  * Indicates if the residential reference is applicable.
  * @param string $enquiryId
  * The unique external Enquiry identifier.
  * @return boolean
  * True if the reference is applicable, false otherwise.
 public function getIsReferenceApplicable($enquiryId)
     $enquiry = new Datasource_ReferencingLegacy_Enquiry();
     $legacyLandlordKey = $enquiry->getCurrentLandlordId($enquiryId);
     if (empty($legacyLandlordKey)) {
         $returnVal = false;
     } else {
         $returnVal = true;
     return $returnVal;
 public function NotificationHistoryPanel($agentSchemeNumber)
     $params = Zend_Registry::get('params');
     $baseReferencingUrl = $params->connect->baseUrl->referencing;
     // Instantiate security manager for generating MAC
     $securityManager = new Application_Core_Security($params->connect->ref->security->securityString->agent);
     $agentId = $this->view->agentId;
     $macToken = $securityManager->generate(array($agentSchemeNumber, $agentId));
     //	Zend_Debug::dump($this->view->agentId);die();
     $rs = new Datasource_Referencing_NotificationHistory();
     $dataToDisplay = $rs->getHistoryByASN($agentSchemeNumber);
     $enquiry = new Datasource_ReferencingLegacy_Enquiry();
     $partialArray = array();
     $x = 0;
     foreach ($dataToDisplay as $d) {
         $refno = $d['refno'];
         $ds = $enquiry->getEnquiry($refno);
         $retrieveReportString = "/reports/view-report-pdf?refno={$refno}&repType=&contentDisposition=attachment";
         $partialArray[$x]['refno'] = $refno;
         $partialArray[$x]['line'] = '';
         $partialArray[$x]['viewReportURL'] = $retrieveReportString;
         $name = trim("{$ds->referenceSubject->name->firstName} {$ds->referenceSubject->name->lastName}");
         if ($name != '') {
             $partialArray[$x]['line'] .= "{$name}, ";
         if (isset($ds->propertyLease->address->addressLine1)) {
             $partialArray[$x]['line'] .= $ds->propertyLease->address->addressLine1 . ', ';
         /*if(isset($ds->propertyLease->address->addressLine2) && $ds->propertyLease->address->addressLine2 != ""){
         			$partialArray[$x]['line'] .= $ds->propertyLease->address->addressLine2 . ', ';
         			$partialArray[$x]['line'] .= $ds->propertyLease->address->postCode . ', ';
         $partialArray[$x]['line'] = preg_replace('/, $/', ' ', $partialArray[$x]['line']);
         //$partialArray[$x]['line'] .= "<em>(Reference number: {$refno})</em>";
     return array($this->view->partialLoop('partials/notificationhistorypanel.phtml', $partialArray), $x);
  * Returns the property aspect items relating to a reference.
  * @param string $enquiryId
  * The unique external Enquiry identifier.
  * @return mixed
  * An array of Model_Referencing_PropertyAspects_PropertyAspectItem objects,
  * or null if none found.
 public function getAspects($enquiryId)
     //Convert the external enquiry identifier to internal.
     $enquiryDatasource = new Datasource_ReferencingLegacy_Enquiry();
     $id = $enquiryDatasource->getInternalIdentifier($enquiryId);
     $select = $this->select();
     $select->where('enquiry_id = ? ', $id);
     $rows = $this->fetchAll($select);
     $returnVal = null;
     if (count($rows) != 0) {
         $returnVal = array();
         foreach ($rows as $currentRow) {
             $aspectItem = new Model_Referencing_PropertyAspects_PropertyAspectItem();
             $aspectItem->referenceId = $id;
             $aspectItem->propertyAspectId = $currentRow->property_aspect_id;
             $aspectItem->value = $currentRow->value;
             $returnVal[] = $aspectItem;
     return $returnVal;
  * Unsubscribes a reference from any further marketing.
  * @param string $enquiryId
  * The external enquiry identifier.
  * @return boolean
  * True on successful update, false otherwise.
 public function unsubscribe($enquiryId)
     $enquiry = new Datasource_ReferencingLegacy_Enquiry();
     $enquiryId = $enquiry->getInternalIdentifier($enquiryId);
     if (empty($enquiryId)) {
         return false;
     $data = array('is_allowed' => 0);
     $where = $this->quoteInto('enquiry_id = ? AND data_protection_id = 1', $enquiryId);
     if ($this->update($data, $where) > 0) {
         $isPhonePostChanged = true;
     } else {
         $isPhonePostChanged = false;
     $where = $this->getAdapter()->quoteInto('enquiry_id = ? AND data_protection_id = 3', $enquiryId);
     if ($this->update($data, $where) > 0) {
         $isSmsEmailChanged = true;
     } else {
         $isSmsEmailChanged = false;
     $where = $this->getAdapter()->quoteInto('enquiry_id = ? AND data_protection_id = 4', $enquiryId);
     if ($this->update($data, $where) > 0) {
         $isNonDigitalPreferencehanged = true;
     } else {
         $isNonDigitalPreferencehanged = false;
     $where = $this->getAdapter()->quoteInto('enquiry_id = ? AND data_protection_id = 5', $enquiryId);
     if ($this->update($data, $where) > 0) {
         $isDigitalPreferencehanged = true;
     } else {
         $isDigitalPreferencehanged = false;
     //Insertion was successful. Make a note of this in the data protection
     //audit table.
