function Save()
     if ($this->Size == 0) {
         $this->Size = strlen($this->Title);
     $result = DBManager::Execute(true, "SELECT `id`,`value` FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_RESOURCES . "` WHERE `id`='" . DBManager::RealEscape($this->Id) . "'");
     if (DBManager::GetRowCount($result) == 0) {
         if (!$this->IsDiscarded) {
             DBManager::Execute(true, "INSERT INTO `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_RESOURCES . "` (`id`,`owner`,`editor`,`value`,`edited`,`title`,`created`,`type`,`discarded`,`parentid`,`size`,`tags`,`languages`,`kb_public`,`kb_bot`,`kb_ft_search`,`shortcut_word`) VALUES ('" . DBManager::RealEscape($this->Id) . "','" . DBManager::RealEscape($this->OwnerId) . "','" . DBManager::RealEscape($this->EditorId) . "','" . DBManager::RealEscape($this->Value) . "'," . intval(time()) . ",'" . DBManager::RealEscape($this->Title) . "'," . intval(time()) . "," . intval($this->Type) . "," . intval($this->IsDiscarded ? 1 : 0) . ",'" . DBManager::RealEscape($this->ParentId) . "','" . DBManager::RealEscape($this->Size) . "','" . DBManager::RealEscape($this->Tags) . "','" . DBManager::RealEscape($this->Languages) . "'," . intval($this->IsPublic ? 1 : 0) . "," . intval($this->AllowBotAccess ? 1 : 0) . "," . intval($this->FulltextSearch ? 1 : 0) . ",'" . DBManager::RealEscape($this->ShortcutWord) . "')");
     } else {
         $row = DBManager::FetchArray($result);
         DBManager::Execute(true, $result = "UPDATE `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_RESOURCES . "` SET `value`='" . DBManager::RealEscape($this->Value) . "',`editor`='" . DBManager::RealEscape($this->EditorId) . "',`tags`='" . DBManager::RealEscape($this->Tags) . "',`title`='" . DBManager::RealEscape($this->Title) . "',`edited`=" . intval(time()) . ",`discarded`='" . intval($this->IsDiscarded ? 1 : 0) . "',`parentid`='" . DBManager::RealEscape($this->ParentId) . "',`size`='" . DBManager::RealEscape($this->Size) . "',`languages`='" . DBManager::RealEscape($this->Languages) . "',`kb_public`=" . intval($this->IsPublic ? 1 : 0) . ",`kb_bot`=" . intval($this->AllowBotAccess ? 1 : 0) . ",`kb_ft_search`=" . intval($this->FulltextSearch ? 1 : 0) . ",`kb_bot`=" . intval($this->AllowBotAccess ? 1 : 0) . ",`shortcut_word`='" . DBManager::RealEscape($this->ShortcutWord) . "' WHERE id='" . DBManager::RealEscape($this->Id) . "' LIMIT 1");
         if (!empty($_disc) && ($this->Type == RESOURCE_TYPE_FILE_INTERNAL || $this->Type == RESOURCE_TYPE_FILE_EXTERNAL) && @file_exists("./uploads/" . $row["value"]) && strpos($row["value"], "..") === false) {
             @unlink("./uploads/" . $row["value"]);
 function BuildElements()
     global $USER;
     $this->SpeakingToHTML = $this->GetSpeakingToHTML($this->CurrentOperatorId);
     $this->PostHTML = "";
     $pstrchngreq = $this->PlaySound = $this->SpeakingToAdded = false;
     $this->OperatorPostCount = 0;
     $this->LastPost = "";
     $this->Flags["LPP"] = $this->LastPoster;
     if (!$USER->FirstCall && !$USER->Browsers[0]->Declined && ($result = DBManager::Execute(true, "SELECT * FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_POSTS . "` WHERE `chat_id`='" . DBManager::RealEscape($USER->Browsers[0]->ChatId) . "' AND `chat_id`!='' AND `chat_id`!='0' AND (`receiver`='" . DBManager::RealEscape($USER->Browsers[0]->SystemId) . "' OR (`sender`='" . DBManager::RealEscape($USER->Browsers[0]->SystemId) . "' AND `repost`=0)) GROUP BY `id` ORDER BY `time` ASC, `micro` ASC;"))) {
         $all = DBManager::GetRowCount($result);
         if ($all > 0) {
             $count = OverlayChat::$MaxPosts - $all;
             while ($row = DBManager::FetchArray($result)) {
                 if ($count++ >= 0) {
                     $postobj = new Post($row);
                     if (empty(Server::$Operators[$postobj->Sender])) {
                         $postobj->Text = htmlentities($postobj->Text, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
                         $postobj->Translation = htmlentities($postobj->Translation, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
                     if ($USER->Browsers[0]->AllocatedTime > 0 && $USER->Browsers[0]->AllocatedTime && !$this->SpeakingToAdded) {
                         $this->Flags["LPP"] = "sys";
                         $this->PostHTML .= $this->SpeakingToHTML;
                         $this->SpeakingToAdded = true;
                     $post = $this->GetPostHTML($postobj->Text, $postobj->Translation, $this->Flags["LPP"] != $postobj->Sender || $pstrchngreq, $postobj->Sender != $USER->Browsers[0]->SystemId, $postobj->Sender != $USER->Browsers[0]->SystemId ? $postobj->SenderName : htmlentities($USER->Browsers[0]->UserData->Fullname, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8"), $postobj->Created, $postobj->Sender);
                     $pstrchngreq = false;
                     if ($postobj->Sender != $USER->Browsers[0]->SystemId) {
                     if (!$postobj->Received && $postobj->Sender != $USER->Browsers[0]->SystemId) {
                         $this->PlaySound = true;
                     if ($this->FullLoad || $postobj->Sender != $USER->Browsers[0]->SystemId || $postobj->BrowserId != VisitorMonitoring::$Browser->BrowserId) {
                         $this->Flags["LPP"] = $postobj->Sender;
                     if (empty($_GET["full"]) && $postobj->Id == $this->Flags["LPR"]) {
                         $this->PlaySound = false;
                         $this->PostHTML = $this->SpeakingToHTML;
                         $this->SpeakingToAdded = true;
                         $this->OperatorPostCount = 0;
                         $this->Flags["LPP"] = !empty($this->SpeakingToHTML) ? "sys" : $this->LastPoster;
                         if ($USER->Browsers[0]->AllocatedTime > 0 && $postobj->Created < $USER->Browsers[0]->AllocatedTime) {
                             $pstrchngreq = true;
                     } else {
