Exemplo n.º 1
function rebuild_old_docs()
    $result = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `attachment` WHERE `text` IS NULL');
    include_once './lib/DocumentToText.php';
    $countOK = 0;
    $countError = 0;
    while ($attachment = mysql_fetch_object($result)) {
        $doc2txt = new DocumentToText();
        $doc2txt->convert('attachments/' . $attachment->directory_name . $attachment->stored_filename, $doc2txt->getDocumentType('attachments/' . $attachment->directory_name . $attachment->stored_filename));
        if ($doc2txt->isError()) {
            print 'Error while converting ' . $attachment->stored_filename . " file\n";
        } else {
            $extractedText = $doc2txt->getString();
            print 'File ' . $attachment->stored_filename . " reindexed.\n";
            $sql = 'UPDATE `attachment` SET `text` = \'' . addslashes($extractedText) . '\', `md5_sum_text` = \'' . md5($extractedText) . '\'  WHERE `attachment_id` = ' . $attachment->attachment_id;
            $upd = mysql_query($sql);
            if (!$upd) {
                print 'DB error: ' . mysql_error();
            } else {
    print 'Success/Fail counters:' . $countOK . '/' . $countError;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * AJAX:
  *   This function is called by the javascript progress bar page (step 2) of the
  *   mass resume importer. It parses the resume set in $_POST and saves the
  *   results to a temporary session.
 public function massImportDocument()
     // Find the files the user has uploaded and put them in an array
     if (isset($_SESSION['CATS']) && !empty($_SESSION['CATS'])) {
         $siteID = $_SESSION['CATS']->getSiteID();
     } else {
         echo 'Fail';
     if (isset($_GET['name'])) {
         $name = $_GET['name'];
     } else {
         echo 'Fail';
     if (isset($_GET['realName'])) {
         $realName = $_GET['realName'];
     } else {
         echo 'Fail';
     if (isset($_GET['ext'])) {
         $ext = $_GET['ext'];
     } else {
         echo 'Fail';
     if (isset($_GET['cTime'])) {
         $cTime = intval($_GET['cTime']);
     } else {
         echo 'Fail';
     if (isset($_GET['type'])) {
         $type = intval($_GET['type']);
     } else {
         echo 'Fail';
     if (!isset($_SESSION['CATS_PARSE_TEMP'])) {
         $_SESSION['CATS_PARSE_TEMP'] = array();
     $mp = array('name' => $name, 'realName' => $realName, 'ext' => $ext, 'type' => $type, 'cTime' => $cTime);
     $doc2text = new DocumentToText();
     $pu = new ParseUtility();
     if (LicenseUtility::isParsingEnabled()) {
         $parsingEnabled = true;
     } else {
         $parsingEnabled = false;
     if ($doc2text->convert($name, $type) === false) {
         $mp['success'] = false;
         $_SESSION['CATS_PARSE_TEMP'][] = $mp;
         echo 'Fail';
     $contents = $doc2text->getString();
     // Decode things like _rATr to @ so the parser can accurately find things
     $contents = DatabaseSearch::fulltextDecode($contents);
     if ($parsingEnabled) {
         switch ($type) {
             case DOCUMENT_TYPE_DOC:
                 $contents = str_replace('|', "\n", $contents);
                 $contents = str_replace(' ? ', "\n", $contents);
         while (strpos($contents, '  ') !== false) {
             $contents = str_replace('  ', ' ', $contents);
     $mp['contents'] = $contents;
     if ($parsingEnabled) {
         $parseData = $pu->documentParse($realName, strlen($contents), 'application/text', $contents);
         $mp['parse'] = $parseData;
     $mp['success'] = true;
     $_SESSION['CATS_PARSE_TEMP'][] = $mp;
     echo 'Ok';
Exemplo n.º 3
 public static function checkUnrtf()
     clearstatcache(true, UNRTF_PATH);
     if (self::DEBUG_FAIL || !is_executable(UNRTF_PATH)) {
         if (file_exists(UNRTF_PATH)) {
             echo sprintf('<tr class="fail"><td>UnRTF binary %s is not executable (permissions: %s).</td></tr>', HTML2TEXT_PATH, FileUtility::getOctalPermissions(HTML2TEXT_PATH));
         } else {
             echo sprintf('<tr class="fail"><td>UnRTF binary %s does not exist.</td></tr>', HTML2TEXT_PATH);
         return false;
     include_once 'lib/DocumentToText.php';
     $documentToText = new DocumentToText();
     if ($documentToText->convert('modules/install/testdocs/test.rtf', DOCUMENT_TYPE_RTF)) {
         $resumeText = $documentToText->getString();
     } else {
         $resumeText = '';
     if (strpos($resumeText, 'This is a test document.') === false) {
         echo '<tr class="fail"><td>UnRTF binary failed to convert a RTF file to text properly (Should have returned \'This is a test document\', returned \'', htmlspecialchars($resumeText), '\').</td></tr>';
         return false;
     } else {
         echo sprintf('<tr class="pass"><td>UnRTF binary %s can convert RTF files to text.</td></tr>', UNRTF_PATH);
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 4
 private function storeMonsterResumeText()
     if (!isset($_POST['resumeText'])) {
         $this->fatal('No resume.');
     $resumeText = $_POST['resumeText'];
     /* The toolbar inputs the BODY of the monster page.  First, we convert
      * the HTML of the BODY into text with html2text...
     $temporaryFile = FileUtility::makeRandomTemporaryFilePath() . '.html';
     if (file_put_contents($temporaryFile, $resumeText) === false) {
         $this->fatal('Failed to save data for parsing.');
     $documentToText = new DocumentToText();
     $documentType = $documentToText->getDocumentType($temporaryFile, 'text/html');
     $documentToText->convert($temporaryFile, $documentType);
     if ($documentToText->isError()) {
         $this->_isTextExtractionError = true;
         $this->_textExtractionError = $documentToText->getError();
         $parsedText = '';
     } else {
         $parsedText = $documentToText->getString();
     /* Now, we have to determine where the resume begins and ends and cut out the
      * top and bottom of the resume...
     $parsedTextArray = explode("\n", $parsedText);
     $firstLine = 0;
     $lastLine = count($parsedTextArray) - 1;
     foreach ($parsedTextArray as $line => $data) {
         /* Find first line */
         if ((strpos($data, 'RESUME') !== false || strpos($data, 'CV') !== false) && strpos($data, '^BACK_TO_TOP') !== false && $firstLine == 0) {
             $firstLine = $line + 1;
         /* Find last line */
         if (strpos($data, '^BACK_TO_TOP') !== false || strpos($data, 'Back_to_top') !== false || strpos($data, 'Back to top') !== false) {
             $lastLine = $line - 1;
         /* TODO:  Look for more keywords present at the bottom of this page
          * in case Back_top_top goes away
         /* Remove the back to top links from the resume to prevent indexing */
         if (strpos($data, '^BACK_TO_TOP') !== false) {
             $data = str_replace('^BACK TO TOP', '', $data);
         /* Convert bullet points into - symbols. */
         $data = str_replace('%u2022', '-', $data);
         $parsedTextArray[$line] = $data;
     $parsedTextArray = array_slice($parsedTextArray, $firstLine, $lastLine - $firstLine + 1);
     $parsedText = implode("\n", $parsedTextArray);
     /* Remember the output in the session and return to the toolbar
      * the ID number of the data.
     $storedID = $_SESSION['CATS']->storeData($parsedText);
     echo $storedID;
Exemplo n.º 5
    public function careersPage()
        global $careerPage;

        /* Get information on what site we are in, our environment, etc. */

        $site = new Site(-1);

        $siteID = $site->getFirstSiteID();

        if (!eval(Hooks::get('CAREERS_SITEID'))) return;

        if (!eval(Hooks::get('CAREERS_IS_ENABLED'))) return;
        if (!file_exists('modules/asp') && !LicenseUtility::isProfessional())
            CommonErrors::fatal(COMMONERROR_INVALIDMODULE, $this, 'Career Portal');

