htmlp_select_end(); echo "</td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><td align=right width=30%>" . $t->translate("Country you currently live in") . ":</td><td width=70%>\n"; htmlp_select("actual_country"); echo "\n"; select_country(999); htmlp_select_end(); echo "</td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><td align=right width=30%>" . $t->translate("Year of Birth") . ":</td><td width=70%>19<input type=\"TEXT\" name=\"year_of_birth\" size=3 maxlength=2></td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><td align=right width=30%>" . $t->translate("Gender") . ":</td><td width=70%>\n"; echo "<center><table width=80% border=0>\n"; echo "<tr>"; $db3->query("SELECT * FROM gender"); while ($db3->next_record()) { $selected = 0; if ($db3->f("gendid") == 1) { $selected = 1; } echo "<td width=26%>"; htmlp_radio("gender", $db3->f("gendid"), $selected); echo " " . $t->translate($db3->f("gender")) . "\n"; echo "</td>\n"; } echo "</tr></table></center>\n"; echo "</td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><td align=right width=30%>" . $t->translate("Mother tongue") . ":</td><td width=70%>\n"; htmlp_select("mother_tongue"); echo "\n"; select_lang(999); htmlp_select_end(); echo "</td></tr>\n";
$bx->box_title($t->translate("edit request")); $bx->box_body_begin(); htmlp_form_action("req_manage.php", "", "POST"); htmlp_form_hidden("option", "edit"); htmlp_form_hidden("reqid", $reqid); echo $t->translate("Subject") . ":<BR>"; $reqsubject = $db->f("reqsubject"); htmlp_input_text("reqsubject", 50, 75, $reqsubject); htmlp_form_submit($t->translate("Send"), ""); echo "<BR>\n"; echo $t->translate("Related to which Project") . ":<BR>"; htmlp_select("projectname"); $devprojectname = $db->f("projectname"); $db2->query("SELECT * FROM os_projects WHERE username='******'"); while ($db2->next_record()) { if ($devprojectname == $db2->f("projectname")) { htmlp_select_option($db2->f("projectname"), 1, $db2->f("projectname")); } else { htmlp_select_option($db2->f("projectname"), 0, $db2->f("projectname")); } } if ($devprojectname == "none") { htmlp_select_option("none", 1, $t->translate("none")); } else { htmlp_select_option("none", 0, $t->translate("none")); } htmlp_select_end(); echo "<BR>\n"; echo $t->translate("Which type") . ":<BR>"; htmlp_select("category"); $category = $db->f("category");
$db->query("SELECT * FROM prog_ability_watch WHERE username='******'"); if ($db->next_record()) { $query = "UPDATE "; $update = 1; } else { $query = "INSERT INTO "; $update = 0; } if (isset($action) && $action == "set") { $counter = 0; $query1 = $query . "prog_ability_watch SET username='******'"; while ($counter < count($ability)) { $counter++; $db2->query("SELECT colname FROM prog_abilities WHERE code='{$counter}'"); $db2->next_record(); $query1 .= ", " . $db2->f("colname") . "='{$ability[$counter]}'"; } if ($update) { $query1 .= " WHERE username='******'"; } $db->query($query1); $counter = 0; $query2 = $query . "prog_language_watch SET username='******'"; while ($counter < count($plang)) { $counter++; $db2->query("SELECT colname FROM prog_languages WHERE code='{$counter}'"); $db2->next_record(); $query2 .= ", " . $db2->f("colname") . "='{$plang[$counter]}'"; } if ($update) { $query2 .= " WHERE username='******'";
