Exemplo n.º 1
  * Get the country by IP
  * Return an array with : short name, like 'us', long name, like 'United States and response like 'OK' or <error_message> '
  * @access public
  * @param string $ip
  * @return array
 public function getCountryByIp($ip)
     $country = array(0 => 'unknown', 1 => 'NA', 'response' => 'OK');
     if (Dot_Kernel::validIp($ip) != "public") {
         return $country;
     if (extension_loaded('geoip') == false) {
         // GeoIp extension is not active
         $api = new Dot_Geoip_Country();
         $geoipPath = $this->config->resources->geoip->path;
         if (file_exists($geoipPath)) {
             $country = $api->getCountryByAddr($geoipPath, $ip);
         } else {
             $country['response'] = 'Warning: ' . $this->option->warningMessage->modGeoIp;
     if (function_exists('geoip_db_avail') && geoip_db_avail(GEOIP_COUNTRY_EDITION) && 'unknown' == $country[0]) {
         //if GeoIP.dat file exists
         $countryCode = geoip_country_code_by_name($ip);
         $countryName = geoip_country_name_by_name($ip);
         $country[0] = $countryCode != false ? $countryCode : 'unknown';
         $country[1] = $countryName != false ? $countryName : 'NA';
     if ('unknown' == $country[0]) {
         // GeoIp extension is active, but .dat files are missing
         $api = new Dot_Geoip_Country();
         $geoipPath = $this->config->resources->geoip->path;
         if (file_exists($geoipPath)) {
             $country = $api->getCountryByAddr($geoipPath, $ip);
         } else {
             $country['response'] = 'Warning: ' . $this->option->warningMessage->modGeoIp;
     return $country;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Register usefull information about the visit
  * @access public
  * @return integer
 public static function recordVisit()
     $db = Zend_Registry::get('database');
     $ip = Dot_Kernel::GetUserIp();
     $proxyIp = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
     $dotGeoip = new Dot_Geoip();
     $country = $dotGeoip->getCountryByIp($ip);
     $logVisit = array('ip' => $ip, 'proxyIp' => $proxyIp, 'carrier' => 'unknown', 'country' => $country[1], 'accept' => array_key_exists("HTTP_ACCEPT", $_SERVER) ? $_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT"] : '', 'acceptLanguage' => array_key_exists("HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE", $_SERVER) ? $_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"] : '', 'acceptEncoding' => array_key_exists("HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING", $_SERVER) ? $_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING"] : '', 'acceptCharset' => array_key_exists("HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET", $_SERVER) ? $_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET"] : '', 'userAgent' => array_key_exists("HTTP_USER_AGENT", $_SERVER) ? $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"] : '', 'cacheControl' => array_key_exists("HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL", $_SERVER) ? $_SERVER["HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL"] : '', 'cookie' => array_key_exists("HTTP_COOKIE", $_SERVER) ? $_SERVER["HTTP_COOKIE"] : '', 'xWapProfile' => array_key_exists("HTTP_X_WAP_PROFILE", $_SERVER) ? $_SERVER["HTTP_X_WAP_PROFILE"] : '', 'xForwardedFor' => array_key_exists("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR", $_SERVER) ? $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"] : '', 'xForwardedHost' => array_key_exists("HTTP_X-FORWARDED-HOST", $_SERVER) ? $_SERVER["HTTP_X-FORWARDED-HOST "] : '', 'xForwardedServer' => array_key_exists("HTTP_X-FORWARDED-SERVER", $_SERVER) ? $_SERVER["HTTP_X-FORWARDED-SERVER"] : '', 'referer' => array_key_exists("HTTP_REFERER", $_SERVER) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : '');
     $db->insert('statisticVisit', $logVisit);
     return $db->lastInsertId();
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Get GeoIp Version release
  * Return an array with keys "country" & "city"
  * @access public
  * @return array
 public function getGeoIpVersion()
     $return = array('country' => '-', 'city' => '-', 'local' => '-');
     // let's see the version of local .dat file
     $geoipPath = $this->config->resources->geoip->path;
     $geoipVersion = explode(" ", Dot_Geoip_Country::geoipDatabaseInfo($geoipPath));
     $return['local'] = $geoipVersion[0] . ' ' . Dot_Kernel::TimeFormat($geoipVersion[1]);
     // do we have geoIP server-wide ?
