUser");
     $markerArray["url"] = $newUserUrl;
     $markerArray["loginUrl"] = $loginUrl;
     $markerArray["js_list"] = $jsfiles;
     $markerArray["screenshoturl"] = $screenshoturl;
     $output = $dwoo->get($tpl, $markerArray);
     print $output;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function render($viewName, Model $model, NotificationCenter $notificationCenter, $output = true)
     Profile::start('Renderer', 'Generate HTML');
     $templateName = $viewName . '.' . static::$templateFileExtension;
     $dwoo = new Dwoo($this->compiledPath, $this->cachePath);
     Profile::start('Renderer', 'Create template file.');
     $template = new Dwoo_Template_File($templateName);
     Profile::start('Renderer', 'Render');
     $dwooData = new Dwoo_Data();
     $dwooData->assign('errorMessages', $notificationCenter->getErrors());
     $dwooData->assign('successMessages', $notificationCenter->getSuccesses());
     $this->setHeader('Content-type: text/html', $output);
     // I do never output directly from dwoo to have the possibility to show an error page if there was a render error.
     $result = $rendered = $dwoo->get($template, $dwooData, null, false);
     if ($output) {
         echo $result;
     return $output ? null : $rendered;
Exemplo n.º 3
 function main($itsp)
     include_once "dwoo/dwooAutoload.php";
     $displayNewUserForm = 1;
     $emailsent = "";
     $reset = $itsp->bUrl->getGP("s");
     $username = $itsp->bUrl->getGP("u");
     $showform = 1;
     $errormsg = "";
     if ($_POST["reset"]) {
         include_once "user_backend.php";
         $user = new user_backend("reset");
         if ($user->setNewPassword($_POST["reset"], $_POST["password"])) {
             $showform = 0;
             $tpl = new Dwoo_Template_File('templates/setnewpassword1.tpl');
             $dwoo = new Dwoo();
             $markerArray = templateArray();
             $output = $dwoo->get($tpl, $markerArray);
             print $output;
         } else {
             $errormsg = "Please enter a valid password";
     if ($reset != "" && $username != "" && $showform) {
         $tpl = new Dwoo_Template_File('templates/setnewpassword.tpl');
         $dwoo = new Dwoo();
         $markerArray = templateArray();
         $markerArray["url"] = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
         $markerArray["reset"] = $reset;
         $markerArray["errormsg"] = $errormsg;
         $output = $dwoo->get($tpl, $markerArray);
         print $output;
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Renders a view file.
  * This method is required by {@link IViewRenderer}.
  * @param CBaseController the controller or widget who is rendering the view file.
  * @param string the view file path
  * @param mixed the data to be passed to the view
  * @param boolean whether the rendering result should be returned
  * @return mixed the rendering result, or null if the rendering result is not needed.
 public function renderFile($context, $sourceFile, $data, $return)
     // current controller properties will be accessible as {this.property}
     $data['this'] = $context;
     $data['Yii'] = Yii::app();
     $data["TIME"] = sprintf('%0.5f', Yii::getLogger()->getExecutionTime());
     $data["MEMORY"] = round(Yii::getLogger()->getMemoryUsage() / (1024 * 1024), 2) . " MB";
     // check if view file exists
     if (!is_file($sourceFile) || ($file = realpath($sourceFile)) === false) {
         throw new CException(Yii::t('yiiext', 'View file "{file}" does not exist.', array('{file}' => $sourceFile)));
     //render or return
     if ($return) {
         return $this->dwoo->get($sourceFile, $data);
     } else {
         $this->dwoo->get($sourceFile, $data, null, true);
Exemplo n.º 5
 function main($itsp)
     include "dwoo/dwooAutoload.php";
     $tpl = new Dwoo_Template_File('templates/screenshots.tpl');
     $dwoo = new Dwoo();
     $markerArray = templateArray();
     $markerArray["title"] = "screenshots";
     $output = $dwoo->get($tpl, $markerArray);
     print $output;
Exemplo n.º 6
 function GenerateModLogRSS()
     global $tc_db;
     require_once KU_ROOTDIR . 'lib/dwoo.php';
     $dwoo = new Dwoo();
     $dwoo_data = new Dwoo_Data();
     $entries = $tc_db->GetAll("SELECT * FROM `" . KU_DBPREFIX . "modlog` ORDER BY `timestamp` DESC LIMIT 15");
     $dwoo_data->assign('entries', $entries);
     $rss = $dwoo->get(KU_TEMPLATEDIR . '/rss_mod.tpl', $dwoo_data);
     return $rss;
Exemplo n.º 7
 function main($itsp)
     include "dwoo/dwooAutoload.php";
     $tpl = new Dwoo_Template_File('templates/error.tpl');
     $dwoo = new Dwoo();
     $markerArray = templateArray();
     $markerArray["title"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.error.title");
     $markerArray["pagenotfound"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.error.pagenotfound");
     $markerArray["goback"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.error.goback");
     $output = $dwoo->get($tpl, $markerArray);
     print $output;
Exemplo n.º 8
 public function testRebuildClassPath()
     $dwoo = new Dwoo(DWOO_COMPILE_DIR, DWOO_CACHE_DIR);
     $loader = new Dwoo_Loader(TEST_DIRECTORY . '/temp/cache');
     $loader->addDirectory(TEST_DIRECTORY . '/resources/plugins');
     file_put_contents(TEST_DIRECTORY . '/resources/plugins/loaderTest2.php', '<?php function Dwoo_Plugin_loaderTest2(Dwoo $dwoo) { return "It works!"; }');
     $tpl = new Dwoo_Template_String('{loaderTest2}');
     $this->assertEquals('It works!', $dwoo->get($tpl, array(), $this->compiler));
     unlink(TEST_DIRECTORY . '/resources/plugins/loaderTest2.php');
Exemplo n.º 9
 * Evaluates the given string as if it was a template
 * Although this plugin is kind of optimized and will
 * not recompile your string each time, it is still not
 * a good practice to use it. If you want to have templates
 * stored in a database or something you should probably use
 * the Dwoo_Template_String class or make another class that
 * extends it
 * <pre>
 * * var : the string to use as a template
 * * assign : if set, the output of the template will be saved in this variable instead of being output
 * </pre>
 * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
