Exemplo n.º 1
    public function saveleaverequestdetailsAction()
        $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
        if ($auth->hasIdentity()) {
            $loginUserId = $auth->getStorage()->read()->id;
        $constantday = '';
        $days = '';
        $errorflag = 'true';
        $msgarray = array();
        $leavetypecount = '';
        $leavedayArr = array(1, 2);
        $availableleaves = '';
        $rep_mang_id = '';
        $employeeemail = '';
        $reportingManageremail = '';
        $week_startday = '';
        $week_endday = '';
        $ishalf_day = '';
        $userfullname = '';
        $reportingmanagerName = '';
        $businessunitid = '';
        $dateofjoining = '';
        $hremailgroup = '';
        $employeeDepartmentId = '';
        $reportingmanagerId = '';
        $leavetypeArr = array();
        $leaverequestform = new Default_Form_leaverequest();
        $leaverequestmodel = new Default_Model_Leaverequest();
        $employeeleavetypesmodel = new Default_Model_Employeeleavetypes();
        $leavemanagementmodel = new Default_Model_Leavemanagement();
        $usersmodel = new Default_Model_Users();
        $employeesmodel = new Default_Model_Employees();
        $weekdaysmodel = new Default_Model_Weekdays();
        if ($loginUserId != '' && $loginUserId != NULL) {
            $loggedinEmpId = $usersmodel->getUserDetailsByID($loginUserId);
            $loggedInEmployeeDetails = $employeesmodel->getLoggedInEmployeeDetails($loginUserId);
            if (!empty($loggedInEmployeeDetails)) {
                $reportingmanagerId = $loggedInEmployeeDetails[0]['reporting_manager'];
                $employeeDepartmentId = $loggedInEmployeeDetails[0]['department_id'];
                $employeeEmploymentStatusId = $loggedInEmployeeDetails[0]['emp_status_id'];
                $businessunitid = $loggedInEmployeeDetails[0]['businessunit_id'];
                $dateofjoining = $loggedInEmployeeDetails[0]['date_of_joining'];
                if ($reportingmanagerId != '' && $reportingmanagerId != NULL) {
                    $reportingManagerDetails = $usersmodel->getUserDetailsByID($reportingmanagerId);
                if ($employeeDepartmentId != '' && $employeeDepartmentId != NULL) {
                    $weekendDatailsArr = $leavemanagementmodel->getWeekendDetails($employeeDepartmentId);
                $employeeemail = $loggedinEmpId[0]['emailaddress'];
                $userfullname = $loggedinEmpId[0]['userfullname'];
                if (!empty($reportingManagerDetails)) {
                    $reportingManageremail = $reportingManagerDetails[0]['emailaddress'];
                    $reportingmanagerName = $reportingManagerDetails[0]['userfullname'];
                    $rep_mang_id = $reportingManagerDetails[0]['id'];
                    $rMngr = 'Yes';
                } else {
                    $msgarray['rep_mang_id'] = 'Reporting manager is not assigned yet. Please contact your HR.';
                    $errorflag = 'false';
                if (!empty($weekendDatailsArr)) {
                    $week_startday = $weekendDatailsArr[0]['weekendstartday'];
                    $week_endday = $weekendDatailsArr[0]['weekendday'];
                    $ishalf_day = $weekendDatailsArr[0]['is_halfday'];
                    $isskip_holidays = $weekendDatailsArr[0]['is_skipholidays'];
                } else {
                    $msgarray['from_date'] = 'Leave management options are not configured yet.';
                    $msgarray['to_date'] = 'Leave management options are not configured yet.';
                    $errorflag = 'false';
            } else {
                $errorflag = 'false';
                $msgarray['rep_mang_id'] = 'Reporting manager is not assigned yet. Please contact your HR.';
                $msgarray['from_date'] = 'Leave management options are not configured yet.';
                $msgarray['to_date'] = 'Leave management options are not configured yet.';
        /*START- Validating if employee has been allotted leaves
        		  Validating if employee has not been assigned any leaves
        $getavailbaleleaves = $leaverequestmodel->getAvailableLeaves($loginUserId);
        if (!empty($getavailbaleleaves)) {
            $availableleaves = $getavailbaleleaves[0]['remainingleaves'];
        } else {
            $errorflag = 'false';
            $msgarray['no_of_days'] = 'You have not been allotted leaves for this financial year. Please contact your HR';
          END- Validating if employee has been allotted leaves
        $id = $this->_request->getParam('id');
        $reason = $this->_request->getParam('reason');
        // reason
        $leavetypeparam = $this->_request->getParam('leavetypeid');
        if (isset($leavetypeparam) && $leavetypeparam != '') {
            $leavetypeArr = explode("!@#", $this->_request->getParam('leavetypeid'));
            $leavetypeid = $leavetypeArr[0];
            $leavetypeArr = $employeeleavetypesmodel->getLeavetypeDataByID($leavetypeid);
           START- Leave Type Validation
           Server side validation for leavetype count based on user selection.
