Exemplo n.º 1
  * Through a POST request you can create new sponsors
  * @param   array  $headers  The HTTP headers
  * @throws  DAV_Status
  * @see DAV_Resource::method_POST()
 public function method_POST(&$headers)
     $displayname = $_POST['displayname'];
     $description = $_POST['description'];
     $sponsor_name = $_POST['sponsor_name'];
     // Only administrators can add a sponsor
     if (!DAV::$ACLPROVIDER->wheel()) {
         throw DAV::forbidden('Only administrators are allowed to create sponsors');
     // Sponsor name must be one of the following characters a-zA-Z0-9_-., starting with an alphanumeric character and must be between 1 and 255 characters long
     if (empty($displayname) || !preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9_\\-\\.]{0,254}$/D', $sponsor_name)) {
         throw new DAV_Status(DAV::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, 'Sponsor name has the wrong format. The name can be a maximum of 255 characters long and should start with an alphanumeric character, followed by alphanumeric characters or one of the following: _-.');
     // Check if the group name doesn't exist
     $collection = BeeHub::getNoSQL()->sponsors;
     $result = $collection->findOne(array('name' => $sponsor_name), array('name' => true));
     if (!is_null($result)) {
         // Duplicate key: bad request!
         throw new DAV_Status(DAV::HTTP_CONFLICT, "Sponsor name already exists, please choose a different sponsor name!");
     // Store in the database
     $collection->insert(array('name' => $sponsor_name));
     // Fetch the sponsor and store extra properties
     $sponsor = DAV::$REGISTRY->resource(BeeHub::SPONSORS_PATH . $sponsor_name);
     $sponsor->user_set(DAV::PROP_DISPLAYNAME, $displayname);
     if (!empty($description)) {
         $sponsor->user_set(BeeHub::PROP_DESCRIPTION, $description);
     // Add the current user as admin of the sponsor
     $sponsor->change_memberships(basename($this->user_prop_current_user_principal()), BeeHub_Sponsor::ADMIN_ACCEPT);
     $sponsor->change_memberships(basename($this->user_prop_current_user_principal()), BeeHub_Sponsor::SET_ADMIN);
     // Sponsor created, redirect to the sponsor page
     DAV::redirect(DAV::HTTP_SEE_OTHER, BeeHub::SPONSORS_PATH . $sponsor->name);
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function testForbidden()
     $status = DAV::forbidden('Test message');
     $this->assertInstanceOf('DAV_Status', $status, 'DAV::forbidden() should return a DAV_Status object');
     $this->assertSame(403, $status->getCode(), 'DAV::forbidden() should return a DAV_Status object with code 403');
     $this->assertSame('Test message', $status->getMessage(), 'DAV::forbidden() should return a DAV_Status object with code 403');
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function method_POST(&$headers)
     $displayname = $_POST['displayname'];
     $description = $_POST['description'];
     $group_name = $_POST['group_name'];
     $user_sponsor = BeeHub::getAuth()->current_user()->user_prop(BeeHub::PROP_SPONSOR);
     // If you don't have a (default) sponsor, you're not allowed to add a group
     if (empty($user_sponsor)) {
         throw DAV::forbidden("Only users with a sponsor are allowed to create groups");
     // Group name must be one of the following characters a-zA-Z0-9_-., starting with an alphanumeric character and must be between 1 and 255 characters long and can't be one of the forbidden names
     if (empty($displayname) || in_array(strtolower($group_name), BeeHub::$FORBIDDEN_GROUP_NAMES) || !preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9_\\-\\.]{0,254}$/D', $group_name)) {
         throw new DAV_Status(DAV::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, 'Group name has the wrong format. The name can be a maximum of 255 characters long and should start with an alphanumeric character, followed by alphanumeric characters or one of the following: _-.');
     // Check if the group name doesn't exist
     $collection = BeeHub::getNoSQL()->groups;
     $result = $collection->findOne(array('name' => $group_name), array('name' => true));
     if (!is_null($result)) {
         // Duplicate key: bad request!