     $audit = new Datasource_ReferencingLegacy_DataProtectionAudits();
     $audit->unsubscribeFromTenantMailer($enquiryId, $isPhonePostChanged, $isSmsEmailChanged, $isNonDigitalPreferencehanged, $isDigitalPreferencehanged);
     return true;
  * Login screen
  * @return void
 public function loginAction()
     $this->view->pageTitle = 'Login | HomeLet Tenant Referencing Application Tracker';
     $pageForm = new Form_TenantsReferencingTracker_Login();
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $formData = $request->getPost();
     if ($request->isPost()) {
         // If this is a valid IRIS login, store credentials in session and redirect to new IRIS TAT section
         if (Form_TenantsReferencingTracker_Login::IRIS_LOGIN === $pageForm->isValid($formData)) {
             $globalSession = new Zend_Session_Namespace('homelet_global');
             $globalSession->legacy_tat_login = $formData;
         // Legacy HRT TAT login
         if ($pageForm->isValid($formData)) {
             // Log in successful
             // TODO: Use Zend_Auth
             $data = $pageForm->getValues();
             $this->_enquiryId = $this->_pageSession->enquiryId = $data['tenant_reference_number'];
             // Get the ASN from the enquiry number
             // TODO: Requires a manager rather than using direct access to data source
             $enquiryDS = new Datasource_ReferencingLegacy_Enquiry();
             $enquiry = $enquiryDS->getEnquiry($this->_enquiryId);
             $this->_asn = $this->_pageSession->asn = $enquiry->customer->customerId;
             // Set the ASN for the "Get a Quote" links - note these links do not directly go to the TCI+ process since OBC 1051 - Tenancy Liability
             // Put the ASN into the global session for insurance products that lay below the new insurance product selection page to pick up.
             $globalSession = new Zend_Session_Namespace('homelet_global');
             $globalSession->agentSchemeNumber = $this->_asn;
             // Log Activity
             Application_Core_ActivityLogger::log('TAT Login', 'complete', 'TAT', null, "IRN: {$this->_enquiryId}");
             // Redirect user to index page
         } else {
             // Unable to log in, pass form-level errors to view
             $this->view->errors = $pageForm->getErrorMessages();
             // Decrement log in attempt counter
             $this->_logInAttempts = $this->_pageSession->logInAttempts = --$this->_logInAttempts;
             // Log MI event
             Application_Core_ActivityLogger::log('TAT Login', 'failure', 'TAT', null, print_r($this->view->errors, true));
     $this->view->form = $pageForm;
  * Retrieves the specified prospective landlord using the Enquiry identifier.
  * @param string $enquiryId
  * The unique external Enquiry identifier.
  * @return mixed
  * The prospective landlord details encapsulated in a
  * Model_Referencing_ProspectiveLandlord object, or null if the prospective
  * landlord cannot be found.
 public function getByEnquiry($enquiryId)
     $enquiryDataSource = new Datasource_ReferencingLegacy_Enquiry();
     $prospectiveLandlordId = $enquiryDataSource->getProspectiveLandlordId($enquiryId);
     return $this->getLandlord($prospectiveLandlordId);
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Retrieves all occupation details against a specific Enquiry.
  * @param string $enquiryId
  * The unique external Enquiry identifier.
  * @return mixed
  * An array of Model_Referencing_Occupation objects, or null if no
  * occuapations are found.
  * @todo
  * Occupation referee details are not yet captured and stored.
 public function getAllByEnquiry($enquiryId)
     $returnArray = array();
     //First check if the reference subject is a student or unemployed - neither of these
     //occupations are stored in the employment table.