           This is to validate or negate if user manipulates the data in the browser or firebug.
        if (!empty($leavetypeArr)) {
            $leavetypecount = $leavetypeArr[0]['numberofdays'];
            $leavetypetext = $leavetypeArr[0]['leavetype'];
        } else {
            if (isset($leavetypeparam) && $leavetypeparam != '') {
                $msgarray['leavetypeid'] = 'Wrong inputs given.';
                $errorflag = 'false';
            } else {
                if ($leavetypeparam == '') {
                    $msgarray['leavetypeid'] = 'Please select leave type.';
                    $errorflag = 'false';
                } else {
                    $msgarray['leavetypeid'] = 'Leave types are not configured yet.';
                    $errorflag = 'false';
           END- Leave Type Validation
        $leaveday = $this->_request->getParam('leaveday');
           START- Leave Day Validation
           Server side validation for halfday and full day based on user selection.
           This is to validate or negate if user manipulates the data in the browser or firebug.
        if (!in_array($leaveday, $leavedayArr)) {
            $msgarray['leaveday'] = 'Wrong inputs given.';
            $errorflag = 'false';
           END- Leave Day Validation
        $from_date = $this->_request->getParam('from_date');
        $from_date = sapp_Global::change_date($from_date, 'database');
        $to_date = $this->_request->getParam('to_date');
        $to_date = sapp_Global::change_date($to_date, 'database');
        $appliedleavesdaycount = $this->_request->getParam('appliedleavesdaycount');
        // no of leaves applied
           START- Day calculation and validations.
           I. Calculation of days based on start date and end data.
           II. Also checking whether Applied no of days is less than leavetype configuration. 
           III. Also If leaveday is selected as full day then making todata as manadatory and 
                if leave day is selected as half day then no mandatory validation for todate.
        if ($from_date != '' && $to_date != '' && $leavetypecount != '') {
            $days = $this->calculatebusinessdays($from_date, $to_date);
            if (is_numeric($days) && $leavetypecount >= $days) {
            } else {
                if (!is_numeric($days)) {
                    $msgarray['to_date'] = 'To date should be greater than from date.';
                    $errorflag = 'false';
                } else {
                    $msgarray['to_date'] = $leavetypetext . " permits maximum of " . $leavetypecount . " leaves.";
                    $errorflag = 'false';
        } else {
            if ($leaveday == 1) {
                if ($to_date == '' && !empty($weekendDatailsArr)) {
                    $msgarray['to_date'] = "Please select date.";
                    $errorflag = 'false';
        		    END- Day calculation and validations.
        		    START- Validating Half day requests based on Leave management options
        		    Validation for half day leaves. 
        		    If halfday leave is configure in leave management options then only half day leave can be applied. 
        if ($ishalf_day == 2) {
            if ($leaveday == 2) {
                $errorflag = 'false';
                $msgarray['leaveday'] = 'Half day leave cannot be applied.';
            END- Validating Half day requests based on Leave management options
           START- Validating if leave request has been previoulsy applied
           I.Validating from and to dates to check whether previously 
           any leave has been raised with the same dates.
           II.If full day leave is applied then fromdate and todate are passed as parameter to query.