 * In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
 * @author	Jordi Boggiano <*****@*****.**>
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008, Jordi Boggiano
 * @license	http://dwoo.org/LICENSE Modified BSD License
 * @link	http://dwoo.org/
 * @version	1.0.0
 * @date	2008-10-23
 * @package	Dwoo
function Dwoo_Plugin_eval(Dwoo $dwoo, $var, $assign = null)
    if ($var == '') {
    $tpl = new Dwoo_Template_String($var);
    $out = $dwoo->get($tpl, $dwoo->readVar('_parent'));
    if ($assign !== null) {
        $dwoo->assignInScope($out, $assign);
    } else {
        return $out;
Exemplo n.º 10
 function go()
     include_once "dwoo/dwooAutoload.php";
     if ($_POST) {
         $tpl = new Dwoo_Template_File('templates/config.php.tpl');
         $dwoo = new Dwoo();
         $hostname = str_replace("http:", "", $_POST["hostname"]);
         $hostname = str_replace("/", "", $hostname);
         $markerArray = array();
         $markerArray["dbusername"] = $_POST["mysqlusername"];
         $markerArray["dbpassword"] = $_POST["mysqlpassword"];
         $markerArray["dbhostname"] = $_POST["mysqlhostname"];
         $markerArray["dbtable"] = $_POST["mysqldatabase"];
         $markerArray["installpath"] = $_POST["installpath"];
         $markerArray["basehref"] = "http://" . $hostname . "/" . $_POST["installpath"];
         $markerArray["prefix"] = $_POST["mysqlprefix"];
         $markerArray["prettyurls"] = $_POST["prettyurls"] ? 1 : 0;
         $markerArray["hostname"] = $hostname;
         $markerArray["newuseremail"] = $_POST["newuseremail"];
         $markerArray["resetpasswordemail"] = $_POST["resetpassword"];
         $output = "<?\n";
         $output .= $dwoo->get($tpl, $markerArray);
         $output .= "?>";
         $fp = fopen('config.php', 'w');
         fwrite($fp, $output);
         include_once "config.php";
         include_once "database_backend.php";
         $db = new database_backend();
         $handle = fopen("database.sql", "rb");
         $databasesql = stream_get_contents($handle);
         $databasesql = str_replace("itsp_", $_POST["mysqlprefix"], $databasesql);
         $sql_cmds = explode(";", $databasesql);
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($sql_cmds); $i++) {
         return 1;
     $tpl = new Dwoo_Template_File('templates/wizard.tpl');
     $dwoo = new Dwoo();
     $markerArray = array();
     $markerArray["hostname"] = "http://" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . "/";
     $markerArray["installpath"] = substr($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], 1);
     $markerArray["newuseremail"] = "newuser@" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"];
     $markerArray["resetpassword"] = "******" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"];
     $output = $dwoo->get($tpl, $markerArray);
     print $output;
     return 0;
Exemplo n.º 11
 function main($itsp)
     include "dwoo/dwooAutoload.php";
     $displayNewUserForm = 1;
     $emailsent = "";
     if ($_POST["username"]) {
         include_once "user_backend.php";
         $bUser = new user_backend("newuser");
         $sess = $bUser->resetPassword($_POST["username"]);
         if ($sess) {
             $tpl = new Dwoo_Template_File('templates/forgotpasswordemail.tpl');
             $dwoo = new Dwoo();
             $params = array();
             $params["s"] = $sess["reset"];
             $params["u"] = $sess["username"];
             $setnewpasswordUrl = $itsp->bUrl->newUrl("setnewpassword", $params, 1);
             $markerArray = array();
             $markerArray["emailForgotpasswordHello"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("email.forgotpassword.hello");
             $markerArray["username"] = $sess["username"];
             $markerArray["emailForgotpasswordHostname"] = config::hostname;
             $markerArray["emailForgotpasswordMsg1"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("email.forgotpassword.msg1");
             $markerArray["emailForgotpasswordMsg2"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("email.forgotpassword.msg2");
             $markerArray["emailForgotpasswordMsg3"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("email.forgotpassword.msg3");
             $markerArray["emailForgotpasswordMsg4"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("email.forgotpassword.msg4");
             $markerArray["emailForgotpasswordMsg5"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("email.forgotpassword.msg5");
             $markerArray["emailForgotpasswordMsg6"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("email.forgotpassword.msg6");
             $markerArray["emailForgotpasswordURL"] = $setnewpasswordUrl;
             $markerArray["emailForgotpasswordSignature"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("email.forgotpassword.signature");
             $forgotemail = $dwoo->get($tpl, $markerArray);
             $emailto = $sess["email"];
             $emailsubject = $itsp->bLang->getLL("email.forgotpassword.subject");
             $emailheaders = "From: " . config::resetpasswordFromEmail . "\r\n";
             mail($emailto, $emailsubject, $forgotemail, $emailheaders);
             $emailsent = "Email sent";
     if ($displayNewUserForm) {
         $tpl = new Dwoo_Template_File('templates/forgotpassword.tpl');
         $dwoo = new Dwoo();
         $markerArray = templateArray();
         $markerArray["url"] = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
         $markerArray["username"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("username");
         $markerArray["password"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("password");
         $markerArray["headertitle"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.forgotpassword.title");
         $markerArray["loginbtn"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("login");
         $markerArray["sendit"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("sendit");
         $markerArray["emailsent"] = $emailsent;
         $createnewuser = $dwoo->get($tpl, $markerArray);
         print $createnewuser;
Exemplo n.º 12
  * @param  $eventData
  * @return void
 public function notify()
