Exemplo n.º 1
     * The index
     * This is the index action where we check if the localConfigPath
     * is writeable by the user. If it isn't then we set a warning message.
     * @uses   Default_Model_Action
     * @return void
    public function indexAction()
        $model = new Default_Model_Action;
        $dir = Zend_Registry::get('localConfigPath');
        $dir = $dir . 'actions.xml';

        $dir = Zend_Registry::get('localConfigPath');

        if (!is_writable($dir)) {

            $actionPathMessage = sprintf($this->tr->_('ACTION_DIR_PROBLEM'), $dir);
            $setupHelpMessage  = $this->tr->_('SETUP_HELP_MESSAGE');

                $actionPathMessage .' <br /><br />' . $setupHelpMessage


        $data = $model->getAll();

        if ($data == false) {
            $data = array();

        $this->view->data = $data;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function indexAction()
     $model = new Default_Model_Action();
     $data = $model->getAll();
     if ($data == false) {
         $data = array();
     $this->view->data = $data;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Generate documentation, in available formats.
  * @return void
 public function generateAction()
     $doc_data = array();
     $emod = new Default_Model_Error();
     $amod = new Default_Model_Action();
     $omod = new Default_Model_Output();
     $doc_data['actions'] = $amod->getAll();
     $doc_data['output-types'] = $omod->getAll();
     $doc_data['errors'] = $emod->getAll();
     $this->view->doc_data = $doc_data;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function init()
     $routesAndActions = array('Actions' => array(), 'Routes' => array());
     $model = new Default_Model_Action();
     $allActions = $model->getAll();
     foreach ($allActions as $db_action) {
         $routesAndActions['Actions'][$db_action['hash']] = $db_action['name'];
         if (!empty($db_action['route'])) {
             $routesAndActions['Routes']['route-' . $db_action['hash']] = $db_action['route'];
     $action = new Zend_Form_Element_Select('action');
     $params = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('query_uri');
     $params->setLabel('Query URI');
     $params->setAttrib('size', '80');
     $t = new Default_Model_Tester();
     $output = $t->buildForm();
     $p = new Lupin_Form_Element_Static('params');
     $formats = array();
     $outputModel = new Default_Model_Output();
     $format = new Zend_Form_Element_Select('format');
     foreach ($outputModel->getAll() as $key => $db_format) {
         $formats[$db_format["name"]] = $db_format["name"] . (!$db_format["enabled"] ? " (disabled)" : '');
         if ($db_format["default"] != '0') {
             $format->setValue(array($db_format["name"], $db_format["name"]));
     $methods = array('get' => 'GET', 'post' => 'POST', 'put' => 'PUT', 'delete' => 'DELETE', 'head' => 'HEAD');
     $method = new Zend_Form_Element_Select('method');
     $email = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('email');
     $email->setAttrib('size', '40');
     $key = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('key');
     $key->setLabel('Secret Key');
     $key->setAttrib('size', '40');
     $email_key = new Zend_Form_Element_Select('email-key');
     $email_key->setLabel('Load Email/Key Combo');
     $params->setAttrib('size', '55');
     $emails_keys = array(0 => 'Select a combination to fill the fields above.');
     $partnerModel = new Default_Model_Partner();
     $partners = $partnerModel->getAll();
     if (!empty($partners)) {
         foreach ($partners as $key => $partner) {
             if (!empty($partner)) {
                 $emails_keys[$partner['hash']] = $partner['email'] . ' / ' . $partner['api_key'];
     $config_model = new Default_Model_Configuration();
     $url = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('url');
     $url->setLabel('API Domain');
Exemplo n.º 5
 public function init()
     $this->setAction(URL_BASE . '/tester');
     $tr = Zend_Registry::get('tr');
     $routesAndActions = array('Routes' => array(), 'History' => array());
     $model = new Default_Model_Action();
     $allActions = $model->getAll();
     foreach ($allActions as $db_action) {
         if (!empty($db_action['route'])) {
             $routesAndActions['Routes']['route-' . $db_action['hash']] = $db_action['route'];
     $test_history = new Zend_Session_Namespace('test_history');
     $history = $test_history->value;
     if ($history) {
         foreach ($history as $route => $data) {
             if (!empty($route)) {
                 $routesAndActions['History'][$route] = $route;
     $action = new Zend_Form_Element_Select('action');
     $params = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('query_uri');
     $params->addValidator('NotEmpty', true, array('messages' => $tr->_('GENERAL_MISSING_TEXT_VALUE')));
     $params->setAttrib('size', '80');
     $t = new Default_Model_Tester();
     $output = $t->buildForm();
     $p = new Lupin_Form_Element_Static('params');
     $formats = array();