        $siteRS = $site->getSiteBySiteID($siteID);

        if (!isset($siteRS['name']))
            die('An error has occurred:  No site exists with this site name.');

        $siteName = $siteRS['name'];

        /* Get information on the current template. */

        $careerPortalSettings = new CareerPortalSettings($siteID);
        $careerPortalSettingsRS = $careerPortalSettings->getAll();

        $templateName = $careerPortalSettingsRS['activeBoard'];
        $enabled = $careerPortalSettingsRS['enabled'];

        if ($enabled == 0)
            // FIXME: Generate valid XHTML error pages. Create an error/fatal method!
            die('<html><body>Job Board Not Active</body></html>');

        if (isset($_GET['templateName']))
            $templateName = $_GET['templateName'];

        $template = $careerPortalSettings->getTemplate($templateName);

        /* At this point the entire template is loaded, we just need to add data to the
           template for the specific page. */

        /* Get all public job orders for this site. */
        $jobOrders = new JobOrders($siteID);
        $rs = $jobOrders->getAll(JOBORDERS_STATUS_ACTIVE, -1, -1, -1, false, true);

        $useCookie = true;

        // Get the get or post page request
        $p = isset($_GET['p']) ? $_GET['p'] : '';
        $p = isset($_POST['p']) ? $_POST['p'] : $p;

        // Get the get or post sub-page request
        $pa = isset($_GET['pa']) ? $_GET['pa'] : '';
        $pa = isset($_POST['pa']) ? $_POST['pa'] : $pa;

        $isRegistrationEnabled = $careerPortalSettingsRS['candidateRegistration'];

        switch ($pa)
            case 'logout':
                if ($isRegistrationEnabled)
                    // Remove the saved information cookie
                    setcookie($this->getCareerPortalCookieName($siteID), '');
                    $useCookie = false;

            case 'updateProfile':
                if ($isRegistrationEnabled)
                    $p = 'registeredCandidateProfile';

        if ($p == 'showAll')
            $template['Content'] = $template['Content - Search Results'];

            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<numberOfSearchResults>', count($rs), $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<registeredCandidate>', $useCookie && $isRegistrationEnabled ? $this->getRegisteredCandidateBlock($siteID, $template['Content - Candidate Registration']) : '', $template['Content']);

            if ($careerPortalSettingsRS['allowBrowse'] == 1)
                /* Legacy. */
                $template['Content'] = str_replace('<searchResultsTableUnformatted>', $this->getResultsTable($rs, $careerPortalSettingsRS, true), $template['Content']);

                while (strpos($template['Content'], '<searchResultsTable') !== false)
                    $searchResultsTablePosition = strpos($template['Content'], '<searchResultsTable');

                    $temp = substr($template['Content'], $searchResultsTablePosition + strlen('<searchResultsTable'));
                    $searchResultsTableParameters = trim(substr($temp, 0, strpos($temp, '>') - 1));

                    $tableHTML = $this->getResultsTable($rs, $careerPortalSettingsRS, false, $searchResultsTableParameters);

                    $template['Content'] = substr($template['Content'], 0, $searchResultsTablePosition - 1) . $tableHTML . substr($temp, strpos($temp, '>') + 1);
                $template['Content'] = str_replace('<searchResultsTable>', 'Sorry, Job Listings have been disabled by the '.$siteName.' administrator.', $template['Content']);
        else if ($p == 'search')
        else if ($p == 'registeredCandidateProfile' && $isRegistrationEnabled)
            $content = $template['Content - Candidate Profile'];

            // Get information about the candidate from the cookie
            $fields = $this->getCookieFields($siteID);
            $candidate = $this->ProcessCandidateRegistration($siteID, $template['Content - Candidate Registration'], $fields);
            if ($candidate === false)
                echo '<html><body>You have not registered yet.  Please wait while we direct you to the job list...<script>setTimeout("document.location.href=\'?m=careers&&p=showAll\';", 1500);</script></body></html>';

            // Get the candidate's latest resume attachment (if exists)
            $attachmentsLib = new Attachments($siteID);
            $attachments = $attachmentsLib->getAll(DATA_ITEM_CANDIDATE, $candidate['candidateID']);

            $latestDate = 0;
            $latestAttachment = false;
            foreach ($attachments as $attachment)
                if (preg_match('/^([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2}) \(([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}) [A-Z]{2}\)$/',
                    $attachment['dateCreated'], $matches))
                    $epoch = strtotime( strval($matches[1]) . '/' . strval($matches[2]) . '/' . strval($matches[3]) );

                    if ($epoch > $latestDate)
                        $latestDate = $epoch;
                        $latestAttachment = $attachment['attachmentID'];

            // Get their latest resume
            if ($latestAttachment !== false)
                $candidatesLib = new Candidates($siteID);
                $myResume = $candidatesLib->getResume($latestAttachment);

            /* Replace input fields. */
            $content = str_replace('<input-firstName>', '<input name="firstName" id="firstName" class="inputBoxName" value="' . $candidate['firstName'] . '" />', $content);
            $content = str_replace('<input-lastName>', '<input name="lastName" id="lastName" class="inputBoxName" value="' . $candidate['lastName'] . '" />', $content);
            $content = str_replace('<input-address>', '<textarea name="address" class="inputBoxArea">'. $candidate['address'] .'</textarea>', $content);
            $content = str_replace('<input-city>', '<input name="city" id="city" class="inputBoxNormal" value="' . $candidate['city'] . '" />', $content);
            $content = str_replace('<input-state>', '<input name="state" id="state" class="inputBoxNormal" value="' . $candidate['state'] . '" />', $content);
            $content = str_replace('<input-zip>', '<input name="zip" id="zip" class="inputBoxNormal" value="' . $candidate['zip'] . '" />', $content);
            $content = str_replace('<input-phoneWork>', '<input name="phoneWork" id="phoneWork" class="inputBoxNormal" value="' . $candidate['phoneWork'] . '" />', $content);
            $content = str_replace('<input-email1>', '<input name="email1" id="email1" class="inputBoxNormal" value="' . $candidate['email1'] . '" />', $content);
            $content = str_replace('<input-phoneHome>', '<input name="phoneHome" id="phoneHome" class="inputBoxNormal" value="' . $candidate['phoneHome'] . '" />', $content);
            $content = str_replace('<input-phoneCell>', '<input name="phoneCell" id="phoneCell" class="inputBoxNormal" value="' . $candidate['phoneCell'] . '" />', $content);
            $content = str_replace('<input-bestTimeToCall>', '<input name="bestTimeToCall" id="bestTimeToCall" class="inputBoxNormal" value="' . $candidate['bestTimeToCall'] . '" />', $content);
            $content = str_replace('<input-keySkills>', '<input name="keySkills" id="keySkills" class="inputBoxNormal" value="' . $candidate['keySkills'] . '" />', $content);
            $content = str_replace('<input-source>', '<input name="source" id="source" class="inputBoxNormal" value="' . $candidate['source'] . '" />', $content);
            $content = str_replace('<input-currentEmployer>', '<input name="currentEmployer" id="currentEmployer" class="inputBoxNormal" value="' . $candidate['currentEmployer'] . '" />', $content);
            $content = str_replace('<input-resume>',
                '<strong>My Resume</strong><br />'
                . '<textarea name="resumeContents" class="inputBoxArea" style="width: 400px; height: 200px;" readonly>'
                . ($latestAttachment !== false ? DatabaseSearch::fulltextDecode($myResume['text']) : '') .'</textarea>'
                . '<br /><br /><strong>Upload new resume:</strong><br /> '
                . '<input type="file" name="file" id="file" type="file" class="inputBoxFile" size="45" />',
            $content = str_replace('<input-submit>', '<input type="submit" name="submitButton" id="submitButton" class="submitButton" onclick="document.getElementById(\'submitButton\').disabled=true;" value="Save Profile" style="width: 150px;" />', $content);

