Exemplo n.º 1
     * delete a contact from user's list
     * @author:     Albert Pérez Monfort (aperezm@xtec.cat)
     * @param: fuid identity of the user to delete
     * @return:	true if success and false otherwise
    public function deleteContant($args) {

        // Security check
        if (!SecurityUtil::checkPermission('IWusers::', '::', ACCESS_READ)) {
            throw new Zikula_Exception_Forbidden();
        $pntables = DBUtil::getTables();
        $c = $pntables['IWusers_friends_column'];
        $where = "WHERE $c[uid]=" . UserUtil::getVar('uid') . " AND $c[fuid]=" . $args['fuid'];
        if (!DBUtil::deleteObject(array(), 'IWusers_friends', $where)) {
            return LogUtil::registerError($this->__('Error! Sorry! Deletion attempt failed.'));
        return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function deleteTranslation($args)
     $contentId = (int) $args['contentId'];
     $language = isset($args['language']) ? $args['language'] : null;
     $includeHistory = isset($args['includeHistory']) ? $args['includeHistory'] : true;
     $translatedData = array('contentId' => $contentId);
     if ($language !== null) {
         $translatedData['language'] = $language;
     DBUtil::deleteObject($translatedData, 'content_translatedcontent', '', 'contentId');
     $searchableLanguage = $language !== null ? $language : ZLanguage::getLanguageCode();
     $dbtables = DBUtil::getTables();
     $contentSearchColumn = $dbtables['content_searchable_column'];
     $where = $contentSearchColumn['contentId'] . ' = ' . $contentId . ' AND ' . $contentSearchColumn['language'] . ' = \'' . DataUtil::formatForStore($searchableLanguage) . '\'';
     DBUtil::deleteWhere('content_searchable', $where);
     // Get content to find page ID
     if ($includeHistory) {
         $content = $this->getContent(array('id' => $contentId));
         if ($content === false) {
             return false;
         $ok = ModUtil::apiFunc('Content', 'History', 'addPageVersion', array('pageId' => $content['pageId'], 'action' => '_CONTENT_HISTORYTRANSLATIONDEL'));
         if ($ok === false) {
             return false;
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Delete a meta data object.
  * @param array  &$obj      The object we wish to delete metadata for.
  * @param string $tablename The object's tablename.
  * @param string $idcolumn  The object's idcolumn (optional) (default='id').
  * @return The result from the metadata insert operation
 public static function deleteObjectMetaData(&$obj, $tablename, $idcolumn = 'id')
     self::fixObjectMetaData($obj, $tablename, $idcolumn);
     if (isset($obj['__META__']['id']) && $obj['__META__']['id']) {
         $rc = DBUtil::deleteObjectByID($obj['__META__'], 'objectdata_meta');
     } elseif (isset($obj['__META__']['idcolumn']) && $obj['__META__']['obj_id']) {
         $dbtables = DBUtil::getTables();
         $meta_column = $dbtables['objectdata_meta_column'];
         $meta = $obj['__META__'];
         $where = "WHERE {$meta_column['module']}='" . DataUtil::formatForStore($meta['module']) . "'\n                        AND {$meta_column['table']}='" . DataUtil::formatForStore($meta['table']) . "'\n                        AND {$meta_column['idcolumn']}='" . DataUtil::formatForStore($meta['idcolumn']) . "'\n                        AND {$meta_column['obj_id']}='" . DataUtil::formatForStore($meta['obj_id']) . "'";
         $rc = DBUtil::deleteObject(array(), 'objectdata_meta', $where);
     $dbtables = DBUtil::getTables();
     if (isset($dbtables[$tablename])) {
     return (bool) $rc;
Exemplo n.º 4
     * Delete one or more user account records, or mark one or more account records for deletion.
     * If records are marked for deletion, they remain in the system and accessible by the system, but are given an
     * 'activated' status that prevents the user from logging in. Records marked for deletion will not appear on the
     * regular users list. The delete hook and delete events are not triggered if the records are only marked for
     * deletion.
     * Parameters passed in the $args array:
     * -------------------------------------
     * numeric|array $args['uid']  A single (numeric integer) user id, or an array of user ids to delete.
     * boolean       $args['mark'] If true, then mark for deletion, but do not actually delete.
     *                                  defaults to false.
     * @param array $args All parameters passed to this function.
     * @return bool True if successful, false otherwise.
    public function deleteUser($args)
        if (!SecurityUtil::checkPermission("{$this->name}::", 'ANY', ACCESS_DELETE)) {
            return false;

