/** * Check if database needs to be built, and build it if it does. */ static function autoBuild() { $dataClasses = ClassInfo::subclassesFor('DataObject'); $lastBuilt = self::lastBuilt(); foreach ($dataClasses as $class) { if (filemtime(getClassFile($class)) > $lastBuilt) { $da = new DatabaseAdmin(); $da->doBuild(true); return; } } }
/** * @param \Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface $input * @param \Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface $output * @return void * @throws \Exception */ protected function execute(Input\InputInterface $input, Output\OutputInterface $output) { if ($input->getOption('dev-build')) { $output->writeln('Building database'); $databaseAdmin = new \DatabaseAdmin(); $databaseAdmin->doBuild(true); $output->writeln('Database built'); } // Get mode if ($input->getOption('mode')) { $mode = $input->getOption('mode'); } else { $mode = \Director::get_environment_type(); } $container = $this->createContainer(); $this->loadConfig($container, $mode); $output->writeln($this->dumpContainer($container, $mode, $input->getOption('debug'))); }
/** * Test {@link Object::add_extension()} has loaded DataObjectDecorator statics correctly. */ function testAddExtensionLoadsStatics() { // Object::add_extension() will load DOD statics directly, so let's try adding a decorator on the fly Object::add_extension('DataObjectDecoratorTest_Player', 'DataObjectDecoratorTest_PlayerDecorator'); // Now that we've just added the decorator, we need to rebuild the database $da = new DatabaseAdmin(); $da->doBuild(true, false, true); // Create a test record with decorated fields, writing to the DB $player = new DataObjectDecoratorTest_Player(); $player->setField('Name', 'Joe'); $player->setField('DateBirth', '1990-5-10'); $player->Address = '123 somewhere street'; $player->write(); unset($player); // Pull the record out of the DB and examine the decorated fields $player = DataObject::get_one('DataObjectDecoratorTest_Player', "Name = 'Joe'"); $this->assertEquals($player->DateBirth, '1990-05-10'); $this->assertEquals($player->Address, '123 somewhere street'); $this->assertEquals($player->Status, 'Goalie'); }
public function build($request) { //Only build the classes do not populate the records $_REQUEST['dont_populate'] = 1; $renderer = DebugView::create(); $renderer->writeHeader(); $renderer->writeInfo("Orient Environment Builder: Do not run while logged in as a member", Director::absoluteBaseURL()); echo "<div class=\"build\">"; $da = DatabaseAdmin::create(); return $da->handleRequest($request, $this->model); echo "</div>"; $renderer->writeFooter(); }
function setUp() { $className = get_class($this); $fixtureFile = eval("return {$className}::\$fixture_file;"); if ($fixtureFile) { // Create a temporary database $dbConn = DB::getConn(); $dbname = 'tmpdb' . rand(1000000, 9999999); while (!$dbname || $dbConn->databaseExists($dbname)) { $dbname = 'tmpdb' . rand(1000000, 9999999); } $dbConn->selectDatabase($dbname); // This code is a bit misplaced; we want some way of the whole session being reinitialised... Versioned::reading_stage(null); $dbConn->createDatabase(); singleton('DataObject')->flushCache(); $dbadmin = new DatabaseAdmin(); $dbadmin->doBuild(true, false); // Load the fixture into the database $className = get_class($this); $this->loadFixture($fixtureFile); } }
public function fire() { // make sure we have a fresh manifest $this->call('clear:cache'); /** @var DatabaseAdmin $da */ $da = DatabaseAdmin::create(); // hack untill we have something better... ob_start(); $da->doBuild(); $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_get_clean(); foreach (explode("\n", $content) as $line) { $this->displayBuildMessage($line); } }
public function build($request) { if (Director::is_cli()) { $da = DatabaseAdmin::create(); return $da->handleRequest($request, $this->model); } else { $renderer = DebugView::create(); $renderer->writeHeader(); $renderer->writeInfo("Environment Builder", Director::absoluteBaseURL()); echo "<div class=\"build\">"; $da = DatabaseAdmin::create(); return $da->handleRequest($request, $this->model); echo "</div>"; $renderer->writeFooter(); } }
/** * Remove all content from the temporary database. */ static function empty_temp_db() { if (self::using_temp_db()) { $dbadmin = new DatabaseAdmin(); $dbadmin->clearAllData(); // Some DataObjectsDecorators keep a static cache of information that needs to // be reset whenever the database is cleaned out foreach (array_merge(ClassInfo::subclassesFor('DataObjectDecorator'), ClassInfo::subclassesFor('DataObject')) as $class) { $toCall = array($class, 'on_db_reset'); if (is_callable($toCall)) { call_user_func($toCall); } } } }
function build() { $renderer = new DebugView(); $renderer->writeHeader(); $renderer->writeInfo("Environment Builder (formerly db/build)", Director::absoluteBaseURL()); echo "<div style=\"margin: 0 2em\">"; $da = new DatabaseAdmin(); $da->build(); echo "</div>"; $renderer->writeFooter(); }
/** * Build the default data, calling requireDefaultRecords on all * DataObject classes * Should match the $url_handlers rule: * 'build/defaults' => 'buildDefaults', */ function buildDefaults() { $da = DatabaseAdmin::create(); if (!Director::is_cli()) { $renderer = DebugView::create(); $renderer->writeHeader(); $renderer->writeInfo("Defaults Builder", Director::absoluteBaseURL()); echo "<div style=\"margin: 0 2em\">"; } $da->buildDefaults(); if (!Director::is_cli()) { echo "</div>"; $renderer->writeFooter(); } }