echo "No application at " . date("l dS of F Y H:i:s") . "\n"; } } switch ($period) { case "daily": default: $db->query("SELECT DISTINCT extra_perms.username,auth_user.email_usr from extra_perms,auth_user where'dai' AND extra_perms.username=auth_user.username"); while ($db->next_record()) { $u_name = $db->f("username"); $db2->query("SELECT * from extra_perms,pmessages where extra_perms.username=pmessages.pmessto AND extra_perms.username='******' AND pmessages.pmessstatus='new'"); if ($db2->num_rows()) { echo "<BR>{$u_name}\n"; $messagetext = "DevCounter Notification of new personal messages.\n"; $messagetext .= "At " . date("l dS of F Y H:i") . " you've these new messages: \n\n\n"; while ($db2->next_record()) { $pmesssubject = $db2->f("pmesssubject"); $pmessfrom = $db2->f("pmessfrom"); $pmessfrom = ereg_replace("mailto:", "", $pmessfrom); $messagetext .= "{$pmesssubject} --- {$pmessfrom}\n"; echo "<BR> --- {$pmesssubject} - {$pmessfrom}"; } $messagetitle = "[{$sys_name}] Notification of new personal messages (" . date("l dS of F Y H:i") . ")"; $messagetext .= "\n\nRead your personal messages at DevCounter (\n"; mail($db->f("email_usr"), $messagetitle, $messagetext, "From: {$ml_newsfromaddr}\nReply-To:\nX-Mailer: PHP"); } } case "weekly": $db->query("SELECT DISTINCT extra_perms.username,auth_user.email_usr from extra_perms,auth_user where'wee' AND extra_perms.username=auth_user.username"); while ($db->next_record()) { $u_name = $db->f("username"); $db2->query("SELECT * from extra_perms,pmessages where extra_perms.username=pmessages.pmessto AND extra_perms.username='******' AND pmessages.pmessstatus='new'");
} else { $username = $auth->auth["uname"]; $bx->box_begin(); $bx->box_title($t->translate("Create a new Request")); $bx->box_body_begin(); htmlp_form_action("req_manage.php", "", "POST"); htmlp_form_hidden("option", "send"); echo $t->translate("Subject") . ":<BR>"; htmlp_input_text("reqsubject", 50, 75, ""); htmlp_form_submit($t->translate("send"), ""); echo "<BR>\n"; echo $t->translate("Related to which Project") . ":<BR>"; htmlp_select("projectname"); $db2->query("SELECT * FROM os_projects WHERE username='******'"); while ($db2->next_record()) { htmlp_select_option($db2->f("projectname"), 0, $db2->f("projectname")); } htmlp_select_option("none", 1, $t->translate("none")); htmlp_select_end(); echo "<BR>\n"; echo $t->translate("Which type") . ":<BR>"; htmlp_select("category"); htmlp_select_option("member", 1, $t->translate("new project member")); htmlp_select_option("task", 0, $t->translate("specific task")); htmlp_select_option("help", 0, $t->translate("help/assistance")); htmlp_select_option("test", 0, $t->translate("testing/debugging")); htmlp_select_end(); echo "<BR>\n"; echo $t->translate("What kind of task") . ":<BR>"; htmlp_select("tasktype"); $db2->query("SELECT * FROM prog_abilities WHERE translation='{$la}'");
if ($db->f("showemail") == "yes") { echo "<tr><td align=right width=30%>" . $t->translate("E-Mail") . ":</td><td width=70%><a href=\"mailto:" . $db->f("email_usr") . "\">" . ereg_replace("@", " at ", htmlentities($db->f("email_usr"))) . "</a>\n"; } echo "<tr><td align=right width=30%>" . $t->translate("Developer last modified") . ":</td><td width=70%>\n"; $timestamp = mktimestamp($db->f("modification_usr")); echo timestr($timestamp) . "</td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><td align=right width=30%>" . $t->translate("Developer