     if (function_exists('geoip_database_info')) {
         if (geoip_db_avail(GEOIP_COUNTRY_EDITION)) {
             $info = explode(" ", geoip_database_info(GEOIP_COUNTRY_EDITION));
             $return['country'] = $info[0] . ' ' . Dot_Kernel::TimeFormat($info[1]);
     return $return;
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Display user logins list
  * @access public
  * @param string $templateFile
  * @param array $list
  * @param int $page
  * @param int $browser
  * @param int $loginDate
  * @param int $sortField
  * @param int $orderBy
  * @return void
 public function loginsUser($templateFile, $list, $page, $browser, $loginDate, $sortField, $orderBy)
     $dotGeoip = new Dot_Geoip();
     $geoIpWorking = true;
     $this->tpl->setFile('tpl_main', 'user/' . $templateFile . '.tpl');
     $this->tpl->setBlock('tpl_main', 'browser', 'browser_row');
     $browserArray = Dot_UserAgent_Utilities::getBrowserArray();
     foreach ($browserArray as $key => $val) {
         $this->tpl->setVar('BROWSERNAME', ucfirst($val['uaBrowser']));
         if (strtolower($val['uaBrowser']) == strtolower($browser)) {
             $this->tpl->setVar('BROWSERSEL', 'selected');
         } else {
             $this->tpl->setVar('BROWSERSEL', '');
         $this->tpl->parse('browser_row', 'browser', true);
     $this->tpl->setVar('FILTERDATE', $loginDate);
     $this->tpl->setBlock('tpl_main', 'list', 'list_block');
     $this->tpl->setVar('PAGE', $page);
     $this->tpl->setVar('FILTER_URL', '/admin/user/logins');
     $sortableFields = array('username', 'dateLogin');
     foreach ($sortableFields as $field) {
         $linkSort = '/admin/user/logins/sort/' . $field . '/order/';
         $linkSort .= $orderBy == 'asc' ? 'desc' : 'asc';
         $this->tpl->setVar('LINK_SORT_' . strtoupper($field), $linkSort);
         if ($field != $sortField) {
             $sortClass = 'sortable';
         } elseif ($orderBy == 'asc') {
             $sortClass = 'sort_up';
         } else {
             $sortClass = 'sort_down';
         $this->tpl->setVar('CLASS_SORT_' . strtoupper($field), $sortClass);
     foreach ($list['data'] as $k => $v) {
         $country = $dotGeoip->getCountryByIp($v['ip']);
         if ($country['response'] != 'OK' && $geoIpWorking === true) {
             $geoIpWorking = false;
             $this->session->message['txt'] = $country['response'];
             $this->session->message['type'] = 'warning';
         $this->tpl->setVar('ID', $v['id']);
         $this->tpl->setVar('USERID', $v['userId']);
         $this->tpl->setVar('USERNAME', $v['username']);
         $this->tpl->setVar('IP', $v['ip']);
         $this->tpl->setVar('COUNTRYIMAGE', strtolower($country[0]));
         $this->tpl->setVar('COUNTRYNAME', $country[1]);
         $this->tpl->setVar('REFERER', $v['referer']);
         $this->tpl->setVar('WHOISURL', $this->settings->whoisUrl);
         $this->tpl->setVar('USERAGENT', $v['userAgent']);
         $this->tpl->setVar('BROWSERIMAGE', Dot_UserAgent_Utilities::getBrowserIcon($v['userAgent']));
         $os = Dot_UserAgent_Utilities::getOsIcon($v['userAgent']);
         $this->tpl->setVar('OSIMAGE', $os['icon']);
         $this->tpl->setVar('OSMAJOR', $os['major']);
         $this->tpl->setVar('OSMINOR', $os['minor']);
         $this->tpl->setVar('DATELOGIN', Dot_Kernel::timeFormat($v['dateLogin'], 'long'));
         $this->tpl->parse('list_block', 'list', true);
        // call showPage method to view the home page
        if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === "POST" && array_key_exists('phone', $_POST) && array_key_exists('phone', $_POST) && array_key_exists('email', $_POST) && array_key_exists('message', $_POST)) {
            // validate the response
            $values = array('email' => array('email' => $_POST['email']), 'details' => array('message' => $_POST['message']));
            //if phone is completed, validate phone to be from US
            if ($_POST['phone'] != '') {
                $values['phone'] = array('phone' => $_POST['phone']);
            $dotValidateUser = new Dot_Validate_User(array('who' => 'mobile', 'action' => 'form', 'values' => $values));
            if ($dotValidateUser->isValid()) {
                //if valid, send a mail
                $data = $dotValidateUser->getData();
                $dotEmail = new Dot_Email();
                $dotEmail->setSubject($registry->seo->siteName . ' - ' . $option->contactForm->subject);
                $msg = str_replace(array('%EMAIL%', '%PHONE%', '%MESSAGE%', '%DATE%', '%IP%', '%USERAGENT%'), array($data['email'], isset($data['phone']) ? $data['phone'] : '', $data['message'], Dot_Kernel::timeFormat('now'), Dot_Kernel::getUserIp(), $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']), $option->contactForm->message);
                /** If you want to redirect to a link, 
                 *  uncomment the 2 lines below to display a message
                $tpl->setVar('ERROR_MESSAGE', $option->contactForm->mailSent);
            } else {