     $iso = $this->_getLocale();
     $message = $this->_emailNotification->{$iso};
     if ($message == null) {
     $dwoo = new Dwoo();
     $template = new Dwoo_Template_String($message);
     $data = new Dwoo_Data();
     $data = $this->_assign($data);
     $parsedMessage = $dwoo->get($template, $data);
     return $this->_send($parsedMessage);
Exemplo n.º 13
 function main($itsp)
     include "dwoo/dwooAutoload.php";
     $tpl = new Dwoo_Template_File('templates/login.tpl');
     $dwoo = new Dwoo();
     $markerArray = array();
     $markerArray["headertitle"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("title");
     $markerArray["username"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("username");
     $markerArray["password"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("password");
     $markerArray["loginbtn"] = "Login";
     $settings = $dwoo->get($tpl, $markerArray);
     print $settings;
Exemplo n.º 14
 function main($itsp)
     include "dwoo/dwooAutoload.php";
     if ($itsp->bUrl->getGP("s")) {
         user_backend::verifyUser($itsp->bUrl->getGP("s"), $itsp->bUrl->getGP("u"), 9);
         $tpl = new Dwoo_Template_File('templates/rejectuser.tpl');
         $dwoo = new Dwoo();
         $markerArray = templateArray();
         $markerArray["pageRejectedMsg1"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.rejecteduser.msg1");
         $output = $dwoo->get($tpl, $markerArray);
         print $output;
     } else {
         print "access denied";
Exemplo n.º 15
 * Inserts another template into the current one
 * <pre>
 *  * file : the resource name of the template
 *  * cache_time : cache length in seconds
 *  * cache_id : cache identifier for the included template
 *  * compile_id : compilation identifier for the included template
 *  * data : data to feed into the included template, it can be any array and will default to $_root (the current data)
 *  * assign : if set, the output of the included template will be saved in this variable instead of being output
 *  * rest : any additional parameter/value provided will be added to the data array
 * </pre>
 * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
 * In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
 * @author     Jordi Boggiano <*****@*****.**>
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2008, Jordi Boggiano
 * @license    http://dwoo.org/LICENSE   Modified BSD License
 * @link       http://dwoo.org/
 * @version    1.1.0
 * @date       2009-07-18
 * @package    Dwoo
function Dwoo_Plugin_include(Dwoo $dwoo, $file, $cache_time = null, $cache_id = null, $compile_id = null, $data = '_root', $assign = null, array $rest = array())
    if ($file === '') {
    if (preg_match('#^([a-z]{2,}):(.*)$#i', $file, $m)) {
        // resource:identifier given, extract them
        $resource = $m[1];
        $identifier = $m[2];
    } else {
        // get the current template's resource
        $resource = $dwoo->getTemplate()->getResourceName();
        $identifier = $file;
    try {
        if (!is_numeric($cache_time)) {
            $cache_time = null;
        $include = $dwoo->templateFactory($resource, $identifier, $cache_time, $cache_id, $compile_id);
    } catch (Dwoo_Security_Exception $e) {
        return $dwoo->triggerError('Include : Security restriction : ' . $e->getMessage(), E_USER_WARNING);
    } catch (Dwoo_Exception $e) {
        return $dwoo->triggerError('Include : ' . $e->getMessage(), E_USER_WARNING);
    if ($include === null) {
        return $dwoo->triggerError('Include : Resource "' . $resource . ':' . $identifier . '" not found.', E_USER_WARNING);
    } elseif ($include === false) {
        return $dwoo->triggerError('Include : Resource "' . $resource . '" does not support includes.', E_USER_WARNING);
    if ($dwoo->isArray($data)) {
        $vars = $data;
    } elseif ($dwoo->isArray($cache_time)) {
        $vars = $cache_time;
    } else {
        $vars = $dwoo->readVar($data);
    if (count($rest)) {
        $vars = $rest + $vars;
    $out = $dwoo->get($include, $vars);
    if ($assign !== null) {
        $dwoo->assignInScope($out, $assign);
    } else {
        return $out;
Exemplo n.º 16
 function main($itsp)
     include_once "dwoo/dwooAutoload.php";
     $valid = isValidUser();
     if ($valid) {
         $tpl = new Dwoo_Template_File('templates/home.tpl');
         $dwoo = new Dwoo();
         $markerArray = loggedInArray();
         $output = $dwoo->get($tpl, $markerArray);
         print $output;
     } else {
         $tpl = new Dwoo_Template_File('templates/frontpage.tpl');
         $dwoo = new Dwoo();
         $markerArray = templateArray();
         $markerArray["loginerror"] = "Failed to login";
         $output = $dwoo->get($tpl, $markerArray);
         print $output;
Exemplo n.º 17
    public function testHtmlFormat()
        $tpl = new Dwoo_Template_String("<html><body><div><p>a<em>b</em>c<hr /></p><textarea>a\n  b</textarea></div></body><html>");
        $dwoo = new Dwoo(DWOO_COMPILE_DIR, DWOO_CACHE_DIR);
        $dwoo->addFilter('html_format', true);
        $this->assertEquals(str_replace("\r", '', <<<SNIPPET

\t\t\t<hr />
), $dwoo->get($tpl, array(), $this->compiler));
Exemplo n.º 18
 function main($itsp)
     include "dwoo/dwooAutoload.php";
     if ($itsp->bUrl->getGP("s")) {
         user_backend::verifyUser($itsp->bUrl->getGP("s"), $itsp->bUrl->getGP("u"), 1);
     $valid = isValidUser();
     if ($valid) {
         $tpl = new Dwoo_Template_File('templates/verifieduser.tpl');
         $dwoo = new Dwoo();
         $params = array();
         $homeurl = "/" . config::installpath . "" . $itsp->bUrl->newUrl("tasks", $params);
         $markerArray = loggedInArray();
         $markerArray["pageVerifiedUserAccepted"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.verifieduser.useraccepted");
         $markerArray["pageVerifiedUserHomeUrl"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.verifieduser.homeurl");
         $markerArray["homeUrl"] = $homeurl;
         $output = $dwoo->get($tpl, $markerArray);
         print $output;
     } else {
         print "access denied";
Exemplo n.º 19
  * Processes a view script and outputs it. Output is then
  * passed through filters.
