function GroundEditControl(SiteSettings $o_settings)
     # set up element
     $this->o_address_edit = new PostalAddressEditControl();
  * Creates a new PersonEditControl
  * @param SiteSettings $o_settings
 public function __construct(SiteSettings $o_settings)
     # set up element
     $this->roles_editor = new RelatedIdEditor($this->GetSettings(), $this, "roles", "Roles", array("Role"), "Role", false, "getRoleId", "setRoleId", "setRoleName");
  * @return void
  * @desc Create DataValidator objects to validate the edit control
 public function CreateValidators()
     # Validate existing rows only if 'add' or 'delete' not clicked,
     # because those buttons should only affect the row those buttons relate to.
     $i_rows_posted = count($this->a_rows_posted);
     if (!$this->controlling_editor->IsInternalPostback() and $i_rows_posted) {
         $i_last_item = $this->a_rows_posted[$i_rows_posted - 1];
         foreach ($this->a_rows_posted as $i) {
             if ($i == $i_last_item and $this->Adding()) {
             # ignore last one if it's the new row
     # Validate the new row, unless 'delete' was clicked on another row in this control,
     # because then only the deleted row should be affected, or unless any internal
     # button in another control was clicked.
     if (!$this->DeleteClicked() and !$this->IsUnrelatedInternalPostback()) {
     # If saving, and this control doesn't have its minimum number of items, force a validation error
     $i_total_items = $this->DataObjects()->GetCount();
     if ($i_total_items < $this->i_min_items and !$this->controlling_editor->IsInternalPostback()) {
         $force_invalid = new RequiredFieldValidator('ForceInvalid', 'Please add at least one item in \'' . strtolower($this->table->GetCaption()) . '\'');
  * Creates a new EditSchoolControl
  * @param SiteSettings $settings
 public function __construct(SiteSettings $settings)
     # set up element
     $this->is_admin = AuthenticationManager::GetUser()->Permissions()->HasPermission(PermissionType::MANAGE_TEAMS);
 public function __construct(SiteSettings $settings, User $user, AuthenticationManager $authentication_manager)
     $this->user = $user;
     $this->authentication_manager = $authentication_manager;
 public function __construct(SiteSettings $settings, User $o_person)
     $this->o_person = $o_person;
     $this->SetButtonText('Reset password');
 public function __construct(SiteSettings $settings, CategoryCollection $categories)
     # set up element
     # store params
     $this->categories = $categories;
 function CategoryEditControl(SiteSettings $o_settings, CategoryCollection $o_categories)
     # check input and store
     $this->o_categories = $o_categories;
     # set up element
 public function __construct(SiteSettings $settings)
     # set up element
     # check permissions
     $this->b_user_is_match_admin = AuthenticationManager::GetUser()->Permissions()->HasPermission(PermissionType::MANAGE_MATCHES);
  * Creates a TournamentSeasonsControl
  * @param SiteSettings $o_settings
  * @param Match $match
  * @param bool $b_entire_form
 public function __construct(SiteSettings $o_settings, Match $match = null, $b_entire_form = true)
     if (!is_null($match)) {
     parent::__construct($o_settings, $b_entire_form);
     $this->seasons = new Collection();
     # Change Save button to "Save tournament"
     $this->SetButtonText('Save tournament');
 function __construct($o_settings, $a_addresses)
     if (!is_array($a_addresses) or !count($a_addresses)) {
         die('Must supply at least one contact address for the email form');
     # set up element
     $this->SetButtonText('Send email');
     $this->a_addresses = $a_addresses;
     $this->a_addresses_md5 = array();
     foreach ($this->a_addresses as $s_addr => $s_text) {
