Exemplo n.º 1
if (!defined('DUPLICATOR_INIT')) {
    $_baseURL = "http://" . strlen($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] : $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
    header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");
    header("Location: {$_baseURL}");
/* JSON RESPONSE: Most sites have warnings turned off by default, but if they're turned on the warnings
cause errors in the JSON data Here we hide the status so warning level is reset at it at the end*/
$ajax2_error_level = error_reporting();
$ajax2_start = DUPX_Util::get_microtime();
$dbh = DUPX_Util::db_connect($_POST['dbhost'], $_POST['dbuser'], html_entity_decode($_POST['dbpass']), $_POST['dbname'], $_POST['dbport']);
$charset_server = @mysqli_character_set_name($dbh);
@mysqli_query($dbh, "SET wait_timeout = {$GLOBALS['DB_MAX_TIME']}");
DUPX_Util::mysql_set_charset($dbh, $_POST['dbcharset'], $_POST['dbcollate']);
$_POST['blogname'] = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbh, $_POST['blogname']);
$_POST['postguid'] = isset($_POST['postguid']) && $_POST['postguid'] == 1 ? 1 : 0;
$_POST['fullsearch'] = isset($_POST['fullsearch']) && $_POST['fullsearch'] == 1 ? 1 : 0;
$_POST['path_old'] = isset($_POST['path_old']) ? trim($_POST['path_old']) : null;
$_POST['path_new'] = isset($_POST['path_new']) ? trim($_POST['path_new']) : null;
$_POST['siteurl'] = isset($_POST['siteurl']) ? rtrim(trim($_POST['siteurl']), '/') : null;
$_POST['tables'] = isset($_POST['tables']) && is_array($_POST['tables']) ? array_map('stripcslashes', $_POST['tables']) : array();
$_POST['url_old'] = isset($_POST['url_old']) ? trim($_POST['url_old']) : null;
$_POST['url_new'] = isset($_POST['url_new']) ? rtrim(trim($_POST['url_new']), '/') : null;
Exemplo n.º 2

// Exit if accessed directly
if (!defined('DUPLICATOR_INIT')) {
    $_baseURL = "http://" . strlen($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] : $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
    header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");
    header("Location: {$_baseURL}");
$dbh = DUPX_Util::db_connect($_POST['dbhost'], $_POST['dbuser'], $_POST['dbpass'], $_POST['dbname'], $_POST['dbport']);
$all_tables = DUPX_Util::get_database_tables($dbh);
$active_plugins = DUPX_Util::get_active_plugins($dbh);
$old_path = $GLOBALS['FW_WPROOT'];
$new_path = DUPX_Util::set_safe_path($GLOBALS['CURRENT_ROOT_PATH']);
$new_path = strrpos($old_path, '/') + 1 == strlen($old_path) ? DUPX_Util::add_slash($new_path) : $new_path;

<script type="text/javascript">
	/** **********************************************
	* METHOD:  
	* Timeout (10000000 = 166 minutes) */
	Duplicator.runUpdate = function() {
		var wp_username = $.trim($("#wp_username").val()).length || 0;
		var wp_password = $.trim($("#wp_password").val()).length || 0;
		if ( $.trim($("#url_new").val()) == "" )  {alert("The 'New URL' field is required!"); return false;}
		if ( $.trim($("#siteurl").val()) == "" )  {alert("The 'Site URL' field is required!"); return false;}
		if (wp_username >= 1 && wp_username < 4) {alert("The New Admin Account 'Username' must be four or more characters"); return false;}
		if (wp_username >= 4 && wp_password < 6) {alert("The New Admin Account 'Password' must be six or more characters"); return false;}