Exemplo n.º 1
  * This action is the default action of the Admin module. It should be triggered
  * when the user agent request requests to enter the administration panel.
 public function index()
     // Session message handling.
     if (isset($_SESSION['message'])) {
         $message = $_SESSION['message'];
         $isError = $_SESSION['isError'];
         // We consider message and isError session variables as flash variables.
     if (!(Auth::isAuth() && (Auth::isAdmin() || Auth::isGod()))) {
         // forward to the login script
     } else {
         // Determine if the view must allow the user to manage widgets.
         $widgetManagement = false;
         if (Auth::isAdmin() || Auth::isGod()) {
             $widgetManagement = true;
         // View preparation.
         $categories = $this->buildCategoryList();
         $installedWidgets = Widgets::retrieveWidgetList(Auth::getUserId(), Auth::getUserLevel(), 'raw', true);
         $partial = 'widgets';
         require DefaultFC::getView('admin.tpl');
Exemplo n.º 2
  * The index action is the default action of this Wall Module. It prepares the widget
  * wall of the user and render the view according to its preferences.
  * If the current user is not authenticated, it will be redirected to the users/index
  * action that will allows you to acces the login form of the application.
 public function index($continuePurchase = false, $langage = null, $forcebrowser = false)
     # Try to force users to use firefox
     //		if(isset($_SESSION['forcebrowser']) && $_SESSION['forcebrowser'] == true){
     //			$forcebrowser = true;
     //		}
     //		if(!ereg("Firefox/",$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && !$forcebrowser){
     //			require(DefaultFC::getView('compatibility.tpl'));
     //			die();
     //		}else{
     //			$_SESSION['forcebrowser'] = true;
     //		}
     if (Auth::isAuth()) {
         // Determine if the 'category widget' is installed.
         if (Widgets::isInstalled('categoryList')) {
             $widgetCategory = array('id' => 'categoryList', 'name' => 'Widget Categories');
         // Determine if the 'tag cloud widget' is installed.
         if (Widgets::isInstalled('tagCloud')) {
             $widgetCloud = array('id' => 'tagCloud', 'name' => 'Widget Tag Cloud');
         // Determine if the view must allow the user to manage widgets.
         $widgetManagement = false;
         if (Auth::isAdmin() || Auth::isGod()) {
             $widgetManagement = true;
         // Determine if the view must show the list of installed widgets or
         // a link to the PALETTE Service Browser.
         $useServiceBrowser = USE_SERVICE_BROWSER;
         $serviceBrowserURI = USE_SERVICE_BROWSER ? SERVICE_BROWSER_URI . 'index.php/Services/Widgets?num=1' : null;
         require DefaultFC::getView('index.tpl');
     } else {
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function index()
     // Session message handling.
     if (isset($_SESSION['message'])) {
         $message = $_SESSION['message'];
         $isError = $_SESSION['isError'];
         // We consider message and isError session variables as flash variables.
     $organizationName = Miscellaneous::retrieveOrganizationName();
     $widgetManagement = true;
     $partial = 'misc';
     require DefaultFC::getView('admin.tpl');
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function index()
     // Globals are evil !
     $lg = $GLOBALS['lang'];
     if (!file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../views/common/onlinehelp/{$lg}.tpl")) {
         $lg = 'en';
     // Determine if the view must allow the user to manage widgets.
     $widgetManagement = false;
     if (Auth::isAdmin() || Auth::isGod()) {
         $widgetManagement = true;
     // Help file to include in the view.
     $helpInclusion = dirname(__FILE__) . "/../views/common/onlinehelp/{$lg}.tpl";
     # Get Avaliable Langue
     $availableLanguages = Util::getAvailableLanguages();
     $userLanguage = Auth::getLanguage();
     require_once DefaultFC::getView("help.tpl");
  * This action provides the user features to manage widget categories in the portal. 
 public function index()
     // Session message handling for category addition/edition/deletion.
     if (isset($_SESSION['message'])) {
         $message = $_SESSION['message'];
         $isError = $_SESSION['isError'];
     // Security check.
     if (!Auth::isAuth() && (Auth::isAdmin() || Auth::isGod())) {
     // Determine if the view must allow the user to manage widgets.