           III.If half day leave is applied then fromdate and fromdate are passed as a parameter to query.
        if ($leaveday == 1) {
            $dateexists = $leaverequestmodel->checkdateexists($from_date, $to_date, $loginUserId);
            if ($dateexists[0]['dateexist'] > 0) {
                $errorflag = 'false';
                $msgarray['to_date'] = ' Leave has already been applied for the above dates.';
        } else {
            if ($leaveday == 2) {
                $dateexists = $leaverequestmodel->checkdateexists($from_date, $from_date, $loginUserId);
                if ($dateexists[0]['dateexist'] > 0) {
                    $errorflag = 'false';
                    $msgarray['from_date'] = ' Leave has already been applied for the above date.';
          END- Validating if leave request has been previoulsy applied
        /* START Validating whether applied date is prior to date of joining */
        if ($dateofjoining >= $from_date && $from_date != '') {
            $errorflag = 'false';
            $msgarray['from_date'] = ' Leave cannot be applied before date of joining.';
        /* End */
        if ($leaveday == 2) {
            $appliedleavescount = 0.5;
        } else {
            if ($leaveday == 1) {
                $appliedleavescount = $days != '' ? $days : $appliedleavesdaycount;
        if ($this->getRequest()->getPost()) {
            if ($leaverequestform->isValid($this->_request->getPost()) && $errorflag == 'true') {
                $date = new Zend_Date();
                $menumodel = new Default_Model_Menu();
                $actionflag = '';
                $tableid = '';
                $data = array('user_id' => $loginUserId, 'reason' => $reason, 'leavetypeid' => $leavetypeid, 'leaveday' => $leaveday, 'from_date' => $from_date, 'to_date' => $to_date != '' ? $to_date : $from_date, 'leavestatus' => 1, 'rep_mang_id' => $rep_mang_id, 'no_of_days' => $availableleaves, 'appliedleavescount' => $appliedleavescount, 'modifiedby' => $loginUserId, 'modifieddate' => gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
                if ($id != '') {
                    $where = array('id=?' => $id);
                    $actionflag = 2;
                } else {
                    $data['createdby'] = $loginUserId;
                    $data['createddate'] = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s");
                    $data['isactive'] = 1;
                    $where = '';
                    $actionflag = 1;
                $Id = $leaverequestmodel->SaveorUpdateLeaveRequest($data, $where);
                if ($Id == 'update') {
                    $tableid = $id;
                    $this->_helper->getHelper("FlashMessenger")->addMessage(array("success" => "Leave request updated successfully."));
                } else {
                    $tableid = $Id;
                    $this->_helper->getHelper("FlashMessenger")->addMessage(array("success" => "Leave request added successfully."));
                    /** MAILING CODE **/
                    //$hremail = explode(",",HREMAIL);
                    /* Mail to Reporting manager */
                    if ($to_date == '' || $to_date == NULL) {
                        $to_date = $from_date;
                    $toemailArr = array($reportingManageremail);
                    if (!empty($toemailArr)) {
                        $options['subject'] = 'Leave request for approval';
                        $options['header'] = 'Leave Request';
                        $options['toEmail'] = $toemailArr;
                        $options['toName'] = $reportingmanagerName;
                        $options['message'] = '<div>
												<div>Dear ' . $reportingmanagerName . ',</div>
												<div>The leave of the below employee is pending for approval:</div>
                <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="15" border="0" style="border:3px solid #BBBBBB; font-size:16px; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin:30px 0 30px 0;" bgcolor="#ffffff">
                        <td width="28%" style="border-right:2px solid #BBBBBB;">Employee Name</td>
                        <td width="72%">' . $userfullname . '</td>
                      <tr bgcolor="#e9f6fc">
                        <td style="border-right:2px solid #BBBBBB;">No. of Day(s)</td>
                        <td>' . $appliedleavescount . '</td>
                        <td style="border-right:2px solid #BBBBBB;">Remaining Leaves</td>
                        <td>' . $availableleaves . '</td>
