Exemplo n.º 1
    header('Content-Type: application/json');
    echo json_encode(ColorCoding::GetCodeList());
// Get list of media types
if (isset($_GET['mt'])) {
    header('Content-Type: application/json');
    echo json_encode(MediaTypes::GetMediaTypeList());
if (!$person->WriteAccess) {
    // No soup for you.
    header('Location: ' . redirect());
$template = new DeviceTemplate();
$manufacturer = new Manufacturer();
if (isset($_POST['deleteme'])) {
    $template->TemplateID = $_POST['TemplateID'];
    if ($template->GetTemplateByID()) {
        // First deal with the case that we are transferring
        if ($template->TemplateID != $_POST['transferid'] && $_POST['transferid'] == 0) {
            // We should do this in bulk,  this has potential to be a real time sink
            foreach (Device::GetDevicesByTemplate($template->TemplateID) as $dev) {
        // Transfers are done, delete this shit
Exemplo n.º 2
        $dt->{$prop} = $val;
    // This should be in the commit data but if we get a smartass saying it's in the URL
    $dt->Model = $model;
    if (!$person->WriteAccess) {
        $response['error'] = true;
        $response['errorcode'] = 403;
        $response['message'] = __("Unauthorized");
    } else {
        if (!$dt->CreateTemplate()) {
            $response['error'] = true;
            $response['errorcode'] = 404;
            $response['message'] = __("Device template creation failed");
        } else {
            // refresh the model in case we extended it elsewhere
            $d = new DeviceTemplate($dt->TemplateID);
            $response['error'] = false;
            $response['errorcode'] = 200;
            $response['devicetemplate'] = $d;
    echoResponse(200, $response);
//	URL:	/api/v1/devicetemplate/:templateid/dataport/:portnum
//	Method:	PUT
//	Params:
//		Required: templateid, portnum, portlabel
//		Optional: everything else
//	Returns: record as created
Exemplo n.º 3
function upgrade()
    global $version;
    global $config;
    global $results;
    global $dbh;
    global $errormsg;
    if ($version == "") {
        // something borked re-apply all database updates and pray for forgiveness
        $version = "1.2";
    if ($version == "1.2") {
        // Do 1.2 to 1.3 Update
        $results[] = applyupdate("db-1.2-to-1.3.sql");
        $version = "1.3";
    if ($version == "1.3") {
        // Do 1.3 to 1.4 Update
        // Clean the configuration table of any duplicate values that might have been added.
        $results[] = applyupdate("db-1.3-to-1.4.sql");
        $version = "1.4";
    if ($version == "1.4") {
        // Do 1.4 to 1.5 Update
        // A few of the database changes require some tests to ensure that they will be able to apply.
        // Both of these need to return 0 results before we continue or the database schema update will not complete.
        $conflicts = 0;
        $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
        $conflicts += $sth->rowCount() > 0 ? 1 : 0;
        $sql = "SELECT DeviceID, CONCAT(DeviceID,'-',DeviceConnNumber) AS KEY2, COUNT(DeviceID) AS Count FROM fac_PowerConnection GROUP BY KEY2 HAVING (COUNT(KEY2)>1) ORDER BY DeviceID ASC;";
        $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
        $conflicts += $sth->rowCount() > 0 ? 1 : 0;
        $sql = "SELECT SwitchDeviceID, CONCAT(SwitchDeviceID,'-',SwitchPortNumber) AS KEY1, COUNT(SwitchDeviceID) AS Count FROM fac_SwitchConnection GROUP BY KEY1 HAVING (COUNT(KEY1)>1) ORDER BY SwitchDeviceID ASC;";
        $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
        $conflicts += $sth->rowCount() > 0 ? 1 : 0;
        $sql = "SELECT SwitchDeviceID, SwitchPortNumber, EndpointDeviceID, EndpointPort, CONCAT(EndpointDeviceID,'-',EndpointPort) AS KEY2, COUNT(EndpointDeviceID) AS Count FROM fac_SwitchConnection GROUP BY KEY2 HAVING (COUNT(KEY2)>1) ORDER BY EndpointDeviceID ASC;";
        $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
        $conflicts += $sth->rowCount() > 0 ? 1 : 0;
        require_once "facilities.inc.php";
        if ($conflicts != 0) {
            header('Location: ' . redirect("conflicts.php"));
        $results[] = applyupdate("db-1.4-to-1.5.sql");
        $version = "1.5";
    if ($version == "1.5") {
        // Do the 1.5 to 2.0 Update
        // Get a list of all Manufacturers that are duplicated
        $sql = "SELECT ManufacturerID,Name FROM fac_Manufacturer GROUP BY Name HAVING COUNT(*)>1;";
        foreach ($dbh->query($sql) as $row) {
            // Set all devices with that Manufacturer to the ID of just one
            $sql = "UPDATE fac_DeviceTemplate SET ManufacturerID={$row["ManufacturerID"]} WHERE ManufacturerID IN (SELECT ManufacturerID FROM fac_Manufacturer WHERE Name=\"{$row["Name"]}\");";
            // Delete all the duplicates other than the one you set everything to
            $sql = "DELETE FROM fac_Manufacturer WHERE Name=\"{$row["Name"]}\" and ManufacturerID!={$row["ManufacturerID"]};";
        // Repeat for Templates
        $sql = "SELECT TemplateID,ManufacturerID,Model FROM fac_DeviceTemplate GROUP BY ManufacturerID,Model HAVING COUNT(*)>1;";
        foreach ($dbh->query($sql) as $row) {
            $sql = "UPDATE fac_Device SET TemplateID={$row["TemplateID"]} WHERE TemplateID IN (SELECT TemplateID FROM fac_DeviceTemplate WHERE ManufacturerID={$row["ManufacturerID"]} AND Model=\"{$row["Model"]}\");";
            $sql = "DELETE FROM fac_DeviceTemplate WHERE ManufacturerID={$row["ManufacturerID"]} AND TemplateID!={$row["TemplateID"]};";
        // And finally, Departments
        $sql = "SELECT DeptID, Name FROM fac_Department GROUP BY Name HAVING COUNT(*)>1;";
        foreach ($dbh->query($sql) as $row) {
            $sql = "UPDATE fac_Device SET Owner={$row["DeptID"]} WHERE Owner IN (SELECT DeptID FROM fac_Department WHERE Name=\"{$row["Name"]}\");";
            // Yes, I know, this may create duplicates
            $sql = "UPDATE fac_DeptContacts SET DeptID={$row["DeptID"]} WHERE DeptID IN (SELECT DeptID FROM fac_Department WHERE Name=\"{$row["Name"]}\");";
            $sql = "DELETE FROM fac_Department WHERE Name=\"{$row["Name"]}\" AND DeptID!={$row["DeptID"]};";
        // So delete the potential duplicate contact links created in the last step
        $sql = "SELECT DeptID,ContactID FROM fac_DeptContacts GROUP BY DeptID,ContactID HAVING COUNT(*)>1;";
        foreach ($dbh->query($sql) as $row) {
            $sql = "DELETE FROM fac_DeptContacts WHERE DeptID={$row["DeptID"]} AND ContactID={$row["ContactID"]};";
            $sql = "INSERT INTO fac_DeptContacts VALUES ({$row["DeptID"]},{$row["ContactID"]});";
         /  Clean up multiple key issues.
