Exemplo n.º 1
        die('fail<!--separate-->' . $q);
    case 'loadissue':
        $o = new DbIO('FIssue');
        if ($args->args->issueid > 0) {
            if ($o->ID > 0) {
                $std = new stdClass();
                $fields = array('ID', 'IssueID', 'Subject', 'ShortDesc', 'Description', 'Reproduce', 'Status');
                foreach ($fields as $fl) {
                    $std->{$fl} = $o->{$fl};
                die('ok<!--separate-->' . json_encode($std));
    case 'deleteissue':
        $o = new DbIO('FIssue');
        if ($args->args->issueid > 0) {
            if ($o->ID > 0) {
                if ($o->UserID == $User->ID) {
                    die('ok<!--separate-->' . json_encode($std));
Exemplo n.º 2
            if ($row = $SqlDatabase->FetchObject('
				SELECT * FROM Filesystem 
					UserID=\'' . $User->ID . '\' AND ID=\'' . intval($args->args->id) . '\' 
				LIMIT 1
			')) {
                die('ok<!--separate-->' . json_encode($row));
        case 'addfilesystem':
            $obj = $args->args;
            if (isset($obj->Name) && strlen($obj->Name) > 0) {
                $fs = new DbIO('Filesystem');
                $fs->Name = $obj->Name;
                $fs->UserID = $User->ID;
                if (!$fs->Load()) {
					INSERT INTO Filesystem
					( `Name`, `UserID`, `Server`, `Port`, `Path`, `Type`, `ShortDescription`, `Username`, `Password`, `Mounted` )
						"' . mysql_real_escape_string($obj->Name) . '",
						"' . $User->ID . '", 
						"' . mysql_real_escape_string($obj->Server) . '",
						"' . intval($obj->Port, 10) . '",
						"' . mysql_real_escape_string($obj->Path) . '",
						"' . mysql_real_escape_string($obj->Type) . '",
						"' . mysql_real_escape_string($obj->ShortDescription) . '",
						"' . mysql_real_escape_string($obj->Username) . '",
						"' . mysql_real_escape_string($obj->Password) . '",
						"' . mysql_real_escape_string(isset($obj->Mounted) ? $obj->Mounted : '') . '"
Exemplo n.º 3
        function dosAction($args)
            global $SqlDatabase, $User, $Config, $Logger;
            //$Logger->log( 'Executing a dos action: ' . $args->command );
            //$Logger->log( 'Pure args: ' . print_r( $args, 1 ) );
            // TODO: This is a workaround, please fix in Friend Core!
            //       Too much code for getting a real working path..
            if (isset($args->path)) {
                $path = $args->path;
            } else {
                if (isset($args->args)) {
                    if (isset($args->args->path)) {
                        $path = $args->args->path;
            if (isset($path)) {
                $path = str_replace('::', ':', $path);
                $path = explode(':', $path);
                if (count($path) > 2) {
                    $args->path = $path[1] . ':' . $path[2];
                } else {
                    $args->path = implode(':', $path);
                if (isset($args->args) && isset($args->args->path)) {
            // Do a directory listing
            // TODO: Make it uniform! Not to methods! use command == dir
            if (isset($args->command) && $args->command == 'directory' || isset($args->command) && $args->command == 'dosaction' && isset($args->args->action) && $args->args->action == 'dir') {
                $fo = false;
                // Can we get sub folder?
                $thePath = isset($args->path) ? $args->path : (isset($args->args->path) ? $args->args->path : '');
                if (isset($thePath) && strlen($thePath) > 0 && ($subPath = trim(end(explode(':', $thePath))))) {
                    $fo = $this->getSubFolder($subPath);
                    // Failed to find a path
                    if (!$fo) {
                        die('fail<!--separate-->Path error.');
                $out = [];
                if ($entries = $SqlDatabase->FetchObjects($q = '
							SELECT "Directory" AS `Type`, ID, `Name`, Permissions, DateModified, DateCreated, "0" AS Filesize FROM FSFolder
							WHERE FilesystemID=\'' . $this->ID . '\' AND UserID=\'' . $User->ID . '\' AND FolderID=\'' . ($fo ? $fo->ID : '') . '\'
							SELECT "File" AS `Type`, ID, Filename AS `Name`, Permissions, DateModified, DateCreated, Filesize FROM FSFile
							WHERE FilesystemID=\'' . $this->ID . '\' AND UserID=\'' . $User->ID . '\' AND FolderID=\'' . ($fo ? $fo->ID : '') . '\'
					) z
					ORDER BY `Name` ASC
				')) {
                    foreach ($entries as $entry) {
                        $o = new stdClass();
                        $o->Filename = $entry->Name;
                        $o->Type = $entry->Type;
                        $o->MetaType = $entry->Type;
                        // TODO: Is this really needed??
