public static function mkGUI($type, $title, $question, $info = FALSE, $except = FALSE, $list = FALSE, $name = NULL) { $DW =& $GLOBALS['DW']; $list = self::getAuthors(); if ($info) { self::$opt = $DW->getDWOpt($GLOBALS['widget_id'], 'single-author'); if (count($list) > DW_LIST_LIMIT) { $select_style = DW_LIST_STYLE; } if (count($list) > 0) { $DW->dumpOpt(self::$opt); echo '<br />'; _e(self::$except, DW_L10N_DOMAIN); echo '<br />'; echo '<div id="single-author-select" class="condition-select" ' . (isset($select_style) ? $select_style : '') . ' />'; foreach ($list as $key => $value) { $extra = 'onclick="ci(\'single_author_act_' . $key . '\')"'; echo '<input type="checkbox" id="single_author_act_' . $key . '" name="single_author_act[]" value="' . $key . '" ' . (self::$opt->count > 0 && in_array($key, self::$opt->act) ? 'checked="checked"' : '') . $extra . ' /> <label for="single_author_act_' . $key . '">' . $value . '</label><br />' . "\n"; } echo '</div>' . "\n"; } } else { parent::mkGUI(self::$type, self::$option[self::$name], self::$question, FALSE, self::$except, $list); } }
public static function admin() { $DW =& $GLOBALS['DW']; $widget_id = $GLOBALS['widget_id']; parent::admin(); if (self::detect()) { $list = self::getBPcomponents(); // BP components self::mkGUI(self::$type, self::$option['bp'], self::$question, self::$info, self::$except, $list, 'bp'); // BP Groups if ($DW->bp_groups) { self::$question = 'Show widget default on BuddyPress Group pages?'; self::GUIHeader(self::$option['bp-group'], self::$question, NULL, NULL, $DW->getDWOpt($widget_id, 'bp-group'), 'bp-group'); self::GUIOption('bp-group', $DW->getDWOpt($widget_id, 'bp-group')); echo '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">'; echo '<tr><td valign="top">'; self::$except = 'Except in the groups'; $list = self::getBPgroups(); self::GUIComplex(self::$except, $list, NULL, 'bp-group'); echo '</td><td style="width:10px"></td><td valign="top">'; self::$except = 'Except in the group pages'; $list = array('forum_index' => __('Forum Index', DW_L10N_DOMAIN), 'forum_topic' => __('Forum Topics', DW_L10N_DOMAIN), 'members_index' => __('Members Index', DW_L10N_DOMAIN)); self::GUIComplex(self::$except, $list, NULL, 'bp_group'); echo '</td></tr></table>'; self::GUIFooter(); } } }
public static function admin() { $DW =& $GLOBALS['DW']; parent::admin(); $list = array('desktop' => __('Desktop'), 'mobile' => __('Mobile')); self::mkGUI(self::$type, self::$option[self::$name], self::$question, self::$info, self::$except, $list); }
public static function admin() { parent::admin(); if (self::detect()) { self::mkGUI('simple', self::$option['bbp_profile'], self::$question, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 'bbp_profile'); } }
public static function admin() { parent::admin(); for ($i = 1; $i < 53; $i++) { $weeks[$i] = 'Week ' . $i; } self::mkGUI(self::$type, self::$option[self::$name], self::$question, self::$info, self::$except, $weeks); }
public static function admin() { $DW =& $GLOBALS['DW']; parent::admin(); if (self::detect()) { $list = self::getWPSCcategories(); self::mkGUI(self::$type, self::$option[self::$name], self::$question, self::$info, self::$except, $lists); } }
public static function admin() { $DW = $GLOBALS['DW']; parent::admin(); self::$opt = $DW->getDWOpt($_GET['id'], self::$name); self::GUIHeader(self::$option[self::$name], self::$question, FALSE); self::GUIOption(); self::GUIComplex(); self::GUIFooter(); }
public static function admin() { parent::admin(); $list = array(1 => __('First page')); if (get_option('show_on_front') == 'page') { self::$option = array('front-page' => 'Posts Page'); self::$question = 'Show widget on the posts page?'; } self::mkGUI(self::$type, self::$option[self::$name], self::$question, NULL, self::$except, $list); }
public static function admin() { parent::admin(); $list = array(); $tags = get_tags(array('hide_empty' => FALSE)); foreach ($tags as $t) { $list[$t->term_id] = $t->name; } self::mkGUI(self::$type, self::$option[self::$name], self::$question, FALSE, self::$except, $list); }
public static function admin() { parent::admin(); if (self::detect()) { $list = array(); $qt_langs = get_option('qtranslate_enabled_languages'); foreach ($qt_langs as $code) { $list[$code] = self::getQTLanguage($code); } self::mkGUI(self::$type, self::$option[self::$name], self::$question, self::$info, self::$except, $list); } }
public static function admin() { $DW =& $GLOBALS['DW']; parent::admin(); $list = array(); $wp_roles = $GLOBALS['wp_roles']; $roles = array_merge($wp_roles->role_names, array('anonymous' => __('Anonymous') . '|User role')); foreach ($roles as $rid => $role) { $list[esc_attr($rid)] = translate_user_role($role); } self::mkGUI(self::$type, self::$option[self::$name], self::$question, self::$info, self::$except, $list); }
