<th width="9%">Start</th> <th width="10%">End</th> <th width="12%">Status</th> <th width="27%">Actions</th> </tr> <?php foreach ($deductions as $deduction) { ?> <?php $bg = $this->Helps->set_line_colors(); ?> <?php $d = new Deduction_information(); $d->get_by_id($deduction->deduction_information_id); // Get agency $agency = new Deduction_agency(); $agency->get_by_id($d->deduction_agency_id); //var_dump( $d->deduction_agency_id); ?> <tr bgcolor="<?php echo $bg; ?> " onmouseover="this.bgColor = '<?php echo $this->config->item('mouseover_linecolor'); ?> ';" onmouseout ="this.bgColor = '<?php echo $bg; ?> ';" style="border-bottom: 1px solid #999999;"> <td><?php
function signatory() { $data['page_name'] = '<b>Signatories</b>'; $data['msg'] = ''; $p = new Deduction_agency(); $this->load->library('pagination'); $config['base_url'] = base_url() . 'payroll/report/signatory/'; $config['total_rows'] = $p->get()->count(); $config['per_page'] = '15'; $this->pagination->initialize($config); // How many related records we want to limit ourselves to $limit = $config['per_page']; // Set the offset for our paging $offset = $this->uri->segment(3); // Get all positions //$p = new Position(); $p->order_by('agency_name'); $data['deductions'] = $p->get($limit, $offset); $data['main_content'] = 'report/signatory'; return View::make('includes/template', $data); }
function information_save($id = '') { $data['page_name'] = '<b>Add Information</b>'; $this->config->load('deductions'); if ($id != '') { $data['page_name'] = '<b>Edit Information</b>'; } $data['msg'] = ''; $di = new Deduction_information(); $data['deduction'] = $di->get_by_id($id); if (Input::get('op')) { $di->code = Input::get('code'); $di->desc = Input::get('desc'); $di->deduction_agency_id = Input::get('agency_id'); $di->type = Input::get('type'); $di->mandatory = Input::get('mandatory'); $di->tax_exempted = Input::get('tax_exempted'); $di->er_share = Input::get('er_share'); $di->official = Input::get('official'); $di->optional_amount = Input::get('optional_amount'); $di->amount = Input::get('amount'); $di->reference_table = Input::get('reference_table'); $di->amount_exempted = Input::get('amount_exempted'); $di->report_order = Input::get('report_order'); $di->line_no = Input::get('line_no'); $di->save(); return Redirect::to('payroll/deduction/information', 'refresh'); } $d = new Deduction_agency(); $data['agencies'] = $d->get_agencies(); $data['main_content'] = 'deduction/information/information_save'; return View::make('includes/template', $data); }
function deduction_refund() { //$data['bread_crumbs'] = '<a href="'.base_url().'home/home_page/">Home</a> / '; //$data['bread_crumbs'].= '<a href="'.base_url().'payroll/">Payroll Management</a> / '; //$data['bread_crumbs'].= '<a href="'.base_url().'payroll_deductions/deductions/">Deductions</a> / '; $data['page_name'] = '<b>Deduction Refund</b>'; $data['msg'] = ''; $p = new Deduction_agency(); $this->load->library('pagination'); $config['base_url'] = base_url() . 'payroll_deductions/agency/'; $config['total_rows'] = $p->get()->count(); $config['per_page'] = '15'; $this->pagination->initialize($config); // How many related records we want to limit ourselves to $limit = $config['per_page']; // Set the offset for our paging $offset = $this->uri->segment(3); // Get all positions //$p = new Position(); $p->order_by('agency_name'); $data['deductions'] = $p->get($limit, $offset); $data['main_content'] = 'remittance/deduction_refund/deduction_refund'; return View::make('includes/template', $data); }
<th>ID</th> <th>Tax Status</th> <th>Description</th> <th>Effectivity Date</th> <th>Ineffectivity Date</th> <th>Exemption</th> <th>Actions</th> </tr> <?php foreach ($deductions as $deduction) { ?> <?php $bg = $this->Helps->set_line_colors(); ?> <?php $d = new Deduction_agency(); $d->get_by_id($deduction->agency_id); ?> <tr bgcolor="<?php echo $bg; ?> " onmouseover="this.bgColor = '<?php echo $this->config->item('mouseover_linecolor'); ?> ';" onmouseout ="this.bgColor = '<?php echo $bg; ?> ';" style="border-bottom: 1px solid #999999;"> <td><?php echo $deduction->id;