Exemplo n.º 1
  * Returns date of the first day of the month in the number of months
  * from the given date
  * @param int    $months the number of months from the date provided.
  *                        Positive numbers go into the future.
  *                        Negative numbers go into the past.
  *                        0 is the month presented in $month.
  * @param string $month  the month, default is current local month
  * @param string $year   the year in four digit format, default is the
  *                        current local year
  * @param string $format the string indicating how to format the output
  * @return   string     the date in the desired format
  * @access   public
  * @static
  * @since    Method available since Release 1.4.4
 function beginOfMonthBySpan($months = 0, $month = 0, $year = null, $format = DATE_CALC_FORMAT)
     if (is_null($year)) {
         $year = Date_Calc::dateNow('%Y');
     if (empty($month)) {
         $month = Date_Calc::dateNow('%m');
     return Date_Calc::addMonths($months, Date_Calc::getFirstDayOfMonth($month, $year), $month, $year, $format);
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Returns day on which Summer time starts or ends for given year
  * The limit (start or end) code can take the following forms:
  *  5                 the fifth of the month
  *  lastSun           the last Sunday in the month
  *  lastMon           the last Monday in the month
  *  Sun>=8            first Sunday on or after the 8th
  *  Sun<=25           last Sunday on or before the 25th
  * @param string $ps_summertimelimitcode code which specifies Summer time
  *                                        limit day
  * @param int    $pn_month               start or end month
  * @param int    $pn_year                year for which to calculate Summer
  *                                        time limit day
  * @return   int
  * @access   private
  * @since    Method available since Release 1.5.0
 function getSummerTimeLimitDay($ps_summertimelimitcode, $pn_month, $pn_year)
     if (preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $ps_summertimelimitcode)) {
         $hn_day = $ps_summertimelimitcode;
     } else {
         if (!isset($ha_daysofweek)) {
             static $ha_daysofweek = array("Sun" => 0, "Mon" => 1, "Tue" => 2, "Wed" => 3, "Thu" => 4, "Fri" => 5, "Sat" => 6);
         if (preg_match('/^last(Sun|Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat)$/', $ps_summertimelimitcode, $ha_matches)) {
             list($hn_nmyear, $hn_nextmonth, $hn_nmday) = explode(" ", Date_Calc::beginOfMonthBySpan(1, $pn_month, $pn_year, "%Y %m %d"));
             list($hn_year, $hn_month, $hn_day) = explode(" ", Date_Calc::prevDayOfWeek($ha_daysofweek[$ha_matches[1]], $hn_nmday, $hn_nextmonth, $hn_nmyear, "%Y %m %d", false));
             // not including
             // this day
             if ($hn_month != $pn_month) {
                 // This code happen legitimately if the calendar jumped some days
                 // e.g. in a calendar switch, or the limit day is badly defined:
                 $hn_day = Date_Calc::getFirstDayOfMonth($pn_month, $pn_year);
         } else {
             if (preg_match('/^(Sun|Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat)([><]=)([0-9]+)$/', $ps_summertimelimitcode, $ha_matches)) {
                 if ($ha_matches[2] == "<=") {
                     list($hn_year, $hn_month, $hn_day) = explode(" ", Date_Calc::prevDayOfWeek($ha_daysofweek[$ha_matches[1]], $ha_matches[3], $pn_month, $pn_year, "%Y %m %d", true));
                     // including
                     // this day
                     if ($hn_month != $pn_month) {
                         $hn_day = Date_Calc::getFirstDayOfMonth($pn_month, $pn_year);
                 } else {
                     list($hn_year, $hn_month, $hn_day) = explode(" ", Date_Calc::nextDayOfWeek($ha_daysofweek[$ha_matches[1]], $ha_matches[3], $pn_month, $pn_year, "%Y %m %d", true));
                     // including
                     // this day
                     if ($hn_month != $pn_month) {
                         $hn_day = Date_Calc::daysInMonth($pn_month, $pn_year);
     return $hn_day;