public function install($config) { ?> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"/> <title>Installing SilverStripe...</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo FRAMEWORK_NAME; ?> /dev/install/css/install.css"/> <script src="<?php echo FRAMEWORK_NAME; ?> /thirdparty/jquery/jquery.js"></script> </head> <body> <div class="install-header"> <div class="inner"> <div class="brand"> <span class="logo"></span> <h1>SilverStripe</h1> </div> </div> </div> <div id="Navigation"> </div> <div class="clear"><!-- --></div> <div class="main"> <div class="inner"> <h2>Installing SilverStripe...</h2> <p>I am now running through the installation steps (this should take about 30 seconds)</p> <p>If you receive a fatal error, refresh this page to continue the installation</p> <ul> <?php $webserver = $this->findWebserver(); $isIIS = $this->isIIS(); $isApache = $this->isApache(); flush(); if (isset($config['stats'])) { if (file_exists(FRAMEWORK_NAME . '/silverstripe_version')) { $silverstripe_version = file_get_contents(FRAMEWORK_NAME . '/silverstripe_version'); } else { $silverstripe_version = "unknown"; } $phpVersion = urlencode(phpversion()); $encWebserver = urlencode($webserver); $dbType = $config['db']['type']; // Try to determine the database version from the helper $databaseVersion = $config['db']['type']; $helper = $this->getDatabaseConfigurationHelper($dbType); if ($helper && method_exists($helper, 'getDatabaseVersion')) { $versionConfig = $config['db'][$dbType]; $versionConfig['type'] = $dbType; $databaseVersion = urlencode($dbType . ': ' . $helper->getDatabaseVersion($versionConfig)); } $url = "http://ss2stat.silverstripe.com/Installation/add?SilverStripe={$silverstripe_version}&PHP={$phpVersion}&Database={$databaseVersion}&WebServer={$encWebserver}"; if (isset($_SESSION['StatsID']) && $_SESSION['StatsID']) { $url .= '&ID=' . $_SESSION['StatsID']; } @($_SESSION['StatsID'] = file_get_contents($url)); } if (file_exists('mysite/_config.php')) { // Truncate the contents of _config instead of deleting it - we can't re-create it because Windows handles permissions slightly // differently to UNIX based filesystems - it takes the permissions from the parent directory instead of retaining them $fh = fopen('mysite/_config.php', 'wb'); fclose($fh); } // Escape user input for safe insertion into PHP file $theme = isset($_POST['template']) ? addcslashes($_POST['template'], "\\'") : 'simple'; $locale = isset($_POST['locale']) ? addcslashes($_POST['locale'], "\\'") : 'en_US'; $type = addcslashes($config['db']['type'], "\\'"); $dbConfig = $config['db'][$type]; $dbConfig = array_map(create_function('$v', 'return addcslashes($v, "\\\'");'), $dbConfig); if (!isset($dbConfig['path'])) { $dbConfig['path'] = ''; } if (!$dbConfig) { echo "<p style=\"color: red\">Bad config submitted</p><pre>"; print_r($config); echo "</pre>"; die; } // Write the config file global $usingEnv; if ($usingEnv) { $this->statusMessage("Setting up 'mysite/_config.php' for use with _ss_environment.php..."); $this->writeToFile("mysite/_config.php", <<<PHP <?php global \$project; \$project = 'mysite'; global \$database; \$database = '{$dbConfig['database']}'; require_once('conf/ConfigureFromEnv.php'); // Set the site locale i18n::set_locale('{$locale}'); PHP ); } else { $this->statusMessage("Setting up 'mysite/_config.php'..."); // Create databaseConfig $lines = array($lines[] = "\t'type' => '{$type}'"); foreach ($dbConfig as $key => $value) { $lines[] = "\t'{$key}' => '{$value}'"; } $databaseConfigContent = implode(",\n", $lines); $this->writeToFile("mysite/_config.php", <<<PHP <?php global \$project; \$project = 'mysite'; global \$databaseConfig; \$databaseConfig = array( {$databaseConfigContent} ); // Set the site locale i18n::set_locale('{$locale}'); PHP ); } $this->statusMessage("Setting up 'mysite/_config/config.yml'"); $this->writeToFile("mysite/_config/config.yml", <<<YML --- Name: mysite After: - 'framework/*' - 'cms/*' --- # YAML configuration for SilverStripe # See http://doc.silverstripe.org/framework/en/topics/configuration # Caution: Indentation through two spaces, not tabs SSViewer: theme: '{$theme}' YML ); if (!$this->checkModuleExists('cms')) { $this->writeToFile("mysite/code/RootURLController.php", <<<PHP <?php class RootURLController extends Controller { \tpublic function index() { \t\techo "<html>Your site is now set up. Start adding controllers to mysite to get started.</html>"; \t} } PHP ); } // Write the appropriate web server configuration file for rewriting support if ($this->hasRewritingCapability()) { if ($isApache) { $this->statusMessage("Setting up '.htaccess' file..."); $this->createHtaccess(); } elseif ($isIIS) { $this->statusMessage("Setting up 'web.config' file..."); $this->createWebConfig(); } } // Load the SilverStripe runtime $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] = dirname(realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) . '/' . FRAMEWORK_NAME . '/main.php'; chdir(FRAMEWORK_NAME); // Rebuild the manifest $_GET['flush'] = true; // Show errors as if you're in development mode $_SESSION['isDev'] = 1; $this->statusMessage("Building database schema..."); require_once 'core/Core.php'; // Build database $con = new Controller(); $con->pushCurrent(); global $databaseConfig; DB::connect($databaseConfig); $dbAdmin = new DatabaseAdmin(); $dbAdmin->init(); $dbAdmin->doBuild(true); // Create default administrator user and group in database // (not using Security::setDefaultAdmin()) $adminMember = Security::findAnAdministrator(); $adminMember->Email = $config['admin']['username']; $adminMember->Password = $config['admin']['password']; $adminMember->PasswordEncryption = Security::config()->encryption_algorithm; try { $this->statusMessage('Creating default CMS admin account...'); $adminMember->write(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->statusMessage(sprintf('Warning: Default CMS admin account could not be created (error: %s)', $e->getMessage())); } // Syncing filesystem (so /assets/Uploads is available instantly, see ticket #2266) // show a warning if there was a problem doing so try { $this->statusMessage('Creating initial filesystem assets...'); Filesystem::sync(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->statusMessage(sprintf('Warning: Creating initial filesystem assets failed (error: %s)', $e->getMessage())); } $_SESSION['username'] = $config['admin']['username']; $_SESSION['password'] = $config['admin']['password']; if (!