                         if ($this->FullLoad || $postobj->Sender != $USER->Browsers[0]->SystemId || $postobj->BrowserId != VisitorMonitoring::$Browser->BrowserId) {
                             $this->PostHTML .= $post;
                     $this->LastPostReceived = "'" . base64_encode($postobj->Id) . "'";
                     if ($postobj->Sender == $USER->Browsers[0]->SystemId) {
                         $this->LastPost = $postobj->Text;
 function Load()
     $result = queryDB(true, "SELECT * FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_STATS_AGGS . "` WHERE" . $this->GetDateMatch() . ";");
     if (DBManager::GetRowCount($result) === 1) {
         $row = DBManager::FetchArray($result);
         $this->AVGTimeOnSiteTotal = $row["avg_time_site"];
         $this->VisitorsTotal = $row["sessions"];
         $this->VisitorsUnique = $row["visitors_unique"];
         $this->ConversionsTotal = $row["conversions"];
         $resultc = queryDB(true, "SELECT * FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_STATS_AGGS_CHATS . "` WHERE" . $this->GetNoneAggregatedDateMatch() . ";");
         while ($rowc = DBManager::FetchArray($resultc)) {
             $this->ChatsTotal += $rowc["amount"] - $rowc["multi"];
             $this->ChatsDeclinedTotal += $rowc["declined"];
             $this->ChatsAcceptedTotal += $rowc["accepted"];
             $this->ChatsMissedTotal += $rowc["amount"] - $rowc["multi"] - ($rowc["declined"] + $rowc["accepted"]);
             $this->AVGTimeInChat += $rowc["avg_duration"] * $rowc["amount"];
             $this->AVGWaitingTime += $rowc["avg_waiting_time"] * $rowc["amount"];
         if (!empty($this->ChatsTotal)) {
             $this->AVGWaitingTime = floor($this->AVGWaitingTime / $this->ChatsTotal);
             $this->AVGTimeInChat = floor($this->AVGTimeInChat / $this->ChatsTotal);
         $row = DBManager::FetchArray(queryDB(true, "SELECT SUM(`seconds`) AS `avail` FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_STATS_AGGS_AVAILABILITIES . "` WHERE `user_id`='everyoneintern' AND" . $this->GetNoneAggregatedDateMatch() . ";"));
         $this->ChatAvailabilityTotal = $row["avail"];
         $row = DBManager::FetchArray(queryDB(true, "SELECT SUM(`amount`) AS `queries` FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_STATS_AGGS_QUERIES . "` INNER JOIN `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_VISITOR_DATA_QUERIES . "` ON `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_STATS_AGGS_QUERIES . "`.query=`" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_VISITOR_DATA_QUERIES . "`.id WHERE`" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_VISITOR_DATA_QUERIES . "`.query!='' AND" . $this->GetDateMatch() . ";"));
         $this->QueryAmountTotal = $row["queries"];
         $row = DBManager::FetchArray(queryDB(true, "SELECT SUM(`amount`) AS `crawlers` FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_STATS_AGGS_CRAWLERS . "` WHERE" . $this->GetDateMatch() . ";"));
         $this->CrawlerAccessTotal = $row["crawlers"];
         if ($this->VisitorsTotal > 0) {
             $this->AVGPagesTotal = @round($this->PageImpressionsTotal / $this->VisitorsTotal, StatisticProvider::$RoundPrecision);
             $this->AVGBrowserInstances = @round($this->BrowserInstancesTotal / $this->VisitorsTotal, StatisticProvider::$RoundPrecision);
         if ($this->AVGTimeOnSiteTotal > 0 && $this->AVGPagesTotal > 0) {
             $this->AVGTimeOnPageTotal = round($this->AVGTimeOnSiteTotal / $this->AVGPagesTotal, 4);
         $this->DirectAccessTotal = $this->VisitorsTotal - $this->FromReferrerTotal - $this->FromSearchEngineTotal;
         $this->TCP = round($this->PageImpressionsTotal * 0.5 / 1000, 4);
         $this->LoadTopTable(3, 100, array(DATABASE_STATS_AGGS_QUERIES, DATABASE_VISITOR_DATA_QUERIES), array("query", "query"), false, $this->QueryAmountTotal);
         $this->LoadTopTable(0, 32, array(DATABASE_STATS_AGGS_BROWSERS, DATABASE_VISITOR_DATA_BROWSERS), array("browser", "browser"), true, $this->VisitorsTotal);
         $this->LoadTopTable(1, 32, array(DATABASE_STATS_AGGS_SYSTEMS, DATABASE_VISITOR_DATA_SYSTEMS), array("system", "system"), true, $this->VisitorsTotal);
         $this->LoadTopTable(2, 32, array(DATABASE_STATS_AGGS_COUNTRIES), array("country", "country"), true, $this->VisitorsTotal);
         $this->LoadTopTable(4, 32, array(DATABASE_STATS_AGGS_CITIES, DATABASE_VISITOR_DATA_CITIES), array("city", "city"), true, $this->VisitorsTotal);
         $this->LoadTopTable(5, 32, array(DATABASE_STATS_AGGS_RESOLUTIONS, DATABASE_VISITOR_DATA_RESOLUTIONS), array("resolution", "resolution"), true, $this->VisitorsTotal);
         $this->LoadTopTable(6, 32, array(DATABASE_STATS_AGGS_LANGUAGES), array("language", "language"), true, $this->VisitorsTotal);
         $this->LoadTopTable(7, 32, array(DATABASE_STATS_AGGS_REGIONS, DATABASE_VISITOR_DATA_REGIONS), array("region", "region"), true, $this->VisitorsTotal);
         $this->LoadTopTable(11, 32, array(DATABASE_STATS_AGGS_VISITS), array("visits", "visits"), true, $this->VisitorsTotal, false);
         $this->LoadTopTable(12, 100, array(DATABASE_STATS_AGGS_ISPS, DATABASE_VISITOR_DATA_ISPS), array("isp", "isp"), true, $this->VisitorsTotal, false);
         $this->LoadTopTable(16, 100, array(DATABASE_STATS_AGGS_CRAWLERS, DATABASE_VISITOR_DATA_CRAWLERS), array("crawler", "crawler"), true, $this->CrawlerAccessTotal, false);
         $this->LoadTopTable(13, 32, array(DATABASE_STATS_AGGS_DURATIONS), array("duration", "duration"), true, $this->VisitorsTotal, false, "amount", "duration", "ASC");
         $this->LoadTopTable(14, 100, array(DATABASE_STATS_AGGS_DOMAINS, DATABASE_VISITOR_DATA_DOMAINS), array("domain", "domain"), true, $this->PageImpressionsTotal);
         $this->LoadURLTable(DATABASE_STATS_AGGS_PAGES, 9, 90, false, $this->PageImpressionsTotal);
         $this->LoadURLTable(DATABASE_STATS_AGGS_PAGES, 10, 90, true, $this->PageImpressionsTotal);
         $this->LoadURLTable(DATABASE_STATS_AGGS_PAGES_ENTRANCE, 17, 90, false, $this->BrowserInstancesTotal - $this->ChatPagesTotal);