created") . ":</td><td width=70%>\n"; $timestamp = mktimestamp($db->f("creation_usr")); echo timestr($timestamp) . "</td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><td align=right width=30%>" . $t->translate("Profile last modified") . ":</td><td width=70%>\n"; $timestamp = mktimestamp($db->f("creation")); echo timestr($timestamp) . "</td></tr>\n"; $db2->query("SELECT devel_cnt FROM counter WHERE develid='{$develid}'"); $db2->next_record(); echo "<tr><td align=right width=30%>" . $t->translate("# of Visits") . ":</td><td width=70%>\n"; echo $db2->f("devel_cnt") . "</td></tr>\n"; echo "<tr><td align=right width=30%>" . $t->translate("Registration Number") . ":</td><td width=70%>\n"; echo printf("#%09d", $develid) . "</td></tr>\n"; echo "</table>\n"; $bx->box_body_end(); $bx->box_end(); $bx->box_begin(); $bx->box_title($t->translate("Professional Data")); $bx->box_body_begin(); echo "<table border=0 width=100% align=center cellspacing=3 cellpadding=3>\n"; $profid = $db->f("profession"); $prof = get_profession($profid); echo "<tr><td align=right width=30%>" . $t->translate("Profession") . ":</td><td width=70%>" . $t->translate($prof) . "\n"; $qualid = $db->f("qualification"); $qual = get_qualification($qualid); echo "<tr><td align=right width=30%>" . $t->translate("Qualification") . ":</td><td width=70%>" . $t->translate($qual) . "\n";
require "./include/"; $db = new DB_DevCounter(); echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n"; echo "<!DOCTYPE rss PUBLIC \"-//Netscape Communications//DTD RSS 0.91//EN\"\n"; echo " \"\">\n"; echo "<rss version=\"0.91\">\n"; echo " <channel>\n"; echo " <title>" . htmlspecialchars($sys_name) . "</title>\n"; echo " <link>" . $sys_url . "</link>\n"; echo " <description>" . $sys_name . " - " . $sys_title . "</description>\n"; echo " <language>en-us</language>\n"; echo " <image>\n"; echo " <title>" . htmlspecialchars($sys_name) . "</title>\n"; echo " <url>" . $sys_url . $sys_logo_image . "</url>\n"; echo " <link>" . $sys_url . "</link>\n"; echo " <description>" . htmlspecialchars($sys_name . " - " . $sys_title) . "</description>\n"; echo " <width>66</width>\n"; echo " <height>73</height>\n"; echo " </image>\n"; $db->query("SELECT * FROM requests ORDER BY reqtime DESC LIMIT 0,5"); while ($db->next_record()) { echo " <item>\n"; echo " <title>" . htmlspecialchars($db->f("reqsubject")); $timestamp = mktimestamp($db->f("reqtime")); echo " [" . timestr_short($timestamp) . "]"; echo "</title>\n"; echo " <link>" . $sys_url . "req_show.php?reqid=" . $db->f("reqid") . "</link>\n"; echo " </item>\n"; } echo " </channel>\n"; echo "</rss>\n";
$counter++; if ($counter % 2 != 0) { $bgcolor = "#FFFFFF"; } else { $bgcolor = "#E0E0E0"; } $blist->box_column("right", "", $bgcolor, $db->f("reqid")); $pquery["reqid"] = $db->f("reqid"); $blist->box_column("center", "", $bgcolor, html_link("req_show.php", $pquery, $db->f("reqsubject"))); $timestamp = mktimestamp($db->f("reqtime")); $blist->box_column("center", "", $bgcolor, timestr_short($timestamp)); $tasktype = $db->f("tasktype"); if ($tasktype != "other") { $db2->query("SELECT * FROM prog_abilities WHERE translation='{$la}' AND code='{$tasktype}'"); $db2->next_record(); $tasktype = $db2->f("ability"); } $blist->box_column("center", "", $bgcolor, $tasktype); $reqlang = $db->f("language"); $blist->box_column("center", "", $bgcolor, get_lang($reqlang)); htmlp_form_action("req_edit.php", array(), "POST"); htmlp_form_hidden("reqid", $db->f("reqid")); $blist->box_column("center", "", $bgcolor, html_form_submit($t->translate("Edit"), "")); htmlp_form_end(); htmlp_form_action("req_manage.php", array(), "POST"); htmlp_form_hidden("reqid", $db->f("reqid")); htmlp_form_hidden("option", "delete"); $bgcolor = "gold"; $blist->box_column("center", "", $bgcolor, html_form_submit($t->translate("Delete"), "")); htmlp_form_end(); $blist->box_next_row_of_columns();
while ($counter < $ability_amount) { $counter++; $db->next_record(); if ($counter % 2 == 1) { echo "<tr><td width=33%>\n"; } else { echo "<td width=33%>\n"; } echo "<table border=0 width=100% cellpadding=3><tr><td align=right>"; echo $db->f("ability") . "\n"; echo "</td><td width=20%>"; htmlp_select("ability[" . $db->f("code") . "]"); $db2->query("SELECT * FROM weightings"); while ($db2->next_record()) { $selected = 0; if ($db2->f("weightid") == 0) { $selected = 1; } htmlp_select_option($db2->f("weightid"), $selected, $t->translate($db2->f("weighting"))); } htmlp_select_end(); echo "</td></tr></table>"; if ($counter % 2 == 0) { echo "</td></tr>\n\n"; } else { echo "</td>\n"; } } if ($counter % 2 == 0) { echo "</tr>\n\n"; }
case "prog_languages": stats_title($t->translate("Developers listed by Programming Languages/Tools")); $url = "0"; // No URL in function stats_display $urlquery = "0"; // No URL query in function stats_display $db2 = new DB_DevCounter(); $db3 = new DB_DevCounter(); $db->query("SELECT * FROM prog_languages"); while ($db->next_record()) { stats_subtitle($t->translate($db->f("language"))); $db2->query("SELECT * FROM weightings"); while ($db2->next_record()) { $db3->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM prog_language_values WHERE " . $db->f("colname") . "='" . $db2->f("weightid") . "'"); $db3->next_record(); $num = $db3->f("COUNT(*)"); stats_display($t->translate($db2->f("weighting")), $num, $url, $urlquery, $total_number_dev); } } stats_end(); break; // Developers by Nationality // Developers by Nationality case "nationality": stats_title($t->translate("Developers listed by Nationality")); $db->query("SELECT *,COUNT(*) AS nat_cnt FROM developers GROUP BY developers.nationality ORDER BY nat_cnt DESC"); while ($db->next_record()) { stats_display(get_country($db->f("nationality")), $db->f("nat_cnt"), "", "", $total_number_dev); } stats_end(); break;
$bx->box_title($t->translate("contact developer")); $bx->box_body_begin(); htmlp_form_action("sendform.php", "", "POST"); htmlp_form_hidden("devname", $devname); echo $t->translate("Subject:") . "<BR>"; htmlp_input_text("subject", 50, 75, ""); htmlp_form_submit("send", ""); echo "<BR>\n"; echo $t->translate("Your EMail Address:") . "<BR>"; if (empty($auth->auth["uname"])) { htmlp_input_text("s_email", 50, 75, ""); } else { $username = $auth->auth["uname"]; $db2->query("SELECT * from auth_user WHERE username='******'"); $db2->next_record(); htmlp_input_text("s_email", 50, 75, $db2->f("email_usr")); } echo "<BR>\n"; echo $t->translate("Content:") . "<BR>"; htmlp_textarea("body", 60, 30, "nowrap", 2000, ""); htmlp_form_end(); $bx->box_body_end(); $bx->box_end(); } else { $be->box_full($t->translate("Error"), $t->translate("Developer does not allow to contact him")); } } ?> <!-- end content --> <?php
