public function edit_district($code)
     $district = District::getDistrict($code);
     $data['district'] = $district[0];
     $data['title'] = "District Management::Edit " . $district->name . " District";
     $data['module_view'] = "add_district_view";
     $data['quick_link'] = "new_district";
     $data['provinces'] = Province::getAll();
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function insertRandomRow()
     /* generate the field values */
     /* first generate the random values, then add them to query */
     $workTypeId = rand(1, WorkType::getRowsNumber());
     $districtId = rand(1, District::getRowsNumber());
     $jobSubCategoryId = rand(1, JobSubCategory::getRowsNumber());
     $salaryLow = rand(20, 200) * 1000;
     $salaryRange = rand(5, 30) * 1000;
     $daysOffset = -60 + rand(1, 90);
     $startDate = strtotime(sprintf("%+d", $daysOffset) . " day");
     $endDate = strtotime(sprintf("%+d", $daysOffset + 30) . " day");
     /* Processing this information */
     $workType = WorkType::getWorkTypeName(WorkType::getWorkType($workTypeId));
     $district = District::getDistrict($districtId);
     $districtName = District::getDistrictName($district);
     $regionName = Region::getRegionName(Region::getRegion(District::getRegionId($district)));
     $jobSubCategory = JobSubCategory::getJobSubCategory($jobSubCategoryId);
     $jobSubCategoryName = JobSubCategory::getJobSubCategoryName($jobSubCategory);
     $jobCategoryId = JobSubCategory::getJobCategoryId($jobSubCategory);
     $jobCategoryName = JobCategory::getJobCategoryName(JobCategory::getJobCategory($jobCategoryId));
     $salaryHigh = $salaryLow + $salaryRange;
     $jobTitle = "Job in {$regionName}";
     $jobDescription = "{$jobSubCategoryName} " . strtolower($workType) . " job in {$districtName}, {$regionName}, in the domain of {$jobCategoryName}, salary from \${$salaryLow} to \${$salaryHigh}.\n";
     $jobDescription .= "Posted on " . date("D, jS \\of F, Y", $startDate) . ", valid until " . date("D, jS \\of F, Y", $endDate);
     /* Now build the query with the values generated above */
     /* job_id */
     $values = "NULL";
     //AUTO_INCREMENT field
     /* job_title */
     $values .= ", '{$jobTitle}'";
     /* job_description */
     $values .= ", '{$jobDescription}'";
     /* work_type_id */
     $values .= ", '{$workTypeId}'";
     /* district_id */
     $values .= ", '{$districtId}'";
     /* subcategory_id */
     $values .= ", '{$jobSubCategoryId}'";
     /* salary_low */
     $values .= ", '{$salaryLow}'";
     /* SalaryHihg */
     $values .= ", '{$salaryHigh}'";
     /* start_ad_date */
     /* format: '2013-05-14 00:00:00' */
     $values .= ", '" . date("Y-m-d 00:00:00", $startDate) . "'";
     /* end_ad_date */
     $values .= ", '" . date("Y-m-d 00:00:00", $endDate) . "'";
     /* Build the query */
     $query = Job::insertRowQuery($values);
     return $query;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public static function getRegion($job)
     /* job -> DistrictId => District row -> RegionId => Region row -> region_name */
     /* -> is array access; => is query access */
     return Region::getRegionName(Region::getRegion(District::getRegionId(District::getDistrict(self::getDistrictId($job)))));
Exemplo n.º 4
<div class="widget-box">
    <div class="widget-header">
        <h5>Details Directory (<?php 
echo $model->title;
        <div class="widget-toolbar">
            <a data-action="settings" href="#"><i class="icon-cog"></i></a>
            <a data-action="reload" href="#"><i class="icon-refresh"></i></a>
            <a data-action="collapse" href="#"><i class="icon-chevron-up"></i></a>
            <a data-action="close" href="#"><i class="icon-remove"></i></a>
        <div class="widget-toolbar">
echo CHtml::link('<i class="icon-pencil"></i>', array('update', 'id' => $model->id), array('data-rel' => 'tooltip', 'title' => 'Edit', 'data-placement' => 'bottom'));
        <div class="widget-toolbar">
echo CHtml::link('<i class="icon-plus"></i>', array('create'), array('data-rel' => 'tooltip', 'title' => 'Add', 'data-placement' => 'bottom'));
    </div><!--/.widget-header -->
    <div class="widget-body">
        <div class="widget-main">