public static function admin() { parent::admin(); $tpl = get_page_templates(); if (count($tpl) > 0) { $list = array(); foreach ($tpl as $tplname => $tplfile) { $list[basename($tplfile)] = $tplname; } self::mkGUI(self::$type, self::$option[self::$name], self::$question, self::$info, self::$except, $list); } }
public static function admin() { parent::admin(); $days = array(); $daysec = 86400; $start = mktime(0, 0, 1, 7, 29, 2012); // We take a random Sunday - Go figure when I added this functionality $end = $start + 8 * $daysec; for ($i = $start; $i < $end; $i += $daysec) { $days[date('N', $i)] = date('l', $i); } self::mkGUI(self::$type, self::$option[self::$name], self::$question, self::$info, self::$except, $days); }
public static function admin() { $wpdb =& $GLOBALS['wpdb']; parent::admin(); if (self::detect()) { $query = "SELECT id, uri FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "pod_pages ORDER BY uri"; $results = $wpdb->get_results($query); $list = array(); foreach ($results as $row) { $list[$row->id] = $row->uri; } self::mkGUI(self::$type, self::$option[self::$name], self::$question, FALSE, self::$except, $list); } }
public static function admin() { parent::admin(); if (self::detect()) { $wpml_api = ICL_PLUGIN_PATH . DW_WPML_API; require_once $wpml_api; $list = array(); $wpml_langs = wpml_get_active_languages(); foreach ($wpml_langs as $lang) { $code = $lang['code']; $list[$code] = $lang['display_name']; } self::mkGUI(self::$type, self::$option[self::$name], self::$question, self::$info, self::$except, $list); } }
public static function admin() { $wpdb =& $GLOBALS['wpdb']; parent::admin(); if (self::detect()) { if (function_exists('pods_api')) { $results = pods_api()->load_pages(); } else { $query = "SELECT id, uri AS name FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "pod_pages ORDER BY uri"; $results = $wpdb->get_results($query, ARRAY_A); } $list = array(); foreach ($results as $row) { $list[$row['id']] = $row['name']; } self::mkGUI(self::$type, self::$option[self::$name], self::$question, FALSE, self::$except, $list); } }
public static function registerOption($dwoption) { // $dwoption not used, but needs to be in the argument list for strict PHP reasons (see Mantis #174). $option = array('cp_archive' => 'Custom Post Type Archives'); // Adding Custom Post Types to $DW->dwoptions $args = array('public' => TRUE, '_builtin' => FALSE); $post_types = get_post_types($args, 'objects', 'and'); foreach ($post_types as $type => $ctid) { $option[$type] = $ctid->label; } // Adding Custom Taxonomies to $DW->dwoptions $taxonomy = get_taxonomies($args, 'objects', 'and'); $taxonomy = apply_filters('dynwid_taxonomies', $taxonomy); foreach ($taxonomy as $tax_id => $tax) { $option['tax_' . $tax_id] = $tax->label; } parent::registerOption($option); }
public static function admin() { $DW = $GLOBALS['DW']; parent::admin(); $shortcode_yes_selected = 'checked="checked"'; $opt_shortcode = $DW->getOpt($GLOBALS['widget_id'], 'shortcode'); foreach ($opt_shortcode as $opt) { if ($opt->name == 'default') { $shortcode_no_selected = $shortcode_yes_selected; unset($shortcode_yes_selected); } else { $shortcode = unserialize($opt->value); } } ?> <h4 id="shortcode" title=" Click to toggle " class="ui-accordion-header ui-helper-reset ui-state-default ui-corner-all"><b><?php _e('Shortcode'); ?> </b><?php echo count($opt_shortcode) > 0 ? ' <img src="' . $DW->plugin_url . 'img/checkmark.gif" alt="Checkmark" />' : ''; ?> </h4> <div id="shortcode_conf" class="dynwid_conf ui-accordion-content ui-helper-reset ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom"> <?php _e('Show widget when the shortcode ...', DW_L10N_DOMAIN); ?> <img src="<?php echo $DW->plugin_url; ?> img/info.gif" alt="info" title="<?php _e('Click to toggle info', DW_L10N_DOMAIN); ?> " onclick="divToggle('shortcode_info');" /><br /> <?php $DW->dumpOpt($opt_shortcode); ?> <div> <div id="shortcode_info" class="infotext"> The shortcode is executed on the page where the widget is configured.<br /> The match needs to be exact and is case sensative. So, "a match" is not "A match" is not "a Match". </div> </div> <br /> <input type="radio" name="shortcode" value="yes" id="shortcode-yes" <?php echo isset($shortcode_yes_selected) ? $shortcode_yes_selected : ''; ?> /> <label for="shortcode-yes"><?php _e('Yes'); ?> </label> <input type="radio" name="shortcode" value="no" id="shortcode-no" <?php echo isset($shortcode_no_selected) ? $shortcode_no_selected : ''; ?