         throw new DAV_Status(DAV::HTTP_CONFLICT, "Group name already exists, please choose a different group name!");
     $groupdir = DAV::unslashify(BeeHub::$CONFIG['environment']['datadir']) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $group_name;
     // Check for existing groupdir
     if (file_exists($groupdir)) {
         throw new DAV_Status(DAV::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
     // Store in the database
     $collection->insert(array('name' => $group_name));
     // Fetch the group and store extra properties
     $group = DAV::$REGISTRY->resource(BeeHub::GROUPS_PATH . $group_name);
     $group->user_set(DAV::PROP_DISPLAYNAME, $displayname);
     if (!empty($description)) {
         $group->user_set(BeeHub::PROP_DESCRIPTION, $description);
     // Add the current user as admin of the group
     $group->change_memberships(basename($this->user_prop_current_user_principal()), BeeHub_Group::USER_ACCEPT);
     $group->change_memberships(basename($this->user_prop_current_user_principal()), BeeHub_Group::ADMIN_ACCEPT);
     $group->change_memberships(basename($this->user_prop_current_user_principal()), BeeHub_Group::SET_ADMIN);
     // And create a group directory
     if (!mkdir($groupdir)) {
         throw new DAV_Status(DAV::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
     // And create the directory in the database
     $document = array('path' => $group_name, 'depth' => 1, 'collection' => true);
     $filesCollection = BeeHub::getNoSQL()->files;
     $groupdir_resource = DAV::$REGISTRY->resource('/' . $group_name);
     $groupdir_resource->user_set(BeeHub::PROP_SPONSOR, $user_sponsor);
     $groupdir_resource->user_set(DAV::PROP_ACL, '[["' . BeeHub::GROUPS_PATH . $group->name . '",false,["DAV: read", "DAV: write"],false]]');
     // Group created, redirect to the group page
     DAV::redirect(DAV::HTTP_SEE_OTHER, BeeHub::GROUPS_PATH . $group->name);
Exemplo n.º 4
 private function internal_create_member($name, $collection = false)
     $path = $this->path . $name;
     $localPath = BeeHub::localPath($path);
     $cups = $this->current_user_principals();
     // Determine the sponsor
     $user = BeeHub::getAuth()->current_user();
     if (!is_null($user)) {
         $user_sponsors = $user->user_prop_sponsor_membership();
     if (is_null($user) || count($user_sponsors) == 0) {
         // If the user doesn't have any sponsors, he/she can't create files and directories
         throw DAV::forbidden("You need to be logged in and have at least one sponsor to upload files");
     $sponsor = $this->user_prop(BeeHub::PROP_SPONSOR);
     // The default is the directory sponsor
     if (!in_array($sponsor, $user_sponsors)) {
         //But a user can only create files sponsored by his own sponsors
         $sponsor = $user->user_prop(BeeHub::PROP_SPONSOR);
     // Create the subdirectory or file
     if (file_exists($localPath)) {
         throw DAV::forbidden();
     $result = $collection ? @mkdir($localPath) : touch($localPath);
     if (!$result) {
         throw new DAV_Status(DAV::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
     // And create the object in the database
     $unslashifiedPath = \DAV::unslashify($path);
     if (substr($unslashifiedPath, 0, 1) === '/') {
         $unslashifiedPath = substr($unslashifiedPath, 1);
     $document = array('path' => $unslashifiedPath, 'depth' => substr_count($unslashifiedPath, '/') + 1);
     if ($collection) {
         $document['collection'] = true;
     $filesCollection = BeeHub::getNoSQL()->files;
     // And set the attributes
     $new_resource = DAV::$REGISTRY->resource($path);
     if (!$collection) {
         $new_resource->user_set(DAV::PROP_GETETAG, BeeHub::ETag());
     $new_resource->user_set(DAV::PROP_OWNER, $this->user_prop_current_user_principal());
     $new_resource->user_set(BeeHub::PROP_SPONSOR, $sponsor);
     return $new_resource;
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Checks and handles MKCOL request
  * @param DAV_Resource $resource
  * @return void
  * @throws DAV_Status
 protected function handle($resource)
     if ($resource) {