         /	1. Identify Multiple Keys
         /	2. Remove them
         /	3. Recreate keys based on structure in create.sql
        $array = array();
        $sql = "SHOW INDEXES FROM fac_PowerConnection;";
        foreach ($dbh->query($sql) as $row) {
            $array[$row["Key_name"]] = 1;
        foreach ($array as $key => $garbage) {
            $sql = "ALTER TABLE fac_PowerConnection DROP INDEX {$key};";
        $sql = "ALTER TABLE fac_PowerConnection ADD UNIQUE KEY PDUID (PDUID,PDUPosition);";
        $sql = "ALTER TABLE fac_PowerConnection ADD UNIQUE KEY DeviceID (DeviceID,DeviceConnNumber);";
        // Just removing keys from fac_CabinetAudit
        $array = array();
        $sql = "SHOW INDEXES FROM fac_CabinetAudit;";
        foreach ($dbh->query($sql) as $row) {
            $array[$row["Key_name"]] = 1;
        foreach ($array as $key => $garbage) {
            $sql = "ALTER TABLE fac_CabinetAudit DROP INDEX {$key};";
        $array = array();
        $sql = "SHOW INDEXES FROM fac_Department;";
        foreach ($dbh->query($sql) as $row) {
            $array[$row["Key_name"]] = 1;
        foreach ($array as $key => $garbage) {
            $sql = "ALTER TABLE fac_Department DROP INDEX {$key};";
        $sql = "ALTER TABLE fac_Department ADD PRIMARY KEY (DeptID);";
        $sql = "ALTER TABLE fac_Department ADD UNIQUE KEY Name (Name);";
        $results[] = applyupdate("db-1.5-to-2.0.sql");
        $version = "2.0";
    if ($version == "2.0") {
        $sql = "select InputAmperage from fac_PowerDistribution limit 1";
        // See if the field exists - some people have manually added the missing one already, so we can't add what's already there
        if (!$dbh->query($sql)) {
            //		if(mysql_errno($facDB)==1054){
            $sql = "ALTER TABLE fac_PowerDistribution ADD COLUMN InputAmperage INT(11) NOT NULL AFTER PanelPole";
        $sql = 'UPDATE fac_Config SET Value="2.0.1" WHERE Parameter="Version"';
        $version = "2.0.1";
    if ($version == "2.0.1") {
        // Get a list of all Manufacturers that are duplicated
        $sql = "SELECT ManufacturerID,Name FROM fac_Manufacturer GROUP BY Name HAVING COUNT(*)>1;";
        foreach ($dbh->query($sql) as $row) {
            // Set all devices with that Manufacturer to the ID of just one
            $sql = "UPDATE fac_DeviceTemplate SET ManufacturerID={$row["ManufacturerID"]} WHERE ManufacturerID IN (SELECT ManufacturerID FROM fac_Manufacturer WHERE Name=\"{$row["Name"]}\");";
            // Delete all the duplicates other than the one you set everything to
            $sql = "DELETE FROM fac_Manufacturer WHERE Name=\"{$row["Name"]}\" and ManufacturerID!={$row["ManufacturerID"]};";
        // Repeat for Templates
        $sql = "SELECT TemplateID,ManufacturerID,Model FROM fac_DeviceTemplate GROUP BY ManufacturerID,Model HAVING COUNT(*)>1;";
        foreach ($dbh->query($sql) as $row) {
            $sql = "UPDATE fac_Device SET TemplateID={$row["TemplateID"]} WHERE TemplateID IN (SELECT TemplateID FROM fac_DeviceTemplate WHERE ManufacturerID={$row["ManufacturerID"]} AND Model=\"{$row["Model"]}\");";
            $sql = "DELETE FROM fac_DeviceTemplate WHERE ManufacturerID={$row["ManufacturerID"]} AND TemplateID!={$row["TemplateID"]};";
        // Clean up multiple indexes in fac_Department
        $array = array();
        $sql = "SHOW INDEXES FROM fac_Department;";
        foreach ($dbh->query($sql) as $row) {
            $array[$row["Key_name"]] = 1;
        foreach ($array as $key => $garbage) {
            $sql = "ALTER TABLE fac_Department DROP INDEX {$key};";
        $sql = "ALTER TABLE fac_Department ADD PRIMARY KEY (DeptID);";
        $sql = "ALTER TABLE fac_Department ADD UNIQUE KEY Name (Name);";
        // Clean up multiple indexes in fac_DeviceTemplate
        $array = array();
        $sql = "SHOW INDEXES FROM fac_DeviceTemplate;";
        foreach ($dbh->query($sql) as $row) {
            $array[$row["Key_name"]] = 1;
        foreach ($array as $key => $garbage) {
            $sql = "ALTER TABLE fac_Department DROP INDEX {$key};";
        $sql = "ALTER TABLE fac_DeviceTemplate ADD PRIMARY KEY (TemplateID);";
        $sql = "ALTER TABLE fac_DeviceTemplate ADD UNIQUE KEY ManufacturerID (ManufacturerID,Model);";
        // Apply SQL Updates
        $results[] = applyupdate("db-2.0-to-2.1.sql");
        // Add new field for the ConnectionID
        $dbh->query('ALTER TABLE fac_SwitchConnection ADD ConnectionID INT NULL DEFAULT NULL;');
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM fac_SwitchConnection;";
        foreach ($dbh->query($sql) as $row) {
            $insert = "INSERT INTO fac_DevicePorts VALUES (NULL , '{$row['EndpointDeviceID']}', '{$row['EndpointPort']}', NULL , '{$row['Notes']}');";
            $update = "UPDATE fac_SwitchConnection SET ConnectionID='" . $dbh->lastInsertId() . "' WHERE EndpointDeviceID='{$row['EndpointDeviceID']}' AND EndpointPort='{$row['EndpointPort']}';";
        // Clear eany old primary key information
        $dbh->query('ALTER TABLE fac_SwitchConnection DROP PRIMARY KEY;');
        // Ensure new ConnectionID is unique
        $dbh->query('ALTER TABLE fac_SwitchConnection ADD UNIQUE(ConnectionID);');
        // Rebuild the config table just in case.  I dunno gremlins.
        $version = "2.1";
    if ($version == "2.1") {
        // First apply the schema updates needed.
        $results[] = applyupdate("db-2.1-to-3.0.sql");
        print "Update blade devices for new front/rear tracking method<br>\n";
        $sql = "UPDATE fac_Device SET BackSide=1, ChassisSlots=0 WHERE ChassisSlots=1 AND ParentDevice>0;";
        // Port conversion
        $numports = $dbh->query('SELECT SUM(Ports) + (SELECT SUM(Ports) FROM fac_Device WHERE DeviceType="Patch Panel") as TotalPorts, COUNT(DeviceID) as Devices FROM fac_Device')->fetch();
        print "Creating {$numports['TotalPorts']} ports for {$numports['Devices']} devices. <b>THIS MAY TAKE A WHILE</b><br>\n";
        // Retrieve a list of all devices and make ports for them.
        $sql = 'SELECT DeviceID,Ports,DeviceType from fac_Device WHERE 
			DeviceType!="Physical Infrastructure" AND Ports>0;';
        $errors = array();
        $ports = array();
        foreach ($dbh->query($sql) as $row) {
            for ($x = 1; $x <= $row['Ports']; $x++) {
                // Create a port for every device
                $ports[$row['DeviceID']][$x]['Label'] = $x;
                if ($row['DeviceType'] == 'Patch Panel') {
                    // Patch panels needs rear ports as well
                    $ports[$row['DeviceID']][-$x]['Label'] = "Rear {$x}";
        $findswitch = $dbh->prepare('SELECT * FROM fac_SwitchConnection WHERE EndpointDeviceID=:deviceid ORDER BY EndpointPort ASC;');
        foreach ($ports as $deviceid => $port) {
            $findswitch->execute(array(':deviceid' => $deviceid));
            $defined = $findswitch->fetchAll();
            foreach ($defined as $row) {
                // Weed out any port numbers that have been defined outside the range of
                // valid ports for the device
                if (isset($ports[$deviceid][$row['EndpointPort']])) {
                    // Device Ports
                    $ports[$deviceid][$row['EndpointPort']]['Notes'] = $row['Notes'];
                    $ports[$deviceid][$row['EndpointPort']]['Connected Device'] = $row['SwitchDeviceID'];
                    $ports[$deviceid][$row['EndpointPort']]['Connected Port'] = $row['SwitchPortNumber'];
                    // Switch Ports
                    $ports[$row['SwitchDeviceID']][$row['SwitchPortNumber']]['Notes'] = $row['Notes'];
                    $ports[$row['SwitchDeviceID']][$row['SwitchPortNumber']]['Connected Device'] = $row['EndpointDeviceID'];
                    $ports[$row['SwitchDeviceID']][$row['SwitchPortNumber']]['Connected Port'] = $row['EndpointPort'];
                } else {
                    // Either display this as a log item later or possibly backfill empty
                    // ports with this data
                    $errors[$deviceid][$row['EndpointPort']]['Notes'] = $row['Notes'];
                    $errors[$deviceid][$row['EndpointPort']]['Connected Device'] = $row['SwitchDeviceID'];
                    $errors[$deviceid][$row['EndpointPort']]['Connected Port'] = $row['SwitchPortNumber'];
        $findpatch = $dbh->prepare('SELECT * FROM fac_PatchConnection WHERE FrontEndpointDeviceID=:deviceid ORDER BY FrontEndpointPort ASC;');
        foreach ($ports as $deviceid => $port) {
            $findpatch->execute(array(':deviceid' => $deviceid));
            $defined = $findpatch->fetchAll();
            foreach ($defined as $row) {
                // Weed out any port numbers that have been defined outside the range of
                // valid ports for the device
                if (isset($ports[$deviceid][$row['FrontEndpointPort']])) {
                    // Connect the device to the panel
                    $ports[$deviceid][$row['FrontEndpointPort']]['Notes'] = $row['FrontNotes'];