     $enquiryDatasource = new Datasource_ReferencingLegacy_Enquiry();
     $legacyEmploymentType = $enquiryDatasource->getLegacyEmploymentType($enquiryId);
     if ($enquiryDatasource->getIdentifierType($enquiryId) == Model_Referencing_ReferenceKeyTypes::EXTERNAL) {
         $referenceId = $enquiryDatasource->getInternalIdentifier($enquiryId);
     } else {
         $referenceId = $enquiryId;
     if ($legacyEmploymentType == 'Unemployed') {
         $occupation = new Model_Referencing_Occupation();
         $occupation->referenceId = $referenceId;
         $occupation->importance = Model_Referencing_OccupationImportance::FIRST;
         $occupation->chronology = Model_Referencing_OccupationChronology::CURRENT;
         $occupation->type = Model_Referencing_OccupationTypes::UNEMPLOYMENT;
         $occupation->isPermanent = true;
         $occupation->income = new Zend_Currency(array('precision' => 0, 'value' => 0));
         //Referees and referencing are not applicable for this occupation status.
         $occupation->refereeDetails = null;
         $occupation->referencingDetails = null;
         $returnArray[] = $occupation;
     } else {
         if ($legacyEmploymentType == 'Student') {
             $occupation = new Model_Referencing_Occupation();
             $occupation->referenceId = $referenceId;
             $occupation->importance = Model_Referencing_OccupationImportance::FIRST;
             $occupation->chronology = Model_Referencing_OccupationChronology::CURRENT;
             $occupation->type = Model_Referencing_OccupationTypes::STUDENT;
             $occupation->isPermanent = true;
             $occupation->income = new Zend_Currency(array('precision' => 0, 'value' => 0));
             //Referees and referencing are not applicable for this occupation status.
             $occupation->refereeDetails = null;
             $occupation->referencingDetails = null;
             $returnArray[] = $occupation;
     //Now identify the occupations recorded in the employment table.
     $select = $this->select();
     $select->where('enquiryRefno = ? ', (string) $enquiryId);
     $occupationsArray = $this->fetchAll($select);
     if (!empty($occupationsArray)) {
         foreach ($occupationsArray as $occupationRow) {
             $occupation = new Model_Referencing_Occupation();
             $occupation->id = $occupationRow->refno;
             $occupation->referenceId = $referenceId;
             $occupation->importance = $this->_getOccupationimportance($occupationRow->Jobstatus);
             $occupation->chronology = $this->_getOccupationalChronology($occupationRow->Jobstatus);
             //The $occupationRow->type refers to the occupational confirmation type, i.e. the
             //person or means by which the reference will be provided. Therefore it needs to be
             //translated into a type.
             $occupation->type = $this->_getOccupationType($occupationRow->type);
             if ($occupationRow->permanent == 'Yes') {
                 $occupation->isPermanent = true;
             } else {
                 $occupation->isPermanent = false;
             if (!empty($occupationRow->salary)) {
                 $occupation->income = new Zend_Currency(array('precision' => 0, 'value' => $occupationRow->salary));
             if ($occupationRow->startdate != '0000-00-00') {
                 $occupation->startDate = new Zend_Date($occupationRow->startdate, Zend_Date::ISO_8601);
             if ($occupationRow->complete == 1) {
                 $occupation->isComplete = true;
             } else {
                 $occupation->isComplete = false;
             //Assign the occupation variables, if applicable.
             $variables = array();
             if ($occupationRow->enddate != '0000-00-00') {
                 $endDate = new Zend_Date($occupationRow->enddate, Zend_Date::ISO_8601);
                 $variables[Model_Referencing_OccupationVariables::ENDDATE] = $endDate;
             $position = $occupationRow->positionheld;
             if (!empty($position)) {
                 $variables[Model_Referencing_OccupationVariables::POSITION] = $position;
             $payrollNo = $occupationRow->payrollno;
             if (!empty($payrollNo)) {
                 $variables[Model_Referencing_OccupationVariables::PAYROLL_NUMBER] = $payrollNo;
                 $variables[Model_Referencing_OccupationVariables::PENSION_NUMBER] = $payrollNo;
             if (!empty($variables)) {
                 $occupation->variables = $variables;
             //Add the referee details and reference details.
             $occupationalReferees = new Datasource_ReferencingLegacy_OccupationalReferees();
             $occupation->refereeDetails = $occupationalReferees->getOccupationalReferee($occupationRow->refno);
             $occupationalReferences = new Datasource_ReferencingLegacy_OccupationalReferences();
             $occupation->referencingDetails = $occupationalReferences->getByEnquiry($enquiryId, $occupation->chronology, $occupation->importance);
             $returnArray[] = $occupation;
     return $returnArray;
  * Gets the current reference Enquiry declaration version
  * @return int
 private function _getDeclarationVersion()
     $session = new Zend_Session_Namespace('referencing_global');
     $referencingLegacyEnquiryDatasource = new Datasource_ReferencingLegacy_Enquiry();
     $reference = $referencingLegacyEnquiryDatasource->getEnquiry($session->referenceId);
     return (int) $reference->declarationVersion;
  * Search references in the legacy datasource.
