Exemplo n.º 1
	<div class="col-sm-4">
$db = new DatacenterDB();
$total_pv = $db->selectTotalPV();
$h = new StatsTile();
$h->icon = "entypo-eye";
$h->color = "tile-red";
$h->title = "总PV";
$h->introduce = "From 2014-9-25 15:36 To now";
$h->datashow = $total_pv;
$db = new DatacenterDB();
$total_uv = $db->selectTotalUV();
$h = new StatsTile();
$h->icon = "entypo-eye";
$h->color = "tile-green";
$h->title = "总UV";
$h->introduce = "From 2014-9-25 15:36 To now";
$h->datashow = $total_uv;
$panel = new Panel();
$panel->data = array("title" => "");
$panel->data["content"] = "<div id='pv_distribute' style='height:100%'></div>";
Exemplo n.º 2
         array_push($wd["data"], round($pvdistribute["num"] / $totalpv * 100, 2));
     $chart_series[0] = $wd;
     $chart_lw = new LineChart();
     $chart_lw->data["chart"]["type"] = "bar";
     $chart_lw->data["title"] = array("text" => "PV分布");
     $chart_lw->data["subtitle"] = array("text" => "各页面pv占总数百分比");
     $chart_lw->data["xAxis"] = array("title" => array("text" => ""), "categories" => $categories);
     $chart_lw->data["yAxis"] = array("title" => array("text" => "百分比(%)"));
     $chart_lw->data["tooltip"] = array("pointFormat" => "<span style='color:{series.color}'>● {series.name}</span>: <b>{point.y} %</b>");
     $chart_lw->data["series"] = $chart_series;
     echo $chart_lw->getChartJson();
 } else {
     if ($_GET["action"] == "pv_uv_day_trend") {
         $db = new DatacenterDB();
         $d = $db->selectPvUvDayTrend();
         $categories = array();
         $pv = array();
         $uv = array();
         foreach ($d as $val) {
             array_push($categories, $val["time"]);
             array_push($pv, (int) $val["pv"]);
             array_push($uv, (int) $val["uv"]);
         $chart_lw = new LineChart();
         $chart_lw->data["chart"] = array("type" => "line");
         $chart_lw->data["title"] = array("text" => "PV/UV每日趋势");
         $chart_lw->data["subtitle"] = array("text" => "");
         $chart_lw->data["xAxis"] = array("title" => array("text" => ""), "categories" => $categories);