                      <tr bgcolor="#e9f6fc">
                        <td style="border-right:2px solid #BBBBBB;">From</td>
                        <td>' . $from_date . '</td>
                        <td style="border-right:2px solid #BBBBBB;">To</td>
                        <td>' . $to_date . '</td>
                      <tr bgcolor="#e9f6fc">
                        <td style="border-right:2px solid #BBBBBB;">Reason for Leave</td>
                        <td>' . $reason . '</td>
                        <td style="border-right:2px solid #BBBBBB;">Reporting manager</td>
                        <td>' . $reportingmanagerName . '</td>

            <div style="padding:20px 0 10px 0;">Please <a href="' . DOMAIN . '/index/popup" target="_blank" style="color:#b3512f;">click here</a> to login and check the leave details.</div>
                        $result = sapp_Global::_sendEmail($options);
                    /* END */
                    /* Mail to HR */
                    if (defined('LV_HR_' . $businessunitid) && $businessunitid != '') {
                        $options['subject'] = 'Leave request for approval';
                        $options['header'] = 'Leave Request ';
                        $options['toEmail'] = constant('LV_HR_' . $businessunitid);
                        $options['toName'] = 'Leave management';
                        $options['message'] = '<div>
												<div>Dear HR,</div>
												<div>The leave of the below employee is pending for approval:</div>
                <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="15" border="0" style="border:3px solid #BBBBBB; font-size:16px; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin:30px 0 30px 0;" bgcolor="#ffffff">
                        <td width="28%" style="border-right:2px solid #BBBBBB;">Employee Name</td>
                        <td width="72%">' . $userfullname . '</td>
                      <tr bgcolor="#e9f6fc">
                        <td style="border-right:2px solid #BBBBBB;">No. of Day(s)</td>
                        <td>' . $appliedleavescount . '</td>
                        <td style="border-right:2px solid #BBBBBB;">Remaining Leaves</td>
                        <td>' . $availableleaves . '</td>
                      <tr bgcolor="#e9f6fc">
                        <td style="border-right:2px solid #BBBBBB;">From</td>
                        <td>' . $from_date . '</td>
                        <td style="border-right:2px solid #BBBBBB;">To</td>
                        <td>' . $to_date . '</td>
                      <tr bgcolor="#e9f6fc">
                        <td style="border-right:2px solid #BBBBBB;">Reason for Leave</td>
                        <td>' . $reason . '</td>
                        <td style="border-right:2px solid #BBBBBB;">Reporting manager</td>
                        <td>' . $reportingmanagerName . '</td>

            <div style="padding:20px 0 10px 0;">Please <a href="' . DOMAIN . '/index/popup" target="_blank" style="color:#b3512f;">click here</a> to login and check the leave details.</div>
                        $options['cron'] = 'yes';
                        $result = sapp_Global::_sendEmail($options);
                    /* END */
                    /* Mail to the applied employee*/
                    $toemailArr = array($employeeemail);
                    $options['subject'] = 'Leave request for approval';
                    $options['header'] = 'Leave Request';
                    $options['toEmail'] = $toemailArr;
                    $options['toName'] = $userfullname;
                    $options['message'] = '<div>
												<div>A leave request raised by you is sent for your manager’s approval.</div>
                <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="15" border="0" style="border:3px solid #BBBBBB; font-size:16px; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; margin:30px 0 30px 0;" bgcolor="#ffffff">
                        <td width="28%" style="border-right:2px solid #BBBBBB;">Employee Name</td>
                        <td width="72%">' . $userfullname . '</td>
                      <tr bgcolor="#e9f6fc">
                        <td style="border-right:2px solid #BBBBBB;">No. of Day(s)</td>
                        <td>' . $appliedleavescount . '</td>
                        <td style="border-right:2px solid #BBBBBB;">From</td>
                        <td>' . $from_date . '</td>
                      <tr bgcolor="#e9f6fc">
