Exemplo n.º 1
 function Start($aDBServer, $aProjName)
     $dbutils = new DBUtils($aDBServer);
     $this->iDirectory = $dbutils->GetProjDir($aProjName);
     $this->iProjName = $aProjName;
     $proj = $dbutils->GetProject();
     $this->iShowPrivate = $dbutils->GetShowPrivate($aProjName);
     $this->iDocType = $proj['fld_doctype'];
     $ds = new DocStat($dbutils);
     list($avg, $nc, $nm) = $ds->ProjStat($aProjName);
     $t = '<table width=100% border=1 style="background-color:lightblue;"><tr><td align=center><span style="font-size:20pt;font-family:arial;font-weight:bold;">' . $aProjName . "</span></td></tr></table>\n";
     $t .= '<div align=center><h3 style="color:darkred;font-family:arial;">Documentation status: ' . round($avg * 100) . '%</h3>';
     $t .= '<span style="font-family:arial;">Total number of Classes: ' . $nc . ', Methods: ' . $nm . "</span><p>\n";
     if ($this->iShowPrivate) {
         $t .= '<i>This version <b>includes</b> private methods & classes</i><p>';
     } else {
         $t .= '<i>This version does <b>not</b> include private methods & classes</i><p>';
     $t .= '<p><i>Generated at ' . strftime('%d %b %Y  at  %H:%M') . "</i><br>\n";
     $t .= "</div><hr>";
     $t .= "<p>" . $proj['fld_desc'];
     if ($this->iDocType == 0) {
         $dt = 'HTML: Multiple files.';
         $this->iWriter->Open($this->iDirectory . 'projinfo.html');
         $this->iWriter->Open($this->iDirectory . 'index.html');
     } else {
         $dt = 'HTML: Single file.';
         $this->iWriter->Open($this->iDirectory . 'index.html');
     echo "<hr>";
     echo "<font face=arial><b>Generating reference for project : <font color=blue>{$aProjName}</font></b></font><br>";
     echo "Output directory: <b><font color=blue>" . $this->iDirectory . '</font></b><br>';
     echo "Output format: <b><font color=blue>{$dt}</font></b> <p>\n";
     echo "<hr>";
Exemplo n.º 2
 function Run($aProjidx, $aExpandMethods = false, $aCols = 3, $aProjName = '')
     $cl = array();
     $nc = (count($cl) - 3) / 3;
     $ds = new DocStat($this->iDBUtils);
     $total = 0;
     $ct = array();
     $npercol = round($nc / $aCols);
     $limit = 0;
     $start = 1;
     for ($c = 0; $c < $aCols; ++$c) {
         $limit = $c == $aCols - 1 ? $nc : $limit + $npercol;
         $t = '';
         $marker1 = '<span style="font-family:arial;font-size:110%;font-weight:bold;color:darkblue;">[</span>';
         $marker2 = '<span style="font-family:arial;font-size:110%;font-weight:bold;color:darkblue;">]</span>';
         for ($i = $start; $i <= $limit; ++$i) {
             list($cname, $nm, $ma, $tp, $ap) = $ds->ClassStat($cl[3 * $i + 1]);
             $classpublic = $cl[3 * $i + 2];
             $mk1 = '';
             $mk2 = '';
             if ($classpublic == 0) {
                 $mk1 = $marker1;
                 $mk2 = $marker2;
             $p = round(100 * $ap / $tp);
             $total += $p;
             $t .= "<tr><td style=\"font-family:arial;font-size:80%;\"><b>{$i}. <font color=red><b>[" . sprintf("%3d", $p) . "%]</b> </font>{$mk1}<a href=\"javascript:openPopup('jpd_editclass.php?key=" . $cl[3 * $i + 1] . "',550,590);\">{$cname}</a>{$mk2}</b></td></tr>\n";
             if ($aExpandMethods) {
                 for ($j = 0; $j < $nm; ++$j) {
                     $mk1 = '';
                     $mk2 = '';
                     if ($ma[$j][0] == 0) {
                         $mk1 = $marker1;
                         $mk2 = $marker2;
                     // Adjust the title a little bit to make the columns nicer
                     $l = $j + 1 < 10 ? $j + 1 . '&nbsp;' : '' . $j + 1;
                     $t .= "<tr><td style=\"font-family:arial;font-size:80%;\">&nbsp;&nbsp; {$i}." . $l . ' <font face=courier color=darkred>[' . sprintf("%3d", $ma[$j][3]) . "%]</font> {$mk1}<a href=\"javascript:openPopup('jpd_editmethod.php?key=" . $ma[$j][2] . "',560,670);\">" . $ma[$j][1] . "{$mk2}</a></td></tr>";