echo " <title>" . htmlspecialchars($sys_name) . "</title>\n"; echo " <url>" . $sys_url . $sys_logo_image . "</url>\n"; echo " <link>" . $sys_url . "</link>\n"; echo " <description>" . htmlspecialchars($sys_name . " - " . $sys_title) . "</description>\n"; echo " <width>66</width>\n"; echo " <height>73</height>\n"; echo " </image>\n"; echo " <item>\n"; echo " <title><b>Developers:</b></title>\n"; echo " <link></link>\n"; echo " </item>\n"; $db->query("SELECT * FROM developers,auth_user,extra_perms WHERE developers.username=auth_user.username AND developers.username=extra_perms.username ORDER BY developers.creation DESC limit 5"); $i = 0; while ($db->next_record()) { echo " <item>\n"; echo " <title>" . htmlspecialchars($db->f("username")); if ($db->f("showname") == "yes") { echo " (" . htmlspecialchars($db->f("realname")) . ")"; } $timestamp = mktimestamp($db->f("creation")); echo " [" . timestr_short($timestamp) . "]"; echo "</title>\n"; echo " <link>" . $sys_url . "showprofile.php?devname=" . $db->f("username") . "</link>\n"; echo " </item>\n"; $i++; } echo " <item>\n"; echo " <title><b>Requests:</b></title>\n"; echo " <link></link>\n"; echo " </item>\n"; $db->query("SELECT * FROM requests ORDER BY reqtime DESC LIMIT 0,5");
if ($where != "") { $where .= " AND "; } $where .= "{$name}>='{$value}'"; } $db2->query("SELECT * FROM prog_ability_values WHERE {$where}"); // echo "<p>SELECT * FROM prog_ability_values WHERE $where\n"; while ($db2->next_record()) { $fusrnam = $db2->f("username"); // echo "<p>Match abilities: $fusrnam\n"; reset($langnam); while (list(, $lang) = each($langnam)) { $db3->query("SELECT {$lang} FROM prog_language_watch WHERE username='******'"); // echo "<p>SELECT $lang FROM prog_language_watch WHERE username='******'\n"; if ($db3->next_record()) { $languages[$lang] = $db3->f($lang); } } reset($languages); $where2 = ""; while (list($name2, $value2) = each($languages)) { if ($where2 != "") { $where2 .= " AND "; } $where2 .= "{$name2}>='{$value2}'"; } $db3->query("SELECT * FROM prog_language_values WHERE {$where2} AND username='******'"); // echo "<p>SELECT * FROM prog_language_values WHERE $where2 AND username='******'\n"; while ($db3->next_record()) { $count++; $fusrnam2 = $db3->f("username");
if ($counter % 2 != 0) { $bgcolor = "#FFFFFF"; } else { $bgcolor = "#E0E0E0"; } $bx->box_column("right", "", $bgcolor, $db->f("reqid")); $pquery["reqid"] = $db->f("reqid"); $bx->box_column("center", "", $bgcolor, html_link("req_show.php", $pquery, $db->f("reqsubject"))); $bx->box_column("center", "", $bgcolor, $db->f("username")); $timestamp = mktimestamp($db->f("reqtime")); $bx->box_column("center", "", $bgcolor, timestr_short($timestamp)); $tasktype = $db->f("tasktype"); if ($tasktype != "other") { $db2->query("SELECT * FROM prog_abilities WHERE translation='{$la}' AND code='{$tasktype}'"); $db2->next_record(); $tasktype = $db2->f("ability"); } $bx->box_column("center", "", $bgcolor, $tasktype); $category = $db->f("category"); switch ($category) { case "member": $bx->box_column("center", "", $bgcolor, $t->translate("new project member")); break; case "task": $bx->box_column("center", "", $bgcolor, $t->translate("specific task")); break; case "help": $bx->box_column("center", "", $bgcolor, $t->translate("help/assistance")); break; case "test": $bx->box_column("center", "", $bgcolor, $t->translate("testing/debugging"));
