public function query($stmt) { $c = $this->dbres->prepare($stmt); # this needs to be revisisted # throw a better exception, use DBIException class if (!$c) { $msg = join("\n", $this->dbres->errorInfo()); $e = new DBIException($msg); $e->setStatement($stmt); throw $e; } $c->execute(); return $c; }
public function execute() { $numargs = func_num_args(); if ($numargs) { $this->bindings = func_get_args(); } # bindings is initialized to an emtpy array in the constructor $stmt = ''; $success = true; if ($this->bindtypes === "positional") { if (count($this->sections) > 1) { foreach ($this->sections as $s) { $stmt .= $s; if (count($this->bindings) < 1) { $this->success = false; break; } $v = array_shift($this->bindings); $stmt .= $this->dbh->quote($v); } } else { $stmt = $this->sections[0]; } } else { $stmt = $this->sql; $this->bindings = array_shift($this->bindings); if (!is_array($this->bindings)) { /* named binding parameters used, but didn't pass an array */ throw new DBIException('named binding parameters used, but did not pass an array'); } $search1 = array(); $replace1 = array(); foreach ($this->bindings as $k => $v) { $search1[] = "?:{$k}"; $v = $this->dbh->quote($v); if (preg_match('/^\\w+:join$/', $k)) { if (is_array($v)) { $v = join(',', $v); } else { throw new DBIException(":join named parameter ({$k}) specified for non-array value"); } } if (is_array($v)) { throw new DBIException("query value is an array"); } $replace1[] = $v; } /* slight chance that the ?:\w+ string could appear in a quoted string */ /* if there is a binding they didn't specify, let the SQL parser detect it */ foreach ($search1 as $k => $v) { $stmt = preg_replace('/\\?' . $v . '\\b/', $replace1[$k], $stmt); } } if (!$stmt) { /* no statement resulted? */ throw new DBIException('empty statement, this should not happen'); } if (!$success) { /* too few binding parameters */ throw new DBIException("too few binding parameters in query {$stmt}"); } $this->bindings = array(); $qstart = DBI::getmicrotime(); $this->cursor_handle = $this->dbh->dbd->query($stmt); $qend = DBI::getmicrotime(); $this->executed_stmt = $stmt; if (preg_match('/^\\s*(\\w+)\\b/', $stmt, $m)) { @DBI::$statement_types[strtolower($m[1])]++; } $qlen = sprintf('%0.5f', $qend - $qstart); if (!empty($_SERVER['debugsql'])) { d($stmt, 'execution time: ' . $qlen . ' sec'); } #error_log($stmt); $this->execution_time = $qlen; DBI::$query_runtime += $qlen; if (!$this->cursor_handle) { $e = new DBIException($this->dbh->dbd->error()); $e->setStatement($stmt); throw $e; } return $this->cursor_handle; }