            $content = sprintf(
                '<form name="updateForm" id="updateForm" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" '
                . 'action="%s?m=careers&p=onRegisteredCandidateProfile&attachmentID=%d">',
                $latestAttachment ? $latestAttachment : -1
            ) . $content . '</form>'
            . (isset($_GET[$id='isPostBack']) && !strcmp($_GET[$id], 'yes') ? '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">setTimeout(\'alert("Your changes have been saved!")\',25);</script>' : '');

            $template['Content'] = $content;
        else if ($p == 'onRegisteredCandidateProfile' && $isRegistrationEnabled)
            // Get information about the candidate from the cookie
            $fields = $this->getCookieFields($siteID);
            $candidate = $this->ProcessCandidateRegistration($siteID, $template['Content - Candidate Registration'], $fields, true);
            if ($candidate === false)
                echo '<html><body>You have not registered yet.  Please wait while we direct you to the job list...<script>setTimeout("document.location.href=\'?m=careers&&p=showAll\';", 1500);</script></body></html>';

            // Get the fields (if included in the template) to update
            $fields = array('firstName', 'lastName', 'email1', 'phoneHome', 'phoneCell', 'phoneWork', 'address',
                'city', 'state', 'zip', 'keySkills', 'currentEmployer', 'bestTimeToCall'
            $fieldValues = array();

            foreach ($fields as $field)
                if (isset($_POST[$field]) && $_POST[$field] != '')
                    eval('$'.$field.' = trim($_POST[\''.$field.'\']);');
                    $fieldValues[$field] = $_POST[$field];
                    eval('$'.$field.' = $candidate[\''.$field.'\'];');
                    $fieldValues[$field] = $candidate[$field];

            // Get the attachment to replace (if exists)
            $attachmentID = isset($_GET[$id='attachmentID']) ? $_GET[$id] : -1;
            $attachmentID = $attachmentID != -1 ? $attachmentID : false;

            $attachmentsLib = new Attachments($siteID);
            $candidatesLib = new Candidates($siteID);

            // Update the candidate's information
                $candidate['isActive'] ? true : false,
                $candidate['isHot'] ? true : false,

            $uploadResume = FileUtility::getUploadFileFromPost($siteID, 'careerportaladd', 'file');
            if ($uploadResume !== false)
                $uploadPath = FileUtility::getUploadFilePath($siteID, 'careerportaladd', $uploadResume);
                if ($uploadPath !== false)
                    // Replace most current resume with new uploaded resume
                    $attachmentsLib->delete($attachmentID, true);
                    $attachmentCreator = new AttachmentCreator($siteID);
                    $attachmentCreator->createFromFile(DATA_ITEM_CANDIDATE, $candidate['candidateID'],
                        $uploadPath, false, '', true, true

            // Set the cookie again, since some information used to verify may be changed
            $storedVal = '';
            foreach ($fieldValues as $tag => $tagData)
                $storedVal .= sprintf('"%s"="%s"', urlencode($tag), urlencode($tagData));
            @setcookie($this->getCareerPortalCookieName($siteID), $storedVal, time()+60*60*24*7*2);

            $template['Content'] = '<div id="careerContent"><br /><br /><h1>Please wait while you are redirected to your updated profile...</h1></div>';
        else if ($p == 'candidateRegistration' && $isRegistrationEnabled)
            /*$content = $template['Content - Candidate Registration'];

            $jobID = intval($_GET['ID']);
            $jobOrderData = $jobOrders->get($jobID);
            $js = '';

            $content = str_replace(array('<applyContent>','</applyContent>'), '', $content);

            $content = str_replace('<input-submit>', '<input type="submit" id="submitButton" name="submitButton" value="Continue to Application" />', $content);
            $content = str_replace('<input-new>', '<input type="radio" id="isNewYes" name="isNew" value="yes" onchange="isCandidateRegisteredChange();" checked />', $content);
            $content = str_replace('<input-registered>', '<input type="radio" id="isNewNo" name="isNew" value="no" onchange="isCandidateRegisteredChange();" />', $content);
            $content = str_replace('<input-rememberMe>', '<input type="checkbox" id="rememberMe" name="rememberMe" value="yes" checked />', $content);
            $content = str_replace('<title>', $jobOrderData['title'], $content);

            // Process html-ish fields like <input-firstName> into the proper form
            $content = preg_replace(
                '<input type="text" class="inputBoxNormal" style="width: 270px;" name="$1" id="$1" onfocus="onFocusFormField(this)" />',

            if (count($fields = $this->getCookieFields($siteID)))
                $js = '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">' . "\n"
                    . 'function populateSavedFields() { var obj; obj = document.getElementById(\'isNewNo\'); '
                    . 'if (obj) { obj.checked = true; enableFormFields(true); } ' . "\n";
                foreach ($fields as $tagName => $tagValue)
                    $js .= sprintf(
                        'if (obj = document.getElementById(\'%s\')) obj.value = \'%s\';%s',
                        str_replace("'", "\\'", urldecode($tagValue)),
                $js .= "}\n</script>\n";

            // Insert the form block
            $content = sprintf(
                '%s<form name="register" id="register" method="post" onsubmit="return validateCandidateRegistration()" '
                . 'action="%s?m=careers&p=applyToJob&ID=%d">'
                . '<input type="hidden" name="applyToJobSubAction" value="processLogin" />',
            ) . $content . '<script>enableFormFields(false); ' . ($js != '' ? 'populateSavedFields();' : '')
            . '</script></form>';

            $template['Content'] = $content;*/
        else if ($p == 'applyToJob' || isset($_POST[$id='applyToJobSubAction']) && $_POST[$id] != '')
            // Pre-populations
            $firstName = isset($_POST[$id='firstName']) ? $_POST[$id] : '';
            $lastName = isset($_POST[$id='lastName']) ? $_POST[$id] : '';
            $address = isset($_POST[$id='address']) ? $_POST[$id] : '';
            $city = isset($_POST[$id='city']) ? $_POST[$id] : '';
            $state = isset($_POST[$id='state']) ? $_POST[$id] : '';
            $zip = isset($_POST[$id='zip']) ? $_POST[$id] : '';
            $phone = isset($_POST[$id='phone']) ? $_POST[$id] : '';
            $email = isset($_POST[$id='email']) ? $_POST[$id] : '';
            $phoneHome = isset($_POST[$id='phoneHome']) ? $_POST[$id] : '';
            $phoneCell = isset($_POST[$id='phoneCell']) ? $_POST[$id] : '';
            $bestTimeToCall = isset($_POST[$id='bestTimeToCall']) ? $_POST[$id] : '';
            $email2 = isset($_POST[$id='email2']) ? $_POST[$id] : '';
            $emailconfirm = isset($_POST[$id='emailconfirm']) ? $_POST[$id] : '';
            $keySkills = isset($_POST[$id='keySkills']) ? $_POST[$id] : '';
            $source = isset($_POST[$id='source']) ? $_POST[$id] : '';
            $employer = isset($_POST[$id='employer']) ? $_POST[$id] : '';
            // for <input-resumeUploadPreview>
            $resumeContents = isset($_POST[$id='resumeContents']) ? $_POST[$id] : '';
            $resumeFileLocation = isset($_POST[$id='file']) ? $_POST[$id] : '';
            // for returning candidates
            $candidateID = -1;

            if ($isRegistrationEnabled)
                // Check if the user is registered and logged in
                $cookieFields = $this->getCookieFields($siteID);
                $candidate = $this->ProcessCandidateRegistration($siteID, $template['Content - Candidate Registration'], $cookieFields, true);
                if ($candidate !== false)
                    // The candidate is registered
                    $firstName = $candidate['firstName']; $lastName = $candidate['lastName'];
                    $address = $candidate['address'];
                    $city = $candidate['city'];
                    $state = $candidate['state'];
                    $zip = $candidate['zip'];
                    $phone = $candidate['phoneWork'];
                    $phoneHome = $candidate['phoneHome'];
                    $phoneCell = $candidate['phoneCell'];
                    $email = $candidate['email1'];
                    $email2 = $candidate['email2'];
                    $emailconfirm = $email;
                    $keySkills = $candidate['keySkills'];
                    $source = $candidate['source'];
                    $employer = $candidate['currentEmployer'];
                    $candidateID = $candidate['candidateID'];

