Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: CV.php Projeto: rATRIJS/cv

// initialize myself
$me = new Developer([Developer::NAME => "Rolands Atvars", Developer::DATE_OF_BIRTH => new DateTime("1989-07-20T20:00:00+02:00"), Developer::TELEPHONE => "00447756776595", Developer::EMAIL => "*****@*****.**"]);
// learn something
$me->add_education(new University([University::NAME => "University of Latvia", University::START_DATE => new DateTime("2007-09-01T09:00:00+02:00"), University::END_DATE => new DateTime("2009-05-15T15:00:00+02:00"), University::DEGREE => new Degree([Degree::TYPE => Degree::FIRST_LEVEL_HIGHER_PROFESSIONAL_EDUCATION, Degree::FIELD => Degree::IT_AND_COMPUTING])]))->add_education(new School([School::NAME => "Riga Secondary School No. 84", School::START_DATE => new DateTime("1996-09-01T09:00:00+02:00"), School::END_DATE => new DateTime("2009-05-10T13:00:00+02:00"), School::DEGREE => [new Degree([Degree::TYPE => Degree::ELEMENTARY_EDUCATION]), new Degree([Degree::TYPE => Degree::SECONDARY_EDUCATION])]]));
// do some work
$mna_job = new Job([Job::COMPANY => "Midlands News Association", Job::START_DATE => new DateTime("2010-01-11T09:00:00+00:00"), Job::ROLE => Job::LEAD_DEVELOPER, Job::LOCATION => new Location([Location::COUNTRY => Location::UNITED_KINGDOM, Location::CITY => Location::WOLVERHAMPTON])]);
$mna_job->add_responsibilities(["Maintain and improve company owned newspaper websites including Express & Star - the largest regional newspaper in UK.", "Listen to editorial team and simplify their job by developing features that improve their workflow.", "Train editorial teams by showing how to use these new features.", "Support advertisement team to provide them with tools necessary to deliver maximum revenues.", "Improve internal development workflow to improve development speed and lessen bugs."]);
$mna_job->add_achievements(["Built and launched responsive design platform that is used to drive multiple websites including expressandstar.com and shropshirestar.com.", "Optimised platform to support more than million unique visitors a month."]);
$mna_job->add_technologies_used(["PHP", "MySQL", "Apache", "Linux (RHEL, CentOS, Ubuntu)", "Memcached", "Varnish", "Vagrant", "GIT", "Subversion", "PHPUnit", "Xdebug", "Bash", "ZSH", "Cloud Hosting", "WordPress", "SASS", "CoffeeScript"]);