         $this->LoadURLTable(DATABASE_STATS_AGGS_PAGES_ENTRANCE, 18, 90, true, $this->BrowserInstancesTotal - $this->ChatPagesTotal);
         $this->LoadURLTable(DATABASE_STATS_AGGS_PAGES_EXIT, 19, 90, false, $this->BrowserInstancesTotal - $this->ChatPagesTotal);
         $this->LoadURLTable(DATABASE_STATS_AGGS_PAGES_EXIT, 20, 90, true, $this->BrowserInstancesTotal - $this->ChatPagesTotal);
         $this->LoadReferrerTable(30, 80, DATABASE_STATS_AGGS_REFERRERS, true, $this->FromReferrerTotal);
         $this->LoadReferrerTable(31, 80, DATABASE_STATS_AGGS_REFERRERS, false, $this->FromReferrerTotal, "`" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_VISITOR_DATA_DOMAINS . "`.`domain`");
         $this->LoadSearchEngineTable(15, 80, $this->FromSearchEngineTotal);
         $this->Tops[21] = array();
         $result = queryDB(true, "SELECT `title`,`description`,`id` AS `gid`,(SELECT SUM(`amount`) FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_STATS_AGGS_GOALS . "` WHERE" . $this->GetDateMatch() . " AND `goal`=`gid`) AS `gcount` FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_GOALS . "` ORDER BY `ind` ASC;");
         while ($row = DBManager::FetchArray($result)) {
             if ($this->VisitorsTotal > 0 && !empty($row["gcount"])) {
                 $tqueries = array();
                 $results = queryDB(true, "SELECT t1.amount,t2.query FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_STATS_AGGS_GOALS_QUERIES . "` AS t1 INNER JOIN `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_VISITOR_DATA_QUERIES . "` AS t2 ON WHERE" . $this->GetDateMatch() . " AND t1.goal='" . DBManager::RealEscape($row["gid"]) . "' ORDER BY t1.amount DESC LIMIT " . StatisticProvider::$DayItemAmount . ";");
                 while ($rows = DBManager::FetchArray($results)) {
                     $tqueries[] = array("qa", $rows["query"], $rows["amount"]);
                 $this->Tops[21][$row["gid"]] = array($row["gcount"], round(100 * $row["gcount"] / $this->VisitorsTotal, StatisticProvider::$RoundPrecision), 100 - floor(100 * $row["gcount"] / $this->VisitorsTotal), $row["title"], $row["description"], $tqueries);
             } else {
                 $this->Tops[21][$row["gid"]] = array(0, 0, 100, $row["title"], $row["description"]);
         return true;
     return false;
function buildReports($xml = "")
    $parts = explode("_", $_POST[POST_INTERN_XMLCLIP_REPORTS_END_TIME]);
    if ($result = queryDB(true, "SELECT *,(SELECT MAX(`time`) FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_STATS_AGGS . "`) AS `maxtime`,(SELECT MAX(`mtime`) FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_STATS_AGGS . "` WHERE `maxtime`=`time`) AS `maxmtime` FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_STATS_AGGS . "` WHERE (`time` = " . DBManager::RealEscape($parts[0]) . " AND `mtime` > " . DBManager::RealEscape($parts[1]) . ") OR (`time` > " . DBManager::RealEscape($parts[0]) . ") ORDER BY `time` ASC,`mtime` ASC LIMIT 1")) {
        while ($row = DBManager::FetchArray($result)) {
            if ($row["month"] == 0) {
                $report = new StatisticYear($row["year"], 0, 0);
            } else {
                if ($row["day"] == 0) {
                    $report = new StatisticMonth($row["year"], $row["month"], 0);
                } else {
                    $report = new StatisticDay($row["year"], $row["month"], $row["day"]);
            $type = -1;
            $update = false;
            $value = "";
            if ($report->Type == STATISTIC_PERIOD_TYPE_DAY) {
                if ($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_UPDATE_REPORT_TYPE] == 1) {
                    if ($STATS->CurrentDay->CreateVisitorList) {
                        if (empty($row["aggregated"]) && (!@file_exists($report->GetFilename(true, true)) || $row["time"] < time() - StatisticProvider::$AutoUpdateTime)) {
                        if (@file_exists($report->GetFilename(true, true))) {
                            $value = getFile($report->GetFilename(true, true));
                    $type = 1;
                } else {
                    if ($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_UPDATE_REPORT_TYPE] == 0) {
                        if ($STATS->CurrentDay->CreateReport) {
                            if (empty($row["aggregated"]) && (!@file_exists($report->GetFilename(true, false)) || $row["time"] < time() - StatisticProvider::$AutoUpdateTime)) {
                                $update = true;
                            } else {
                                if (@file_exists($report->GetFilename(true, false))) {
                                    $value = getFile($report->GetFilename(true, false));
                        $type = 0;
            } else {
                if (empty($row["aggregated"]) && (!@file_exists($report->GetFilename(true, false)) || $row["time"] < time() - StatisticProvider::$AutoUpdateTime)) {
                if (@file_exists($report->GetFilename(true, false))) {
                    $value = getFile($report->GetFilename(true, false));
                $type = $report->Type == STATISTIC_PERIOD_TYPE_MONTH ? 2 : 3;
            if ($type > -1) {
                $convrate = $row["sessions"] > 0 ? round(100 * $row["conversions"] / $row["sessions"], StatisticProvider::$RoundPrecision) : 0;
                $chats = $chatsd = 0;
                $qmonth = $report->Type == STATISTIC_PERIOD_TYPE_YEAR ? "" : " AND `month`='" . DBManager::RealEscape($row["month"]) . "'";
                $qday = $report->Type != STATISTIC_PERIOD_TYPE_DAY ? "" : " AND `day`='" . DBManager::RealEscape($row["day"]) . "'";
                if ($results = queryDB(true, "SELECT (SUM(`amount`)-SUM(`multi`)) AS `samount` FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_STATS_AGGS_CHATS . "` WHERE `year`='" . DBManager::RealEscape($row["year"]) . "'" . $qmonth . $qday . "")) {
                    if (DBManager::GetRowCount($results) == 1) {
                        $rows = DBManager::FetchArray($results);
                        if (is_numeric($rows["samount"])) {