  * @param mixed $agentschemeno
  * The agent scheme number.
  * @param array $criteria
  * The array of search criteria.
  * @param string $orderBy
  * Must correspond to one of the consts exposed by the Model_Referencing_SearchResult class.
  * @param integer $pageNumber
  * The current search result page number.
  * @param integer $rowLimit
  * The number of results to display on each page.
  * @return Model_Referencing_SearchResult
  * Encapsulates the search results.
 public function searchReferences($agentschemeno, $criteria, $orderBy, $pageNumber, $rowLimit, $offset = null)
     $select = $this->select();
     $select->joinLeft('Tenant', 'Tenant.id = Enquiry.TenantID');
     $select->joinLeft('progress', 'progress.refno = Enquiry.RefNo');
     $select->joinLeft('Product', 'Product.ID = Enquiry.ProductID');
     $select->joinLeft('property', 'property.refno = Enquiry.proprefno');
     //Mandatory search items.
     $select->where('AgentID = ? ', $agentschemeno);
     $select->where('nochange != ? ', 'cancelled');
     $select->where('proprefno != ? ', '');
     // Don't look up any duplicates that may have been pushed in by Finance or MI events
     $select->where('Enquiry.RefNo NOT LIKE ?', 'HLT%');
     // Added during dev build and testing to remove orphan records todo: Remove for non-dev:
     //$select->where('progress.start_time IS NOT NULL', '');
     if (empty($criteria['refno'])) {
         //Optional search items.
         if (!empty($criteria['proprefno'])) {
             $where = $this->quoteInto('Enquiry.proprefno = ? ', $criteria['proprefno']);
         if (!empty($criteria['firstname']) || !empty($criteria['lastname'])) {
             // Use a sub select for the join to the tenants table - approximately 1000% quicker
             if (!empty($criteria['firstname']) && !empty($criteria['lastname'])) {
                 $where = $this->quoteInto('firstname LIKE ? AND lastname LIKE ?', $criteria['firstname'] . '%', $criteria['lastname'] . '%');
             } elseif (!empty($criteria['firstname'])) {
                 $where = $this->quoteInto('firstname LIKE ? ', $criteria['firstname'] . '%');
             } else {
                 $where = $this->quoteInto('lastname LIKE ?', $criteria['lastname'] . '%');
         if (!empty($criteria['address'])) {
             $like = '%' . $criteria['address'] . '%';
             $where = $this->quoteInto('property.address1 LIKE ? ', $like);
         if (!empty($criteria['town'])) {
             $like = '%' . $criteria['town'] . '%';
             $where = $this->quoteInto('property.town LIKE ? ', $like);
         if (!empty($criteria['postcode'])) {
             $like = '%' . $criteria['postcode'] . '%';
             $where = $this->quoteInto('property.postcode LIKE ? ', $like);
         if (!empty($criteria['state']) && preg_match("/complete|incomplete/i", $criteria['state'])) {
             $select->where('progress.resulttx = ? ', $criteria['state']);
         if (!empty($criteria['type'])) {
             //Add product type(s) to the query.
             $expandedSearchTerms = $this->_expandProductTypes($criteria['type']);
             if (count($expandedSearchTerms) == 1) {
                 //The search term has not been expanded, so use it 'as-is'.
                 $where = $this->quoteInto('Product.Name = ? ', $criteria['type']);
             } else {
                 //The search term is now two or more terms, so accommodate this.
                 $placeHolderString = '';
                 for ($i = 0; $i < count($expandedSearchTerms); $i++) {
                     if (empty($placeHolderString)) {
                         $placeHolderString = '?';
                     } else {
                         $placeHolderString .= ',?';
                 $where = $this->quoteInto("Product.Name IN ({$placeHolderString}) ", $expandedSearchTerms);
         //Order by.
         if (empty($orderBy)) {
             //Apply the default orderby clause.
             $select->order(array('progress.start_time DESC', 'Tenant.lastname ASC'));
         } else {
             //Apply the user-selected orderby clause.
             switch ($orderBy) {
                 case Model_Referencing_SearchResult::REFNO_ASC:
                     $select->order('Enquiry.Refno ASC');
                 case Model_Referencing_SearchResult::REFNO_DESC:
                     $select->order('Enquiry.Refno DESC');
                 case Model_Referencing_SearchResult::FIRSTNAME_ASC:
                     $select->order('Tenant.firstname ASC');
                 case Model_Referencing_SearchResult::FIRSTNAME_DESC:
                     $select->order('Tenant.firstname DESC');
                 case Model_Referencing_SearchResult::LASTNAME_ASC:
                     $select->order('Tenant.lastname ASC');
                 case Model_Referencing_SearchResult::LASTNAME_DESC:
                     $select->order('Tenant.lastname DESC');
                 case Model_Referencing_SearchResult::ADDRESS1_ASC:
                     $select->order('property.address1 ASC');
                 case Model_Referencing_SearchResult::ADDRESS1_DESC:
                     $select->order('property.address1 DESC');
                 case Model_Referencing_SearchResult::STARTDATE_ASC:
                     $select->order('progress.start_time ASC');
                 case Model_Referencing_SearchResult::STARTDATE_DESC:
                     $select->order('progress.start_time DESC');
     } else {
         //Prepare the query based on the reference identifier only.