                    $ports[$deviceid][$row['FrontEndpointPort']]['Connected Device'] = $row['PanelDeviceID'];
                    $ports[$deviceid][$row['FrontEndpointPort']]['Connected Port'] = $row['PanelPortNumber'];
                    // Connect the panel to the device
                    $ports[$row['PanelDeviceID']][$row['PanelPortNumber']]['Connected Device'] = $row['FrontEndpointDeviceID'];
                    $ports[$row['PanelDeviceID']][$row['PanelPortNumber']]['Connected Port'] = $row['FrontEndpointPort'];
                    $ports[$row['PanelDeviceID']][$row['PanelPortNumber']]['Notes'] = $row['FrontNotes'];
                } else {
                    // Either display this as a log item later or possibly backfill empty
                    // ports with this data
                    $errors[$deviceid][$row['FrontEndpointPort']]['Notes'] = $row['FrontNotes'];
                    $errors[$deviceid][$row['FrontEndpointPort']]['Connected Device'] = $row['PanelDeviceID'];
                    $errors[$deviceid][$row['FrontEndpointPort']]['Connected Port'] = $row['PanelPortNumber'];
        foreach ($dbh->query('SELECT * FROM fac_PatchConnection;') as $row) {
            // Read all the patch connections again to get the rear connection info
            $ports[$row['RearEndpointDeviceID']][-$row['RearEndpointPort']]['Connected Device'] = $row['PanelDeviceID'];
            $ports[$row['RearEndpointDeviceID']][-$row['RearEndpointPort']]['Connected Port'] = -$row['PanelPortNumber'];
            $ports[$row['RearEndpointDeviceID']][-$row['RearEndpointPort']]['Notes'] = $row['RearNotes'];
            $ports[$row['PanelDeviceID']][-$row['PanelPortNumber']]['Connected Device'] = $row['RearEndpointDeviceID'];
            $ports[$row['PanelDeviceID']][-$row['PanelPortNumber']]['Connected Port'] = -$row['RearEndpointPort'];
            $ports[$row['PanelDeviceID']][-$row['PanelPortNumber']]['Notes'] = $row['RearNotes'];
        // Backfill the extra data
        foreach ($errors as $deviceid => $row) {
            $numPorts = count($ports[$deviceid]) + 1;
            foreach ($row as $portnum => $port) {
                for ($n = 1; $n < $numPorts; $n++) {
                    if (!isset($ports[$deviceid][$n]['Notes'])) {
                        $ports[$deviceid][$n] = $port;
                        // connect up the other side as well
                        $ports[$port['Connected Device']][$port['Connected Port']]['Connected Device'] = $deviceid;
                        $ports[$port['Connected Device']][$port['Connected Port']]['Connected Port'] = $n;
                        $ports[$port['Connected Device']][$port['Connected Port']]['Notes'] = $port['Notes'];
                        // Remove it from the backfill data
        $incdataports = $dbh->prepare('UPDATE fac_Device SET Ports=:n WHERE DeviceID=:deviceid;');
        // Anything left in $errors now is an extra port that exists outside the number of designated deviceports.
        foreach ($errors as $deviceid => $row) {
            foreach ($row as $portnum => $port) {
                $n = count($ports[$deviceid]) + 1;
                $ports[$deviceid][] = $port;
                // connect up the other side as well, $n will give us the new port number
                // since it is outside the defined range for the device
                $ports[$port['Connected Device']][$port['Connected Port']]['Connected Device'] = $deviceid;
                $ports[$port['Connected Device']][$port['Connected Port']]['Connected Port'] = $n;
                $ports[$port['Connected Device']][$port['Connected Port']]['Notes'] = $port['Notes'];
                // Update the number of ports on this device to match the corrected value
                $incdataports->execute(array(":n" => $n, ":deviceid" => $deviceid));
                // Remove it from the backfill data
        $n = 1;
        $insertsql = '';
        $insertlimit = 100;
        $insertprogress = 100 / ($numports['TotalPorts'] / $insertlimit);
        $insertprogress = intval($insertprogress) > 0 ? intval($insertprogress) : 1;
        // if this is gonna do more than 100 inserts we might have issues
        echo "<br>\nConversion process: <br>\n<table style=\"border: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%;\"><tr>";
        // All the ports should be in the array now, use the prepared statement to load them all
        foreach ($ports as $deviceid => $row) {
            foreach ($row as $portnum => $port) {
                $null = null;
                $blank = "";
                $cdevice = isset($port['Connected Device']) ? $port['Connected Device'] : 'NULL';
                $cport = isset($port['Connected Port']) ? $port['Connected Port'] : 'NULL';
                $notes = isset($port['Notes']) ? $port['Notes'] : '';
                $insertsql .= "({$deviceid},{$portnum},\"\",0,0,\"\",{$cdevice},{$cport},\"{$notes}\")";
                if ($n % $insertlimit != 0) {
                    $insertsql .= " ,";
                } else {
                    $dbh->exec('INSERT INTO fac_Ports VALUES' . $insertsql);
                    $insertsql = '';
                    print "<td width=\"{$insertprogress}%\" style=\"background-color: green\">&nbsp;</td>";
                    // attempt to update the progress as this goes on.
        //do one last insert
        $insertsql = substr($insertsql, 0, -1);
        // shave off that last comma
        $dbh->exec('INSERT INTO fac_Ports VALUES' . $insertsql);
        echo "</tr></table>";
        print "<br>\nPort conversion complete.<br>\n";
        // Rebuild the config table just in case.
        $version = "3.0";
    if ($version == "3.0") {
        // First apply the schema updates needed.
        $results[] = applyupdate("db-3.0-to-3.1.sql");
        // Rebuild the config table just in case.
        $version = "3.1";
    if ($version == "3.1") {
        // First apply the schema updates needed.
        $results[] = applyupdate("db-3.1-to-3.2.sql");
        // Rebuild the config table just in case.
        $version = "3.2";
    if ($version == "3.2") {
        // First apply the schema updates needed.
        $results[] = applyupdate("db-3.2-to-3.3.sql");
        // Rebuild the config table just in case.
        $version = "3.3";
    if ($version == "3.3") {
        // First apply the schema updates needed.
        $results[] = applyupdate("db-3.3-to-4.0.sql");
        // Rebuild the config table just in case.
        // We added in some new config items and one of them is referenced in misc.
        // Reload the config;
        // We have several things to convert this time around.
        // Bring up the rest of the classes
        require_once "facilities.inc.php";
        // People conversion
        $p = new People();
        $c = new Contact();
        $u = new User();
        $plist = $p->GetUserList();
        // Check if we have an empty fac_People table then merge if that's the case
        if (sizeof($plist) == 0) {
            $clist = $c->GetContactList();
            foreach ($clist as $tmpc) {
                foreach ($tmpc as $prop => $val) {
                    $p->{$prop} = $val;
                // we're keeping the Contact ID so assign it to the PersonID
                $p->PersonID = $tmpc->ContactID;
                $u->UserID = $p->UserID;
                foreach ($u as $prop => $val) {
                    $p->{$prop} = $val;
                // This shouldn't be necessary but...
                $sql = "INSERT INTO fac_People SET PersonID={$p->PersonID}, UserID=\"{$p->UserID}\", \n\t\t\t\t\tAdminOwnDevices={$p->AdminOwnDevices}, ReadAccess={$p->ReadAccess}, \n\t\t\t\t\tWriteAccess={$p->WriteAccess}, DeleteAccess={$p->DeleteAccess}, \n\t\t\t\t\tContactAdmin={$p->ContactAdmin}, RackRequest={$p->RackRequest}, \n\t\t\t\t\tRackAdmin={$p->RackAdmin}, SiteAdmin={$p->SiteAdmin}, Disabled={$p->Disabled}, \n\t\t\t\t\tLastName=\"{$p->LastName}\", FirstName=\"{$p->FirstName}\", \n\t\t\t\t\tPhone1=\"{$p->Phone1}\", Phone2=\"{$p->Phone2}\", Phone3=\"{$p->Phone3}\", \n\t\t\t\t\tEmail=\"{$p->Email}\";";
            $ulist = $u->GetUserList();
            foreach ($ulist as $tmpu) {
                /* This time around we have to see if the User is already in the fac_People table */
                $p->UserID = $tmpu->UserID;
                if (!$p->GetPersonByUserID()) {
                    foreach ($tmpu as $prop => $val) {
                        $p->{$prop} = $val;
                    // Names have changed formats between the user table and the people table
                    $p->LastName = $tmpu->Name;
        // END - People conversion
        // CDU template conversion, to be done prior to device conversion
          I made a poor asumption on the initial build of this that we'd always have fewer
          CDU templates than device templates.  We're seeing an overlap conversion that is 
          screwing the pooch.  This will find the highest template id from the two sets then
          we'll jump the line on the device_template id's and get them lined up.