                        $o->ID = $entry->ID;
                        $o->Permissions = $entry->Permissions;
                        $o->DateModified = $entry->DateModified;
                        $o->DateCreated = $entry->DateCreated;
                        $o->Filesize = $entry->Filesize;
                        $o->Path = $thePath . $o->Filename . ($o->Type == 'Directory' ? '/' : '');
                        $out[] = $o;
                    return 'ok<!--separate-->' . json_encode($out);
                // No entries
                return 'ok<!--separate-->[]';
            } else {
                if ($args->command == 'write') {
                    // We need to check how much is in our database first
                    $deletable = false;
                    $total = 0;
                    if ($sum = $SqlDatabase->FetchObject('SELECT SUM(u.Filesize) z FROM FSFile u WHERE u.UserID=\'' . $User->ID . '\' AND FilesystemID = \'' . $this->ID . '\'')) {
                        $total = $sum->z;
                    $Logger->log('starting to write... ' . $args->path);
                    // Create a file object
                    $f = new dbIO('FSFile');
                    $f->FilesystemID = $this->ID;
                    $f->DiskFilename = '';
                    $fname = end(explode(':', $args->path));
                    $fname = end(explode('/', $fname));
                    $f->Filename = $fname;
                    $f->UserID = $User->ID;
                    $f->FolderID = '0';
                    // Can we get sub folder?
                    $fo = false;
                    if (isset($args->path) && ($subPath = trim(end(explode(':', $args->path))))) {
                        //$Logger->log( 'Trying to find existing file in path -> ' . $subPath . ' (' . $args->path . ')' );
                        // Remove filename
                        if (substr($subPath, -1, 1) != '/' && strstr($subPath, '/')) {
                            $subPath = explode('/', $subPath);
                            $subPath = implode('/', $subPath) . '/';
                        $Logger->log('We will try to find the folder ID for this path now ' . $subPath);
                        if ($fo = $this->getSubFolder($subPath)) {
                            //$Logger->log( 'We found folder wth ID '. $fo->ID .' in ' . $subPath . ' (' . $args->path . ')' );
                            $f->FolderID = $fo->ID;
                        //$Logger->log( 'Tried to find folderid ' . $f->FolderID . ' from ' . ( $fo ? $fo->Name : 'root folder' ) . ' (' . $args->path . ')' );
                    // Overwrite existing and catch object
                    if ($f->Load()) {
                        $deletable = $Config->FCUpload . $f->DiskFilename;
                        $Logger->log('Yay, overwriting existing file -> ' . $f->DiskFilename . '!: ' . $f->FolderID);
                    // Write the file
                    $fn = $f->Filename;
                    if ($f->ID <= 0) {
                        while (file_exists($Config->FCUpload . $fn)) {
                            $fn .= rand(0, 99999);
                    if ($file = fopen($Config->FCUpload . $fn, 'w+')) {
                        // Delete existing file
                        if ($deletable) {
                        if (isset($args->tmpfile)) {
                            if (file_exists($args->tmpfile)) {
                                $len = filesize($args->tmpfile);
                                // TODO: UGLY WORKAROUND, FIX IT!