         if ($resource->isVisible()) {
             throw new DAV_Status(DAV::HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED);
         throw DAV::forbidden();
     $resource = DAV::$REGISTRY->resource(dirname(DAV::getPath()));
     if (!$resource or !$resource->isVisible()) {
         throw new DAV_Status(DAV::HTTP_CONFLICT, 'Unable to MKCOL in unknown resource');
     if (!$resource instanceof DAV_Collection) {
         throw new DAV_Status(DAV::HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED);
     if (0 < (int) @$_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH']) {
         throw new DAV_Status(DAV::HTTP_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE);
     DAV::redirect(DAV::HTTP_CREATED, DAV::getPath());
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Handles a DAV:acl-principal-prop-set REPORT request
  * @param   DAV_Resource  $resource  The resource to perform the request on
  * @return  void
 private function handle_acl_principal_prop_set($resource)
     $ppr = $resource->property_priv_read(array(DAV::PROP_ACL));
     if (!$ppr[DAV::PROP_ACL]) {
         throw DAV::forbidden();
     $principals = array();
     foreach ($resource->user_prop_acl() as $ace) {
         if ('/' === $ace->principal[0]) {
             $principals[$ace->principal] = true;
         } elseif (isset(DAVACL::$PRINCIPALS[$ace->principal])) {
         } else {
             $href = $resource->prop($ace->principal);
             if ($href instanceof DAV_Element_href) {
                 $principals[$href->URIs[0]] = true;
     $multistatus = DAV_Multistatus::inst();
     foreach (array_keys($principals) as $href) {
         if ($href && ($principal = DAV::$REGISTRY->resource($href))) {
             $response = new DAV_Element_response($href);
             foreach ($this->entity as $property) {
                 try {
                     $response->setProperty($property, $principal->prop($property));
                 } catch (DAV_Status $e) {
                     $response->setStatus($property, $e);
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Handle the PROPPATCH request
  * @param DAV_Resource $resource
  * @return void
  * @throws DAV_Status
 protected function handle($resource)
     if (empty($this->props)) {
         throw new DAV_Status(DAV::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, 'No properties found in request body.');
     $priv_write = $resource->property_priv_write(array_keys($this->props));
     $errors = array();
     foreach ($this->props as $name => $value) {
         try {
             if (@DAV::$PROTECTED_PROPERTIES[$name]) {
             if (!@$priv_write[$name]) {
                 throw DAV::forbidden();
             $resource->method_PROPPATCH($name, $value);
         } catch (DAV_Status $e) {
             $errors[$name] = $e;
     $response = new DAV_Element_response(DAV::getPath());
     if (empty($errors)) {
         try {
         } catch (DAV_Status $e) {
             foreach (array_keys($this->props) as $propname) {
                 $errors[$propname] = $e;
     if (empty($errors)) {
         foreach (array_keys($this->props) as $propname) {
             $response->setStatus($propname, DAV_Status::$OK);
     } else {
         $failed_dependency = new DAV_Status(DAV::HTTP_FAILED_DEPENDENCY);
         foreach (array_keys($this->props) as $propname) {
             if (!isset($errors[$propname])) {
                 $errors[$propname] = $failed_dependency;
         foreach ($errors as $propname => $status) {
             $response->setStatus($propname, $status);
Exemplo n.º 8
 public function method_POST(&$headers)
     // For all POST requests, you need to send a POST field 'password' with the current password
     if (!isset($_POST['password']) || !$this->check_password($_POST['password'])) {
         throw DAV::forbidden();
     if (isset($_POST['verification_code'])) {
         // Now verify the e-mail address
         if (!$this->verify_email_address($_POST['verification_code'])) {
             throw DAV::forbidden();
         DAV::redirect(DAV::HTTP_SEE_OTHER, $this->path);