                        <td style="border-right:2px solid #BBBBBB;">To</td>
                        <td>' . $to_date . '</td>
    	                 <td style="border-right:2px solid #BBBBBB;">Leave Type</td>
                        <td>' . $leavetypetext . '</td>
                      <tr bgcolor="#e9f6fc">
                        <td style="border-right:2px solid #BBBBBB;">Reason for Leave</td>
                        <td>' . $reason . '</td>

            <div style="padding:20px 0 10px 0;">Please <a href="' . DOMAIN . '/index/popup" target="_blank" style="color:#b3512f;">click here</a> to login and check the leave details.</div>												
                    $result = sapp_Global::_sendEmail($options);
                $menuidArr = $menumodel->getMenuObjID('/leaverequest');
                $menuID = $menuidArr[0]['id'];
                $result = sapp_Global::logManager($menuID, $actionflag, $loginUserId, $tableid);
                $this->_helper->json(array('result' => 'saved', 'message' => 'Leave request applied successfully.', 'controller' => 'pendingleaves'));
            } else {
                $messages = $leaverequestform->getMessages();
                if (isset($msgarray['rep_mang_id'])) {
                    $messages['rep_mang_id'] = array($msgarray['rep_mang_id']);
                if (isset($msgarray['from_date'])) {
                    $messages['from_date'] = array($msgarray['from_date']);
                if (isset($msgarray['to_date'])) {
                    $messages['to_date'] = array($msgarray['to_date']);
                if (isset($msgarray['leaveday'])) {
                    $messages['leaveday'] = array($msgarray['leaveday']);
                if (isset($msgarray['leavetypeid'])) {
                    $messages['leavetypeid'] = array($msgarray['leavetypeid']);
                if (isset($msgarray['no_of_days'])) {
                    $messages['no_of_days'] = array($msgarray['no_of_days']);
                $messages['result'] = 'error';
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function saveleaverequestdetailsAction()
     $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
     if ($auth->hasIdentity()) {
         $loginUserId = $auth->getStorage()->read()->id;
     $constantday = '';
     $days = '';
     $errorflag = 'true';
     $msgarray = array();
     $leavetypecount = '';
     $leavedayArr = array(1, 2);
     $availableleaves = '';
     $rep_mang_id = '';
     $employeeemail = '';
     $reportingManageremail = '';
     $week_startday = '';
     $week_endday = '';
     $ishalf_day = '';
     $userfullname = '';
     $reportingmanagerName = '';
     $businessunitid = '';
     $dateofjoining = '';
     $hremailgroup = '';
     $employeeDepartmentId = '';
     $reportingmanagerId = '';
     $leavetypeArr = array();
     $leaverequestform = new Default_Form_leaverequest();
     $leaverequestmodel = new Default_Model_Leaverequest();
     $employeeleavetypesmodel = new Default_Model_Employeeleavetypes();
     $leavemanagementmodel = new Default_Model_Leavemanagement();
     $usersmodel = new Default_Model_Users();
     $employeesmodel = new Default_Model_Employees();
     $weekdaysmodel = new Default_Model_Weekdays();
     if ($loginUserId != '' && $loginUserId != NULL) {
         $loggedinEmpId = $usersmodel->getUserDetailsByID($loginUserId);
         $loggedInEmployeeDetails = $employeesmodel->getLoggedInEmployeeDetails($loginUserId);
         if (!empty($loggedInEmployeeDetails)) {
             $reportingmanagerId = $loggedInEmployeeDetails[0]['reporting_manager'];
             $employeeDepartmentId = $loggedInEmployeeDetails[0]['department_id'];
             $employeeEmploymentStatusId = $loggedInEmployeeDetails[0]['emp_status_id'];
             $businessunitid = $loggedInEmployeeDetails[0]['businessunit_id'];
             $dateofjoining = $loggedInEmployeeDetails[0]['date_of_joining'];
             if ($reportingmanagerId != '' && $reportingmanagerId != NULL) {
                 $reportingManagerDetails = $usersmodel->getUserDetailsByID($reportingmanagerId);
             if ($employeeDepartmentId != '' && $employeeDepartmentId != NULL) {
                 $weekendDatailsArr = $leavemanagementmodel->getWeekendDetails($employeeDepartmentId);
             $employeeemail = $loggedinEmpId[0]['emailaddress'];
             $userfullname = $loggedinEmpId[0]['userfullname'];
             if (!empty($reportingManagerDetails)) {
                 $reportingManageremail = $reportingManagerDetails[0]['emailaddress'];
