Exemplo n.º 1
  * Show package grid json.
 public function showJson()
     $entries = array();
     foreach (Curry_PackageManager::getPackages() as $packageInfo) {
         $packageInfo = array_shift($packageInfo);
         $installedPackage = PackageQuery::create()->findPk($packageInfo['name']);
         $hasUpgrade = $installedPackage ? version_compare($installedPackage->getVersion(), $packageInfo['version']) < 0 : false;
         $icon = '<img src="shared/images/icons/' . ($hasUpgrade ? 'package_go' : 'package') . '.png" alt="" title="' . ($hasUpgrade ? 'You can upgrade this package' : 'This package is up to date') . '" /> ';
         $entries[] = array('id' => $packageInfo['name'], 'cell' => array($icon, $packageInfo['name'], $installedPackage ? $installedPackage->getVersion() : 'Not installed', $packageInfo['version'], isset($packageInfo['filesize']) ? Curry_Util::humanReadableBytes($packageInfo['filesize']) : 'n/a', $packageInfo['summary']));
     $this->returnJson(array('page' => 1, 'total' => count($entries), 'rows' => $entries));
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Insert module and return generated content.
  * @param Curry_PageModuleWrapper $pageModuleWrapper
  * @return string
 protected function insertModule(Curry_PageModuleWrapper $pageModuleWrapper)
     Curry_Core::log(($pageModuleWrapper->getEnabled() ? 'Inserting' : 'Skipping') . ' module "' . $pageModuleWrapper->getName() . '" of type "' . $pageModuleWrapper->getClassName() . '" with target "' . $pageModuleWrapper->getTarget() . '"');
     if (!$pageModuleWrapper->getEnabled()) {
         return "";
     $cached = false;
     $devMode = Curry_Core::$config->curry->developmentMode;
     if ($devMode) {
         $time = microtime(true);
         $sqlQueries = Curry_Propel::getQueryCount();
         $userTime = Curry_Util::getCpuTime('u');
         $systemTime = Curry_Util::getCpuTime('s');
         $memoryUsage = memory_get_usage(true);
     $this->moduleCache = array();
     $module = $pageModuleWrapper->createObject();
     $cp = $module->getCacheProperties();
     $cacheName = $this->getModuleCacheName($pageModuleWrapper, $module);
     // try to use cached content
     if ($cp !== null && ($cache = Curry_Core::$cache->load($cacheName)) !== false) {
         $cached = true;
         $content = $cache['content'];
     } else {
         $template = null;
         if ($pageModuleWrapper->getTemplate()) {
             $template = Curry_Twig_Template::loadTemplate($pageModuleWrapper->getTemplate());
         } else {
             if ($module->getDefaultTemplate()) {
                 $template = Curry_Twig_Template::loadTemplateString($module->getDefaultTemplate());
         if ($template && $template->getEnvironment()) {
             $twig = $template->getEnvironment();
             $twig->addGlobal('module', array('Id' => $pageModuleWrapper->getPageModuleId(), 'ClassName' => $pageModuleWrapper->getClassName(), 'Name' => $pageModuleWrapper->getName(), 'ModuleDataId' => $pageModuleWrapper->getModuleDataId(), 'Target' => $pageModuleWrapper->getTarget()));
         $content = (string) $module->showFront($template);
         if ($cp !== null) {
             $this->moduleCache['content'] = $content;
             $this->saveModuleCache($cacheName, $cp->getLifetime());
     if ($devMode) {
         $time = microtime(true) - $time;
         $userTime = Curry_Util::getCpuTime('u') - $userTime;
         $systemTime = Curry_Util::getCpuTime('s') - $systemTime;
         $memoryUsage = memory_get_usage(true) - $memoryUsage;
         $sqlQueries = $sqlQueries !== null ? Curry_Propel::getQueryCount() - $sqlQueries : null;
         $cpuLimit = Curry_Core::$config->curry->debug->moduleCpuLimit;
         $timeLimit = Curry_Core::$config->curry->debug->moduleTimeLimit;
         $memoryLimit = Curry_Core::$config->curry->debug->moduleMemoryLimit;
         $sqlLimit = Curry_Core::$config->curry->debug->moduleSqlLimit;
         if ($userTime + $systemTime > $cpuLimit || $time > $timeLimit) {
             trace_warning('Module generation time exceeded limit');
         if ($memoryUsage > $memoryLimit) {
             trace_warning('Module memory usage exceeded limit');
         if ($sqlQueries > $sqlLimit) {
             trace_warning('Module sql query count exceeded limit');
         // add module debug info
         $this->moduleDebugInfo[] = array($pageModuleWrapper->getName(), $pageModuleWrapper->getClassName(), $pageModuleWrapper->getTemplate(), $pageModuleWrapper->getTarget(), $cached, round($time * 1000.0), round(($userTime + $systemTime) * 1000.0), Curry_Util::humanReadableBytes($memoryUsage), Curry_Util::humanReadableBytes(memory_get_peak_usage(true)), $sqlQueries !== null ? $sqlQueries : 'n/a');
     return $content;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Shutdown function to execute at the end of the request. This function
  * is called automatically so there is no need to call it explicitly.