        $sql = "SELECT TemplateID FROM fac_CDUTemplate UNION SELECT TemplateID FROM \n\t\t\tfac_DeviceTemplate ORDER BY TemplateID DESC LIMIT 1;";
        $baseid = $dbh->query($sql)->fetchColumn();
        class PowerTemplate extends DeviceTemplate
            function CreateTemplate($templateid = null)
                global $dbh;
                $sqlinsert = is_null($templateid) ? '' : " TemplateID={$templateid},";
                $sql = "INSERT INTO fac_DeviceTemplate SET ManufacturerID={$this->ManufacturerID}, \n\t\t\t\t\tModel=\"{$this->Model}\", Height={$this->Height}, Weight={$this->Weight}, \n\t\t\t\t\tWattage={$this->Wattage}, DeviceType=\"{$this->DeviceType}\", \n\t\t\t\t\tSNMPVersion=\"{$this->SNMPVersion}\", PSCount={$this->PSCount}, \n\t\t\t\t\tNumPorts={$this->NumPorts}, Notes=\"{$this->Notes}\", \n\t\t\t\t\tFrontPictureFile=\"{$this->FrontPictureFile}\", \n\t\t\t\t\tRearPictureFile=\"{$this->RearPictureFile}\",{$sqlinsert}\n\t\t\t\t\tChassisSlots={$this->ChassisSlots}, RearChassisSlots={$this->RearChassisSlots};";
                if (!$dbh->exec($sql)) {
                    error_log("SQL Error: " . $sql);
                    return false;
                } else {
                    $this->TemplateID = $dbh->lastInsertId();
                    class_exists('LogActions') ? LogActions::LogThis($this) : '';
                    return true;
            static function Convert($row)
                $ct = new stdClass();
                $ct->TemplateID = $row["TemplateID"];
                $ct->ManufacturerID = $row["ManufacturerID"];
                $ct->Model = $row["Model"];
                $ct->PSCount = $row["NumOutlets"];
                $ct->SNMPVersion = $row["SNMPVersion"];
                return $ct;
        $converted = array();
        //index old id, value new id
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM fac_CDUTemplate;";
        foreach ($dbh->query($sql) as $cdutemplate) {
            $ct = PowerTemplate::Convert($cdutemplate);
            $dt = new PowerTemplate();
            $dt->TemplateID = ++$baseid;
            $dt->ManufacturerID = $ct->ManufacturerID;
            $dt->Model = "CDU {$ct->Model}";
            $dt->PSCount = $ct->PSCount;
            $dt->DeviceType = "CDU";
            $dt->SNMPVersion = $ct->SNMPVersion;
            $converted[$ct->TemplateID] = $dt->TemplateID;
        // Update all the records with their new templateid
        foreach ($converted as $oldid => $newid) {
            $dbh->query("UPDATE fac_CDUTemplate SET TemplateID={$newid} WHERE TemplateID={$oldid};");
            $dbh->query("UPDATE fac_PowerDistribution SET TemplateID={$newid} WHERE TemplateID={$oldid}");
        // END - CDU template conversion
        // Store a list of existing CDU ids and their converted DeviceID
        $ConvertedCDUs = array();
        // Store a list of the cdu template ids and the number of power connections they support
        $CDUTemplates = array();
        // List of ports we are going to create for every device in the system
        $PowerPorts = array();
        // These should only apply to me but the possibility exists
        $PreNamedPorts = array();
        class PowerDevice extends Device
            	to be efficient we don't want to create ports right now so we're extending 
            	the class to override the create function
            function CreateDevice()
                global $dbh;
                $this->Label = transform($this->Label);
                $this->SerialNo = transform($this->SerialNo);
                $this->AssetTag = transform($this->AssetTag);
                $sql = "INSERT INTO fac_Device SET Label=\"{$this->Label}\", SerialNo=\"{$this->SerialNo}\", AssetTag=\"{$this->AssetTag}\", \n\t\t\t\t\tPrimaryIP=\"{$this->PrimaryIP}\", SNMPCommunity=\"{$this->SNMPCommunity}\", ESX={$this->ESX}, Owner={$this->Owner}, \n\t\t\t\t\tEscalationTimeID={$this->EscalationTimeID}, EscalationID={$this->EscalationID}, PrimaryContact={$this->PrimaryContact}, \n\t\t\t\t\tCabinet={$this->Cabinet}, Position={$this->Position}, Height={$this->Height}, Ports={$this->Ports}, \n\t\t\t\t\tFirstPortNum={$this->FirstPortNum}, TemplateID={$this->TemplateID}, NominalWatts={$this->NominalWatts}, \n\t\t\t\t\tPowerSupplyCount={$this->PowerSupplyCount}, DeviceType=\"{$this->DeviceType}\", ChassisSlots={$this->ChassisSlots}, \n\t\t\t\t\tRearChassisSlots={$this->RearChassisSlots},ParentDevice={$this->ParentDevice}, \n\t\t\t\t\tMfgDate=\"" . date("Y-m-d", strtotime($this->MfgDate)) . "\", \n\t\t\t\t\tInstallDate=\"" . date("Y-m-d", strtotime($this->InstallDate)) . "\", WarrantyCo=\"{$this->WarrantyCo}\", \n\t\t\t\t\tWarrantyExpire=\"" . date("Y-m-d", strtotime($this->WarrantyExpire)) . "\", Notes=\"{$this->Notes}\", \n\t\t\t\t\tReservation={$this->Reservation}, HalfDepth={$this->HalfDepth}, BackSide={$this->BackSide};";
                if (!$dbh->exec($sql)) {
                    $info = $dbh->errorInfo();
                    error_log("PDO Error: {$info[2]} SQL={$sql}");
                    return false;
                $this->DeviceID = $dbh->lastInsertId();
                class_exists('LogActions') ? LogActions::LogThis($this) : '';
                return $this->DeviceID;
        // Create new devices from existing CDUs
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM fac_PowerDistribution;";
        foreach ($dbh->query($sql) as $row) {
            $dev = new PowerDevice();
            $dev->Label = $row['Label'];
            $dev->Cabinet = $row['CabinetID'];
            $dev->TemplateID = $row['TemplateID'];
            $dev->PrimaryIP = $row['IPAddress'];
            $dev->SNMPCommunity = $row['SNMPCommunity'];
            $dev->Position = 0;
            $dev->Height = 0;
            $dev->Ports = 1;
            if (!isset($CDUTemplates[$dev->TemplateID])) {
                $CDUTemplates[$dev->TemplateID] = $dbh->query("SELECT NumOutlets FROM fac_CDUTemplate WHERE TemplateID={$dev->TemplateID} LIMIT 1;")->fetchColumn();
            $dev->PowerSupplyCount = $CDUTemplates[$dev->TemplateID];
            $dev->DeviceType = 'CDU';
            $ConvertedCDUs[$row['PDUID']] = $dev->CreateDevice();
        // Create a list of all ports that we need to create, no need to look at children or any device with no defined power supplies
        $sql = "SELECT DeviceID, PowerSupplyCount FROM fac_Device WHERE ParentDevice=0 AND PowerSupplyCount>0;";
        foreach ($dbh->query($sql) as $row) {
            for ($x = 1; $x <= $row['PowerSupplyCount']; $x++) {
                $PowerPorts[$row['DeviceID']][$x]['label'] = $x;
        function workdamnit($numeric = true, &$PreNamedPorts, &$PowerPorts, &$ConvertedCDUs)
            // a PDUID of 0 is considered an error, data fragment, etc.  F**k em, not dealing with em.
            global $dbh;
            $sql = "SELECT * FROM fac_PowerConnection;";
            foreach ($dbh->query($sql) as $row) {
                // something is going stupid so assign everythign to variables
                $pduid = intval($row['PDUID']);
                $pdupos = $row['PDUPosition'];
                $devid = intval($row['DeviceID']);
                $devcon = $row['DeviceConnNumber'];
                $newpduid = $ConvertedCDUs[$pduid];
                $port = '';
                if (is_numeric($pdupos) && $numeric && $pduid > 0) {
                    $port = $pdupos;
                } elseif (!is_numeric($pdupos) && !$numeric && $pduid > 0) {
                    $newPDUID = $newpduid;
                    if (!isset($PreNamedPorts[$newPDUID][$pdupos])) {
                        // Move the array pointer to the end of the ports array
                        $max = key($PowerPorts[$newPDUID]);
                        // Create a new port for the named port, this will likely extend past the valid amount of ports on the device.