     $widgetManagement = false;
     if (Auth::isAdmin() || Auth::isGod()) {
         $widgetManagement = true;
     $categories = Categories::retrieveCategories('raw');
     $partial = 'categories';
     require DefaultFC::getView('admin.tpl');
Exemplo n.º 6
 public function resetPassword($login = null, $lostKey = null, $lostTime = null)
     $r = Auth::userCanChangeHisPassword($login, $lostKey, $lostTime);
     $passwordIsChanged = false;
     if ($r === true) {
         $urlForm = "../../index.php/Users/resetPassword?login="******"&lostKey=" . urlencode($lostKey) . "&lostTime=" . urlencode($lostTime);
         # Save the new password
         if (!empty($_POST)) {
             # Test params
             isset($_POST['login']) ? $login = $_POST['login'] : ($login = null);
             isset($_POST['new_password']) ? $newPassword = $_POST['new_password'] : ($newPassword = null);
             isset($_POST['new_password']) ? $new_password_confirm = $_POST['new_password_confirm'] : ($new_password_confirm = null);
             # Get user id
             $userId = UsersManagement::getUserIdByLogin($login);
             # test if it is ok
             if ($userId !== null && $newPassword !== null && $newPassword == $new_password_confirm && Util::checkPasswordLength($newPassword)) {
                 $db = DbUtil::accessFactory();
                 if (!$db->execute("UPDATE users SET password = '******'  WHERE id = '" . $userId . "'")) {
                     $message = __('Please reconfirm your password');
                     $isError = true;
                 } else {
                     $message = __('Your password have been changed');
                     $isError = false;
                     $passwordIsChanged = true;
                     # Now reset the lostKey (for security)
             } else {
                 $message = __('Please reconfirm your password');
                 $isError = true;
         } else {
             # Display the form to change password
             # Get Avaliable Langue
             //$availableLanguages = Util::getAvailableLanguages();
             //$userLanguage = Auth::getLanguage();
         require_once DefaultFC::getView('changepassword.tpl');
     } else {
         if ($r == -1) {
             die(__('Authorized time to change your password has expired, please restart the "forgot your password" process from the portal UI.'));
         } else {
             die(__('You are not authorized to view this page.'));
Exemplo n.º 7
 public function editAction($userId)
     if (Auth::isAuth() && (Auth::isGod() || Auth::isAdmin())) {
         // Once more, I prefer use the old school way to retrieve variables here
         // because the values sent by the form may vary in the future.
         $userId = $_POST['userId'];
         $username = $_POST['username'];
         $password = $_POST['password'];
         $language = $_POST['language'];
         $openId = isset($_POST['openid']) ? $_POST['openid'] : '';
         $userType = $_POST['rights'];
         try {
             $params = array('userid' => $userId, 'username' => $username, 'password' => $password, 'language' => $language, 'openid' => $openId, 'rights' => $userType, 'copname' => Auth::getCopName());
             $_SESSION['isError'] = false;
             $_SESSION['message'] = __("The user has been successfuly updated.");
         } catch (UsersManagementException $e) {
             $isError = true;
             $message = Util::buildAddEditUserErrorMessage($e);
             // Escaping to reinsert in form ...
             $username = htmlspecialchars($username, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
             $password = htmlspecialchars($password, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
             $language = htmlspecialchars($language, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
             $openId = htmlspecialchars($openId, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
             $userType = htmlspecialchars($userType, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
             $userFormMode = 'edit';
             $availableLanguages = Util::getAvailableLanguages();
             $availableUserTypes = Util::getAvailableUserTypes();
             $displayOldValues = true;
             $widgetManagement = true;
             $partial = 'users_form';
             require_once DefaultFC::getView('admin.tpl');