$this->widget('zii.widgets.CDetailView', array('htmlOptions' => array('class' => 'table table-striped table-condensed table-hover'), 'data' => $model, 'attributes' => array('id', array('name' => 'category', 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => DirectoryCategory::getDirectoryCategory($model->category)), 'title', 'address', 'postcode', array('name' => 'country', 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => Country::getCountry($model->country)), array('name' => 'state', 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => State::getState($model->state)), array('name' => 'city', 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => City::getCity($model->city)), array('name' => 'district', 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => District::getDistrict($model->district)), array('name' => 'thana', 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => Thana::getThana($model->thana)), 'telephone', 'mobile', 'email', 'fax', 'website', 'details', array('name' => 'created_by', 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => UserAdmin::get_user_name($model->created_by)), array('name' => 'created_on', 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => UserAdmin::get_date_time($model->created_on)), array('name' => 'modified_by', 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => UserAdmin::get_user_name($model->modified_by)), array('name' => 'modified_on', 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => UserAdmin::get_date_time($model->modified_on)), array('name' => 'published', 'value' => $model->published ? "Yes" : "No"), 'hits')));
    </div><!--/.widget-body -->
</div><!--/.widget-box -->
Exemplo n.º 5
<div class="widget-box">
    <div class="widget-header">
        <h5>Details Thana (<?php 
echo $model->title;
        <div class="widget-toolbar">
            <a data-action="settings" href="#"><i class="icon-cog"></i></a>
            <a data-action="reload" href="#"><i class="icon-refresh"></i></a>
            <a data-action="collapse" href="#"><i class="icon-chevron-up"></i></a>
            <a data-action="close" href="#"><i class="icon-remove"></i></a>
        <div class="widget-toolbar">
echo CHtml::link('<i class="icon-pencil"></i>', array('update', 'id' => $model->id), array('data-rel' => 'tooltip', 'title' => 'Edit', 'data-placement' => 'bottom'));
        <div class="widget-toolbar">
echo CHtml::link('<i class="icon-plus"></i>', array('create'), array('data-rel' => 'tooltip', 'title' => 'Add', 'data-placement' => 'bottom'));
    </div><!--/.widget-header -->
    <div class="widget-body">
        <div class="widget-main">
$this->widget('zii.widgets.CDetailView', array('htmlOptions' => array('class' => 'table table-striped table-condensed table-hover'), 'data' => $model, 'attributes' => array('id', array('name' => 'country_id', 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => Country::getCountry($model->country_id)), array('name' => 'state_id', 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => State::getState($model->state_id)), array('name' => 'city_id', 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => City::getCity($model->city_id)), array('name' => 'district_id', 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => District::getDistrict($model->district_id)), 'title', array('name' => 'published', 'value' => $model->published ? "Yes" : "No"))));
    </div><!--/.widget-body -->
</div><!--/.widget-box -->
 public function save()
     $i = 0;
     $valid = $this->_validate_submission();
     if ($valid == false) {
     } else {
         $editing = false;
         $diseases = Disease::getAllObjects();
         $weekending = $this->input->post("week_ending");
         $reporting_year = $this->input->post("reporting_year");
         $epiweek = $this->input->post("epiweek");
         $district = $this->input->post("district");
         $reportingfacilities = $this->input->post("reporting_facilities");
         $expectedfacilities = $this->input->post("expected_facilities");
         $lmcase = $this->input->post("lmcase");
         $lfcase = $this->input->post("lfcase");
         $lmdeath = $this->input->post("lmdeath");
         $lfdeath = $this->input->post("lfdeath");
         $gmcase = $this->input->post("gmcase");
         $gfcase = $this->input->post("gfcase");
         $gmdeath = $this->input->post("gmdeath");
         $gfdeath = $this->input->post("gfdeath");
         $sickness = $this->input->post("disease");
         $reported_by = $this->input->post("reported_by");
         $designation = $this->input->post("designation");
         $lab_id = $this->input->post("lab_id");
         $surveillance_ids = $this->input->post("surveillance_ids");
         $data_exists = Surveillance::getDistrictData($epiweek, $reporting_year, $district);
         if ($lab_id > 0) {
             $editing = true;
         if ($data_exists->id && $editing == false) {
             $data = array();
             $data['duplicate_district'] = District::getDistrict($district);
             $data['duplicate_epiweek'] = $epiweek;
             $data['duplicate_reporting_year'] = $reporting_year;
