Exemplo n.º 1
function listnumber_update()
    $db = new DB_erp2();
    $listtype = 31;
    $organid = 1;
    $organno = 'a001';
    $query = "select * from tb_listnumber where fd_ltnr_typeid = '{$listtype}'";
    if ($db->nf()) {
        $qianxu = $db->f(fd_ltnr_qianxu);
        $ltctcount = 1;
        $query = "select * from tb_listcount where fd_ltct_ltnrtypeid = '{$listtype}' and fd_ltct_organid = '{$organid}' ";
        if ($db->nf()) {
            $ltctcount = $db->f(fd_ltct_count) + 1;
            $ltctid = $db->f(fd_ltct_id);
            $query = "update tb_listcount set\n\t              fd_ltct_count = '{$ltctcount}'\n\t              where fd_ltct_id = '{$ltctid}' ";
        } else {
            $query = "insert into tb_listcount(\n\t              fd_ltct_count , fd_ltct_organid , fd_ltct_ltnrtypeid\n\t              )values(\n\t              1             , '{$organid}'      , '{$listtype}'\n\t              )";
        if ($ltctcount < 100000 and $ltctcount >= 10000) {
            $endltctcount = "0" . $ltctcount;
        } elseif ($ltctcount < 10000 and $ltctcount >= 1000) {
            $endltctcount = "00" . $ltctcount;
        } elseif ($ltctcount < 1000 and $ltctcount >= 100) {
            $endltctcount = "000" . $ltctcount;
        } elseif ($ltctcount < 100 and $ltctcount >= 10) {
            $endltctcount = "0000" . $ltctcount;
        } elseif ($ltctcount < 10 and $ltctcount >= 1) {
            $endltctcount = "00000" . $ltctcount;
        } else {
            $endltctcount = $ltctcount;
        $listno = $qianxu . "_" . $organno . "_" . $endltctcount;
    return $listno;
Exemplo n.º 2
function order_creat_kslist($listid)
    $db = new DB_test();
    $db2 = new DB_test();
    $dberp = new DB_erp2();
    $query = "select * from web_kesu \n\t            left join tb_produre on fd_produre_id = fd_ks_commid \n\t            left join tb_productlevel on fd_productlevel_id = fd_produre_level \n\t            left join tb_kgweight on fd_kgweight_id = fd_produre_kgweight \n\t            left join tb_guige  on fd_guige_id = fd_produre_spec \n\t            left join web_orderdetail on fd_ks_orderdtid = fd_orderdetail_id \n\t            left join web_order on fd_order_id = fd_ks_orderid\n\t            where fd_ks_id = '{$listid}'";
    if ($db->nf()) {
        $commid = $db->f(fd_ks_commid);
        $thquantity = $db->f(fd_ks_tuinum);
        $printsize = $db->f(fd_ks_yincc);
        $fqsl = $db->f(fd_ks_fenqienum);
        $shsl = $db->f(fd_ks_sunhao);
        $printsl = $db->f(fd_ks_yinnum);
        $memo = $db->f(fd_ks_canzhi);
        $ksmoney = $db->f(fd_ks_money);
        $ksyy = $db->f(fd_ks_cause);
        $zlms = $db->f(fd_ks_ksmemo);
        $memo = $db->f(fd_ks_memo);
        $czmoney = $db->f(fd_ks_canzhi);
        $commname = $db->f(fd_produre_name);
        $level = $db->f(fd_productlevel_name);
        $kz = $db->f(fd_kgweight_name);
        $gg = $db->f(fd_guige_name);
        $orderid = $db->f(fd_ks_orderid);
        $price = $db->f(fd_orderdetail_price);
        $quantity = $db->f(fd_orderdetail_quantity);
        $sdcrid = $db->f(fd_order_sdcrid);
        if ($cause == 1) {
            $ksyy = "1@@@";
        } else {
            if ($cause == 2) {
                $ksyy = "6@@@";
            } else {
                if ($cause == 3) {
                    $ksyy = "4@@@";
                } else {
                    if ($cause == 4) {
                        $ksyy = "5@@@";
        $money = $quantity * $price;
        $kstype = 2;
        if ($sdcrid == 1) {
            $mscid = 1;
        } else {
            if ($sdcrid == 2) {
                $mscid = 4;
            } else {
                if ($sdcrid == 3) {
                    $mscid = 13;
                } else {
                    if ($sdcrid == 4) {
                        $mscid = 9;
                    } else {
                        if ($sdcrid == 5) {
                            $mscid = 11;
        $query = "select * from tb_mscompany where fd_msc_id = '{$mscid}'";
        if ($dberp->nf()) {
            $msclinkman = $dberp->f(fd_msc_phone);
        $query = "select * from tb_salelist where fd_selt_weborderid = '{$orderid}'";
        if ($dberp->nf()) {
            $xsno = $dberp->f(fd_selt_no);
            $xsdate = $dberp->f(fd_selt_date);
            $cusid = $dberp->f(fd_selt_cusid);
        $listno = listnumber_update();
        $query = "insert into tb_kssq(\n\t       \t     fd_kssq_no        ,  fd_kssq_date           , fd_kssq_organid    ,\n\t       \t     fd_kssq_mscid     ,  fd_kssq_msclinkman     , fd_kssq_cusid      ,\n\t       \t     fd_kssq_commid    ,  fd_kssq_commname       , fd_kssq_level      ,\n\t       \t     fd_kssq_kz        ,  fd_kssq_gg             , fd_kssq_xsno       ,\n\t       \t     fd_kssq_xsdate    ,  fd_kssq_price          , fd_kssq_quantity   ,\n\t       \t     fd_kssq_money     ,  fd_kssq_thquantity     , fd_kssq_ksmoney    ,\n\t       \t     fd_kssq_czmoney   ,  fd_kssq_ksyy           , fd_kssq_zlms       ,\n\t       \t     fd_kssq_memo      ,  fd_kssq_kstype         , fd_kssq_printsize  ,    \n\t       \t     fd_kssq_fqsl      ,  fd_kssq_printsl        , fd_kssq_shsl       ,\n\t       \t     fd_kssq_state     ,  fd_kssq_webksid   \n\t       \t     )values(\n\t       \t     '{$listno}'         ,  now()                  , '1'                ,\n\t       \t     '{$mscid}'          , '{$msclinkman}'           , '{$cusid}'           ,\n\t       \t     '{$commid}'         , '{$commname}'             , '{$level}'           , \n\t       \t     '{$kz}'             , '{$gg}'                   , '{$xsno}'            ,\n\t       \t     '{$xsdate}'         , '{$price}'                ,'{$quantity}'         ,\n\t       \t     '{$money}'          , '{$thquantity}'           , '{$ksmoney}'         ,\n\t       \t     '{$czmoney}'        , '{$ksyy}'                 , '{$zlms}'            ,\n\t       \t     '{$memo}'           , '{$kstype}'               , '{$printsize}'       , \n\t       \t     '{$fqsl}'           , '{$printsl}'              , '{$shsl}'            ,\n\t       \t     '2'               , '{$listid}'\n\t       \t     )";