  * @param string $name The script script name to process.
  * @return string The script output.
 public function _run()
     $template = new Dwoo_Template_File(func_get_arg(0));
     echo $this->_engine->get($template, $this->getDataProvider(), $this->getCompiler());
Exemplo n.º 20
 public function testCustomClassPluginInstanceAsModifier()
     $dwoo = new Dwoo(DWOO_COMPILE_DIR, DWOO_CACHE_DIR);
     $dwoo->addPlugin('CustomClassPlugin', array(new custom_class_plugin_obj(), 'call'));
     $tpl = new Dwoo_Template_String('{$foo=4}{$foo|CustomClassPlugin:5}');
     $this->assertEquals('20', $dwoo->get($tpl, array(), $this->compiler));
Exemplo n.º 21
  * Method that parsed invoice template and returns string
  * All variable that parsed into invoice.pthml template
  * $reservation:
  * $reservation.id
  * $reservation.user_id
  * $reservation.confirmed (Yes, No - translated)
  * $reservation.is_read (Yes, No - translated)
  * $reservation.creation_datetime (In MySQL format: Y-m-d H:m:s)
  * $reservation.modified_datetime (In MySQL format: Y-m-d H:m:s)
  * $reservation.notes
  * $reservation.tax
  * $reservation.paid
  * $reservation.due
  * $customer:
  * $customer.id
  * $customer.title (Translated)
  * $customer.first_name
  * $customer.last_name
  * $customer.address1
  * $customer.address2
  * $customer.state
  * $customer.city
  * $customer.postcode
  * $customer.country
  * $customer.telephone
  * $customer.mobile
  * $customer.email
  * $customer.username
  * $details each detail is an $element:
  * $element.reservation_id
  * $element.unit_id
  * $element.start_datetime (In MySQL format: Y-m-d H:m:s)
  * $element.end_datetime (In MySQL format: Y-m-d H:m:s)
  * $element.total_price
  * $element.unit.id
  * $element.unit.rating (number)
  * $element.unit.published (Yes, No - translated)
  * $element.unit.color (hex color)
  * $element.unit.(all language db field names that are belong to unit type, for example: name, summary, description)
  * $text: all text constants in section 'Admin.Invoice' in languages file, for example $text.BookingReference
  * @param RM_Reservation_Row $reservation
  * @return <type>
 public static function getInvoice(RM_Reservation_Row $reservation)
     $translate = RM_Environment::getInstance()->getTranslation(RM_Environment::TRANSLATE_MAIN);
     $data = new Dwoo_Data();
     $data->assign('invoice', array('date' => date('d/m/Y')));
     $config = new RM_Config();
     $data->assign('currencysymbol', $config->getCurrencySymbol());
     //TODO: resmania - we need to add discounts and coupons here
     $reservationArray = $reservation->toArray();
     $billing = new RM_Billing();
     $priceCharges = $billing->getPrice($reservation->id);
     $reservationArray['tax'] = $priceCharges->tax;
     $reservationArray['paid'] = $billing->getPaymentsTotal($reservation);
     $reservationArray['due'] = abs($priceCharges->total - $billing->getPaymentsTotal($reservation));
     $reservationArray['total'] = $priceCharges->total;
     $reservationArray['confirmed'] = $reservation->confirmed ? $translate->_('MessageYes') : $translate->_('MessageNo');
     $reservationArray['is_read'] = $reservation->is_read ? $translate->_('MessageYes') : $translate->_('MessageNo');
     $data->assign('reservation', $reservationArray);
     $text = $translate->getSectionMessages('Common.Invoice');
     $data->assign('text', $text);
     $userModel = new RM_Users();
     $user = $userModel->getByReservation($reservation);
     if ($user == null) {
         $userArray = array();
     } else {
         $userArray = $user->toArray();
         $userArray['title'] = $user->getTitle();
     $data->assign('customer', $userArray);
     $reservationDetailsModel = new RM_ReservationDetails();
     $summaryModel = new RM_ReservationSummary();
     $details = $reservationDetailsModel->getAllByReservation($reservation);
     $arrayDetails = array();
     foreach ($details as $detail) {
         $arrayDetail = $detail->toArray();
         $unit = $detail->findUnit();
         $unitArray = $unit->toArray();
         $unitArray['id'] = $unit->getId();
         $unitArray['published'] = $unitArray->published ? $translate->_('MessageYes') : $translate->_('MessageNo');
         // format the start/end dates
         $arrayDetail['start_datetime'] = $config->convertDates($arrayDetail['start_datetime'], RM_Config::PHP_DATEFORMAT, RM_Config::JS_DATEFORMAT);
         $arrayDetail['end_datetime'] = $config->convertDates($arrayDetail['end_datetime'], RM_Config::PHP_DATEFORMAT, RM_Config::JS_DATEFORMAT);
         // extras
         $reservationDetailsExtra = $summaryModel->fetchByReservationDetail($detail)->toArray();
         foreach ($reservationDetailsExtra as $extra) {
             if ($extra['value'] == 0) {
                 $extra['value'] = "";
             $unitArray['extras'][] = array("name" => $extra['name'], "value" => $extra['value'], "total_amount" => $extra['total_amount']);
         $arrayDetail['unit'] = $unitArray;
         $arrayDetails[] = $arrayDetail;
     $data->assign('details', $arrayDetails);
     $templateFile = implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array(RM_Environment::getConnector()->getRootPath(), 'RM', 'userdata', 'views', 'admin', 'scripts', 'templates', 'invoice.phtml'));
     $template = new Dwoo_Template_File($templateFile);
     $dwoo = new Dwoo();
     return $dwoo->get($template, $data);
Exemplo n.º 22
 public function testCallingMethodOnPropery()