                        $PowerPorts[$newPDUID][$max]['label'] = $pdupos;
                        // Store a pointer between the name and new port index
                        $PreNamedPorts[$newPDUID][$pdupos] = $max;
                    $port = $PreNamedPorts[$newPDUID][$pdupos];
                if (is_numeric($pdupos) && $numeric || !is_numeric($pdupos) && !$numeric && $pduid > 0) {
                    // Create primary connections
                    $PowerPorts[$devid][$devcon]['ConnectedDeviceID'] = $newpduid;
                    $PowerPorts[$devid][$devcon]['ConnectedPort'] = $port;
                    // Create reverse of primary
                    $PowerPorts[$newpduid][$port]['ConnectedDeviceID'] = $devid;
                    $PowerPorts[$newpduid][$port]['ConnectedPort'] = $devcon;
        // We need to get a list of all existing power connections
        workdamnit(true, $PreNamedPorts, $PowerPorts, $ConvertedCDUs);
        // First time through setting up all numeric ports
        workdamnit(false, $PreNamedPorts, $PowerPorts, $ConvertedCDUs);
        // Run through again but this time only deal with named ports and append them to the end of the numeric
        * Debug Info
        		print "Converted CDUs:\n<br>";
        		print "Port list:\n<br>";
        		print "SQL entries:\n<br>";
        $n = 1;
        $insertsql = '';
        $insertlimit = 100;
        foreach ($PowerPorts as $DeviceID => $PowerPort) {
            foreach ($PowerPort as $PortNum => $PortDetails) {
                $label = isset($PortDetails['label']) ? $PortDetails['label'] : $PortNum;
                $cdevice = isset($PortDetails['ConnectedDeviceID']) ? $PortDetails['ConnectedDeviceID'] : 'NULL';
                $cport = isset($PortDetails['ConnectedPort']) ? $PortDetails['ConnectedPort'] : 'NULL';
                $insertsql .= "({$DeviceID},{$PortNum},\"{$label}\",{$cdevice},{$cport},\"\")";
                if ($n % $insertlimit != 0) {
                    $insertsql .= " ,";
                } else {
                    $dbh->exec('INSERT INTO fac_PowerPorts VALUES' . $insertsql);
                    // Debug for sql
                    //					print "$insertsql\n\n<br><br>";
                    //					print_r($dbh->errorInfo());
                    $insertsql = '';
        //do one last insert
        $insertsql = substr($insertsql, 0, -1);
        // shave off that last comma
        $dbh->exec('INSERT INTO fac_PowerPorts VALUES' . $insertsql);
        // Debug for sql
        //					print "$insertsql\n\n<br><br>";
        //					print_r($dbh->errorInfo());
        // Update all the records with their new deviceid
        foreach ($ConvertedCDUs as $oldid => $newid) {
            $dbh->query("UPDATE fac_PowerDistribution SET PDUID = '{$newid}' WHERE PDUID={$oldid};");
        // Since we moved SNMPVersion out of the subtemplates and into the main one, we need one last cleanup
        $st = $dbh->prepare("select * from fac_DeviceTemplate where DeviceType='CDU'");
        $up = $dbh->prepare("update fac_Device set SNMPVersion=:SNMPVersion where TemplateID=:TemplateID");
        while ($row = $st->fetch()) {
            $up->execute(array(":SNMPVersion" => $row["SNMPVersion"], ":TemplateID" => $row["TemplateID"]));
        // END - CDU template conversion, to be done prior to device conversion
        // Sensor template conversion
        // Step one - convert individual SensorTemplates into just Templates
        $s = $dbh->prepare("select * from fac_SensorTemplate");
        while ($row = $s->fetch()) {
            // Create fresh instances
            $st = new SensorTemplate();
            $dt = new DeviceTemplate();
            $dt->ManufacturerID = $row["ManufacturerID"];
            $dt->Model = $row["Model"];
            $dt->Height = 0;
            $dt->Weight = 0;
            $dt->Wattage = 0;
            $dt->DeviceType = "Sensor";
            $dt->PSCount = 0;
            $dt->NumPorts = 0;
            $dt->Notes = "Converted from version 3.3 format.";
            $dt->FrontPictureFile = '';
            $dt->RearPictureFile = '';
            $dt->ChassisSlots = 0;
            $dt->RearChassisSlots = 0;
            // The DeviceTemplate::CreateTemplate() method created a new SensorTemplate already
            if ($dt->TemplateID < 1) {
                error_log("DeviceTemplate creation failed.");
            } else {
                $st->TemplateID = $dt->TemplateID;
                $st->SNMPVersion = $row["SNMPVersion"];
                $st->TemperatureOID = $row["TemperatureOID"];
                $st->HumidityOID = $row["HumidityOID"];
                $st->TempMultiplier = $row["TempMultiplier"];
                $st->HumidityMultiplier = $row["HumidityMultiplier"];
                $st->mUnits = $row["mUnits"];
                // Even though this is just temporary, update all existing references to the new TemplateID
                $sql = "update fac_Cabinet set SensorTemplateID=:NewID where SensorTemplateID=:OldID";
                $q = $dbh->prepare($sql);
                $q->execute(array(":NewID" => $dt->TemplateID, ":OldID" => $row["TemplateID"]));
                // Delete the original template entry in the fac_SensorTemplate table
                $st->TemplateID = $row["TemplateID"];
        $ds = $dbh->prepare("alter table fac_SensorTemplate drop column SNMPVersion");
        // Step two - pull sensors from the Cabinets and create as new devices
        $s = $dbh->prepare("select * from fac_Cabinet where SensorIPAddress!=''");
        while ($row = $s->fetch()) {
            $dev = new Device();
            $dev->Label = $row["Location"] . " - Sensor";
            $dev->SNMPCommunity = $row["SensorCommunity"];
            $dev->PrimaryIP = $row["SensorIPAddress"];
            $dev->TemplateID = $row["SensorTemplateID"];
            $dev->DeviceType = "Sensor";
            $dev->Cabinet = $row["CabinetID"];
        // END - Sensor template conversion
        // Power panel conversion
        $ss = $dbh->prepare("select * from fac_PowerSource");
        $ps = $dbh->prepare("insert into fac_PowerPanel set PanelLabel=:PanelLabel");
        $us = $dbh->prepare("update fac_PowerPanel set ParentPanelID=:PanelID where PowerSourceID=:SourceID");
        while ($row = $ss->fetch()) {
            $ps->execute(array(":PanelLabel" => $row["SourceName"]));
            $us->execute(array(":PanelID" => $dbh->LastInsertId(), ":SourceID" => $row["PowerSourceID"]));
        // END - Power panel conversion
        // Get rid of the original PowerSource table since it is no longer in use
        $drop = $dbh->prepare("drop table fac_PowerSource");
        $drop = $dbh->prepare("alter table fac_PowerPanel drop column PowerSourceID");
        // Make sure all child devices have updated cabinet information
        $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT ParentDevice AS DeviceID FROM fac_Device WHERE \n\t\t\tParentDevice>0 ORDER BY ParentDevice ASC;";
        foreach ($dbh->query($sql) as $row) {
            $d = new Device();
            $d->DeviceID = $row['DeviceID'];
        $version = "4.0";
    if ($version == "4.0") {
        // First apply the schema updates needed.
        $results[] = applyupdate("db-4.0-to-4.0.1.sql");
        // Rebuild the config table just in case.