     } elseif (isset($_POST['new_password'])) {
         DAV::redirect(DAV::HTTP_SEE_OTHER, $this->path);
     throw new DAV_Status(DAV::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST);
Exemplo n.º 9
    public function method_POST(&$headers)
        $auth = BeeHub::getAuth();
        if (!$auth->is_authenticated()) {
            throw DAV::forbidden();
        $admin_functions = array('add_members', 'add_admins', 'delete_admins', 'delete_members');
        if (!$this->is_admin()) {
            foreach ($admin_functions as $function) {
                if (isset($_POST[$function])) {
                    throw DAV::forbidden();
        // Allow users to request or remove membership
        $current_user = $auth->current_user();
        if (isset($_POST['leave'])) {
            $this->change_memberships($current_user, self::DELETE_MEMBER);
        if (isset($_POST['join'])) {
            $message = null;
            if (!$this->is_member()) {
                // This user is not invited for this group, so sent the administrators an e-mail with this request
                $message = 'Dear sponsor administrator,

' . $current_user->prop(DAV::PROP_DISPLAYNAME) . ' (' . $current_user->prop(BeeHub::PROP_EMAIL) . ') wants to join the sponsor \'' . $this->prop(DAV::PROP_DISPLAYNAME) . '\'. One of the sponsor administrators needs to either accept or reject this membership request. Please see your notifications in BeeHub to do this:

' . BeeHub::urlbase(true) . '/system/?show_notifications=1

Best regards,

                $recipients = array();
                foreach ($this->users as $user => $attributes) {
                    if ($attributes['is_admin']) {
                        $user = BeeHub::user($user);
                        $recipients[$user->prop(BeeHub::PROP_EMAIL)] = $user->prop(DAV::PROP_DISPLAYNAME);
            $this->change_memberships(array($current_user->name), self::USER_ACCEPT);
            if (!is_null($message)) {
                BeeHub::email($recipients, 'BeeHub notification: membership request for sponsor ' . $this->prop(DAV::PROP_DISPLAYNAME), $message);
        // Run administrator actions: add members, admins and requests
        foreach ($admin_functions as $key) {
            if (isset($_POST[$key])) {
                if (!is_array($_POST[$key])) {
                    throw new DAV_Status(DAV::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST);
                $members = array_map(array('BeeHub_Sponsor', 'get_user_name'), $_POST[$key]);
                switch ($key) {
                    case 'add_members':
                        foreach ($members as $member) {
                            $user = BeeHub::user($member);
                            if (!$this->is_member($user)) {
                                // The user was not a member of this sponsor yet, so notify him/her
                                $message = 'Dear ' . $user->prop(DAV::PROP_DISPLAYNAME) . ',

You are now sponsored by \'' . $this->prop(DAV::PROP_DISPLAYNAME) . '\'.

Best regards,

                                BeeHub::email(array($user->prop(BeeHub::PROP_EMAIL) => $user->prop(DAV::PROP_DISPLAYNAME)), 'BeeHub notification: new sponsor ' . $this->prop(DAV::PROP_DISPLAYNAME), $message);
                        $this->change_memberships($members, self::ADMIN_ACCEPT);
                    case 'add_admins':
                        $this->change_memberships($members, self::SET_ADMIN);
                    case 'delete_admins':
                        $this->change_memberships($members, self::UNSET_ADMIN);
                    case 'delete_members':
                        $this->change_memberships($members, self::DELETE_MEMBER);
                        foreach ($members as $member) {
                            $user = BeeHub::user($member);
                            $message = 'Dear ' . $user->prop(DAV::PROP_DISPLAYNAME) . ',

Sponsor administrator ' . $current_user->prop(DAV::PROP_DISPLAYNAME) . ' removed you from the sponsor \'' . $this->prop(DAV::PROP_DISPLAYNAME) . '\'. If you believe you should be a member of this sponsor, please contact one of the sponsor administrators.