             * SUB-ACTIONS
             * These actions are called as postbacks, such as loading a resume file into the
             * "contents" textarea on the application page. All post data remains intact and
             * re-populates the fields giving the illusion of AJAX.
            if (isset($_POST[$id='applyToJobSubAction']) && strlen($subAction = $_POST[$id]))
                // Check if a candidate has registered and has indicated it
                if (!strcmp($subAction, 'processLogin') &&
                    isset($_POST['isNew']) && !strcmp($_POST['isNew'], 'no') && $isRegistrationEnabled)
                    $candidate = $this->ProcessCandidateRegistration($siteID, $template['Content - Candidate Registration']);
                    if ($candidate !== false)
                        // Rewrite here, I'll fix it later
                        $firstName = $candidate['firstName']; $lastName = $candidate['lastName'];
                        $address = $candidate['address'];
                        $city = $candidate['city'];
                        $state = $candidate['state'];
                        $zip = $candidate['zip'];
                        $phone = $candidate['phoneWork'];
                        $phoneHome = $candidate['phoneHome'];
                        $phoneCell = $candidate['phoneCell'];
                        $email = $candidate['email1'];
                        $email2 = $candidate['email2'];
                        $emailconfirm = $email;
                        $keySkills = $candidate['keySkills'];
                        $source = $candidate['source'];
                        $employer = $candidate['currentEmployer'];
                        $candidateID = $candidate['candidateID'];

                // Check if a file has been uploaded, if so populate the contents textarea
                if (($uploadFile = FileUtility::getUploadFileFromPost($siteID, 'careerportaladd', 'resumeFile')) !== false)
                    $uploadFilePath = FileUtility::getUploadFilePath($siteID, 'careerportaladd', $uploadFile);

                    if ($uploadFilePath !== false)
                        $d2t = new DocumentToText();
                        $docType = $d2t->getDocumentType($uploadFilePath);
                        if ($d2t->convert($uploadFilePath, $docType) !== false)
                            $resumeContents = $d2t->getString();
                            // Remove nasty things like _rATr in favor of @
                            $resumeContents = DatabaseSearch::fulltextDecode($resumeContents);
                            $resumeContents = 'Unable to load your resume contents. Your resume will '
                                . 'still be uploaded and attached to your application.';
                        $resumeFileLocation = $uploadFile;

                if (!strcmp($subAction, 'resumeParse'))
                    // Check if the resume contents need to be parsed (user clicked parse contents button)
                    /*if (LicenseUtility::isParsingEnabled())
                        $pu = new ParseUtility();
                        $fileName = isset($uploadFile) ? $uploadFile : '';
                        $res = $pu->documentParse($fileName, strlen($resumeContents), '', $resumeContents);
                        if (is_array($res) && !empty($res))
                            if (isset($res[$id='first_name']) && $res[$id] != '' && $firstName == '') $firstName = $res[$id];
                            if (isset($res[$id='last_name']) && $res[$id] != '' && $lastName == '') $lastName = $res[$id];
                            if (isset($res[$id='us_address']) && $res[$id] != '' && $address == '') $address = $res[$id];
                            if (isset($res[$id='city']) && $res[$id] != '' && $city == '') $city = $res[$id];
                            if (isset($res[$id='state']) && $res[$id] != '' && $state == '') $state = $res[$id];
                            if (isset($res[$id='zip_code']) && $res[$id] != '' && $zip == '') $zip = $res[$id];
                            if (isset($res[$id='email_address']) && $res[$id] != '' && $email == '') { $email = $res[$id]; $email2 = $res[$id]; $emailconfirm = $res[$id]; }
                            if (isset($res[$id='phone_number']) && $res[$id] != '' && $phone == '') $phone = $res[$id];
                            if (isset($res[$id='skills']) && $res[$id] != '' && $keySkills == '') $keySkills = $res[$id];

            $template['Content'] = $template['Content - Apply for Position'];

            // Force integer
            // FIXME: Input validation, and use isRequiredIDValid() to check for / force integer.
            $jobID = intval(isset($_GET['ID']) ? $_GET['ID'] : $_POST['ID']);

            $jobOrderData = $jobOrders->get($jobID);
            if (!isset($jobOrderData['public']) || $jobOrderData['public'] == 0)
                // FIXME: Generate valid XHTML error pages. Create an error/fatal method!
                echo '<html><body>This position is no longer available.  Please wait while we direct you to the job list...<script>setTimeout("document.location.href=\'?m=careers&&p=showAll\';", 1500);</script></body></html>';

            /* Make JavaScript validation rules. */
            $validator = $this->_makeApplyValidator($template);

            /* Translate required fields into normal fields for replacement. */
            $template['Content'] = str_replace(' req>', '>', $template['Content']);

            /* Get the attachment (friendly) file name is there is an attachment uploaded */
            if ($resumeFileLocation != '')
                $attachmentHTML = '<div style="height: 20px; background-color: #e0e0e0; margin: 5px 0 0px 0; '
                    . 'padding: 0 3px 0 5px; font-size: 11px;"> '
                    . '<img src="images/parser/attachment.gif" border="0" style="padding-top: 3px;" /> '
                    . 'Attachment: <span style="font-weight: bold;">'.$resumeFileLocation.'</span> '
                    . '</div> ';
                $attachmentHTML = '';