     $tpl = new Dwoo_Template_String('{getobj()->instance->Bar("hoy")}');
     $dwoo = new Dwoo(DWOO_COMPILE_DIR, DWOO_CACHE_DIR);
     $dwoo->addPlugin('getobj', array(new PluginHelper(), 'call'));
     $this->assertEquals('HOY', $dwoo->get($tpl, array(), $this->compiler));
Exemplo n.º 23
  * this overrides and extends the original get() method Dwoo provides:
  * - use the template search and fallback paths
  * @access public
  * @param  see original Dwoo docs
  * @return see original Dwoo docs
 public function get($_tpl, $data = array(), $_compiler = null, $_output = false)
     // add globals to $data array
     if (is_array(self::$_globals) && count(self::$_globals) && is_array($data)) {
         $this->logger->LogDebug('Adding globals to data:', self::$_globals);
         $data = array_merge(self::$_globals, $data);
     if (!is_object($_tpl)) {
         if (!file_exists($_tpl) || is_dir($_tpl)) {
             global $parser;
             $file = $parser->findTemplate($_tpl);
             $this->logger->LogDebug(sprintf('Template file [%s]', $file));
             if ($file) {
                 return parent::get(realpath($file), $data, $_compiler, $_output);
             } else {
                 $this->logger->LogCrit('No template file!');
         } else {
             return parent::get($_tpl, $data, $_compiler, $_output);
     } else {
         return parent::get($_tpl, $data, $_compiler, $_output);
Exemplo n.º 24
 function main($itsp)
     include_once "dwoo/dwooAutoload.php";
     $valid = isValidUser();
     if ($valid) {
         include_once "user_backend.php";
         $userb = new user_backend();
         if ($_POST) {
             $errormsg = "";
             $errors = 0;
             $passwordok = 0;
             if ($_POST["username"]) {
                 include_once "user_backend.php";
                 $userb = new user_backend();
                 if (!$userb->isUsernameAvail($_POST["username"])) {
                     if ($errormsg != "") {
                         $errormsg .= "<br />";
                     $errormsg .= $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.myinfo.usernamenotavailable");
             if ($_POST["password"] != $_POST["repeatpassword"]) {
                 if ($errormsg != "") {
                     $errormsg .= "<br />";
                 $errormsg .= $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.myinfo.notidenticalpasswords");
             } else {
                 if ($_POST["password"] != "itsplanned") {
                     $passwordok = 1;
             if (!preg_match('/^[^@]+@[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+\\.[a-zA-Z]+$/', $_POST["email"])) {
                 if ($errormsg != "") {
                     $errormsg .= "<br />";
                 $errormsg .= $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.myinfo.novalidemail");
             if ($errors == 0) {
                 $userb->setUserInfo("realname", $_POST["realname"]);
                 $userb->setUserInfo("username", $_POST["username"]);
                 $userb->setUserInfo("email", $_POST["email"]);
                 if ($passwordok) {
                     $userb->setUserInfo("password", md5($_POST["password"]));
                 $userb->setUserSetting("layoutlanguage", $_POST["language"]);
         $tpl = new Dwoo_Template_File('templates/myinfo.tpl');
         $dwoo = new Dwoo();
         $language = $userb->getUserSetting("layoutlanguage");
         $markerArray = loggedInArray();
         $markerArray["pageMyinfoUsername"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.myinfo.username");
         $markerArray["pageMyinfoNewPassword"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.myinfo.newpassword");
         $markerArray["pageMyinfoNewPasswordRepeat"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.myinfo.newpasswordrepeat");
         $markerArray["pageMyinfoRealname"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.myinfo.realname");
         $markerArray["pageMyinfoEmail"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.myinfo.email");
         $markerArray["pageMyinfoUpdate"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.myinfo.update");
         $markerArray["pageMyinfoLayoutLanguage"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.myinfo.layoutlanguage");
         $markerArray["pageMyinfoErrorMsg"] = $errormsg;
         $markerArray["password"] = "******";
         $markerArray["email"] = $userb->getUserInfo("email");
         $markerArray["realname"] = $userb->getUserInfo("realname");
         $markerArray["languageset" . $language] = " selected=selected ";
         $markerArray["headertitle"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.myinfo.title");
         $page = $dwoo->get($tpl, $markerArray);
         print $page;
     } else {
         print "access denied";
Exemplo n.º 25
Arquivo: bios.php Projeto: NazarK/sqp
function template($name = "", $varname1 = "", $varval1 = "", $varname2 = "", $varval2 = "", $varname3 = "", $varval3 = "")
    if (!$name) {
        $name = $GLOBALS['def_template'];
    $php_template = $name . ".php.html";
    if (!file_exists($php_template)) {
        $php_template = "uses/" . $name . ".php.html";
    if (!file_exists($php_template)) {
        $php_template = "views/" . $name . ".php.html";
    if (file_exists($php_template)) {
        foreach ($GLOBALS as $key => $value) {
            ${$key} = $value;
        require $php_template;
        $contents = ob_get_contents();
        return $contents;