         $eds = new Datasource_ReferencingLegacy_Enquiry();
         switch ($eds->getIdentifierType($criteria['refno'])) {
             case Model_Referencing_ReferenceKeyTypes::EXTERNAL:
                 $select->where('Enquiry.RefNo = ? ', (string) $criteria['refno']);
             case Model_Referencing_ReferenceKeyTypes::INTERNAL:
                 $select->where('Enquiry.ID = ? ', $criteria['refno']);
     // If offset supplied, add to SQL
     if (null !== $offset) {
         // If the offset is zero and row limit is zero, present only count
         if (0 == $offset && 0 == $rowLimit) {
             $select->columns('COUNT(`Enquiry`.`ID`) AS enquiryCount');
             $select->limit($rowLimit, $offset);
             $rowSet = $this->fetchAll($select);
             //Encapsulate the results and return.
             $searchResult = new Model_Referencing_SearchResult();
             $searchResult->results = array();
             $searchResult->totalNumberOfResults = $rowSet[0]['enquiryCount'];
             return $searchResult;
         } else {
             $select->limit($rowLimit, $offset);
             $rowSet = $this->fetchAll($select);
             //Encapsulate the results and return.
             $searchResult = new Model_Referencing_SearchResult();
             $searchResult->results = $rowSet->toArray();
             return $searchResult;
     //Run the query.
     $rowSet = $this->fetchAll($select);
     $totalNoOfResults = $rowSet->count();
     //Apply resultset limits.
     switch ($rowLimit) {
         case Model_Referencing_SearchResult::TEN_ROWS:
         case Model_Referencing_SearchResult::TWENTY_FIVE_ROWS:
         case Model_Referencing_SearchResult::FIFTY_ROWS:
         case Model_Referencing_SearchResult::ONE_HUNDRED_ROWS:
         case Model_Referencing_SearchResult::ALL_ROWS:
             if ($rowLimit == Model_Referencing_SearchResult::ALL_ROWS) {
                 $rowLimit = Model_Referencing_SearchResult::ONE_HUNDRED_ROWS;
             //Calculate the offset.
             if ($pageNumber == 1) {
                 $offset = 0;
             } else {
                 $offset = $pageNumber - 1;
                 $offset *= $rowLimit;
             throw new Zend_Exception('Invalid row limit specified.');
     //Prepare the resultset.
     $results = array();
     $loopCounter = 0;
     for ($i = 0; $i < $totalNoOfResults; $i++) {
         if ($i < $offset) {
         $currentRow = $rowSet->getRow($i);
         $results[$loopCounter] = $currentRow->toArray();
         //The following are used on the reference summary page
         $results[$loopCounter]['applicantType'] = $this->_getApplicantTypeString($currentRow);
         $results[$loopCounter]['refStatus'] = $this->_getReferenceStatusString($currentRow);
         if ($loopCounter == $rowLimit) {
     //Prepare the SearchResult object.
     if ($pageNumber > 1) {
         $previousPageNumber = $pageNumber - 1;
     } else {
         $previousPageNumber = null;
     if ($totalNoOfResults > $pageNumber * $rowLimit) {
         $nextPageNumber = $pageNumber + 1;
     } else {
         $nextPageNumber = null;
     //Encapsulate the results and return.