 public static function shutdown()
     $error = error_get_last();
     if ($error !== null && $error['type'] == E_ERROR) {
         $e = new ErrorException($error['message'], $error['type'], 0, $error['file'], $error['line']);
     if (self::$logger) {
         self::$throwExceptionsOnError = false;
         $queryCount = Curry_Propel::getQueryCount();
         $generationTime = self::getExecutionTime();
         self::log("Generation time: " . round($generationTime, 3) . "s", Zend_Log::NOTICE);
         self::log("Peak memory usage: " . Curry_Util::humanReadableBytes(memory_get_peak_usage()), Zend_Log::NOTICE);
         self::log("SQL query count: " . ($queryCount !== null ? $queryCount : 'n/a'), Zend_Log::NOTICE);
         if (self::$writer instanceof Zend_Log_Writer_Firebug && !headers_sent()) {
             // Flush log data to browser
             $channel = Zend_Wildfire_Channel_HttpHeaders::getInstance();
             $response = $channel->getResponse();
             // send headers manually so http status (3xx) doesn't get overridden
             foreach ($response->getRawHeaders() as $header) {
             foreach ($response->getHeaders() as $header) {
                 header($header['name'] . ': ' . $header['value'], $header['replace']);
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Get file details.
  * @param array $selected
  * @return array
 public function getFileInfo($selected)
     if (count($selected) == 1) {
         try {
             $path = $selected[0];
             $physical = self::virtualToPhysical($path);
             $public = self::physicalToPublic($physical);
             if (!is_file($physical)) {
                 return null;
             $owner = fileowner($physical);
             if (function_exists('posix_getpwuid')) {
                 $owner = posix_getpwuid($owner);
                 $owner = '<span title="' . $owner['uid'] . '">' . htmlspecialchars($owner['name']) . '</span>';
             $group = filegroup($physical);
             if (function_exists('posix_getgrgid')) {
                 $group = posix_getgrgid($group);
                 $group = '<span title="' . $group['gid'] . '">' . htmlspecialchars($group['name']) . '</span>';
             $fi = array('Name' => '<h2>' . basename($physical) . '</h2>', 'Preview' => '', 'Size' => '<strong>Size: </strong>' . Curry_Util::humanReadableBytes(filesize($physical)), 'Writable' => '<strong>Writable: </strong>' . (self::isWritable($physical) ? 'Yes' : 'No'), 'Permissions' => '<strong>Permissions: </strong>' . Curry_Util::getFilePermissions($physical), 'Owner' => '<strong>Owner: </strong>' . $owner . ' / ' . $group);
             switch (strtolower(pathinfo($physical, PATHINFO_EXTENSION))) {
                 case 'jpg':
                 case 'gif':
                 case 'png':
                 case 'bmp':
                     $image = getimagesize($physical);
                     $fi['Preview'] = '<img src="' . $public . '?' . filemtime($physical) . '" alt="" class="preview" />';
                     if ($image[0] > 240 || $image[1] > 240) {
                         $fi['Preview'] = '<a href="' . $public . '?' . filemtime($physical) . '" target="_blank" class="fullscreen-preview" title="Click to toggle fullscreen">' . $fi['Preview'] . '</a>';
                     $fi['Dimensions'] = '<strong>Dimension: </strong>' . $image[0] . 'x' . $image[1];
                     if (self::isPhysicalWritable($physical)) {
                         $fi['Actions'] = '<a href="' . url('', array('module', 'view' => 'PixlrEdit', 'image' => $public)) . '" class="dialog" onclick="$(this).data(\'dialog\').width = $(window).width() - 20; $(this).data(\'dialog\').height = $(window).height() - 20;" data-dialog=\'{"width":"90%","height":600,"resizable":false,"draggable":false}\'>Edit with Pixlr</a>';
                 case 'ogg':
                 case 'ogv':
                 case 'mp4':
                 case 'webm':
                     $fi['Preview'] = '<video src="' . $public . '" class="preview" controls />';
                 case 'mp3':
                 case 'oga':
                 case 'wav':
                     $fi['Preview'] = '<audio src="' . $public . '" class="preview" controls />';
                 case 'swf':
                     $size = getimagesize($physical);
                     $flash = Curry_Flash::embed(Curry_Flash::SWFOBJECT_STATIC, $public, $size[0], $size[1], '9.0.0', array());
                     $fi['Preview'] = $flash['html'];
             return $fi;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
     } else {
         $totalSize = 0;
         foreach ($selected as $s) {
             $physical = self::virtualToPhysical($s);
             $totalSize += filesize($physical);
         return array('Name' => '<h2>' . count($selected) . ' files</h2>', 'Size' => '<strong>Size: </strong>' . Curry_Util::humanReadableBytes($totalSize));
     return null;
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Restore database.