    $dwoo_template = "uses/" . $name . ".dwoo.html";
    if (file_exists($dwoo_template)) {
        require_once "uses/dwoo/dwooAutoload.php";
        $dwoo = new Dwoo();
        $data = new Dwoo_Data();
        foreach ($GLOBALS as $key => $value) {
            $data->assign($key, $value);
        $html = $dwoo->get($dwoo_template, $data);
        return $html;
    $fname = "uses/" . $name . ".tmpl.html";
    if (!file_exists($fname)) {
        $fname = "uses/" . $name . ".html";
    if (file_exists($fname)) {
        $html = file_get_contents($fname);
        template_set($html, $varname1, $varval1, $varname2, $varval2, $varname3, $varval3);
        return $html;
    } else {
        die("template: {$name} not found");
Exemplo n.º 26
  * Replace all placeholders with information from current made reservations
  * @param RM_Reservation_Manager $manager
  * @param string $template
  * @return
 private function _parseCompleteTemplate(RM_Reservation_Manager $manager, $template)
     $data = new Dwoo_Data();
     $reservationModel = new RM_Reservations();
     $reservation = $reservationModel->find($manager->getReservationID())->current();
     $summaryModel = new RM_ReservationSummary();
     $unitModel = new RM_Units();
     $details = $reservation->getDetails();
     $arrayDetails = array();
     foreach ($details as $detailRow) {
         $detail = $detailRow->transform();
         $unitArray = $detail->getUnit()->toArray();
         $periodArray = $detail->getPeriod()->toArray();
         $periodArrayWithTime = $detail->getPeriod()->toArray(true);
         $personsArray = $detailRow->getPersons();
         //$unitID = $detail->getUnit()->getId();
         $unitID = $unitArray['id'];
         $unit = $unitModel->get($unitID);
         $locationModel = new RM_Locations();
         $location = $locationModel->fetchByUnit($unitID)->current();
         $arrayDetails[] = array('unit' => $unit->toArray(), 'period' => $periodArray, 'periodtime' => $periodArrayWithTime, 'persons' => $personsArray, 'summary' => $summaryModel->fetchByReservationDetail($detailRow)->toArray(), 'location' => $location !== null ? $location->toArray() : $locationModel->createRow()->toArray());
     $data->assign('details', $arrayDetails);
     $data->assign('user', $manager->getUser()->toArray());
     $reservationArray = $reservation->toArray();
     $reservationArray['confirmed'] = $reservation->isPaid() ? $this->_translate->_('MessageYes') : $this->_translate->_('MessageNo');
     $reservationArray['total'] = $reservation->getTotalPrice();
     $reservationArray['paid'] = $reservation->getTotalPaid();
     $reservationArray['due'] = $reservationArray['total'] - $reservationArray['paid'];
     $data->assign('reservation', $reservationArray);
     $dwooTemplate = new Dwoo_Template_String($template);
     $dwoo = new Dwoo();
     return $dwoo->get($dwooTemplate, $data);
Exemplo n.º 27
 public function purerecipe($atts)
     extract(shortcode_atts(array('id' => ''), $atts));
     global $post;
     $shortname = 'cookingpress';
     $recipedata = array();
     if (empty($id)) {
         $id = get_the_id();
     $ingredients = get_post_meta($id, $shortname . 'ingridients', true);
     if (!empty($ingredients)) {
         if (!empty($ingredients[0]['name'])) {
             $gettitle = get_post_meta($id, $shortname . 'title', true);
             $title = empty($gettitle) ? get_the_title($id) : $gettitle;
             $recipedata['title'] = $title;
             $desc = get_post_meta($id, $shortname . 'summary', true);
             if (!empty($desc)) {
                 $recipedata['desc'] = wpautop(do_shortcode($desc));
             $recipeoptions = get_post_meta($id, $shortname . 'recipeoptions', true);
             if (!empty($recipeoptions)) {
                 $preptime = $recipeoptions[0];
                 if (!empty($preptime)) {
                     $recipedata['preptime'] = $this->convert_minutes($preptime);
                     $recipedata['preptimept'] = $this->convert_minutes_to_pt($preptime);
                 $cooktime = $recipeoptions[1];
                 if (!empty($cooktime)) {
                     $recipedata['cooktime'] = $this->convert_minutes($cooktime);
                     $recipedata['cooktimept'] = $this->convert_minutes_to_pt($cooktime);
                 $yield = $recipeoptions[2];
                 if (!empty($yield)) {
                     $recipedata['yield'] = $yield;
             $nutrtion_facts = get_post_meta($id, $shortname . 'ntfacts', true);
             if (!empty($nutrtion_facts)) {
                 $rennutrtion_facts = array();
                 $translatednutritions = $this->nutritions;
                 foreach ($nutrtion_facts as $key => $value) {
                     if (!empty($value)) {
                         $formattedkey = ucfirst(str_replace('Content', '', $key));
                         if (is_numeric($key)) {
                             $formattedkeyspace = preg_replace('/(?<!\\ )[A-Z]/', ' $0', $formattedkey);
                         } else {
                             $formattedkeyspace = $translatednutritions[$key];
                         $rennutrtion_facts[] = array('nutr' => $key, 'formnutr' => $formattedkeyspace, 'fact' => $value);
                 $recipedata['nutrtion_facts'] = $rennutrtion_facts;
             $reviews = $this->get_average_post_rating("");
             if (!empty($reviews)) {
                 $recipedata['rating'] = $reviews['rating'];
                 $recipedata['rating_nr'] = $reviews['reviews'];