     $searchResult = new Model_Referencing_SearchResult();
     $searchResult->results = $results;
     $searchResult->resultsPerPage = $rowLimit;
     $searchResult->previousPageNumber = $previousPageNumber;
     $searchResult->currentPageNumber = $pageNumber;
     $searchResult->nextPageNumber = $nextPageNumber;
     $searchResult->maxPageNumber = ceil($totalNoOfResults / $rowLimit);
     $searchResult->totalNumberOfResults = $totalNoOfResults;
     return $searchResult;
Exemplo n.º 10
  * This function handles a login attempt and validates the credentials
  * @return void
 public function loginAction()
     // Force user over to SSL if not already
     # if ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != 443) {
     #    $this->_redirect($this->_params->url->connectLogin);
     # }
     $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
     $auth->setStorage(new Zend_Auth_Storage_Session('hl_connect'));
     if ($auth->hasIdentity()) {
         // User is already logged in so just push them into the system
     // Intantiate form definition
     $pageForm = new Connect_Form_Login();
     // If we have a refno, try to prepopulate the form with ASN
     if (preg_match('/^([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+)$/', $this->getRequest()->getParam('refno'), $matches)) {
         if (isset($matches[1])) {
             $refno = $matches[1];
             $enquiryDatasource = new Datasource_ReferencingLegacy_Enquiry();
             $agentID = $enquiryDatasource->getReferenceAgentID($this->getRequest()->getParam('refno'));
             if ($agentID) {
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     if ($request->isPost()) {
         if ($this->_helper->auth->attemptLogin($pageForm)) {
         } else {
             $this->view->loginErrorMessage = "Invalid user or password";
     $params = Zend_Registry::get('params');
     $this->view->pageTitle = 'Log In';
     $this->view->homePage = $params->homelet->get('domain');
     $this->view->form = $pageForm;
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Retrieves the specified reference subject.
  * @param string $referenceSubjectId
  * The unique reference subject identifier.
  * @param string $enquiryId
  * The unique external Enquiry identifier.
  * @return mixed
  * The reference subject details encapsulated in a Model_Referencing_ReferenceSubject
  * object, or null if the reference subject cannot be found.
 public function getReferenceSubject($referenceSubjectId, $enquiryId)
     if (empty($referenceSubjectId)) {
         return null;
     $select = $this->select();
     $select->where('ID = ?', $referenceSubjectId);
     $referenceSubjectRow = $this->fetchRow($select);
     if (empty($referenceSubjectRow)) {
         $returnVal = null;
     } else {
         $referenceSubject = new Model_Referencing_ReferenceSubject();
         $referenceSubject->referenceId = $referenceSubjectRow->ID;
         //Load up the bank account details.
         $bankAccount = new Model_Referencing_BankAccount();
         $bankAccount->referenceId = $referenceSubjectRow->ID;
         $bankAccount->accountNumber = $referenceSubjectRow->accountNo;
         $bankAccount->sortCode = $referenceSubjectRow->sortcodeNo;
         switch ($referenceSubjectRow->bankValidationCheckStatus) {
             case 'N/A':
             case 'No':
             case '':
                 $bankAccount->isValidated = false;
                 $bankAccount->isValidated = true;
         $referenceSubject->bankAccount = $bankAccount;
         //Load the name details.
         $name = new Model_Core_Name();
         $name->title = $referenceSubjectRow->title;
         $name->firstName = $referenceSubjectRow->firstname;
         $name->middleName = $referenceSubjectRow->middlename;
         $name->lastName = $referenceSubjectRow->lastname;
         $name->maidenName = $referenceSubjectRow->maidenname;
         $referenceSubject->name = $name;
         $contactDetails = new Model_Core_ContactDetails();
         $contactDetails->telephone1 = $referenceSubjectRow->tel;
         $contactDetails->telephone2 = $referenceSubjectRow->mobile;
         $contactDetails->email1 = $referenceSubjectRow->email;
         $referenceSubject->contactDetails = $contactDetails;
         if ($referenceSubjectRow->dob != '0000-00-00') {
             $referenceSubject->dob = new Zend_Date($referenceSubjectRow->dob, Zend_Date::ISO_8601);
         $enquiryDatasource = new Datasource_ReferencingLegacy_Enquiry();
         if ($enquiryDatasource->getLegacyReferenceSubjectType($enquiryId) == Model_Referencing_ReferenceSubjectTypes::TENANT) {
             $referenceSubject->type = Model_Referencing_ReferenceSubjectTypes::TENANT;
         } else {
             $referenceSubject->type = Model_Referencing_ReferenceSubjectTypes::GUARANTOR;
         $residenceDatasource = new Datasource_ReferencingLegacy_Residences();
         $referenceSubject->residences = $residenceDatasource->getByEnquiry($enquiryId);
         $occupationDatasource = new Datasource_ReferencingLegacy_Occupations();
         $referenceSubject->occupations = $occupationDatasource->getAllByEnquiry($enquiryId);
         if (!empty($referenceSubjectRow->hasCCJs)) {
             if ($referenceSubjectRow->hasCCJs == 'Yes') {
                 $referenceSubject->hasAdverseCredit = true;
             } else {
                 $referenceSubject->hasAdverseCredit = false;
         if ($referenceSubjectRow->RentShare >= 0) {