Best regards,

                            BeeHub::email(array($user->prop(BeeHub::PROP_EMAIL) => $user->prop(DAV::PROP_DISPLAYNAME)), 'BeeHub notification: removed from sponsor ' . $this->prop(DAV::PROP_DISPLAYNAME), $message);
                        //Should/could never happen
                        throw new DAV_Status(DAV::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
Exemplo n.º 10
  * @see DAVACL_Resource::user_set_owner()
 protected function user_set_owner($owner)
     // The owner should exist and be visible
     if (!($owner = DAV::$REGISTRY->resource($owner)) || !$owner->isVisible() || !$owner instanceof BeeHub_User) {
     // You should be authenticated
     if (!($cup = $this->user_prop_current_user_principal()) || !($cup = DAV::$REGISTRY->resource($cup))) {
         throw DAV::forbidden();
     // Get the sponsor of this resource
     if ($sponsor = $this->user_prop_sponsor()) {
         $sponsor = DAV::$REGISTRY->resource($sponsor);
     } else {
         // There is no sponsor set for this file. How can that be?
         throw new DAV_Status(DAV::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, 'There is no sponsor set for this file!');
     // If you are owner, and the new owner is sponsored by the resource sponsor
     if ($this->user_prop_owner() === $cup->path && in_array($owner->path, $sponsor->user_prop_group_member_set())) {
         return $this->user_set(DAV::PROP_OWNER, $owner->path);
     // If you are not the owner, you can become owner if you have write
     // privileges on both the resource itself as its parent collection
     if ($this->user_prop_owner() !== $cup->path && $owner->path === $cup->path && $this->collection() instanceof BeeHub_Directory) {
         // If the user is not sponsored by the resource sponsor, we have to change
         // the resource sponsor
         if (!in_array($this->user_prop_sponsor(), BeeHub::getAuth()->current_user()->user_prop_sponsor_membership())) {
             // If the user is sponsored by the collection sponsor, then let's take
             // that sponsor
             if (!in_array($this->collection()->user_prop_sponsor(), BeeHub::getAuth()->current_user()->user_prop_sponsor_membership())) {
                 // Else take the default sponsor of the user
                 if (!$cup->user_prop_sponsor()) {
                     throw DAV::forbidden();
                 } else {
                     $this->user_set(BeeHub::PROP_SPONSOR, $cup->user_prop_sponsor());
             } else {
                 $this->user_set(BeeHub::PROP_SPONSOR, $this->collection()->user_prop_sponsor());
         return $this->user_set(DAV::PROP_OWNER, $owner->path);
     // If the owner still isn't changed, you are not allowed to do so
     throw DAV::forbidden();
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Assert whether the current user has certain privileges for this resource
  * @param array $privileges
  * @throws DAV_Status FORBIDDEN
 public function assert($privileges)
     if (!is_array($privileges)) {
         $privileges = array((string) $privileges);
     $flags = array();
     foreach ($privileges as $p) {
         $supportedPrivileges = DAV::$ACLPROVIDER->user_prop_supported_privilege_set();
         $privilege = null;
         foreach ($supportedPrivileges as $supportedPrivilege) {
             $privilege = $supportedPrivilege->findSubPrivilege($p);
             if (!is_null($privilege)) {
         if (is_null($privilege)) {
             throw new DAV_Status(DAV::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, 'Privilege not found: ' . $p);
         if ($privilege->isAggregatePrivilege()) {
             throw new DAV_Status(DAV::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, 'You cannot (and should not) assert aggregate privileges: ' . $p);
         $flags[$p] = 0;
     $privstring = implode(',', $privileges);
     if (array_key_exists($privstring, $this->assertCache)) {
         if ($this->assertCache[$privstring]) {
             throw $this->assertCache[$privstring];
         } else {
             return true;
     $eacl = $this->effective_acl();
     foreach ($eacl as $ace) {
         list($deny, $privs) = $ace;
         foreach ($privs as $p) {
             if (isset($flags[$p]) && false !== $flags[$p]) {