             $ingredients_arr = array();
             foreach ($ingredients as $ingredient) {
                 //$tag = get_term_by('name',);
                 $tagurl = get_term_link($ingredient['name'], 'ingredients');
                 if (is_wp_error($tagurl)) {
                     $tagurl = '';
                 $ingredients_arr[] = array('name' => $ingredient['name'], 'note' => $ingredient['note'], 'url' => $tagurl);
             $recipedata['ingredients'] = $ingredients_arr;
             $instructions = get_post_meta($id, 'cookingpressinstructions', true);
             if (!empty($instructions)) {
                 $recipedata['instructions'] = wpautop(do_shortcode($instructions));
             } else {
                 $recipedata['instructions'] = '';
             $author = get_the_author();
             if (!empty($author)) {
                 $recipedata['author'] = $author;
                 $recipedata['authorurl'] = get_author_posts_url(get_the_author_meta('ID'));
             $allergens = get_the_term_list($id, 'allergen', ' ', ', ', ' ');
             if (!empty($allergens)) {
                 $recipedata['allergens'] = $allergens;
             $level = get_the_term_list($id, 'level', ' ', ', ', ' ');
             if (!empty($level)) {
                 $recipedata['level'] = $level;
             $serving = get_the_term_list($id, 'serving', ' ', ', ', ' ');
             if (!empty($serving)) {
                 $recipedata['serving'] = $serving;
             $cpthumb = get_post_meta($id, $shortname . 'photo', true);
             if (!empty($cpthumb)) {
                 $large_image_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src($cpthumb, 'large');
                 $photo = $large_image_url[0];
                 $thumb_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src($cpthumb, 'thumbnail');
                 $thumb = $thumb_url[0];
                 $recipedata['photo'] = $photo;
                 $recipedata['thumb'] = $thumb;
             } elseif (has_post_thumbnail()) {
                 $large_image_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id($id), 'large');
                 $photo = $large_image_url[0];
                 $thumb_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id($id), 'thumbnail');
                 $thumb = $thumb_url[0];
                 $recipedata['photo'] = $photo;
                 $recipedata['thumb'] = $thumb;
             } else {
                 $recipedata['photo'] = '';
                 $recipedata['thumb'] = '';
             $recipedata['lang'] = array('by' => __('By', 'foodiepress'), 'preptime' => __('Prep Time', 'foodiepress'), 'cooktime' => __('Cook Time', 'foodiepress'), 'yield' => __('Yield', 'foodiepress'), 'serving' => __('Serving', 'foodiepress'), 'allergens' => __('Allergens', 'foodiepress'), 'ntfacts' => __('Nutrition facts <span>(per portion)</span>', 'foodiepress'), 'ingredients' => __('Ingredients', 'foodiepress'), 'instructions' => __('Instructions', 'foodiepress'), 'rating' => __('Rating', 'foodiepress'), 'stars' => __('stars - based on', 'foodiepress'), 'review' => __(' review(s)', 'foodiepress'));
             $recipedata['date'] = get_the_date();
             $recipedata['dateformated'] = get_the_date('Y-m-d');
             $recipedata['style'] = get_post_meta($id, $shortname . 'recipetheme', true);
             $recipestyle = $recipedata['style'];
             if (empty($recipestyle)) {
                 $recipestyle = 'recipe1';
             $options = get_option('chow_option', array());
             if (is_array($options) && !empty($options['print'])) {
                 $recipedata['print'] = '<a href="#" class="print print-simple"><i class="fa fa-print"></i>' . __('Print', 'foodiepress') . '</a>';
             } else {
                 $recipedata['print'] = '<a href="http://www.printfriendly.com/print?url=' . esc_url(get_permalink()) . '" rel="nofollow" onclick="window.print(); return false;" class="print print-friendly">  <i class="fa fa-print"></i> ' . __('Print', 'foodiepress') . '</a>';
             $recipethemes = apply_filters('foodiepress_themes', array());
             $origin = $recipethemes[$recipestyle]['origin'];
             if (empty($origin)) {
                 $origin = 'core';
             //echo "<pre>";print_r($recipedata); echo "</pre>";die();
             $dwoo = new Dwoo();
             if ($origin == 'core') {
                 $tpl = new Dwoo_Template_File(dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates/' . $recipestyle . '/index.tpl');
             } else {
                 $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
                 $tpl = new Dwoo_Template_File($upload_dir['basedir'] . '/foodiepress/' . $recipestyle . '/index.tpl');
             return $dwoo->get($tpl, $recipedata);
Exemplo n.º 28
 public function testClearCacheOnTemplateClass()
     $dwoo = new Dwoo(DWOO_COMPILE_DIR, DWOO_CACHE_DIR);
     $tpl = new Dwoo_Template_String('foo{$foo}bar', null, 'cachetest2');
     $this->assertEquals("foo1bar", $dwoo->get($tpl, array('foo' => 1)));
     $this->assertEquals(true, $dwoo->isCached($tpl));
     $this->assertEquals("foo1bar", $dwoo->get($tpl, array('foo' => 1)));
     $this->assertEquals(false, $tpl->clearCache($dwoo, 10));
     $this->assertEquals(true, $tpl->clearCache($dwoo, -1));
     $this->assertEquals(false, $dwoo->isCached($tpl));
Exemplo n.º 29
  * Processes a view script and outputs it. Output is then
  * passed through filters.