 public function showRestore()
     $tables = array();
     $selectedTables = array();
     $disabledTables = array();
     foreach (Curry_Propel::getModels() as $package => $classes) {
         $tables[$package] = array();
         foreach ($classes as $table) {
             $tables[$package][$table] = $table;
             if (method_exists($table, 'save')) {
                 $selectedTables[] = $table;
             } else {
                 $disabledTables[] = $table;
     $files = array('' => '-- Select file --', 'upload' => '[ Upload from computer ]', 'remote' => '[ From remote server ]');
     $path = Curry_Backend_DatabaseHelper::createBackupName('*.txt');
     foreach (array_reverse(glob($path)) as $file) {
         $files[$file] = basename($file) . ' (' . Curry_Util::humanReadableBytes(filesize($file)) . ')';
     $form = new Curry_Form(array('action' => url('', array("module", "view", "page_id")), 'method' => 'post', 'enctype' => 'multipart/form-data', 'elements' => array('tables' => array('multiselect', array('label' => 'Tables', 'multiOptions' => $tables, 'value' => $selectedTables, 'disable' => $disabledTables, 'size' => 15)), 'file' => array('select', array('label' => 'From file', 'multiOptions' => $files, 'class' => 'trigger-change', 'onchange' => "\$('#uploadfile-label').next().andSelf()[this.value == 'upload'?'show':'hide']();" . "\$('#remote-label').next().andSelf()[this.value == 'remote'?'show':'hide']();")), 'uploadfile' => array('file', array('label' => 'Upload file', 'valueDisabled' => true)), 'remote' => array('text', array('label' => 'Remote')), 'max_execution_time' => array('text', array('label' => 'Max execution time', 'value' => '', 'description' => 'Input time in seconds to allow interruption if the time taken to restore would exceed the maximum execution time.')))));
     $form->addElement('submit', 'Go');
     if (isPost() && $form->isValid($_POST)) {
         if ($form->file->getValue() == 'upload') {
             if (!$form->uploadfile->isUploaded()) {
                 throw new Exception('No file was uploaded.');
             $fileinfo = $form->uploadfile->getFileInfo();
             Curry_Backend_DatabaseHelper::restoreFromFile($fileinfo['uploadfile']['tmp_name'], $form->tables->getValue(), 0, 0, $this);
         } else {
             if ($form->file->getValue() == 'remote') {
                 if (!$form->remote->getValue()) {
                     throw new Exception('No remote URL set');
                 $url = url($form->remote->getValue());
                 $post = array('login_username' => $url->getUser(), 'login_password' => $url->getPassword(), 'tables' => '*', 'name' => 'db.txt', 'type' => 'local');
                 $url->setUser(null)->setPassword(null)->setPath('/admin.php')->add(array('module' => 'Curry_Backend_Database', 'view' => 'Backup'));
                 $context = stream_context_create(array('http' => array('method' => 'POST', 'header' => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n", 'content' => http_build_query($post))));
                 $fp = fopen($url, 'r', false, $context);
                 Curry_Backend_DatabaseHelper::restoreFromFile($fp, $form->tables->getValue(), 0, 0, $this);
             } else {
                 if ($form->file->getValue()) {
                     Curry_Backend_DatabaseHelper::restoreFromFile($form->file->getValue(), $form->tables->getValue(), (int) $form->max_execution_time->getValue(), 0, $this);