             $data['existing_data'] = true;
         $total_diseases = Disease::getTotal();
         $timestamp = date('d/m/Y');
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($diseases as $disease) {
             if ($editing == true) {
                 $surveillance = Surveillance::getSurveillance($surveillance_ids[$i]);
             } else {
                 $surveillance = new Surveillance();
             $surveillance->Week_Ending = $weekending;
             $surveillance->Epiweek = $epiweek;
             $surveillance->District = $district;
             $surveillance->Submitted = $reportingfacilities;
             $surveillance->Expected = $expectedfacilities;
             $surveillance->Lmcase = $lmcase[$i];
             $surveillance->Lfcase = $lfcase[$i];
             $surveillance->Lmdeath = $lmdeath[$i];
             $surveillance->Lfdeath = $lfdeath[$i];
             if (isset($gmcase[$i])) {
                 $surveillance->Gmcase = $gmcase[$i];
                 $surveillance->Gfcase = $gfcase[$i];
                 $surveillance->Gmdeath = $gmdeath[$i];
                 $surveillance->Gfdeath = $gfdeath[$i];
             $surveillance->Disease = $disease;
             $surveillance->Reporting_Year = $reporting_year;
             $surveillance->Created_By = $this->session->userdata('user_id');
             $surveillance->Date_Created = date("Y-m-d");
             $surveillance->Reported_By = $reported_by;
             $surveillance->Designation = $designation;
             $surveillance->Total_Diseases = $total_diseases;
             $surveillance->Date_Reported = $timestamp;
         //end foreach
         //Lab Data
         if ($editing == true) {
             $labdata = Lab_Weekly::getLabObject($lab_id);
         } else {
             $labdata = new Lab_Weekly();
         $totaltestedlessfive = $this->input->post("total_tested_less_than_five");
         $totaltestedgreaterfive = $this->input->post("total_tested_greater_than_five");
         $totalpositivelessfive = $this->input->post("total_positive_less_than_five");
         $totalpositivegreaterfive = $this->input->post("total_positive_greater_than_five");
         $remarks = $this->input->post("remarks");
         $labdata->Epiweek = $epiweek;
         $labdata->Week_Ending = $weekending;
         $labdata->District = $district;
         $labdata->Malaria_Below_5 = $totaltestedlessfive;
         $labdata->Malaria_Above_5 = $totaltestedgreaterfive;
         $labdata->Positive_Below_5 = $totalpositivelessfive;
         $labdata->Positive_Above_5 = $totalpositivegreaterfive;
         $labdata->Remarks = $remarks;
         $labdata->Reporting_Year = $reporting_year;
         $labdata->Date_Created = date("Y-m-d");
         if ($editing) {
             $data['success_message'] = "You have successfully edited data for " . $labdata->District_Object->Name;
         if (!$editing) {
             $data['success_message'] = "You have successfully added weekly data for " . $labdata->District_Object->Name;
Exemplo n.º 7

$this->breadcrumbs = array('Youtubes' => array('admin'), $model->youtube_id);
$this->menu = array(array('label' => 'Manage', 'url' => array('admin'), 'active' => true, 'icon' => 'icon-home'), array('label' => 'New', 'url' => array('create'), 'active' => true, 'icon' => 'icon-file'), array('label' => 'Edit', 'url' => array('update', 'id' => $model->id), 'active' => true, 'icon' => 'icon-pencil'), array('label' => 'Delete', 'url' => '#', 'linkOptions' => array('submit' => array('delete', 'id' => $model->id), 'confirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this item?'), 'active' => true, 'icon' => 'icon-remove'));

<div class="form-actions">
echo $model->youtube_id;

$this->widget('bootstrap.widgets.TbDetailView', array('data' => $model, 'attributes' => array('id', 'youtube_id', array('name' => 'district', 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => District::getDistrict($model->district)), array('name' => 'thana', 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => Thana::getThana($model->thana)), array('name' => 'published', 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => $model->published ? "Yes" : "No"), array('name' => 'featured', 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => $model->featured ? "Yes" : "No"), array('name' => 'created_on', 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => date("F j, Y, g:i A", strtotime($model->created_on))), 'created_by')));
Exemplo n.º 8
 public function generate()
     $bata_buffer = "";
     $year = $this->input->post('year_from');
     $epiweek = $this->input->post('epiweek_to');
     $province = $this->input->post('province');
