Exemplo n.º 1
$LOGGED_IN = false;
if (isset($_SESSION['btUsername']) and isset($_SESSION['btPassword'])) {
    $memberObj = new Member($mysqli);
    if ($memberObj->select($_SESSION['btUsername'])) {
        if ($memberObj->authorizeLogin($_SESSION['btPassword'])) {
            $LOGGED_IN = true;
$downloadCatObj = new DownloadCategory($mysqli);
$downloadObj = new Download($mysqli);
$blnShowDownload = false;
if ($downloadObj->select($_GET['dID'])) {
    $downloadInfo = $downloadObj->get_info_filtered();
    $accessType = $downloadCatObj->get_info("accesstype");
    if ($accessType == 1 && $LOGGED_IN) {
        $blnShowDownload = true;
    } elseif ($accessType == 0) {
        $blnShowDownload = true;
    $fileContents1 = file_get_contents($downloadInfo['splitfile1']);
    $fileContents2 = file_get_contents($downloadInfo['splitfile2']);
    if ($blnShowDownload && $fileContents1 !== false && $fileContents2 !== false) {
        header("Content-Description: File Transfer");
        header("Content-Length: " . $downloadInfo['filesize'] . ";");
        header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=" . $downloadInfo['filename']);
        header("Content-type: " . $downloadInfo['mimetype']);
        echo $fileContents1 . $fileContents2;
Exemplo n.º 2
function checkForAttachments()
    global $formObj, $mysqli, $blnCheckForumAttachments, $prevFolder;
    $returnVal = false;
    if ($blnCheckForumAttachments) {
        $attachmentObj = new Download($mysqli);
        $downloadCatObj = new DownloadCategory($mysqli);
        $forumAttachmentCatID = $downloadCatObj->get_info("downloadcategory_id");
        $arrDownloadID = array();
        $arrDLColumns = array("downloadcategory_id", "member_id", "dateuploaded", "filename", "mimetype", "filesize", "splitfile1", "splitfile2");
        for ($i = 1; $i <= $_POST['numofattachments']; $i++) {
            $tempPostName = "forumattachment_" . $i;
            if ($_FILES[$tempPostName]['name'] != "" && $attachmentObj->uploadFile($_FILES[$tempPostName], $prevFolder . "downloads/files/forumattachment/", $forumAttachmentCatID)) {
                $splitFiles = $attachmentObj->getSplitNames();
                $fileSize = $attachmentObj->getFileSize();
                $mimeType = $attachmentObj->getMIMEType();
                $arrDLValues = array($forumAttachmentCatID, $memberInfo['member_id'], time(), $_FILES[$tempPostName]['name'], $mimeType, $fileSize, "downloads/files/forumattachment/" . $splitFiles[0], "downloads/files/forumattachment/" . $splitFiles[1]);
                if ($attachmentObj->addNew($arrDLColumns, $arrDLValues)) {
                    $arrDownloadID[] = $attachmentObj->get_info("download_id");
            } elseif ($_FILES[$tempPostName]['name'] != "") {
                $dispError .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>&middot;</b> Unable to upload attachment #" . $i . ": " . $_FILES[$tempPostName]['name'] . ".<br>";
        $returnVal = $arrDownloadID;
    return $returnVal;
Exemplo n.º 3

if (!defined("SHOW_FORUMPOST")) {
$posterMemberObj = new Member($mysqli);
$posterRankObj = new Rank($mysqli);
$downloadCatObj = new DownloadCategory($mysqli);
$attachmentObj = new Download($mysqli);
$consoleObj = new ConsoleOption($mysqli);
$topicObj = new Basic($mysqli, "forum_topic", "forumtopic_id");
$intManagePostsCID = $consoleObj->findConsoleIDByName("Manage Forum Posts");
$intPostTopicCID = $consoleObj->findConsoleIDByName("Post Topic");
$blnShowAttachments = false;
if (LOGGED_IN == true && $downloadCatObj->get_info("accesstype") == 1 || $downloadCatObj->get_info("accesstype") == 0) {