            /* Replace input fields. */
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<jobid>', $jobID, $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<title>', $jobOrderData['title'], $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<input-firstName>', '<input name="firstName" id="firstName" class="inputBoxName" value="' . $firstName . '" />', $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<input-lastName>', '<input name="lastName" id="lastName" class="inputBoxName" value="' . $lastName . '" />', $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<input-address>', '<textarea name="address" class="inputBoxArea">'. $address .'</textarea>', $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<input-city>', '<input name="city" id="city" class="inputBoxNormal" value="' . $city . '" />', $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<input-state>', '<input name="state" id="state" class="inputBoxNormal" value="' . $state . '" />', $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<input-zip>', '<input name="zip" id="zip" class="inputBoxNormal" value="' . $zip . '" />', $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<input-phone>', '<input name="phone" id="phone" class="inputBoxNormal" value="' . $phone . '" />', $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<input-email>', '<input name="email" id="email" class="inputBoxNormal" value="' . $email . '" />', $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<input-phone-home>', '<input name="phoneHome" id="phoneHome" class="inputBoxNormal" value="' . $phoneHome . '" />', $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<input-phone-cell>', '<input name="phoneCell" id="phoneCell" class="inputBoxNormal" value="' . $phoneCell . '" />', $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<input-best-time-to-call>', '<input name="bestTimeToCall" id="bestTimeToCall" class="inputBoxNormal" value="' . $bestTimeToCall . '" />', $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<input-email2>', '<input name="email2" id="email2" class="inputBoxNormal" value="' . $email2 . '" />', $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<input-emailconfirm>', '<input name="emailconfirm" id="emailconfirm" class="inputBoxNormal" value="' . $emailconfirm . '" />', $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<input-keySkills>', '<input name="keySkills" id="keySkills" class="inputBoxNormal" value="' . $keySkills . '" />', $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<input-source>', '<input name="source" id="source" class="inputBoxNormal" value="' . $source . '" />', $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<input-employer>', '<input name="employer" id="employer" class="inputBoxNormal" value="' . $employer . '" />', $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<input-resumeUpload>', '<input type="file" id="resume" name="file" class="inputBoxFile" />', $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<input-resumeUploadPreview>',
                '<input type="hidden" id="applyToJobSubAction" name="applyToJobSubAction" value="" /> '
                . '<input type="hidden" id="file" name="file" value="' . $resumeFileLocation . '" /> '
                . '<input type="file" id="resumeFile" name="resumeFile" class="inputBoxFile" size="30" onchange="resumeLoadCheck();" /> '
                . '<input type="button" id="resumeLoad" name="resumeLoad" value="Upload" onclick="resumeLoadFile();" disabled /><br /> '
                . $attachmentHTML
                . '<textarea id="resumeContents" name="resumeContents" class="inputBoxArea" onmousemove="resumeContentsChange(this);" '
                . 'onchange="resumeContentsChange(this);" onmousedown="resumeContentsChange(this);" '
                . 'style="width: 410px; height: 150px;">' . $resumeContents . '</textarea><br /> '
                . (
                // If parsing is enabled, add the image link for it
                LicenseUtility::isParsingEnabled() ?
                    '<br /><div style="text-align: right;">'
                    . '<input type="button" value="Populate Fields ->" id="resumePopulate" onclick="resumeParse();" '.(strlen($resumeContents)?'':'disabled').' />'
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<input-extraNotes>', '<textarea name="extraNotes" id="extraNotes" class="inputBoxArea" maxlength="450" onkeyup="mlength=this.getAttribute ? parseInt(this.getAttribute(\'maxlength\')) : \'\'; if (this.getAttribute && this.value.length>(mlength+7)) { alert(\'Sorry, you may only enter \'+mlength+\' characters into the extra notes.\');} if (this.getAttribute && this.value.length>mlength) {this.value=this.value.substring(0,mlength); this.scrollTop = this.scrollHeight;}">'.(isset($_POST[$id='extraNotes'])?$_POST[$id]:'').'</textarea>', $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<submit', '<input type="submit" class="submitButton"', $template['Content']);

            /* EEO inputs. */
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<input-eeo-race>', '<select name="eeorace" id="eeorace" class="inputBoxNormal" />
                                                                        <option value="">----</option>
                                                                        <option value="1">American Indian</option>
                                                                        <option value="2">Asian or Pacific Islander</option>
                                                                        <option value="3">Hispanic or Latino</option>
                                                                        <option value="4">Non-Hispanic Black</option>
                                                                        <option value="5">Non-Hispanic White</option>
                                                                    </select>', $template['Content']);

            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<input-eeo-gender>', '<select name="eeogender" id="eeogender" class="inputBoxNormal" />
                                                                        <option value="">----</option>
                                                                        <option value="m">Male</option>
                                                                        <option value="f">Female</option>
                                                                    </select>', $template['Content']);

            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<input-eeo-veteran>', '<select name="eeoveteran" id="eeoveteran" class="inputBoxNormal" />
                                                                        <option value="">----</option>
                                                                        <option value="1">Male</option>
                                                                        <option value="2">Eligible Veteran</option>
                                                                        <option value="3">Disabled Veteran</option>
                                                                        <option value="4">Eligible and Disabled</option>
                                                                    </select>', $template['Content']);

            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<input-eeo-disability>', '<select name="eeodisability" id="eeodisability" class="inputBoxNormal" />
                                                                        <option value="">----</option>
                                                                        <option value="No">No</option>
                                                                        <option value="Yes">Yes</option>
                                                                    </select>', $template['Content']);

            /* Extra field inputs. */
            $candidates = new Candidates($siteID);
            $extraFieldsForCandidates = $candidates->extraFields->getValuesForAdd();

            foreach($extraFieldsForCandidates as $ef)
                if (isset($ef['careersAddHTML']))
                    $template['Content'] = str_replace('<input-extraField-' .urlencode($ef['fieldName']) . '>', $ef['careersAddHTML'], $template['Content']);
                    $template['Content'] = str_replace('<input-extraField-' .urlencode($ef['fieldName']) . '>', $ef['addHTML'], $template['Content']);

            /* This is kindof a hack, but basically, we have to put the
             * validation code / form below inside the <td>, which is contained
             * in the template, as they aren't allowed in <tr>s.
             * NOTE: Continue to use ungreedy matching or this will break!
            if (preg_match('/^.*?(<td.*?>)/i', $template['Content'], $matches))
                $startTD = $matches[1];
                $template['Content'] = preg_replace('/^.*?(?:<td.*?>)/i', '', $template['Content']);
                $startTD = '';

            if (preg_match('/(<\/td>).*?$/i', $template['Content'], $matches))
                $endTD = $matches[1];
                $template['Content'] = preg_replace('/(?:<\/td>).*?$/i', '', $template['Content']);
                $endTD = '';

            if (strpos($template['Content'], '<catsform>') === false)
                $template['Content'] = $startTD . "\n" . $validator . "\n"
                    . '<form name="applyToJobForm" id="applyToJobForm" action="'
                    . CATSUtility::getIndexName()
                    . '?m=careers&amp;p=onApplyToJobOrder" '
                    . 'enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" onsubmit="return applyValidate();">'
                    . '<input type="hidden" name="ID" value="' . $jobID . '">'
                    . '<input type="hidden" name="candidateID" value="' . $candidateID . '">'
                    . $template['Content'] . '</form>' . "\n" . $endTD;
                $template['Content'] = $startTD . "\n" . $validator . "\n" .
                    str_replace('<catsform>', '<form name="applyToJobForm" id="applyToJobForm" action="'
                        . CATSUtility::getIndexName()
                        . '?m=careers&amp;p=onApplyToJobOrder" '
                        . 'enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" onsubmit="return applyValidate();">'
                        . '<input type="hidden" name="ID" value="' . $jobID . '">'
                        . '<input type="hidden" name="candidateID" value="' . $candidateID . '">',
                    . "\n" . $endTD;
        else if ($p == 'onApplyToJobOrder')
            if (!$this->isRequiredIDValid('ID', $_POST))
                // FIXME: Generate valid XHTML error pages. Create an error/fatal method!
                echo '<html><body>This position is invalid or no longer available. Please wait while we direct you to the job list...<script>setTimeout("document.location.href=\'?m=careers&&p=showAll\';", 1500);</script></body></html>';

            // Check if this is a returning candidate
            $candidateID = isset($_POST['candidateID']) ? intval($_POST['candidateID']) : -1;
            if ($candidateID == -1) $candidateID = false;

             * Applicant has completed their application, check to see if a questionnaire
             * is tied to this job order. If so, present it.
            $jobID = intval($_POST['ID']);
            $jobOrderData = $jobOrders->get($jobID);
            $questionnaireLib = new Questionnaire($siteID);

            $questionnaireID = $jobOrderData['questionnaireID'];
            if ($questionnaireID)
                $questionnaire = $questionnaireLib->get($questionnaireID);
                if (!is_array($questionnaire) || empty($questionnaire))
                    $questionnaireID = false;

            // Check for postback (if the applicant has completed the questionnaire) or if no questionnaire exists
            if ((isset($_GET[$id='questionnairePostBack']) && $_GET[$id] == '1') || !$questionnaireID)
                // Continue on our merry way
                $this->onApplyToJobOrder($siteID, $candidateID);

                $jobOrderData = $jobOrders->get($jobID);
                if (!isset($jobOrderData['public']) || $jobOrderData['public'] == 0)
                    // FIXME: Generate valid XHTML error pages. Create an error/fatal method!
                    echo '<html><body>This position is no longer available.  Please wait while we direct you to the job list...<script>setTimeout("document.location.href=\'?m=careers&&p=showAll\';", 1500);</script></body></html>';