                                //       We need to support base64 streams
                                if ($fr = fopen($args->tmpfile, 'r')) {
                                    $string = fread($fr, 32);
                                    if (substr(urldecode($string), 0, strlen('<!--BASE64-->')) == '<!--BASE64-->') {
                                        $fr = file_get_contents($args->tmpfile);
                                        $fr = base64_decode(end(explode('<!--BASE64-->', urldecode($fr))));
                                        if ($fo = fopen($args->tmpfile, 'w')) {
                                            fwrite($fo, $fr);
                                if ($total + $len < SQLDRIVE_FILE_LIMIT) {
                                    rename($args->tmpfile, $Config->FCUpload . $fn);
                                } else {
                                    $Logger->log('Write: Limit broken');
                                    die('fail<!--separate-->Limit broken');
                            } else {
                                $Logger->log('Write: Tempfile does not exist.');
                                die('fail<!--separate-->Tempfile does not exist!');
                        } else {
                            if ($total + strlen($args->data) < SQLDRIVE_FILE_LIMIT) {
                                $len = fwrite($file, $args->data);
                            } else {
                                $Logger->log('Write: Limit broken');
                                die('fail<!--separate-->Limit broken');
                        $f->DiskFilename = $fn;
                        $f->Filesize = filesize(getcwd() . '/' . $Config->FCUpload . $fn);
                        if (!$f->DateCreated) {
                            $f->DateCreated = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                        $f->DateModified = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                        //$Logger->log( 'Write: wrote new file with id: ' . $f->ID );
                        return 'ok<!--separate-->' . $len . '<!--separate-->' . $f->ID;
                    $Logger->log('Write: could not write file..');
                    return 'fail<!--separate-->Could not write file: ' . $Config->FCUpload . $fn;
                } else {
                    if ($args->command == 'read') {
                        // Create a file object
                        $f = new dbIO('FSFile');
                        $f->FilesystemID = $this->ID;
                        $fname = end(explode(':', $args->path));
                        $fname = end(explode('/', $fname));
                        $f->Filename = $fname;
                        $f->UserID = $User->ID;
                        $f->FolderID = '0';
                        $fn = '';
                        // Can we get sub folder?
                        if (isset($args->path) && ($subPath = trim(end(explode(':', $args->path))))) {
                            // Remove filename
                            if (substr($subPath, -1, 1) != '/' && strstr($subPath, '/')) {
                                $subPath = explode('/', $subPath);
                                $subPath = implode('/', $subPath) . '/';
                            if ($fo = $this->getSubFolder($subPath)) {
                                $f->FolderID = $fo->ID;
                        // Try to load database object
                        if ($f->Load()) {
                            // Read the file
                            $fn = $f->DiskFilename;
                            $fname = $Config->FCUpload . $fn;
                            if (file_exists($fname) && ($data = file_get_contents($fname))) {
                                $info = @getimagesize($fname);
                                // Only give this on images
                                // TODO: Perhaps content-length is for binary types!
                                $mime = false;
                                if (isset($info) && isset($info[0]) && $info[0] > 0) {
                                    $mime = $info['mime'];
                                // Try to guess the mime type
                                if (!$mime && ($ext = end(explode('.', $fname)))) {
                                    switch (strtolower($ext)) {
                                        case 'mp3':
                                            $mime = 'audio/mp3';
                                        case 'avi':
                                            $mime = 'video/avi';
                                        case 'mp4':
                                            $mime = 'video/mp4';
                                        case 'ogg':
                                            $mime = 'audio/ogg';
                                        case 'jpg':
                                            $mime = 'image/jpeg';
                                        case 'mpeg':
                                        case 'mpg':
                                            $mime = 'video/mpeg';
                                // Some data is raw
                                if (isset($args->mode) && $args->mode == "rb") {
                                    return $data;
                                // Return ok
                                $okRet = 'ok<!--separate-->';
                                if (isset($info[0]) && $info[0] > 0 && $info[1] > 0) {
                                    friendHeader('Content-Length: ' . filesize($fname) + strlen($okRet));
                                    return $okRet . base64_encode($data);
                                friendHeader('Content-Length: ' . filesize($fname) + strlen($okRet));
                                return $okRet . trim($data);
                        return 'fail<!--separate-->Could not read file: ' . $Config->FCUpload . $fn;
                    } else {