Exemplo n.º 4

require_once "../db.inc.php";
require_once "../facilities.inc.php";
$tmpl = new DeviceTemplate();
$deviceList = array();
$searchTerm = "";
if (isset($_REQUEST["q"])) {
    $searchTerm = $_REQUEST["q"];
//This will ensure that an empty json record set is returned if this is called directly or in some strange manner
if ($searchTerm != "") {
    $tmpl->TemplateID = $searchTerm;
header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo json_encode($tmpl);
Exemplo n.º 5
 function GetDevicePicture($rear = false, $targetWidth = 220, $nolinks = false)
     // Just in case
     $targetWidth = $targetWidth == 0 ? 220 : $targetWidth;
     $rear = $rear == true || $rear == false ? $rear : true;
     $nolinks = $nolinks == true || $nolinks == false ? $nolinks : false;
     $templ = new DeviceTemplate();
     $templ->TemplateID = $this->TemplateID;
     $resp = "";
     if ($templ->FrontPictureFile != "" && !$rear || $templ->RearPictureFile != "" && $rear) {
         $picturefile = "pictures/";
         $path = "";
         if (preg_match('/api\\//', str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', getcwd()))) {
             $path = "../../";
         $picturefile .= $rear ? $templ->RearPictureFile : $templ->FrontPictureFile;
         if (!file_exists($path . $picturefile)) {
             $picturefile = "pictures/P_ERROR.png";
         // Get the true size of the template image
         list($pictW, $pictH) = getimagesize($path . $picturefile);
         // adjusted height = targetWidth * height:width ratio for 1u * height of device in U
         $targetHeight = $targetWidth * 1.75 / 19 * $this->Height;
         // We need integers for the height and width because browsers act funny with decimals
         $targetHeight = intval($targetHeight);
         $targetWidth = intval($targetWidth);
         // URLEncode the image file name just to be compliant.
         $picturefile = str_replace(' ', "%20", $picturefile);
         // If they have rights to the device then make the picture clickable
         $clickable = $this->Rights != "None" ? "\t\t<a href=\"devices.php?DeviceID={$this->DeviceID}\">\n\t" : "";
         $clickableend = $this->Rights != "None" ? "\n\t\t</a>\n" : "";
         // Add in flags for missing ownership
         // Device pictures are set on the template so always assume template has been set
         $flags = $this->Owner == 0 ? '(O)' : '';
         $flags = $flags != '' ? '<span class="hlight">' . $flags . '</span>' : '';
         // This is for times when you want to use the image on a report but don't want links
         $nolinks = $nolinks ? ' disabled' : '';
         $resp .= "\n\t<div class=\"picture{$nolinks}\" style=\"width: " . $targetWidth . "px; height: " . $targetHeight . "px;\">\n";
         $resp .= "{$clickable}\t\t<img data-deviceid={$this->DeviceID} src=\"{$picturefile}\" alt=\"{$this->Label}\">{$clickableend}\n";
          * Labels on chassis devices were getting silly with smaller devices.  For aesthetic 
          * reasons we are going to hide the label for the chassis devices that are less than 3U
          * in height and have slots defined.  If it is just a chassis with nothing defined then 
          * go ahead and show the chassis label.
         if ($this->Height < 3 && $this->DeviceType == 'Chassis' && ($rear && $this->RearChassisSlots > 0 || !$rear && $this->ChassisSlots > 0) || ($templ->Model == 'HTRAY' || $templ->Model == 'VTRAY')) {
         } else {
             $resp .= "\t\t<div class=\"label\"><div>{$flags}{$this->Label}" . ((!$this->BackSide && $rear || $this->BackSide && !$rear) && !$this->HalfDepth ? " (" . __("Rear") . ")" : "");
             $resp .= "</div></div>\n";
         $parent = new stdClass();
         $parent->zoomX = $targetWidth / $pictW;
         $parent->zoomY = $targetHeight / $pictH;
         $parent->targetWidth = $targetWidth;
         $parent->targetHeight = $targetHeight;
         $parent->Height = $pictH;
         $parent->Width = $pictW;
         $parent->parentDev = $this;
         $parent->parentTempl = $templ;
         $childList = $this->GetDeviceChildren();
         // Edge case where someone put more devices in a tray than they specified it slots
         if ($templ->Model == 'HTRAY' || $templ->Model == 'VTRAY' || $this->ChassisSlots < count($childList)) {
             $this->ChassisSlots = count($childList);
         if (count($childList) > 0) {
             if ($this->ChassisSlots > 0 && !$rear || $this->RearChassisSlots > 0 && $rear || ($templ->Model == 'HTRAY' || $templ->Model == 'VTRAY')) {
                 //children in front face
                 foreach ($childList as $tmpDev) {
                     if ($templ->Model == 'HTRAY' || $templ->Model == 'VTRAY' || (!$tmpDev->BackSide && !$rear || $tmpDev->BackSide && $rear)) {
                         $resp .= $tmpDev->GetChildDevicePicture($parent, $rear);
         $resp .= "\t</div>\n";
     } else {
         // We don't have an image on file for this device so return a generic lump of crap
         $resp = "\t<div class=\"genericdevice\" data-deviceid={$this->DeviceID} style=\"width: " . ($targetWidth - 4) . "px;\">\n";
         // Add in flags for missing ownership
         $flags = $this->Owner == 0 ? '(O)' : '';
         $flags .= $this->TemplateID == 0 ? '(T)' : '';
         $flags = $flags != '' ? '<span class="hlight">' . $flags . '</span>' : '';
         // If they have rights to the device then make the picture clickable
         $clickable = $this->Rights != "None" ? "\t\t<a href=\"devices.php?DeviceID={$this->DeviceID}\">\n\t" : "";
         $clickableend = $this->Rights != "None" ? "\n\t\t</a>\n" : "";
         $resp .= "\t\t{$clickable}{$flags}{$this->Label}{$clickableend}\n";
         $resp .= "\t</div>\n";
     return $resp;
Exemplo n.º 6
     $tooltip .= __($row["Label"]) . ": {$esc->Details}<br>\n";
 case "EscalationTimeID":
     $escTime = new EscalationTimes();
     $escTime->EscalationTimeID = $dev->{$row}["Field"];
     $tooltip .= __($row["Label"]) . ": {$escTime->TimePeriod}<br>\n";
 case "Owner":
     $dept = new Department();
     $dept->DeptID = $dev->Owner;
     $tooltip .= __($row["Label"]) . ": {$dept->Name}<br>\n";
 case "TemplateID":
     $tmpl = new DeviceTemplate();
     $tmpl->TemplateID = $dev->TemplateID;
     $man = new Manufacturer();
     $man->ManufacturerID = $tmpl->ManufacturerID;
     $tooltip .= __($row["Label"]) . ": [{$man->Name}] {$tmpl->Model}<br>\n";
 case "ChassisSlots":
     if ($dev->DeviceType == 'Chassis') {
         $tooltip .= __($row["Label"]) . " " . $dev->{$row}["Field"] . "<br>\n";
 case "Model":
     $template = new CDUTemplate();
     $manufacturer = new Manufacturer();
Exemplo n.º 7
function updateCustomValues($device)
    $template = new DeviceTemplate();
    $template->TemplateID = $device->TemplateID;
    $dcaList = DeviceCustomAttribute::GetDeviceCustomAttributeList();
    $tdcaList = $template->CustomValues;
    $defaultvalues = array();
    if (isset($dcaList)) {
        foreach ($dcaList as $dca) {
            if ($dca->AllDevices == 1) {
                $defaultvalues[$dca->AttributeID]["value"] = $dca->DefaultValue;
                $defaultvalues[$dca->AttributeID]["required"] = $dca->Required;
    if (isset($tdcaList)) {
        foreach ($tdcaList as $AttributeID => $tdca) {
            $defaultvalues[$AttributeID]["value"] = $tdca["value"];
            $defaultvalues[$AttributeID]["required"] = $tdca["required"];
    if (isset($_POST["customvalue"])) {
        foreach ($_POST["customvalue"] as $AttributeID => $value) {
            if (trim($value) != trim($defaultvalues[$AttributeID]["value"])) {
                $device->InsertCustomValue($AttributeID, $value);
Exemplo n.º 8
print "<h2>" . __("Work Order Contents") . "</h2>\n<div class=\"table\">\n\t<div><div>" . __("Cabinet") . "</div><div>" . __("Position") . "</div><div>" . __("Label") . "</div><div>" . __("Image") . "</div></div>\n";
foreach ($devList as $dev) {
    // including the $cab and $devTempl in here so it gets reset each time and there
    // is no chance for phantom data
    $cab = new Cabinet();
    if ($dev->ParentDevice > 0) {