> /> <label for="shortcode-no"><?php _e('No'); ?> </label><br /> <?php _e('Except when the...', DW_L10N_DOMAIN); ?> :<br /> Shortcode <input type="text" name="shortcode_value" value="<?php echo isset($shortcode['value']) ? $shortcode['value'] : ''; ?> " /> <select name="shortcode_operator"> <?php $options = array('=' => 'matches', '!=' => 'NOT matches'); foreach ($options as $key => $value) { echo '<option value="' . $key . '"'; echo isset($shortcode['operator']) && $shortcode['operator'] == $key ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; echo '>' . $value . '</option>'; } ?> </select> <input type="text" name="shortcode_match" value="<?php echo isset($shortcode['match']) ? $shortcode['match'] : ''; ?> " /> </div><!-- end dynwid_conf --> <?php }
public static function admin() { $DW = $GLOBALS['DW']; parent::admin(); $date_yes_selected = 'checked="checked"'; $opt_date = $DW->getOpt($_GET['id'], 'date'); if (count($opt_date) > 0) { foreach ($opt_date as $value) { switch ($value->name) { case 'date_start': $date_start = $value->value; break; case 'date_end': $date_end = $value->value; break; } } $date_no_selected = $date_yes_selected; unset($date_yes_selected); } ?> <h4><b><?php _e('Date'); ?> </b><?php echo count($opt_date) > 0 ? ' <img src="' . $DW->plugin_url . 'img/checkmark.gif" alt="Checkmark" />' : ''; ?> </h4> <div class="dynwid_conf"> <?php _e('Show widget always?', DW_L10N_DOMAIN); ?> <img src="<?php echo $DW->plugin_url; ?> img/info.gif" alt="info" title="<?php _e('Click to toggle info', DW_L10N_DOMAIN); ?> " onclick="divToggle('date');" /><br /> <?php $DW->dumpOpt($opt_date); ?> <div> <div id="date" class="infotext"> <?php _e('Next to the above role option, the date option is also very powerfull. You\'ve been warned!', DW_L10N_DOMAIN); ?> <br /> <?php _e('Enter dates in the YYYY-MM-DD format. You can also use the calender by clicking on the', DW_L10N_DOMAIN); ?> <img src="<?php echo $DW->plugin_url; ?> img/calendar.gif" alt="Calendar" /><br /> <?php _e('Date ranges can be made by entering a From AND a To date<br /> When you want the widget to be displayed from a specific date, only fill in the From date<br /> When you want the widget to stop displaying on a specific date, only fill in the To date. ', DW_L10N_DOMAIN); ?> </div> </div> <input type="radio" name="date" value="yes" id="date-yes" <?php echo isset($date_yes_selected) ? $date_yes_selected : ''; ?> onclick="swTxt(cDate, true);" /> <label for="date-yes"><?php _e('Yes'); ?> </label> <input type="radio" name="date" value="no" id="date-no" <?php echo isset($date_no_selected) ? $date_no_selected : ''; ?> onclick="swTxt(cDate, false)" /> <label for="date-no"><?php _e('No'); ?> , <?php _e('only', DW_L10N_DOMAIN); ?> :</label><br /> <div id="date-select" class="condition-select"> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td style="width:45px;"><?php _e('From', DW_L10N_DOMAIN); ?> </td> <td><input id="date_start" type="text" name="date_start" value="<?php echo isset($date_start) ? $date_start : ''; ?> " size="10" maxlength="10" /> <img src="<?php echo $DW->plugin_url; ?> img/calendar.gif" alt="Calendar" onclick="showCalendar('date_start')" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:45px;"><?php _e('To', DW_L10N_DOMAIN); ?> </td> <td><input id="date_end" type="text" name="date_end" value="<?php echo isset($date_end) ? $date_end : ''; ?> " size="10" maxlength="10" /> <img src="<?php echo $DW->plugin_url; ?> img/calendar.gif" alt="Calendar" onclick="showCalendar('date_end')" /></td> </tr> </table> </div> </div><!-- end dynwid_conf --> <script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ function showCalendar(id) { if ( jQuery('#date-no').is(':checked') ) { var id = '#'+id; jQuery(function() { jQuery(id).datepicker({ dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd', minDate: new Date(<?php echo date('Y, n - 1, j'); ?> ), onClose: function() { jQuery(id).datepicker('destroy'); } }); jQuery(id).datepicker('show'); }); } else { jQuery('#date-no').attr('checked', true); swTxt(cDate, false); showCalendar(id); } } var cDate = new Array('date_start', 'date_end'); if ( jQuery('#date-yes').is(':checked') ) { swTxt(cDate, true); } /* ]]> */ </script> <?php }