                        if ($args->command == 'import') {
                            if ($dir = opendir('import')) {
                                $fcount = 0;
                                while ($f = readdir($dir)) {
                                    if ($f[0] == '.') {
                                    $fl = new dbIO('FSFile');
                                    $fl->FilesystemID = $this->ID;
                                    $fl->FolderID = '0';
                                    $fl->UserID = $User->ID;
                                    $fl->Filename = $f;
                                    $fl->Filesize = filesize('import/' . $f);
                                    $ext = end(explode('.', $f));
                                    $fname = substr($f, 0, strlen($f) - (strlen($ext) + 1));
                                    $filename = $fname . '.' . $ext;
                                    while (file_exists($Config->FCUpload . $filename)) {
                                        $filename = $fname . rand(0, 999) . '.' . $ext;
                                    $fl->DiskFilename = $filename;
                                    copy('import/' . $f, $Config->FCUpload . $filename);
                                    if (file_exists($Config->FCUpload . $filename)) {
                                        unlink('import/' . $f);
                                        // Only on success
                                        if ($fl->ID > 0) {
                                        } else {
                                            unlink($Config->FCUpload . $filename);
                                if ($fcount > 0) {
                                    die('ok<!--separate-->' . $fcount);
                                die('fail<!--separate-->Wrote no files.');
                            die('fail<!--separare-->Could not open dir.');
                        } else {
                            if ($args->command == 'loaddocumentformat') {
                                // Loads a document depending on format
                                $path = $args->path;
                                if ($f = $this->getFile($path)) {
                                    // TODO: Atomic file locking!!
                                    $fna = $f->FileInfo->DiskFilename;
                                    $lastExt = explode('.', $fna);
                                    $lastExt = $lastExt[count($lastExt) - 1];
                                    $outFile = substr($fna, 0, strlen($fna) - strlen($lastExt) - 1) . '.html';
                                    if ($output = exec($foo = 'libreoffice -env:UserInstallation=file:///tmp --headless --convert-to html \'' . getcwd() . '/' . $Config->FCUpload . $f->FileInfo->DiskFilename . '\' --outdir /tmp/')) {
                                        if ($outData = file_get_contents('/tmp/' . $outFile)) {
                                            unlink('/tmp/' . $outFile);
                                            die('ok<!--separate-->' . $outData);
                                        die('fail<!--separate-->Could not convert file ' . $outFile);
                                die('fail<!--separate-->No temp file for ' . $path);
                            } else {
                                if ($args->command == 'gendocumentpdf') {
                                    $path = $args->path;
                                    if ($f = $this->getFile($path)) {
                                        $fi = $f->FileInfo;
                                        // TODO: Atomic file locking!!
                                        $outFile = 'print_' . $User->ID . '.html';
                                        $outPDF = 'print_' . $User->ID . '.pdf';
                                        // Write temporary html file
                                        if ($fl = fopen('/tmp/' . $outFile, 'w+')) {
                                            fwrite($fl, $args->args->data);
                                        } else {
                                            die('fail<!--separate-->Error writing temporary file.');
                                        if ($output = exec($foo = 'libreoffice -env:UserInstallation=file:///tmp --headless --convert-to pdf \'' . '/tmp/' . $outFile . '\' --outdir /tmp/')) {
                                            if (file_exists('/tmp/' . $outPDF)) {
                                                $ext = 'pdf';
                                                $fex = end(explode('.', $fi->Filename));
                                                $fname = substr($fi->Filename, 0, strlen($fi->Filename) - (strlen($fex) + 1));
                                                $filename = $fname . '.pdf';
                                                while (file_exists($Config->FCUpload . $filename)) {
                                                    $filename = $fname . rand(0, 999) . '.' . $ext;
                                                $l = new dbIO('FSFile');
                                                $l->FilesystemID = $fi->FilesystemID;
                                                $l->UserID = $fi->UserID;
                                                $l->FolderID = $fi->FolderID;
                                                $l->Filename = $fname . '.pdf';
                                                // Try to update it, if not, it's new
                                                if (!$l->Load()) {
                                                    $l->DiskFilename = $filename;
                                                // Move in the file
                                                rename('/tmp/' . $outPDF, $Config->FCUpload . $l->DiskFilename);
                                                // <- clean up
                                                // Rest..