$this->errors) { if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) && $this->hasRewritingCapability()) { $this->statusMessage("Checking that friendly URLs work..."); $this->checkRewrite(); } else { require_once 'core/startup/ParameterConfirmationToken.php'; $token = new ParameterConfirmationToken('flush'); $params = http_build_query($token->params()); $destinationURL = 'index.php/' . ($this->checkModuleExists('cms') ? "home/successfullyinstalled?{$params}" : "?{$params}"); echo <<<HTML \t\t\t\t<li>SilverStripe successfully installed; I am now redirecting you to your SilverStripe site...</li> \t\t\t\t<script> \t\t\t\t\tsetTimeout(function() { \t\t\t\t\t\twindow.location = "{$destinationURL}"; \t\t\t\t\t}, 2000); \t\t\t\t</script> \t\t\t\t<noscript> \t\t\t\t<li><a href="{$destinationURL}">Click here to access your site.</a></li> \t\t\t\t</noscript> HTML; } } return $this->errors; }
/** * Build the database with default records, see {@link DataObject->requireDefaultRecords()}. */ public function requireDefaultRecords() { $dbAdmin = new DatabaseAdmin(); Versioned::set_reading_mode(''); $dbAdmin->doBuild(true, true); }
function install($config) { if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) { ?> <html> <head> <title>PHP 5 is required</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="themes/blackcandy/css/layout.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="themes/blackcandy/css/typography.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="themes/blackcandy/css/form.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="sapphire/dev/install/install.css" /> <script src="jsparty/jquery/jquery.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id="BgContainer"> <div id="Container"> <div id="Header"> <h1>SilverStripe CMS Installation</h1> </div> <div id="Navigation"> </div> <div class="clear"><!-- --></div> <div id="Layout"> <div class="typography"> <h1>Installing SilverStripe...</h1> <p>I am now running through the installation steps (this should take about 30 seconds)</p> <p>If you receive a fatal error, refresh this page to continue the installation</p> <ul> <?php } else { echo "SILVERSTRIPE COMMAND-LINE INSTALLATION\n\n"; } flush(); if(isset($_POST['stats'])) { if(file_exists('sapphire/silverstripe_version')) { $sapphireVersionFile = file_get_contents('sapphire/silverstripe_version'); if(strstr($sapphireVersionFile, "/sapphire/trunk")) { $silverstripe_version = "trunk"; } else { preg_match("/sapphire\/(?:(?:branches)|(?:tags))(?:\/rc)?\/([A-Za-z0-9._-]+)\/silverstripe_version/", $sapphireVersionFile, $matches); $silverstripe_version = $matches[1]; } } else { $silverstripe_version = "unknown"; } $phpVersion = urlencode(phpversion()); $conn = @mysql_connect($config['mysql']['server'], null, null); $databaseVersion = urlencode('MySQL ' . mysql_get_server_info()); $webserver = urlencode($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']); $url = "http://ss2stat.silverstripe.com/Installation/add?SilverStripe=$silverstripe_version&PHP=$phpVersion&Database=$databaseVersion&WebServer=$webserver"; if(isset($_SESSION['StatsID']) && $_SESSION['StatsID']) { $url .= '&ID=' . $_SESSION['StatsID']; } @$_SESSION['StatsID'] = file_get_contents($url); } if(file_exists('mysite/_config.php')) { unlink('mysite/_config.php'); } $theme = isset($_POST['template']) ? $_POST['template'] : 'blackcandy'; // Write the config file global $usingEnv; if($usingEnv) { $this->statusMessage("Creating 'mysite/_config.php' for use with _ss_environment.php..."); $this->createFile("mysite/_config.php", <<<PHP <?php global \$project; \$project = 'mysite'; global \$database; \$database = "{$config['mysql']['database']}"; require_once("conf/ConfigureFromEnv.php"); // This line set's the current theme. More themes can be // downloaded from http://www.silverstripe.com/themes/ SSViewer::set_theme('$theme'); ?> PHP ); } else { $this->statusMessage("Creating 'mysite/_config.php'..."); $devServers = $this->var_export_array_nokeys(explode("\n", $_POST['devsites'])); $escapedPassword = addslashes($config['mysql']['password']); $this->createFile("mysite/_config.php", <<<PHP <?php global \$project; \$project = 'mysite'; global \$databaseConfig; \$databaseConfig = array( "type" => "$config[database]", "server" => "{$config['mysql']['server']}", "username" => "{$config['mysql']['username']}", "password" => "{$escapedPassword}", "database" => "{$config['mysql']['database']}", ); // Sites running on the following servers will be // run in development mode. See // http://doc.silverstripe.com/doku.php?id=devmode // for a description of what dev mode does. Director::set_dev_servers($devServers); // This line set's the current theme. More themes can be // downloaded from http://www.silverstripe.com/themes/ SSViewer::set_theme('$theme'); ?> PHP ); } $this->statusMessage("Creating '.htaccess' file..."); $this->createHtaccess(); // Load the sapphire runtime $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] = dirname(realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) . '/sapphire/main.php'; chdir('sapphire'); // Rebuild the manifest $_GET['flush'] = true; // Show errors as if you're in development mode $_SESSION['isDev'] = 1; require_once('core/Core.php'); $this->statusMessage("Building database schema..."); // Build database $con = new Controller(); $con->pushCurrent(); global $databaseConfig; DB::connect($databaseConfig); $dbAdmin = new DatabaseAdmin(); $dbAdmin->init(); $_REQUEST['username'] = $config['admin']['username']; $_REQUEST['password'] = $config['admin']['password']; $dbAdmin->doBuild(true); $adminmember = DataObject::get_one('Member',"`Email`= '".