                $template['Content'] = $template['Content - Thanks for your Submission'];
                $template['Content'] = str_replace('<title>', $jobOrderData['title'], $template['Content']);
                $template['Content'] = str_replace('<a-jobDetails>', '<a href="' . CATSUtility::getIndexName() . '?m=careers'.(isset($_GET['templateName']) ? '&templateName='.urlencode($_GET['templateName']) : '').'&p=showJob&ID='.$_POST['ID'].'">', $template['Content']);

                // get questions/answers
                $questions = $questionnaireLib->getQuestions($questionnaireID);

                $this->_template->assign('isModal', true);
                $this->_template->assign('questionnaireID', $questionnaireID);
                $this->_template->assign('data', $questionnaire);
                $this->_template->assign('questions', $questions);

                $buffer = ob_get_contents();

                $formData = '<form name="postQuestionnaire" id="postQuestionnaire" '
                    . 'enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="'
                    . CATSUtility::getIndexName() . '?m=careers&p=onApplyToJobOrder'
                    . '&questionnairePostBack=1">' . "\n"
                    . $this->capturePostData($siteID);

                // Collect all of the post data and resubmit it as hidden elements
                $buffer = $formData . $buffer;

                $template['Content'] = str_replace('<questionnaire>', $buffer, $template['Content - Questionnaire']);
                $template['Content'] = str_replace('<submit', '<input type="submit" class="submitButton"', $template['Content']) . '</form>';
        else if ($p == 'showJob')
            $template['Content'] = $template['Content - Job Details'];

            $jobID = $_GET['ID'];

            /* Filter out non numeric characters */
            for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($jobID); $i++)
                if (ord(substr($jobID, $i, 1)) < ord('0') || ord(substr($jobID, $i, 1)) > ord('9') )
                    $jobID = str_replace(substr($jobID, $i, 1), '*', $jobID);
            $jobID = str_replace('*', '', $jobID);

            /* Force integer */
            $jobID = $jobID * 1;

            $jobOrderData = $jobOrders->get($jobID);
            if (!isset($jobOrderData['public']) || $jobOrderData['public'] == 0)
                echo '<html><body>This position is no longer available.  Please wait while we direct you to the job list...<script>setTimeout("document.location.href=\'?m=careers&&p=showAll\';", 1500);</script></body></html>';
                die ();

            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<registeredCandidate>', $useCookie && $isRegistrationEnabled ? $this->getRegisteredCandidateBlock($siteID, $template['Content - Candidate Registration']) : '', $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<title>',        $jobOrderData['title'], $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<city>',         $jobOrderData['city'], $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<openings>',     $jobOrderData['openings'], $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<state>',        $jobOrderData['state'], $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<type>',         $jobOrders->typeCodeToString($jobOrderData['type']), $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<created>',      $jobOrderData['dateCreated'], $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<recruiter>',    $jobOrderData['recruiterFullName'], $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<companyName>',  $jobOrderData['companyName'], $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<contactName>',  $jobOrderData['contactFullName'], $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<contactPhone>', $jobOrderData['contactWorkPhone'], $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<contactEmail>', $jobOrderData['contactEmail'], $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<description>',  $jobOrderData['description'], $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<rate>',         nl2br($jobOrderData['maxRate']), $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<salary>',       nl2br($jobOrderData['salary']), $template['Content']);
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<daysOld>',      nl2br($jobOrderData['daysOld']), $template['Content']);

            $isRegistered = $this->isCandidateRegistered($siteID, $template['Content - Candidate Registration']);

            // If candidate registration is enabled, ask them if they would like to log in first
            if ($isRegistrationEnabled && !$isRegistered)
                $template['Content'] = str_replace('<a-applyToJob', '<a href="'.CATSUtility::getIndexName().'?m=careers'.(isset($_GET['templateName']) ? '&templateName='.urlencode($_GET['templateName']) : '').'&p=candidateRegistration&ID='.$jobID.'"', $template['Content']);
                $template['Content'] = str_replace('<a-applyToJob', '<a href="'.CATSUtility::getIndexName().'?m=careers'.(isset($_GET['templateName']) ? '&templateName='.urlencode($_GET['templateName']) : '').'&p=applyToJob&ID='.$jobID.'"', $template['Content']);

            $jobOrders = new JobOrders($siteID);
            $extraFieldsForJobOrders = $jobOrders->extraFields->getValuesForShow($jobID);

            foreach($extraFieldsForJobOrders as $ef)
                $template['Content'] = str_replace('<extraField-' .urlencode($ef['fieldName']) . '>', $ef['display'], $template['Content']);
        else if ($p == 'searchResults')
            $template['Content'] = $template['Content - Main'];
            $template['Content'] = str_replace('<registeredCandidate>', $useCookie && $isRegistrationEnabled ? $this->getRegisteredCandidateBlock($siteID, $template['Content - Candidate Registration']) : '', $template['Content']);

            $isRegistered = $useCookie ? $this->isCandidateRegistered($siteID, $template['Content - Candidate Registration']) : false;

            if ($isRegistrationEnabled)
                // postback
                if (isset($_GET[$id='postback']) && !strcmp($_GET[$id], 'yes'))
                    $candidate = $this->ProcessCandidateRegistration($siteID, $template['Content - Candidate Registration']);

                    if ($candidate === false)
                        $isRegistered = false;
                        // Error Message
                        $template['Content'] = str_replace('<registeredLoginTitle>', '<h1 style="color: #800000;">No applicants were '
                            . 'found matching your criteria.</h1><h3>Once you apply to any of our positions, you will automatically '
                            . 'be registered.<br /><br />', $template['Content']
                        $isRegistered = true;

                if (!$isRegistered)
                    // If they're not logged on but registration is enabled, give them the opportunity to
                    $content = $template['Content - Candidate Registration'];
                    $js = '';

                    $content = str_replace(array('<registeredLoginTitle>', '</registeredLoginTitle>'), '', $content);
                    $content = str_replace('<applyContent>', '<div style="display: none;">', $content);
                    $content = str_replace('</applyContent>', '</div>', $content);
                    $content = str_replace('<input-submit>', '<input type="submit" id="submitButton" name="submitButton" value="Login" />', $content);
                    $content = str_replace('<input-new>', '<input type="hidden" id="isNewNo" name="isNew" value="no" />', $content);
                    $content = str_replace('<input-registered>', '', $content);
                    $content = str_replace('<input-rememberMe>', '<input type="checkbox" id="rememberMe" name="rememberMe" value="yes" checked />', $content);
                    $content = str_replace('<title>', '', $content);

                    // Process html-ish fields like <input-firstName> into the proper form
                    $content = preg_replace(
                        '<input type="text" class="inputBoxNormal" style="width: 270px;" name="$1" id="$1" onfocus="onFocusFormField(this)" />',

                    // Insert the form block
                    $content = sprintf(
                        '<form name="login" id="login" method="post" onsubmit="return validateCandidateRegistration()" '
                        . 'action="%s?postback=yes">',
                    ) . $content . '<script>enableFormFields(true);</script></form>';

                    $template['Content'] = str_replace('<registeredLogin>', $content, $template['Content']);
                    $template['Content'] = str_replace('<registeredLoginTitle>', '<div style="display: none;">', $template['Content']);
                    $template['Content'] = str_replace('</registeredLoginTitle>', '</div>', $template['Content']);
                    $template['Content'] = str_replace(array('<registeredCandidate>', '<registeredLogin>'), '', $template['Content']);
                $template['Content'] = str_replace('<registeredLoginTitle>', '<div style="display: none;">', $template['Content']);
                $template['Content'] = str_replace('</registeredLoginTitle>', '</div>', $template['Content']);
                $template['Content'] = str_replace(array('<registeredCandidate>', '<registeredLogin>'), '', $template['Content']);