             $referenceSubject->shareOfRent = new Zend_Currency(array('value' => $referenceSubjectRow->RentShare, 'precision' => 0));
         $returnVal = $referenceSubject;
     return $returnVal;
  * Check this reference against an ASN to check for ownership
  * @param int $ownerAgentId Agent ID of the agent we're checking for ownership
  * @param string $refno Reference number of the reference to check
  * @return boolean
 private function _isReferenceOwnedBy($refno, $ownerAgentId)
     // Find the ASN of the reference
     $enquiryDatasource = new Datasource_ReferencingLegacy_Enquiry();
     $agentID = $enquiryDatasource->getReferenceAgentID($refno);
     return $agentID == $ownerAgentId;
 public function resendEmailAction()
     // Pop-up results need pop-up layout
     // Get refno from GET var, look up applicant details
     $refno = isset($_GET['refno']) ? $_GET['refno'] : '';
     $refMuntManager = new Manager_ReferencingLegacy_Munt();
     $reference = $refMuntManager->getReference($refno);
     $applicantTypes = array_flip(Model_Referencing_ReferenceSubjectTypes::iterableKeys());
     $applicantType = ucwords(strtolower($applicantTypes[$reference->referenceSubject->type]));
     $applicantType = $applicantType == 'Tenant' ? 'Applicant' : $applicantType;
     // Intantiate form definition
     $pageForm = new Connect_Form_ReferencingResendEmail();
     // Validate form if POSTed
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     if ($request->isPost() && !is_null($request->getParam('fromForm')) && $request->getParam('fromForm') == '1') {
         $postData = $request->getPost();
         if ($pageForm->isValid($postData)) {
             // Instantiate security manager for generating MAC
             $securityManager = new Application_Core_Security($this->_params->connect->ref->security->securityString->user);
             $macToken = $securityManager->generate(array($this->_agentSchemeNumber, $this->_agentId));
             // cURL original page in old ref system, bleurgh
             $baseReferencingUrl = $this->_params->connect->baseUrl->referencing;
             $to = $pageForm->getElement('email')->getValue();
             $url = "{$baseReferencingUrl}frontEnd/emailtenantlink.php?refno={$refno}&tempemail={$to}&brand=default&agentToken={$macToken}";
             // TODO: Use Zend_Http_Client and Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Curl
             $ch = curl_init($url);
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, true);
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 5);
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, true);
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 60);
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
             $status = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
             if ($status != 200) {
                 // Show user there was a problem
                 $this->view->error = "({$status}): " . curl_error($ch);
             } else {
                 // TODO: Check for error being returned
                 if (false) {
                     // Show user there was a fatal problem
                 } else {
                     //Update e-mail address.
                     if ($pageForm->getElement('replace')->getValue() == '1') {
                         //Get the legacy Tenant ID, then use that to identify the
                         //Tenant record to update in the legacy Tenant table.
                         $legacyEnquiryDatasource = new Datasource_ReferencingLegacy_Enquiry();
                         $legacyTenantId = $legacyEnquiryDatasource->getTenantId($reference->externalId);
                         $rsds = new Datasource_ReferencingLegacy_ReferenceSubject();
                         $rsds->updateField($legacyTenantId, Datasource_ReferencingLegacy_ReferenceSubject::FIELD_EMAIL, $to);
                     // Show user all was successful
         } else {
             // Show errors back to user
             $allErrors = $pageForm->getMessages();
             foreach ($allErrors as $field => $errors) {
                 foreach ($errors as $errorType => $errorMessage) {
     } else {
         // Pre-fill in refno, e-mail address and replacement checkbox
     $this->view->refno = $refno;
     $this->view->applicantName = "{$reference->referenceSubject->name->title} {$reference->referenceSubject->name->firstName} {$reference->referenceSubject->name->lastName}";
     $this->view->applicantType = $applicantType;
     $this->view->form = $pageForm;
     $this->view->flashMessages = $this->_helper->flashmessages->getCurrentMessages();
Exemplo n.º 14
  * Get product premiums for month term size, linked to reference and agent
  * @param int $months Months to retrieve premium for, should be 6 or 12.
  * @param int $irn Enquiry internal ID number to link pricing deals to to get product premiums
  * @return float Premium
 public function getRenewalPremium($months, $irn)
     return $this->_enquiryModel->getRenewalPremium($months, $irn);
  * Retrieves the residential referee for a specific residence.
  * @param string $enquiryId
  * The unique external Enquiry identifier.
  * @return mixed
  * Returns a Model_Referencing_ResidentialReferee object, or null if no
  * referee is found.
 public function getByEnquiry($enquiryId)
     $enquiryDatasource = new Datasource_ReferencingLegacy_Enquiry();
     return $this->getResidentialReferee($enquiryDatasource->getCurrentLandlordId($enquiryId));
Exemplo n.º 16
  * Retrieves all residence details against a specific Enquiry.