$_REQUEST['admin']['username']."'"); if($adminmember) { $adminmember->FirstName = $_REQUEST['admin']['firstname']; $adminmember->Surname = $_REQUEST['admin']['surname']; $adminmember->write(); } // Syncing filesystem (so /assets/Uploads is available instantly, see ticket #2266) FileSystem::sync(); $_SESSION['username'] = $config['admin']['username']; $_SESSION['password'] = $config['admin']['password']; if(!$this->errors) { if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) { $this->statusMessage("Checking that friendly URLs work..."); $this->checkModRewrite(); } else { echo "\n\nSilverStripe successfully installed\n"; } } return $this->errors; }
function install($config) { if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) { ?> <html> <head> <title>Installing SilverStripe...</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="themes/blackcandy/css/layout.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="themes/blackcandy/css/typography.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="themes/blackcandy/css/form.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="sapphire/dev/install/install.css" /> <script src="sapphire/thirdparty/jquery/jquery.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id="BgContainer"> <div id="Container"> <div id="Header"> <h1>SilverStripe CMS Installation</h1> </div> <div id="Navigation"> </div> <div class="clear"><!-- --></div> <div id="Layout"> <div class="typography"> <h1>Installing SilverStripe...</h1> <p>I am now running through the installation steps (this should take about 30 seconds)</p> <p>If you receive a fatal error, refresh this page to continue the installation</p> <ul> <?php } else { echo "SILVERSTRIPE COMMAND-LINE INSTALLATION\n\n"; } $webserver = $this->findWebserver(); $isIIS = $this->isIIS(); $isApache = $this->isApache(); flush(); if (isset($config['stats'])) { if (file_exists('sapphire/silverstripe_version')) { $sapphireVersionFile = file_get_contents('sapphire/silverstripe_version'); if (strstr($sapphireVersionFile, "/sapphire/trunk")) { $silverstripe_version = "trunk"; } else { preg_match("/sapphire\\/(?:(?:branches)|(?:tags))(?:\\/rc)?\\/([A-Za-z0-9._-]+)\\/silverstripe_version/", $sapphireVersionFile, $matches); $silverstripe_version = $matches[1]; } } else { $silverstripe_version = "unknown"; } $phpVersion = urlencode(phpversion()); $encWebserver = urlencode($webserver); $dbType = $config['db']['type']; // Try to determine the database version from the helper $databaseVersion = $config['db']['type']; $helper = $this->getDatabaseConfigurationHelper($dbType); if ($helper && method_exists($helper, 'getDatabaseVersion')) { $databaseVersion = urlencode($dbType . ': ' . $helper->getDatabaseVersion($config['db'][$dbType])); } $url = "http://ss2stat.silverstripe.com/Installation/add?SilverStripe={$silverstripe_version}&PHP={$phpVersion}&Database={$databaseVersion}&WebServer={$encWebserver}"; if (isset($_SESSION['StatsID']) && $_SESSION['StatsID']) { $url .= '&ID=' . $_SESSION['StatsID']; } @($_SESSION['StatsID'] = file_get_contents($url)); } if (file_exists('mysite/_config.php')) { // Truncate the contents of _config instead of deleting it - we can't re-create it because Windows handles permissions slightly // differently to UNIX based filesystems - it takes the permissions from the parent directory instead of retaining them $fh = fopen('mysite/_config.php', 'wb'); fclose($fh); } $theme = isset($_POST['template']) ? $_POST['template'] : 'blackcandy'; $locale = isset($_POST['locale']) ? $_POST['locale'] : 'en_US'; $type = $config['db']['type']; $dbConfig = $config['db'][$type]; if (!$dbConfig) { echo "<p style=\"color: red\">Bad config submitted</p><pre>"; print_r($config); echo "</pre>"; die; } // Write the config file global $usingEnv; if ($usingEnv) { $this->statusMessage("Setting up 'mysite/_config.php' for use with _ss_environment.php..."); $this->writeToFile("mysite/_config.php", <<<PHP <?php global \$project; \$project = 'mysite'; global \$database; \$database = '{$dbConfig['database']}'; require_once('conf/ConfigureFromEnv.php'); MySQLDatabase::set_connection_charset('utf8'); // This line set's the current theme. More themes can be // downloaded from http://www.silverstripe.org/themes/ SSViewer::set_theme('{$theme}'); // Set the site locale i18n::set_locale('{$locale}'); // enable nested URLs for this site (e.g. page/sub-page/) SiteTree::enable_nested_urls(); PHP ); } else { $this->statusMessage("Setting up 'mysite/_config.php'..."); $escapedPassword = addslashes($dbConfig['password']); $this->writeToFile("mysite/_config.php", <<<PHP <?php global \$project; \$project = 'mysite'; global \$databaseConfig; \$databaseConfig = array( \t"type" => '{$type}', \t"server" => '{$dbConfig['server']}', \t"username" => '{$dbConfig['username']}', \t"password" => '{$escapedPassword}', \t"database" => '{$dbConfig['database']}', \t"path" => '{$dbConfig['path']}', ); // Sites running on the following servers will be // run in development mode. See // http://doc.silverstripe.org/doku.php?id=configuration // for a description of what dev mode does. Director::set_dev_servers(array( \t'localhost', \t'' )); MySQLDatabase::set_connection_charset('utf8'); // This line set's the current theme. More themes can be // downloaded from http://www.silverstripe.org/themes/ SSViewer::set_theme('{$theme}'); // Set the site locale i18n::set_locale('{$locale}'); // enable nested URLs for this site (e.g. page/sub-page/) SiteTree::enable_nested_urls(); PHP ); } // Write the appropriate web server configuration file for rewriting support if ($this->hasRewritingCapability()) { if ($isApache) { $this->statusMessage("Setting up '.htaccess' file..."); $this->createHtaccess(); } elseif ($isIIS) { $this->statusMessage("Setting up 'web.config' file..."); $this->createWebConfig(); } } // Load the sapphire runtime $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] = dirname(realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) . '/sapphire/main.php'; chdir('sapphire'); // Rebuild the manifest $_GET['flush'] = true; // Show errors as if you're in development mode $_SESSION['isDev'] = 1; require_once 'core/Core.php'; $this->statusMessage("Building database schema..."); // Build database $con = new Controller(); $con->pushCurrent(); global $databaseConfig; DB::connect($databaseConfig); $dbAdmin = new DatabaseAdmin(); $dbAdmin->init(); $dbAdmin->doBuild(true); // Create default administrator user and group in database // (not using Security::setDefaultAdmin()) $adminMember = Security::findAnAdministrator(); $adminMember->Email = $config['admin']['username']; $adminMember->Password = $config['admin']['password']; $adminMember->PasswordEncryption = Security::get_password_encryption_algorithm(); // @todo Exception thrown if database with admin already exists with same Email try { $adminMember->write(); } catch (Exception $e) { } // Syncing filesystem (so /assets/Uploads is available instantly, see ticket #2266) Filesystem::sync(); $_SESSION['username'] = $config['admin']['username']; $_SESSION['password'] = $config['admin']['password']; if (!$this->errors) { if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) && $this->hasRewritingCapability()) { $this->statusMessage("Checking that friendly URLs work..."); $this->checkRewrite(); } else { echo <<<HTML \t\t\t\t<li>SilverStripe successfully installed; I am now redirecting you to your SilverStripe site...</li> \t\t\t\t<script> \t\t\t\t\tsetTimeout(function() { \t\t\t\t\t\twindow.location = "index.php/home/successfullyinstalled?flush=1"; \t\t\t\t\t}, 2000); \t\t\t\t</script> \t\t\t\t<noscript> \t\t\t\t<li><a href="index.php/home/successfullyinstalled?flush=1">Click here to access your site.</li> \t\t\t\t</noscript> HTML; } } return $this->errors; }
/** * Rebuilds the database programmatically and keeps track of new tables and fields * * @return array */ public static function rebuild_database() { SS_ClassLoader::instance()->getManifest()->regenerate(); ob_start(); $da = DatabaseAdmin::create(); $da->handleRequest(new SS_HTTPRequest("POST", "build", array('flush' => 'all')), DataModel::inst()); $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $database_result = array(); foreach (explode("\n", $output) as $line) { if (preg_match('/Table ([A-Za-z0-9_:]+) created/', $line, $matches)) { $table_name = str_replace(":", "", $matches[1]); if (substr($table_name, -9) == "_versions" || substr($table_name, -5) == "_Live") { continue; } $database_result[$table_name] = array('created' => true, 'fields' => array()); } elseif (preg_match('/Field (.*) created as ([A-Za-z0-9_\\(\\)\\"\',]+)/', $line, $matches)) { list($table_name, $field_name) = explode(".", $matches[1]); if (substr($table_name, -9) == "_versions" || substr($table_name, -5) == "_Live") { continue; } $field_name = str_replace(":", "", $field_name); $field_type = $matches[2]; if (!isset($database_result[$table_name])) { $database_result[$table_name] = array('created' => false, 'fields' => array()); } $database_result[$table_name]['fields'][] = "{$field_name} ({$field_type})"; } } return $database_result; }
private function cleanupdb() { $obj = new DatabaseAdmin(); $obj->cleanup(); DB::alteration_message("============= COMPLETED =================", ""); echo "<a href=\"" . Director::absoluteURL("/dev/tasks/DataIntegrityTest/") . "\">back to main menu.</a>"; }
static function create_temp_db() { // Create a temporary database $dbConn = DB::getConn(); $dbname = 'tmpdb' . rand(1000000,9999999); while(!$dbname || $dbConn->databaseExists($dbname)) { $dbname = 'tmpdb' . rand(1000000,9999999); } $dbConn->selectDatabase($dbname); $dbConn->createDatabase(); $dbadmin = new DatabaseAdmin(); $dbadmin->doBuild(true, false, true); return $dbname; }
function doReset($data, $form, $request) { if (!isset($data['devResetRandNumber'])) { Director::redirectBack(); return false; } // Avoid accidental database resets by checking the posted number to the one in session if (Session::get('devResetRandNumber') != $data['devResetRandNumber']) { Director::redirectBack(); return false; } $da = new DatabaseAdmin(); $da->clearAllData(); // If _ss_environment.php has some constants set for default admin, set these up in the request $_REQUEST['username'] = defined('SS_DEFAULT_ADMIN_USERNAME') ? SS_DEFAULT_ADMIN_USERNAME : null; $_REQUEST['password'] = defined('SS_DEFAULT_ADMIN_PASSWORD') ? SS_DEFAULT_ADMIN_PASSWORD : null; $da->build(); Session::clear('devResetRandNumber'); Director::redirect(Director::absoluteBaseURL() . 'dev/reset?done=1'); }