  * @param string $name The script script name to process.
  * @return string The script output.
 public function _run()
     echo $this->_engine->get($this->getTemplateFile(func_get_arg(0)), $this->getDataProvider(), $this->getCompiler());
Exemplo n.º 30
 function main($itsp)
     include "dwoo/dwooAutoload.php";
     $displayNewUserForm = 1;
     $errormsg = "";
     if ($_POST["username"] && $_POST["password"]) {
         include_once "user_backend.php";
         $bUser = new user_backend("newuser");
         try {
             $errormsg = "";
             $errors = 0;
             $passwordok = 0;
             if ($_POST["username"]) {
                 include_once "user_backend.php";
                 if (!$bUser->isUsernameAvail($_POST["username"])) {
                     if ($errormsg != "") {
                         $errormsg .= "<br />";
                     $errormsg .= $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.myinfo.usernamenotavailable");
             if ($_POST["password"] != $_POST["repeatpassword"]) {
                 if ($errormsg != "") {
                     $errormsg .= "<br />";
                 $errormsg .= $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.myinfo.notidenticalpasswords");
             } else {
                 if ($_POST["password"] != "itsplanned") {
                     $passwordok = 1;
             if (!preg_match('/^[^@]+@[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+\\.[a-zA-Z]+$/', $_POST["email"])) {
                 if ($errormsg != "") {
                     $errormsg .= "<br />";
                 $errormsg .= $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.myinfo.novalidemail");
             if ($errors == 0) {
                 $bUser->createNew($_POST["username"], $_POST["password"]);
                 $bUser->setUserInfo("realname", $_POST["realname"]);
                 $bUser->setUserInfo("email", $_POST["email"]);
                 $bUser->setUserInfo("verified", '0');
                 $tpl = new Dwoo_Template_File('templates/newuseremail.tpl');
                 $dwoo = new Dwoo();
                 $params = array();
                 $params["s"] = session_id();
                 $params["u"] = $_POST["username"];
                 $verifyuserUrl = $itsp->bUrl->newUrl("verifyuser", $params, 1);
                 $rejectuserUrl = $itsp->bUrl->newUrl("rejectuser", $params, 1);
                 $markerArray = array();
                 $markerArray["emailNewuserHello"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("email.newuser.hello");
                 $markerArray["username"] = $_POST["username"];
                 $markerArray["emailNewuserHostname"] = config::hostname;
                 $markerArray["emailNewuserMsg1"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("email.newuser.msg1");
                 $markerArray["emailNewuserMsg2"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("email.newuser.msg2");
                 $markerArray["emailNewuserMsg3"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("email.newuser.msg3");
                 $markerArray["emailNewuserMsg4"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("email.newuser.msg4");
                 $markerArray["emailNewuserMsg5"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("email.newuser.msg5");
                 $markerArray["emailNewuserMsg6"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("email.newuser.msg6");
                 $markerArray["emailNewuserVerifyURL"] = $verifyuserUrl;
                 $markerArray["emailNewuserRejectURL"] = $rejectuserUrl;
                 $markerArray["emailNewuserSignature"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("email.newuser.signature");
                 $newuseremail = $dwoo->get($tpl, $markerArray);
                 $emailto = $_POST["email"];
                 $emailsubject = $itsp->bLang->getLL("email.newuser.subject");
                 $emailheaders = "From: " . config::newuserFromEmail . "\r\n";
                 mail($emailto, $emailsubject, $newuseremail, $emailheaders);
                 $tpl = new Dwoo_Template_File('templates/userverification.tpl');
                 $dwoo = new Dwoo();
                 $markerArray = templateArray();
                 $markerArray["pageUserverificationMsg1"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.userverification.msg1");
                 $output = $dwoo->get($tpl, $markerArray);
                 print $output;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             if ($e->getMessage() == "UserExist") {
                 $errormsg = "Username is already taken";
     if ($displayNewUserForm) {
         $tpl = new Dwoo_Template_File('templates/myinfonew.tpl');
         $dwoo = new Dwoo();
         $markerArray = templateArray();
         $markerArray["url"] = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
         $markerArray["pageMyinfoErrorMsg"] = $errormsg;
         $markerArray["username"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("username");
         $markerArray["password"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("password");
         $markerArray["pageMyinfoUsername"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.myinfo.username");
         $markerArray["pageMyinfoNewPassword"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.myinfo.newpassword");
         $markerArray["pageMyinfoNewPasswordRepeat"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.myinfo.newpasswordrepeat");
         $markerArray["pageMyinfoRealname"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.myinfo.realname");
         $markerArray["pageMyinfoEmail"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.myinfo.email");
         $markerArray["pageMyinfoUpdate"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.myinfo.create");
         $markerArray["pageMyinfoLayoutLanguage"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.myinfo.layoutlanguage");
         $markerArray["usernamefield"] = $_POST["username"];
         $markerArray["email"] = $_POST["email"];
         $markerArray["realname"] = $_POST["realname"];
         $markerArray["headertitle"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("page.myinfo.newusertitle");
         $markerArray["loginbtn"] = $itsp->bLang->getLL("login");
         $createnewuser = $dwoo->get($tpl, $markerArray);
         print $createnewuser;