} } // WPML PLugin support DWModule::save('wpml', 'complex'); // QTranslate Plugin support DWModule::save('qt', 'complex'); // WPSC/WPEC Plugin support DWModule::save('wpsc', 'complex'); // bbPress Plugin support DWModule::save('bbp_profile', 'simple'); // BP Plugin support DWModule::save('bp', 'complex'); // BP Plugin support (Groups) DWModule::save('bp-group', 'complex'); // Pods Plugin support DWModule::save('pods', 'complex'); // Redirect to ReturnURL if (!empty($returnurl)) { $q = array(); // Checking if there are arguments set $pos = strpos($returnurl, '?'); if ($pos !== FALSE) { // evaluate the args $query_string = substr($returnurl, $pos + 1); $args = explode('&', $query_string); foreach ($args as $arg) { @(list($name, $value) = explode('=', $arg)); if ($name != 'dynwid_save' && $name != 'widget_id') { $q[] = $name . '=' . $value; } }
/** * DWModule::setName() Auto registering name to DWModule class * * @param string $classname Full classname */ protected static function setName($classname) { self::$name = strtolower(substr($classname, 3)); // Chop off the "DW_" self::$name = str_replace('_', '-', self::$name); }
public static function admin() { parent::admin(); $list = array('gecko' => 'Firefox' . ' ' . __('(and other Gecko based)', DW_L10N_DOMAIN), 'msie' => 'Internet Explorer', 'msie6' => 'Internet Explorer 6', 'opera' => 'Opera', 'ns' => 'Netscape 4', 'safari' => 'Safari', 'chrome' => 'Chrome', 'undef' => __('Other / Unknown / Not detected', DW_L10N_DOMAIN)); self::mkGUI(self::$type, self::$option[self::$name], self::$question, self::$info, self::$except, $list); }
public static function admin() { $DW =& $GLOBALS['DW']; parent::admin(); self::$opt = $DW->getDWOpt($_GET['id'], 'single'); $authors = DW_Author::getAuthors(); if (count($authors) > DW_LIST_LIMIT) { $author_condition_select_style = DW_LIST_STYLE; } $js_count = 0; $opt_single_author = $DW->getDWOpt($_GET['id'], 'single-author'); $js_author_array = array(); if ($opt_single_author->count > 0) { $js_count = $js_count + $opt_single_author->count - 1; } // -- Category $category = get_categories(array('hide_empty' => FALSE)); if (count($category) > DW_LIST_LIMIT) { $category_condition_select_style = DW_LIST_STYLE; } // For JS $js_category_array = array(); foreach ($category as $cat) { $js_category_array[] = '\'single_category_act_' . $cat->cat_ID . '\''; $js_category_array[] = '\'single_category_childs_act_' . $cat->cat_ID . '\''; } $catmap = DW_Category::getCatChilds(array(), 0, array()); $opt_single_category = $DW->getDWOpt($_GET['id'], 'single-category'); if ($opt_single_category->count > 0) { $js_count = $js_count + $opt_single_category->count - 1; } // -- Individual / Posts / Tags $opt_individual = $DW->getDWOpt($_GET['id'], 'individual'); $opt_single_post = $DW->getDWOpt($_GET['id'], 'single-post'); $opt_single_tag = $DW->getDWOpt($_GET['id'], 'single-tag'); if ($opt_individual->count > 0) { $individual = TRUE; $count_individual = '(' . __('Posts: ', DW_L10N_DOMAIN) . $opt_single_post->count . ', ' . __('Tags: ', DW_L10N_DOMAIN) . $opt_single_tag->count . ')'; } self::GUIHeader(self::$option[self::$name], self::$question, self::$info); self::GUIOption(); // Individual $DW->dumpOpt($opt_individual); echo '<br />'; echo '<input type="checkbox" id="individual" name="individual" value="1" ' . (isset($individual) && $individual ? 'checked="checked"' : '') . ' onclick="chkInPosts()" />'; echo '<label for="individual">' . __('Make exception rule available to individual posts and tags.', DW_L10N_DOMAIN) . ' ' . ($opt_individual->count > 0 ? $count_individual : '') . '</label>'; echo '<img src="' . $DW->plugin_url . 'img/info.gif" alt="info" title="' . __('Click to toggle info', DW_L10N_DOMAIN) . '" onclick="divToggle(\'individual_post_tag\')" />'; echo '<div>'; echo '<div id="individual_post_tag" class="infotext">'; _e('When you enable this option, you have the ability to apply the exception rule for <em>Single Posts</em> to tags and individual posts. You can set the exception rule for tags in the single Edit Tag Panel (go to <a href="edit-tags.php?taxonomy=post_tag">Post Tags</a>, click a tag), For individual posts in the <a href="post-new.php">New</a> or <a href="edit.php">Edit</a> Posts panel. Exception rules for tags and individual posts in any combination work independantly, but will always be counted as one exception.<br /> Please note when exception rules are set for Author and/or Category, these will be removed. ', DW_L10N_DOMAIN); echo '</div></div>'; // Individual posts and tags foreach ($opt_single_post->act as $singlepost) { echo '<input type="hidden" name="single_post_act[]" value="' . $singlepost . '" />'; } foreach ($opt_single_tag->act as $tag) { echo '<input type="hidden" name="single_tag_act[]" value="' . $tag . '" />'; } // JS array authors foreach (array_keys($authors) as $id) { $js_author_array[] = '\'single_author_act_' . $id . '\''; } ?> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td valign="top"> <?php DW_Author::mkGUI(TRUE); ?