                            $chats = $rows["samount"];
                $xml .= "<r cid=\"" . base64_encode(getId(3)) . "\" ragg=\"" . base64_encode(empty($row["aggregated"]) ? 0 : 1) . "\" rtype=\"" . base64_encode($type) . "\" convrate=\"" . base64_encode($convrate) . "\" chats=\"" . base64_encode($chats) . "\" update=\"" . base64_encode($update ? 1 : 0) . "\" visitors=\"" . base64_encode($row["sessions"]) . "\" time=\"" . base64_encode($row["time"]) . "\" mtime=\"" . base64_encode($row["mtime"]) . "\" year=\"" . base64_encode($row["year"]) . "\" month=\"" . base64_encode($row["month"]) . "\" day=\"" . base64_encode($row["day"]) . "\">" . base64_encode($value) . "</r>\r\n";
            $xml .= "<ri maxtime=\"" . base64_encode($row["maxtime"]) . "\" maxmtime=\"" . base64_encode($row["maxmtime"]) . "\" />";
    $RESPONSE->SetStandardResponse(1, $xml);
 function CreateArchiveEntry($_internalUser, $_visitor, $custom = "", $etpl = "", $_customsInTranscript = true, $pdm = null)
     if ($this->ArchiveCreated) {
     if ($INPUTS[111]->Active) {
         $custom .= strip_tags($INPUTS[111]->Caption) . " %efullname%\r\n";
     if ($INPUTS[112]->Active) {
         $custom .= strip_tags($INPUTS[112]->Caption) . " %eemail%\r\n";
     if (!empty($this->Company) && $INPUTS[113]->Active) {
         $custom .= strip_tags($INPUTS[113]->Caption) . " " . trim($this->Company) . "\r\n";
     if (!empty($this->Question) && $INPUTS[114]->Active) {
         $custom .= strip_tags($INPUTS[114]->Caption) . " " . trim($this->Question) . "\r\n";
     if (!empty($this->Phone) && $INPUTS[116]->Active) {
         $custom .= strip_tags($INPUTS[116]->Caption) . " " . trim($this->Phone) . "\r\n";
     if (!empty($this->ChatVoucherId)) {
         $custom .= strip_tags($LZLANG["client_voucher_id"]) . " " . trim($this->ChatVoucherId) . "\r\n";
     $customs = array();
     if (is_array($this->Customs)) {
         foreach ($this->Customs as $cind => $value) {
             if ($INPUTS[$cind]->Active && $INPUTS[$cind]->Custom) {
                 $customs[$INPUTS[$cind]->Name] = $value;
                 if (!isset($GROUPS[$this->DesiredChatGroup]->ChatInputsHidden[$cind]) && $_customsInTranscript) {
                     if ($INPUTS[$cind]->Type == "CheckBox") {
                         $custom .= strip_tags($INPUTS[$cind]->Caption) . " " . (!empty($value) ? "<!--lang_client_yes-->" : "<!--lang_client_no-->") . "\r\n";
                     } else {
                         if ($INPUTS[$cind]->Type == "ComboBox") {
                             $custom .= strip_tags($INPUTS[$cind]->Caption) . " " . $INPUTS[$cind]->GetClientValue($value) . "\r\n";
                         } else {
                             $custom .= strip_tags($INPUTS[$cind]->Caption) . " " . $value . "\r\n";
     if (!empty($GROUPS[$this->DesiredChatGroup]->PredefinedMessages)) {
         $pdm = getPredefinedMessage($GROUPS[$this->DesiredChatGroup]->PredefinedMessages, $_visitor->Language);
         if (!empty($pdm->EmailChatTranscript)) {
             $etpl = $pdm->EmailChatTranscript;
     $etpl = str_replace("%external_ip%", getIP(), $etpl);
     $etpl = str_replace("%chat_id%", $this->ChatId, $etpl);
     $etpl = str_replace("%website_name%", $CONFIG["gl_site_name"], $etpl);
     $etpl = str_replace("%details%", $custom, $etpl);
     $etpl = str_replace("%group_description%", $GROUPS[$this->DesiredChatGroup]->GetDescription($_visitor->Language), $etpl);
     $etpl = str_replace(array("%group_name%", "%group_id%"), $this->DesiredChatGroup, $etpl);
     if ($this->InternalUser) {
         $etpl = str_replace("%operator_name%", $this->InternalUser->Fullname, $etpl);
         $etpl = str_replace("%operator_email%", $this->InternalUser->Email, $etpl);
     $etpl = str_replace("%external_name%", "%efullname%", $etpl);
     $etpl = str_replace("%external_email%", "%eemail%", $etpl);
     $etpl = str_replace("%external_company%", $this->Company, $etpl);
     $etpl = str_replace("%external_phone%", $this->Phone, $etpl);
     $etpl = str_replace("%question%", $this->Question, $etpl);
     $subject = $pdm != null ? $pdm->SubjectChatTranscript : "";
     $subject = getSubject($subject, $this->Email, $this->Fullname, $this->DesiredChatGroup, $this->ChatId, $this->Company, $this->Phone, getIP(), $this->Question, $GROUPS[$this->DesiredChatGroup]->GetDescription($_visitor->Language), $this->Customs);
     $internal = $_internalUser != null && $_internalUser->IsBot ? $_internalUser->SystemId : "";
     $result = queryDB(true, "SELECT * FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_CHAT_ARCHIVE . "` WHERE `chat_id`='" . DBManager::RealEscape($this->ChatId) . "';");
     if ($result && DBManager::GetRowCount($result) == 0) {
         if ($CONFIG["gl_adct"] == 1 || (!empty($CONFIG["gl_rm_chats_time"]) || empty($CONFIG["gl_rm_chats"]))) {
             queryDB(true, "INSERT INTO `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_CHAT_ARCHIVE . "` (`time`,`endtime`,`closed`,`chat_id`,`external_id`,`fullname`,`internal_id`,`group_id`,`area_code`,`html`,`plaintext`,`transcript_text`,`email`,`company`,`iso_language`,`iso_country`,`host`,`ip`,`gzip`,`transcript_sent`,`transcript_receiver`,`question`,`customs`,`subject`,`voucher_id`) VALUES ('" . DBManager::RealEscape($this->FirstActive) . "',0,0,'" . DBManager::RealEscape($this->ChatId) . "','" . DBManager::RealEscape($this->UserId) . "','','" . DBManager::RealEscape($internal) . "','','" . DBManager::RealEscape($this->Code) . "','','','" . DBManager::RealEscape($etpl) . "','','','" . DBManager::RealEscape($_visitor->Language) . "','" . DBManager::RealEscape($_visitor->GeoCountryISO2) . "','" . DBManager::RealEscape($_visitor->Host) . "','" . DBManager::RealEscape($_visitor->IP) . "',0,0,'" . DBManager::RealEscape($this->Email) . "','','" . DBManager::RealEscape(@serialize($customs)) . "','" . DBManager::RealEscape($subject) . "','" . DBManager::RealEscape($this->ChatVoucherId) . "');");
         $this->ArchiveCreated = true;