         $this->a_addresses_md5[md5($s_addr)] = $s_addr;
  * Creates a SeasonEditControl
  * @param SiteSettings $o_settings
 public function __construct(SiteSettings $o_settings)
     # set up element
     # set up aggregated editors
     $this->match_types_editor = new RelatedIdEditor($o_settings, $this, 'MatchType', 'Match types', array('Type of match'), 'IdValue', false, 'GetId', 'SetId', 'GetValue');
     $this->match_types_editor->SetPossibleDataObjects(array(new IdValue(MatchType::CUP, ucfirst(MatchType::Text(MatchType::CUP))), new IdValue(MatchType::FRIENDLY, ucfirst(MatchType::Text(MatchType::FRIENDLY))), new IdValue(MatchType::LEAGUE, ucfirst(MatchType::Text(MatchType::LEAGUE))), new IdValue(MatchType::PRACTICE, ucfirst(MatchType::Text(MatchType::PRACTICE))), new IdValue(MatchType::TOURNAMENT, ucfirst(MatchType::Text(MatchType::TOURNAMENT)))));
     #$this->match_types_editor->SetValuesToExclude(array(MatchType::TournamentMatch())); # Tournament match is implied by Tournament
     $this->adjustments_editor = new PointsAdjustmentsEditor($o_settings, $this, 'Points', 'Points adjustments', array('Points', 'Awarded or deducted', 'Team', 'Reason'));
     $this->teams_editor = new TeamsInSeasonEditor($o_settings, $this, 'Team', 'Teams', array('Team', 'Withdrawn'));
     # initialise arrays
     $this->result_types = array(new MatchResult(MatchResult::HOME_WIN), new MatchResult(MatchResult::AWAY_WIN), new MatchResult(MatchResult::HOME_WIN_BY_FORFEIT), new MatchResult(MatchResult::AWAY_WIN_BY_FORFEIT), new MatchResult(MatchResult::TIE), new MatchResult(MatchResult::POSTPONED), new MatchResult(MatchResult::CANCELLED), new MatchResult(MatchResult::ABANDONED));
  * Creates a MatchFixtureEditControl
  * @param SiteSettings $o_settings
  * @param Match $o_match
  * @param bool $b_entire_form
 public function __construct(SiteSettings $o_settings, Match $o_match = null, $b_entire_form = true)
     if (!is_null($o_match)) {
     parent::__construct($o_settings, $b_entire_form);
     $this->a_teams = array();
     $this->a_grounds = array();
     $this->SetButtonText('Save match');
     $this->i_match_type = MatchType::FRIENDLY;
     $this->seasons = new Collection();
     if (AuthenticationManager::GetUser()->Permissions()->HasPermission(PermissionType::MANAGE_MATCHES)) {
         $this->b_user_is_admin = true;
  * Creates a new RoleEditControl
  * @param SiteSettings $settings
 public function __construct(SiteSettings $settings)
     $this->permissions_editor = new PermissionsEditor($this->GetSettings(), $this, "permissions", "Permissions");
  * Adds a data edit control to the aggregated edit controls
  * @param DataEditControl $o_control
 public function AddControl($o_control)
     if (!$o_control instanceof DataEditControl) {
     $o_control->SetNamingPrefix($o_control->GetDataObjectClass() . $o_control->GetDataObject()->GetId());
     $this->a_controls_to_render[] = $o_control;
  * Creates a ClubEditControl
  * @param SiteSettings $settings
  * @return ClubEditControl
 public function __construct(SiteSettings $settings)
     # set up element
  * Creates a PlayerEditor
  * @param SiteSettings $settings
  * @return void
 public function __construct(SiteSettings $settings)
  * Creates a new MatchResultEditControl
  * @param SiteSettings $o_settings
  * @param Match $o_match
  * @return void
 public function __construct(SiteSettings $o_settings, Match $o_match = null)
     parent::__construct($o_settings, false);
  * Add audit data after save button 
 function OnPreRender()
     # Show audit data
     $team = $this->GetDataObject();
     if ($team->GetLastAudit() != null) {
         require_once "data/audit-control.class.php";
         $this->AddControl(new AuditControl($team->GetLastAudit(), "team"));
 function __construct(SiteSettings $settings)
     $this->SetButtonText('Send email');