> </td> <td style="width:10px"></td> <td valign="top"> <?php $opt = $DW->getDWOpt($_GET['id'], 'single-category'); ?> <?php $DW->dumpOpt($opt); ?> <?php DW_Category::GUIComplex(TRUE, $opt); ?> </div> </td> </tr> </table> <?php self::GUIFooter(); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ function chkInPosts() { var posts = <?php echo $opt_single_post->count; ?> ; var tags = <?php echo $opt_single_tag->count; ?> ; if ( (posts > 0 || tags > 0) && jQuery('#individual').is(':checked') == false ) { if ( confirm('Are you sure you want to disable the exception rule for individual posts and tags?\nThis will remove the options set to individual posts and/or tags for this widget.\nOk = Yes; No = Cancel') ) { swChb(cAuthors, false); swChb(cCat, false); } else { jQuery('#individual').attr('checked', true); } } else if ( icount > 0 && jQuery('#individual').is(':checked') ) { if ( confirm('Are you sure you want to enable the exception rule for individual posts and tags?\nThis will remove the exceptions set for Author and/or Category on single posts for this widget.\nOk = Yes; No = Cancel') ) { swChb(cAuthors, true); swChb(cCat, true); icount = 0; } else { jQuery('#individual').attr('checked', false); } } else if ( jQuery('#individual').is(':checked') ) { swChb(cAuthors, true); swChb(cCat, true); } else { swChb(cAuthors, false); swChb(cCat, false); } } function ci(id) { if ( jQuery('#'+id).is(':checked') ) { icount++; } else { icount--; } } var icount = <?php echo $js_count; ?> ; var cAuthors = new Array(<?php echo implode(', ', $js_author_array); ?> ); var cCat = new Array(<?php echo implode(', ', $js_category_array); ?> ); if ( jQuery('#individual').is(':checked') ) { swChb(cAuthors, true); swChb(cCat, true); } /* ]]> */ </script> <?php }
public static function admin() { $DW = $GLOBALS['DW']; parent::admin(); $url_yes_selected = 'checked="checked"'; $opt_url = $DW->getOpt($_GET['id'], 'url'); $prefix = $DW->getURLPrefix(); foreach ($opt_url as $opt) { if ($opt->name == 'default') { $url_no_selected = $url_yes_selected; unset($url_yes_selected); } else { $urls = unserialize($opt->value); } } ?> <h4 id="url" title=" Click to toggle " class="ui-accordion-header ui-helper-reset ui-state-default ui-corner-all"><b><?php _e('URL'); ?> </b><?php echo count($opt_url) > 0 ? ' <img src="' . $DW->plugin_url . 'img/checkmark.gif" alt="Checkmark" />' : ''; ?> </h4> <div id="url_conf" class="dynwid_conf ui-accordion-content ui-helper-reset ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom"> <?php _e('Show widget at this URL?', DW_L10N_DOMAIN); ?> <img src="<?php echo $DW->plugin_url; ?> img/info.gif" alt="info" title="<?php _e('Click to toggle info', DW_L10N_DOMAIN); ?> " onclick="divToggle('url_info');" /><br /> <?php $DW->dumpOpt($opt_url); ?> <div> <div id="url_info" class="infotext"> Separate URLs on each line.<br /> Use an asterisk ( * ) at the end of an URL as 'Starts with'.<br /> Use an asterisk at the start of an URL as 'Ends with'.<br /> Using an asterisk at the start and end of an url means 'Somewhere within'.<br /> Without any asterisk means 'Exact match'.<br /> When you don't start with an asterisk, start with a slash ( / ).<br /> Beware of double rules! Especially when you set the default to 'No'. This means the widget will be shown NOWHERE. </div> </div> <br /> <input type="radio" name="url" value="yes" id="url-yes" <?php echo isset($url_yes_selected) ? $url_yes_selected : ''; ?> /> <label for="url-yes"><?php _e('Yes'); ?> </label> <input type="radio" name="url" value="no" id="url-no" <?php echo isset($url_no_selected) ? $url_no_selected : ''; ?> /> <label for="url-no"><?php _e('No'); ?> </label><br /> <?php _e('Except the URLs', DW_L10N_DOMAIN); ?> : <?php echo !empty($prefix) ? '<br />Note: Do not include ' . $prefix : ''; ?> <br /> <div id="url-select" class="condition-select"> <textarea name="url_value" style="width:300px;height:150px;"><?php echo isset($urls) ? implode("\n", $urls) : ''; ?> </textarea> </div> </div><!-- end dynwid_conf --> <?php }