        $pdev = new Device();
        $pdev->DeviceID = $dev->GetRootDeviceID();
        $cab->CabinetID = $pdev->Cabinet;
    } else {
        $cab->CabinetID = $dev->Cabinet;
    $devTmpl = new DeviceTemplate();
    $devTmpl->TemplateID = $dev->TemplateID;
    $position = $dev->Height == 1 ? $dev->Position : $dev->Position . "-" . ($dev->Position + $dev->Height - 1);
    print "<div><div>{$cab->Location}</div><div>{$position}</div><div>{$dev->Label}</div><div>" . $dev->GetDevicePicture('', '', 'nolinks') . "</div></div>\n";
print '</div>
<a href="export_port_connections.php?deviceid=wo"><button type="button">' . __("Export Connections") . '</button></a>';

<button type="button" id="clear"><?php 
print __("Clear");
</div><!-- END div.main -->
Exemplo n.º 9
    if ($req->Owner == $deptRow->DeptID) {
        $selected = ' selected';
    } else {
        $selected = '';
    print "\t\t\t\t<option value=\"{$deptRow->DeptID}\"{$selected}>{$deptRow->Name}</option>\n";
echo '			</select>
		<div><label for="deviceclass">', __("Device Class"), '</label></div>
			<select name="deviceclass" id="deviceclass">
				<option value=0>', __("Select a template"), '...</option>';
$templ = new DeviceTemplate();
$templateList = $templ->GetTemplateList();
$mfg = new Manufacturer();
foreach ($templateList as $tempRow) {
    if ($req->DeviceClass == $tempRow->TemplateID) {
        $selected = ' selected';
    } else {
        $selected = '';
    $mfg->ManufacturerID = $tempRow->ManufacturerID;
    print "\t\t\t\t<option value=\"{$tempRow->TemplateID}\"{$selected}>{$mfg->Name} - {$tempRow->Model}</option>\n";
echo '			</select>
Exemplo n.º 10

require_once 'db.inc.php';
require_once 'facilities.inc.php';
$subheader = __("Data Center View/Export");
$datacenter = new DataCenter();
$dcList = $datacenter->GetDCList();
$templ = new DeviceTemplate();
$dept = new Department();
$dev = new Device();
$body = "";
if (isset($_REQUEST['datacenterid'])) {
    $dc = isset($_POST['datacenterid']) ? $_POST['datacenterid'] : $_GET['datacenterid'];
    if ($dc != '') {
        $dc = intval($dc);
        $dclimit = $dc == 0 ? '' : " and c.DataCenterID={$dc} ";
        $sql = "SELECT a.Name AS DataCenter, b.DeviceID, c.Location, b.Position, \n\t\t\t\tb.Height, b.Label, b.DeviceType, b.AssetTag, b.SerialNo, b.InstallDate, \n\t\t\t\tb.TemplateID, b.Owner, c.CabinetID, c.DataCenterID FROM fac_DataCenter a, \n\t\t\t\tfac_Device b, fac_Cabinet c WHERE b.Cabinet=c.CabinetID AND \n\t\t\t\tc.DataCenterID=a.DataCenterID {$dclimit} ORDER BY DataCenter ASC, Location ASC, \n\t\t\t\tPosition ASC;";
        $result = $dbh->query($sql);
    } else {
        $result = array();
    // Left these expanded in case we need to add or remove columns.  Otherwise I would have just collapsed entirely.
    $body = "<table id=\"export\" class=\"display\">\n\t<thead>\n\t\t<tr>\n\n\t\t\t\t<th>" . __("Data Center") . "</th>\n\t\t\t\t<th>" . __("Location") . "</th>\n\t\t\t\t<th>" . __("Position") . "</th>\n\t\t\t\t<th>" . __("Height") . "</th>\n\t\t\t\t<th>" . __("Name") . "</th>\n\t\t\t\t<th>" . __("Serial Number") . "</th>\n\t\t\t\t<th>" . __("Asset Tag") . "</th>\n\t\t\t\t<th>" . __("Device Type") . "</th>\n\t\t\t\t<th>" . __("Template") . "</th>\n\t\t\t\t<th>" . __("Tags") . "</th>\n\t\t\t\t<th>" . __("Owner") . "</th>\n\t\t\t\t<th>" . __("Installation Date") . "</th>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t</thead>\n\t<tbody>\n";
    // suppressing errors for when there is a fake data set in place
    foreach ($result as $row) {
        // insert date formating later for regionalization settings
        $date = date("d M Y", strtotime($row["InstallDate"]));
        $Model = "";
        $Department = "";
        if ($row["TemplateID"] > 0) {
            $templ->TemplateID = $row["TemplateID"];
Exemplo n.º 11
 * Compute the full inventory on devices in the data centers and return the data
 *   center summary statistics
 * @param PHPExcel_Worksheet $worksheet
 * @param array $DProps properties defined for the Excel document
 * @return (array|array|array|boolean)[]
 *      statistics array, device inventory, cabinet inventory
function computeSheetBodyDCInventory($DProps)
    global $person;
    global $sessID;
    $dc = new DataCenter();
    $cab = new Cabinet();
    $device = new Device();
    $invData = array();
    $invCab = array();
    $sheetColumns = $DProps['DC Inventory']['Columns'];
    $cabinetColumns = $DProps['Rack Inventory']['Columns'];
    $devTemplates = DeviceTemplate::getTemplateListIndexedbyID();
    $deptList = Department::GetDepartmentListIndexedbyID();
    $contactList = $person->GetUserList('indexed');
    $limitedUser = false;
    $dcList = $dc->GetDCList();
    $Stats = array();
    // A little code to update the counter
    $percentDone = 0;
    $sectionMaxPercent = 40;
    $incrementalPercent = 1 / sizeof($dcList) * $sectionMaxPercent;
    foreach ($dcList as $dc) {
        $dcContainerList = $dc->getContainerList();
        $dcStats = array();
        $cab->DataCenterID = $dc->DataCenterID;
        $dcStats['Fl_Spc'] = $dc->SquareFootage;
        $dcStats['DesignPower'] = $dc->MaxkW;
        $dcStats['Watts'] = 0;
        $dcStats['Rk_Num'] = 0;
        $dcStats['Rk_UtT'] = 0;
        $dcStats['Rk_UtU'] = 0;
        $dcStats['Rk_UtE'] = 0;
        $dcStats['Rk_Res'] = 0;
        $cabList = $cab->ListCabinetsByDC();
        if (count($cabList) == 0) {
            // empty data center room
            $devSpec = makeEmptySpec($sheetColumns, $dcContainerList);
            $devSpec['DC Name'] = $dc->Name;
            $invData[] = $devSpec;
        } else {
            foreach ($cabList as $cab) {
                if (!$person->ReadAccess and $cab->AssignedTo == 0 or $cab->AssignedTo > 0 and !$person->canRead($cab->AssignedTo)) {
                    // User is not allowed to see anything in here
                    $limitedUser = true;
                $zoneName = getZoneName($cab);
                $rowName = getRowName($cab);
                addRackStat($invCab, $cab, $cabinetColumns, $dc, $dcContainerList);
                $cab_height = $cab->CabinetHeight;
                if (mb_strtoupper($cab->Model) == 'RESERVED') {
                } else {
                $dcStats['Rk_UtT'] += $cab_height;
                $device->Cabinet = $cab->CabinetID;
                $device_list = $device->ViewDevicesByCabinet();
                // empty cabinet
                if (count($device_list) == 0 && $cab->CabinetHeight > 0) {
                    $dcStats['Rk_UtE'] += $cab_height;
                    $devSpec = makeEmptySpec($sheetColumns, $dcContainerList);
                    $devSpec['Zone'] = $zoneName;
                    $devSpec['Row'] = $rowName;
                    $devSpec['DC Name'] = $dc->Name;
                    $devSpec['Cabinet'] = $cab->Location;
                    $devSpec['Position'] = 1;
                    $devSpec['Height'] = $cab->CabinetHeight;
                    $devSpec['Device'] = '__EMPTY';
                    $invData[] = $devSpec;
                } else {
                    usort($device_list, 'cmpDevPos');
                    $low_idx = 1;
                    foreach ($device_list as $dev) {
                        if ($low_idx < $dev->Position) {
                            // range of empty slots
                            if ($dev->Position <= $cab_height) {
                                $height = $dev->Position - $low_idx;
                            } else {
                                $height = $cab_height - $low_idx + 1;
                            if ($height > 0) {
                                $dcStats['Rk_UtE'] += $height;
                                $devSpec = makeEmptySpec($sheetColumns, $dcContainerList);
                                ${$devSpec}['Zone'] = $zoneName;
                                $devSpec['Row'] = $rowName;
                                $devSpec['DC Name'] = $dc->Name;
                                $devSpec['Cabinet'] = $cab->Location;
                                $devSpec['Position'] = $low_idx;
                                $devSpec['Height'] = $height;
                                $devSpec['Device'] = '__EMPTY';