        if (!isset($args['uid']) || (!is_numeric($args['uid']) && !is_array($args['uid']))) {
            $this->registerError("Error! Illegal argument were passed to 'deleteuser'");
            return false;

        if (isset($args['mark']) && is_bool($args['mark'])) {
            $markOnly = $args['mark'];
        } else {
            $markOnly = false;

        // ensure we always have an array
        if (!is_array($args['uid'])) {
            $args['uid'] = array($args['uid']);

        $curUserUid = UserUtil::getVar('uid');
        $userList = array();

        foreach ($args['uid'] as $uid) {             
            if (!is_numeric($uid) || ((int)$uid != $uid) || ($uid == $curUserUid)) {
                return false;
            $userObj = UserUtil::getVars($uid);
            if (!$userObj) {
                return false;
            } elseif (!SecurityUtil::checkPermission("{$this->name}::", "{$userObj['uname']}::{$userObj['uid']}", ACCESS_DELETE)) {
                return false;

            $userList[] = $userObj;

        foreach ($userList as $userObj) {
            if ($markOnly) {
                UserUtil::setVar('activated', Users_Constant::ACTIVATED_PENDING_DELETE, $userObj['uid']);
            } else {
                // TODO - This should be in the Groups module, and happen as a result of an event.
                if (!DBUtil::deleteObjectByID('group_membership', $userObj['uid'], 'uid')) {
                    return false;

                ModUtil::apiFunc($this->name, 'admin', 'resetVerifyChgFor', array('uid' => $userObj['uid']));
                DBUtil::deleteObjectByID('session_info', $userObj['uid'], 'uid');

                if (!DBUtil::deleteObject($userObj, 'users', '', 'uid')) {
                    return false;

                // Let other modules know we have deleted an item
                $deleteEvent = new Zikula_Event('user.account.delete', $userObj);