function demandReports()
    if (!STATS_ACTIVE || !isset($_POST["p_dr_p"]) || Server::$Operators[CALLER_SYSTEM_ID]->GetPermission(PERMISSION_REPORTS) == PERMISSION_NONE) {
    $limit = !empty($_POST["p_dr_p"]) && is_numeric($_POST["p_dr_p"]) && $_POST["p_dr_p"] > 1 ? ($_POST["p_dr_p"] - 1) * DATA_DEMAND_LOADS : 0;
    $xml = "";
    if ($type == STATISTIC_PERIOD_TYPE_DAY) {
        $type = "`day` > 0";
    } else {
        if ($type == STATISTIC_PERIOD_TYPE_MONTH) {
            $type = "`month` > 0 AND `day`=0";
        } else {
            if ($type == STATISTIC_PERIOD_TYPE_YEAR) {
                $type = "`year` > 0 AND `day`=0 AND `month`=0";
    $result = DBManager::Execute(true, "SELECT * FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_STATS_AGGS . "` WHERE " . $type . " ORDER BY `time` DESC,`mtime` DESC LIMIT " . $limit . "," . DBManager::RealEscape(DATA_DEMAND_LOADS) . ";");
    if ($result) {
        while ($row = DBManager::FetchArray($result)) {
            if ($row["month"] == 0 && $row["day"] == 0) {
                $report = new StatisticYear($row["year"], 0, 0, $row["aggregated"], $row["mtime"]);
            } else {
                if ($row["day"] == 0) {
                    $report = new StatisticMonth($row["year"], $row["month"], 0, $row["aggregated"], $row["mtime"]);
                } else {
                    $report = new StatisticDay($row["year"], $row["month"], $row["day"], $row["aggregated"], $row["mtime"]);
            $chats = 0;
            $qmonth = $report->Type == STATISTIC_PERIOD_TYPE_YEAR ? "" : " AND `month`='" . DBManager::RealEscape($row["month"]) . "'";
            $qday = $report->Type != STATISTIC_PERIOD_TYPE_DAY ? "" : " AND `day`='" . DBManager::RealEscape($row["day"]) . "'";
            if ($results = DBManager::Execute(true, "SELECT (SUM(`amount`)-SUM(`multi`)) AS `samount` FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_STATS_AGGS_CHATS . "` WHERE `year`='" . DBManager::RealEscape($row["year"]) . "'" . $qmonth . $qday . "")) {
                if (DBManager::GetRowCount($results) == 1) {
                    $rows = DBManager::FetchArray($results);
                    if (is_numeric($rows["samount"])) {
                        $chats = $rows["samount"];
            $convrate = $row["sessions"] > 0 ? round(100 * $row["conversions"] / $row["sessions"], StatisticProvider::$RoundPrecision) : 0;
            $xml .= "<r i=\"" . base64_encode($report->GetHash()) . "\" a=\"" . base64_encode($row["aggregated"]) . "\" ch=\"" . base64_encode($chats) . "\" c=\"" . base64_encode($convrate) . "\" r=\"" . base64_encode($report->Type) . "\" s=\"" . base64_encode($row["sessions"]) . "\" v=\"" . base64_encode($row["visitors_unique"]) . "\" t=\"" . base64_encode($row["time"]) . "\" mt=\"" . base64_encode($row["mtime"]) . "\" y=\"" . base64_encode($row["year"]) . "\" m=\"" . base64_encode($row["month"]) . "\" d=\"" . base64_encode($row["day"]) . "\"></r>\r\n";
    $result = DBManager::Execute(true, "SELECT count(`time`) AS `total` FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_STATS_AGGS . "`;");
    $trow = DBManager::FetchArray($result);
    $result = DBManager::Execute(true, "SELECT count(`time`) AS `ttotal` FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_STATS_AGGS . "` WHERE " . $type . ";");
    $ttrow = DBManager::FetchArray($result);
    Server::$Response->Reports = "<dr dut=\"" . base64_encode(CacheManager::$DataUpdateTimes[DATA_UPDATE_KEY_REPORTS]) . "\" p=\"" . base64_encode(DATA_ITEM_LOADS) . "\" t=\"" . base64_encode($trow["total"]) . "\" q=\"" . base64_encode($ttrow["ttotal"]) . "\">\r\n" . $xml . "\r\n</dr>";
function listen($_user, $init = false)
    $USER = $_user;
    if (!IS_FILTERED) {
        if (!empty($_POST["p_tid"])) {
            $VOUCHER = VisitorChat::GetMatchingVoucher(base64UrlDecode($_POST[POST_EXTERN_USER_GROUP]), base64UrlDecode($_POST["p_tid"]));
            if ($VOUCHER != null) {
                $USER->Browsers[0]->ChatVoucherId = $VOUCHER->Id;
        if (empty($USER->Browsers[0]->ChatId)) {
            $result = queryDB(true, "SELECT `visit_id` FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_VISITOR_BROWSERS . "` WHERE `visitor_id`='" . DBManager::RealEscape($USER->Browsers[0]->UserId) . "' AND `id`='" . DBManager::RealEscape($USER->Browsers[0]->BrowserId) . "' LIMIT 1;");
            if ($result && ($row = DBManager::FetchArray($result)) && $row["visit_id"] != $USER->Browsers[0]->VisitId && !empty($USER->Browsers[0]->VisitId)) {
                $USER->AddFunctionCall("lz_chat_set_status(lz_chat_data.STATUS_STOPPED);", false);
                $USER->AddFunctionCall("lz_chat_add_system_text(99,'" . base64_encode("Your browser session has expired (" . $row["visit_id"] . "-" . $USER->Browsers[0]->VisitId . "). Please close this browser instance and try again.") . "');", false);
                $USER->AddFunctionCall("lz_chat_stop_system();", false);
                return $USER;
            $init = true;
        if ($USER->Browsers[0]->Status == CHAT_STATUS_OPEN) {
            if (!empty($_POST[POST_EXTERN_USER_GROUP]) && (empty($USER->Browsers[0]->DesiredChatGroup) || $init)) {
                $USER->Browsers[0]->DesiredChatGroup = base64UrlDecode($_POST[POST_EXTERN_USER_GROUP]);
            if (!setOperator() && $INTBUSY == 0) {
                $USER->AddFunctionCall("lz_chat_add_system_text(8,null);", false);
                $USER->AddFunctionCall("lz_chat_stop_system();", false);
            } else {
                if (count($INTLIST) + $INTBUSY > 0) {
                    $USER->AddFunctionCall("lz_chat_set_id('" . $USER->Browsers[0]->ChatId . "');", false);
                    $chatPosition = getQueuePosition($USER->UserId, $USER->Browsers[0]->DesiredChatGroup);
                    $chatWaitingTime = getQueueWaitingTime($chatPosition, $INTBUSY);
                    $USER->Browsers[0]->SetWaiting(!($chatPosition == 1 && count($INTLIST) > 0 && !(!empty($USER->Browsers[0]->DesiredChatPartner) && $INTERNAL[$USER->Browsers[0]->DesiredChatPartner]->Status == USER_STATUS_BUSY)));
