Exemplo n.º 1
$db = new DALMP\Database("utf8://{$user}:{$password}@{$host}:{$port}/dalmp");
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM Country LIMIT 2';
 * Cache for 5 minutes with key: mykey using memcache cache
$rs = $db->CacheGetAll(300, $sql, 'mykey');
echo count($rs), PHP_EOL;
$rs = $db->CacheGetAll(300, $sql, 'mykey');
echo count($rs), PHP_EOL;
 * Cache for 5 minutes with key: mykey using redis cache
$rs = $db->CacheGetAll(300, $sql, 'mykey');
echo count($rs), PHP_EOL;
$rs = $db->CacheGetAll(300, $sql, 'mykey');
echo count($rs), PHP_EOL;
 * Cache for 5 minutes with key: mykey using disk cache
$rs = $db->CacheGetAll(300, $sql, 'mykey');
echo count($rs), PHP_EOL;
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Cache for 1 day (86400 seconds), group B
$rs = $db->CachePGetAll(86400, 'SELECT * FROM Country WHERE Continent = ?', 'Europe', 'group:B');
echo count($rs), PHP_EOL;
 * Cache for 1 hour (default), group C
$rs = $db->CachePGetAll('SELECT * FROM Country WHERE Population <= ?', 100000, 'group:C');
echo count($rs), PHP_EOL;
 * lazy connection test query DB only when needed
 * Cache for 5 minutes, group A
$rs = $db->CachePGetAll('SELECT * FROM Country WHERE Region = ?', 'Caribbean');
echo count($rs), PHP_EOL;
 * flush only group A
 * Cache for 5 minutes, group A
$rs = $db->CachePGetAll(300, 'SELECT * FROM Country WHERE Region = ?', 'Caribbean', 'group:A');
Exemplo n.º 3
 [Variable_name] => Ssl_cipher
 [Value] => DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA
* otherwise
 [Variable_name] => Ssl_cipher
 [Value] =>
 * example using a socket for the connection
 * charset: utf8
 * user: $user
 * password: $password
 * socket path: /tmp/mysql.sock
 * database: dalmp
$db = new DALMP\Database("utf8://{$user}:{$password}" . '@unix_socket=\\tmp\\mysql.sock/dalmp');
try {
    echo PHP_EOL, 'example using unix_socket: ', $db->getOne('SELECT NOW()'), PHP_EOL;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
echo $db;
// will print: DALMP :: connected to: db4, Character set: utf8, Localhost via UNIX socket,...
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo PHP_EOL, str_repeat('-', 80), PHP_EOL, 'Time: ', $timer->getPageLoadTime(), ' - Memory: ', $timer->getMemoryUsage(1), PHP_EOL, str_repeat('-', 80), PHP_EOL;