        return $args['uid'];
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Upgrade a module.
  * @param array $args All parameters passed to this function.
  *                      numeric $args['id']                  The module ID.
  *                      boolean $args['interactive_upgrade'] Whether or not to upgrade in interactive mode.
  * @return boolean True on success, false on failure.
 public function upgrade($args)
     // Argument check
     if (!isset($args['id']) || !is_numeric($args['id'])) {
         return LogUtil::registerArgsError();
     // Get module information
     $modinfo = ModUtil::getInfo($args['id']);
     if (empty($modinfo)) {
         return LogUtil::registerError($this->__('Error! No such module ID exists.'));
     switch ($modinfo['state']) {
         case ModUtil::STATE_NOTALLOWED:
             return LogUtil::registerError($this->__f('Error! No permission to upgrade %s.', $modinfo['name']));
             if ($modinfo['state'] > 10) {
                 return LogUtil::registerError($this->__f('Error! %s is not compatible with this version of Zikula.', $modinfo['name']));
     $osdir = DataUtil::formatForOS($modinfo['directory']);
     ModUtil::dbInfoLoad($modinfo['name'], $osdir);
     $modpath = $modinfo['type'] == ModUtil::TYPE_SYSTEM ? 'system' : 'modules';
     // load module maintainence functions
     $oomod = ModUtil::isOO($modinfo['name']);
     if ($oomod) {
         ZLoader::addAutoloader($osdir, "{$modpath}/{$osdir}/lib");
     $bootstrap = "{$modpath}/{$osdir}/bootstrap.php";
     if (file_exists($bootstrap)) {
         include_once $bootstrap;
     if ($modinfo['type'] == ModUtil::TYPE_MODULE) {
         if (is_dir("modules/{$osdir}/locale")) {
     if (!$oomod && file_exists($file = "{$modpath}/{$osdir}/pninit.php")) {
         if (!(include_once $file)) {
             LogUtil::registerError($this->__f("Error! Could not load a required file: '%s'.", $file));
     if ($oomod) {
         $className = ucwords($modinfo['name']) . '_Installer';
         $reflectionInstaller = new ReflectionClass($className);
         if (!$reflectionInstaller->isSubclassOf('Zikula_AbstractInstaller')) {
             LogUtil::registerError($this->__f("%s must be an instance of Zikula_AbstractInstaller", $className));
         $installer = $reflectionInstaller->newInstanceArgs(array($this->serviceManager));
         $interactiveClass = ucwords($modinfo['name']) . '_Controller_Interactiveinstaller';
         $interactiveController = null;
         if (class_exists($interactiveClass)) {
             $reflectionInteractive = new ReflectionClass($interactiveClass);
             if (!$reflectionInteractive->isSubclassOf('Zikula_Controller_AbstractInteractiveInstaller')) {
                 LogUtil::registerError($this->__f("%s must be an instance of Zikula_Controller_AbstractInteractiveInstaller", $className));
             $interactiveController = $reflectionInteractive->newInstance($this->serviceManager);
     // perform the actual upgrade of the module
     $func = $oomod ? array($installer, 'upgrade') : $modinfo['name'] . '_upgrade';
     $interactive_func = $oomod ? array($interactiveController, 'upgrade') : $modinfo['name'] . '_init_interactiveupgrade';
     // allow bypass of interactive upgrade during a new installation only.
     if (System::isInstalling() && is_callable($interactive_func) && !is_callable($func)) {
         // return void here
     if (isset($args['interactive_upgrade']) && $args['interactive_upgrade'] == false && is_callable($interactive_func)) {
         if (is_array($interactive_func)) {
             // This must be an OO controller since callable is an array.
             // Because interactive installers extend the Zikula_AbstractController, is_callable will always return true because of the __call()
             // so we must check if the method actually exists by reflection - drak
             if ($reflectionInteractive->hasMethod('upgrade')) {
                 SessionUtil::setVar('interactive_upgrade', true);
                 return call_user_func($interactive_func, array('oldversion' => $modinfo['version']));
         } else {
             // this is enclosed in the else so that if both conditions fail, execution will pass onto the non-interactive execution below.
             SessionUtil::setVar('interactive_upgrade', true);
             return call_user_func($interactive_func, array('oldversion' => $modinfo['version']));
     // non-interactive
     if (is_callable($func)) {
         $result = call_user_func($func, $modinfo['version']);
         if (is_string($result)) {
             if ($result != $modinfo['version']) {
                 // update the last successful updated version
                 $modinfo['version'] = $result;
                 $obj = DBUtil::updateObject($modinfo, 'modules', '', 'id', true);
             return false;
         } elseif ($result != true) {
             return false;
     $modversion['version'] = '0';
     $modversion = Extensions_Util::getVersionMeta($osdir, $modpath);
     $version = $modversion['version'];
     // Update state of module
     $result = $this->setState(array('id' => $args['id'], 'state' => ModUtil::STATE_ACTIVE));
     if ($result) {
         LogUtil::registerStatus($this->__("Done! Module has been upgraded. Its status is now 'Active'."));
     } else {
         return false;
     // Note the changes in the database...
     // Get module database info
     $obj = array('id' => $args['id'], 'version' => $version);
     DBUtil::updateObject($obj, 'modules');
     // legacy to be removed from 1.4 - remove hooks during upgrade since we cannot rely on
     // module authors to do this - drak
     if ($oomod) {
         $tables = DBUtil::getTables();
         $hooksCol = $tables['hooks_column'];
         $where = "{$hooksCol['smodule']} = '{$modinfo['name']}' OR {$hooksCol['tmodule']} = '{$modinfo['name']}'";
         $hooks = DBUtil::selectObjectArray('hooks', $where);
         if ($hooks) {
             foreach ($hooks as $hook) {
                 DBUtil::deleteObject($hook, 'hooks');
             LogUtil::registerStatus($this->__f("NOTICE! Legacy hook configurations for %s have been removed.", $modinfo['name']));
     // Upgrade succeeded, issue event.
     $event = new Zikula_Event('installer.module.upgraded', null, $modinfo);
     // Success
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 6
     * Creates, saves and sends a registration e-mail address verification code.
     * Parameters passed in the $args array:
     * -------------------------------------
     * array   $args['reginfo']      An array containing a valid registration record; optional; if not set, then $args['uid'] must
     *                                      be set and point to a valid registration record.
     * numeric $args['uid']          The uid of a valid registration record; optional; if not set, then $args['reginfo'] must be set and valid.
     * boolean $args['force']        Indicates that a verification code should be sent, even if the Users module configuration is
     *                                      set not to verify e-mail addresses; optional; only has an effect if the current user is
     *                                      an administrator.
     * array   $args['rendererArgs'] Optional arguments to send to the Zikula_View instance while rendering the e-mail message.
     * @param array $args All parameters passed to this function.
     * @return bool True on success; otherwise false.
     * @throws Zikula_Exception_Forbidden Thrown if the user is not logged in and does not have read access, or if the user is logged in
     *                                      and does not have moderate access.
    public function sendVerificationCode($args)
        // In the future, it is possible we will add a feature to allow a newly registered user to resend
        // a new verification code to himself after doing a login-like process with information from  his
        // registration record, so allow not-logged-in plus READ, as well as moderator.
        if ((!UserUtil::isLoggedIn() && !SecurityUtil::checkPermission('Users::', '::', ACCESS_READ))
                || (UserUtil::isLoggedIn() && !SecurityUtil::checkPermission('Users::', '::', ACCESS_MODERATE))) {
            throw new Zikula_Exception_Forbidden();