                                                $l->Filesize = filesize($Config->FCUpload . $l->DiskFilename);
                                                $l->DateCreated = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                                                $l->DateModified = $l->DateCreated;
                                                $newPath = explode(':', $path);
                                                $newPath = $newPath[1];
                                                if (strstr($newPath, '/')) {
                                                    $newPath = explode('/', $newPath);
                                                    $newPath = $newPath[count($newPath) - 1];
                                                $newPath = substr($path, 0, strlen($path) - strlen($newPath)) . $l->Filename;
                                                unlink('/tmp/' . $outFile);
                                                // <- clean up
                                                die('ok<!--separate-->' . $newPath);
                                            die('fail<!--separate-->Could not convert file ' . $outPDF);
                                    die('fail<!--separate-->Could not find file.');
                                } else {
                                    if ($args->command == 'writedocumentformat') {
                                        // Loads a document depending on format
                                        $path = $args->path;
                                        if ($f = $this->getFile($path)) {
                                            // TODO: Atomic file locking!!
                                            $fna = $f->FileInfo->DiskFilename;
                                            $lastExt = end(explode('.', $fna));
                                            $outFile = substr($fna, 0, strlen($fna) - strlen($lastExt) - 1) . '.html';
                                            // Write temporary html file
                                            if ($fl = fopen('/tmp/' . $outFile, 'w+')) {
                                                fwrite($fl, $args->args->data);
                                            } else {
                                                die('fail<!--separate-->Error writing temporary file.');
                                            if ($output = exec($foo = 'libreoffice -env:UserInstallation=file:///tmp --headless --convert-to ' . $lastExt . ' \'' . '/tmp/' . $outFile . '\' --outdir /tmp/')) {
                                                if (file_exists('/tmp/' . $outFile)) {
                                                    unlink($Config->FCUpload . $f->FileInfo->DiskFilename);
                                                    unlink('/tmp/' . $outFile);
                                                    rename('/tmp/' . $fna, $Config->FCUpload . $f->FileInfo->DiskFilename);
                                                    die('ok<!--separate-->Written properly (' . filesize($Config->FCUpload . $f->FileInfo->DiskFilename) . ')');
                                                die('fail<!--separate-->Could not convert file ' . $outFile);
                                        die('fail<!--separate-->No temp file for ' . $path);
                                    } else {
                                        if ($args->command == 'volumeinfo') {
                                            if (!$this->ID) {
                                                if ($d = $SqlDatabase->FetchObject('
						SELECT * FROM `Filesystem` WHERE `UserID`=\'' . $User->ID . '\' AND LOWER(`Name`)=LOWER("' . reset(explode(':', $args->path)) . '")
					')) {
                                                    foreach ($d as $k => $v) {
                                                        $this->{$k} = $v;
                                            if ($row = $SqlDatabase->FetchObject('SELECT SUM(Filesize) AS FZ FROM FSFile WHERE FilesystemID = \'' . $this->ID . '\' AND UserID=\'' . $User->ID . '\'')) {
                                                $o = new stdClass();
                                                $o->Volume = $this->Name . ':';
                                                $o->Used = $row->FZ;
                                                $o->Filesize = SQLDRIVE_FILE_LIMIT;
                                                die('ok<!--separate-->' . json_encode($o));
                                        } else {
                                            if ($args->command == 'dosaction') {
                                                $action = isset($args->action) ? $args->action : (isset($args->args->action) ? $args->args->action : false);
                                                $path = $args->path;
                                                switch ($action) {
                                                    case 'mount':
                                                        $Logger->log('Mounting not needed here.. Always succeed.');
                                                    case 'unmount':
                                                        $Logger->log('Unmounting not needed here.. Always succeed.');
                                                    case 'rename':
                                                        // Is it a folder?
