Exemplo n.º 1
 function exportFile($filename, $data, &$errors = array())
     $defdetail = new DataDefinitionDetail();
     $defdetail->loadBy(array('data_definition_id', 'element'), array($this->id, $this->name));
     if (!$defdetail->isLoaded()) {
         $errors[] = 'Cannot find Data Definition for ' . $this->name;
         return false;
     if (is_null($defdetail->data_map->internal_type)) {
         $model = new $this->process_model();
     } else {
         $model = new $defdetail->data_map->internal_type();
     if ($model instanceof DataObject) {
         //			if ($model->isLoaded() && $model->isField('print_count')) {
         //				$model->print_count=$model->print_count+1;
         //				$model->date_printed=date(DATE_FORMAT);
         //				$model->save();
         //			}
         $result = array();
         if ($model->isLoaded()) {
             $logdata = array('internal_id' => $model->{$model->idField}, 'internal_identifier_field' => $model->identifierField, 'internal_identifier_value' => $model->getIdentifierValue());
     } else {
         // This is a collection so need to load the collection for export
         // The id's are in the internal_code field of the data_mapping_details table
         // identified by the data_mapping_rule_id value from data_definition_detail
         $sh = new SearchHandler($model, false);
         if (!is_null($defdetail->data_mapping_rule_id)) {
             $datadetails = new DataMappingDetail();
             $datadetails->identifierField = 'internal_code';
             $cc = new ConstraintChain();
             $cc->add(new Constraint('data_mapping_rule_id', '=', $defdetail->data_mapping_rule_id));
             $keys = $datadetails->getAll($cc, true);
         } else {
             $keys = array();
         if (!empty($keys)) {
             $sh->addConstraint(new Constraint('id', 'in', '(' . implode(',', $keys) . ')'));
         $result = array();
     if (!$model) {
         $errors[] = 'Failed to extract data for ' . $this->name;
         return false;
     $array = array();
     if ($model instanceof DataObject) {
         $array = $this->createArray($defdetail, $model);
     } else {
         foreach ($model as $line) {
             $array = $this->createArray($defdetail, $line);
     $data = '';
     switch ($this->type) {
         case 'HTTP':
             foreach ($array as $key => $line) {
                 if (is_array(current($line))) {
                     foreach ($line as $subline) {
                         $data .= http_build_query($subline) . "\n";
                 } else {
                     $data .= http_build_query($line) . "\n";
         case 'XML':
             $xml = new SimpleXMLElement('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><' . $this->name . '/>');
             $data = array2xml($array, $xml);
             $errors[] = $this->type . ' data type not supported';
     $handle = fopen(DATA_ROOT . 'company' . EGS_COMPANY_ID . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->working_folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename, 'w');
     if (!$handle || !fwrite($handle, $data)) {
         $errors[] = 'Error writing ' . $filename . ' to ' . $this->working_folder;
     $logdata['name'] = $filename;
     $logdata['action'] = 'E';
     $this->writeLog($logdata, $errors);
     if (count($errors) > 0) {
         return false;
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
 function importFile($filename, &$errors = array(), &$warnings = array())
     $filepath = $this->get_file_path();
     $dom = $this->check_for_validated_file($filepath, $filename);
     if (!$dom || $this->isMissingData($filename)) {
         // Either there is no current validated file
         // or the validated file has identified missing data
         // so load the data from source to ensure any missing data is created
         $dom = new DOMDocument();
         if ($this->type == 'CSV') {
             // Convert CSV into XML and then load as DOMDocument
             $dom->loadXML($this->csv2xml($filepath . $filename));
         } else {
             // Load XML file into DOMDocument
             $dom->load($filepath . $filename);
         if (!$dom) {
             $errors[] = 'Cannot load ' . $filepath . $filename . ' file ';
             return false;
         $defdetail = new DataDefinitionDetail();
         $defdetail->loadBy(array('data_definition_id', 'element'), array($this->id, $this->name));
         if (!$defdetail->isLoaded()) {
             $errors[] = 'Cannot find Data Definition for ' . $this->name;
             return false;
         $this->log_errors = array();
         // Process DOMDocument input data to do ETL
         $this->processNode($dom, null, $dom);
         if ($this->missing_translation) {
             $errors[] = 'Missing Translations';
             return false;
         $this->add_checksum($dom, $filepath, $filename);
         // Save the expanded DOMDocument as XML
         $dom->save($filepath . $this->validated_filename($filename));
     // Convert DOMDocument into DataObjectModel Array
     $data = $this->createDataObjectModel($dom);
     if (count($this->log_errors) > 0) {
         $errors = array_merge_recursive($errors, $this->log_errors);
     if (!$data) {
         $errors[] = 'Failed to process ' . $this->name;
         return false;
     $system = system::Instance();
     if (!empty($this->process_model)) {
         if (!empty($this->process_function) && method_exists($this->process_model, $this->process_function)) {
             if ($this->process_model == get_class($this)) {
                 return $this->{$this->process_function}($data, $errors, $warnings, $this->duplicates_action);
             } else {
                 // Call the model->function defined in the Data Definition
                 return call_user_func(array($this->process_model, $this->process_function), $data, $errors, $warnings, $this->duplicates_action);
         } else {
             // Data Definition specifies model but not a function
             // so call the default save_model for the specified model via EdiController::save_model
             if ($system->controller->save_model($this->process_model, $data, $errors, $warnings, $this->duplicates_action)) {
                 $id_value = $system->controller->saved_model->{$system->controller->saved_model->idField};
                 $identifier_field = $system->controller->saved_model->identifierField;
                 $identifier_value = $system->controller->saved_model->getIdentifierValue();
                 return array('internal_id' => $id_value, 'internal_identifier_field' => $identifier_field, 'internal_identifier_value' => $identifier_value);
             } else {
                 return false;
     } else {
         // No sepcific model defined so call the default save_model function for the calling
         $data_in = $this->convertData($data);
         $db = DB::Instance();
         if ($this->abort_action == 'A') {
             // Set encompassing transaction if need to abort all on error
         $flash = Flash::Instance();
         foreach ($data_in as $model_data) {
             // Calls EdiController::save_model
             if (!$system->controller->save_model(key($model_data), $model_data, $errors, $warnings, $this->duplicates_action)) {
                 if ($this->abort_action != 'S') {
                     // Abort on Error
                     if ($this->abort_action == 'A') {
                         // Rollback all imported records
                     // If not abort_all_on_error,
                     // then imported records up to this point will be saved
                     return false;
                 // Skip error record and continue, so reset errors array
                 $warnings[] = 'Ignored ' . $db->ErrorMsg();
                 $warnings = array_merge($warnings, $errors);
                 $errors = array();
         if ($this->abort_action == 'A') {
             // Everything is OK here, just need to complete transaction
             // if mode is set to abort all on error
         return array('internal_id' => '', 'internal_identifier_field' => '', 'internal_identifier_value' => '');