<?php require_once 'Autoloader.php'; // create a new controller for product deletions $controller = new DeleteController(); // let the controller handle the request $controller->handleRequest(); // render the page and print it echo $controller->displayPage();
echo OutlineController::handleLanguageChange($_POST["lang"]); } else { if (isset($_POST["logout"])) { echo FooterController::logout(); } else { if (isset($_POST["productId"]) && isset($_POST["command"])) { $id = intval($_POST["productId"]); $cmd = $_POST["command"]; $data = isset($_POST["data"]) ? $_POST["data"] : null; switch ($cmd) { case CartModel::CMD_ADD: CartController::addById($id, $data); break; case CartModel::CMD_REMOVE: CartController::removeById($id); break; default: Logger::error("unknown command '" . $cmd . "' for cart received!"); } } else { if (isset($_POST["emailExists"])) { echo RegisterController::checkEmail($_POST["emailExists"]); } else { if (isset($_POST["deleteProduct"])) { DeleteController::delete(intval($_POST["deleteProduct"])); } } } } } }