        $indexName = CATSUtility::getIndexName();
        foreach ($template as $index => $data)
            $template[$index] = str_replace('<a-LinkMain>',   '<a href="'.$indexName.'?m=careers'.(isset($_GET['templateName']) ? '&templateName='.urlencode($_GET['templateName']) : '').'">', $template[$index]);
            $template[$index] = str_replace('<a-LinkSearch>', '<a href="'.$indexName.'?m=careers'.(isset($_GET['templateName']) ? '&templateName='.urlencode($_GET['templateName']) : '').'&amp;p=search">', $template[$index]);
            $template[$index] = str_replace('<a-ListAll>',    '<a href="'.$indexName.'?m=careers'.(isset($_GET['templateName']) ? '&templateName='.urlencode($_GET['templateName']) : '').'&amp;p=showAll">', $template[$index]);
            $template[$index] = str_replace('<siteName>', $siteName, $template[$index]);
            $template[$index] = str_replace('<numberOfOpenPositions>', count($rs), $template[$index]);

            /* Hacks for loading from a nonstandard root directory. */
            if (isset($careerPage) && $careerPage == true)
                $template[$index] = str_replace('"images/', '"../images/', $template[$index]);
                $template[$index] = str_replace('\'images/', '\'../images/', $template[$index]);
                $template[$index] = str_replace('<rssURL>', '../rss/', $template[$index]);
                $template[$index] = str_replace('<rssURL>', 'rss/', $template[$index]);

        $this->_template->assign('template', $template);
        $this->_template->assign('siteName', $siteName);

        if (!eval(Hooks::get('CAREERS_PAGE_BOTTOM'))) return;