public function run($request) { $dbAdmin = DatabaseAdmin::create(); increase_time_limit_to(600); SS_ClassLoader::instance()->getManifest()->regenerate(); $dbAdmin->clearAllData(); $dbAdmin->doBuild(true); // Build again for good measure $dbAdmin->doBuild(true, false); //Move images to assets/Uploads/ $assetsDir = Director::baseFolder() . '/assets/Uploads'; $imagesDir = Director::baseFolder() . '/swipestripe-builder/images'; foreach (new DirectoryIterator($assetsDir) as $fileInfo) { if (!$fileInfo->isDot()) { @unlink($fileInfo->getPathname()); } } Filesystem::sync(); foreach (new DirectoryIterator($imagesDir) as $fileInfo) { if ($fileInfo->isFile()) { copy($fileInfo->getPathname(), $assetsDir . '/' . $fileInfo->getFilename()); } } //Build DB $fixture = Injector::inst()->create('YamlFixture', self::$fixture_file); $fixture->writeInto($this->getFixtureFactory()); //Update the shop config $config = ShopConfig::current_shop_config(); $config->BaseCurrency = 'NZD'; $config->BaseCurrencySymbol = '$'; $config->EmailSignature = ''; $config->ReceiptSubject = 'Your order details from SwipeStripe demo site'; $config->ReceiptBody = ''; $config->ReceiptFrom = '*****@*****.**'; $config->NotificationSubject = 'New order on SwipeStripe demo site'; $config->NotificationBody = ''; $config->NotificationTo = '*****@*****.**'; $config->write(); // Populate flat fee shipping rates $this->createShippingRates(); // Populate tax rates $this->createTaxRates(); // Populate exchange rates $this->createExchangeRates(); // Populate coupon codes $this->createCouponCodes(); // Product categories $this->createProductCategories(); // Product images $this->createProductImages(); // Clear product meta $products = Product::get(); if ($products && $products->exists()) { foreach ($products as $product) { $product->ExtraMeta = ''; $product->doPublish(); } } // Create home page if (class_exists('HomePage')) { $page = Page::get()->where("\"URLSegment\" = 'home'")->first(); $page->ClassName = 'HomePage'; $page->doPublish(); } }
function runTests($classList, $coverage = false) { global $TESTING_CONFIG; $startTime = microtime(true); Config::inst()->update('Director', 'environment_type', 'dev'); if (isset($TESTING_CONFIG['database']) && $TESTING_CONFIG['database'] != 'silverstripe_testing') { global $databaseConfig; $newConfig = $databaseConfig; $newConfig = array_merge($databaseConfig, $TESTING_CONFIG); $newConfig['memory'] = isset($TESTING_CONFIG['memory']) ? $TESTING_CONFIG['memory'] : true; $type = isset($newConfig['type']) ? $newConfig['type'] : 'MySQL'; Debug::message("Connecting to new database {$type} as defined by testing config"); DB::connect($newConfig); DB::getConn()->selectDatabase($TESTING_CONFIG['database']); $dbadmin = new DatabaseAdmin(); $dbadmin->clearAllData(); if (!(isset($_REQUEST['build']) && $_REQUEST['build'] == 0)) { $dbadmin->doBuild(true); } } // XDEBUG seem to cause problems with test execution :-( if (function_exists('xdebug_disable')) { xdebug_disable(); } ini_set('max_execution_time', 0); $this->setUp(); // Optionally skip certain tests $skipTests = array(); if ($this->request->getVar('SkipTests')) { $skipTests = explode(',', $this->request->getVar('SkipTests')); } $classList = array_diff($classList, $skipTests); // run tests before outputting anything to the client $suite = new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite(); natcasesort($classList); foreach ($classList as $className) { // Ensure that the autoloader pulls in the test class, as PHPUnit won't know how to do this. class_exists($className); $suite->addTest(new SapphireTestSuite($className)); } // Remove the error handler so that PHPUnit can add its own restore_error_handler(); // CUSTOMISATION if (Director::is_cli()) { if (isset($TESTING_CONFIG['reporter'])) { $clazz = $TESTING_CONFIG['reporter']; } else { $clazz = "CliTestReporter"; } } else { $clazz = "SapphireTestReporter"; } // END CUSTOMISATION $reporter = new $clazz(); $default = self::$default_reporter; self::$default_reporter->writeHeader("Sapphire Test Runner"); if (count($classList) > 1) { self::$default_reporter->writeInfo("All Tests", "Running test cases: " . implode(",", $classList)); } else { self::$default_reporter->writeInfo($classList[0], ""); } $results = new PHPUnit_Framework_TestResult(); $results->addListener($reporter); if ($coverage === true) { $results->collectCodeCoverageInformation(true); $suite->run($results); if (!file_exists(ASSETS_PATH . '/coverage-report')) { mkdir(ASSETS_PATH . '/coverage-report'); } PHPUnit_Util_Report::render($results, ASSETS_PATH . '/coverage-report/'); $coverageApp = ASSETS_PATH . '/coverage-report/' . preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9]/', '_', preg_replace('/(\\/$)|(^\\/)/', '', Director::baseFolder())) . '.html'; $coverageTemplates = ASSETS_PATH . '/coverage-report/' . preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9]/', '_', preg_replace('/(\\/$)|(^\\/)/', '', realpath(TEMP_FOLDER))) . '.html'; echo "<p>Coverage reports available here:<ul>\n\t\t\t\t<li><a href=\"{$coverageApp}\">Coverage report of the application</a></li>\n\t\t\t\t<li><a href=\"{$coverageTemplates}\">Coverage report of the templates</a></li>\n\t\t\t</ul>"; } else { $suite->run($results); } if (!Director::is_cli()) { echo '<div class="trace">'; } // CUSTOMISATION $outputFile = null; if ($TESTING_CONFIG['logfile']) { $outputFile = BASE_PATH . '/' . $TESTING_CONFIG['logfile']; } $reporter->writeResults($outputFile); // END CUSTOMISATION $endTime = microtime(true); if (Director::is_cli()) { echo "\n\nTotal time: " . round($endTime - $startTime, 3) . " seconds\n"; } else { echo "<p>Total time: " . round($endTime - $startTime, 3) . " seconds</p>\n"; } if (!Director::is_cli()) { echo '</div>'; } // Put the error handlers back Debug::loadErrorHandlers(); if (!Director::is_cli()) { self::$default_reporter->writeFooter(); } $this->tearDown(); // Todo: we should figure out how to pass this data back through Director more cleanly if (Director::is_cli() && $results->failureCount() + $results->errorCount() > 0) { exit(2); } }