     $outputModel = new Default_Model_Output();
     $format = new Zend_Form_Element_Select('format');
     foreach ($outputModel->getAll() as $key => $db_format) {
         $formats[$db_format["name"]] = $db_format["name"] . (!$db_format["enabled"] ? " (" . $tr->_('DISABLED') . ")" : '');
         if ($db_format["default"] != '0') {
             $format->setValue(array($db_format["name"], $db_format["name"]));
     $methods = array('get' => 'GET', 'post' => 'POST', 'put' => 'PUT', 'delete' => 'DELETE', 'head' => 'HEAD');
     // Explicitly turn off translations, our DELETE got translated
     $method = new Zend_Form_Element_Select('method', array('disableTranslator' => true));
     $email = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('email');
     $email->setAttrib('size', '40');
     $key = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('key');
     $key->setAttrib('size', '40');
     $email_key = new Zend_Form_Element_Select('email-key');
     $params->setAttrib('size', '55');
     $emails_keys = array(0 => $tr->_('SELECT_COMBO_OF_FIELDS'));
     $partnerModel = new Default_Model_Partner();
     $partners = $partnerModel->getAll();
     if (!empty($partners)) {
         foreach ($partners as $key => $partner) {
             if (!empty($partner)) {
                 $emails_keys[$partner['hash']] = $partner['email'] . ' / ' . $partner['api_key'];
     $config_model = new Default_Model_Configuration();
     $url = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('url');
     $url->addValidator('NotEmpty', true, array('messages' => $tr->_('GENERAL_MISSING_TEXT_VALUE')));
     $ssl = new Zend_Form_Element_Checkbox('ssl');
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Test an action
  * This is the test action method. It test a specific action.
  * @return void
 public function testAction()
     // The options we are accepting for adding
     $options = new Zend_Console_Getopt(array('name|n=s' => 'Name of the action to call.', 'parameters|p=s' => 'Paramters to use. For example var1=val1&var2=val2', 'format|f=s' => 'Format to return. Defaults to XML.', 'method|m=s' => 'Method to use. Defaults to GET.', 'email|e=s' => 'Email or username to use.', 'secretkey|sk=s' => 'Secret key associated with email passed.', 'domain|d=s' => 'Domain to use, if not included will use default', 'query-uri|u=s' => 'Query uri to use. For example /testing/1', 'https|h' => 'Use https.'));
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Console_Getopt_Exception $e) {
         $this->view->message = $e->getUsageMessage();
     if ($options->name == '') {
         $this->view->message = $options->getUsageMessage();
     $confModel = new Default_Model_Configuration();
     if (!$confModel->getKey('api_url')) {
         $this->view->message = 'Remember you can set the default API domain name in your admin configuration.' . PHP_EOL;
     if (!class_exists('HttpRequest')) {
         $this->view->message = 'HttpRequest class was not found the pecl_http (http://pecl.php.net/package/pecl_http) package is required to use the tester.' . PHP_EOL;
     $action_name = $options->name;
     $params = $options->parameters;
     $format = $options->format;
     $method = $options->method;
     $email = $options->email;
     $password = $options->secretkey;
     $url = $options->domain;
     $ssl = $options->https;
     $query_uri = $options->getOption('query-uri');
     if ($url == '') {
         $url = $confModel->getKey('api_url');
     if ($query_uri == '') {
         $actionModel = new Default_Model_Action();
         $actions = $actionModel->getAll();
         foreach ($actions as $action_details) {
             if ($action_details['name'] == $action_name) {
                 $query_uri = $action_details['route'];
     $newMethod = HTTP_METH_GET;
     switch (strtolower($method)) {
         case 'get':
             $newMethod = HTTP_METH_GET;
         case 'post':
             $newMethod = HTTP_METH_POST;
         case 'put':
             $newMethod = HTTP_METH_PUT;
         case 'delete':
             $newMethod = HTTP_METH_DELETE;
         case 'head':
             $newMethod = HTTP_METH_HEAD;
     $request_url = 'http' . ($ssl !== null ? 's' : '') . '://' . $url . '/' . $query_uri . '.' . strtolower($format);
     $httpOptions = array();
     if ($email && $password) {
         $httpOptions = array('headers' => array('Accept' => '*/*'), 'httpauth' => $email . ':' . $password, 'httpauthtype' => HTTP_AUTH_DIGEST);
     $request = new HttpRequest($request_url, $newMethod, $httpOptions);
     if ("POST" == strtoupper($method)) {
     } else {
     $res = $request->send();
     $responseInfo = $request->getResponseInfo();
     $this->view->request_url = $responseInfo['effective_url'];
     $this->view->response_header = $this->collapseHeaders($res->getHeaders());
     $this->view->content = $res->getBody();
     $this->view->status = $res->getResponseCode();
     $this->view->method = isset($method) ? strtoupper($method) : 'GET';
     $this->view->request_post_fields = $newMethod == HTTP_METH_POST ? $params : '';