                                                        if (substr($path, -1, 1) == '/') {
                                                            $sp = $this->getSubFolder($path);
                                                            if ($sp) {
                                                                $sp->Name = $args->newname;
                                                                die('ok<!--separate-->Renamed the folder.');
                                                        } else {
                                                            $p = explode(':', $path);
                                                            $fname = false;
                                                            if (strstr($p[1], '/')) {
                                                                $pth = explode('/', $p[1]);
                                                                $fname = array_pop($pth);
                                                                $p[1] = implode('/', $pth) . '/';
                                                            } else {
                                                                $fname = array_pop($p);
                                                            $p = implode(':', $p);
                                                            $sp = $this->getSubFolder($p);
                                                            if ($fname) {
                                                                $f = new dbIO('FSFile');
                                                                if ($sp) {
                                                                    $f->FolderID = $sp->ID;
                                                                } else {
                                                                    $f->FolderID = '0';
                                                                $f->Filename = $fname;
                                                                $f->FilesystemID = $this->ID;
                                                                if ($f->Load()) {
                                                                    $f->Filename = $args->newname;
                                                                    die('ok<!--separate-->Renamed the file.');
                                                        die('fail<!--separate-->Could not find file!');
                                                    case 'makedir':
                                                        // Add trailing '/'
                                                        if (substr($path, -1, 1) != '/' && substr($path, -1, 1) != ':') {
                                                            $path .= '/';
                                                        if ($path) {
                                                            $f = new DbIO('FSFolder');
                                                            // Get by path (subfolder)
                                                            $subPath = false;
                                                            if (is_string($path) && strstr($path, ':')) {
                                                                $subPath = end(explode(':', $path));
                                                            // Remove filename
                                                            $fo = false;
                                                            if ($subPath) {
                                                                // Strip '/' here
                                                                if (substr($subPath, -1, 1) == '/') {
                                                                    $subPath = substr($subPath, 0, strlen($subPath) - 1);
                                                                if (strstr($subPath, '/')) {
                                                                    $subPath = explode('/', $subPath);
                                                                    $subPath = implode('/', $subPath) . '/';
                                                                $fo = $this->getSubFolder($subPath);
                                                            // Do it
                                                            $name = end(explode(':', $path));
                                                            if (substr($name, -1, 1) == '/') {
                                                                $name = substr($name, 0, strlen($name) - 1);
                                                            if (strstr($name, '/')) {
                                                                $name = end(explode('/', $name));
                                                            if (trim($name)) {
                                                                $name = trim($name);
                                                                if (substr($name, -1, 1) == '/') {
                                                                    $name = substr($name, 0, strlen($name) - 1);
                                                                $newFolder = end(explode('/', $name));
                                                                $f->FilesystemID = $this->ID;
                                                                $f->Name = $newFolder;
                                                                $f->UserID = $User->ID;
                                                                $f->FolderID = $fo ? $fo->ID : '0';
                                                                // Make sure the folder does not already exist!
                                                                if ($f->Load()) {
                                                                    die('fail<!--separate-->Directory already exists.');
                                                                $f->DateModified = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                                                                $f->DateCreated = $f->DateModified;
                                                                $Logger->log('Made directory ' . $f->Name . ' (in ' . $path . ') id ' . $f->ID);
                                                                return 'ok<!--separate-->' . $f->ID;
                                                        die('fail<!--separate-->why: ' . print_r($args, 1) . '(' . $path . ')');
                                                    case 'delete':
                                                        if (isset($path)) {
                                                            if ($this->deleteFile($path, true)) {
                                                                return 'ok';
                                                        // Other combos not supported yet
                                                        return 'fail';
                                                        // Move files and folders or a whole volume to another door
                                                    // Move files and folders or a whole volume to another door
                                                    case 'copy':
                                                        $from = isset($args->from) ? $args->from : (isset($args->args->from) ? $args->args->from : false);
                                                        $to = isset($args->to) ? $args->to : (isset($args->args->to) ? $args->args->to : false);
                                                        if (isset($from) && isset($to)) {
                                                            $Logger->log('Trying from ' . $from . ' to ' . $to);
                                                            if ($this->copyFile($from, $to)) {
                                                                return 'ok';
                                                        // Other combos not supported yet
                                                        return 'fail';
            return 'fail<!--separate-->' . print_r($args, 1);