         $start += $npercol;
         $ct[] = "<table width=\"100%\" border=0 cellpadding=4>\n{$t}</table>";
     // Get all global functions
     list($cname, $nm, $ma, $tp, $ap) = $ds->ClassStat(0);
     $gfuncs = array();
     $res = $this->iDBUtils->GetMethodListForClassKey($gfuncs, 0);
     $n = count($gfuncs) / 2;
     $gf = '';
     if ($n > 0) {
         $gf = '<p> <table border=0><tr><td style="font-family:arial;font-weight:bold;font-size:90%;">Global functions</td></tr>';
         for ($i = 0; $i < $n; ++$i) {
             $mk1 = '';
             $mk2 = '';
             if ($ma[$i][0] == 0) {
                 $mk1 = $marker1;
                 $mk2 = $marker2;
             $gf .= "<tr><td style=\"font-family:arial;font-size:80%;\">&nbsp;&nbsp; " . ($i + 1) . ". <a href=\"javascript:openPopup('jpd_editmethod.php?key=" . $ma[$i][2] . "',560,670);\"><font face=courier color=darkred>[" . sprintf("%3d", $ma[$i][3]) . '%] </font>' . $mk1 . $ma[$i][1] . "{$mk2}</a></td></tr>";
         $gf .= '</table>';
     if ($nc > 0) {
         $avg = round($total / $nc);
     } else {
         $avg = 0;
     $w = round(100 / $aCols);
     $t = "<form name='mainform' method=post action=''>";
     $t .= "<table border=0 cellspacing=0 width=100%><tr><td  style='border-bottom:solid black 1pt;' valign=top>";
     $projdoc = $this->iDBUtils->GetProjDir($aProjName) . 'index.html';
     $t .= "\n<input name=\"button_gendoc\" type=button value=' Create doc ' onclick=\"openPopup('jpgenhtmldoc.php',400,500,'Update docs');\"> ";
     $t .= "\n<input name=\"button_opendoc\" type=button value=\" Open doc \" onclick=\"openPopup('{$projdoc}',800,500,'Documentation:{$aProjName}');\">";
     $t .= "</td><td  style='border-bottom:solid black 1pt;'>\n<input name=\"button_regen\" type=button value=\" Update DB \" onclick=\"openPopup('jpgendbdriver.php?force='+mainform.chkbox_timestamp.checked,500,350,'Update DB');\"> ";
     $t .= "\n<input name=\"chkbox_timestamp\" type=checkbox value=1> Force &nbsp;";
     $t .= "\n</td><td  style='border-bottom:solid black 1pt;' valign=top align=right>";
     $t .= "<input type=button value=' Close ' onclick='window.close();'>";
     $t .= "</td></tr></table></form>";
     $t .= "\n<table width=100% cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 class=projectindex>\n";
     $t .= "<tr><td colspan={$aCols} class=projindexheader>{$aProjName}</td></tr>";
     $t .= "<tr><td colspan={$aCols} style=\"background:lightgrey;font-family:arial;color:#400080;\">";
     $t .= "<b>Documentation status: <span style=\"color:#B01400;\">{$avg} %</span></b> ({$nc} classes)</td></tr>\n";
     $tt = '<tr>';
     $tt .= "<td width=" . $w . "% valign=top >{$ct['0']}</td>";
     for ($i = 1; $i < $aCols; ++$i) {
         $tt .= "<td width=" . $w . "% valign=top style='border-left: black solid 0.5pt;' >{$ct[$i]}";
         if ($i < $aCols - 1) {
             $tt .= "</td>";
         } else {
             $tt .= "{$gf}</td>";
     return $t . $tt . '</table>';
 function Run($aClass, $aFlags = "")
     $dbutils = $this->iDBCache->iDBUtils;
     $proj = $dbutils->GetProject();
     $docdir = $proj['fld_docdir'];
     $showPrivate = $proj['fld_showprivate'];
     $docType = $proj['fld_doctype'];
     $showGlobFuncs = $proj['fld_showglobfuncs'];
     $fmt = $this->NewClassFormatter($this->iDBCache, $aFlags);
     $fmt->Init($this->iProjname, $proj['fld_desc'], $docType, $docdir, $showPrivate, $showGlobFuncs);
     $ds = new DocStat($dbutils);
     list($avg, $nc, $nm) = $ds->ProjStat($this->iProjname);
     $fmt->InitStat($avg, $nc, $nm);
     // Format all the classes and their methods
     $cr = new ClassReader($fmt, $this->iDBCache, $aFlags);
     // Format all global functions
     if ($showGlobFuncs) {
         $gf = new GlobalFuncReader($fmt, $this->iDBCache, $aFlags);