                    if (!$USER->Browsers[0]->Waiting) {
                        $USER->AddFunctionCall("lz_chat_show_connected();", false);
                        $USER->AddFunctionCall("lz_chat_set_status(lz_chat_data.STATUS_ALLOCATED);", false);
                        if ($CONFIG["gl_alloc_mode"] != ALLOCATION_MODE_ALL || !empty($USER->Browsers[0]->DesiredChatPartner)) {
                            $USER->Browsers[0]->CreateChat($INTERNAL[$USER->Browsers[0]->DesiredChatPartner], $USER, true);
                        } else {
                            $run = 0;
                            foreach ($INTLIST as $intid => $am) {
                                $USER->Browsers[0]->CreateChat($INTERNAL[$intid], $USER, false, "", "", true, $run++ == 0);
                    } else {
                        if (!empty($_GET["acid"])) {
                            $USER->AddFunctionCall("lz_chat_show_connected();", false);
                            $pchatid = base64UrlDecode($_GET["acid"]);
                            $result = queryDB(true, "SELECT * FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_VISITOR_CHATS . "` WHERE `visitor_id`='" . DBManager::RealEscape($USER->Browsers[0]->UserId) . "' AND `chat_id`='" . DBManager::RealEscape($pchatid) . "' AND (`exit` > " . (time() - 30) . " OR `exit`=0) LIMIT 1;");
                            if ($result && DBManager::GetRowCount($result) == 1) {
                                $row = DBManager::FetchArray($result);
                                if (!empty($row["waiting"])) {
                                    $posts = unserialize($row["queue_posts"]);
                                    foreach ($posts as $post) {
                                        $USER->AddFunctionCall("lz_chat_repost_from_queue('" . $post[0] . "');", false);
                                    $USER->AddFunctionCall("lz_chat_data.QueuePostsAdded = true;", false);
                        if ($USER->Browsers[0]->IsMaxWaitingTime(true)) {
                            return $USER;
                        $pdm = getPredefinedMessage($GROUPS[$USER->Browsers[0]->DesiredChatGroup]->PredefinedMessages, $USER != null ? $USER->Language : "");
                        if ($pdm != null && !empty($pdm->QueueMessage) && time() - $USER->Browsers[0]->FirstActive > $pdm->QueueMessageTime && !$USER->Browsers[0]->QueueMessageShown) {
                            $USER->Browsers[0]->QueueMessageShown = true;
                            if (empty($_GET["acid"])) {
                                $USER->AddFunctionCall("lz_chat_add_system_text(99,'" . base64_encode($pdm->QueueMessage) . "');", false);
                        if (empty($_GET["acid"])) {
                            $USER->AddFunctionCall("lz_chat_show_queue_position(" . $chatPosition . "," . min($chatWaitingTime, 30) . ");", false);
                        $USER->Browsers[0]->CreateArchiveEntry(null, $USER);
        } else {
            $action = $USER->Browsers[0]->GetMaxWaitingTimeAction(false);
            if ($action == "MESSAGE" || $action == "FORWARD" && !$USER->Browsers[0]->CreateAutoForward()) {
            } else {
                if (!$USER->Browsers[0]->ArchiveCreated && !empty($USER->Browsers[0]->DesiredChatPartner)) {
                    $USER->Browsers[0]->CreateChat($INTERNAL[$USER->Browsers[0]->DesiredChatPartner], $USER, true);
        if ($USER->Browsers[0]->Status <= CHAT_STATUS_WAITING && empty($_POST["p_wls"])) {
            $USER->AddFunctionCall("lz_chat_show_waiting_links('" . base64_encode($wl = $GROUPS[$USER->Browsers[0]->DesiredChatGroup]->GetWaitingLinks($USER->Browsers[0]->Question, $DEFAULT_BROWSER_LANGUAGE)) . "');", false);
    } else {
    return $USER;
function GetUniqueMessageTime($_database, $_column)
    $time = time();
    while (true) {
        $result = queryDB(true, "SELECT `" . $_column . "` FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . $_database . "` WHERE `" . $_column . "`=" . DBManager::RealEscape($time) . ";");
        if (DBManager::GetRowCount($result) > 0) {
        } else {
    return $time;
 static function ValidateDatabase($_host, $_user, $_pass, $_dbname, $_prefix, $_extension = "", $_intense = false, $_engine)
     $connection = new DBManager($_user, $_pass, $_host, "", $_prefix);
     $_engine = empty($_engine) ? "MyISAM" : $_engine;
     if (!empty($_extension)) {
         DBManager::$Extension = $_extension;
     if (DBManager::$Extension == "mysql" && !function_exists("mysql_connect")) {
         return "PHP MySQL extension is missing (php_mysql.dll)";
     } else {
         if (DBManager::$Extension == "mysqli" && !function_exists("mysqli_connect")) {
             return "PHP/MySQLi extension is missing (php_mysqli.dll)";
     if (!DBManager::$Provider) {
         $error = DBManager::GetError();
         return "Can't connect to database. Invalid host or login! (" . DBManager::GetErrorCode() . (!empty($error) ? ": " . $error : "") . ")";
     } else {
         $db_selected = $connection->SelectDatabase(DBManager::RealEscape($_dbname));
         if (!$db_selected) {
             return DBManager::GetErrorCode() . ": " . DBManager::GetError();
         } else {
             $resultv = $connection->Query(false, "SELECT VERSION() as `mysql_version`");
             if (!$resultv) {
                 return DBManager::GetErrorCode() . ": " . DBManager::GetError();
             } else {
                 $mrow = @DBManager::FetchArray($resultv);
                 $mversion = explode(".", $mrow["mysql_version"]);
                 if (count($mversion) > 0 && $mversion[0] < MYSQL_NEEDED_MAJOR) {
                     return "LiveZilla requires MySQL version " . MYSQL_NEEDED_MAJOR . " or greater. The MySQL version installed on your server is " . $mrow["mysql_version"] . ".";
             $result = $connection->Query(false, "SELECT `version`,`chat_id`,`ticket_id` FROM `" . DBManager::RealEscape($_prefix) . DATABASE_INFO . "` ORDER BY `version` DESC LIMIT 1");