     $district = $this->input->post('district');
     $display_type = $this->input->post('display_type');
     $weekending = Surveillance::getWeekEnding($year, $epiweek);
     $provinces = array();
     $districts = array();
     //Check if a province has been specified
     if ($province > 0) {
         //if so, retrieve it's details from the database
         $provinces = Province::getProvince($province);
     } else {
         //if not, retrieve all provinces
         $provinces = Province::getAll();
     //Check if a district has been specified
     if ($district > 0) {
         //if so, retrieve it's details from the database
         $districts = District::getDistrict($district);
         //also, retrieve the province details for this district
         $provinces = Province::getProvince($districts[0]['Province']);
     } else {
         //if not, empty the array
         $districts = array();
     //Start displaying the header of the table
     $bata_buffer .= " <table class='data-table'>\n            <tr style='background: #F5D2AE;'>\n                <th rowspan=2>Province</th>\n                <th rowspan=2>District</th>\n                <th rowspan=2>Reports Expected</th>\n                <th rowspan=2>Reports Received</th>\n                <th rowspan=2>%RR</th>";
     $diseases["reports"] = "reports";
     $diseases["submitted"] = "submitted";
     $diseases["percentage"] = "percentage";
     $disease_array = Disease::getAll();
     foreach ($disease_array as $disease) {
         if ($disease['Name'] == 'Malaria') {
             $diseases[$disease['id']] = $disease['Name'];
             $diseases["tested"] = "tested";
             $diseases["positive"] = "positive";
             $bata_buffer .= "<th rowspan=2>" . $disease['Name'] . "</th>";
             $bata_buffer .= "<th  colspan=2 style='color:green;'>" . $disease['Name'] . " Indicators</th>";
         } else {
             $diseases[$disease['id']] = $disease['Name'];
             $bata_buffer .= "<th rowspan=2>" . $disease['Name'] . "</th>";
     //Finish Displaying the Header
     $bata_buffer .= " </tr>\n            <tr style='background: #F5D2AE'>\n                 <th >Tested</th><th >Positive</th>\n            </tr>\n\t\t";
     //Start retrieving all the rows for the data
     foreach ($provinces as $province_object) {
         $bata_buffer .= "<tr class='even'><td style='font-weight:bold; font-size:14px'>" . $province_object->Name . "</td></tr>";
         $province_districts = array();
         //check if a district was specified
         if (count($districts) > 0) {
             $province_districts = $districts;
         } else {
             //Get all the districts for this province
             $province_districts = district::getProvinceDistrict($province_object->id);
         //loop through all the districts to get their data
         foreach ($province_districts as $province_district) {
             $available_data = array();
             $surveillance_counter = 2;
             $bata_buffer .= "<tr class='even' style='background:#C4E8B7'><td></td><td>" . $province_district['Name'] . "</td>";
             $surveillance_data = Surveillance::getWeeklySummaries($year, $epiweek, $province_district['id']);
             //Check if any surveillance data exists
             if (isset($surveillance_data[0])) {
                 $available_data['reports'] = $surveillance_data[0]['Expected'];
                 $available_data['submitted'] = $surveillance_data[0]['Submitted'];
                 //Calculate the reporting
                 $available_data['percentage'] = floor($available_data['submitted'] / $available_data['reports'] * 100);
                 //Display these Parameters
                 $bata_buffer .= "<td>" . $available_data['reports'] . "</td><td>" . $available_data['submitted'] . "</td><td>" . $available_data['percentage'] . "</td>";
             } else {
                 $bata_buffer .= "<td>DNR</td><td>DNR</td><td>0</td>";
             //Check if there is any surveillance data
             if (isset($surveillance_data[0])) {
                 //Loop through all the surveillance data returned
                 foreach ($surveillance_data as $disease_data) {
                     $bata_buffer .= "<td>" . $disease_data['Cases'] . "(" . $disease_data['Deaths'] . ")</td>";
                     //Check if the disease is malaria and if so, get the lab data and display it
                     if ($disease_data['Disease'] == 1) {
                         //Get malaria data
                         $lab_weekly_data = Lab_Weekly::getWeeklyLabData($year, $epiweek, $province_district['id']);
                         //Check if any data exists