        if (isset($args['reginfo'])) {
            // Got a full reginfo record
            if (!is_array($args['reginfo'])) {

                return false;
            $reginfo = $args['reginfo'];
            if (!$reginfo || !is_array($reginfo) || !isset($reginfo['uid']) || !is_numeric($reginfo['uid'])) {

                return false;
        } elseif (!isset($args['uid']) || !is_numeric($args['uid']) || ((int)$args['uid'] != $args['uid'])) {

            return false;
        } else {
            // Got just a uid.
            $reginfo = UserUtil::getVars($args['uid'], false, 'uid', true);
            if (!$reginfo || empty($reginfo)) {
                $this->registerError($this->__f('Error! Unable to retrieve registration record with uid \'%1$s\'', $uid));

                return false;
            if (!isset($reginfo['email'])) {
                $this->registerError($this->__f('Error! The registration record with uid \'%1$s\' does not contain an e-mail address.', $uid));

                return false;

        if ($this->currentUserIsAdmin() && isset($args['force']) && $args['force']) {
            $forceVerification = true;
        } else {
            $forceVerification = false;

        if (isset($args['rendererArgs']) && is_array($args['rendererArgs'])) {
            $rendererArgs = $args['rendererArgs'];
        } else {
            $rendererArgs = array();

        $approvalOrder = $this->getVar('moderation_order', Users_Constant::APPROVAL_BEFORE);

        // Set the verification code
        if (isset($reginfo['isverified']) && $reginfo['isverified']) {
            $this->registerError($this->__f('Error! A verification code cannot be sent for the registration record for \'%1$s\'. It is already verified.', $reginfo['uname']));

            return false;
        } elseif (!$forceVerification && ($approvalOrder == Users_Constant::APPROVAL_BEFORE) && isset($reginfo['approvedby']) && !empty($reginfo['approved_by'])) {
            $this->registerError($this->__f('Error! A verification code cannot be sent for the registration record for \'%1$s\'. It must first be approved.', $reginfo['uname']));

            return false;

        $nowUTC = new DateTime(null, new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
        $verificationCode = UserUtil::generatePassword();

        ModUtil::apiFunc($this->name, 'user', 'resetVerifyChgFor', array(
            'uid'       => $reginfo['uid'],
            'changetype'=> Users_Constant::VERIFYCHGTYPE_REGEMAIL,