public static function admin() { $DW =& $GLOBALS['DW']; $widget_id = $GLOBALS['widget_id']; parent::admin(); self::$opt = $DW->getDWOpt($widget_id, 'single'); $authors = DW_Author::getAuthors(); if (count($authors) > DW_LIST_LIMIT) { $author_condition_select_style = DW_LIST_STYLE; } $js_count = 0; $opt_single_author = $DW->getDWOpt($widget_id, 'single-author'); $js_author_array = array(); if ($opt_single_author->count > 0) { $js_count = $js_count + $opt_single_author->count - 1; } // -- Category $category = get_categories(array('hide_empty' => FALSE)); if (count($category) > DW_LIST_LIMIT) { $category_condition_select_style = DW_LIST_STYLE; } // For JS $js_category_array = array(); foreach ($category as $cat) { $js_category_array[] = '\'single_category_act_' . $cat->cat_ID . '\''; $js_category_array[] = '\'single_category_childs_act_' . $cat->cat_ID . '\''; } $catmap = DW_Category::getCatChilds(array(), 0, array()); $opt_single_category = $DW->getDWOpt($widget_id, 'single-category'); if ($opt_single_category->count > 0) { $js_count = $js_count + $opt_single_category->count - 1; } $opt_single_post = $DW->getDWOpt($widget_id, 'single-post'); $opt_single_tag = $DW->getDWOpt($widget_id, 'single-tag'); self::GUIHeader(self::$option[self::$name], self::$question, self::$info); self::GUIOption(); // Individual posts and tags foreach ($opt_single_post->act as $singlepost) { echo '<input type="hidden" name="single_post_act[]" value="' . $singlepost . '" />'; } foreach ($opt_single_tag->act as $tag) { echo '<input type="hidden" name="single_tag_act[]" value="' . $tag . '" />'; } // JS array authors foreach (array_keys($authors) as $id) { $js_author_array[] = '\'single_author_act_' . $id . '\''; } ?> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td valign="top"> <?php DW_Author::mkGUI(self::$type, self::$option[self::$name], self::$question, TRUE); ?> </td> <td style="width:10px"></td> <td valign="top"> <?php $opt = $DW->getDWOpt($widget_id, 'single-category'); ?> <?php $DW->dumpOpt($opt); ?> <?php DW_Category::GUIComplex(NULL, NULL, TRUE, $opt); ?> </div> </td> </tr> </table> <?php $type = 'post'; $tax_list = get_object_taxonomies($type, 'objects'); $tax_list = apply_filters('dynwid_taxonomies', $tax_list); foreach ($tax_list as $tax_type) { if ($tax_type->name != 'post_tag' && $tax_type->name != 'category') { // Prepare $opt_tax = $DW->getDWOpt($widget_id, 'single-tax_' . $tax_type->name); if ($tax_type->hierarchical) { $opt_tax_childs = $DW->getDWOpt($widget_id, 'single-tax_' . $tax_type->name . '-childs'); } else { unset($opt_tax_childs); } $tax = get_terms($tax_type->name, array('get' => 'all')); if (count($tax) > 0) { if (count($tax) > DW_LIST_LIMIT) { $tax_condition_select_style = DW_LIST_STYLE; } $tree = DW_CustomPost::getTaxChilds($tax_type->name, array(), 0, array()); echo '<br />'; $DW->dumpOpt($opt_tax); if (isset($opt_tax_childs)) { $DW->dumpOpt($opt_tax_childs); } echo '<input type="hidden" name="single_tax_list[]" value="single-tax_' . $tax_type->name . '" />'; echo __('Except for', DW_L10N_DOMAIN) . ' ' . $tax_type->label . ':<br />'; echo '<div id="single-tax_' . $tax_type->name . '-select" class="condition-select" ' . (isset($tax_condition_select_style) ? $tax_condition_select_style : '') . '>'; echo '<div style="position:relative;left:-15px">'; if (!isset($opt_tax_childs)) { $childs = FALSE; } else { $childs = $opt_tax_childs->act; } echo '<input type="hidden" id="single-tax_' . $tax_type->name . '_act" name="single-tax_' . $tax_type->name . '_act" value="' . implode(',', $opt_tax->act) . '" />'; if (isset($opt_tax_childs)) { echo '<input type="hidden" id="single-tax_' . $tax_type->name . '_childs_act" name="single-tax_' . $tax_type->name . '_childs_act" value="' . implode(',', $opt_tax_childs->act) . '" />'; } DW_CustomPost::prtTax($widget_id, $tax_type->name, $tree, $opt_tax->act, $childs, 'single-tax_' . $tax_type->name); echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; } } } // foreach self::GUIFooter(); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ function chkInPosts() { var posts = <?php echo $opt_single_post->count; ?> ; var tags = <?php echo $opt_single_tag->count; ?> ; if ( (posts > 0 || tags > 0) && jQuery('#individual').is(':checked') == false ) { if ( confirm('Are you sure you want to disable the exception rule for individual posts and tags?\nThis will remove the options set to individual posts and/or tags for this widget.\nOk = Yes; No = Cancel') ) { swChb(cAuthors, false); swChb(cCat, false); } else { jQuery('#individual').attr('checked', true); } } else if ( icount > 0 && jQuery('#individual').is(':checked') ) { if ( confirm('Are you sure you want to enable the exception rule for individual posts and tags?\nThis will remove the exceptions set for Author and/or Category on single posts for this widget.\nOk = Yes; No = Cancel') ) { swChb(cAuthors, true); swChb(cCat, true); icount = 0; } else { jQuery('#individual').attr('checked', false); } } else if ( jQuery('#individual').is(':checked') ) { swChb(cAuthors, true); swChb(cCat, true); } else { swChb(cAuthors, false); swChb(cCat, false); } } function ci(id) { if ( jQuery('#'+id).is(':checked') ) { icount++; } else { icount--; } } var icount = <?php echo $js_count; ?> ; var cAuthors = new Array(<?php echo implode(', ', $js_author_array); ?> ); var cCat = new Array(<?php echo implode(', ', $js_category_array); ?> ); if ( jQuery('#individual').is(':checked') ) { swChb(cAuthors, true); swChb(cCat, true); } if ( jQuery('#single-yes').is(':checked') && jQuery('#single_conf :checkbox').is(':checked') ) { jQuery('#single').append( ' <img src="<?php echo $DW->plugin_url; ?> img/checkmark.gif" alt="Checkmark" />' ); } /* ]]> */ </script> <?php }