/** * * Somewhat messy and god-method, but this override exists because * * a) we want to change the configuration of items from the user-set TESTING_CONFIG * variable if it exists * * b) PhpUnitWrapper is referenced with explicit class settings, rather than allowing us to * override as we like (to change code coverage behaviour). * * @global type TESTING_CONFIG * @global type $TESTING_CONFIG * @global type $databaseConfig * @param type $classList * @param type $coverage * @throws Exception */ function runTests($classList, $coverage = false) { global $TESTING_CONFIG; $startTime = microtime(true); Config::inst()->update('Director', 'environment_type', 'dev'); if (isset($TESTING_CONFIG['database']) && $TESTING_CONFIG['database'] != 'silverstripe_testing') { if (class_exists("Multisites")) { Multisites::inst()->resetCurrentSite(); } global $databaseConfig; $newConfig = $databaseConfig; $newConfig = array_merge($databaseConfig, $TESTING_CONFIG); $newConfig['memory'] = isset($TESTING_CONFIG['memory']) ? $TESTING_CONFIG['memory'] : true; $newDbName = $TESTING_CONFIG['database']; $type = isset($newConfig['type']) ? $newConfig['type'] : 'MySQL'; Debug::message("Connecting to new {$type} database {$TESTING_CONFIG['database']} as defined by testing config"); DB::connect($newConfig); if (!DB::getConn()->databaseExists($newDbName)) { DB::getConn()->createDatabase($newDbName); } if (!DB::getConn()->selectDatabase($newDbName)) { throw new Exception("Could not find database to use for testing"); } if ($newConfig['memory']) { Debug::message("Using in memory database"); } $dbadmin = new DatabaseAdmin(); if (isset($_REQUEST['clear']) && $_REQUEST['clear'] == 0) { } else { $dbadmin->clearAllData(); } if (!(isset($_REQUEST['build']) && $_REQUEST['build'] == 0)) { Debug::message("Executing dev/build as requested"); $dbadmin->doBuild(true); } } // XDEBUG seem to cause problems with test execution :-( if (function_exists('xdebug_disable')) { xdebug_disable(); } ini_set('max_execution_time', 0); $this->setUp(); // Optionally skip certain tests $skipTests = array(); if ($this->request->getVar('SkipTests')) { $skipTests = explode(',', $this->request->getVar('SkipTests')); } $abstractClasses = array(); foreach ($classList as $className) { // Ensure that the autoloader pulls in the test class, as PHPUnit won't know how to do this. class_exists($className); $reflection = new ReflectionClass($className); if ($reflection->isAbstract()) { array_push($abstractClasses, $className); } } $classList = array_diff($classList, $skipTests); // run tests before outputting anything to the client $suite = new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite(); natcasesort($classList); foreach ($classList as $className) { // Ensure that the autoloader pulls in the test class, as PHPUnit won't know how to do this. class_exists($className); $suite->addTest(new SapphireTestSuite($className)); } // Remove the error handler so that PHPUnit can add its own restore_error_handler(); // CUSTOMISATION if (Director::is_cli()) { if ($reporterClass = $this->request->requestVar('reporter')) { $clazz = $reporterClass; } else { if (isset($TESTING_CONFIG['reporter'])) { $clazz = $TESTING_CONFIG['reporter']; } else { $clazz = "CliTestReporter"; } } } else { $clazz = "SapphireTestReporter"; } // END CUSTOMISATION // CUSTOMISATION $outputFile = null; if ($TESTING_CONFIG['logfile']) { $outputFile = BASE_PATH . '/' . $TESTING_CONFIG['logfile']; } $reporter = new $clazz($outputFile); $default = self::$default_reporter; self::$default_reporter->writeHeader("Sapphire Test Runner"); if (count($classList) > 1) { self::$default_reporter->writeInfo("All Tests", "Running test cases: " . implode(",", $classList)); } else { self::$default_reporter->writeInfo($classList[0], ""); } $results = new PHPUnit_Framework_TestResult(); $results->addListener($reporter); if ($coverage === true) { $coverer = $this->getCodeCoverage(); $results->setCodeCoverage($coverer); $suite->run($results); $writer = new PHP_CodeCoverage_Report_HTML(); $writer->process($coverer, Director::baseFolder() . '/ssautesting/html/code-coverage-report'); } else { $suite->run($results); } if (!Director::is_cli()) { echo '<div class="trace">'; } if (method_exists($reporter, 'writeResults')) { $reporter->writeResults($outputFile); } else { $reporter->flush(); } // END CUSTOMISATION $endTime = microtime(true); if (Director::is_cli()) { echo "\n\nTotal time: " . round($endTime - $startTime, 3) . " seconds\n"; } else { echo "<p>Total time: " . round($endTime - $startTime, 3) . " seconds</p>\n"; } if (!Director::is_cli()) { echo '</div>'; } // Put the error handlers back Debug::loadErrorHandlers(); if (!Director::is_cli()) { self::$default_reporter->writeFooter(); } $this->tearDown(); // Todo: we should figure out how to pass this data back through Director more cleanly if (Director::is_cli() && $results->failureCount() + $results->errorCount() > 0) { exit(2); } }
function install($config) { ?> <html> <head> <title>Installing SilverStripe...</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo FRAMEWORK_NAME; ?>/dev/install/css/install.css" /> <script src="<?php echo FRAMEWORK_NAME; ?>/thirdparty/jquery/jquery.js"></script> </head> <body> <div class="install-header"> <div class="inner"> <div class="brand"> <span class="logo"></span> <h1>SilverStripe</h1> </div> </div> </div> <div id="Navigation"> </div> <div class="clear"><!-- --></div> <div class="main"> <div class="inner"> <h2>Installing SilverStripe...</h2> <p>I am now running through the installation steps (this should take about 30 seconds)</p> <p>If you receive a fatal error, refresh this page to continue the installation</p> <ul> <?php $webserver = $this->findWebserver(); $isIIS = $this->isIIS(); $isApache = $this->isApache(); flush(); if(isset($config['stats'])) { if(file_exists(FRAMEWORK_NAME . '/silverstripe_version')) { $silverstripe_version = file_get_contents(FRAMEWORK_NAME . '/silverstripe_version'); } else { $silverstripe_version = "unknown"; } $phpVersion = urlencode(phpversion()); $encWebserver = urlencode($webserver); $dbType = $config['db']['type']; // Try to determine the database version from the helper $databaseVersion = $config['db']['type']; $helper = $this->getDatabaseConfigurationHelper($dbType); if($helper && method_exists($helper, 'getDatabaseVersion')) { $databaseVersion = urlencode($dbType . ': ' . $helper->getDatabaseVersion($config['db'][$dbType])); } $url = "http://ss2stat.silverstripe.com/Installation/add?SilverStripe=$silverstripe_version&PHP=$phpVersion&Database=$databaseVersion&WebServer=$encWebserver"; if(isset($_SESSION['StatsID']) && $_SESSION['StatsID']) { $url .