        $verifyChgObj = array(
            'changetype'=> Users_Constant::VERIFYCHGTYPE_REGEMAIL,
            'uid'       => $reginfo['uid'],
            'newemail'  => $reginfo['email'],
            'verifycode'=> UserUtil::getHashedPassword($verificationCode),
            'created_dt'=> $nowUTC->format(Users_Constant::DATETIME_FORMAT),
        $verifyChgObj = DBUtil::insertObject($verifyChgObj, 'users_verifychg');

        if (!$verifyChgObj) {
            $this->registerError($this->__f('Error! Unable to save the verification code for the registration for \'%1$s\'.', $reginfo['uname']));

            return false;

        if (empty($rendererArgs)) {
            $siteurl   = System::getBaseUrl();

            $rendererArgs = array();
            $rendererArgs['sitename'] = System::getVar('sitename');
            $rendererArgs['siteurl'] = substr($siteurl, 0, strlen($siteurl)-1);
        $rendererArgs['reginfo'] = $reginfo;
        $rendererArgs['verifycode'] = $verificationCode;
        $rendererArgs['approvalorder'] = $approvalOrder;

        $codeSent = ModUtil::apiFunc($this->name, 'user', 'sendNotification', array(
            'toAddress'         => $reginfo['email'],
            'notificationType'  => 'regverifyemail',
            'templateArgs'      => $rendererArgs,

        if ($codeSent) {
            return $verifyChgObj['created_dt'];
        } else {
            DBUtil::deleteObject($verifyChgObj, 'users_verifychg');

            return false;
Exemplo n.º 7
     * Delete the specified message
     * @author Sara Arjona Téllez (sarjona@xtec.cat)
     * @param $args['qvmid'] ID of the message
     * @return bool true on success, false on failure
    public function deletemessage($args) {

        // Security check
        if (!SecurityUtil::checkPermission('IWqv::', '::', ACCESS_ADD)) {
            return LogUtil::registerError($this->__('Sorry! No authorization to access this module.'));

        // Argument check
        if (!isset($args['qvmid']) || !is_numeric($args['qvmid'])) {
            return LogUtil::registerError($this->__('Error! Could not do what you wanted. Please check your input.'));

        $item = ModUtil::apiFunc('IWqv', 'user', 'getmessage', array('qvmid' => $args[qvmid]));
        if ($item == false) {
            return LogUtil::registerError($this->__('No such item found.'));

        // Delete the message and the read messages mark
        $pntable = DBUtil::getTables();
        $c = $pntable['IWqv_messages_read_column'];
        $where = " $c[qvmid]=$args[qvmid] ";
        if (!DBUtil::deleteObject(array(), 'IWqv_messages_read', $where)) {
            return LogUtil::registerError($this->__('Error! Sorry! Deletion attempt failed.'));

        if (!DBUtil::deleteObjectByID('IWqv_messages', $args['qvmid'], 'qvmid')) {
            return LogUtil::registerError($this->__('Error! Sorry! Deletion attempt failed.'));

        // Let the calling process know that we have finished successfully
        return true;
Exemplo n.º 8
    public function deleteTranslation($args)
        $contentId = (int) $args['contentId'];
        $language = isset($args['language']) ? $args['language'] : null;
        $includeHistory = isset($args['includeHistory']) ? $args['includeHistory'] : true;

        $translatedData = array('contentId' => $contentId);
        if ($language != null) {
            $translatedData['language'] = $language;
        DBUtil::deleteObject($translatedData, 'content_translatedcontent', '', 'contentId');

        // Get content to find page ID
        if ($includeHistory) {
            $content = $this->getContent(array('id' => $contentId));
            if ($content === false) {
                return false;
            $ok = ModUtil::apiFunc('Content', 'History', 'addPageVersion', array('pageId' => $content['pageId'], 'action' => '_CONTENT_HISTORYTRANSLATIONDEL' /* delayed translation */));
            if ($ok === false) {
                return false;

        return true;