                 $reportingmanagerName = $reportingManagerDetails[0]['userfullname'];
                 $rep_mang_id = $reportingManagerDetails[0]['id'];
                 $rMngr = 'Yes';
             } else {
                 $msgarray['rep_mang_id'] = 'Reporting manager is not assigned yet. Please contact your HR.';
                 $errorflag = 'false';
             if (!empty($weekendDatailsArr)) {
                 $week_startday = $weekendDatailsArr[0]['weekendstartday'];
                 $week_endday = $weekendDatailsArr[0]['weekendday'];
                 $ishalf_day = $weekendDatailsArr[0]['is_halfday'];
                 $isskip_holidays = $weekendDatailsArr[0]['is_skipholidays'];
             } else {
                 //setting default values if LEAVE MANAGEMENT OPTIONS not set for DEPARTMENT
                 $week_startday = '6';
                 $week_endday = '0';
                 $ishalf_day = '1';
                 $isskip_holidays = '1';
                 //$msgarray['from_date'] = 'Leave management options are not configured yet.';
                 //$msgarray['to_date'] = 'Leave management options are not configured yet.';
                 //$errorflag = 'false';
         } else {
             $errorflag = 'false';
             $msgarray['rep_mang_id'] = 'Reporting manager is not assigned yet. Please contact your HR.';
             $msgarray['from_date'] = 'Leave management options are not configured yet.';
             $msgarray['to_date'] = 'Leave management options are not configured yet.';
     /* START- Validating if employee has been allotted leaves
               Validating if employee has not been assigned any leaves
               $getavailbaleleaves = $leaverequestmodel->getAvailableLeaves($loginUserId);
               if (!empty($getavailbaleleaves)) {
               $availableleaves = $getavailbaleleaves[0]['remainingleaves'];
               } else {
               $errorflag = 'false';
               $msgarray['no_of_days'] = 'You have not been allotted leaves for this financial year. Please contact your HR';
               } */
      END- Validating if employee has been allotted leaves
     $id = $this->_request->getParam('id');
     $reason = $this->_request->getParam('reason');
     // reason
     $leavetypeparam = $this->_request->getParam('leavetypeid');
     if (isset($leavetypeparam) && $leavetypeparam != '') {
         $leavetypeArr = explode("!@#", $this->_request->getParam('leavetypeid'));
         $leavetypeid = $leavetypeArr[0];
         $leavetypecount = $leavetypeArr[4];
         $leavetypetext = $leavetypeArr[2];
         $availableleaves = $leavetypeArr[1] - $leavetypeArr[3];
         //$leavetypeArr = $employeeleavetypesmodel->getLeavetypeDataByID($leavetypeid);
               START- Leave Type Validation
               Server side validation for leavetype count based on user selection.
               This is to validate or negate if user manipulates the data in the browser or firebug.
               if (!empty($leavetypeArr)) {
               $leavetypecount = $leavetypeArr[0]['numberofdays'];
               $leavetypetext = $leavetypeArr[0]['leavetype'];
               } else {
               if (isset($leavetypeparam) && $leavetypeparam != '') {
               $msgarray['leavetypeid'] = 'Wrong inputs given.';
               $errorflag = 'false';
               } else if ($leavetypeparam == '') {
               $msgarray['leavetypeid'] = 'Please select leave type.';
               $errorflag = 'false';
               } else {
               $msgarray['leavetypeid'] = 'Leave types are not configured yet.';
               $errorflag = 'false';
               } */
      END- Leave Type Validation
     $leaveday = $this->_request->getParam('leaveday');
      START- Leave Day Validation
      Server side validation for halfday and full day based on user selection.
      This is to validate or negate if user manipulates the data in the browser or firebug.
     if (!in_array($leaveday, $leavedayArr)) {
         $msgarray['leaveday'] = 'Wrong inputs given.';
         $errorflag = 'false';
      END- Leave Day Validation
     $from_date = $this->_request->getParam('from_date');
     $from_date = sapp_Global::change_date($from_date, 'database');
     $to_date = $this->_request->getParam('to_date');
     $to_date = sapp_Global::change_date($to_date, 'database');
     $appliedleavesdaycount = $this->_request->getParam('appliedleavesdaycount');
     // no of leaves applied
      START- Day calculation and validations.