    $blnShowAttachments = true;
$postInfo = $this->get_info_filtered();
$topicInfo = $this->getTopicInfo();
$topicInfo['forumboard_id'] = $topicObj->get_info("forumboard_id");
$postMemberInfo = $posterMemberObj->get_info_filtered();
$postMessage = $this->arrObjInfo['message'];
$postMessage = str_replace("<?", "&lt;?", $postMessage);
$postMessage = str_replace("?>", "?&gt;", $postMessage);
$postMessage = str_replace("<script", "&lt;script", $postMessage);
$postMessage = str_replace("</script>", "&lt;/script&gt;", $postMessage);
$dispPostedOn = "";
if (time() - $postInfo['dateposted'] > 60 * 60 * 24) {
Exemplo n.º 4
$lastPostInfo = $boardObj->objPost->get_info_filtered();
$EXTERNAL_JAVASCRIPT .= "<script type='text/javascript' src='" . $MAIN_ROOT . "js/ace/src-min-noconflict/ace.js' charset='utf-8'></script>";
define("RESIZE_FORUM_IMAGES", true);
include "forum_image_resize.php";
// Start Page
$PAGE_NAME = $postInfo['title'] . " - " . $boardInfo['name'] . " - ";
// Quick Reply
$quickReplyForm = new Form();
$btThemeObj->addHeadItem("richtext-js", $quickReplyForm->getRichtextboxJSFile());
include $prevFolder . "themes/" . $THEME . "/_header.php";
// Check Private Forum
if ($websiteInfo['privateforum'] == 1 && !constant("LOGGED_IN")) {
    die("<script type='text/javascript'>window.location = '" . $MAIN_ROOT . "login.php';</script>");
$blnShowAttachments = false;
if (constant('LOGGED_IN') == true && $downloadCatObj->get_info("accesstype") == 1 || $downloadCatObj->get_info("accesstype") == 0) {
    $blnShowAttachments = true;
$memberInfo = array();
$LOGGED_IN = false;
$NUM_PER_PAGE = $websiteInfo['forum_postsperpage'];
if ($member->select($_SESSION['btUsername']) && $member->authorizeLogin($_SESSION['btPassword'])) {
    $memberInfo = $member->get_info_filtered();
    $LOGGED_IN = true;
    $NUM_PER_PAGE = $memberInfo['postsperpage'];
    if (!$member->hasSeenTopic($topicInfo['forumtopic_id']) && $lastPostInfo['dateposted'] + 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 > time()) {
        $mysqli->query("INSERT INTO " . $dbprefix . "forum_topicseen (member_id, forumtopic_id) VALUES ('" . $memberInfo['member_id'] . "', '" . $topicInfo['forumtopic_id'] . "')");
if ($NUM_PER_PAGE == 0) {
    $NUM_PER_PAGE = 25;
Exemplo n.º 5
 } elseif ($_POST['catorder'] == "first") {
     // "(no other categories)" selected, check to see if there are actually no other categories
     $result = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM " . $dbprefix . "downloadcategory");
     $num_rows = $result->num_rows;
     if ($num_rows > 1) {
         $dispError .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>&middot;</b> You selected an invalid category order. (category)<br>";
     } else {
         $intNewOrderSpot = 1;
 } else {
     if ($_POST['beforeafter'] != "before" and $_POST['beforeafter'] != "after") {
         $dispError .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>&middot;</b> You selected an invalid category order. (before/after)<br>";
     } else {
         $catOrderOrderNum = $downloadCatObj->get_info("ordernum");
         $addTo = -1;
         if ($_POST['beforeafter'] == "before") {
             $addTo = 1;
         $checkOrderNum = $catOrderOrderNum + $addTo;
         if ($checkOrderNum != $downloadCatInfo['ordernum']) {
             $intNewOrderSpot = $downloadCatObj->makeRoom($_POST['beforeafter']);
 if ($countErrors == 0) {
     $updateColumns = array("name", "accesstype");
     $updateValues = array($_POST['catname'], $_POST['accesstype']);
     if ($intNewOrderSpot != "") {
         $resortOrder = true;