  * @param string $enquiryId
  * The unique external Enquiry identifier.
  * @return mixed
  * An array of Model_Referencing_Residence objects, or null if no
  * residences found.
  * @todo
  * The residence referencing details are not yet captured by this method.
 public function getByEnquiry($enquiryId)
     $returnArray = array();
     //Use the Enquiry datasource to retrieve the identifiers to the reference subject's
     $enquiryDatasource = new Datasource_ReferencingLegacy_Enquiry();
     $currentResidenceId = $enquiryDatasource->getResidenceId($enquiryId, Model_Referencing_ResidenceChronology::CURRENT);
     $firstPreviousResidenceId = $enquiryDatasource->getResidenceId($enquiryId, Model_Referencing_ResidenceChronology::FIRST_PREVIOUS);
     $secondPreviousResidenceId = $enquiryDatasource->getResidenceId($enquiryId, Model_Referencing_ResidenceChronology::SECOND_PREVIOUS);
     //Now identify the residences recorded in the tenant_address table.
     for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
         switch ($i) {
             case 0:
                 $residenceId = $currentResidenceId;
             case 1:
                 $residenceId = $firstPreviousResidenceId;
             case 2:
                 $residenceId = $secondPreviousResidenceId;
         if (empty($residenceId)) {
         $select = $this->select();
         $select->where('refno = ?', $residenceId);
         $residenceRow = $this->fetchRow($select);
         if (!empty($residenceRow)) {
             $residence = new Model_Referencing_Residence();
             //Set the ID.
             $residence->id = $residenceRow->refno;
             //Set the address.
             $address = new Model_Core_Address();
             $address->flatNumber = $residenceRow->flat;
             $address->houseName = $residenceRow->house;
             $address->addressLine1 = $residenceRow->address1;
             $address->addressLine2 = $residenceRow->address2;
             $address->town = $residenceRow->town;
             $address->postCode = $residenceRow->postcode;
             $address->country = $residenceRow->country;
             $residence->address = $address;
             //Set the chronology.
             switch ($i) {
                 case 0:
                     $residence->chronology = Model_Referencing_ResidenceChronology::CURRENT;
                 case 1:
                     $residence->chronology = Model_Referencing_ResidenceChronology::FIRST_PREVIOUS;
                 case 2:
                     $residence->chronology = Model_Referencing_ResidenceChronology::SECOND_PREVIOUS;
             //Set the duration of occupancy.
             $residence->durationAtAddress = $residenceRow->monthshere;
             //Set the residential status (owner, tenant, living with relatives).
             if ($residence->chronology == Model_Referencing_ResidenceChronology::CURRENT) {
                 $referenceSubjectDatasource = new Datasource_ReferencingLegacy_ReferenceSubject();
                 $residentialStatus = $referenceSubjectDatasource->getLegacyResidentialStatus($enquiryId);
                 switch ($residentialStatus) {
                     case 'Owner':
                         $residence->status = Model_Referencing_ResidenceStatus::OWNER;
                     case 'Tenant':
                         $residence->status = Model_Referencing_ResidenceStatus::TENANT;
                     case 'Living with Relative':
                         $residence->status = Model_Referencing_ResidenceStatus::LIVING_WITH_RELATIVES;
                         $residence->status = null;
             } else {
                 $residence->status = null;
             //Set the referee and referencing details, if applicable. We only obtain a referee and
             //reference against the current residence, and even then only if the applicant is a
             //tenant at the current residence.
             $residence->refereeDetails = null;
             $residence->referencingDetails = null;
             if ($residence->chronology == Model_Referencing_ResidenceChronology::CURRENT) {
                 if ($residence->status == Model_Referencing_ResidenceStatus::TENANT) {
                     $refereeDatasource = new Datasource_ReferencingLegacy_ResidentialReferees();
                     $residence->refereeDetails = $refereeDatasource->getByEnquiry($enquiryId);
                     $residentialReferenceDatasource = new Datasource_ReferencingLegacy_ResidentialReferences();
                     $residence->referencingDetails = $residentialReferenceDatasource->getByEnquiry($enquiryId);
             $returnArray[] = $residence;
     if (empty($returnArray)) {
         $returnVal = null;
     } else {
         $returnVal = $returnArray;
     return $returnVal;
Exemplo n.º 17
  * Get all references for the selected reference numbers
  * @param array $referenceIds Reference numbers
  * @param string $refnoSearch Refno search restriction
  * @param array $orderby Array of order by columns
  * @return array List of references
 public function getAllReferences($referenceIds, $refnoSearch, $orderby)
     $legacyEnquiry = new Datasource_ReferencingLegacy_Enquiry();
     return $legacyEnquiry->getAllReferences($referenceIds, $refnoSearch, $orderby);