                $session->message['txt'] = $dotValidateUser->getError();
                $session->message['type'] = 'error';
                $pageView->showPage('home', $dotValidateUser->getData());
Exemplo n.º 6
//Set include  path to library directory
set_include_path(implode(PATH_SEPARATOR, array(APPLICATION_PATH . '/library', get_include_path())));
// Define PATH's (absolute paths)  to configuration, controllers, DotKernel, templates  directories
define('CONTROLLERS_PATH', APPLICATION_PATH . '/controllers');
define('TEMPLATES_PATH', APPLICATION_PATH . '/templates');
// Define DIRECTORIES  ( relative paths)
define('TEMPLATES_DIR', '/templates');
define('IMAGES_DIR', '/images');
// Load Zend Framework
require_once 'Zend/Loader/Autoloader.php';
$zendLoader = Zend_Loader_Autoloader::getInstance();
//includes all classes in library folder. That class names must start with Dot_
// also load plugin classes
// getting the request related params
Dot_Request::setRequestData($_SERVER, $_GET, $_POST);
// initialize the DotKernel Enviromnment
/** Pass control to the controller
      ._.-.___.' (`\
     //(        ( `'
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    ' <' `\ ._/'\
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Exemplo n.º 7
  * Display user logins list
  * @access public
  * @param string $templateFile
  * @param array $list 
  * @param int $page
  * @return void
 public function loginsUser($templateFile, $list, $page)
     $dotGeoip = new Dot_Geoip();
     $geoIpWorking = true;
     $this->tpl->setFile('tpl_main', 'admin/' . $templateFile . '.tpl');
     $this->tpl->setBlock('tpl_main', 'list', 'list_block');
     $this->tpl->setVar('PAGE', $page);
     foreach ($list['data'] as $k => $v) {
         $country = $dotGeoip->getCountryByIp($v['ip']);
         if ($country['response'] != 'OK' && $geoIpWorking === true) {
             $geoIpWorking = false;
             $this->session->message['txt'] = $country['response'];
             $this->session->message['type'] = 'warning';
         $this->tpl->setVar('ID', $v['id']);
         $this->tpl->setVar('ADMINID', $v['adminId']);
         $this->tpl->setVar('USERNAME', $v['username']);
         $this->tpl->setVar('IP', $v['ip']);
         $this->tpl->setVar('COUNTRYIMAGE', strtolower($country[0]));
         $this->tpl->setVar('COUNTRYNAME', $country[1]);
         $this->tpl->setVar('REFERER', $v['referer']);
         $this->tpl->setVar('WHOISURL', $this->settings->whoisUrl);
         $this->tpl->setVar('USERAGENT', $v['userAgent']);
         $this->tpl->setVar('BROWSERIMAGE', Dot_UserAgent_Utilities::getBrowserIcon($v['userAgent']));
         $os = Dot_UserAgent_Utilities::getOsIcon($v['userAgent']);
         $this->tpl->setVar('OSIMAGE', $os['icon']);
         $this->tpl->setVar('OSMAJOR', $os['major']);
         $this->tpl->setVar('OSMINOR', $os['minor']);
         $this->tpl->setVar('DATELOGIN', Dot_Kernel::timeFormat($v['dateLogin'], 'long'));
         $this->tpl->parse('list_block', 'list', true);
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Failed admin login - send email notice to valid admin account
  * @access private
  * @param arry $values
  * @return void
 private function sendEmailFailedLogin($values)
     // get all  admin list
     $emailAdminList = explode(',', $this->settings->devEmails);
     $dotEmail = new Dot_Email();
     // Add each admin
     foreach ($emailAdminList as $emailAdmin) {
     $dotEmail->setSubject($this->seo->siteName . ' - ' . $this->option->failedLogin->subject);
     $dotGeoip = new Dot_Geoip();
     $country = $dotGeoip->getCountryByIp(Dot_Kernel::getUserIp());
     $msg = str_replace(array('%LINK%', '%USERNAME%', '%PASSWORD%', '%DATE%', '%COUNTRY%', '%IP%', '%USERAGENT%'), array($this->config->website->params->url . '/' . Zend_Registry::get('requestModule'), $values['username'], $values['password'], Dot_Kernel::timeFormat('now', 'long'), $country[1], Dot_Kernel::getUserIp(), $this->_userAgent), $this->option->failedLogin->message);
     $success = $dotEmail->send();
     return $success;
Exemplo n.º 9
  * Authorize user login
  * @access public
  * @param array $validData
  * @return void
 public function authorizeLogin($validData)
     $session = Zend_Registry::get('session');
     // login info are VALID, we can see if is a valid user now
     $dotAuth = Dot_Auth::getInstance();
     $validAuth = $dotAuth->process('user', $validData);
     if ($validAuth) {
         //prepare data for register the login
         $dotGeoip = new Dot_Geoip();
         $userIp = Dot_Kernel::getUserIp();
         $userCountry = $dotGeoip->getCountryByIp($userIp);
         $dataLogin = array('ip' => $userIp, 'userId' => $session->user->id, 'referer' => $this->_httpReferer, 'userAgent' => $this->_userAgent, 'country' => $userCountry[1]);
         $link = isset($session->wantUrl) ? $session->wantUrl : $this->config->website->params->url . '/user/account';
         header('location: ' . $link);
     } else {
         $session->message['txt'] = $this->option->errorMessage->login;
         $session->message['type'] = 'error';