        if ($careerPortalSettingsRS['useCATSTemplate'] != '')
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Creates an attachment to the specified data item. This will also pass
  * the attachment along for text extraction and indexing if requested. This
  * method supports the above createFrom*() methods; however it may also be
  * called directly.
  * @param flag Data Item type flag.
  * @param integer Data Item ID.
  * @param boolean Is this a profile image attachment?
  * @param boolean Attempt to extract, store, and index the attachment's
  *                text?
  * @param string Attachment title, or boolean false to create a title
  *               automatically from the attachment's filename.
  * @param string The filename an attachment originally before any renaming.
  * @param string The temporary location where the file is currently stored
  *               on the system where CATS is located.
  * @param string MIME content type (or '' if unknown).
  * @param string File's contents if a file is being created from text /
  *               contents. Specify false if not creating a file by its
  *               contents.
  * @param boolean Does this file actually exist? If true, the file will be
  *                moved to the created attachment directory automatically.
  *                If false, the caller is responsible. This has no effect
  *                if $fileContents is not false.
  * @return boolean Was the attachment created successfully?
 public function createGeneric($dataItemType, $dataItemID, $isProfileImage, $extractText, $title, $originalFilename, $tempFilename, $contentType, $fileContents, $fileExists)
     /* Make a 'safe' filename with only standard ASCII characters. */
     $storedFilename = FileUtility::makeSafeFilename($originalFilename);
     /* Create an attachment title. */
     $attachmentTitle = FileUtility::getFileWithoutExtension($originalFilename);
     /* Make attachment searchable. */
     if (!$extractText) {
         $extractedText = '';
     } else {
         $documentToText = new DocumentToText();
         $documentType = $documentToText->getDocumentType($storedFilename, $contentType);
         /* If we're creating a file from text contents, we can skip
          * extracting because we already know the text contents.
         if ($fileContents !== false && $documentType == DOCUMENT_TYPE_TEXT) {
             $extractedText = $fileContents;
         } else {
             if ($fileContents !== false) {
                 /* If it's not text and we are creating a file from contents,
                  * don't try to extract text.
                 $extractedText = '';
             } else {
                 if (!$fileExists) {
                     /* Can't extract text from a file that doesn't exist. */
                     $extractedText = '';
                 } else {
                     $documentToText->convert($tempFilename, $documentType);
                     if ($documentToText->isError()) {
                         $this->_isTextExtractionError = true;
                         $this->_textExtractionError = $documentToText->getError();
                         $extractedText = '';
                     } else {
                         $extractedText = $documentToText->getString();
                     /* If we are adding a bulk resume, and parsing fails, consider it
                      * a fatal error.
                     if ($dataItemType == DATA_ITEM_BULKRESUME && $this->_isTextExtractionError) {
                         $this->_isError = true;
                         $this->_error = $this->_textExtractionError;
                         return false;
     $attachments = new Attachments($this->_siteID);
     /* We can only check for duplicates right now if the file actually
      * exists. We'll do it again later below.
     if ($fileExists && !$fileContents) {
         /* We store file size in KB, rounded to nearest KB. */
         $fileSize = round(@filesize($tempFilename) / 1024);
         /* The md5sum is stored for duplicate checking. */
         $md5sum = @md5_file($tempFilename);
         /* Check for duplicates. */
         $duplicates = $attachments->getMatching($dataItemType, $dataItemID, $fileSize, $md5sum, $extractedText);
         /* Duplicate attachments are never added, but this is not a fatal
          * error. We will set a property to notify the caller that a
          * duplicate occurred.
         if (!empty($duplicates)) {
             $this->_duplicatesOccurred = true;
             if (file_exists($tempFilename)) {
             return false;
     } else {
         $fileSize = 0;
         $md5sum = '';
     /* Add the attachment record. At this point, there is no actual
      * associated directory / full file path.
     $attachmentID = $attachments->add($dataItemType, $dataItemID, $attachmentTitle, $originalFilename, $storedFilename, $contentType, $extractText, $extractedText, $isProfileImage, '', $fileSize, $md5sum);
     /* Were we successful? */
     if (!$attachmentID) {
         $this->_isError = true;
         $this->_error = 'Error adding attachment to the database.';
         return false;
     /* Store the extracted text and attachment ID in properties for later
      * access.
     $this->_extractedText = $extractedText;
     $this->_attachmentID = $attachmentID;
     /* Create the attachment directory. */
     $uniqueDirectory = $this->_createDirectory($attachmentID, $storedFilename);
     if (!$uniqueDirectory) {
         $attachments->delete($attachmentID, false);
         return false;
     /* Create the full path name to the file. */
     $newFileFullPath = $uniqueDirectory . $storedFilename;
     /* Are we creating a new file from file contents, or are we moving a
      * temporary file?
     if ($fileContents !== false) {
         $status = @file_put_contents($newFileFullPath, $fileContents);
         if (!$status) {
             $this->_isError = true;
             $this->_error = sprintf('Cannot create file %s.', $newFileFullPath);
             $attachments->delete($attachmentID, false);
             return false;
         /* We store file size in KB, rounded to nearest KB. */
         $fileSize = round(@filesize($newFileFullPath) / 1024);
         /* The md5sum is stored for duplicate checking. */
         $md5sum = @md5_file($newFileFullPath);
         /* Check for duplicates. */
         $duplicates = $attachments->getMatching($dataItemType, $dataItemID, $fileSize, $md5sum, $extractedText);
         /* Duplicate attachments are never added, but this is not a fatal
          * error. We will set a property to notify the caller that a
          * duplicate occurred.
         if (!empty($duplicates)) {
             $this->_duplicatesOccurred = true;
             $attachments->delete($attachmentID, false);
             return false;
     } else {
         if ($fileExists) {
             /* Copy the temp file to the new path. */
             if (!@copy($tempFilename, $newFileFullPath)) {
                 $this->_isError = true;
                 $this->_error = sprintf('Cannot copy temporary file %s to %s.', $tempFilename, $newFileFullPath);
                 $attachments->delete($attachmentID, false);
                 return false;
             /* Try to remove the temp file; if it fails it doesn't matter. */
     /* Store path to the file (inside the attachments directory) in this
      * object.
     $this->_newFilePath = $newFileFullPath;
     $this->_containingDirectory = $uniqueDirectory;
     /* Update the database with the new directory name. */
     $attachments->setDirectoryName($attachmentID, str_replace('./attachments/', '', $uniqueDirectory));
     if (!eval(Hooks::get('CREATE_ATTACHMENT_FINISHED'))) {
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 7
if (file_exists('INSTALL_BLOCK') && ($_SESSION['CATS']->getAccessLevel() < ACCESS_LEVEL_SA || ModuleUtility::moduleExists('asp'))) {
    die('No permision.');
$db = DatabaseConnection::getInstance();
$rs = $db->getAllAssoc('SELECT site_id, attachment_id, directory_name, stored_filename FROM attachment WHERE text = "" OR isnull(text) AND resume = 1');
foreach ($rs as $index => $data) {
    /* Attempt to reindex file. */
    $storedFilename = './attachments/' . $data['directory_name'] . '/' . $data['stored_filename'];
    $documentToText = new DocumentToText();
    $documentType = $documentToText->getDocumentType($storedFilename);
    $fileContents = @file_get_contents($storedFilename);
    /* If we're creating a file from text contents, we can skip
     * extracting because we already know the text contents.
    if ($fileContents !== false && $documentType == DOCUMENT_TYPE_TEXT) {
        $extractedText = $fileContents;
    } else {
        if (!file_exists($storedFilename)) {
            /* Can't extract text from a file that doesn't exist. */
            $extractedText = '';
        } else {
            $documentToText->convert($storedFilename, $documentType);
            if (!$documentToText->isError()) {
                $extractedText = $documentToText->getString();
                $db->query('UPDATE attachment SET text = ' . $db->makeQueryString($extractedText) . ' WHERE attachment_id = ' . $data['attachment_id']);
echo $reindexed;
Exemplo n.º 8
 public function checkParsingFunctions()
     if (LicenseUtility::isParsingEnabled()) {
         if (isset($_POST['documentText'])) {
             $contents = $_POST['documentText'];
         } else {
             $contents = '';
         // Retain all field data since this isn't done over AJAX (yet)
         $fields = array('firstName' => $this->getTrimmedInput('firstName', $_POST), 'middleName' => $this->getTrimmedInput('middleName', $_POST), 'lastName' => $this->getTrimmedInput('lastName', $_POST), 'email1' => $this->getTrimmedInput('email1', $_POST), 'email2' => $this->getTrimmedInput('email2', $_POST), 'phoneHome' => $this->getTrimmedInput('phoneHome', $_POST), 'phoneCell' => $this->getTrimmedInput('phoneCell', $_POST), 'phoneWork' => $this->getTrimmedInput('phoneWork', $_POST), 'address' => $this->getTrimmedInput('address', $_POST), 'city' => $this->getTrimmedInput('city', $_POST), 'state' => $this->getTrimmedInput('state', $_POST), 'zip' => $this->getTrimmedInput('zip', $_POST), 'source' => $this->getTrimmedInput('source', $_POST), 'keySkills' => $this->getTrimmedInput('keySkills', $_POST), 'currentEmployer' => $this->getTrimmedInput('currentEmployer', $_POST), 'currentPay' => $this->getTrimmedInput('currentPay', $_POST), 'desiredPay' => $this->getTrimmedInput('desiredPay', $_POST), 'notes' => $this->getTrimmedInput('notes', $_POST), 'canRelocate' => $this->getTrimmedInput('canRelocate', $_POST), 'webSite' => $this->getTrimmedInput('webSite', $_POST), 'bestTimeToCall' => $this->getTrimmedInput('bestTimeToCall', $_POST), 'gender' => $this->getTrimmedInput('gender', $_POST), 'race' => $this->getTrimmedInput('race', $_POST), 'veteran' => $this->getTrimmedInput('veteran', $_POST), 'disability' => $this->getTrimmedInput('disability', $_POST), 'documentTempFile' => $this->getTrimmedInput('documentTempFile', $_POST), 'isFromParser' => true);
          * User is loading a resume from a document. Convert it to a string and paste the contents
          * into the textarea field on the add candidate page after validating the form.
         if (isset($_POST['loadDocument']) && $_POST['loadDocument'] == 'true') {
             // Get the upload file from the post data
             $newFileName = FileUtility::getUploadFileFromPost($this->_siteID, 'addcandidate', 'documentFile');
             if ($newFileName !== false) {
                 // Get the relative path to the file (to perform operations on)
                 $newFilePath = FileUtility::getUploadFilePath($this->_siteID, 'addcandidate', $newFileName);
                 $documentToText = new DocumentToText();
                 $doctype = $documentToText->getDocumentType($newFilePath);
                 if ($documentToText->convert($newFilePath, $doctype)) {
                     $contents = $documentToText->getString();
                     if ($doctype == DOCUMENT_TYPE_DOC) {
                         $contents = str_replace('|', "\n", $contents);
                     // Remove things like _rDOTr for ., etc.
                     $contents = DatabaseSearch::fulltextDecode($contents);
                 } else {
                     $contents = @file_get_contents($newFilePath);
                     $fields['binaryData'] = true;
                 // Save the short (un-pathed) name
                 $fields['documentTempFile'] = $newFileName;
                 if (isset($_COOKIE['CATS_SP_TEMP_FILE']) && ($oldFile = $_COOKIE['CATS_SP_TEMP_FILE']) != '' && strcasecmp($oldFile, $newFileName)) {
                     // Get the safe, old file they uploaded and didn't use (if exists) and delete
                     $oldFilePath = FileUtility::getUploadFilePath($this->_siteID, 'addcandidate', $oldFile);
                     if ($oldFilePath !== false) {
                 // Prevent users from creating more than 1 temp file for single parsing (sp)
                 setcookie('CATS_SP_TEMP_FILE', $newFileName, time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 7);
             if (isset($_POST['parseDocument']) && $_POST['parseDocument'] == 'true' && $contents != '') {
                 // ...
             } else {
                 return array($contents, $fields);
          * User is parsing the contents of the textarea field on the add candidate page.
         if (isset($_POST['parseDocument']) && $_POST['parseDocument'] == 'true' && $contents != '') {
             $pu = new ParseUtility();
             if ($res = $pu->documentParse('untitled', strlen($contents), '', $contents)) {
                 if (isset($res['first_name'])) {
                     $fields['firstName'] = $res['first_name'];
                 } else {
                     $fields['firstName'] = '';
                 if (isset($res['last_name'])) {
                     $fields['lastName'] = $res['last_name'];
                 } else {
                     $fields['lastName'] = '';
                 $fields['middleName'] = '';
                 if (isset($res['email_address'])) {
                     $fields['email1'] = $res['email_address'];
                 } else {
                     $fields['email1'] = '';
                 $fields['email2'] = '';
                 if (isset($res['us_address'])) {
                     $fields['address'] = $res['us_address'];
                 } else {
                     $fields['address'] = '';
                 if (isset($res['city'])) {
                     $fields['city'] = $res['city'];
                 } else {
                     $fields['city'] = '';
                 if (isset($res['state'])) {
                     $fields['state'] = $res['state'];
                 } else {
                     $fields['state'] = '';
                 if (isset($res['zip_code'])) {
                     $fields['zip'] = $res['zip_code'];
                 } else {
                     $fields['zip'] = '';
                 if (isset($res['phone_number'])) {
                     $fields['phoneHome'] = $res['phone_number'];
                 } else {
                     $fields['phoneHome'] = '';
                 $fields['phoneWork'] = $fields['phoneCell'] = '';
                 if (isset($res['skills'])) {
                     $fields['keySkills'] = str_replace("\n", ' ', str_replace('"', '\'\'', $res['skills']));
             return array($contents, $fields);
     return false;