             $row = @DBManager::FetchArray($result);
             $version = $row["version"];
             if (!$result || empty($version)) {
                 return "Cannot read the LiveZilla Database version. Please try to recreate the table structure. If you experience this message during installation process, please try to setup a prefix (for example lz_).";
             if ($version != VERSION && defined("SERVERSETUP") && SERVERSETUP) {
                 $upres = ServerManager::InitUpdateDatabase($version, $connection, $_prefix, $_engine);
                 if ($upres !== true) {
                     return "Cannot update database structure from [" . $version . "] to [" . VERSION . "]. Please make sure that the user " . $_user . " has the MySQL permission to ALTER tables in " . $_dbname . ".\r\n\r\nError: " . $upres;
             } else {
                 if ($version != VERSION && empty($_GET["iv"])) {
                     return "Invalid database version: " . $version . " (required: " . VERSION . "). Please validate the database in the server administration panel first.\r\n\r\n";
             DBManager::$Connector = $connection;
             $result = $connection->Query(false, "SELECT * FROM `" . DBManager::RealEscape($_prefix) . DATABASE_OPERATORS . "`");
             if (DBManager::GetRowCount($result) == 0) {
                 ServerManager::UpdateUserManagement($_prefix, false, true);
             if ($_intense && empty($_GET["iv"])) {
                 foreach (get_defined_constants() as $constant => $val) {
                     if (substr($constant, 0, 9) == "DATABASE_") {
                         if (!$connection->Query(false, "SELECT * FROM `" . DBManager::RealEscape($_prefix) . $val . "` LIMIT 1;")) {
                             $code = DBManager::GetErrorCode();
                             $error = DBManager::GetError();
                             if ($code == 144 || $code == 145 || $code == 1194) {
                                 $connection->Query(true, "REPAIR TABLE `" . DBManager::RealEscape($_prefix) . $val . "`;");
                                 $error .= " - (trying to repair ...)";
                             return $code . ": " . $error;
             return null;
Exemplo n.º 10
 static function SetDataUpdateTime($_areaIndex, $_reload = false)
     global $DUTU;
     $mt = round(microtime(true) * 1000);
     if (!(isset($DUTU[$_areaIndex]) && $DUTU[$_areaIndex] == $mt)) {
         $DUTU[$_areaIndex] = $mt;
         $result = queryDB(true, "SELECT * FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_DATA_UPDATES . "`;");
         if (DBManager::GetRowCount($result) == 0 && !$_reload) {
             queryDB(true, "TRUNCATE `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_DATA_UPDATES . "`;");
             queryDB(true, "INSERT INTO `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_DATA_UPDATES . "` (`update_tickets`, `update_archive`, `update_ratings`, `update_emails`, `update_events`, `update_vouchers`, `update_filters`) VALUES ('0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0');");
             CacheManager::SetDataUpdateTime($_areaIndex, true);
         } else {
             queryDB(true, "UPDATE `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_DATA_UPDATES . "` SET `" . $_areaIndex . "`=" . $mt . ";");
Exemplo n.º 11
 $tymes = !empty($USER->Browsers[0]->InternalUser) && $USER->Browsers[0]->InternalUser->Typing == $USER->Browsers[0]->SystemId ? "'" . base64_encode(str_replace("<!--operator_name-->", $USER->Browsers[0]->InternalUser->Fullname, $LZLANG["client_representative_is_typing"])) . "'" : "null";
 $USER->AddFunctionCall("lz_chat_set_typing(" . $tymes . ",false);", false);
 $maxposts = 30;
 $spkthtml = speakingToHTML();
 $posthtml = "";
 $pstrchngreq = $psound = $spkt = false;
 $oppostcount = 0;
 $LASTPOST = "";
 $lppflag = $LASTPOSTER;
 $rand = rand();
 if (!$USER->Browsers[0]->Declined && ($result = queryDB(true, "SELECT * FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_POSTS . "` WHERE `chat_id`='" . DBManager::RealEscape($USER->Browsers[0]->ChatId) . "' AND `chat_id`!='' AND `chat_id`!='0' AND (`receiver`='" . DBManager::RealEscape($USER->Browsers[0]->SystemId) . "' OR (`sender`='" . DBManager::RealEscape($USER->Browsers[0]->SystemId) . "' AND `repost`=0)) GROUP BY `id` ORDER BY `time` ASC, `micro` ASC;"))) {
     $all = DBManager::GetRowCount($result);
     $toshow = min($maxposts, $all);
     if ($all > 0) {
         $count = $maxposts - $all;
         while ($row = DBManager::FetchArray($result)) {
             if ($count++ >= 0) {
                 $postobj = new Post($row);
                 if (empty($INTERNAL[$postobj->Sender])) {
                     $postobj->Text = htmlentities($postobj->Text, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
                     $postobj->Translation = htmlentities($postobj->Translation, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
                 if ($USER->Browsers[0]->AllocatedTime > 0 && $USER->Browsers[0]->AllocatedTime && !$spkt) {
                     $lppflag = "sys";
                     $posthtml .= $spkthtml;
                     $spkt = true;
 static function Exists($_hash, &$id, &$group, &$language)
     $_hash = strtoupper(str_replace(array("[", "]"), "", $_hash));
     $result = queryDB(true, "SELECT `dbt`.`id`,`dbt`.`target_group_id`,`dbt`.`iso_language` FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_TICKETS . "` AS `dbt` INNER JOIN `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_TICKET_MESSAGES . "` AS `dbm` ON `dbt`.`id`=`dbm`.`ticket_id` WHERE (`dbt`.`hash`='" . DBManager::RealEscape($_hash) . "' OR `dbm`.`hash`='" . DBManager::RealEscape($_hash) . "') AND `deleted`=0 LIMIT 1;");
     if ($result && ($row = DBManager::FetchArray($result))) {
         $id = $row["id"];
         $group = $row["target_group_id"];
         $language = $row["iso_language"];
     return DBManager::GetRowCount($result) == 1;
 function CreateArchiveEntry($_internalUser, $_visitor, $custom = "", $etpl = "", $_customsInTranscript = true, $pdm = null)