= '&ID=' . $_SESSION['StatsID']; } @$_SESSION['StatsID'] = file_get_contents($url); } if(file_exists('mysite/_config.php')) { // Truncate the contents of _config instead of deleting it - we can't re-create it because Windows handles permissions slightly // differently to UNIX based filesystems - it takes the permissions from the parent directory instead of retaining them $fh = fopen('mysite/_config.php', 'wb'); fclose($fh); } $theme = isset($_POST['template']) ? $_POST['template'] : 'simple'; $locale = isset($_POST['locale']) ? $_POST['locale'] : 'en_US'; $type = $config['db']['type']; $dbConfig = $config['db'][$type]; if(!isset($dbConfig['path'])) $dbConfig['path'] = ''; if(!$dbConfig) { echo "<p style=\"color: red\">Bad config submitted</p><pre>"; print_r($config); echo "</pre>"; die(); } // Write the config file global $usingEnv; if($usingEnv) { $this->statusMessage("Setting up 'mysite/_config.php' for use with _ss_environment.php..."); $this->writeToFile("mysite/_config.php", <<<PHP <?php global \$project; \$project = 'mysite'; global \$database; \$database = '{$dbConfig['database']}'; require_once('conf/ConfigureFromEnv.php'); MySQLDatabase::set_connection_charset('utf8'); // Set the current theme. More themes can be downloaded from // http://www.silverstripe.org/themes/ SSViewer::set_theme('$theme'); // Set the site locale i18n::set_locale('$locale'); // Enable nested URLs for this site (e.g. page/sub-page/) if (class_exists('SiteTree')) SiteTree::enable_nested_urls(); PHP ); } else { $this->statusMessage("Setting up 'mysite/_config.php'..."); $escapedPassword = addslashes($dbConfig['password']); $this->writeToFile("mysite/_config.php", <<<PHP <?php global \$project; \$project = 'mysite'; global \$databaseConfig; \$databaseConfig = array( "type" => '{$type}', "server" => '{$dbConfig['server']}', "username" => '{$dbConfig['username']}', "password" => '{$escapedPassword}', "database" => '{$dbConfig['database']}', "path" => '{$dbConfig['path']}', ); MySQLDatabase::set_connection_charset('utf8'); // Set the current theme. More themes can be downloaded from // http://www.silverstripe.org/themes/ SSViewer::set_theme('$theme'); // Set the site locale i18n::set_locale('$locale'); // Enable nested URLs for this site (e.g. page/sub-page/) if (class_exists('SiteTree')) SiteTree::enable_nested_urls(); PHP ); } if (!$this->checkModuleExists('cms')) { $this->writeToFile("mysite/code/RootURLController.php", <<<PHP <?php class RootURLController extends Controller { function index() { echo "<html>Your site is now set up. Start adding controllers to mysite to get started.</html>"; } } PHP ); } // Write the appropriate web server configuration file for rewriting support if($this->hasRewritingCapability()) { if($isApache) { $this->statusMessage("Setting up '.htaccess' file..."); $this->createHtaccess(); } elseif($isIIS) { $this->statusMessage("Setting up 'web.config' file..."); $this->createWebConfig(); } } // Load the SilverStripe runtime $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] = dirname(realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) . '/' . FRAMEWORK_NAME . '/main.php'; chdir(FRAMEWORK_NAME); // Rebuild the manifest $_GET['flush'] = true; // Show errors as if you're in development mode $_SESSION['isDev'] = 1; $this->statusMessage("Building database schema..."); require_once 'core/Core.php'; // Build database $con = new Controller(); $con->pushCurrent(); global $databaseConfig; DB::connect($databaseConfig); $dbAdmin = new DatabaseAdmin(); $dbAdmin->init(); $dbAdmin->doBuild(true); // Create default administrator user and group in database // (not using Security::setDefaultAdmin()) $adminMember = Security::findAnAdministrator(); $adminMember->Email = $config['admin']['username']; $adminMember->Password = $config['admin']['password']; $adminMember->PasswordEncryption = Security::get_password_encryption_algorithm(); try { $this->statusMessage('Creating default CMS admin account...'); $adminMember->write(); } catch(Exception $e) { $this->statusMessage( sprintf('Warning: Default CMS admin account could not be created (error: %s)', $e->getMessage()) ); } // Syncing filesystem (so /assets/Uploads is available instantly, see ticket #2266) // show a warning if there was a problem doing so try { $this->statusMessage('Creating initial filesystem assets...'); Filesystem::sync(); } catch(Exception $e) { $this->statusMessage( sprintf('Warning: Creating initial filesystem assets failed (error: %s)', $e->getMessage()) ); } $_SESSION['username'] = $config['admin']['username']; $_SESSION['password'] = $config['admin']['password']; if(!$this->errors) { if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) && $this->hasRewritingCapability()) { $this->statusMessage("Checking that friendly URLs work..."); $this->checkRewrite(); } else { $destinationURL = 'index.php/' . ($this->checkModuleExists('cms') ? 'home/successfullyinstalled?flush=1' : '?flush=1'); echo <<<HTML <li>SilverStripe successfully installed; I am now redirecting you to your SilverStripe site...</li> <script> setTimeout(function() { window.location = "$destinationURL"; }, 2000); </script> <noscript> <li><a href="$destinationURL">Click here to access your site.</li> </noscript> HTML; } } return $this->errors; }