      I. Calculation of days based on start date and end data.
      II. Also checking whether Applied no of days is less than leavetype configuration.
      III. Also If leaveday is selected as full day then making todata as manadatory and
      if leave day is selected as half day then no mandatory validation for todate.
     if ($from_date != '' && $to_date != '' && $leavetypecount != '') {
         $days = $this->calculatebusinessdays($from_date, $to_date);
         if ($leavetypeid == "3" && $days > 2) {
             $msgarray['to_date'] = 'Casual leaves should not be greater than 2 days.';
             $errorflag = 'false';
         } else {
             if (is_numeric($days) && $leavetypecount >= $days) {
             } else {
                 if (!is_numeric($days)) {
                     $msgarray['to_date'] = 'To date should be greater than from date.';
                     $errorflag = 'false';
                 } else {
                     //Excempt this logic for Personal Leaves
                     if ($leavetypeid == "5") {
                         //do nothing
                     } else {
                         $msgarray['to_date'] = $leavetypetext . " permits maximum of " . $leavetypecount . " leave(s).";
                         $errorflag = 'false';
     } else {
         if ($leaveday == 1) {
             if ($to_date == '' && !empty($weekendDatailsArr)) {
                 $msgarray['to_date'] = "Please select date.";
                 $errorflag = 'false';
      END- Day calculation and validations.
      START- Validating Half day requests based on Leave management options
      Validation for half day leaves.
      If halfday leave is configure in leave management options then only half day leave can be applied.
     if ($ishalf_day == 2) {
         if ($leaveday == 2) {
             $errorflag = 'false';
             $msgarray['leaveday'] = 'Half day leave cannot be applied.';
      END- Validating Half day requests based on Leave management options
      START- Validating if leave request has been previoulsy applied
      I.Validating from and to dates to check whether previously
      any leave has been raised with the same dates.
      II.If full day leave is applied then fromdate and todate are passed as parameter to query.
      III.If half day leave is applied then fromdate and fromdate are passed as a parameter to query.
     if ($leaveday == 1) {
         $dateexists = $leaverequestmodel->checkdateexists($from_date, $to_date, $loginUserId);
         if ($dateexists[0]['dateexist'] > 0) {
             $errorflag = 'false';
             $msgarray['to_date'] = ' Leave has already been applied for the above dates.';
     } else {
         if ($leaveday == 2) {
             $resFlag = $leaverequestmodel->isHalfDayLeaveApplied($from_date, $from_date, $loginUserId);
             if ($resFlag == "1") {
                 //user already applied for Half-day leave, so let's allow to apply another half-day
                 //check if 2 Half days already applied
                 $HalfDaysApplied = $leaverequestmodel->HalfDaysApplied($from_date, $from_date, $loginUserId);
                 if ($HalfDaysApplied >= 2) {
                     $errorflag = 'false';
                     $msgarray['from_date'] = ' Leave(s) has already been applied for the above date.';
             } else {
                 $dateexists = $leaverequestmodel->checkdateexists($from_date, $from_date, $loginUserId);
                 if ($dateexists[0]['dateexist'] > 0) {
                     $errorflag = 'false';
                     $msgarray['from_date'] = ' Leave(s) has already been applied for the above date.';
      END- Validating if leave request has been previoulsy applied
     /* START Validating whether applied date is prior to date of joining */
     if ($dateofjoining >= $from_date && $from_date != '') {
         $errorflag = 'false';
         $msgarray['from_date'] = ' Leave cannot be applied before date of joining.';
     /* End */
     if ($leaveday == 2) {
         $appliedleavescount = 0.5;
     } else {
         if ($leaveday == 1) {
             $appliedleavescount = $days != '' ? $days : $appliedleavesdaycount;
     if ($this->getRequest()->getPost()) {
         if ($leaverequestform->isValid($this->_request->getPost()) && $errorflag == 'true') {
             $date = new Zend_Date();
             $menumodel = new Default_Model_Menu();
             $actionflag = '';
             $tableid = '';