                 $flags[$p] = !$deny;
         foreach ($flags as $f) {
             if (true !== $f) {
                 continue 2;
         $this->assertCache[$privstring] = null;
         return true;
     $need_privileges = '';
     foreach (array_keys($flags) as $priv) {
         if (!$flags[$priv]) {
             $need_privileges .= '<' . DAV::expand($priv) . '/>';
     $this->assertCache[$privstring] = DAV::forbidden(array(DAV::COND_NEED_PRIVILEGES => $need_privileges));
     throw $this->assertCache[$privstring];
Exemplo n.º 12
 public function method_COPY($path)
     $destinationResource = DAV::$REGISTRY->resource($path);
     $parent = DAV::$REGISTRY->resource(dirname($path));
     if (!$parent) {
         throw new DAV_Status(DAV::HTTP_CONFLICT, 'Unable to COPY to unexisting collection');
     if (!$parent instanceof BeeHub_Directory) {
         throw new DAV_Status(DAV::HTTP_FORBIDDEN);
     if ($destinationResource instanceof DAVACL_Resource) {
     } else {
     // Determine the sponsor
     $user = BeeHub::getAuth()->current_user();
     $user_sponsors = $user->user_prop_sponsor_membership();
     if (count($user_sponsors) === 0) {
         // If the user doesn't have any sponsors, he/she can't create files and directories
         throw DAV::forbidden();
     $localPath = BeeHub::localPath($path);
     exec('cp ' . BeeHub::escapeshellarg($this->localPath) . ' ' . BeeHub::escapeshellarg($localPath));
     // And copy the attributes
     $new_resource = new BeeHub_File($path);
     foreach ($this->stored_props as $prop => $value) {
             $new_resource->user_set($prop, $value);
     $sponsor = $parent->user_prop_sponsor();
     // The default is the directory sponsor
     if (!in_array($sponsor, $user_sponsors)) {
         //But a user can only create files sponsored by his own sponsors
         $sponsor = $user->user_prop(BeeHub::PROP_SPONSOR);
     // And set the new properties
     $new_resource->user_set(DAV::PROP_OWNER, $this->user_prop_current_user_principal());
     $new_resource->user_set(BeeHub::PROP_SPONSOR, $sponsor);
     $new_resource->user_set(DAV::PROP_GETETAG, BeeHub::ETag());
Exemplo n.º 13
    require_once 'views' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'saml_connect.php';
    throw new DAV_Status(DAV::HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED);
// Get some authentication info
$user = $auth->current_user();
$surfId = $simpleSaml->getAuthData("saml:sp:NameID");
$surfId = $surfId['Value'];
// You need to supply the users current password (as stored in the local database)
if (!$user->check_password($_POST['password'])) {
    throw DAV::forbidden();
// Unlink potential other local account linked to this SURFconext ID
$collection = BeeHub::getNoSQL()->users;
$collection->update(array('surfconext_id' => $surfId), array('$unset' => array('surfconext_id' => '', 'surfconext_description' => '')));
// And connect it to the current user
$user->user_set(BeeHub::PROP_SURFCONEXT, $surfId);
$attributes = $simpleSaml->getAttributes();
$surfconext_description = @$attributes['urn:mace:terena.org:attribute-def:schacHomeOrganization'][0];
if (empty($surfconext_description)) {
    $surfconext_description = 'Unknown account';
$user->user_set(BeeHub::PROP_SURFCONEXT_DESCRIPTION, $surfconext_description);
// Redirect to the user's profile page
DAV::redirect(DAV::HTTP_SEE_OTHER, $user->path);
Exemplo n.º 14
  * Called by {@link method_PROPFIND()}
  * @param string $path
  * @param DAV_Resource $resource
  * @param array $props
 private function handle3($resource, $props)
     $propprivs = $resource->property_priv_read($props);
     $response = new DAV_Element_response($resource->path);
     foreach ($props as $prop) {
         if (array_key_exists($prop, $propprivs) && !$propprivs[$prop]) {
             $response->setStatus($prop, DAV::forbidden());
         } else {
             try {
                 $value = $resource->prop($prop);
                 if (!is_null($value)) {
                     $response->setProperty($prop, $value);
                 } else {
                     $response->setStatus($prop, DAV_Status::$NOT_FOUND);
             } catch (DAV_Status $e) {
                 $response->setStatus($prop, $e);