                         if (isset($lab_weekly_data)) {
                             $bata_buffer .= "<td>" . $lab_weekly_data['Tested'] . "</td><td>" . $lab_weekly_data['Positive'] . "</td>";
                         } else {
                             $bata_buffer .= "<td>DNR</td><td>DNR</td>";
             } else {
                 $total_diseases = count($disease_array);
                 $total_elements = $total_diseases + 1;
                 for ($x = 0; $x <= $total_elements; $x++) {
                     $bata_buffer .= "<td>DNR</td>";
             //Marks the end of data for one district
             $bata_buffer .= "</tr>";
         //End districts loop
     //End provinces loop
     //Finish the table
     $bata_buffer .= "</table>";
     //Start section that shows cumulative data
     $bata_buffer .= "<table class='data-table'>\n            <tr style='background: #F5D2AE;'>\n                <th rowspan='2' colspan='5'>Cumulative Summaries</th>";
     //Loop through all the diseases to display their names
     foreach ($disease_array as $disease) {
         if ($disease['Name'] == 'Malaria') {
             $diseases[$disease['id']] = $disease['Name'];
             $diseases["tested"] = "tested";
             $diseases["positive"] = "positive";
             $bata_buffer .= "<th rowspan=2>" . $disease['Name'] . "</th>";
             $bata_buffer .= "<th  colspan=2 style='color:green;'>" . $disease['Name'] . " Indicators</th>";
         } else {
             $diseases[$disease['id']] = $disease['Name'];
             $bata_buffer .= "<th rowspan=2>" . $disease['Name'] . "</th>";
     //end diseases loop
     $bata_buffer .= "</tr>\n            <tr style='background: #F5D2AE'>\n                <th >Tested</th><th >Positive</th>\n            </tr>";
     //Get the malaria lab data summaries
     $lab_weekly_summary = Lab_Weekly::getWeeklyLabSummaries($year, $epiweek);
     //Start Displaying this week summary
     $bata_buffer .= "<tr class='even'><td rowspan='2' colspan='5'>Week " . $epiweek . " Summary</td>";
     //Get the summary for the week. Disease cases vs. deaths
     $disease_deaths = array();
     foreach ($disease_array as $disease_object) {
         $disease_summaries = Surveillance::getWeeklyDiseaseSummaries($year, $epiweek, $disease_object['id']);
         $bata_buffer .= "<td>" . $disease_summaries['Cases'] . "</td>";
         $disease_deaths[$disease_object['id']] = $disease_summaries['Deaths'];
         //check if the disease is Malaria. If so, display lab data
         if ($disease_object['Name'] == "Malaria") {
             $bata_buffer .= "<td rowspan=2>" . $lab_weekly_summary['Tested'] . "</td>";
             $bata_buffer .= "<td rowspan=2>" . $lab_weekly_summary['Positive'] . "</td>";
     //Finish the cases row
     $bata_buffer .= "</tr>";
     //Start the deaths row
     $bata_buffer .= "<tr>";
     //Loop through one more time to display the total number of deaths
     foreach ($disease_array as $disease_object) {
         $bata_buffer .= "<td>(" . $disease_deaths[$disease_object['id']] . ")</td>";
     //finish the deaths row
     $bata_buffer .= "</tr>";
     //Get the annual summary
     //Get the malaria lab data summaries
     $lab_weekly_summary = Lab_Weekly::getAnnualLabSummaries($year);
     //Start Displaying this week summary
     $bata_buffer .= "<tr class='even' style='background:#BB00FF'><td rowspan='2' colspan='5'>Years Cummulative Summary</td>";
     //Get the summary for the week. Disease cases vs. deaths
     $disease_deaths = array();
     foreach ($disease_array as $disease_object) {
         $disease_summaries = Surveillance::getAnnualDiseaseSummaries($year, $disease_object['id']);
         $bata_buffer .= "<td>" . $disease_summaries['Cases'] . "</td>";
         $disease_deaths[$disease_object['id']] = $disease_summaries['Deaths'];
         //check if the disease is Malaria. If so, display lab data
         if ($disease_object['Name'] == "Malaria") {
             $bata_buffer .= "<td rowspan=2>" . $lab_weekly_summary['Tested'] . "</td>";
             $bata_buffer .= "<td rowspan=2>" . $lab_weekly_summary['Positive'] . "</td>";
     //Finish the cases row
     $bata_buffer .= "</tr>";
     //Start the deaths row
     $bata_buffer .= "<tr class='even' style='background:#BB00FF'>";
     //Loop through one more time to display the total number of deaths
     foreach ($disease_array as $disease_object) {
         $bata_buffer .= "<td>(" . $disease_deaths[$disease_object['id']] . ")</td>";
     //finish the deaths row
     $bata_buffer .= "</tr></table>";
     $this->generatePDF($year, $bata_buffer, $epiweek, $weekending, $display_type);