Exemplo n.º 1
     * Show a list of all top apps.
    public function render()
        // Get Result set for apps.
        $sql = <<<'EOF'
    :base_detail_url || package as detailsUrl,
    :base_download_url || package as downloadUrl,
    :base_play_url || package as playstoreUrl
    FROM topApps
    JOIN Apps USING(package)
    ORDER BY rank;
        $db = DBApps::getInstance()->db;
        $sth = $db->prepare($sql);
        $sth->bindValue(':base_detail_url', url('apps/app/'), SQLITE3_TEXT);
        $sth->bindValue(':base_download_url', url('download/direct/'), SQLITE3_TEXT);
        $sth->bindValue(':base_play_url', 'https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=', SQLITE3_TEXT);
        $rs = $sth->execute();
        // Read in entire result into an array and call alter row on each row.
        $this->view->result = array();
        while ($row = $rs->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC)) {
            $this->view->result[] = $row;
  * Get a list of urls to all app sitemaps for language.
 private function _get_sitemaps()
     $sitemaps = array();
     // Get total number of available apps.
     $db = DBApps::getInstance()->db;
     $count = $db->querySingle('SELECT count(*) As cnt FROM Apps;');
     for ($i = $c = 0; $c < $count; $c += self::LIMIT, $i++) {
         $sitemaps[] = url('sitemapapps', array('page' => $i));
     return $sitemaps;
Exemplo n.º 3

require_once __DIR__ . '/../inc/functions.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../inc/autoload.php';
define('LANGUAGE', 'en');
$db = DBApps::getInstance()->db;
$res = $db->query('SELECT package FROM Apps;');
while ($row = $res->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC)) {
    echo '.';
    // Try to recover from errors.
    for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
        try {
            if (!package_exists($row['package'])) {
                $sth = $db->prepare('DELETE FROM Apps WHERE package = :package;');
                $sth->bindValue(':package', $row['package']);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            echo 'f';
  * Get App info from the tiles.
 protected function parse($url)
     $html = mb_convert_encoding(file_get_contents($url), 'HTML-ENTITIES', "UTF-8");
     // Get Xpath for HTML of App List.
     $dom = new DomDocument();
     $xpath = new DomXPath($dom);
     // Get all tiles.
     $tiles = $xpath->query('//*[contains(@class, "apps")][contains(@class, "card")]');
     // Walk through all tiles.
     foreach ($tiles as $tile) {
         // Information to collect about each app.
         $package = '';
         // The package name of the app.
         $title = '';
         // The title of the app.
         $author = '';
         // The author of the app.
         $description = '';
         // A description of the app including html formating.
         // Extrackt package name from link to download.
         $link = $xpath->query('.//a[contains(@class, "card-click-target")][1]', $tile)->item(0);
         foreach ($link->attributes as $attr => $item) {
             if (strtolower($attr) == 'href') {
                 if (preg_match('/(\\&|\\?)id=([^\\&]+)/', $item->value, $matches) === 1) {
                     $package = trim(urldecode($matches[2]));
         // Extract title of app.
         $title_node = $xpath->query('.//*[contains(@class, "title")][@title]', $tile)->item(0);
         foreach ($title_node->attributes as $attr => $item) {
             if (strtolower($attr) == 'title') {
                 $title = trim($item->value);
         // Extract author of app.
         $author_node = $xpath->query('.//a[contains(@class, "subtitle")]', $tile)->item(0);
         foreach ($author_node->attributes as $attr => $item) {
             if (strtolower($attr) == 'title') {
                 $author = trim($item->value);
         // Extract description about app.
         $description_node = $xpath->query('.//*[contains(@class, "description")]', $tile)->item(0);
         foreach ($description_node->childNodes as $node) {
             // Continue till end of paragraph mark.
             foreach ($node->attributes as $attr => $item) {
                 if (strtolower($attr) == 'class') {
                     if (strpos($item->value, 'paragraph-end') !== FALSE) {
                         break 2;
             $description .= trim($dom->saveXML($node));
         // Insert entry for topApps table.
         $db = DBApps::getInstance()->db;
         $sth = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO topApps(rank, package) VALUES(:rank, :package);');
         $sth->bindValue(':rank', $this->rank, SQLITE3_INTEGER);
         $sth->bindValue(':package', $package, SQLITE3_TEXT);
         // Update app metadata in Apps table.
         $sth2 = $db->prepare('INSERT OR REPLACE INTO Apps(package, title, author, description) VALUES(:package, :title, :author, :desc);');
         $sth2->bindValue(':package', $package, SQLITE3_TEXT);
         $sth2->bindValue(':title', $title, SQLITE3_TEXT);
         $sth2->bindValue(':author', $author, SQLITE3_TEXT);
         $sth2->bindValue(':desc', $description, SQLITE3_TEXT);