public static function admin() { $DW = $GLOBALS['DW']; parent::admin(); $ip_yes_selected = 'checked="checked"'; $opt_ip = $DW->getOpt($GLOBALS['widget_id'], 'ip'); foreach ($opt_ip as $opt) { if ($opt->name == 'default') { $ip_no_selected = $ip_yes_selected; unset($ip_yes_selected); } else { $ips = unserialize($opt->value); } } ?> <h4 id="ip" title=" Click to toggle " class="ui-accordion-header ui-helper-reset ui-state-default ui-corner-all"><b><?php _e('IP Address'); ?> </b><?php echo count($opt_ip) > 0 ? ' <img src="' . $DW->plugin_url . 'img/checkmark.gif" alt="Checkmark" />' : ''; ?> </h4> <div id="ip_conf" class="dynwid_conf ui-accordion-content ui-helper-reset ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom"> <?php _e('Show widget for this IP (range)?', DW_L10N_DOMAIN); ?> <img src="<?php echo $DW->plugin_url; ?> img/info.gif" alt="info" title="<?php _e('Click to toggle info', DW_L10N_DOMAIN); ?> " onclick="divToggle('ip_info');" /><br /> <?php $DW->dumpOpt($opt_ip); ?> <div> <div id="ip_info" class="infotext"> Works only with IPv4, not IPv6! No checks are performed for overlapping addresses, invalid ranges, etc.<br /> Separate IP (ranges) on each line.<br /> <br /> IP format notation can be... <div style="position:relative;left:20px;"> <ul> <li>single IP:</li> <li>in <a href="" target="_blank">CIDR</a><sup> [WARNING: techie!]</sup> (recommended):, or</li> <li>in wildcard: 192.168.1.*</li> <li>in range:</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <br /> <input type="radio" name="ip" value="yes" id="ip-yes" <?php echo isset($ip_yes_selected) ? $ip_yes_selected : ''; ?> /> <label for="ip-yes"><?php _e('Yes'); ?> </label> <input type="radio" name="ip" value="no" id="ip-no" <?php echo isset($ip_no_selected) ? $ip_no_selected : ''; ?> /> <label for="ip-no"><?php _e('No'); ?> </label><br /> <?php _e('Except the IP (ranges)', DW_L10N_DOMAIN); ?> :<br /> <div id="ip-select" class="condition-select"> <textarea name="ip_value" style="width:300px;height:150px;"><?php echo isset($ips) ? implode("\n", $ips) : ''; ?> </textarea> </div> </div><!-- end dynwid_conf --> <?php }
public static function admin() { $DW =& $GLOBALS['DW']; parent::admin(); self::$opt = $DW->getDWOpt($GLOBALS['widget_id'], 'page'); self::$opt_page = self::$opt; if (self::$opt->count > 0) { self::$opt_page_childs = $DW->getDWOpt($GLOBALS['widget_id'], 'page-childs'); } $pages = get_pages(array('post_status' => 'publish,private')); $num_pages = count($pages); unset($pages); if ($num_pages < DW_PAGE_LIMIT) { $hierarchy = TRUE; } else { $hierarchy = FALSE; } // For childs we double the number of pages because of addition of 'All childs' option if ($hierarchy && $num_pages * 2 > DW_LIST_LIMIT || $num_pages > DW_LIST_LIMIT) { $page_condition_select_style = DW_LIST_STYLE; } self::$static_page = array(); if (get_option('show_on_front') == 'page') { $id = get_option('page_on_front'); self::$static_page[$id] = __('Front page', DW_L10N_DOMAIN); if (get_option('page_on_front') == get_option('page_for_posts')) { self::$static_page[$id] .= ', ' . __('Posts page', DW_L10N_DOMAIN); } } if ($num_pages < DW_PAGE_LIMIT) { $childs_infotext = self::infoText(); } else { $childs_infotext = __('Unfortunately the childs-function has been disabled because you have more than the limit of pages.', DW_L10N_DOMAIN) . '(' . DW_PAGE_LIMIT . ')'; } self::$info = $childs_infotext; self::GUIHeader(self::$option[self::$name], self::$question, self::$info); self::GUIOption(); if ($num_pages > 0) { $DW->dumpOpt(self::$opt_page_childs); echo '<br />'; _e('Except the page(s)', DW_L10N_DOMAIN); echo '<br />'; echo '<div id="page-select" class="condition-select" ' . (isset($page_condition_select_style) ? $page_condition_select_style : '') . ' />'; if ($num_pages < DW_PAGE_LIMIT) { wp_list_pages(array('title_li' => '', 'post_status' => 'publish,private', 'walker' => new DW_Page_Walker())); } else { wp_list_pages(array('title_li' => '', 'post_status' => 'publish,private', 'depth' => -1, 'walker' => new DW_Page_Walker())); } echo '</div>'; } $tax_list = get_object_taxonomies('page', 'objects'); foreach ($tax_list