     if (!empty($this->ArchiveCreated)) {
     if (Server::$Inputs[111]->Active) {
         $custom .= strip_tags(Server::$Inputs[111]->Caption) . " %efullname%\r\n";
     if (Server::$Inputs[112]->Active) {
         $custom .= strip_tags(Server::$Inputs[112]->Caption) . " %eemail%\r\n";
     if (!empty($this->Company) && Server::$Inputs[113]->Active) {
         $custom .= strip_tags(Server::$Inputs[113]->Caption) . " " . trim($this->UserData->Company) . "\r\n";
     if (!empty($this->Question) && Server::$Inputs[114]->Active) {
         $custom .= strip_tags(Server::$Inputs[114]->Caption) . " " . trim($this->UserData->Text) . "\r\n";
     if (!empty($this->Phone) && Server::$Inputs[116]->Active) {
         $custom .= strip_tags(Server::$Inputs[116]->Caption) . " " . trim($this->UserData->Phone) . "\r\n";
     if (!empty($this->ChatVoucherId)) {
         $custom .= strip_tags(LocalizationManager::$TranslationStrings["client_voucher_id"]) . " " . trim($this->ChatVoucherId) . "\r\n";
     $customs = array();
     if (is_array($this->UserData->Customs)) {
         foreach ($this->UserData->Customs as $cind => $value) {
             if (Server::$Inputs[$cind]->Active && Server::$Inputs[$cind]->Custom) {
                 $customs[Server::$Inputs[$cind]->Name] = $value;
                 if (!isset(Server::$Groups[$this->DesiredChatGroup]->ChatInputsHidden[$cind]) && $_customsInTranscript) {
                     if (Server::$Inputs[$cind]->Type == "CheckBox") {
                         $custom .= strip_tags(Server::$Inputs[$cind]->Caption) . " " . (!empty($value) ? "<!--lang_client_yes-->" : "<!--lang_client_no-->") . "\r\n";
                     } else {
                         if (Server::$Inputs[$cind]->Type == "ComboBox") {
                             $custom .= strip_tags(Server::$Inputs[$cind]->Caption) . " " . Server::$Inputs[$cind]->GetClientValue($value) . "\r\n";
                         } else {
                             $custom .= strip_tags(Server::$Inputs[$cind]->Caption) . " " . $value . "\r\n";
     $tsData = array("", "");
     if (!empty(Server::$Groups[$this->DesiredChatGroup]->PredefinedMessages)) {
         $pdm = PredefinedMessage::GetByLanguage(Server::$Groups[$this->DesiredChatGroup]->PredefinedMessages, $_visitor->Language);
         if (!empty($pdm->EmailChatTranscriptBodyPlaintext)) {
             $tsData[0] = $pdm->EmailChatTranscriptBodyPlaintext;
         if (!empty($pdm->EmailChatTranscriptBodyHTML)) {
             $tsData[1] = $pdm->EmailChatTranscriptBodyHTML;
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($tsData); $i++) {
         $tsData[$i] = str_replace("%chat_id%", $this->ChatId, $tsData[$i]);
         $tsData[$i] = str_replace("%details%", $custom, $tsData[$i]);
         $tsData[$i] = str_replace("%external_name%", "%efullname%", $tsData[$i]);
         $tsData[$i] = str_replace("%external_email%", "%eemail%", $tsData[$i]);
         $tsData[$i] = str_replace("%external_company%", $this->UserData->Company, $tsData[$i]);
         $tsData[$i] = str_replace("%external_phone%", $this->UserData->Phone, $tsData[$i]);
         $tsData[$i] = str_replace("%question%", $this->UserData->Text, $tsData[$i]);
         $tsData[$i] = str_replace("%feedback_link%", Feedback::GetLink("cid=" . Encoding::Base64UrlEncode($this->ChatId)), $tsData[$i]);
         $tsData[$i] = Server::$Groups[$this->DesiredChatGroup]->TextReplace($tsData[$i], $_visitor->Language);
         if (!empty($this->OperatorId)) {
             $tsData[$i] = Server::$Operators[$this->OperatorId]->TextReplace($tsData[$i]);
         $tsData[$i] = $_visitor->TextReplace($tsData[$i]);
         $tsData[$i] = Configuration::Replace($tsData[$i]);
     $subject = $pdm != null ? $pdm->SubjectChatTranscript : "";
     $subject = Mailbox::GetSubject($subject, $this->UserData->Email, $this->UserData->Fullname, $this->DesiredChatGroup, $this->ChatId, $this->UserData->Company, $this->UserData->Phone, Communication::GetIP(), $this->UserData->Text, Server::$Groups[$this->DesiredChatGroup]->GetDescription($_visitor->Language), $this->UserData->Customs);
     $internal = $_internalUser != null && $_internalUser->IsBot ? $_internalUser->SystemId : "";
     $result = DBManager::Execute(true, "SELECT * FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_CHAT_ARCHIVE . "` WHERE `chat_id`='" . DBManager::RealEscape($this->ChatId) . "';");
     if ($result && DBManager::GetRowCount($result) == 0) {
         if (Server::$Configuration->File["gl_adct"] == 1 || (!empty(Server::$Configuration->File["gl_rm_chats_time"]) || empty(Server::$Configuration->File["gl_rm_chats"]))) {
             $url = Visitor::GetLastURLFromVisitor($this->UserId);
             DBManager::Execute(true, "INSERT INTO `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_CHAT_ARCHIVE . "` (`time`,`endtime`,`closed`,`chat_id`,`external_id`,`fullname`,`internal_id`,`group_id`,`area_code`,`html`,`plaintext`,`transcript_text`,`transcript_html`,`email`,`company`,`iso_language`,`iso_country`,`host`,`ip`,`gzip`,`transcript_sent`,`transcript_receiver`,`question`,`customs`,`subject`,`voucher_id`,`ref_url`) VALUES ('" . DBManager::RealEscape($this->FirstActive) . "',0,0,'" . DBManager::RealEscape($this->ChatId) . "','" . DBManager::RealEscape($this->UserId) . "','','" . DBManager::RealEscape($internal) . "','','" . DBManager::RealEscape($this->Code) . "','','','" . DBManager::RealEscape($tsData[0]) . "','" . DBManager::RealEscape($tsData[1]) . "','','','" . DBManager::RealEscape($_visitor->Language) . "','" . DBManager::RealEscape($_visitor->GeoCountryISO2) . "','" . DBManager::RealEscape($_visitor->Host) . "','" . DBManager::RealEscape($_visitor->IP) . "',0,0,'" . DBManager::RealEscape($this->UserData->Email) . "','','" . DBManager::RealEscape(@serialize($customs)) . "','" . DBManager::RealEscape($subject) . "','" . DBManager::RealEscape($this->ChatVoucherId) . "','" . DBManager::RealEscape($url) . "');");
         $this->ArchiveCreated = 1;