$query .= " WHERE developers.username=auth_user.username AND developers.username=extra_perms.username AND os_projects.username=extra_perms.username AND prog_language_values.username=prog_ability_values.username AND extra_perms.username=prog_ability_values.username AND'yes'"; if ($projname != "") { $query .= " AND os_projects.projectname LIKE '%{$projname}%'"; } if ($dev_lang != "" && $dev_lang != "999") { $query .= " AND (developers.mother_tongue='{$dev_lang}' OR developers.other_lang_1='{$dev_lang}' OR developers.other_lang_2='{$dev_lang}')"; } if ($dev_country != "" && $dev_country != "999") { $query .= " AND (developers.nationality='{$dev_country}' OR developers.actual_country='{$dev_country}')"; } for ($i = 1; $i <= $lang_amount; $i++) { if ($plang[$i] > 1) { $db2->query("SELECT colname FROM prog_languages WHERE code='{$i}'"); $db2->next_record(); // echo "-".$i."-"; $query .= " AND prog_language_values." . $db2->f("colname") . ">='{$plang[$i]}'"; } } for ($i = 1; $i <= $ability_amount; $i++) { if ($ability[$i] > 1) { $db2->query("SELECT colname FROM prog_abilities WHERE code='{$i}'"); $db2->next_record(); // echo "-".$i."-"; $query = $query . " AND prog_ability_values." . $db2->f("colname") . ">='{$ability[$i]}'"; } } $query = $query . " ORDER BY extra_perms.username ASC"; // echo "<p>".$query."\n"; $db->query($query); $bx->box_begin(); $bx->box_title($t->translate("Search Results"));
while ($db->next_record()) { $count++; $ability_code = $db->f("code"); $colname = $db->f("colname"); if ($count == 1) { echo "<tr>\n"; } echo "<td align=right>" . $db->f("ability") . "</td><td>\n"; htmlp_select("ability[" . $ability_code . "]"); $db2->query("SELECT * FROM weightings"); while ($db2->next_record()) { $weightid = $db2->f("weightid"); $weighting = $db2->f("weighting"); $select = 0; if ($exists) { $exist_weighting = $db3->f($colname); if ($exist_weighting == $weightid) { $select = 1; } } htmlp_select_option("{$weightid}", $select, $t->translate($weighting)); } htmlp_select_end(); echo "</td>\n"; if ($count >= 2) { echo "</tr>\n"; $count = 0; } } echo "</table></center>\n"; echo "</table>";
echo "<tr><td align=right width=30%>" . $t->translate("Country you currently live in") . ":</td><td width=70%>\n"; htmlp_select("actual_country"); echo "\n"; select_country($actual_country); htmlp_select_end(); echo "</td></tr>\n"; $year_of_birth = $db->f("year_of_birth"); echo "<tr><td align=right width=30%>" . $t->translate("Year of Birth") . ":</td><td width=70%>19<input type=\"TEXT\" name=\"year_of_birth\" size=3 maxlength=2 value=\"{$year_of_birth}\"></td></tr>\n"; $gender = $db->f("gender"); echo "<tr><td align=right width=30%>" . $t->translate("Gender") . ":</td><td width=70%>\n"; echo "<center><table width=80% border=0>\n"; echo "<tr>"; $db3->query("SELECT * FROM gender"); while ($db3->next_record()) { $selected = 0; if ($db3->f("gendid") == $gender) { $selected = 1; } echo "<td width=26%>"; htmlp_radio("gender", $db3->f("gendid"), $selected); echo " " . $t->translate($db3->f("gender")) . "\n"; echo "</td>\n"; } echo "</tr></table></center>\n"; echo "</td></tr>\n"; $mother_tongue = $db->f("mother_tongue"); echo "<tr><td align=right width=30%>" . $t->translate("Mother tongue") . ":</td><td width=70%>\n"; htmlp_select("mother_tongue"); echo "\n"; select_lang($mother_tongue); htmlp_select_end();