             $data = array('alloted_year' => CURRENTYEARYYYY, 'user_id' => $loginUserId, 'reason' => $reason, 'leavetypeid' => $leavetypeid, 'leaveday' => $leaveday, 'from_date' => $from_date, 'to_date' => $to_date != '' ? $to_date : $from_date, 'leavestatus' => 1, 'rep_mang_id' => $rep_mang_id, 'no_of_days' => $availableleaves, 'appliedleavescount' => $appliedleavescount, 'modifiedby' => $loginUserId, 'modifieddate' => gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
             if ($id != '') {
                 $where = array('id=?' => $id);
                 $actionflag = 2;
             } else {
                 $data['createdby'] = $loginUserId;
                 $data['createddate'] = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s");
                 $data['isactive'] = 1;
                 $where = '';
                 $actionflag = 1;
             $Id = $leaverequestmodel->SaveorUpdateLeaveRequest($data, $where);
             //to update tbl_employeeleaves with applied leaves
             //$leaverequestmodel->UpdateLeavePool($data, $where);
             if ($Id == 'update') {
                 $tableid = $id;
                 $this->_helper->getHelper("FlashMessenger")->addMessage(array("success" => "Leave request updated successfully."));
             } else {
                 $tableid = $Id;
                 $this->_helper->getHelper("FlashMessenger")->addMessage(array("success" => "Leave request added successfully."));
                 if ($to_date == '' || $to_date == NULL) {
                     $to_date = $from_date;
                 //variables for email
                 $base_URL = 'http://' . $this->getRequest()->getHttpHost() . $this->getRequest()->getBaseUrl();
                 $currEmpDetails = $leaverequestmodel->getEmployeeSummaryDetails($loginUserId);
                 /* Mail to Reporting manager */
                 $options['subject'] = APPLICATION_NAME . ':Leave request for approval';
                 $options['header'] = 'Leave Request';
                 $options['toEmail'] = $currEmpDetails[0]['rmemailaddress'];
                 $options['toName'] = $reportingmanagerName;
                 $options['message'] = sprintf("%s!@#%s!@#%s!@#%s!@#%s!@#%s!@#%s!@#%s!@#%s!@#%s!@#%s", $base_URL, APPLICATION_NAME, "New", $reportingmanagerName, "The leave of the below employee is pending for approval.", $userfullname, $appliedleavescount, $from_date, $to_date, $reason, $reportingmanagerName);
                 /* Mail to HR */
                 $options['subject'] = APPLICATION_NAME . 'Leave request for approval';
                 $options['header'] = 'Leave Request ';
                 $options['toEmail'] = constant('LV_HR_0');
                 $options['toName'] = 'Leave management';
                 $options['message'] = sprintf("%s!@#%s!@#%s!@#%s!@#%s!@#%s!@#%s!@#%s!@#%s!@#%s!@#%s", $base_URL, APPLICATION_NAME, "New", 'Leave management', "The leave of the below employee is pending for his managers approval.", $userfullname, $appliedleavescount, $from_date, $to_date, $reason, $reportingmanagerName);
                 /* Mail to Requester */
                 $options['subject'] = APPLICATION_NAME . 'Leave request for approval';
                 $options['header'] = 'Leave Request';
                 $options['toEmail'] = $currEmpDetails[0]['emailaddress'];
                 $options['toName'] = $userfullname;
                 $options['message'] = sprintf("%s!@#%s!@#%s!@#%s!@#%s!@#%s!@#%s!@#%s!@#%s!@#%s!@#%s", $base_URL, APPLICATION_NAME, "New", $userfullname, "A leave request raised by you is sent for your managers approval.", $userfullname, $appliedleavescount, $from_date, $to_date, $reason, $reportingmanagerName);
             $menuidArr = $menumodel->getMenuObjID('/leaverequest');
             $menuID = $menuidArr[0]['id'];
             $result = sapp_Global::logManager($menuID, $actionflag, $loginUserId, $tableid);
             $this->_helper->json(array('result' => 'saved', 'message' => 'Leave request applied successfully.', 'controller' => 'pendingleaves'));
         } else {
             $messages = $leaverequestform->getMessages();
             if (isset($msgarray['rep_mang_id'])) {
                 $messages['rep_mang_id'] = array($msgarray['rep_mang_id']);
             if (isset($msgarray['from_date'])) {
                 $messages['from_date'] = array($msgarray['from_date']);
             if (isset($msgarray['to_date'])) {
                 $messages['to_date'] = array($msgarray['to_date']);
             if (isset($msgarray['leaveday'])) {
                 $messages['leaveday'] = array($msgarray['leaveday']);
             if (isset($msgarray['leavetypeid'])) {
                 $messages['leavetypeid'] = array($msgarray['leavetypeid']);
             if (isset($msgarray['no_of_days'])) {
                 $messages['no_of_days'] = array($msgarray['no_of_days']);
             $messages['result'] = 'error';