                                $invData[] = $devSpec;
                            $low_idx = $dev->Position;
                        // device in cabinet
                        $reserved = $dev->Reservation ? 'reserved' : null;
                        list($manufacturer, $model) = getDeviceTemplateName($devTemplates, $dev);
                        $devSpec = makeEmptySpec($sheetColumns, $dcContainerList);
                        $devSpec['DevID'] = $dev->DeviceID;
                        $devSpec['Zone'] = $zoneName;
                        $devSpec['Row'] = $rowName;
                        $devSpec['DC Name'] = $dc->Name;
                        $devSpec['Cabinet'] = $cab->Location;
                        $devSpec['Position'] = $dev->Position;
                        $devSpec['Half Depth'] = getDeviceDepthPos($dev);
                        $devSpec['Height'] = $dev->Height;
                        $devSpec['Device'] = $dev->Label;
                        $devSpec['Parent Device'] = null;
                        $devSpec['Manufacturer'] = $manufacturer;
                        $devSpec['Model'] = $model;
                        $devSpec['Device Type'] = $dev->DeviceType;
                        $devSpec['Asset Number'] = $dev->AssetTag;
                        $devSpec['Serial No.'] = $dev->SerialNo;
                        $devSpec['Install Date'] = $dev->InstallDate;
                        $devSpec['Warranty End'] = $dev->WarrantyExpire;
                        $devSpec['Owner'] = getOwnerName($dev, $deptList);
                        $devSpec['Power (W)'] = $dev->NominalWatts;
                        $devSpec['Reservation'] = $reserved;
                        $devSpec['Contact'] = getContactName($contactList, $dev->PrimaryContact);
                        $devSpec['Tags'] = getTagsString($dev);
                        $devSpec['Notes'] = html_entity_decode(strip_tags($dev->Notes), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
                        $invData[] = $devSpec;
                        $dcStats['Watts'] += $dev->NominalWatts;
                        // devices can be installed at the same position and
                        // could be of different height; count only the free
                        // rack units which are not covered by any device
                        if ($low_idx == $dev->Position) {
                            $low_idx += $dev->Height;
                            $dcStats['Rk_UtU'] += $dev->Height;
                        } else {
                            $rest_height = $dev->Position + $dev->Height - $low_idx;
                            $rest_height = $rest_height > 0 ? $rest_height : 0;
                            $low_idx += $rest_height;
                            $dcStats['Rk_UtU'] += $rest_height;
                        if ($dev->DeviceType == 'Chassis') {
                            list($watts, $invData) = computeDeviceChildren($sheetColumns, $invData, $dev, $dc->Name, $cab, $devTemplates, $deptList, $contactList, $dcContainerList);
                            $dcStats['Watts'] += $watts;
                    if ($low_idx <= $cab->CabinetHeight) {
                        // empty range at the top of the cabinet, $low_idx is
                        // the potentially free location
                        $height = $cab->CabinetHeight - $low_idx + 1;
                        $dcStats['Rk_UtE'] += $height;
                        $devSpec = makeEmptySpec($sheetColumns, $dcContainerList);
                        $devSpec['Zone'] = $zoneName;
                        $devSpec['Row'] = $rowName;
                        $devSpec['DC Name'] = $dc->Name;
                        $devSpec['Cabinet'] = $cab->Location;
                        $devSpec['Position'] = $low_idx;
                        $devSpec['Height'] = $height;
                        $devSpec['Device'] = '__EMPTY';
                        $invData[] = $devSpec;
        assignStatsVal($Stats, $dc, $dcStats);
        $percentDone += $incrementalPercent;
        JobQueue::updatePercentage($sessID, $percentDone);
    return array($Stats, $invData, $invCab, $limitedUser);
Exemplo n.º 12
require_once "facilities.inc.php";
$subheader = __("Data Center Manufacturer Listing");
if (!$person->SiteAdmin) {
    // No soup for you.
    header('Location: ' . redirect());
$mfg = new Manufacturer();
// AJAX Start
if (isset($_GET['getManufacturers'])) {
    header('Content-Type: application/json');
    echo json_encode($mfg->GetManufacturerList());
if (isset($_GET['getTemplateCount']) && isset($_GET['ManufacturerID'])) {
    $temp = new DeviceTemplate();
    $temp->ManufacturerID = $_GET['ManufacturerID'];
    header('Content-Type: application/json');
    echo json_encode($temp->GetTemplateListByManufacturer());
if (isset($_POST['setManufacturer'])) {
    $mfg->ManufacturerID = $_POST['ManufacturerID'];
    $mfg->GlobalID = $_POST['GlobalID'];
    $mfg->Name = $_POST['Name'];
    $mfg->SubscribeToUpdates = isset($_POST['SubscribeToUpdates']) ? 1 : 0;
    if ($mfg->ManufacturerID == "") {
    } else {
Exemplo n.º 13
 function DeleteManufacturer($TransferTo = null)
     $tmpl = new DeviceTemplate();
     $tmpl->ManufacturerID = $this->ManufacturerID;
     $templates = $tmpl->GetTemplateListByManufacturer();
     // If a TransferTo isn't supplied then just delete the templates that depend on this key
     foreach ($templates as $DeviceTemplate) {
         // A manufacturerid of 0 is impossible so if we get that via something f**k 'em delete
         if (!is_null($TransferTo) && intval($TransferTo) > 0) {
             $DeviceTemplate->ManufacturerID = $TransferTo;
         } else {
             // This option is not being provided but us at this time, maybe through the API
     $sql = "DELETE FROM fac_Manufacturer WHERE ManufacturerID={$this->ManufacturerID};";
     class_exists('LogActions') ? LogActions::LogThis($this) : '';
     return $this->query($sql);
Exemplo n.º 14

require_once "db.inc.php";
require_once "facilities.inc.php";
global $dbh;
$picturedir = getcwd() . "/pictures/";
$t = new DeviceTemplate();
$m = new Manufacturer();
$ct = new CDUTemplate();
$sen = new SensorTemplate();
$tList = $t->GetTemplateShareList();
$c = curl_init('https://repository.opendcim.org/api/template');
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 30);
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)");
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, "/tmp/repocookies.txt");
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, "/tmp/repocookies.txt");
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "PUT");
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("UserID: " . $config->ParameterArray["APIUserID"], "APIKey: " . $config->ParameterArray["APIKey"], "Content-Type: application/json"));
foreach ($tList as $temp) {
    if ($temp->ManufacturerID != $m->ManufacturerID) {
        $m->ManufacturerID = $temp->ManufacturerID;
    $temp->ManufacturerID = $m->GlobalID;
    $tp = new TemplatePorts();
    $tp->TemplateID = $temp->TemplateID;
    $tpList = $tp->getPorts();
    // Convert the base template object to an associative array for easier manipulation
    $postData["template"] = json_decode(json_encode($temp), true);
Exemplo n.º 15
$app->get('/colorcode/:colorid/timesused', function ($colorid) {
    $response['error'] = false;
    $response['errorcode'] = 200;
    $response['colorcode'] = ColorCoding::TimesUsed($colorid);
    echoResponse($response['errorcode'], $response);
//	URL:	/api/v1/devicetemplate/image
//	Method:	GET
//	Params: none
//	Returns: Array of filenames available
$app->get('/devicetemplate/image', function () {
    $response['error'] = false;
    $response['errorcode'] = 200;
    $response['image'] = DeviceTemplate::getAvailableImages();
    echoResponse($response['errorcode'], $response);
 *		API POST Methods go here
 *		POST Methods are for updating existing records
//	URL:	/api/v1/people
//	Method: POST
//	Params: userid (required)
//			lastname, firstname, phone1, phone2, phone3, email, adminowndevices,
//			readaccess, writeaccess, deleteaccess, contactadmin, rackrequest,