as $tax_type) { // Prepare $opt_tax = $DW->getDWOpt($_GET['id'], 'page-tax_' . $tax_type->name); if ($tax_type->hierarchical) { $opt_tax_childs = $DW->getDWOpt($_GET['id'], 'page-tax_' . $tax_type->name . '-childs'); } else { unset($opt_tax_childs); } $tax = get_terms($tax_type->name, array('get' => 'all')); if (count($tax) > 0) { if (count($tax) > DW_LIST_LIMIT) { $tax_condition_select_style = DW_LIST_STYLE; } $tree = DW_CustomPost::getTaxChilds($tax_type->name, array(), 0, array()); echo '<br />'; $DW->dumpOpt($opt_tax); if (isset($opt_tax_childs)) { $DW->dumpOpt($opt_tax_childs); } echo '<input type="hidden" name="page_tax_list[]" value="page-tax_' . $tax_type->name . '" />'; echo __('Except for', DW_L10N_DOMAIN) . ' ' . $tax_type->label . ':<br />'; echo '<div id="page-tax_' . $tax_type->name . '-select" class="condition-select" ' . (isset($tax_condition_select_style) ? $tax_condition_select_style : '') . '>'; echo '<div style="position:relative;left:-15px">'; if (!isset($opt_tax_childs)) { $childs = FALSE; } else { $childs = $opt_tax_childs->act; } echo '<input type="hidden" id="page-tax_' . $tax_type->name . '_act" name="page-tax_' . $tax_type->name . '_act" value="' . implode(',', $opt_tax->act) . '" />'; if (isset($opt_tax_childs)) { echo '<input type="hidden" id="page-tax_' . $tax_type->name . '_childs_act" name="page-tax_' . $tax_type->name . '_childs_act" value="' . implode(',', $opt_tax_childs->act) . '" />'; } // DW_CustomPost::prtTax($tax_type->name, $tree, $opt_tax->act, $childs, 'page-tax_' . $tax_type->name); DW_CustomPost::prtTax($widget_id, $tax_type->name, $tree, $opt_tax->act, $childs, 'page-tax_' . $tax_type->name); echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; } } self::GUIFooter(); }
public static function registerOption() { $option = array('cp_archive' => 'Custom Post Type Archives'); // Adding Custom Post Types to $DW->dwoptions $args = array('public' => TRUE, '_builtin' => FALSE); $post_types = get_post_types($args, 'objects', 'and'); foreach ($post_types as $ctid) { $option[key($post_types)] = $ctid->label; } // Adding Custom Taxonomies to $DW->dwoptions $taxonomy = get_taxonomies($args, 'objects', 'and'); foreach ($taxonomy as $tax_id => $tax) { $option['tax_' . $tax_id] = $tax->label; } parent::registerOption($option); }
/** * dynWid::getModuleName() Full registration of the modules * */ public function getModuleName() { $dwoptions = array(); // I NEED PHP > 5.3!! DWModule::registerOption(DW_Archive::$option); DWModule::registerOption(DW_Attachment::$option); DWModule::registerOption(DW_Author::$option); DWModule::registerOption(DW_bbPress::$option); DWModule::registerOption(DW_BP::$option); DWModule::registerOption(DW_Browser::$option); DWModule::registerOption(DW_IP::$option); DWModule::registerOption(DW_Fimage::$option); DWModule::registerOption(DW_Category::$option); DW_CustomPost::registerOption(NULL); DWModule::registerOption(DW_Date::$option); DWModule::registerOption(DW_Day::$option); DWModule::registerOption(DW_E404::$option); DWModule::registerOption(DW_Front_page::$option); DWModule::registerOption(DW_Device::$option); DWModule::registerOption(DW_Page::$option); DWModule::registerOption(DW_Pods::$option); // DWModule::registerOption(DW_QT::$option); DWModule::registerOption(DW_Role::$option); DWModule::registerOption(DW_Search::$option); DWModule::registerOption(DW_Shortcode::$option); DWModule::registerOption(DW_Single::$option); DWModule::registerOption(DW_Tag::$option); DWModule::registerOption(DW_Tpl::$option); DWModule::registerOption(DW_URL::$option); DWModule::registerOption(DW_Week::$option); DWModule::registerOption(DW_WPSC::$option); DWModule::registerOption(DW_WPML::$option); }
<?php /** * dynwid_worker.php - The worker does the actual work. * * @version $Id: dynwid_worker.php 939272 2014-06-26 19:44:38Z qurl $ * @copyright 2011 Jacco Drabbe */ $DW->message('Worker START'); $DW->message('WhereAmI = ' . $DW->whereami); // Registering Custom Post Type & Custom Taxonomy to $DW (object overload) include DW_MODULES . 'custompost_module.php'; DWModule::registerPlugin(DW_CustomPost::$plugin); // Device $DW->device = wp_is_mobile() ? 'mobile' : 'desktop'; $DW->message('Device = ' . $DW->device); // Template if (!is_archive() && !is_404()) { $tpl = get_page_template(); if ($DW->whereami == 'pods') { global $pod_page_exists; if (!empty($pod_page_exists['page_template'])) { $tpl = $pod_page_exists['page_template']; } } $DW->template = basename($tpl); $DW->message('Template = ' . $DW->template); } // WPML Plugin support include_once DW_MODULES . 'wpml_module.php'; if (DW_WPML::detect(FALSE)) {